Rock Church Live - The Disciple - The Conflict

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welcome global family we're excited to enter into worship with you today and the bible says that we draw near to god with thanksgiving and praise and that's always easy to do when we reflect on the goodness of god amen come on let's sing together i saw satan fall light lightning i saw darkness run for cover feel the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven i believe in signs and wonder i have resurrection power still the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven oh my praise belongs to you forever take this together this is my testimony from day to life this preacher wrote my story this is my testimony [Music] come together sons and daughters [Music] caught with blood and washed in water [Music] sing the praises of the spirit son and father our god will finish what he started [Music] by jesus this is [Music] come on we got a lot to sing about come on this is the truth right here of things are still to come oh i believe if i'm not dead things are still to come oh is this is my testimony from death to life cause grace rewrote my story and i'll testify by my jesus this is my testimony this and i'm is he brought me from time to life [Music] amen this is our testimony i know you got a testimony in the building right i got a testimony i'm not the same person i used to be god has changed my life thank you lord god for your love and your acceptance thank you that you call me a child of the most high god come on i was very neat and who could carry that kind of way [Music] [Applause] a [Music] it was [Music] and i ran out of out of the darkness into the all glorious days [Music] [Music] now jesus oh [Applause] your glorious days [Music] into your glorious i day of enough that i've never experienced before in my life the love of christ thank you jesus come on church i need to rescue my sin was heavy break at the weight of your glory i needed shelter i wasn't nothing now you call me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] glorious day [Music] into your glorious day [Applause] amen hallelujah oh lord you are our healer our comforter our savior but you are also our shield our protector and our defender so we thank you today god we thank you lord [Music] you go before i know that you've even gone to win my ward [Music] my victory [Music] you [Music] and all i did was praise all i did was worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] all i did was stay still [Music] you have saved me so much [Music] so much better your way [Music] to find your truth your mercy is [Music] all i did was [Music] all i did was all i did was stay still stay still stay so much better hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you reintroduce me [Music] you are the defender [Music] jesus [Music] for me [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i thought i knew what love was i thought i knew what love was but you're better you're better i thought i knew what love was i thought i knew what love was i thought i knew what love was but you're better you're better [Music] was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] better is better [Music] [Music] here i am [Music] surrendering [Music] find me here lord as you draw me near i'm desperate for you [Music] i'm desperate for you i surrender [Music] [Music] stick together family judge my soul [Music] [Applause] speak to us lord god [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we lift our hands in the sanctuary we lift our hands in our homes we lift our hands in our cars or wherever we are because of who you are father we love you and we offer this worship up unto you god [Music] like a mighty storm stir within my soul lord have you wait lord [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] everybody right now [Music] [Music] like is me anyway [Music] i surrender i want to know you more i want to know you more i surrender with my hands i surrender lift it up i want to know you more i want to know you [Music] how you doing everybody uh as we prepare for our offering i want to read two passages out of the book of exodus and in this story the israelites were enslaved in egypt and an offering was taken as they left egypt and then when they prepared to build the tabernacle another offering was taken the difference in these offerings was one was given by the egyptians and the second one was given by the israelites in the first offering they were giving money and their valuables to push god away in the second offering they were given money and their valuables to pull god close and so as we read these two these two passages i want you to notice that the first time that people gave who are the egyptians they were saying here's our gold and silver and valuables please go take your god with you in the second one the israelites gave willingly because they wanted god to stay so as you give your offering i want you to be and as you pray about your offering i want you to be praying about your offering in this context i want god to be close to me i want it to be an act of worship not an act of compulsion not an act of worship god come close so check us out exodus chapter 12 verse 33 it says the egyptians urged the people that they might send them out of the land in haste please get out of here and it says for they said we shall be all be dead so the people took their dough before it was leaven having their kneading bowls bound up in their clothes and shoulders and now the children of israel had gone according to the word of moses and they had asked the egyptians for silver gold clothing and the lord had given the people favor inside of the egyptians so that they granted them whatever they requested thus they plundered the egyptians now understand this they're going into the desert they're walking there's no store out there there's no bank out there what do they need gold silver and all these expensive things for they probably didn't even realize what was going to happen but god was going to use that later for them to give it to build the tabernacle the first time it was given by the egyptians and they said please go take your god with you and then we look at exodus chapter 25. in exodus chapter 25 they're going to take an offering but now the israelites are going to give the offering and they're going to give it so they can bring god near the lord said in verse chapter 20 verse 5 verse 1 the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel that they may bring me an offering from everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take my offering and this is the offering which i shall take from them gold silver blue purple scalloped thread fine linen goat's hair ram skin dyed red badger skin acacia wood oil etc etc all the things none of these things they had until they took it from the egyptians so the first time it was given was to push god away the second time was given was to bring god near my prayer is as you take your offering right now as we take offering and you give that you give it not to hey just leave me alone but you're giving it as an act of worship saying lord draw me near as i give this to honor you and worship you text the word give to 52525 if you want to give and then i want to pray for you that god will bless you and that you would sense his presence in your giving and all it's all about what's in your heart lord thank you so much we are giving today and standing in your presence because we want to we are giving willingly so i pray that you make your presence known to us in this moment bless the people giving may they be like the israelites not the egyptians in this case in jesus name amen god bless you michael rushing when jesus breathed lord have your way in me like a mighty [Music] my soul lord have your way lord have your way in me [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus oh [Music] lord have you ever [Music] hi everyone i'm vince and i'm becky from the rock living room to yours welcome we're so glad you're joining us today wasn't that a beautiful time of worship worshiping god not just for the things he's done for us but for who he is yeah guys we're getting ready to start and continue our series that we started last week called the disciple we've been working to understand the identity and the humanity of jesus disciples they were human just like we were but before we do a couple quick announcements to jump into and our first one is our men's conference okay save the date guys uh october 16th it's called ignite and we really want you to be there especially if you're joining us in san diego for more details visit ignite or text the word ignite to 52525 and of course ladies we've got our conference coming up very soon september 18th the feast it's an online conference designed to be enjoyed around a table with your fellow ladies right so of course you can do it by yourself but it's going to be just a much more empowering experience to be together in community so go to backslash feast or text feast to 52525 yeah let's get ready to hear today's sermon i'd love to pray for our time together father thank you so much that you sent your son to show us the way to be a part of your family and we get to see that played out in community and in the lives of the disciples so as we hear your word today would it transform our hearts and cause us to be more like you in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] how you doing everybody happy dude happy happy happy sunday uh we have a great message not because i wrote it because i didn't god gave it to me but i think it's going to challenge you i want to welcome everybody i'm miles of fears and pastor rock church we are in week two of a series called a disciple please hit the share button send it out to your friends we got to get this word out we got to make the disciples make disciples don't you stand on your feet we are going to pray and stand and honor the presence of god in the house and by the way the number one reason you should come to church is not to hit a sermon not to worship not to be in fellowship the number one reason you come to church is to engage in the presence of god engage in the presence of god now he uses all those things but you can hear a sermon and not engage in god you can worship and not engage in the presence of god so we want to acknowledge from the very beginning or we already had worship i'm sure you engaged in the presence of god at that time but we want to do it right now and and stand and say lord you are here we respect you and we're going to pray to you so lord thank you so much for your faithfulness thank you for your goodness we honor you we worship you we praise you we submit to you and lord i pray that you challenge us even now to trust you with our whole life speak to our hearts holy spirit in jesus name and inaudible amen amen amen let's get the bibles out get your bibles out we're going to turn to acts chapter 9 on the count of three say word one two three word turn to acts chapter nine acts chapter nine matthew mark luke john acts fifth book of the bible fifth book of the bible um i would venture to say for my lifetime and i can't speak for the whole american history but in my lifetime i've never seen so much division i mean i was a little kid it was very segregated but now it's so people are at each other's throat over so many topics whether it be racism whether it be politics whether it be covet whether it be you know that climate change and all the issues in politics there's just so much division and it's in the church some churches are divided on political lines there's some people in churches like you how could you vote for that person how can you vote for that person and how can you believe that about covert how could you believe that about covert and people are just at each other's throat and because we have social media and people can hide behind their phone they're they're starting to express that hatred and that division and it is i'm not scared but it's scary aware it's going here's my question to you we started this series called the disciple last week and we've been talking about being a disciple of jesus but what happens when jesus asks you to be a disciple of him with somebody who is your enemy and i'm even going to take it one step further are you such a disciple of christ that you would allow god to show you one of his disciples before they are his disciple a matter of fact say it another way that there is somebody in your life who you doesn't like you by the way hates you hates you are you in a place in your walk with god where you can actually see in them a disciple of jesus we're going to talk about the conflict of discipleship this conflict where god has called us to love our enemies and those who hate us let me read this verse to you from matthew chapter 5 verse 43 to 45. you've heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy i don't know where you heard that i mean you heard that but that's not me just jesus talking you might have heard that over there but not here it says but i say to you this is jesus talking i say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons and daughters and children of your father in heaven in other words if you're a child of god the people who hate you you got to love now jesus is never going to ask you to do something he hasn't done he's not going to ask you something he's never going to do to himself way better than any of us do it so he's saying to us love those who hate you who spitefully use you who curse you stab you in the back lie to you cheat you love that is going to be the evidence that you are his disciple god has not called us to be disciples of informacion he's not called you to be a disciple of information now he's called us to study the word yes show yourself approved a workman who rightly devised the word of truth absolutely but he's called us to be a disciple more than anything a disciple of love we have to learn in our journey and our discipline how do we love better and there is no greater love than you could have than to love your brother who doesn't like you that's a disciple so we're going to see in this passage in the story today how god does it remember god would never ask us to do something he hasn't done so we're going to see god love this guy named saul you know him as apostle paul who was god's enemy god's enemy okay acts chapter nine three three points of a disciple minister mentor multiplier this is what i'm gonna challenge you in this whole series is that you as a disciple say i want to minister i want to understand my gifts and talents because i could have the gifts and talents of god but i'm living that way when i'm supposed to be living that way so first step is i want to minister and serve the kingdom of god and serve other people with my gifts number two i want to mentor someone else we're going to see god minister to paul saul then paul and then he's going to mentor him and then multiply he's going to empower people to reproduce the process so are you minister ministering serving the kingdom of god people for the purpose of knowing god with your gifts number two are you mentoring someone investing in somebody and number three are you multiplying yourself very simple three things okay watch this watch this acts chapter 9 verse 1. then saul then saul then saul now you know him as the apostle paul at this moment his name is saul i want you to listen to him because he was the enemy of god he was an enemy of god saw breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the lord breeding threats and murder so the disciples of jesus he was killing him threatening him i'm going to murder you and he was and he went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogue of damascus so that he might find any who were of the way christians whether men or women that he might bound them up and bring him to jerusalem put him on trial and kill him this is this is the apostle paul before his name was paul was saul matter of fact a lot of times when people give the life to god he gives them a different name why because he changes their identity he makes them realize this is who i made you to be you had a false identity before now you got a real identity oh come on now and then so saul was a persecutor of the church he was murdering people in church number one paul threatened god's people the bible says that paul threatens god's people saul still breathing threats of murder against the disciples of the lord went to the high priest i just read it he threatened god's people paul killed god's people in acts chapter seven for the first um martyr when they heard these things they were cut to the heart and gnashed their teeth but being full of the holy ghost stephen the first martyr gazed into heaven and saw the glory of god and jesus standing at the right hand and said look i see the heavens open and the son of man is staying at the right hand of the god this is the first guy ever killed and then it says he cried out with a loud voice stopped their ears and they ran him with one accord and they cast him out of the city and stoned him and the witnesses laid their clothes down at the feet of a young man named saul first guy killed they put first christian that we know of that was marty they laid his his clothes down and a young man named saul who was overseeing the the the stoning saul paul boasted about persecuting the church philippians chapter three if he's saying about himself if anyone he thinks he may have confidence in the flesh and when he's done in the natural i more so i was circumcised on the eighth day of the stack of israel i was the tribe of benjamin hebrew of hebrews concerning the bible i was a pharisee very trained for many years in the bible concerning zeal i persecuted the church i persecuted the church in other words i was so on fire with the old testament i saw christians as the enemy that i killed them this is saul the apostle paul before his name was changed here's the setup he is an enemy of god matter of fact paul admits to being the enemy look what it says in romans chapter five when if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god through the death of his son much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by his life when we were enemies now he was straight up enemy he was straight up enemy so that's the context now you have to understand god knows and is watching this guy known him since he was in the womb he's watching him and you're going to see the plan god has for his life now why is this important is because god wants to show you people in your life that he wants to be disciples but he needs you and i to see it also here's what i'm going to challenge you and there's somebody in your life who is that you don't like them they don't like you that you would pray and say god show me who is that person that you have chosen that you want me to love like you love so we've already we've already stated that this guy is the enemy of god acts chapter nine let's look at the story acts chapter nine it says as he journeyed he came near damascus verse 3 and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven he fell to the ground heard a voice say to him saul saul why are you persecuting me here's the thing about it if you criticize the people of god you are criticizing god because the people of god make up the body of christ you mess with my people you mess with me you remember that you mess with him you mess with me if you you you know a little kid in the school had had the big football play that was going to uh protect him he says you mess with him you mess with me you mess with my sister you mess with me jesus is saying so you mess with my people you're messing with me and then saul says lord he said who are you lord he was saying ain't nobody can hit me off my horse but you and then he said lord said i am jesus whom you are persecuting it is hard for you to kick against the goads so he trembled and was astonished and said lord what do you want me to do you know you know what would be so amazing if you and i would just have that attitude with god god what do you want me to do smacks upside your head however he wants to do it and and you go god my bad what do you want me to do not oh god it's not fair you know this person got this and that person got this and i i'm better looking i'm i've got more shot up and just say to god what do you want me to do this guy is killing christians he's on his way to arrest christians and god knocks him to the ground and he goes okay now i know you're the lord okay now i'm gonna worship you just like that just like that let's keep reading and then it says verse 7 the men who journey with him stood speaks as having a voice hearing a voice but no seeing no one and saul rose from the ground and when his eyes were opened he saw no one he was blind but they led him by the hand and brought him to damascus and he was three days without sight neither he ate nor drank now three things before i get into my to my points number one this guy this is not my point yet this is just a setup context saul was killing christians he was a pharisee he was trained in the bible religious leader zeal for god killing christians thinks he's doing the right thing god says boom you persecute me immediately saul says i now submit to you god took a sight three days he didn't eat fasting imagine you are like this bad dude with all this authority and now the sudden you're blind and everything you thought about god is turned upside down and you're blind and people are taking you by the hand and you're not going to eat that's another that's a minor thing you can't see and god just told you you were persecuting him so i was like i'm in trouble and he can't see but little does he know that this is his transformation that god is transforming him from an enemy to a friend number one in your notes god ministers to and with his former enemies look what happens verse 10 there was a certain disciple at damascus named ananias and to him the lord said in the vision he said ananias here i am lord he said arise go to a street called straight and inquire at the house of judas for one called saul of tarsus everybody knew who he was for behold he is praying and in the vision he has seen a man named ananias coming and putting his hand on him so he might receive his sight so he is saul he got knocked to the ground he's blind he's like and god shows him in the vision a guy named ananias is going to come pray for you he must be tripping now ananias look what ananias says verse 13 and i said dumb thing lord have you heard what this man has done of course of course god has heard he's seen it all he said he's god have you heard how many things about this man how much harm he has done to your saints in jerusalem do you know who this is i'm god full and he has authority from the chief priest to bind all who call in your name do you know that but the lord said to him go watch this he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before the gentiles kings and the children israel if i will show him how much how many things he must suffer god says i picked him you know that person you don't like it's very possible god picked them and you think that they're bad that garbage are this god said no no i picked them i got stuff for him to do now you may be that person you may be that god-hater right you you got attitude you don't like christians that you know you put in all these categories politically or or whatever whatever uh category you have them in that makes them lower than you or or you use an excuse to hate them okay put all that aside god said you're persecuting me don't worry about them don't worry about them no one's perfect no one's perfect but but they bear my name so but i want you so you may be that you may be you may be the saul now you're not killing them with your bad but with your words and your thoughts god says i want you i got something that's how much god loves you by the way what you're doing is wrong but he still loves you you got a plan this is a cool thing look what it says in verse 17 ananias went his way entered the house laying hands on him and said brother saul brother saul now this is the disciple that you and i have to be if god calls you to minister to somebody that you don't like were you calling brother saul will you express love the first time or will you have attitude god's saying i need you i need your love on this guy you have to trust god because there's nobody in this church not one person any church in the world including this one obviously that was perfect before and perfect now he says brother saul the lord jesus who appeared to you on the road came he has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the holy spirit immediately fell from his eyes something like scales and he received the sight and he arose could you do that can you do that could you in the direction of god go to someone who you know has been anti-god even to the violent to be violent could you go to them and say i want to pray for you that's a disciple not only was god doing it as our role model of discipleship ananias the disciple was doing exactly what god told him to do remember saul said lord what do you want me to do same thing ananias what do you want me to do and anna science is like i'm not sure you know what i'm you're asking me okay i get that you we're on the same page now i'm gonna do it that's a disciple that's a disciple it's not oh i'm just gonna read this book once a day and i'm gonna pray once a day and now i'm a disciple no no remember you have to be disciple of love and it's going to come and it's going to prove itself when it has to do with people who are on the other side of the tracks number two god mentors his enemies now this is this is pretty interesting because once saul got saved and he realized that the gospel was the proper interpretation of everything he learned that jesus was the savior of the world he died in roseman dead he was god's son once he realized that what he was hating was actually the truth the first thing he did he went along to be with god and it's such an important lesson because we can get so dependent on what people say yeah go to church get it you know be in small group you should be in small group and all that kind of stuff trust me text groups to 52525 please get in a group or start a group absolutely we need each other however we all serve him and individually you have to have a discipline of spending time with him that has to be the foundation be like probably one of my favorite times i'm a night owl i love staying up late at night but i haven't lived my night owlness for a long time because i realized i was missing out on my morning time so i switched my life and now i'm a morning person and not a night out even though at the drop of a dime i can stay up but but i had to switch because i wanted that morning so i get up early long before the sun comes up and i go into my office and i turn on worship music i used to you know get in trying to learn all this stuff and it was fine my brain i said okay first thing i'm going to do and i want to encourage you to do this just get where you can listen to worship music now for me i spent some time on my knees first thing and just surrender my life my day and everything to god but then i walk and i pray in english and in espanol i sing worship songs and i just say lord me and you even before before i read a whole lot just me and you and it is open my windows get some air and just listen worship and just me and god so what saul did when he got saved if you will got the holy spirit he went to arabia this is it's like it's just a little bit about this in the bible but he went to raven look what it says in galatians when he was his authority was being challenged they were like you know who are you and he says look but i made known to you brethren that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man what i got what i'm giving you i didn't get from people now i learned the old testament but when i realized what the truth was i got it from god for i neither received it from man nor was i taught but it came to me through the revelation of jesus christ himself you have to get stuff from god directly you have to have a habit and a way as a disciple to just be in the presence of god and get stuff from god directly one of the things you could do is put on music and just start with worship and then when i'm even reading i just leave the music on and it just sets the tone it it it establishes and reminds me and engages me in the presence and just leave it playing leave it playing and it is so relaxing it's so calming so peaceful and now i'm here and then god's speaking and we're just we're grooving now my day is set and i'll do that for you know hour two hours you know and i'm not in a rush that's why if i get up really early i'm not in a rush if i get up late then i'm flustered enough you know every all the electronics are on it it's no good no bueno but when it's still dark outside and it's still quiet birds haven't even gotten up i'm up before the birds birds get up i'm already i'm already i'm already finishing up and so but my point is you want to have that happen in your life it's not about information the information is absolutely a part of it but it's not a mental thing it's a spiritual thing because even if you read the information you got to hear what is god telling you through the information it's about revelation and so here he is he said this is paul in galatians chapter 1 verse 13. for you have heard my form of conduct do you remember when i was killing how i persecuted the church beyond measure and i tried to destroy it and i advanced in judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation being more exceedingly zealous for my traditions but when it pleased god who separated me from my mother's womb god is the one who took me out of my mother's womb and by the way ordained me to do this before i was born jeremiah 1 5. jeremiah says before i was born god separated me to be a prophet this is what he's saying now looking back on it god had this plan for my life all along and it says to but when it please god who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through his grace to reveal his son and me that i might preach him among the gentiles i did not immediately confer with flesh and blood i didn't go to man i didn't go to man this is so powerful the first thing i did i didn't go to jerusalem i didn't go to man to those who were apostles i went to arabia now what's arabia later in galatians chapter 4 verse 25 he connects arabia with mount sinai what is mount sinai mount sinai is where god gave moses the law mount sinai is where god establishes his people they came out of egypt they camped at mount sinai he said you now are my people it was at mount sinai that elijah after he killed the 450 prophets of baal ran from jezebel it was at mount sinai that whole area mount orb the mountain of god where god spoke to him elijah a man who was zealous for god so he is saul he knows all this in the bible saul says i'm going to go back there the mountain of god and i'm going to meet with god for three years what and god's going to speak to me the first thing jesus did in his ministry first thing after the holy spirit came on him when he was baptized he went into the wilderness for 40 days first thing saul said look me and god are going to get i got to get stuff right with god and he goes there god disciples his enemies and he turns them into his friends turns him into his disciples and lastly number three god multiplies the kingdom through his former enemies saul wrote half the new testament it's 27 books he wrote 13 of them give or take wrote 13 books on the 27th so it's just right under half the guy who was killing christians wrote half the new testament he went on multiple missionary journeys he was persecuted himself and eventually killed for the gospel he was arrested multiple times he made disciples everywhere he went he planted churches this is the guy that the christians were fearful of and god said he's my chosen vessel so here's my encouragement to you is that today you would say lord i want to be a disciple and i i pray a couple things in this message number one that there are people in your life that you would never discount anybody from being god's disciple anybody that you would get out of your head what a disciple looks like because you don't know it's a it's a continuum it's a process some people been walking with god for a long time and they may have bible verses down they may have a certain look to them in a certain you know way they talk and then some people are in the very beginning of the journey where they haven't even met christ yet but god reveals that to you that you would say lord show me and by the way your role in their life may simply be god loves you i was in a prison once i just finished speaking and there were these three white supremacists walking around the track no shirt on they had tattoos and blah blah and god said and it was like two or three hundred guys on out in the yard black white black white um uh latino pacific island they're all in their groups and so i went up to the track and called the dude over and he came i said yo come here and there's three of mark and he had all attitude and he got right here and i said to him literally he's standing this close to me and i just spoke to the yard so it's like everybody knew they saw me walk up the stage and walk over to the tracks like what's he gonna do now i'm talking to this white supremacist and i said to him jesus is looking for you oh i say man i'm just telling you jesus is looking for you now i have no idea what happened with that dude don't i have no idea never met him never didn't even ask him his name i don't think i don't remember that and never saw him again but what if and this is a hundred percent what if what if that was his saul counter i don't know could it be 100 we have form white supremacists that go to church here they're my very very close friends been to prison stay with that guy now it's different people but i'm saying they were in that same position and go to church here and are in ministry can god use you for that even if you're wrong even if you're wrong you go up to someone and say that god bless you and what he's going to do in that way god's word never returns void so number one i pray that this message has opened your eyes to say lord i need to love everybody because i can't put people in categories that are my enemies or not because that may be your guy your girl and number two you're assault think well i can never be that godly i can never memorize scripture i can never like talk to people about the bible why not why not i want to pray for you that you would make a decision to be a disciple and that you would sign up today to be a disciple to get in a group text groups to five to five to five and you're saying lord i am going to pursue you with all my heart i want to be a disciple i'm not ruling that out if you could do that to saul you can get me one step further and another step further so i'll pray lord thank you so much for your faithfulness thank you for your goodness dear god you did an amazing thing in saul's life you took a guy that the church was fearful of that was he was killing christians and you made him an amazing disciple an apostle a leader in the church his words has shaped christianity the very thing he tried to destroy and there are people listening right now who think i can never do anything for god i'm just gonna attend church every now and then and you say no no no no i have so much for you so if you would like to surrender your life to be a disciple pray this prayer with me pray dear god i want to make a decision to be a disciple i want to honor you with my words my life i want to be a minister of the talents you've given me i want to eventually mentor people as saul did as paul did and i want to multiply myself as paul did in timothy and titus and silas i surrender my life to you i want to be a disciple if you pray that prayer in a minute i'm going to ask you the passage of where you're going going to be ask you to stand up so i pray these things in jesus name amen amen if you prayed that prayer here's what i'm gonna ask you to do i want you to text the word groups to five to five to five i don't care where you are in the world we wanna get you in a group so you can have some people you can talk to that could talk to you pray for you cover you spiritually walk with as you walk with god and if you do that and you're consistent and you're persistent god's gonna do something amazing in your life god bless you what a powerful word from our senior pastor minister mentor multiply minister mentor multiply you want to live like a river and not let go not like a late family because of course we want to catch the vision of becoming difference making disciples and not just go through the motion so again let's live like a river yeah and if you're wondering what your next step could be we want to invite you to take our life class this class gives you an opportunity to learn more about how god's designed you and how to make a difference in the lives of those around you this is a great catalyst for understanding and living a life of discipleship for more information visit life class or text life to 52525 yes and of course another opportunity to live in discipleship is through groups in order to flourish in our faith and be true disciples we've got to live in community don't just try to do this whole thing by yourself right you gotta live like a river like not like lake earlier i love backslash groups or text groups to five two five two five shout out to my wednesday night group i love you guys oh okay my thursday group too love you ladies guys as we wrap up we want to make sure you stay connected to all things related to rock church follow us at the rock san diego and head on over to our youtube channel subscribe for more rock related messages and content we love you becky and i will see you guys soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 4,834
Rating: 4.8991594 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: cL1kAtGevQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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