Roblox's Oddly Satisfying Game!

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my experiment is almost complete [Music] my masterpiece it's alive it's a [Laughter] so you're new around here huh funny yeah i just got my internship yesterday do you know what you're supposed to do crush noobs aka spawn oh i don't want to buy that spawn noobs like this okay any day now noobs come on this is embarrassing lunar the evil scientist is gone follow me after you spawn them you go into this room and you take these tools this look that yes you can freeze them tase uh maybe we should check up on the other factories first so i can see what they're doing thank you lunar for showing me the ropes of how to crush noobs hello factory one oh hello do you want to see my invention i am dr draco inventor of nefarious delirious crazy areas rooms always saying what okay sure how is it hilarious it'll slap these noobs into shape now watch as they get what they deserve wait what maps repeatedly we have thick noobs my noobs are also enhanced to take more slaps so i can get more money i mean they are taking out a lot of money though oh i want that much money okay that's very evil but kind of new baby come to your eyes in a few minutes for my next nefarious invention okay i see everyone around here has chose to be very evil but where's the nice factory oh over there hello goals hey yeah wait what are you doing are you nice oh queen noob oh is that a baby noob on your chest i see yeah yeah gold i'm showing baby noob the the factory you know i could be its mother if you want to pass it over okay all of you look like you lost your marbles yeah you know what i'll go to rainbow's factory i bet rainbow is taking care of the noobs look i'm turning into a noob honey no gold you're crazy hello oh wait rainbow is that it baby noob um yes it is it is bring your noob to work day and i am dr grow so my name is dr grow because i want to teach this baby noob that no matter what don't worry you'll grow and if you don't grow that's what happens okay oh my gosh everyone is crazy all the factories are insane but my job is to become the best evil scientist therefore i'm changing the room now i'm pretty sure you don't i can't afford this you know where i'm just start from the beginning spawn point and to get some money grind i have 19 the leader in the server it looks like it's gold with 1 200 gold yes i'm gonna beat you no you won't i'm going to become the most evil scientist look i even have a freeze ray it matches me i know that's really queen noob i will be the queen of the server hello noobs wait can i get them while they're in the tunnel [Applause] extra money please hello you're gonna freeze freeze for money money booyah oh my gosh they just come alive it's kind of intimidating um i'm visiting the noob of the server the new of the server oh it's a funny rainbow oh how dare you speak bad in front of bib and noob junior what am i doing i'm trying to get money right now all right watch this rainbow i'm gonna change the room i have two hundred dollars welcome to the grinder i think this grinds yeah you better close your baby noodles guys this is gonna get wait come back no no look look watch this oh i can change the blade speed super fast and spawn i think this facility is not the kind that you bring your baby noobs to work day see that baby noob that's how we're gonna take over the world oh my gosh we can flame the noobs oh wow noob crusher is truly a dark game this process is going a little slow so i think i'm going to spend some extra robux on double the noob spawn all right double up funny what that's the trick the new noob leader cannot be impatient why not becoming the ultimate noob destroyer requires ultimate patience well i don't have patience because i have a chainsaw wait why would i pay for this this is so dumb guys do not uh go to my factory i have made an incident oh did someone make a mistake i will head there right away please what am i looking at no one look at this i'm going to show my little baby guys guys look there's them in here look look down you're not supposed to experiment on yourself uh-huh so well that happened how you don't become the new watch oh no guys what's this no no no no rainbow you understand guys all right bye nude my bones are seriously breaking go off gold help me right here i'm on the stairs is she forgetting we're evil why does no you guys i'm literally on the stairs stop looking at you the one with the wobbly legs yeah oh luna no no no come [Music] how did you do that to me you want noobs go do i even get good money from this i don't like this room i need a better room to figure out what the best room is i'm gonna check up on dracco hey hey money maker oh wait you're not rich as gold i am rich i'm just using my money don't enter the field this is the landmine field we will see if they can evade the landmines while also making them grow huge see that draco how much money big money oh this shrink ray only 3k what i don't even have 3k i need improvement yes you better get to experimenting the only way to become a better scientist is to throw a little bit of more um you know the green stuff because that's how you become better at that at learning right totally not not to coffee villains always thinking they can spend money to become more evil rainbow that's the deal okay i have to beat draco draco has a growth ray um you know what a fishing rod you see this this is an expensive rod watch [Laughter] little baby noob i have something to show you so how to be the best evil noob is to always be friends with the top player in the server oh i suck at that yes please dr funny dr fuddy oh i like this i like this treatment yes i am doctor doctor this is my blender room what do you need i am at your service oh well i need you to go collect other people's noobs and bring them to my uh smoothie machine but dr funny i don't have money to do that you don't well you need to figure out something if you're going to be evil sidekick right now dr buddy we're friends you're supposed to just give it to me get out of here get out of here i'm only here to create massive amounts of noob money okay oh this is like a money top i could just keep buying max noob two plus whoa i don't know how much i should waste though this is kind of very expensive but i am an evil scientist with an infinite uh robux hack totally rainbow why are you back oh that's coming from my room do you see this wait what's your revenge i'm still making smoothies you came at a horrible time are you trying to you're trying to murder me stupid stupid shrink ray it never works rainbow the shrimp ray only works on noobs and i am not a noob but my baby is a noob you know what here we see this one of your noobs down i'll show you what dr grow can do okay stay in the room rainbow all right dr new what is it you jerk oh my gosh i get my hands on you you are so dead we are not even dying this is boring yeah i know put some one of your noobs down here all right noobs go down there and show rainbow what our factory is made of i think i'm dying shrink shrink shrink little mini noobs i'm dead this is no longer amusing i'm gonna go look at other factories lunar what is that oh you don't know what this is i will demonstrate what it does see i spun in my noobs and then i compress them that's so messed up oh they're getting squished [Laughter] and then they are gone oh that's pretty evil and the cycle continues this is called noob fun how's it fun are you ready oh wait you save trampolines that's so cool yep that is right wow gold you're so nice i actually think you're the nicest scientist here hello movies thank you enjoy your time bouncing with gold wait how do they uh stop bouncing though they don't that's the trick funny and look i'll add more fun to it you got some boom boom blazers for music do you see that now they're dancing and they're pumping trampoline gloves you want to join they're not in there with your kid you're literally no no no get in there go jump okay well thank you it only works on uh noobs okay make sure to like and bounce on that subscribe button so you never stop bouncing [Applause] [Music] oh no it looks like we got some uh some noobs clogged up in this come here what's the point of this fishing rod isn't even that cool wait why am i getting reeled in hello this is not how fishing rod works i'm a bad scientist a cannon for 30k let's see what this is push noob here hello noobs spawn a couple please get into the cannon how do i push you hmm nope that's definitely not how you push the only way to push the new bin is to become a noob noobs follow my lead we just got to get in there and all right doesn't really work you might just get in there noob get get your butt in there come on i wanna see what does get in there get that wasn't satisfying at all i want to buy the growth ray i see dracco having lots of fun with it flamepit for ten thousand everyone getting the flame pit let's expand everyone wait how big can you expand whoa they could become gigantic wait why don't leave the torso i'll have to expand everything expand man let's see how big you can get meet my creation big noob you can't even see their head even wow oh it's lagging hey who's liking my science lab i'm sorry it's because i'm clearly the most evil spawn noob a can of noobs oh i gotta get this smells like toasty marshmallows yeah do you see this cool yeah uh okay so i kind of did something you're not gonna like this is that corn in a can funny now look get me out of there you will perish insulting get rid of her that is not me it's you as new wait wait let me get everyone everyone come look at this masterpiece draco come here um i've been uh kind of working on something hey you have a new cat i've made my own noob can wait what how did you already specifically funny cakes what the hell how dare you no mine slaps look get up jack oh create it do you see that the most coolest noob ever dracula this is not like oh dracula you have nice hair and your your jacket totally fits you jackal noob i have a question for you yes rainbow what is your question funny suck no funny is amazing and we should all give our robux to funny i funny may i see funny i i mean may i see rainbow in her baby carriage another special noob i like to keep a hold of is rainbow noob rainbow new please show yourself and let rainbow see herself as a new boy rainbow oh she's so tall why didn't you lie on your feet i like her we can make crew news i love the volume in your hair rainbow oh thank you i actually like her better oh um gold meet goldie glare wait that's nice that's not me that's golden age that's the news oh goldie glare now this is kind of do i have the speed to type in all of our names watch them get creative the alvaro noobs aconite oh they do look kind of oh look at funny look at the glasses they look amazing thank you guys you have to see this i mean is it accurate i think so it's the biggest noobs of them all the crew noobs right crew noobs since you are so gorgeous i'm not gonna destroy you i will just put you in the i have 22 g's left hmm wait you gotta treat the crew noobs right funny uh give them the luxury experience well is there any like cool items i could give crew noobs a water cannon you know what this doesn't hurt them hello time for you to all take a bath calm down we're not that stinky no time for bath everyone you good and then nothing better to rinse off crew noobs with a flail wait wait can you shrink away the crew noobs okay shrink ray turn tiny little rainbow oh it doesn't work these braids don't work on them it's cause rainbow's too tall funny oh it doesn't work on her my last bit of money is on this lightsaber hey you don't need a dynamite she just murdered all my crew it has come to my conclusion that i don't want to be a scientist anymore i want to sell the best roblox noob smoothies noob smoothies sounds so good how much i want one too they sound delicious well make sure to leave a comment down below of a fruit and maybe i'll give you a noob smoothie probably not i won't give it to you because i'm evil [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,080,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, no swearing, no cursing, roblox aquarium tycoon, roblox tycoon, aquarium tycoon, roblox aquarium, roblox sea tycoon, roblox ocean tycoon, roblox tycoon itsfunneh, roblox tycoon funneh, roblox tycoon krew, aquarium tycoon roblox, roblox tycoon aquarium
Id: _jcknoMJn1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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