Gojo Vs Clover Captains is a NIGHTMARE...

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Satur Gojo is quite simply one of the most hacked characters in fiction on the other hand Black Clover has been notorious for having incredibly potent abilities long before Juju kaisen got popular but a lot of jjk fans think Gojo can solo the Black Clover verse and on the other side a lot of Black Clover fans think that even weak characters like SE can defeat Gojo but I'm here to tell you that it actually lies somewhere in the middle so today I wanted to have Gojo at his Peak match up against the magic Knight captains and a series of 1V one matchups against against every Captain we've seen in action in the black lover series both current captains and past captains that even includes captains like Guild and Julius as well as the freshly appointed Grand magic Knight youo grber all all in all there will be 13 captains matched up against the enlightened one there is something about this discussion that is incredibly fundamental curse energy versus Mana I think that is typically always the best practice to use verse Equalization as it really is only fair so you can say that curse energy equals Mana or I guess even better comparison to be negative Mana I've made this a point in previous videos but you don't even necessarily need verse Equalization to determine if different Energy Systems can clash as long as they are similar enough they should be able to negative mana and curse energy are both born and Amplified by negative emotions curse energy creates curse Spirits negative MAA creates demons and Devils there's a lot more similarities but I'm going to be using verse Equalization anyways for those who don't like verse Equalization well it doesn't matter if curse energy and negative Mana are that similar and Mana works on negative Mana yeah it's going to work either way well will be interesting about this video is that while things like power and speed will be important abilities are going to actually be far more important gojou has some pretty notorious hacks and not every Captain is going to be able to get past them even if they are far stronger or faster than him I'll be going over Gojo's important abilities the Limitless curse technique paired with these six eyes allows for Gojo to manipulate space at the atomic level and create the neutral Infinity this ability forms a space around Gojo that infinitely slows anything down so that it will never touch him there seems to be two different versions of infinity his natural one that blocks out everything no matter what even his allies and his passive one that seems to struggle at working on things like poisons when Gojo amps his Infinity he gets blue where he can pull on things whether that be pulling his opponents or even pulling himself to move faster he can also pair the power of blue with his physical punches in order to increase his striking power when he amps the Infinity with positive energy it makes red instead of pull it pushes and is twice as powerful as blue when Gojo combines red and blue he gets Hollow purple which pushes an PS at the same time depending on the translation Hollow purple would be matter eraser as when imaginary Mass collides with mass both will disappear from reality and cancel the other out when Gojo goes all out he can do an unlimited Hollow purple where it's not just a small attack but it's an explosion of his hollow purple ability giving him very high range with his purple Gojo's domain expansion unlimited void is nearly a guaranteed Victory as he instills his opponents with information that they will be forced to experience infinitely Gojo of course can use RCT to heal himself constantly from damage and has anti-barrier techniques like simple domain and falling Blossom em motion while we don't really see it too much Gojo can teleport he also has a massive advantage over most of the captains with his stamina as the six eyes give him nigh infinite stamina keep in mind that even though Gojo does have hollow purple and unlimited void he very rarely starts to fight with them but he would be more likely to attempt to do so against some of these stronger captains because he would sense their magic power as being Superior to his cursed energy so I believe he would take all these fights seriously if he ever just saw any Captain he' basically see them as somebody stronger than suca so he would be on guard I want to give some quick scaling notes for the captains that most would scale to I will eventually differentiate some of the captains that don't scale to these power levels though but I want to rush through the Section quickly because I'm sure most of yall know how black lover scales if you watched my videos in the past an early series villain the Fire Spirit Candor vaporized an ocean which is multicon Reeve and Apostle of sephra dwarfs that power and creates moons in glamour world and her power is nothing to a lick who is half asleep lick then gets his full power surpasses his limits with an ultimate magic spell and absorbs the power of the other Apostles as we put this spell in these small planetary ranges of power and yet it doesn't even Dent zd's Magic power and then zagd gets power cliffed by the time skip as AA gets well over a 100 times stronger in just the first few episodes of the time skip AA already scaled to this small planetary zagd and then with that 100 times boost gaja while holding back is able to one shot AA and later on aa's base form is implied to surpass his Peak power as he's able to fight other spear Guardians in his base and even gaja notices how strong AA is just by looking at his base form which should imply that he's stronger than his old Power which scales even aa's base well into the planetary or even large planetary ranges that most of the captains would dwarf as most captains scale well above A's base form since almost all of them fought the dark Triad when they were using higher percentages of devil power and you really could get the captains to large planetary or higher even in the Spade Saga as 80% Dante can create a singularity that would weigh as much as a gas giant and Hell Black Clover often has their creation feeds discounted whereas Naruto characters get to have theirs pretty much automatically accepted Dorothy's glammer world has numerous stars in it which could put elf Saga High tiers at multi solar system level and it's actually an infinite space this could put her and any relevant character in Black lover at high Universal levels of power however whichever you want to scale it high ball or lowball the captains are simply far stronger than Gojo as for Speed base AA has this speed feet in the elf Saga of outspeeding marilona and it's just under 200 times the speed of light meaning that most of these captains would be many thousands of times the speed of light as they are all way faster than bosta the first captain that Gojo will be doing battle with is gild poat the treacherous captain of the purple Orca and while I can feel the pressure of every single one of you rolling your eyes come on Broku that fat [ __ ] isn't doing anything to Gojo but when it comes doing abilities a match up gild is nearly the perfect match for going against Gojo's curse technique gild has permeation magic this makes it so he is invisible but also intangible to all forms of magic while intangible his Mana cannot even be sensed put it simply while Guild is intangible all forms of magic pass right through him this is why his magic is considered Invincible meaning that things like infinity or Hollow purple would phas right through Guild and do nothing to him giving him a pretty glaring advantage of being able to Walt right through Gojo's inviability but that's actually not going to matter whatsoever a lot of people seem to forget that just because you can bypass Infinity doesn't mean you can beat Gojo gild Dre would still need to be powerful enough to not only damage Gojo but land a significant enough blow or Target the right area to get around his healing and guil is probably the hardest of all captains to scale because he is practically featless in terms of attack potency or even speed because of how often he uses his permeation magic as a crutch as in the anime Guild creates these Soldiers with his magic and yet every single Captain takes these soldiers down with ease even though they can't even see them and when faced with real hunting him down for his betrayal real was able to easily ens snare him with his magic even though he was actually stated he was going easy on Guild real is one of the weaker captains and captains at this point are Max Continental levels of power I can not with confidence scale gild to that and he wouldn't even be faster than light at this point in the series whereas Gojo has arguable planetary attack potency for scaling above Yuki she was able to turn herself into a black hole and have the power to suppress that black hole this black hole was stated to be able to destroy the world and appli to have planetary Mass Gojo as the strongest sorcerer should scale Above This I understand people not liking Gojo scaling to it but Kaku used his powers to resist it Yuki weakened it and Tan's barriers suppressed it so unless if you think the combined powers of Yuki Kaku and tengen just dwarfed Gojo's power then he should still scale at least relative to it besides it just makes it easier to compare him to Black lover characters this way because they reach similar tiers at least at the lower end Gojo also scales above two and a half times the speed of light because a weaken sukuna dodg these electromagnetic waves from kosimo electromagnetic waves are light speed and mind you that was a tired suca so Gojo is stronger and faster than gild but gild is intangible but it just doesn't matter gild's intangibility only applies to Magic if Gojo punched gild it would actually damage him and sure Guild is invisible and cannot be sensed but I think these six eyes could sense gild if Gojo as a child could sense toi who lacked cursed energy then I think he'd be able to sense gild in some way we also know that there's a time limit for Guild's permeation as well so either Gojo tracks him with the six eyes outspeeds and onot him or he waits for gild's premi to run out and takes the W Kaiser gorca was the captain that replaced gild and is far better in almost every single way known as The Shield of the Clover Kingdom Kaiser possesses Vortex magic that allows him to both nullify and reflect spells but the actual practicality of it is very hard to gauge does it nullify the magic because the vortex is just moving that fast or do these Torrens have the properties of power nullification or power reflection it's really hard to say in the fight with folon the Lion King says that Kaiser's Vortex is both washing his magic away but also that it passed right through his Mona skin and damage his body which is pretty impressive considering that Mona skin already has resistances to power nullification like when Noel was able to resist kavin's power null which would mean that Kaiser's Vortex has the ability to to damage people with power nullification resistance which is important considering that Gojo does have power null resistance he displayed that against the disaster curses the issues that Kaiser is also hard to scale because the majority of his abilities are nullification and not power he'd probably have a large speed Advantage though as his speed would still be above the 200 times light speed calculation but Kaiser's magic is so vague and his attack potency is lacking I'm going to give go to the win here I think that having an attack phase through someone's Mona skin just isn't comparable to having an attack bypassing Infinity so either Gojo outlasts Kaiser and Nails him with purple or he traps him with a domain expansion and wins but that's now two Victory Royals for Gojo but keep in mind that every captain from here on out would scale above that Baseline I scaled earlier real is a character who I thought was guaranteed to take an L against Gojo but the more I thought about it the more I realized that real has the tool set required to take down Gojo first off he does have the Firepower and speed as mentioned because he is a lot stronger and faster than Gojo on top of this real can amp himself with Twilight Valla but the key ability for the spell is that it makes it so that neither he nor his allies can die so while Valla is is active Gojo cannot kill real conventionally real has nothing right now that can bypass Infinity right away but he still has the potential to do that it is stated that with his painting magic he can choose any magic that he wants because he can just draw it that means he could draw elements that would eventually bypass Infinity sua adapted to cut space which bypassed Infinity meaning that if real Drew Space Magic he could do the same and bypass Infinity but there's also nothing stopping him from drawing light magic which is made up of photons photons being far smaller than atoms which means light should bypass Infinity because it only manipulate space at the atomic level he has also seen permeation magic before so he might be able to draw it as long as real can last long enough then he probably would eventually draw one of these things especially if Gojo's Cockiness unveils any of the information of the liist to real normally Gojo's six eyes always gives him a stamina Advantage but not against real real has the ability to make runic arrays and has mastered true magic because runes take the Mana of the nature around them it gives runic Masters the ability to have infinite stamina as long as they are not touched while using them since real is far stronger and faster than Gojo he cannot be killed has the ability to use multiple types of magic that could bypass infinity and is a match for Gojo's stamina yeah I think real is going to be taking this W Dorothy unsworth the witch Captain who may have just become the queen of witches possesses the incredibly powerful Dream Magic she's able to create the world of Dreams an infinite space that she has complete control over anyone inside of the glamour world will slowly be put to sleep and I do believe that Dorothy is just an absolute counter to Gojo not only is she around Real's power meaning she is stronger than Gojo and far faster but she can use battle field removal as she teleports things into glamour World trapping them in there teleporting would be a form of spatial manipulation something that Infinity is weak to so I do think that Gojo can get bfr into Glam world and I don't think he has a way of breaking out Yumi could not use a regular Dimension slash that cut space or Dimensions to break out of Glam world he had to use his strongest version to destroy the entire space which is a range that Gojo simply does not have but if you find bfr boring Dorothy can win with other ways like snapping her fingers and teleporting her magic onto items and disassembling them she should be able to snap snap her fingers and damage Gojo but she can also just as easily fight Gojo inside that glamour world and summon over 16 yummis all of them having the ability to use a dimension slash which teaser for later would get past Gojo's Infinity so Dorothy is taking the win here as well Charlotte is around Ra's power level since she fought alongside him and was shown to be pretty comparable so she would also be far stronger and faster than Gojo but the real question is can she bypass Gojo's hacks Charlotte in her Brier Queen form can actually absorb curses and their energy using that power for herself and turning it against her opponent the strong the curses of her opponents the stronger she becomes but I think it would be akin to a name fallacy to assume that she can actually absorb Gojo's curse techniques curses in Black lover are more typical curses whereas curses in jjk are more like the equivalent of demons or devils in Black lover if you personally want to say that her Brier form works on Gojo's techniques and curse energy and she can just absorb them or revert them back at Gojo then she does win I just don't see it happening but there is an actual shot that Charlotte has at winning that is that she has the ability to outlast Gojo she also knows how to use true magic so she can essentially fight forever and not get any weaker or slower unless if she does get hit I could really go either way on this one I think it's kind of a tie it's kind of like who will Outlast the other they both have infinite stamina Charlotte's way stronger and faster Gojo has the hacks to defend himself I really don't know who wins that one Jack the Ripper captain of the pre mantis has slash magic that has already been proven to work on Gojo in his own verse Jack's magic gets faster and stronger with each slash and his magical blades actually adapt to the magic that he slashes he's kind of a mini araga except Jack has already adapted to space before meaning that his slashes would go right through infinity and each slash would adapt to cut through even better furthermore Jack has already adapted to cut through regeneration as well meaning that Gojo probably would not be able to use RCT to regenerate if the slashes do cut him jack is of course one of the stronger and faster captains so he has those advantages over Gojo he can also surround himself in those blades which would destroy any of Gojo's attacks launched at him Gojo just never had a chance against this insect who is a walking counter to him up next is my boy frod goolan even though he's become kind of a joke in Black lover he's still incredibly powerful and yes he would be stronger and faster than Gojo from having scaling to the other captains the issue with folon is that he doesn't really have any hacks or abilities that would be that useful in this fight he uses fire and he rides a salater but he ain't got no way to bypass Infinity he also didn't learn true magic so there is no way for him to outlast Gojo so it's either Gojo outlasts him and defeats him with a normal attack or takes him out with a hollow purple or he traps fraud goolan in his unlimited void after eventually wearing him down William bonance actually has a shot at this with his world tree magic as the roots of the world tree passively absorb the magic reserves of all OFA his opponents in the area if William can actually absorb Gojo's curse energy then I think that he has a chance of winning as he can passively weaken Gojo and possibly reduce his curse energy levels to zero which would then shut off his curse techniques until his cursed energy restored the real debate is whether or not the roots can actually absorb Gojo's energy we aren't really told how this ability works if there is some kind of a force that surrounds an enemy and extracts magic power then Gojo would likely be protected against this by his Infinity I think is a bit of of a leap just to assume that William's Roots would absorb Gojo's curs energy and because William does not have access to true magic I think there's a good chance that he would actually take the Y against Gojo nozel Silva of the silver eagles is one of the strongest captains of the series as he was able to actually fight and damage the Supreme devil Mula and is only gotten stronger since then in the current Saga but he might just be able to get past that [ __ ] and Gojo's armor that is that Gojo's passive Infinity actually struggles to discern poisons and Mercury is a poison even the data book refers to his poison as a dangerous substance because of how much faster NOS is than Gojo and the infinity not be able to sort out the poisonous Mercury he should be able to land hits on him with nozel being many times stronger than Gojo and being able to poison him as well I don't think Gojo can take the W here unless if it's confirmed that Gojo has been able to actually adapt his Infinity to poisons then Noel takes the wut here marilona is of course one of the strongest captains even though she really isn't a captain anymore but she did have a brief stent while her brother was in a coma she's incredibly powerful and her Flames are potent she has Hellfire incarnate where she literally starts to fuse with Mana itself and then she passively gets stronger and faster as her Flames get hotter and it really saddens me to say that she doesn't really have a wind condition here Gojo's Infinity should hold strong and Merona cannot last very long in her Hellfire form as she'll get too close to Mana it is possible that over the 15mon time give that she had mastered Hellfire but it's something that we simply do not know for sure yet and she does have resistance to matter eraser as Morris was doing something similar to that and she was able to destroy the tentacles resist them and when they did end up working on her she can just grow back her limbs but now they're made of Mana instead so there is a good shot that she is taking on some of those Hollow purples still she has no real way of bypassing Infinity so Gojo outlasts and traps her in an unlimited void okay I don't think this one is really that contentious it's kind of been known for years now that Yami just completely negs Gojo Dimension slash is cut through space and we've seen him destroy an infinite sized realm before with his Dimension slash Equinox and while there was debate on whether or not Dage slash would work on Gojo's Infinity sua would eventually answer that question for us as he would defeat Gojo by being able to Target space itself so yeah Yami ends Gojo with the dimension slash and let me debunk one of these silliest downplays about Yami and that is that Dimension slash is slow or that it takes him a long time to cast it that could not be further from the truth it's really just people cherry-picking statements about dark magic itself being slow and forgetting that it says that Yami makes his dark magic fast by pairing with a sword and his physicals we see his Dimension SL move even faster than one of Jack's adapted slashes and there are numerous times where Yami activates a dimension slash in the midst of battle Gojo is running from this and let's say somehow Gojo gets Yami in an unlimited void well Yami has his own simple domain on steroids Yami can create a black hole and then fuse it with his monzone to create a spell called Black Moon that effectively nullifies the magic that tries to attack him this should act as a simple domain equivalent and protect him from the unlimited void and then Yami could just cut the unlimited void in half with Dimension slash also any of goa's abilities like purple would get nullified by Black Moon I know that Gojo has some form of power null resistance as he went against the domain amplification a of the disaster curses but we also see that he couldn't do this to sua domain amplification is a nullification by essentially using bfr as a teleports the enemy's curse technique into the empty domain so yami's power null should work on Gojo and I think that everyone knew this was coming another win for the captains as I said I am including Julius Nova Chrono on this because we have seen several fights where he's a captain or of Captain age as we saw him fight Conrad in the movie Julius was only a captain at that time and we see Julius age himself up to fight the ancient demon we see him as a third 3-year-old in the movie and he is weaker than Conrad Leto we know that Conrad is strong enough to take a hit from black divider AA with minimal damage and Conrad is actually holding back at that point too Julius is weaker than Conrad but he still should scale at least relatively the other captains in the Spade Saga as he was able to fight and damage the ancient demon and was stated to have magic power as strong as it even though that ancient demon made a mockery of Kaiser this should give him a speed and attack potency advantage over Gojo Julius does have the hacks to win this one too with Chrono anastasis Julius takes control of time within a space to turn it off and bind his opponents but it also shuts off the magic power of His opponents meaning that if he were to activate this on Gojo it would shut off his cursed energy thus shutting off his Limitless technique Julius also has ceiling magic we know the last time ceiling was used on Gojo yeah Julius takes the W here finally last but not least you know of the Golden Dawn who now shares the same rank as a captain of grand magic Knight but also William basically appointed him the captain mid battle so for all intents and purposes he is a captain now yo is by far stronger than all the captains you can even argue in just his base form as when he goes to save the kingdom Yami is pretty much [ __ ] his pants at just yuno's base power I see a lot of people try and argue that yuno's Neverland defeats Gojo I don't think so Neverland just stops time within the spell and then amps youo and his allies and Nerfs his opponents Gojo has already moved and time stop all Neverland is going to do is buff youo and Nerf Gojo and yes this specifically should Nerf Gojo because yo actually manipulates the space itself since Gojo is within that space It should Nerf him but you know still needs to bypass Infinity to win and I believe that he has two ways of doing that one is the spirit of zafer Sword the interesting thing about this sword is that it actually is created by using the Magic in the area around youo to forge along with his and Bell's magic this is why he could affect zagar's magic because it had lumere and lickes Magic inside of it we know that Gojo's own abilities can bypass Infinity Hollow purple which is literally just Infinity amped by positive and negative energy was able to go right through infinity and damage him so if you know create safer it would have some of infinity built inside of it and show allow it to bypass and Destroy infinity and thus defeat Gojo but we've also seen that yo can attack the insides of his opponents with monzone monzone allows for a mage to attack from anywhere within the mono Zone they control we've seen yo make a many many M siiz mono zone so Gojo will certainly be inside of that yo will then be to attack from the inside of infinity and hit Gojo or inside of Gojo himself so youo does win this one whichever way you choose so yeah Gojo does beat some captains probably but there's a chance that a lot more of them could win if they use monzone like yo has we have only seen yo do it this way where he created magic inside of an opponent that means that any Captain outside of Guild could feasibly defeat Gojo since they are stronger than him and then they could possibly bypass Infinity by teleporting their magic inside of it with Mona Zone but since we've only seen yuno do that I'm only giving it to him but realistically any Captain should be able to replicate it but that would make this video incredibly boring there's another point I needed to bring up about Gojo's domain expansion to end the video in a sense it essentially is basically a guaranteed Victory if he does activate it and trap the captain inside of it really Yami is like the only one who has a guaranteed way of basically breaking out you can also argue that youo too because he is manipulating space with his Neverland so his Neverland might just basically overpower it but here's the thing with Gojo's domain expansion it takes time to activate it lot of people like to assume it's an instant activation but that has never been the case that is never something that you assume with any character's ability and it was basically proven in the fight with sua that it does take activation time as he barely activated his domain faster than sua so because all the captains are way faster than Gojo they're basically not going to be getting trapped in the domain expansion until they've been tired out and here's the thing if Gojo tries to do a domain expansion early and he does not catch them well he's losing to any Captain cuz remember after a domain expansion the curse technique is burnt out now Gojo did learn how to repair his burnt out curse technique but it does take time time he would not have against a captain so if he does do a do expansion he does not actually capture them because a captain moves out of the way and is not captured by it then Gojo does lose another way Gojo would lose would be something similar to how he was losing to sukka on the domain clashes monzones being bigger than the domain expansion if a captain has their monzone activated they could possibly attack from the outside winning the domain Clash I don't know it's hard to say monzone would that protect them would that also act like a simple domain for any of the other captains it's very similar monzone and simple domain or domain expansions I guess are very similar if you equalize them then captains of the Mona Zone would be able to actually Fight Within Gojo's domain expansion but either way I still think these are the way that these things go down Gojo wins a few maybe he ties to Charlotte but overall he does take a lot of L's here but there are ways for him to win more but there are also ways for the captains to actually win basically every single one boring gild he just really doesn't have a chance to win so yeah I think that Gojo is actually a bit underrated by Black Clover fans I think that yes there are a lot of Black Clover characters that do beat him because they do have the ability to do so but Gojo would still be a threat inside of Black Clover because of how powerful he is and how powerful his abilities are if you guys didn't up enjoying this video please do leave a like and comment your thoughts down below what other Black Clover and jjk crossovers would you like also if you want access to more of my videos and access to all videos early become a member of the channel you can also follow me on Twitter or join my Discord link down below hope you guys all have an amazing day peace out
Channel: Broku
Views: 122,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gojo Vs Clover Captains is a NIGHTMARE..., Gojo vs clover captains, Black Clover Vs Jujutsu Kaisen, Broku, Gojo Vs Black Clover, Black Clover, Black Clover Manga, Black Clover Anime, JJK, JJK Manga, JJK Anime, How Strong is Gojo, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen Manga, Jujutsu Kaisen Anime, Gojo vs Yami, Asta vs Gojo, Gojo vs Julius, Gojo vs Lucius, Gojo vs Yuno
Id: en0YWkDU3JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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