Using a BLACK HOLE to destroy Roblox!

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i am holding the most powerful object in the entire universe it may look tiny but it can devour anything are you ready to see this goodbye tree i'm ready to witness it i don't think you should trust funny with such power why why not there look at that yeah it feels good knock knock who's there black hole black hole who oh you didn't finish the joke nothing there was no joke i just wanted to tap you with the black ball you see funny doesn't tell jokes here it's true oh but guys come on let's make a truce here oh let's see i'm not far away from you let me see if my black hole can eat yours i'm not going over there until mine's bigger than me no it's safe out here it's safe rainbow your little dark matter ball will never be more powerful than me because wait wait what freckles is okay he's starting to upgrade so i've devoured 15 items let's sell this let's go to the shop and buy a new black hole sparkle this is so cute look at this hello luna are you peaceful over here you're in the safe zone that's yeah i'm in the safe zone so no one eats me like last time okay i have power i don't know i don't see taco doing rainbow i don't see anything i see beyond anyone's imagination yeah i'll fight you i'll fight you right after this this quick second as soon as i figure out what i need i am not going to battle these galaxies rainbow you have to or else you'll become pluto and you don't want to become pluto now you mean what's wrong okay that's it there's no way i'm going to be this slow at making my black hole the biggest in the universe of crew planets all right drago give me a second orange yellow green where's blue okay i don't need blue whoa what is this you know what i would like to see that is the sound of funny buying something she's like oh well i can buy things too have you ever seen the star ohio yes rainbow do you want to see how strong little star is little star could just go to any car and just devour everything big star yes that's right this is so cool everything's a little moon you have no chance gold you better step back this is a dangerous zone everything is getting devoured in my sight morning you are so kind yes yes i have to go find jacko by the way he's my nemesis in this universe fight me you ready for this don't be a baby jacko okay let's go come here funny technically none of you guys are babies you have been in existence for trillions and gazillions of years rainbow draco just beat me and i'm a little salty i guess you're just because you're talking no it's not crazy that your right star is baby has to become more strong let's ruin this cute little part over here wait goodbye two black holes just ruin everything no no no they're just ruining it to become bigger and then rule the entire universe they're like everything in its path no one will defeat me i'll become so powerful oh there's treasure boxes up here there's tons of money you sound like the antagonist in a movie like someone evil yeah in a movie okay someone who wants all right infinity evil's music oh no i funny i'm the ruler of this entire world you know why because i have this little star now known as big star and my job is to destroy anyone who tries to go in my sight or disobeys me um excuse me villain no one's asking about your origin story you just shut down your evil villain plan by herself yeah okay bye gold i'll just go be over there all quiet i see get her away [Laughter] everything will be devoured is that a school oh no it's a little courtyard lunar schools are safe what no one is safe from giant stuff get away from little moon what i don't need your star get out of here lunar this is little this is i am too powerful i have filled out the star it is humongous this is amazing draco stop stop trying to hurt my little star stop i will be okay let's get some more um i don't need ice slime we're just gonna keep skipping until we run out of money there's a honey okay that's pretty cool time to upgrade our energy so i can become more powerful there's no way we're not becoming powerful without anything um hello famous famous celebrity star can i have a word with you but you can't devour me you have to promise okay where are you rainbow i am in the safe zone but i will go out so i can talk to you he only stays in the safe zone yeah i'm you are scared of me look at what luna's doing up there look at us hello rainbow moon that's a blue i have a joke for the brightest star what did the star say when it got too big get away from me no i see stars oh okay bye um okay rebel kill her for that you can't kill me if i stay in the safe zone get out of the safe zone vehicles no not my time look at the black hole that i have i mean it's a baby so i have to stay here right that's true oh no someone's struggling to do parkour i think i should help [Laughter] i wish there was more things to destroy around here you know ruining campgrounds is it's not fun anymore to me not as fun as you thought it was gonna be destroying wait wait did you miss this the whole time bunny there's a crown up here yeah it's right there [Applause] girls get away from that crowd no little gold just share that crowd with you no i let me know why thank you jacko get away draco get away oh my goodness this is pure destruction crackles parkour jackal you don't need it you don't need it it's my crown oh what happens nothing's happening how long do i have to stand here he's not the true owner go fight fight for it that's true he's not worthy you are not worthy it's you buddy the true winner is the crown clearly it's just for me no no rainbow cross the bridge carefully or my black hole will devour you okay you can only get to the crown no pressure past mine no pressure no pressure no draco what you know what there's no point he's he's literally eating up there so he knows the task that's it that's too many times draco you do not know what to destroy my black hole i will buy honey huh you know you run out of money in these games pretty easily it's uh super easy to run out and you know what that means that means i could say that your robux account right now is a black hole right black hole i'm running out ha ha ha ha ha ha so funny get into the portal guys red fire oh there's a purple one that's expensive okay so it looks like have the red fire black hole and let's buy some energy because i want to destroy more things faster i'm just gonna keep upgrading there you go dracco what the heck you're trying to outshine me draco you to see robots he's wasting yeah oh my goodness he's out there pull now no no no no cool down i have all the power oh [Music] i thought i wasted a lot of robux but i think i see dracco has went to these sections and he literally maxed out every single thing while i'm here just supporting and buying coins tracko is the short game buying two times is always better okay let's get double bricks and what does this timer do no cooldown what does that mean it means you suck everything up instantly ah this stuff is getting really open okay don't worry guys i will fight jack-o'-planet drago planet can't take over this universe my planet has already taken over you know what i say we should get as big as we can and go fight each other in the pvp arena i will fight all of you in the pvp arena you sound like you're doing something evil i'm not doing anything i'm just gonna go to the washroom just go into the water buying a legendary birthday uh don't mind me just go into the washroom why is he repeating it yeah we get it telling us what i'm just telling you just go i will go i am back from the washroom and hello i'm going back in the safety look at me i'm destroying every single fight i'm so strong whoa this was so worth it whoa whoa everything is getting devoured what this is the max okay guys i think we're ready to go to the new world okay let's do it i'm just gonna buy some electricity yeah i like that shop draco peace peace let's go to atlantis okay let's go ruin atlantis for one million coins that's unaffordable look how satisfying this is i just run past all of these and i destroy it just like a black same and i destroy you oh draco so silly i spent way too much oh hello rainbow oh hello don't mind me i'm never leaving this circle so okay you guys can stay in the circle and be boring when we become the biggest stars in all of the universe okay just one million i'll meet you in atlantis draco is anyone else meeting us yeah isn't it possible it's impossible gold not oh luna careful don't go out in the center feed me no jacko you can't feed me i have the darkest matter in my hands this tree these containers these shipping containers all gone give nearly a blink i maxed out my slot and let's sell it boom 1.5 million dollars okay let's go all the powerful beings please meet in atlantis atlantis all the weak beings stay in your safe zone okay i like this safe atlantis worth it this world is invisible i think it's broken it's not invisible oh um we're kind of underwater here i think we just devour kelp and fishes yeah kind of the same thing oh there's like mine's out bye bye now you see the lost sea of atlantis the lost city yeah it's pretty it's pretty down here draco stop trying to devour you will not beat my bald goodbye oh no i'm going to buy this because i need a planet please give me a good planet charcoal oh planets planets chuck why are you at the most expensive one because i have enough gems how do you have enough gems because i brought all the two times gem passes you spent more yup and it's ironic because it's eating up our robux wallet ah the irony time to equip all three planets we got comet venus and the sad one broken but broken is left because it's a broken little planet draco stop trying to eat me you will lose in pvp just let me finish upgrading and you will be scared good news everyone i'm going to try to find atlantis the abandoned city down here i'm pretty sure she's around the map oh wait i think i see it it's here can you say hi to the mermaids for me make sure you don't uh destroy them thank you oh yeah okay well sad news there's no mermaids but there is neptune's trident and there's no longer neptune's trident wait yup and the city of atlantis no longer exists because this green not again you got rid of it twice the green nuclear ball destroyed it it's now even more lost yeah no one's going to find it now there's a cool path that you just walk up here you need to buy ourselves draco what's happening down there what are you whoa are you taking down ships eating down all the damn so i can be powerful and have the strongest object in the whole universe you guys why can't we just be good black matter holes you know not black holes can't exist besides just enough yeah rainbow it already proves that they don't like each other we just devour just enough we don't need to over devour okay so if i go back to spawn you're not devouring things huh are you peaceful only in the safe zone so i don't destroy everything okay i think i'm ready to destroy draco i have sparks i literally have fire in my draco you could stay here in atlantis which is lost again i'm going back to earth i'm leaving i already left atlantis what the it was boring there are you in space welcome back oh i'm in earth never mind they're gone again um yeah i think you guys should totally go to space where you know long that's it's too much havoc it is where we belong let me just destroy everything so wi-fi doesn't work on earth anymore no no more water evil no more ufos and especially no more spaceships everything is now gone oh there's oars up here let me just steal this my space is full i gotta go sell it make tons of money and guess what as a black hole i am bored space nice pun funny yes pun draco i get to go to the oasis you annoying we can make fake mirages out here and strip people but really exactly let's just suck up all the water well we are evil planets rainbow we are very evil okay draco this is for killing me ha what the um something has happened everyone what draco has became power hungry crazy um well one of you guys has to right wait now my question is can black holes suck up water yes okay can this black hole get rid of this pyramid sadly not it is just a land structure we still don't know what these crowns do i think they give us money or something or just means we're the best or i'm the best to be exact as a little black hole i think i uh discovered every single thing that i need to in this game there's nothing left for me to do except fight and see if i truly am the most powerful black hole you're not uh that's what you think i have to return back why are you laughing after return back to earth you're not i am the most powerful black hole draco i don't know why you're laughing i am powerful i've arrived back to earth and it looks like the baby black holes are still in the safe zone welcome back gold why are you so scared to leave it you're a baby do you know how long it took me to grow this golden star how long the whole time when you guys were traveling multiple universities that's how long so i'm not moving okay and then dracula's just coming back here to destroy whoa how come dracula's looks cooler than yours because mine is a blue giant thing draco look look mine is the same it's a baby giant let's go fight meet me in the pvp world okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay rainbow's already here hi rainbow hello hello make way say everyone stay on that side only this side is the baby the baby holes okay i just sold my whole thing good did you just say whole thing hey hey stay back baby black holes on this side we will battle okay everyone take up up your section a wall and then we're going to fight i have nothing wait this is i don't think it's fair i think baby baby black holes go first and then the two that's true that's true that's fair okay fight i agree baby black holes fight ready luna where's luna luna's right she's green oh i thought that was draco bye you're gonna get eaten first gold for little green neon moon i'm not scared of little drop come here buddy fight me i will fight you please i'll fight you for the creation black hole yeah just you don't fight me i'm gonna win hey hey wait draco you are eating before you troll you hate it stop continue to eat you can't find it thank you girls yeah i am ready thank you i am ready to destroy you i must avenge [Music] hey look at draco whatever draco goodbye i am the strongest i hold the strongest object in all the universe with the power of robux they call me dracos wow how original oh you don't know what i'm gonna do to you bam
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,499,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox blackhole simulator, blackhole simulator, roblox blackhole, roblox op, roblox simulator, roblox simulator itsfunneh, roblox simulator funneh, roblox simulator krew
Id: l37iFJT_eE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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