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in this video sunny and I experiment with 50 new quicksands from plain old snow to magma there's tons of new quicksands that have crazy effects stick around to see them all also could we get one subscriber for every drop in this video yo bro the last time we played Roblox quicksand over 400 000 people enjoyed it so we're back on the sequel get over here Melon No stay away I'm gonna grab you first help me pick you up let me grab it stop moving I got you yes I got you please I'll do anything which one do I want to put you in do I want to put you in mud clay yo this is Nickelodeon you're getting slime let's go yo you can't slap me up too quick with it look at me go let me just grab you again then no no I'm gonna sink down on purpose chill look at me no I don't want to be in the Slime no yes love you let go of me that's okay you're just as slimy as me bro which one do I want to put you in now jello jello jello jello then I can eat myself that'd be delicious let's put you in jelly I'm gonna put you in jello real quick this is a Jello melon oh no way you got away yo wait what look at this boy back here he's literally hot tubbing he's literally hot it killed me dude you really fell over that puppet dude I thought he was enjoying that hot tub anyways guys the way this game works if you didn't see our first video is you just test out all these different versions of quicksand and throw people in it like this rookie over here pick him up wait someone picked me up no melon I've been picked up by a rookie how did you get swindled by a rookie he dropped me in this clay which actually looks like quicksand this is like the most quicksand looking place I've ever seen I'm drowning hell wait no I can't get back up I'm spammy space mark melon grabbing this boy with me bringing him down I am dead we're gonna drown this guy as well yeah me too no stop it stop it come with me melon come with me yo the classic you got regular old quicksand right here let's see how this works Ready Steady drop hey I'm sinking no that is some slow sand that is not quicksand yo stop picking me up no no no no no no no we could talk about this this one's nice and wet bruh [Music] let's go counter attack counter attack Helen drop me yo yo yo this is actually pretty quick I can't get out of it jumping doesn't work yo you're a dead mod you're a dead mod sonny can I grab you I want to drag you down here nope you couldn't grab me bro I clutched up and killed you I am dead bro my body just flopped so funny okay melon I have an idea hear me out let's try and start a grab train okay so you grabbed me after I grab somebody else okay I'm gonna grab this icy Guy come on he's moving so much did I get him so hard to grab people in this version buddy I'll grab them okay you grab he stopped moving for you what is that your alt you want a different computer no it made me like okay there's no grab trains in this game unfortunate you want to test out these different kinds of quicksands Sonny yes I'm gonna test the ice guy on the snow one where's the snow that's dense there's got to be snow oh here's snow I'm gonna drop him in his homeland oh that's so that's not snow okay uh back here maybe I got the snow I'm putting the Iceman in the snow I'm gonna tell him go home no I don't know I just wanted to pick you up I'm trying to send him home he doesn't want to go home no I think he's gonna drop me in a hole literally just a hole oh juked it you know what he won't Dodge this I'm going down with him wait you picked me why no he's gonna grab me now oh my God out of here counter attack counter attack oh I don't know what's going on you literally saved his life yeah bro this is my homie this is TJ jackson0304 bruh I'm gonna go honest oh he despawned I was gonna go on a killing spree I'm gonna jump in this dead swelling hey wait wait give me up let me out let me out but I'm trying to grab you bro oh I got you I got you here clean yourself off you think this will clean me oh my God I'm falling so quick I'm dead you're actually dead the little thing he put himself in the soap and he's dead let's go why is this soap so lethal everybody knows soap is the most deadly substance on Earth come on now yo Sonny follow me follow me we gotta do an Obby right now think about this though melon if soap can kill 99.9 of germs and bacteria it can definitely kill a melon oh but a melon is like not a bacterium true it's way worse it's a disease yo melon did you notice the zombie is sponsored by McDonald's what the heck wait is it really oh yeah it is why is there a McDonald's right there I kind of want some McDonald's now I'm gonna get myself my order of two Big Macs four Junior chickens 22 nuggets eight large fries and I'd love to get a nice ice cream but that flurry Moschino is broken buddy I don't know what I just found there's just a bunch of tubes that lead to random areas of the map yeah dude where'd you go did you go left or right at the bend I'm kind of scared I'm right here Sonny I'm going this way though yeah let's check this out yo this guy got hot feet look at him Will Smith knows about that sorry I'm gonna die I'll try and grab you no I got sucked in dude wait I can climb out why can't I jump here though how are you supposed to make this oh like that by being the ghost of course silly me I gotta do I'll be two now Sonny you're at the other end of the all B3 hard mode but you're not gonna do it legit Sonny ah okay I'll wait for you here what's going on with me I'm turning into a sand monster melon I don't like this very much Sonny where are you at I'm waiting on the other end of this hard one like you said dude it's gonna be a while till I beat this this is difficult oh it's because you're a noob dude I'll just be here dancing because I already beat it it's a ladder it is a ladder let's go bro you got this oh melon you Noob I'll show you how it's done I enter the sand become the sand man I'm dead let's go bro my neck snap that was creepy okay I'm coming to the end let's do this hobby we got this yo this man pick me up let me go I got you bro oh my God he's trying to bring me to literally just a hole grab him Sonny I'm pressing the button it's not working he's gonna kill me I'm out of here I got him I'm out of here I handled it melon I handled it dude this is oh there is actually a hole there I had to test it because he just walked on air and jumped back up and then I died an idiot I deserved it come to the heart I'll be sunny quick I gotta Juke this blue man though he's trying to kill everybody gotta go here you shoved me you shoved me no no Melon No I'm now both dead you're such an idiot sonny get better dude take turns okay we need to be polite and patient and take turns doing this jump and I need to pick this guy up speed the melon skip no I died again I shouldn't have done the melon skip no no no I deserve better than this what am I even dying in liquid mire I'm dead to the liquid mind how is this guy walking on it Giga bacon is using hacks bro wait is there some pay to win is that what he's doing let me check something out here no those are trash pets new world no I don't want that bro how the heck was he walking just turn that off real quick and see if it still works come here Iceman come here little icy boy yo melon I turned off grabbing but I could still grab other players let's freaking go I'm killing this guy no matter what boom got him that's like Donkey Kong and Super Smash Brothers when you pick somebody up and you walk off the edge wait you took yourself out with him yeah I had to do it all right I can make this jump go in first person and oh my god oh no what the heck look at these nerds dying I got this you go oh my God I had too much hops why did I jump so far you can Sprint in this game okay I can do this now I just got to use my Noggin do not grab me this guy's gonna grab me oh melting no why melon we could do this bro if we just use our Noggins and focus I got this the long jump oh no I overshot it and then I can wait melon I can save you I can save you hold on settings can be grabbed pick me up bro I'm trying it's not working I'm not even sinking either I'm just stuck here I'm kind of goaded bro Loki oh she saved me and then turn grab off yes get played no oh my God this game is so toxic oh my God bro Oh I thought I was invincible for a second cause I was walking on the sand and then I stopped walking on it and sank and died oh my God this guy this guy this dude melon you need to relax bro here I'll help this zombie I can't do it I'll give up oh I'm climbing the ladder this is the furthest I've ever been okay then jump oh my God my feet are covered in sand but I made it oh my God I'm chasing it melon what I was at was that the second ladder that I jumped off of it I was right there all right all right I figured it out you just gotta do it with speed speed is key I made it to the second ladder speed is key no no I know how to do it now you just Spam Facebook oh okay that's actually the meta don't even worry about the jumps just Sprint and jump Sprint and jump off the top of the sand and then you gotta grab that second ladder if you go under it you die just don't get squashed by the second ladder and you'll win we got this she's she's the Avi the quicksand makes you slower I'm right there I did it I did it covered in quicksand yes I'm up my legs my legs melon ready go get set make it make it yes yo you made it sunny let's go we are the goats my friend and we will keep going cause we are in Goat mode we are we are go mode well done for completing the RB course melon do you have your settings don't have your settings turned off stop it stop it stop it Sonny please no here's your reward let's go off the top turnbuckle you're so toxic what are you talking about dude I'm just trying to clean you up bro you look dirty I'm coming with you no sonny why why there was no escaping your fate and then I hit him with a floss that underwater flawed wait I just fell through the map I'm dead yo Sonny let's explore the top area of the map maybe we even do I'll be two yeah bro we didn't even do rb2 yet wait is that Obama up there the heck is that I don't know but I'm doing I'll be too right now I think that's Obama wearing a Santa hat up top so I'll be two is actually easy mode no oh I kind of slipped and ate one I'm dead melon where are you I'm at I'll be two I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming all right hurry up make the jump go oh my God I tipped my toes in the quicksand and I'm dead already cool cool cool yeah it is pretty cool to be a sunny boy because I'm the goat and I gotta figure out how to get to the oh Dodge the quick set no it's still on my feet dang it I thought I juked it so I gotta go to the side of this ladder why can't I get over oh there you go no what is this what is this oh this is a death trap melon I see you dying down there and this this guy look how toxic he is he just took me out bruh can you jump off this dude down here in the red suit and Red Top Hat I wonder if you could just jump on him I'm gonna try it ready you can just land on him shortcut okay this is good I'm too slow now though no no it's closed smelling I was too off my feet were too slow making it I guess gotta make it through this red thing without how did that fit me I think it's a troll bro you gotta jump off the red guy I think you might be right I am on the way do you know the way all right Speed Run bro I just got waxed some guy just smacked me I don't know how they got that ability yo let me climb the ladders no I'm in the same boat it's killing me oh and this guy just Mario hopped my head and killed me so they can't do that he didn't even grab me he just jumped on my head and I shot me down so toxic bro leave me alone I'm actually in Goat mode right now I have no sand on my feet at all yo let me melon come on bro I don't get this game it just won't let me climb the ladder it won't let me make the jumps yes I beat it Beat it I'm a rookie 1 000 score Blossom let's go what up melon I'm on my way I'm on my way you're on the wrong side of that you gotta go back to the other one don't worry I got it yo this guy just ran straight across the sand he's Invincible let's go made it made it okay melon jump on the red suit guy red suit and now just Sprint don't stop jump and Sprint don't give up oh you were right here bro I got too much quicksand on my feet yo Sunny what's in the tunnel on that other end anyways I don't know bro I haven't looked yet let's see take me to your people dude it's just a dead end rb2 sucks there's no reward bruh after all that work oh come back Sonny let's just troll random people let's do this yo melon I'm not a random player stop yo I got this guy called es una dude esune is my favorite player put him down please so now I'm putting you in the Box melaneruno please please melon Chen you want Oobleck no this guy is the worst oh my God yes rookie black oh black oh black oh black oh black black out as well dude I hate this guy I hate this guy holy crap he's my favorite person ooh black ooh Black come on rookie oh no he slipped stay away stay away I'm gonna do the hard parkour oh you're dead bro I'm just gonna watch you die yeah you're dead no Gap No Cap No Cap I am no cap yo this guy just hopped in liquid mire for fun he's like let me clean myself up yeah let me try that yeah what up G I got those jumps jungle mud you ain't got nothing Sonny you gotta get away this guy's gonna pick me up you're going in the hole study we're going in the hole why are you like this I can Juke I can chew going in the hole together no no did you make it out of there yeah I survived are you wait I survived I'm just falling into the void forever and you know what else would survive and you know what else can fall into the void forever the like And subscribe button if you click it right now and click the next video on screen let's get golden
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 757,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7MN4Vku1AD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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