NOOB vs HACKER: I CHEATED In an ALPHABET LORE Minecraft Build Challange! Letter A

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today in Minecraft I built the most realistic alphabet lore letter A ever oh my God bro stop cheating shush bro you're not supposed to know that yet if you guys click the Subscribe button I'll blow up his build ready three two one no melon not my beautiful bill s melon are you ready for alphabet lore letter hey yeah let's do it bro it's gonna be the ultimate build competition between Sunny the beast from the East over here and it's gonna be epic and my letter A from melons build West cause he's that doesn't even rhyme it's West because I'm the best East like a beast nah no no no no it clearly says it here on the sign which makes it true Wes cause he's worse than the goat Sunny okay are you flying right now yeah probably creative I'll be creative just kidding I'm in Survival Let's Go who's gonna win this no it's me the goat told you signs never lie bro okay you you beat me there you are a beast I'll give you credit but that doesn't mean you're the best like me whatever bro you can be the best of all time I'm the greatest of all time see you nerd time to build oh my God I almost died oh I switched into creative at the last second bro for God that's hilarious no I made it bro I'm in one piece and now I need to get some redstone blocks to make my letter a and leave you in the dust melon we'll see about that Sunny I'll see you in 20 minutes I'll give you a warning when we're at like 15 minutes and then at zero minutes okay bucko okay so it looks like maybe today I'll build my letter melon fell out of the world what a nerd okay as I was saying it looks like maybe imma build this for real this time and not use one of those really crazy epic awesome schematics but on second thought let's use the schematics list letter A for the goat paste enter oh I hope I didn't destroy the wall this could get awkward guys okay it's perfect look at this big juicy letter A oh man look at him in all of his glory and Splendor what an absolute Chad who's your favorite letter from alphabet lore I think mine is a maybe s cause I'm sunny but actually X is so cool because he's a ninja who's your favorite alright guys it's time to start constructing my letter A so just gotta build like this build up this is gonna have to be massive so I'm gonna be doing this for quite a while that that looks good what am I doing I'ma just keep doing it until it makes sense and now I've gotta decide my first trap to troll melon in this build let's go over here to this foot and we're gonna make two secret entrances one one right here oh this is not going too well guys I'm not gonna lie hold on hold on all right just build it across oh my God this is not going well guys this is not going well okay so for the first secret entrance I'm gonna set something up that he's tried before but it's gonna be way more nefarious I'm going to set up a nice item frame and a trident and from there I'm gonna take some golden Sunny blocks and some water some fake water some lava and some fake lava ooh ooh I'm gonna need Riptide too and an anvil perfect get this tried and sorted out and it's called the melon Fort build it all the way down dang this this letter is looking goaded for real for real and we'll put it right here then we're gonna start to build all the little water pools and this first one I'm gonna go easy on him it's gonna be regular old water nothing to worry about here and then I've gotta put some secret doors in like this and close them up perfect so that's the first weigh-in and I'm gonna make a ton of these Trident jumps don't you worry now that I have one secret entrance it's time to make number two just gotta open this up a little bit put in the secret doors oh yeah and this is where things are gonna get really evil I'm gonna put a bunch of gold in this corner some diamonds right here oh my gosh it's gonna look like such a crazy treasure room and then of course a bunch of melons he's Gotta See melons that's the most valuable item in Minecraft to him perfect and I know what you're thinking am I gonna cover these in turrets or something no not this time I'm gonna do something way worse I'm gonna take barrier blocks and make it so if melon wants this reward he'll have to complete my attack fire challenge but little will he know that this is all barriers I just need to go like 15 and then a depth of one is pretty good and now there's no way for him to get into the melon reward room sometimes my inner villain even amazes me and then I'll put one melon here just one um guys this letter a is not coming along the way I thought it would okay it's time to get back to building these water pools we gotta have one up here and this one's gonna be some fake lava really make him think it's all gonna be safe and sound then we'll put another one right here if I type in this one little Command right here and bada bing bada boom yo check it out I have my very own custom made letter A morph and he's even taken a b but oh look at that and this is gonna be some fake water which is actually love when he lands in this he's gonna start taking a bunch of damage and I'll put more over here this one's gonna be some nice real love two in a row that are deadly and then another one here that's actually safe and peaceful just some normal water now it's time to build some defenses around my base so first things first you know we gotta build a lava mode let's go then I'm gonna take a ladder and install it here like that and just in case he needs the help I'll put a couple more you never know and then I'm gonna put some ladders in like this for him to climb up and out of the Trident parkour and then here there's gonna be a giant Diamond wall oh melon there's only 15 minutes left bro how's your build looking bro I haven't even started the inside yet I gotta hurry up okay okay you're such a slacker bro chill little chill I bet you you're not that far into it just place a few buckets down come on come on Phillip oh whatever whatever and now my lava mode is complete let's actually make this a little bit thicker let's make this a little bit thicker because I think Sunny can probably make this jump now it's time to fill my build with a bunch of ghost blocks let's go yo Sunny is so done and that's perfect we've got our Diamond wall and I put a little cauldron here and check this out there's some water in it and if melon completes this parkour and climbs up the ladders when he gets here there's gonna be no way for him to climb up this wall unless he goes back for this chest and he gets the bucket he's gonna need to collect this bucket then I want him to use water climbing to get all the way up this huge Diamond wall and then when he makes it to the top I've gotta work on a cool build here now when Sonny tries to get across he's gonna jump into a bunch ghost blocks and die a terrible death I'm gonna split it down the middle and one half is gonna be gold and the other side is gonna be melons one more thing I want to add let me just add a bunch of cage traps on the edge so in case he tries anything cheeky perfect we've expanded them all the way up then I'm gonna put a little door right here and you know It's gotta be a secret door come on oh no we want a secret melon door there we go now it Blends into the wall perfectly and on the other side I'm gonna make a nice Diamond platform you'll see why in just a second set the final traps and now if Sonny jumps on one of these come on work he gets stuck in a cage oh it's gonna be so funny oh melon there's only 15 minutes left bro how's your build looking bro I haven't even started the inside yet I gotta hurry up okay okay you're such a slacker bro chill chill I bet you you're not that far into it I'm gonna build a little tiny melon house but instead of a normal door I'm gonna put a reinforced door and a key card reader which means the only way to get through this is to take a key card and put it in the store let me first link it perfect and now it works now I've just gotta find this door get myself out of here which was the door dang it perfect now to put this key card scanner somewhere really far I'm gonna set up some weird stairs and then make a couple of ghost blocks now I've gotta finish up some building here because I'm gonna make this section into some Parkour just a couple more gold blocks and then this room is ready for trapping so now to make the jumps let's put put one here another one like this a couple more there I'm gonna make this really hard for him and you know what let's make one of these into a ghost block perfect I'll put some ladders on them guys the best part about this lava mode is that every single Block's a ghost block so Sunny actually can't get across the only way for him to get across is if he sees my water bucket right over here just place it right here and the water bucket Sonny's gonna be so confused no way he's gonna see that water bucket now let me show you the entrance to my base you go up this little pee hole and then now that Sony's entered the letter A it's time to create my trap rooms as you can see I have this big open space to create an epic parkour for my first trap so it's time to clear the floor and with a little bit of commands bada bing bada boom there's no more floor just void all that's left to do is put down this chest and a key card now I'm also gonna give melon some diamond armor and he won't know why until it's too late and I'll be super nice to give him a netherrite ax and one gold Apple now we're gonna make a little snake game for sunny so he's gonna have to go along here do a little bit of snaking and being very careful well I'm gonna have a bunch of snowballs to throw at and troll him and now it's time to flood this room and this is all real no fake lava in here all the real deal this parkour is gonna be deadly that's beautiful so once melon completes the parkour and gets the key card he'll be able to come back this way open the Secret Door attach it in there bust down this door and I'm gonna go through this way so I don't ruin my trap and then there's gonna be a whole after he gets about here he's gonna have to make some big old jumps yo melon another time check for you dude guess how much is left uh 14 minutes oh my God I'm the goat bruh chill chill then build these ladders up and here should be good bust open this wall and check this out I already made this epic lava room to troll sunny but of course there's a catch some of these blocks are actually ghost blocks it's gonna be so funny when he starts walking and then pulls oh he's dead it's gonna be so good and here's where melon's gonna unlock himself some Diamond Water parkour man these blocks look so good except it's full of fake water so he's gonna drop down he's gonna be like oh my God I gotta live and he's gonna start taking damage oh it's gonna be a classic now I've just gotta put a couple of these on the way down oh this is good this is very good then I'm gonna take some golden blocks and some ladders and make it look like this is where he's supposed supposed to go now I am a genius idea for this room first things first I'm gonna surround every single wall in a painting let's go this is gonna take a while and then let's fill these up this one's gonna be fake lava this one's gonna be some real lava this one's gonna be well you know what more fake water why not destroyed and here's the best part guys here's the best part even if melon makes it here right and he's like yes I'm doing it I'm doing it it's gonna fall on the barrier blocks and die he's so finished okay okay one of the things I forgot to mention is when he comes to do the key card scan I'm gonna spawn some of these big guys oh yeah the mutant hogland they work out dog look at those muscles this guy's gonna destroy melon yeah I feel like I'm pretty much done with my build there's like five minutes left I guess I can make it look a bit prettier okay guys I added a few finishing touches I put this slime bounce pad here at the very end so it'll look like he can stick the landing and then Wham into barriers and then also check this out check this out right here says congrats you win so at the very start he's gonna walk through this doorway and see the victory sign and uh the truth is there's no winning today my Build Challenge has no way to win it's impossible literally impossible okay it's not perfect but I covered most of the walls in paintings I'll make this perfect later but for now it's time to to do the actual trap so we go here and start clearing this layer out unless maybe I'll leave a couple of patches that he can sneak through yeah I'll be nice if he's somehow magically hits one of these holes he deserves to win yeah I like that I like that put a couple more there's no chance he hits this like literally no chance and now that that's clear we'll make this all glass yo guys spam the comments with the percentage chance you think of melon Landing in one of these holes I'm gonna say it's about 0.0069 yeah no cap there's no way he hits this wait wait I forgot to do something important grab some fake lava and below the glass is gonna be a ton of fake lava so I gotta clear all this stuff out and make it fake lava give me a second and I know my builds today if anyone's still listening we're not the most uh Exquisite but now that this is all fake lava it's time to cover it up in glass and we're just about done and the final thing to do is make one of these glass panes into a secret trapdoor bada bing bada boom so then Sunny can go down and enter the Next Room bruh are you almost done melon yo what do you mean dude I'm oh I still got another room to do well I'm giving you your warning you have three three five nine minutes left yo okay I gotta go quick that's only Pi number amount of minutes I know which goes on forever and ever and ever and ever but not today melon today it's limited you're almost out of time hurry up yo chill chill yo what this is sus bro I don't know what letter a is doing there but that looks so yo all right good luck have fun so now when Sunny drops down he's gonna find this tunnel that leads us to the next room just gotta dig it out real quick now when Sonny emerges from the tunnel he enters the last phase so for this final trap I'm gonna build just a little pillar in the middle you'll see what I have planned it's actually genius so on one side I'm gonna put a oh my God chill okay it's good it's good I'm gonna put a ton of water oh wait wait it's leaking it's leaking it's leaking I forgot to do this there we go a bunch of water and on the other side I'm gonna put a bunch of fake you thought I was gonna put fake lava no I'm gonna put a bunch of real lava oh this is so genius so Sonny's probably gonna jump in the fake water first yo wait I put actual water oh I'm such an idiot hold on hold on hold on let me just fix my boo-boo real quick there we go so as I was saying saying Sonny's first gonna jump into this water thinking it's real oh no he's gonna get hurt he's gonna die so then Sonny's gonna jump into this thinking it's fake lava but nope it's actual lava okay okay I'm gonna die chill chill the real way to get up is he's gonna have to go straight down the middle because there's a secret ladder right here and then he can climb all the way up and get his Ultimate Prize he's literally gonna get a piece of poop oh my God that's amazing bro melon you're out of time this has taken way too long the clock is finished two seconds left one two that melon is ready let's go I'm done I'm done chill out I'm teleporting to you all right all right all right I'm at the top of the wall don't look at my bill bro don't look at my build as long as you don't look in mine well you're going first aren't you wait I'm going first yeah I think so oh wait no you could do mine first today if you want wait wait wait no you do my build you do my build I want to show it off melon can I look yet yeah bro take a peep and my beautiful creation let's go yo what did you do I knew there was something sus about this bro why is the letter A peeing everywhere it's not sus dude it's just it's it's just natural you know I'm just letting it flow I guess everybody has to pee so it's normal um just never thought I'd see it in Minecraft but thank you for that you're very welcome now good luck trying to get across the lava mode all right Sonny hop in survival mode you got 10 minutes to complete my Build Challenge so you're saying I can't use this mutant hogland spawn egg on you no don't put that okay I'll throw it in the fire I threw it in the fire burn it burn it why do I get the feeling I know what this is uh what do you mean stop chill chill it's all ghost blocks yeah oh I'm alive yo I can sit in the center of it thanks a lot bruh you're not supposed to do that don't do that anymore okay you know what actually sunny I changed my mind you go for that you go for that land it and now chill wait it's burning me this time what the heck bro you just gotta land it perfectly this one oh my gosh melon I really don't want to do this all over do I really have to test every single one of these poop blocks here here I'm gonna give you an easy way out take these dirt bucks Sonny I'm literally building you a path no I don't want your path I see something way over here what is this what is this uh what is what no you're supposed to die a few more times no no no there's something on this wall I see it what is it I want it I need it no yeah that's right this is my water bucket and now I'm gonna pee all over your lava mode yo chill chill he didn't do anything for you the letter A was an inspiration what where'd my water go sonny are you that dumb melon my water's gone bro oh my God don't use it on dude put it put it what are you doing my water's gone again my water is gone again I'm doing it for you I'm doing it for you there you go there you go buddy there you go I wanted you to give me two water buckets and then I was gonna make an infinite water source bro you're such a troll just get across in one piece yo get wrecked bro yo yo yeah he didn't work it didn't work can you just stand on that please no I'm holding shift it won't work let's go thank God let me just give you something to get out of there no no no let me break out let me break up I'm breaking out of prison bro I'm breaking out of prison why why are you like this oh get wrecked oh wait I just made the prison stronger you just made your prison even worse dude oh my gosh I can't even break these dude they don't break ow what sorry I might have caused a little bit too much of the Mayhem this is good this is good you're distracted by your own destruction wait what are you doing over there ow ow what the heck is that okay okay I'm done trolling I'm done trolling what did you just throw at me nothing I didn't throw anything at you you did bro I don't know what it was but it was dangerous what is that you just did something no I just threw away my inventory okay I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here make the jump yes now I'm swimming up the pee let's go get me into the letter A come on I gotta start yeah this is the only way bro through the pee hole oh my gosh thank you for that now I make it in and I'm going up cause I'm golden I'm the goat go yo what the heck melon what kind of sorcery is this how is this the void now uh uh don't question it I could do this you just gotta make it across Sonny that's all you got oh no nice nice one buddy I thought you were gonna punch me no why would I punch you some Sunny I'll make a vow I will not punch you or hit you with any sword or ax or whatever else okay nothing you won't even touch me you won't interfere at all you promise there will be no physical contact whatsoever yo that's a snowball that counts wait why doesn't that work it left your hand and tried to enter my face and it didn't work that's what you get and then because he's a goat he makes the jump yo no more water bucket no more water bucket I'm just so going it no wait melon please just one time just says no just this one time no you know what Sonny I'm punishing you for that now I'm making some holes in this you can't use a water bucket that's banned you're telling me that my death wasn't punishment enough melon yo sorry sorry sorry you just made contact no that wasn't contact technically what do you mean you shot a bow at my face I don't know what you're talking about okay now he makes the jump I took the water back I want you what are you doing with that Anvil melon melon melon I didn't do anything wrong oh I just had to do it I had to do it sunny this time for sure melon stop at least do a 360 first 360 360. yo you actually hit me what let's go that was actually sick okay I'm done trolling I'm patrolling you're the worst friend ever I'm not your friend Sonny I don't like you true you're my brother I forgot about that yeah 360. no more 360s bro literally bannable 360. if I get 360 and I'm kicking you from the server no scope okay I missed there is no scopes on a bow dude you are dumb hey Sunny say that one more time you are very smart very juicy big brain melon thanks for leading the charge I got you don't worry don't worry are you doing it again no you're not okay good now be careful one of these blogs might not be like the others let me test it no that one's real no that one's also what do you mean these are all real I'm just getting in your head rent free Sunny that's all I'm doing right I'm testing these star release oh goat mode now I just need to make it across the stupid ladder parkour this is scary melon stay away stay away good and I know just the way to do this yo yo enough of the water bucket that's what you get for using the bow and arrow on me no no no climb climb oh he's coded he's goaded he's goaded you better hurry up you better hurry up all right Sonny Sonny throw that water bucket out or you're not gonna enjoy the rest of the zombie okay I'm throwing I'm throwing the water but wait I realized I Enchanted this bow with knockback and not punch hold on hold on dude you are dumb oh give me a second give me a second now's my chance I'm making a getaway let's go please no ghosts why get that now Sonny good luck doing this because now I go I want to test out this punch too bro no you don't have to tell oh you you boys got them I got them hacks bro I got them hacks dog yeah no what oh you got them hacks though for real why did it work once or twice but not ten times come on dude you're dropping Advils on my head it's enough concerned that I have to dodge the ghost blocks yo thanks for showing me that how can I not hit you thanks for showing me that Hey ow no I showed you another one oh off the top yes no what there was two let's go oh that was a close call actually don't know where the ghost blocks are this is so risky I'm just going for it those blocks dude why are there so many no what right after the hand pillar are you kidding I must shift to win I can beat your stupid trap if I do it carefully very carefully you got this Sonny I believe you can achieve thank you and then very carefully remove the ghost blog that's real okay and then jump jump how many wait you died at the ghost you didn't pass the ghost box that's it I'm YOLO jumping YOLO YOLO that's a lot of ghost block yeah bro what did you put on some goggles of x-ray vision no why would I do that dude this is the most annoying pointless trap ever it's not even hard I'm just impatient I'm beating it this time though cause I'm gonna break every ghost block here we go dude you removed the anvils those are my warning signals yo chill how many ghost blocks were here yo that's a lot of ghost block what the heck yo yo yo yo yo yo chill why can't I get it in your lane stay away from me yo ow hey hey chill bro you're making it so hard to break oh that's real yo how did you dodge those because I'm goaded oh that's fake melon you're ruining everything let me break these that's real ow thanks for the Boost ow hey thanks for the Boost YOLO no you kidding sunny sunny oh my God I'm literally gonna break the ghost blocks for you this is just embarrassing climb the anvils follow the Anvil Sonny I destroyed most of the ghost blocks already as if you're doing and no why oh that's too good that's not too good that's too troll melon you're gonna pay the price when you come to my build you're gonna regret this okay I'll stop I'll stop I don't believe you that's the problem just follow the anvils Sunny the anvils will bring you home yeah okay I trust you yes I'm home oh my God what is home what is home what is home why is there so much artwork I have never seen this many Minecraft paintings in one room it's actually beautiful yeah dude make sure you check every single photo frame for the secret entrance yeah you got it bro wait wait why does this look different oh that's why uh easy no you weren't supposed to see that what is wrong with you after you tortured me with those anvils and ghost blocks I deserved a quick win but now I don't know what I'm doing uh can't see anything melon you gotta look for the secret exit oh I found the secret exit there hey you can't crush me you cannot smoosh I made it fair and square yo what is this this is the final challenge Sunny beat it if you can bruh fake water and fake lava I wonder which one oh wait maybe this is reverse psychology you want me think this is fake water and fake lava but really it's real water out out it's fake it's fake maybe I could still swim it swim swim I'm so close so close you were so oh wait those should not be there let's get rid of those yo what are you doing and then this is weird because I'm not getting that fire resistance from this lava right now melon um no don't worry about it don't worry about it either jump in or stay right there I don't think I want to do either of those things I'm gonna use this ghost block to my advantage I wish I had two of them though I can eliminate the lava slowly ow ow I couldn't I messed it up I'm dead you know what I think I know what to do no just gotta swim up really fast swim no that's not how it's supposed to be done no no redo it redo it redo it redo it redo it bro I'm too smart I'm too smart I'm too good ow ow ow ow bro I beat your puzzle why are you salty no you're not supposed to beat it like that oh I'm supposed to swim the lava out out wait wait what am I on hold up hold up bro yo congratulations oh nice one dude thanks for congratulating me on my win and by that I mean my death jeez okay so this yo you put a secret ghost block here and there's ghost ladders that let out oh it didn't work nice one nice try bro nice try I made it I made it let me get my reward you get you gave me poop poo [Music] let's go oh my God that's so good you're welcome Sonny this is what I think of your poo poo I put it in lava you go in lava well at least I died with the poop you didn't like my present Sonny I thought it was pretty thoughtful and nice yeah dude really thoughtful really nice first you make me climb up letter A's p and then you gave me poop as a reward yeah pretty much you want do you want another reward no the reward I want is you trying my build chat no that's a bad idea melon that's 500 times should we try the goodbye TNT uh maybe after my build not right now are you sure yeah it's gonna kill the whole world are you sure Nella don't do it don't do it oh my God oh my God oh my God boy oh my God my build is destroyed the whole world is dead no it's not that bad it's not that bad it's only times 500. it's pretty bad Melody that's 500 TNT one TNT that is a lot of pressure pressure that is an atomic bomb Oh my god dude my build got completely incinerated there's nothing left melon that was not very smart bruh some anvils survived yeah great but where's my poop where's my poop you destroyed it that's all you had Sonny melon it's your turn to attempt my Build Challenge now what you need to do is find the way out of here and I'll give you a hint it's tough to say goodbye to those melons no no no no no no no no no no chill chill I'll figure something out you ready Sonny yeah what are you gonna do that's not gonna work this time no there's only one way bro there's only one way are you gonna do it or do I have to wait wait Sonny just give me a second give me a second let me just pray to the Minecraft Lord Notch I'm out of here wait what dude I'll destroy them myself then no not Notch just bless me any let me teleport it out no Notch is not a part of this game anymore so now your melons are gone Sonny what are you doing your melons are destroyed stop why I'll put them back later don't worry you better put them back now melon welcome to my letter a build what do you think I think it's pretty good I'm just gonna speed on it real quick if that's okay uh sure if you think that's the correct way to go through you're welcome to do it there's uh there's options I know it is oh give me that trident thank you and then I'll be out of here in two dang it I thought you were in survival mode nice try bro nice try it's my turn to torture you yo why is that lava in there why are there lava ones you'll figure it out bro you could do it okay what's in the chest yo yo ow ow dang it you weren't supposed to find that bucket yet wait I just speedrunned you did you sonny yeah but you just made anyways you made a mistake oh this is fake lava oh you really tried son you tried hard heal yourself up feel good feel good let me just throw these away so I don't accidentally destroy the entire world oh my God if you would please those on the Redstone Block that would have been a disaster oh my God I forgot this whole thing is redstone yeah that would have been bad all right Sonny what am I supposed to do here do I grab this fake water or do I grab this real water wow I mean you did just put a bunch of fake water on yourself and also melon I have a gift for you here is it gift or gift oh my God it's a gif hurry up and get out of here oh well too slow thanks honey thanks now I gotta restart the whole thing well that's a shame isn't it it's okay I'm a speedrunner so it don't matter it don't matter Sonny you know what the best part about this whole thing is you're doing all of this for nothing how do you know because there's another entrance and I built this wait what there's another engine sold on water bucket clutch on the go yeah you are I was checking this entrance out over here I'm gonna go and Inspector Gadget it just to make sure no oh my God Sunny stop fine I'll remove it I feel like this is a troll wait congrats you win no this is a troll no I just wanted to waste your time you only have eight minutes to beat my build okay I gotta get out of here screw you in your troll room nah bruh it was awesome and you know it here I have another troll oh my God stop stop with the turrets please please Sonny please I'm begging what you don't like these guys I thought these guys were friendly okay let him go down and then jump you can time it bro you can time it I might have a heart well you're not making it on half a heart that much I could promise I can do this I can do this dodge you got this bro you're a professional bro you're a professional oh my God oh my God persevere and smelling you can do it oh my God I made it through I made it through set my spawn point okay we're good we don't have to deal with that anymore you actually beat that I'm impressed with you thanks brother no no you're welcome brother nice one brother brother let me just skip all this nice one yo what okay that's fair you already beat it once oh no no no no no stop enough with this thing okay I'll remove them and by that I mean I'll give him the higher ground no sorry stop okay okay chill and then I died to my fake water nice job dude nice job it's okay I can just skip everything and I can speed or not true you can do the melon skip I forgot oh hit my head I bonked it I bonked my head right there that's for sure I'm gonna need to go and swim back up and grab my water dang it I thought for sure you would have fallen for my troll what did you troll the troll I did something but I'm gonna let you get away with it this time let's go She's Gotta climb up climb up I can do this melon boy you can do this melon boy no why are you like this sunny who hurt you who hurt you you did you hurt me Sonny you keep acting a fool I'm gonna have to act up hey what the heck are you gonna do bro that's an empty threat uh it's a full threat I prom you well I'm gonna just congratulate you on passing the stage it was actually pretty challenging oh my God I thought there was a barrier block up here you just beat level one welcome to level two sunny and melon golden Malone let's go this is actually cool yeah going for the gold side that's smart well I just saw the stairs so I was like okay I'm gonna go up the stairs bruh you are dumb all right is these doors oh there we go that looks awfully suspicious I'm still gonna go in there anyways no you're not wait how do I go in bro it's a key scanner you need to find the key card bro is the key really on the other side yeah I'll give you a clue you gotta go do the sunny build oh Sunny can you go to survival really quick just for a second yeah just for a second okay uh one Mississippi One Mississippi and come back out come back come out come out here yeah okay hello here yeah uh one second and I'm back one second and I'm back you're such a troll you're such a troll you're supposed to go for like five seconds no I saw what you did bruh I ain't falling for that whatever whatever dude I'm finding this scanner key card if it's the last thing I do let's go let's go speed run Speed Run okay guys well melon is speed running that parkour I'm gonna get my Mutant hogland spawn egg ready let's go yo full diamond armor and a level one key card this is actually sick dude you destroyed my hobby that fast uh yeah I'm pretty quick with it sunny all right well not quick enough apparently uh wait no no I'm dead I'm lit I'm I'm dead you're you're dead you're pretty yeah you're pretty dead bruh I'm all the way back at the start of this are you kidding me or I guess I should say the end of This I Gotta this parkour you got this bro are you kidding me dude you ain't the goat I can survive what you destroyed my trap how could you do this let's go I don't know I I just could do it I guess well you can't make the jump so there's that here I'll give you a helping hand I'll give you a helping hand you're kidding me the last shot I can't believe you died in one hit to this bro I had half a heart stop stop with that Sunny there's no more blocks here I'm gonna have to cheat now that's fine use the water bucket that's why you have it make this jump what is wrong with that job I don't know what's wrong with you bro I'm literally running straight into it and nothing happens here we go just hold shift when you touch the ladder are you you're such a troll son yo you Salty Dog yo these stupid ghost blocks oh this makes me so happy Revenge bro Sweet Sweet Revenge stop being troll Sonny you don't like troll well I am troll troll time to do this next stage scan this key card let's go yo what was that sound oh my God no way you survived my hogland nope you died I did not survive good luck bro I can speed run I can Speed Run get him get him kill the melon let's go let's go then we jump down we parkour down we're like the goats the goats of this game I am to go oh that's fake water whatever this is gonna be fake lava oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die you got this melon you got this fake lava nope that was real that one was real shoot the hogland you ain't got nothing on me jump into this water into this water you're living large melon you're doing it nice one nice one [Music] [Laughter] stick that Landing no I got this i got this one you wouldn't understand you're right I wouldn't where am I supposed to go from here you don't see the huge ladder oh oh you're right see I got you covered yo soon are you kidding why are there barrier blocks there it's gonna land on slime blocks cause you gotta make it to the ladder first obviously that's even before anyway maybe it's not I can do this this hogland he needs to leave me alone Sunny this is impossible I have to kill this hogman too he's so annoying you want some help with the hoglin ow maybe I don't want to help you actually this hoglet's pretty angry I was about to go and delete him but I kind of want to stay away you know what Sunny you want to play these games I'll play these games wait you're gonna cheese it and go down the side I'll go down my way oh my God I'm very low I'm gonna just do a little bit of this yeah that's really smart it's really quite smart and then we're gonna go down and jump on the slime blocks dang it nice jump dude nice jump yo yo Sonny what is wrong with you what is wrong with you it's just one friendly hogling look he doesn't even want to hurt you why is this whole thing barrier blocks why are you standing on it you're not supposed to be standing on it kill him kill him quick is this the whole point I can never get these yeah uh technically there's a way but if you can't find it that's cool bro what the heck am I supposed to do literally man literally so so easy bro you just look for the hole in the barrier and you go down and you win the game okay well I got to kill this hogling because he's so annoying melon let's make a deal I'll kill all the hoglands if you do this legit okay okay kill the hogland please please Sonny okay difficulty peaceful they're all gone bro they're all gone now you just have to find the Gap oh wait I was not paying attention I'm dead bruh nice melon you see the Slime bounce pad yeah I see it bro you have a one in nine chance to survive I deleted one of the barriers yo wait I can do this I can do this I am the goat no way let's go wait don't move oh my God I can't believe I did that from the top turnbuckle congratulations you win let's go too bad this is your prize I am so done with you here's your reward say goodbye no what the no dude what it is just brought back the boy bands never gonna say goodbye it's Rick Roll no say goodbye Rick Ashley just dumped on you bro I can't believe that just happened what the heck I was not expecting that me neither I thought this was gonna be the destroyer of worlds instead it's a destroyer of souls I can escape oh my God wait can I even get away from it I don't think so bro this is the best TNT I've ever seen I am so happy yo I actually survived bro the extra bass drop is so good oh yo chill enough with that TNT make sure you guys like And subscribe and click on the next build battle before we have to oh no sonny what have you done
Channel: Sunny
Views: 1,203,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qmqS5MK4jBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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