Rock Church - A Matter of Trust - Part 2, It Ain't About You Mo!

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Amen, amen, amen. Let's give the Lord a big hand. [Applause] What is up church? Happy Sunday. [Applause] Happy Sunday y'all, excited to be in church today? Say hello to the military watching, God bless y'all and we have all the people in all of our campuses, San Marcos, East County, San Ysidro, and City Heights and juvenile hall and Donovan State Prison, God bless y'all. So excited, I have a long sermon. Two announcements, yesterday we had our first prayer meeting and it was amazing. If you weren't here, I want to encourage you every Saturday morning for the entire year, 9 o'clock in all campuses and 10:30 in City Heights, and thank you for coming. And the bad news is the Chargers. Chargers. I don't want to dwell on it too long, probably going to cry. The Tribune here, our newspaper in San Diego asked me to write a 220 word op-in on Chargers. And to give my opinion, everyone is bashing the Chargers and burning their jerseys. If you are new, I played for the Chargers and I was writing this. 250 words is not a lot. Two or three paragraphs. And I read it to my wife, because I have to read it out loud and I started crying. Literally. The reason I'm in San Diego is the Chargers to play here. The funeral that I officiated in. And we went to the game in the rain and garbage bags as rain coats. Incredible memories. And the fact that we lost a family when he died. It was like something that died in our family. I encourage you if you have charger stuff don't throw it away, it will be worth money some day. But to throw away LT jersey, they didn't do anything to you. And those are very real memories we had. And so yeah, you can bash some, if you want to do that, whatever. But the experience we had was special and the guys and the team and the staff that I have known for 35 years are great people. One of the guys who over-sees PR for the team I led to the Lord and he was there when I was a rookie, there for 35 years, great people and we want to pray for them. They are broken hearted. And thank God we had them for the time we did, amen. Let's get on our knees and pray. I am still mad though -- Dang it. Lord, thank you so much for your faithfulness. Lord, I pray that you would speak to people right where they need to be spoken to. You would challenge them. And tell them stop giving you so many excuses, you are tired of their excuses. So I pray that you challenge them to just say yes to you. Yes, God. I love you, in Jesus' name, amen. Look to the person and say, stop giving God so many excuses. Amen. Get your Bibles out, get your Bibles out. If you are knew, we lift our Bibles and say word. On the count of three, say word. One, two, three. Say word. One more time, say word. Turn to Exodus 3, the second book of the Bible, Exodus chapter 3. We want to give a special shout-out to the guys at Donovan state prison, God loves you guys and we know you are watching. And the Holy Spirit is there with you. Wants to encourage you. Exodus 3. I am going to tell you a story from John 5 but turn to Exodus 3. Second book of the Bible, third chapter. There is a story in John chapter 5. Where there is a man who is paralyzed 38 years. And he's laying there for 38 years and laying at the top of the steps there is water and if the water moves they believe there is an angel and to be healed. And Jesus walked by and do you want to be well. And you would think that the guy says, I have been here 38 years. But the guy says, I haven't anyone to help me into the water. And I wasn't there, and Jesus said, I didn't ask you that. I don't know why you haven't been healed, or what your excuses are. I do want to know, do you want healed. And God is saying that to you, do you want your relationship to be healed and finances and clarity about purpose in life. When God asks us those questions, often we respond with why it never happened. It's not the question. It's either yes or no. My kids were born here in California and in California, and I think they say in New York, but didn't when I grew up. When you ask a question, a lot of people say, sure. Just drives me up the wall. Do you want dessert. Sure. Either yes or no, because I'm going to eat it if you don't want it. Don't say sure, either you want it or don't. God said I have something for everyone of you. Not that you go to church and then you are on your own. He created you to have relationship with him and that he would establish the kingdom of God through you. So he has a role for you in his kingdom and he's going to call you into that, and many are you giving him excuses. Here's why I can't do it. And he's like, yes or no. And today I challenge you to say yes. In this story Moses is called and Moses will give God five excuses why not to go. And my prayer is that God would jam you up about your excuses. Context. Moses 80 years old and was adopted in Pharaoh's home for 40 years and then as a fugitive for 40 years and shepherd and running from Egypt. Now at 80 years old God is going on call him into ministry. It took God 80 years to prepare Moses. Anyone here 80 years old? Anyone under 80, raise your hand. You ain't ready, God is still working on you. The kids today 20 years old you don't nuthin'. Not nothing, nuthin'. He's 80 years old and God is going to have a conversation and I won't go through the whole story, but the context, he's walking and sees the bush on fire but the bush is not consumed but a fire in the bush. It's like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the bush, like in Daniel, they are in the fire and not being burned. If God is with you, sticks and stones may not hurt you, you can be around fire and not hurt. Moses is seeing this bush burn and yet not burning. And goes towards it and the bush starts to speak to him. And he has faith enough to speak back to this bush. They have a conversation. This is what is happening, Exodus 3:7 it says... Everyone say seen, heard, say no. God is very aware of pain. One of the reasons I like to watch the show "lockup" and "cops" is because of pain. I want to be in touch with pain -- other people's pain. Forgive me father, I didn't mean it that way. You never want to be out of touch with reality. So God is hearing little kids cry to him because they are being abused and molested. He is hearing women's cries because they are abused and neglected. And guys crying out because they are alcoholics and can't feed their family. He hears that all day long and man, if I can get people to help my pain. His people and not all, but some of his people, God, I want to be sure that I am good, that's my plight in life. And he says, not my plight. And look at verse 8... Moses said five excuses, number one... Number one in your notes, Moses expressed insecurity. Moses expressed insecurity. So God encouraged him with his presence. God said, verse 12, I will be with you. Whenever God calls you to do something, it's always bigger than you and a little voice will say, who do you think you are. That's the devil. And here's what you need to tell the devil, I am nobody. Don't even try, I am nobody. You are an idiot, I know. How many people sometimes and heard of the church, this has heard several times, they meet me and you are the pastor of the rock, you? I go, yes, me. Isn't that awesome. God choosed the foolish to confound the wise. Be the fool, I am nobody and it's all God. Moses it ain't about you but whose you are. You need to trust in who you belong to. You need to trust in the presence of God. If God is with you, people may see you but they will sense his presence. And if it's you and God, an army cannot defeat you. My father was a police officer and arrested and took me on surveillance with him. And no man would suspect a man with Puerto Rican kid. And take me and said go down the street, I remember this significant incident, I had to go down the street and they were called brown homes or row homes, it was number 23, I remember because it was dramatic, and he said to look at number 23 and walking down the street and doing surveillance for the NYPD. And I got no money for that. And I am walking down and scared to death, this dude knows that I am with the NYPD. And 10 or eight years old. I knew that my father that is an expert sharps man could shoot. I knew he was with me. When God is with you, no one is against you. And God called you to do,God has called all of. Ain't no thinking about it, you represent him, as ambassador. And yet when we calls, I'm nobody. Yes, get past that. It's all about him, ain't about you. Look at what it says next. Moses says in verse 13. Well, when I come to the children of Israel and say the God of your fathers has sent me, and they say, all right, what is his name? We don't know his name. What shall I say to them? This is the coolest answer to that question in the history of time. Ladies, imagine you are in a store, imagine you are single. For all of you who aren't single. And you are in the store and someone asks and you see guy and he says, hi, what is your name and you tell him your name. And then whatever less comes with saying your name. And you say to him, what is your name? And he says this, I am that I am. You are like -- what does that mean? Jehovah, it means I always was. I never had a beginning. I am now. And I always will be. Never have an end. It means that I wasn't created and I can't be destroyed. I had no beginning, I had no end. No one can pull me down or lift me up. I am what I am, all the time, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Jehovah, I am that I am. It's not my name Moses that you need to be concerned, it's who I am. A lot of people say who is God. Use science to explain that. Imagine that the universe is a big basketball. Imagine. Everything that we know to be real, the universe that is expanded at the speed of light, and the Bible says that God is stretching the heavens. He's stretching them really fast. Everything in the universe is governed by laws of nature, if we will. And those laws are defined by science. Science tells you how it works. Science didn't put it there, it tells you how it works. Gravity pulls things to the ground. Science explains how it works and didn't put it there. And Chemistry and Astrophysics and all disciplines explain what we observed how it is. Trying to figure out how it started. But one thing that science tells us that everything has a beginning. And tells us that energy is dying down and order is decreases and why chaotic. That's why you get old and start out very smooth and tight skin and end up with loose, wrinkled sin and it's scientific randomness of order. Science says that everything has a beginning. When we study the laws of the beginning, everything has a beginning and therefore something had to begin God. And the problem with that logic is that God exists outside of the basketball. The laws that he created to govern inside the basketball don't apply to him. Created them for us. And he can exist on the inside, because he says, where I exist you don't understand but by faith you can reach into the spiritual world. When he says, I am that I am. You wouldn't understand my name. You can barely understand my love. Because you always question it. Jehovah Nissi; the Lord is conquerer, he always will be conquerer. And Jehovah Shalom, he will be there with peace. And Lord will always be there. Jehovah Jireh, he's the only one that provided for you. And Jehovah Elyon, the Lord most high. And he is always will and be now. He says, Moses when you ask my name, you need to know who I am. And if you know who God is and always was with you and will be with you. And your healer. And your provider and strength and conquerer and your source of love and joy. If you know that, can never be taken away. None unlike the believe about who he is cannot be impacted by man. When he calls you to do something, you say, Lord I don't need to know your name. I know your character. I know your nature. What you want to do. But when you don't know, you go, I don't know God. I know I am here talking to fire and fire is logically -- it's not even a word, let me make up a word logicallyly meaning. Fire is sharing wisdom. Fire is challenging me. I am having a conversation and yet I still don't believe. Look at chapter 4, verse 1... How many times have people said, what makes your God so special and what makes you think you know God better than me. We all have heard that. Well, let me say, if you tried to witness for the Lord, you heard that. But if undercover person never heard that. And one person said, the devil never fights with me, and I said because you are walking with him. You are doing everything he says, like his flunky. He's not going to mess with that, it works. Yeah, go to church once a month and when you see Pastor Miles at the mall, tell him you go to The Rock, and make you feel good and go about your business. You have no impact on the kingdom, the devil has you in a comfortable spot of noneffectiveness. But God is saying, I want you to step out of that. And what about this, what about this? Look at chapter 4. If people doubt that I know God. The Lord said what do you have in your hand, he said a rod, a stick, a dry branch. And God says, throw it to the ground mon-- if you are new, all of my grandparents are from Kingston. You don't understand what I know. So he cast it to the ground... Look at number 3 in your notes. Moses feared being viewed credible or lack of credibility. So God empowered him. He feared lack of credibility. You must trust God's power. Everyone say power. Whenever you talk about God, or represent God, you can talk all you want, but if you have no power, great words and wisdom. There was a man, Nicodemus and saw Jesus's power, and how do you do the miracles, you heal the blind and raise the dead and Jesus responds and I add to his words, Nicodemus, you ask me that because you can't do any of that. You have information. You have degrees but you have no power. That's why my life tripped you out, you can't walk on water like me. You can't cast out demons like me. He said, Nicodemus, it's not the information, it's the relationship with God the power through where that power comes from. And that comes from the Bible, John 3:3, you must be born again of the father. Power. The most obvious evidence of God's power in your life is your changed life. Not your church attendance. Now part of your changed life can be church attendance. As long as your church attendance and your serving and going to Life Class and giving and doing all the things we are talking about. Because God is prompting you, and he's transforming your life, where you used to curse, now you don't curse. Someone said that cursing makes you go to hell. No, it's evidence that God is doing something in your life. Where is the power. So you can come and quote scripture and have no power and no relationship because the spirit of God is not working through you. And Moses, you can go there and doesn't matter, but when I show you my power. No denying. And the story is amazing and goes to pharaoh, and Pharaoh's magicians, what can you do, and threw do you the stick and it became a snake. And the magicians threw it down and Moses, oh, snap -- this is a true story. I wasn't there but guessing that Moses, Lord what do I do now. They did what you do, and watch this. Moses' snake ate their snake. No, your trick is inferior to my trick. And then Moses grabbed the thing. And they were like oh, snap! Power. Where do you get the power? On your knees. The spirit of God in your life. Can God do miracles to your life? You receiving Christ as your Savior and him changing your life is a miracle. How can someone go from cursing to not cursing and from beating his wife to loving his wife. Beating his wife to serving his wife. You want to have a happy marriage, serve your wife. There may be a very, very small chance you have a psycho wife. I say very small because 99% of the problems in our experience is that it's the guy. Most of the time. Ladies, can I get amen. See what I am saying? But ladies you know that every now and then there is a psycho woman out there, can I get amen. Just covering my bases. Because there is like 10 dudes in here going, you don't know my wife, man. I am talking about you, right now, talking about you. But how does that guy become that guy? Power. Look at verse 10... By the way, Moses is still not convinced. He's having a conversation with fire. Fire told him to throw his stick on the ground, and the stick became a snake. And fire told him to pick it up and it became a rod, and then fire told him to put in his hand and it was leper and then changed. And still doesn't believe. How many of you have had God do 100 incredible, no way it's anyone but God, raise your hand. Thank you, and still you don't believe. You are still not trusting him with your time, your money, your heart, your relationships. Your attitude. Your addiction. He's like, what do I have to do? Sometimes only -- I was talking to someone yesterday, going through a very tough situation. I said maybe this is what it takes for God to get your attention. Because you are really crying out to him right now, aren't you. Don't go there. Say God, I'm all in. My parents, my mom sitting over here, my parents told me when I was a kid and got in trouble, I would punish myself. In other words, my father would say miles, I'm going to my room. Five days I won't come out, you don't have to feed me, lock the door. I'm good, stand in the corner on my head, I'm good. I don't want you to punish me. My father was old school. We got beat. There was no CPS in our neighborhood, just saying. Verse 10... Some people believed that Moses stuttered. I don't know if he did or not, but what people believed, historians believed. What happens when people, when you talk to someone that is stuttering, what do you do? You listen. It's because of my stuttering you can't use me. God said, no, no, if that is what it was. That's how I am going to use you. A lot of times we focus on our inability. Look at number 4, we focus on our inability. So God enlightened him to his design. Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what God can do. As a matter of fact, when you are weak, is when you are strong. What does that mean? When you are dependent on God more than on yourself. Look at what God says, verse 11, he said, who made the man's mouth, the mute and the deaf and the seeing and the blind, have not I? I be with your mouth. When you are weak. My grandson and I put together a -- a toy. Like a tower where the cars roll down. It was 44 steps. I don't have patience for three. I'm a three-step patient guy. Fellas, can I get amen. I know some of you are like the fix-it man, repair handy man. That's not me. Okay. And I was like -- I told my son, hey I will put it together. My son is like, great. And but it was fun, it took us an hour and a half, it was a lot of fun. Because I had to get into fix-it mode. And my grandson and I were going to do it together, we're a team. And part of it we had to screw these little tiny screws into these tiny holes. And he's like, I do it, I do it. I was like, we're going to be here for a week. So he -- I do it, you are not even on the screw. You are putting a hole in the couch -- okay, and I am over here, good, good, you want grandpa's help. Yeah, and I put in the screw and then it's in. A lot of times we are doing this, God, I got it. God is like, go ahead. And 10 years later and five houses later, and five cars later, three years of rehab, we finally say to God, God, I can't do it by myself. Don't focus on what you can't do. The best thing you can say to yourself when God asks you to do something is that you can't do it by yourself. I want God to do it through me. Because whatever God has done through you, it wasn't you. And I have had people say, you got that big church because you played for the Chargers. I am like so -- all that God has done is because I played for the Chargers? So someone wants to be a pastor, they just have to play for the Chargers. God had nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with the Chargers. It has to do with the Holy Spirit. When God does something in your life, has nothing to do with you. Ain't about you. Number 5. Sorry -- verse 13. In other words, I don't want to go. Hold on -- so you are 80 years old and got nothing going on in your life and you are a murderer and fugitive. And have all of these miracles I did in front of you. You are talking to fire. And you are going on tell me no? I wonder how many times God has asked all of y'all to follow him and trust him in some area of your life. And he's done all of these miracles in your life. He's blessed you beyond. And you can't telling him no. At some point, I had a friend who I did cocaine with when I played first two years with the Chargers. And I got saved and stopped in one day. He 31 years later is still doing cocaine. And he used to tell me when I invited him to church. I don't want to go, he would say no. I told him if you keep telling God no, when you die he will give you what you are asking for. In other words, when you tell God no, when you die, he says, okay, you have nothing to do with me? You got it. You will never hear about me ever again. I will give you what you ask, that place is called hell. People say I don't want you to impose God on me, I am not imposing God on you, but presenting an argument and you have to accept it. However, God is not going to impose on you before you die and give you what ask for. Death is a little taste of hell. It's like the lobby. You don't want to go in the show. You don't want to go in there. So in a minute we're going to pray. And what we are going to do. My challenge is for you to stop saying no to God. Like Moses. Moses ended up going. But my point is say God, I have way more than enough evidence to say yes. I will pray in all campuses and I ask you to declare your yes. It could be salvation or serve or obedient or give or pray or go to prayer meeting or fast or go to Life Class. What you are calling me to do, I am going to do it. I will stop telling you no and stop making excuses why I can't obey. And I ask all campuses and juvenile hall and Donovan State Prison, bow your heads and think about your life and burning-bush conversation that God is having with you about your life. About what He wants out of you. And to you, all wise excuses that you give Him, because you know better than God. The Bible says that the just shall walk by faith. You cannot follow God and obey God except by faith. So bow your heads and close your eyes and pray this prayer. Dear God, I pray for all the people listening in all campuses and that supernaturally you reveal your love to them and what you call them to be. And I pray that you challenge them now for all the excuses they have been giving you, and it's time to say yes. Just trust you, it's a matter of trust. If you would like to declare yes, whether it will be salvation, whether it be obedient in whatever area of your life, you're serving, you're giving, your fast. Pray this prayer in the privacy of your heart. Pray, dear God, I say yes to You. I trust You. You have been good to me. You have been faithful to me. You died and rose from the dead for me. I trust You. So I say yes. I surrender my life to You. If God spoke to you during that sermon, and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be savior, It's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, just look at me right now, and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart, knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, "Dear God, I believe that I am sinner. I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to Hell. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin and fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus' name, amen." If you prayed that prayer, if you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resources. If you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept Jesus as your savior, Click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 5,181
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church, trust, Moses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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