Rock Church - A Matter of Trust - Part 1, A Different Spirit

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Amen. Give them a hand. Happy new year! Happy new year. Who's the man? Jesus. What is up, what is up, what is up. Let's say hello to everybody on our campus, San Ysidro, East County and City Heights and all micro-sites, Coronado, and military, give them a hand God bless you. And Juvenile Hall and Donovan State Prison, God bless you all and welcome to church. How many here for the first time? Welcome, welcome. God bless you. My name is Miles McPherson, pastor of The Rock, and this is 2017 excited for the new year, and I want to make 2 quick announcements that were made but put exclamation point on both of them. One, 21-days of fasting starting tomorrow. I encourage you to get information on the website, and it's in the bulletin and get books on it. To fast next 21 days. In a nutshell, what I am going to do, I am not telling you to do this. I encourage you to consult your physician before taking my medical advice. I will spend a week cleaning myself out with fruits and vegetables and a week of liquids and in that second week two or three days of water and in the last week ween myself back to food. I encourage you, giving up crack and drunk stuff is all good but we want to go a little level than that. You might do social media or television or gossip. All of that is great but encourage you to give up something here. And easy rule, when you go to the grocery store, don't eat anything in the aisles, it's all junk. Stay on the outside of the wall and fruits and vegetables or meat or fish, unless you want to cut that out. But the stuff on the shelves is garage, unless water, and that's factual. The purpose is to draw near to God, even though you cut that out, you give yourself to God to do something more powerful in your life. In Mark 9, there was a boy that was demon possessed and the disciples couldn't cast out the demon and Jesus did in 17 words and disciples went to them and said why can't we do that, and paraphrase, Jesus said you can and this kind nothing but praying and fasting. There is certain things in your life that come out praying and fasting and certain things won't come out just wishing it out. My encouragement is to take the challenge on the fast starting tomorrow. How many by a show of hands do a form of fasting for the next 21 days -- keep your hand real high. And by show of hands you would like something to happen in your life spiritually than never before. Let me tell you something -- that will never happen, let me finish the sentence. What you want to happen will never happen if you do the same thing you do last year. So you have to do something different. They will talk about today. Number 2, Saturday we are starting a Saturday-morning prayer in all campuses, 9 a.m. and City Heights at 10, it's 60 minutes in all campuses at 9-10 and City Heights 10-11. And we will have a short period of worship and pray. If you want something supernatural to happen in your life, it will never happen unless prayer is a part of it. I am not saying you have to come to this prayer meeting but it's available. All the madness in the world, the racial tension and violence and shooting, that simply is a spiritual battle. It's not flesh and blood, the Bible says that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, it's spiritual, it's spiritual. And the only way to be combatted is with spiritual weapons. And this power of God will come to this earth through his church, that's what we are here for. If we don't ask God to open up his heavens and pour out the spirit, it's not coming from the government. The government is not going to give you what you need, pursue God. My challenge for you as we start this year, we want something different to happen in our lives and corporate life and individual lives. I want all the blessings that God has for me. I don't want you to have my blessing. As a matter of fact, God is not going to give you my blessing. Like Christmas, none of you went into where people had gifts and said, I don't want my gifts. Y'all were like, is my name on that one, on that one -- are you sure that's not for me. I want all the spiritual blessings assigned to me, do you want yours? God says you can have them but come and get them. Fast and prayer, not saying you have to do those two things to get them. But you have to do something different. But fasting and praying is something that we give us and we will start tomorrow. Get on our knees and start this party. Get this party started. And by the way, say amen if you like my haircut. Say amen if you don't like my haircut. [Laughter] There is a story behind it, and I will tell it to you in a minute. Lord, I thank you so much for all the people that like my haircut. And Lord I pray for all the people who don't, which includes my wife. But Lord I thank you that you love me anyway. I thank you that you love us, Lord, you know what is going on in our country, and our city, and our world. And you know why we are here. That we would be a vessel for the spirit of God. I pray you would challenge us to trust you. In Jesus' name, amen. Look to the person next to you and say, this is for you. If you have a Bible, prepare your Bible to lift it up, we are going to lift up our Bibles and say word in 10 seconds, on the count of three, say word. One. Two. Three. Word. Turn to Numbers chapter 14. As I was preparing for today, and more specifically tomorrow, and the fast. I fasted many, many times, 40 days three times. And a bunch other lengths. So it is a very exciting place to go. I grew up using drugs for eight years. So I have a lot of drug high experience. And when you fast, you experience a different euphoria. All drugs do is tell you to have pleasure in a distorted way. And I don't want to go into the drugs but dopamine is in your brain and dopamine is flooding your brain because you enjoy this so much. Can I get amen. When you get high, something happens in the spiritual realm where the joy of the Lord floods your brain in your presence. I love to be in that place. So as I was preparing, I said, I want to do something different with my hair. So I told my wife, I have been telling her for a couple of weeks I will do something different with my hair. And she's like oh, boy, I am Mr. Extreme. And I went to get my haircut yesterday and this happened. And I driving back I called my wife on the phone, I said, I did it. She said, boy, what did you do. And I said, what I did, I am not trying to get any girlfriends. If you don't know my humor, that is code for not to look nice. And she said, are you going to lose the one you have? [Laughter] So I said, that's really complicated for you to leave me, I ain't worried about that, it's real complicated. And I walked in the house like this -- and I said, hey. And she was like, oh, boy. I am going to challenge you to do something different in your spiritual life. That if you want something different to happen, all of y'all raise your hand, I want something different to happen in my life. That is never going to happen until you do something different. You are not going to get anything different doing the same thing. That's called insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting something different to happen. God is not going to do something unless you do something. In other words, you are not going to wear him out with your routine. Okay, I guess I will do it. No, I need something different to happen in your life. In this story we read today, the title of our series is called, a matter of trust. Today's message is called A different spirit, and the Jews are in Israel and Moses is called at 80 years old to deliver them from Egypt. From 10 plagues and miracles and lies and hail and locust and blood in the water and frogs, all the different plagues that God brought through Moses and then you saw the Exodus and the sea parts and they walk around in the wilderness 40 years. They leave Egypt and get to Mount Sinai after 50 days and at Mount Sinai for year and a half and on their way to promised land. The promised land is a place of milk and honey to have their own crops and animals and God can be their God and they can be God's people. And that's the promised land. In our life as many of us are in bondage through drugs and low self-esteem or pornography or whatever, and God wants to set you free to have peace in your life and health and peace of mind. I used to be in bondage to cocaine and God set me free, and stopped in one day. And some guys that I got high with 31 years ago are still getting high. They are still in bondage. God said I will bring you to the promised land and I am still experiencing that today. God wants to bring you out of Egypt. Are you following. And the Jews came out and walked 11 days -- say 11 days. And there were 12 tribes of Israel and Moses decided to take one spy from each tribe and send them into the promised land to spy it out and let us know what is there. How many tribes? Say 12. How many spies? And then Moses you will be in the days 40 days. How many days? 40 days is a moment of testing. I don't know if you are a woman that is pregnant, or have been pregnant, you are pregnant for 40 week, not 10 months. A baby has brain waves after 40 days and Moses fasted 40 days, and Jesus fasted 40 days and rained 40 days in the Bible. 40 is the number of testing. God is organized, and he's a number fanatic. And he spent 12 spies to spy out 40 days. And he said, I want you to go in there and bring back proof to the 2 million Jews that the promised land is what I said. They go and come back and show the people it's exactly what God said. Of the 12, 10 said we can't go in because there are giants in the land, it will be too hard. And grumbled against the people and Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit. Say different spirit. They said, we will go in anyway. In other words, God is faithful, we should take him at his word and trust him and walk into the promised land. If we want something different, let's go and get it. But you are not going to get it with the same spirit you have. Chapter 14:24, look at what it says... Numbers 14:24... Say different spirit. Take a deep breath and shout out, different spirit. And has followed me fully. Because of that... If you want to walk into your promised land, by the way, your promised land is this different thing you want. Okay. If you want to walk into what God has for you. I was reading the Bible the other day -- well, while I was reading the Bible the other day, God was telling Abraham he was 100 years old, you are going to have a baby at 100 and wife is 90. Poppa is a rolling stone, that's a cool guy. And Abraham is like -- and Sarah is like, ain't no way. Which is exactly what she said, and God said, nothing is impossible with God. And they had a baby. Here's what God said, his name is going to be Isaac. When God named people, he gave them their purpose. I am telling you their name because their name is their purpose. God knows you and he's got your purpose and promised land and you he got it, not for you to create, just to receive. If you want to have it, you have to a different spirit. A different spirit is different than what you had when you walked in. You say, I am going to find out. Be on fire. I want more of you. Three things, write this down. Number 1, be different and trust the promises of God. For one time just trust what God said. He said, if you pray to me, if you call to me in prayer, I will tell you great and mighty things you do not know. Say amen if you want to know things that you don't know. God said call to me, trust me. I promise never to leave you or forsake you. You will always be in my presence, therefore acknowledge my presence. Don't walk around thinking you are by yourself, because you are not by yourself. Trust me. Be different. Number 2, be different and trust the evidence of God's faithfulness. Trust the evidence. I was -- when I was getting my haircut I was looking for a meter, a place to park my car. And I went to the meter and to put your credit card in the meter and get a little thing, that stresses me out. How many fellas this stresses you out. These are the A.D.D. dudes, and just like -- my wife is what is so difficult. Nothing. I am sitting there and step 1, press the time, and step 2, take the ticket out and step 3, take the card out and put back in your pocket. That stresses me out. This is true. I am like -- breathing and praying to walk up to this thing. And I am like -- And I see in my peripheral vision -- peripheral, this person walking right at me. You know how you can tell someone is going to walk by you and walk at you. And oh, dude, we are ready to get on -- and she wasn't slowing down but coming with speed. And so I am okay, get ready. But you are a pastor so respond pastoral. So there is a car right in front of me and the woman walks in front of me and the meter, and cuts in between me and the car and meter. And looked at me, wait a minute I have a ticket for you. I said what do you mean? I am leaving and my ticket is for an hour and a half and I am like hey, I don't have to deal with this machine right. I said what is your name. She told me her name and I said my name is Miles and you just blessed me. And God said, I got you. Now it was a very small gesture but a big statement that really God said to me, I got you. And not, I got you for the meter. I got you. Look at what Number 2 was. There is evidence in your life that God has taken care of you. Stop doubting him. He says, give me more. You give me more of you, and you get more of me. And more of me is way better than more of you. Number 3, be different and trust in the power of God. Say, God I am really going to, before I take NyQuil, I have been fighting a cold for three weeks, NyQuil is the bomb. However, before you take NyQuil, I want you to pray. Before you go to the doctor, I want you to pray. Before you start tripping on your finances, I want you to pray. Trust in my power. Three things. Did y'all write those down? Very good, read the story, go to chapter 13. Chapter 13. It says in verse 26... How many people spied out the land? 12. How many days did they spy out? 40. In other words, we really can grow our crops. We really can have our animals graze, and here's the evidence, they brought back on poles, grapes and vegetables and fruits they were growing there. They said, this is evidence that it's not desert land but fertile land, just like God said. There are people in your life and why are they so blessed. Can I get amen if you know what I am talking about. And you are like I don't understand it. They don't seem smarter than me. They don't seem taller than me. More skilled than me. More, more trained. That's not even their real hair. They don't workout. I don't get it, why are they so blessed. God. As a matter of fact the disciples, they said, we perceive that you are uneducated. That's a nice way of saying you look stupid. That is in the book of Acts. You are untrained and uneducated. Uneducated doesn't mean you are dumb, just that you don't have information. And untrained you don't have skills to use it. So you have no information or know how to use skills. But you have been with Jesus, so we don't know what to do with that. These guys said look, there are people in your life like that. You are like, I don't get it. They got God in their life, they are blessed. There is evidence in their life that prayer really works for them. How did that happen? I just prayed on it. I was just reading my Bible and God gave me a word. An idea. And you are like -- there is evidence. Walking with God works. Obeying God works. Doing it our way don't work. Look at what it says next. It says verse 28... Everyone say nevertheless... In other words, the land does have what God said. It does have what you said, Moses. However, it's going to be dangerous. So we shouldn't go in it. And look at what it says, verse 30... In your life, you are going to have God. You will have people like me and the Bible telling you to go and trust God and read your Bible and walk by faith. And serve and go to Life Class, give. And go to small group and pray and fasting. And you have all of these people that challenge to trust God, and then you have this -- if you go on a fast and you may faint and hit your head on the curb and lose your job and be in the hospital. People sleep in on Saturday morning, to get up and pray, that's so stupid. Your beauty sleep is not helping you. I don't know who told you that sleep makes you look better, it does not. As a matter of fact you wake up looking uglier. Say amen if you don't know what I am talking about. Some say I look at myself and I look uglier. And before or after. And nay sayers. I don't want to go to small group and people know my business. Don't tell them your business but spend time there instead of gossip TV or spend time on Facebook and what you are looking at is real. You can trust God or the nay sayers that say what about this. Look at 14:1... In other words, listen, listen, they very in slavery for 400 years. They went to Mount Sinai after 50 days, they were there a year and a half. 50 days of walking. And then a year and a half and then 11 more days they are at the edge of the Promise Land. Less than two years after the Exodus. Less than two years. God says you are here, here it is, let's go. As a matter of fact before you go in send in some spies so they tell everyone else it's just what I said. Go test it. Test it. In other words, pray for five days and test God. Be faithful and serve and test God. Be faithful and give and test God. As a matter of fact he says, tithe and test me. Test me. This is God talking trash. Test me if I don't open up the window of heaven. This is like a full-money back guarantee. Well, I don't like full-money back guarantees. Since when? So they are at the promised land and now the people are saying it would be better that we go back to slavery. I think I want to go back to doing cocaine. I think I will go back to smoking weed and runs the streets. Please, that ain't better than this. There are people in your life that say you don't need that church stuff. The Rock is like a cult. Let me tell you the definition of a cult. We control who you talk to so they don't say anything against what we tell you. And the definition of a cult, the leader is only one with information, and listen to him. Listen to me, go talk to everybody and you have the information, and read it by yourself. The point people say don't go to church, don't pray. Listen, God is saying test me. The devil wants to enslave you. The devil wants to put you in bondage. In verse 2, chapter 14... Let me give you a one-minute on leadership. All of y'all are leaders of something. Whether your department of your job or own a business or leader of a family or leader of a relationship or yourself. You are a leader of something, every single one of you. And when you try to lead people to a better place, they will rebel against you, all the time. Why? Because there is a voice that is trying to convince them that change is worse than staying the same. And it is too much of a risk that what you are going to is not better than what you have. But it's zero risk when that promise of something better is from God. And so look at what it says, verse 3... I have to tell you God will never call you out of what you are in to destroy you. He will never call you out of what you are in to something worse. Now, the process will be scary because you are walking into the unknown. But you walk into the unknown every day. When you meet somebody that you want to date, you go to the club, hi, my name is whatever, here's my number. Right there -- here's my number. Is the biggest step of faith you just took. Because that brother could be psycho. Just because he's good-looking and got pecs and teeth, doesn't mean he ain't psycho. Call me -- Or if you are psycho, stalk me. I was at the airport, my wife and I go to Vegas, and we see a show, we saw Lionel Richie, it was cool, old school. And saw this lady at the airport, what is your name, how old are you, 21. She said, I am going home I came with my friends and they want to drink and sleep around with guys they meet. I can't fathom how dangerous that is. I mean like your life. Forget disease or pregnancy. Your life. With some guy that you just meet and you are both drunk? That's what the devil wants for you. And God says no, I have something so much better for you. I mean the worse my wife has to deal with is this -- And it's going on grow back in three weeks -- I hope. My wife is over there saying, it's worse than that haircut I have to deal with, just keep reading the Bible, pastor. Verse 6... Everybody say exceedingly good. God is exceedingly good. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into the land and give us a land that flows with milk and honey... In other words, they are trying to -- they are lying to us trying to lead us into pain. And God is saying, are you out of your mind? I'm trying to bless you. Every time you come here, and I'm yelling or whatever, and you go to another church or visiting and your pastor is yelling. All he is doing is what Caleb is doing, trying to convince you to trust God. There is a Promise Land right in front of you and come on, I don't know if I want to go to small group. I don't know if I want to go to Life Class. I don't know if I want to give. I don't know if I want to pray. I rather stay in Egypt. I want to go back to slavery, I like my addictions because they are known. I understand how they work. I go online and I watch pornography and I come home and drink and I go to bed. I know that pattern, it's more comfortable to me than going into blessing. I don't know what that blessing may do to me, it may make me cut my hair and make me weird. No, you are already beyond weird, it's jacked up over here. Can I get amen. This is talking about freedom, when you said you want something different. What you are saying, I want the blessings of God in my life. And they are saying stone them. And then the Bible, I wish I was there to see this part, verse 10... Here's Joshua and Caleb, two against 10, and talking we need to go in and no we don't need to go in. And the people are saying stone them, we want to go back to Egypt. And then God shows up. Bad boy starting losing it. You know what happened? You can read the rest, please read the rest of the story, God said to Moses, Moses, I want to kill them. All of them. I am tired of this. I have done miracle upon miracle upon miracle and still they don't believe me. And I want to kill them. And Moses said, please don't kill them. And God said okay, I am not going to kill them today. But here's what is going do happen, how many days they spied out the land? 40. How many days walked from Mount Sinai to the edge, 11, say 11. And especially at the Promise Land and went in and came out. And he said, what I will do, I will have you walk around 40 years in circles. One year for every day that you saw the evidence of my faithfulness and turned your back on it. And you are going to walk one year for every day you saw my faithfulness and turned your back on it. And walk 40 years until all of those people and their children die. Except Joshua and Caleb. Moses even didn't get in and Aaron didn't get in, Moses didn't get in for another reason. Here you are in all campuses and walking around your wilderness, because you don't believe God. Doing the same old thing and playing God for a fool and giving him your token worship. Church once a month. No you are not in a group, you don't go to Life Class. You don't give. You kind of show up and get entertained, claim me as your pastor, this as your church. God is like, you don't go to that church, you just know about it. You are not committed to what I called that church to do. You just attend every now and then to feel good. Let's do something different. Say different. In a minute I am going to pray and pray a Caleb prayer and people that want a Caleb spirit and you have seen altar call. I want you to be one. All campuses close your eyes and bow your head. As you are listening I want you to think about your life and how it is time for you to do something different. This year, 2017. Want something different? You do something different. Lord, I pray for a different spirit, not a different habit. But a different spirit. I pray Holy Spirit that you stir people's hearts right now and their hearts start beating faster. Palpitating. Racing. Running. Pounding. That you would reveal to them that you want more of them. That you want them to walk away from the old way they used to do things. And if you are ready to receive and walk in this different spirit, than the one you came in here with. And basically it's a different level of commitment to the spirit of God. I want you to pray this prayer with me and ask you to stand and come down on all campuses. In your heart, pray, dear God, I want a different spirit. One that follows you fully. Like Caleb. I don't want to have a nevertheless spirit, a what-about spirit. I want to have a let's-do-this spirit. I am ready to go spirit. Holy Spirit, fill my heart with your power. Your wisdom. Your encouragement. Stir me. Give me a hunger. And a thirst for intimacy with the heart of God. I surrender my life to You. If God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior, It's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. That He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, just look at me right now, and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, "Dear God, I believe that I am sinner." I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to Hell. but I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin and fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus name, amen. If you prayed that prayer, If you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resources. If you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept Jesus as your savior, Click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you, and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 11,521
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church, trust, Moses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2017
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