Surviving as a Fish is Hard...

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guess what I am fish again [Music] Kyla kid and welcome back to I am fish that's right it's time to be a fish again and today I want to be a piranha because we never played as the piranha tear across town let's do it there he is sad little piranha stuck in a jar separated from his family he's falling asleep because life is so boring in a jar oh he's remembering all the wonderful times that he had with his friends he's just waiting for his moment to escape and find his friends alright I don't entirely remember how to play this game I'll be real with you it's been a very long time um but I'm excited to be playing again uh especially as the product because we've never played as the Prada oh he invite stuff I mean that kind of makes sense okay okay anything that's red oh ah okay I love this so we can we can grab onto stuff that apparently is red I guess okay now that I properly flooded the entire kitchen um I guess I'm gonna try and flop myself into the into the water there you go okay we've got something that we can grab onto I think I'm opening cabinets trying to figure out if there's something in here that's useful more stuff to break Don't Mind If I Do grab on to that and break that like take it out piranha guy there you go I do see that I can grab on to what appears to be the dishwasher I think that's our next Target wait what is that a hammer okay let's let's go for the dishwasher first oh come on man there you go maybe yes it was good enough and there's a pipe in there which is really kind of strange I don't think that's typically how uh the plumbing for a dishwasher works but whatever I'm not a plumber I'm a fish a a piranha to be more specific okay so now it's gonna flood even more this is what happens when you bring a rogue piranha home all right don't do it do you think that we can break oh absolutely look it's already kind of shattered we take the hammer I love this and smash open that window you're free little buddy you are so free and that right there friends is a checkpoint I'm free so if you guys remember uh We've definitely existed within Life as a jar um and you you basically have to swim from each side to to control where the jar goes so you can see when I push on the right hand side we go left when I push on the left hand side we go right I'm I'm going to the bottom of this street and hoping that it's the correct direction oh gosh don't don't go into the street just stay off to the side I think this is this is where I need to be I see a checkpoint please please oh that was so close all right turn around turn around man you got it yeah you got this we got this yes awesome check pointed now just gotta get going this way should be nice and easy oh my gosh oh come on man there's like a little bump right there Freedom yes I've escaped the little bump oh no oh no no no no no no I'm dead okay I need to to be a little bit more delicate about this like try and line it up look at these people having the great time little do they know that a piranha is about to ruin their day actually I don't think that's true I think I'm just gonna mind my own business they mind their own business I mind my own business did you see that turn how beautiful was that right there oh wait which way do I go do I go down these wires or do I go down those wires I'm gonna go this way I don't know if I should be going this way oh there's bread bread is like a collectible right just gotta line this up it's it's good this is this is good this is good great this is this is great this seems good this seems bad this is awful I don't like the way that my jar is wobbling oh that's pretty much the worst case scenario I'm just gonna give it out of my life like this yeah I don't I don't think there's any recovery from this one so now I'm gonna try going this way and I'm just gonna eat it there you go no freedom okay there we go please stop please stop please stop please oh are you serious I don't get the bread even though I got the bread but because I died I don't get to keep the bread is that the way it works whatever I don't need your stupid bread what I really need right now is to just not be dead that's that seems pretty good oh no I did get the bread and we're going straight for the checkpoint awesome awesome job little piranha guy I think I didn't just continue this way my jar is a little messed up I will admit not ideal no this is not good the way this is wobbling yeah that's so bad here we go oh boy okay okay that was not the the greatest way to handle that my jar is alive although I do feel like I'm a little stuck what is that said oh not cool seagull okay so the seagulls are actively out to murder me that's great so I'm guessing that if I stop for too long they come swooping in yeah they do I'm just going across taking my time going through the garden I'm I'm nice and easy do bad seagull gosh this is a nightmare no I don't think I can I I think I might die if I get hit again by the seagulls so I'm very much hoping that we can take it to this checkpoint before that happens we're so close we're so close just give me the checkpoint man thank you thank you you are beautiful okay okay that kind of hurt not gonna lie oh that got a little too close do I go over here I see this like I think that's bird poop I don't know if I want to go over there that seems like death oh there's a bridge I am dumb and oh my gosh I can't believe that my jar is still intact it's definitely not gonna last there it goes yeah saw that coming I do see the bread on the staircase over there I just don't care I just I just want to live that's all that's all I want right now my jar is already cracked which obviously is not the greatest situation uh and the seagulls are back they are back and they are very angry with me for some reason really I can't I can't push those boxes what are those cardboard boxes made out of so I have to go around the cardboard boxes stupid bird no not like this not like like oh my gosh come on turn turn faster checkpoint please please please checkpoint I see it I just need to get under the table yes okay slow down man slow down you gotta go over here over the wires chords whatever you want to call them just get on them so that you can escape the birds the birds they're everywhere don't seagulls have any do then chase a fish in a jar oh that's not good okay I am just like standing on the edge of death right now and I don't want to be there do I just go into that water I don't think I can make that oh my God all right well at least we're alive um and we have more Plumbing to to break I would have thought piranhas are basically the plumbers of of the Aquatic world or like the anti-plumbers basically I mean if you need some Plumbing pipes removed from your house piranhas got you covered please stop clogging the toilet that's a fair uh you know request I would say sometimes you can't help it though you know oh the toilet I could pull the toilet flusher oh come on there there you go there it is that is a clogged toilet for shirt and the water is actually not Rising oh you know what I probably need to get in to the toilet or no maybe I need to put stuff in the toilet and then flush it ah now we're talking what is this the candles or red toilet paper it's kind of weird but I feel like putting an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet is probably pretty bad for the toilet I just need to get out of the toilet that would be just great just get out of the toilet thank you there we go let's see let's see how's that for our clogged toilet now we're talking all right the water level is rising and I see something in the shower I just need to open the shower there we go I love this little guy he is just tenacious wait what oh I realized I I was like why is the screen getting darker it was because I wasn't in water I was suffocating not great for a fish to be out of water for too long who would have thought get that oh come on you're so close there it is beautiful execution break that pipe and get the heck out of here oh maybe we can take out the bird what is this oh it's another thing we can break you know I'm gonna look at this yeah so satisfying oh I am so gonna attack this bird get him [Music] yes so good latch it onto a seagull oh I need to get in the water I'm gonna suffocate whoa level completed a dangerous Crossing ominous okay it's night time that is a little scary I'm not gonna lie I guess I've traveled a fair distance from from where I landed in this River and now we're just continuing our journey seems like something I could interact with sort of maybe oh there's a little cave yeah yeah we gotta get these these logs out of here get it the way that he sounds he just hates these sticks okay now we're talking can we get in there yes we can all right fish quick travel through the pipes everybody knows that's how fish get around of course I'm gonna do a few spins here while we travel along this unknown path that is that is going to take us somewhere probably even scarier than where we were before yep turns out it's even scarier I feel like we're even like deeper in the forest now where scary animals live the bread can I grab onto this Vine holy cow yes I can you knew it that's amazing me Tarzan me no longer fish me now Tarzan do I have to make the noise I have to do it I have to do it it's a scientific fact and if you don't like it I'm sorry oh nailed it all right I get to do it again I won't make the noise don't worry I do need to swing though there we go well executed what is this it's a log that I can rip apart sure I'll do my piranha thing all right that's looking pretty good I just bust through the other side I guess all right there we go a waterfall is that waterfall yeah that's a waterfall it's fine we're good oh no you you my arch nemesis maybe I can grab onto him again I just gotta sneak up what sneak attack it's just so good I love it all right here's my Landing thanks bud it's Uber for fish can I grab onto this bird no hey on the bright side I got a checkpoint sweet there's another bird let's go grab them come on get him there we go where are you taking me though here sure you know I'm gonna try this oh where are we going I got it I gotta let go oh my gosh oh no no no no no get in the water there you go you're good gotta grab onto this Vine find the ocean and this is the best way to do it raping open bars how strong is this dude for real that's very impressive all right we're going back to fast travel oh no what am I in a factory or sewer wherever I am it's probably not the best place for a piranha to be like I can't breathe what I can't I can't go in that water okay that's interesting so I see that red lever or wheel and I know I need to turn it but how do I get up there no my head's stuck in a cup no oh my gosh that too real I bet you cops really do do that to fish and that's very sad to think about can I just flop over there I feel like that's gonna be a a no so I can move these things around I'm wondering if I can like clog this up is that doing anything I don't think is do anything but there's another one of these pieces so I can put the other piece over here maybe is that doing anything I'm getting sucked in no it felt kind of right maybe there's more pieces there is oh it actually worked I can't believe it all right okay that was like the only thing that I could see that we could interact with so you know give it a shot and hey there you go okay I can flop my way over here is this enough water I don't think this is enough water yeah I can't reach that I need more water okay maybe there's another piece of something that I can clog yes yes now we're talking there we go there we go now we can reach this oh yeah and we get the checkpoint beautiful and then we break this and that should raise the water level even more I would assume there we go full rotation there it is more water okay it's still going up and there's another tourney thing [Music] what so I have no idea what happened there I drowned in water as a fish that doesn't seem right here we go we're raising the water yet again I don't know if it's the trash that keeps killing me but it is like super not cool all right I think that's the last one oh wait there's another pathway maybe there's another one of those levers yup okay that is most likely the last one right because now I can reach this escape hatch see whoops okay maybe not Maybe not maybe not get out of there little guy no I don't know why I thought it was safe for me to go in that tube I thought maybe it would like suck me up and just take me to the next area clearly that was not the case there was another lever on the other side I'm so dumb all I had to do was turn around just look oh there's another one there too oh wow okay I was not as close as I thought I was to finishing this section but here we go making some serious progress and we found some bread sweet I think we can go into that pipe now oh no it's blocked these are like flotation devices I need to pop them all right I am very slowly but hopefully Shirley figuring out how to solve this puzzle I think I think I got it basically you have to turn off the right Wheels in order to lower the level of the water to just the right level so that there's water in that tube but you can get through it because of those stupid flotation things so I'm trying to find the perfect combination and so far it has not worked but oh this is looking promising please stop stop stop stop stop stop stop why it's like right there okay you know what I think I think if I turn this one on this might be the dream right here tell me that I'm living the dream I'm living the dream of escaping yes that's it there's a gap right there's a gap there's not a gap I wanna die was that that was it that was it oh sweet sweet Freedom get me the heck out of here I spent way too much time in that one room and I never want to see it again and I don't think I will I don't think I ever will once I decide to play the game again or go back for like all the bread but who cares about bread I want freedom and also I want my friends okay all right that's quite the exit straight onto a freeway it's worth noting that I have not gotten a checkpoint yet so if we die we get to do that whole puzzle all over again yay hate that beautiful beautiful jump well executed sir go go I am amazing get me out of here I'm never coming back to this nightmare place holy moly that's a checkpoint what the heck okay so like for the last 20 minutes of gameplay we haven't had a checkpoint I get a checkpoint and there's literally another checkpoint probably five jumps ahead of me it's gonna take like two minutes to get there well maybe it'll take a little bit longer depending on how we handle this situation wait wait for your moment little little buddy go go get it yeah I'm getting good at this I'm getting good at narrowly escaping I'm alive I'm alive everything's fine I wasn't scared you were scared I wasn't scared no way I think if I let this car pass then go get get over there you little yeah you beautiful little piranha yes oh I think we're escaping this better be the end of this level cause man it has been rough um all right it's not quite we just have another free way to get across then we can get to the Murillo gas station it's everything I've always wanted through the tube um I have a choice to make I don't like choices I'm going left uh uh going right I guess this seems like the the right direction so this is basically a maze um and I mean actually there's a checkpoint right here so that's good and then I I think we're kind of on the right track Maybe yourself across the street you're so dead you're done there's no chance they it's over it's not over never for a second did I think it would be over super not over all right wait for your moment little buddy wait for the cars to pass do it I messed that up get back in your hidey hole all right we're gonna try this again 100 commitment wait roll faster please just get yeah hate this this is a nightmare oh I'm dead wait was that supposed to happen sorry Greg hey that's the end of the level that's a little embarrassing I ate a sandwich right before I started recording and uh there's a little bit of that like the flower dust from the the sandwich why didn't you guys tell me that's really embarrassing I can't believe you let me record for like the last 10 minutes like that all right it's fine I guess this guy's gonna put us inside of some kind of container and transport us we got three stars on that level yeah um I am now uh an organ transplant um so that's pretty cool ah what wait am I Frozen it's Frozen with a heart I mean sure I guess um can I can I get in the Sun and maybe thaw out well you know what actually I don't think I want a thaw I kind of prefer being an ice cube because I guess there's water in the inside of this ice cube this is ridiculous first checkpoint thank you it's a little slippery my ice cube is melting that's bad that's like really bad but this is gonna be awesome this is gonna be like the greatest roller coaster ever I'm gonna join the Olympic luge team bobsledding here I come all right here I am I am a frozen piranha hear me roar I am a little concerned about the long-term health of this ice cube that I am living inside of um I can't help but feel like at some point things are gonna warm up a little bit and this ice cube isn't gonna last very long don't run into the saw blade gosh that was close go to the bobsled I am free what oh my gosh you know what this is this is the Surgeon Simulator desk in case you guys didn't know it's the same developers we're Insurgent simulator now oh okay that was probably not the best life choice so uh so yeah I'm dead all right I need to find a softer way of of getting off this table and I think that nice cushy chair right there is the secret and then you get like a little yoga mat what a landing so gentle grab our checkpoint and move on oh gosh am I going into a surgery my surgery practice don't hide I I would love to actually maybe not I don't I'm not a big fan of of like surgical stuff blood and and guts and whatnot my thing although I will say Surgeon Simulator is pretty fun it just despite the fact that it's you know literally a surgery game it's it's pretty over the top I guess I'll just go this way I suppose I don't know if this is the right way to go all I know is it it is the way that I am going oh there's bread over here it's fine but like I don't really care also I don't even think I can reach it oh they gave it to me okay maybe I go into the into the room right here oh gosh I'm scared nope that door is not gonna open for me oh maybe it's a door with the green light over it that you know what that kind of makes sense I I should have noticed that I was just over here too yep all right ouch ouch ouch ouch [Applause] ha ha uh hope no one was down there someone was definitely down there sounds like we just caused a catastrophic car accident also is it just me or does it feel like every single Hospital on the face of the planet always has some kind of construction project going on you can have surgery too I don't want surgery especially from a psycho like you I've seen what you're capable of mostly because I am you when I'm playing Surgeon Simulator I'm just gonna go ahead and hide over here hopefully he doesn't notice me is he okay oh no stop stop please he does oh running around man no no no no no no no no no no don't look at me don't you dare I gotta get out of here I I don't know what to do he's he's gonna catch me no no no not me I'm nothing I'm just an ice cube minding my own business oh gosh oh gosh please come out no no no no no no no don't don't follow me [Music] I just I just want to be left alone don't don't look at me I can't believe he hasn't caught me yet he was stopping why is he walking like that practice I need to save lives dude seriously like get back to your surgery and just move on move on with your life I have no idea where to go either that's probably the most terrifying part of all of this is that I'm just kind of going and hoping does this feel like the right way to go sure sure it does check boy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no turn around turn around turn around turn around oh not cool man not cool do you think he's gonna give me new lungs I'm good with mine thanks I really wish you'd just leave me alone man just just back off let me do my thing all right I think this is the way that we went last time went through this little hidey hole right here seems right yeah yeah and then I went through here and then the checkpoint was right there but then he came along and and destroyed my beautiful ice cube and everything that I dream of coming over here huh all right that's fine why why like seriously get a life man don't interrupt my life how's that I don't like this I don't like this one bit get out of here faster faster faster faster so much faster you gotta go faster man he's right behind us we're getting some good speed though I gotta say I'm feeling good about this we escaped we made it to the lobby and he's still chasing me what a psycho man gosh this guy please come out get a new hobby man no you didn't I don't know what you're talking about crash into this stupid stupid plant go little fish buddy go go go I don't even know if this door is gonna open for me I'm just hoping dead but I did it at like the worst possible angle oh my gosh just get out of here free me from this nightmare into the vent you're making bobsled team let's go Freedom this is my air vent to Freedom right boom okay not quite freedom but look at this we've escaped the Ice Cube so that's kind of nice although in some ways I really like the Ice Cube oh good I'm I'm gonna die wait wait just get in the water man get in there ah saved I just like building the tension I think I need to flood this room but I can't can I like turn on the faucet Maybe maybe I turn on this faucet over here [Music] I'm stuck in a sink that has no water in it all right I died I'm afraid to say it maybe I gotta get under this this sink if I jump out nope that's not the answer either maybe I go back into the Ice Cube oh okay okay don't tip over oh wait I'm like sort of okay I'm not sure I did this exactly the way that it was drawn up but I am alive I I'm trying to to see if like maybe I can move these boxes out of the way no I can't move the boxes I don't think this is gonna work out I definitely need to get into these cabinets but I can't because I'm stuck in a block of ice if I could land without the block of ice being on top of my head that would be pretty cool but that doesn't seem to be an option is that blood [Music] blood right can I oh oh no no no no oh you oh no oh that is just vile oh gosh okay well I mean sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do but this was not on my to-do list today I oh gross all right here we go I gotta I gotta knock this thing over put [Music] so disgust ing there we go I can't I can't man oh okay I gotta grab this thing how oh my gosh how much blood was in that bag it's gross all right maybe this is enough yeah okay there's more disgusting all right just pull that out there we go add that to the soup that we're creating just gonna break all these bags quite the mess that I've made I need to get to the point where I can grab that door handle so uh you know we've got a ways to go I would say gross yeah I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be sick just pop in all these bags like water balloons oh there's a whole nother cabinet of course there is is that enough [Music] no it's not even close although maybe I just need a little bit more momentum and there you go you're free little guy oh no just the hallways now gosh it's so unsanitary um this thing's telling me to go this way so that's what I'm gonna do is this my freedom is this the end what's in here oh stuff to break I love it not sure what this does plaster Master what is it this is Plaster in this thing oh oh what I don't know what kind of disgusting concoction we have created but this is just disgusting I don't know what else to say man this piranha is swimming in a goop like none other is this the way or is this the that's the way because there's a big green button oh wait we gotta press the red button yeah elevator time taking an elevator that's full of weird juice weird blood juice oh so sorry about that sir oh oh this is the most disgusting tidal wave ever I'm free though I'm free man I'm never looking back into the into the sewer what why is the sewer full of this Gunk all right pop this guy open oh that was that was violent I was not expecting that but I think this might be the end of piranhas piranhas Adventure look at him he's so happy you free little buddy oh that's the ocean right there and he's done it achievement unlocked so we got the goldfish he's he's just doing you know flips and whatnot he's he's trying to get everybody's attention right so the the Goldfish the puffer fish have been reunited uh the pirata is now a part of the crew and then we just gotta get the Flying Fish to join the crew and everybody's happy I'm so happy for them
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 834,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, fish, im a fish, fish game
Id: Qp548zpWLXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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