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oh no no no no come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no no no no no no no no [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to roblox piggy we've had another update over the weekend with tom behind don i'm sorry guys and that's two weeks in a row and i'll show you in a second it's going to be three updates three weeks in a row or one update you know what i mean but before we get to it guys uh please do like the video if you want to see more piggy on my channel now on the last piggy video you guys absolutely smash the like goal 30 000 likes i would love it if you would do it again and if we can get the 30 000 likes before the chapter 3 update comes out this weekend i will do a premiere like either right when it comes out or or like if it comes out on saturday i'll do the premiere on sunday if it comes out on sunday i'll do the premiere on sunday and i just smack my mic i'm sorry also if you enjoy my piggy videos please do consider subscribing and supporting my channel because according to youtube over 75 percent of you still aren't subscribed so i really appreciate it and if you're ever buying robux premium start code noodles let's do the song noodles thanks again to fgtv for sending me that and now as i said uh we well well first oh the reason well it's in the title but anyway there is a new quest for a new skin and i'm loving these free skins that he's giving out like you don't even need piggy points anymore like we're getting more free skins than we are paid for skins we'll look at that in a minute but well actually it's right here on minitunes twitter it says unfortunately we need to push chapter three to next weekend which you know this was a few days ago so that's this coming weekend really want this chapter to be a good one as it's really important yeah this is he got kidnapped and it says i need more time we're going to hope you're going to understand with that being said i'll add another halloween quest item this weekend for all of you to come compensate for the delay with a lot more secrets and then and yeah i voted for a skin because i don't know because like i i change skins a lot more than i change traps like once i have a good trap like i stick with it like for i use slow traps forever i kind of like the tombstone one but we'll see so uh there's another thing here that that he posted about when he put this out and it says the new secret sin is out of the game we know uh in other news almost every character in piggy will be changed or modified in the following weeks just so that we are able to solidify its trademark like i know that he's trying to copyright and trademark piggy and everything but i'm really nervous about how these are gonna change i'm gonna have to change every single thumbnail that i have i don't i don't know i mean because like it won't look like pig anymore maybe it'll be like maybe it'll be like pee-wee just change it to to match the pew simulator all right let's check the shop i don't think it's actually going to be there it's under extra right yeah it won't be here because i haven't unlocked it because it's a secret but it's an open secret and everybody knows the secret but um but i i mean as you can tell here like we bought two these two you could buy with piggy points and then mr stitchy obviously was free and then we're going to have should i spoil it it's going to be in the title it's going to be in the thumbnail we've got owly here so that's that's two free two for sale and obviously poli you can't get any more but that was a free one uh at the time but guys uh do get this as soon as you can follow well it's not really gonna be i mean yeah it's kind of a guide you just follow what i do in the video and you will be able to get it as well uh it is in book two chapter two so let's get into that now guys uh do get this as quickly as you can i don't know when it's gonna go away but it will be shortly after halloween because these are all the halloween-based skins um it is in book two chapter two um so you're definitely not gonna wanna play this map but if you don't already know like i i think i've you've probably already watched my video on how uh oh geez how to get the other st the secret skins and traps but yeah the this uh holy cow okay yeah but you can get one in this as well look at my previous piggy video uh on on collecting the bones and stuff and and you can unlock that one oh come on somebody took the key no wait oh no no no where is it no i left it in there you guys i just want my bigger points huh who took my bigger points all right we got it she grabbed it i think all we need is the key so as uh the problem is i feel like nope we got it hey you weren't camping very well were you bye yeah i got my big hey i thought i wasn't going to get my picking points all right here we go oh look oh he had the pony he has a pony head um yeah so chapter one it's still even if you know what to do there's just so many things you have to do in succession um and also people like grab stuff and know what to do with it but it really is i wonder what the like the speed run record is because it's a long map even if you know exactly what to do oh i was nervous because the first vote was for allies and i'm like no no no no no please please please all right so guys no no no no no no no no player player player player fantastic oh wait no well this may not happen this may not happen we got pony um we could try uh but yeah it is on chapter two now you don't again you don't have to beat it it's just like the other ones you don't have to beat it you do have to unlock it there is like uh well you need you need the scissors you need some zizzy food so you need to save that and um and then you need to find a book so we're gonna try and do this as quickly as possible here uh where's the key where's the key where's the blue key oh there it is it's over here all right i got it i got it i got it wait oh geez i was gonna say what let's go guys let's go let's go let's go we gotta go fast gotta go fast all right there we go come on what i didn't oh let's go ahead and grab it what what's up dude a little laggy here man all right we got uh we got okay do i should i do yeah i'm gonna unlock the door somebody else could somebody grab that carrot please thank you get this one open uh red key i'm gonna go pop that okay this one you know like i mean oh baby are you kidding me yeah well actually that's what i asked her to do so yeah we're good we're good uh yeah i'm impressed they're doing what they're supposed to be doing we just need the scissors now oh well actually we need the ladder first and then we need the scissors let's do that okay oh they know what they doing there it is okay she got that did she grab it oh she grabbed it okay great she grabbed the yellow key uh yeah and we're gonna go out here and we're gonna grab well actually isn't that safe here should be here yeah yeah yeah safe safe come on where is she where is she hey this infection but we can't play around come on now where are you where are you where are you where are you yo oh can i have those wait i need wait you got some scissors i need well we need we need the ladder oh jesus ellie go go go go go go where'd she go man i forgot who had it oh there she she did it what'd you i don't know what did she what do you got what do you got you did it i heard it whoa that's a little laggy did you do you no the la oh yeah she does she does okay wait can i have those okay come on yeah so all right here here come bring it up bring it up bring up so what you got to do wait she didn't do it hey i need no scissors what'd you do hey get back here where'd you go scissor girl oh wait i heard her clipping wait she's clipping the bushes isn't she i mean that's what she's supposed to do i mean you are supposed to do it there yeah she's got them she's got them i need that i need those i need those excuse me can i have the scissors please can i have those scissors please okay can you can you swap them yeah swap them with that key grab that key yeah yeah give me that all right all right i got it okay all right so here's what you got to do now these are not just scissors these are like super uh like wire cutting steel cutting cheers man so what you got to do is go up here and then you got to wait for this little message like so you go here yeah right there i'm in here the red container if you bring me some food i'll give you a look hey smart thinking just don't make the hole any bigger so yeah i just clipped the scissors right there as i'm i don't know climbing the container put a little hole in it and then you grab the zizzy food right here and just put it in there ew grass well at least it's something to eat thanks here's your book as promised wait where'd it go so now we gotta go find the book now the book can spawn in a bunch of random places most of which are in the garage and once you grab that book you will hear the cha-ching ho okay the entrance is open yo wait what wait a minute oh it's infection mode all right i gotta find this book i gotta find the book there it is it's right there it's right there it's right there there it is yes we got it and we're gonna beat we're getting some piggy points uh assuming i can get past these people at the end should i make them chase me i think that's probably the best thing come on come on look come on this is not fair what do i look at what they're doing they're doing some weird ritual around pony this is not good holy cow i i feel bad for him okay uh oh yo dude she flies oh we gotta try this dude i gotta try the skin i also have to i need to see the kill uh so i'll try and be picky next round how am i gonna get by these people i mean they might be too busy oh oh wait suzy at least eliminate one of them for me pleasey wait where where is oh geez here we go all right here we go okay if i if i use the car can i do it yeah no oh jeez no no no no no no no all right all right sizzy get it get it eat it dizzy what you don't eat grass i didn't know that this is not fun okay um no okay nope ah man sizzy why won't you eat this pony can you eat nope this is this is once she gets the batteries that's all she cares about she don't care about eating no more oh no come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no no no no no no no no yes yes yes [Music] all right now's my turn okay i need to uh there it is owl yo that broom gets so big when i think when it turns toward the camera oh yeah all right so let's try owl let's play let's i don't know what they're doing i know they're doing book two it doesn't matter we just want to be owl the piggy oh yeah so i thought i saw that uh that that it that uh owly actually rides the broom that's super cool now i wonder so i know when i jump i sweep i'll just sweep the floor do a little housework around here you know those little crumbs here get a little crumbs off the couch there we were eating some popcorn earlier um but i wonder like the kill the kill animation like being on a broom like this like i wonder i wonder how i do it hello nobody's unlocked the door have they oh boy you guys are just like scrambling little ants aren't you okay you guys are just getting yourselves closer and closer wait did they you guys are getting yourself closer and closer to stuck oh cha-ching oh wait no you don't no you don't gotcha you had the key didn't you yeah no you don't come on get the girl with the key get the girl with the key oh she didn't unlock it she didn't like it oh i can fly little ones and i'm just gonna wait no i'm camping i can't camp that's not good camping is not great oh she's stuck oh no she can go through there i'm not camping but i'm gonna get you i'm i'm not camping but you know this is there's only one room so it's not technically camping right here we go get her come on yeah oh my goodness she's pretty good she's pretty good that's a good one all right that's it i'm taking this serious now taking the series bro come on whoa dude that was good that was good she's good she's good all right everybody is not okay oh i did not realize he was gonna get through there i thought he was locked in all right don't you be doing nothing with pony huh you you gabby come on i know it's you you said it's you i'm gonna get you gabby gabby no ah oh wait how oh she walked right what she jumped over me are you kidding me what do i have to do this stupid broom does not work i want to sweep your face come here all right there we go there we go there finally don't be jumping over me there all right now you have oof in your name you are about to oof oh wait oh jeez oh dude weird did you see that it went off is it because i can i set those off because i went over it can i set the trap off sorry buddy gotcha all right now we just have to get the last one she's the one who has been really annoying all right let's see can i set this off my oh jeez whoops all right she's gonna go feed pony i think yep yep yep all right shove it pony shove it shove it shove it she squeezed through i think where's she yeah there she is there she is okay cool cool cool all right all right what are you doing oh no you don't no you don't don't shut that door all right there we go there we go don't shut that door oh she ain't shutting doors she could really stop me i feel like i i like i i can't go around corners as much oh she thought she okay so like because of the size of my skin because it's like laid out horizontally i feel like less maneuverable it's probably not true but it feels that way like my hitbox is bigger or something you know where's she going oh okay okay let's do this let's do this here we go let's do that now can i set it off oh no so she just has to run near it to set it off so she's going where's she going there she goes yeah she thought i went the other way hey wait a minute what wait a minute there's another one i did not realize where where's the other person oh what what is that what oh geez those are his wigs wait tomas you can't do that brah okay i whacked you with the broom i swept your face off wait there's still another one oh yeah did i win it didn't say game over but i think i won so there you go guys and that is how you get owly towely um yeah you get owly uh or oh i'm sorry owl i said owly it's just because like i mean this is the only one that doesn't end oh no it's gonna say it doesn't end and why because like mr stitchy pulley pump piggy pony doggy giraffey i guess devil i okay so anyway i was wrong but i just felt like all of them ended in why because most do and it could like why not like that whatever anyway guys get it while you can while it is still available once it's gone i think it'll be gone forever so snap it up while you can and guys again please do try and hit the like scope of 30 000 likes and subscribe if you're not subscribed already as uh according to youtube 75 of you aren't subscribed already talking to you and remember you can always unsubscribe if you don't want to see my videos later i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 793,428
Rating: 4.9277101 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy 2, piggy book 2, roblox piggy 2, roblox piggy book 2, piggy 2 thinknoodles, piggy book 2 thinknoodles, roblox piggy book 2 thinknoodles, piggy spooky hunt, spooky hunt, piggy halloween, owell, secret skin
Id: z3Efcdl8FbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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