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hey everyone it's your friend thenoodles and welcome back to roblox piggy there has been an update you can see it right here budgie and ghosty but hold up a second guys because minitoon just updated and i noticed [Music] usually he doesn't have the join on for fred's so i'm enjoying oh or not because apparently i'm not allowed to what i don't have permission excuse you [Music] oh man the rejection it stings oh well we're gonna play biggie so guys a welcome into the premiere it's been a long time since we've done a free freaky biggie premiere but here we are all together let's do what we always do in every premiere at the very beginning guys in three two one like the video together we'll watch the likes shoot up let's go for 50 000 likes and if we can hit the 50 000 likes quickly enough guys i will do a 10 bots challenge on outpost because that's what you guys are asking for this week as soon as we get to 50 000 likes i'll drop that video now while you're down there guys uh please do tap the subscribe button as well it does not bite i tried it an hour ago and it was totally fine try it now see told you i'm bite also if you're ever buying robux or premium star code noodles i appreciate the support so so much guys i've been seeing all your screenshots on twitter and i'm trying to thank every single one of you thank you so much uh right let's start in the shop because that is the name of it but like and then look okay i'm excited about new skins because we haven't had new skins in quite some time okay well and plus i've got piggy points to spend so there is ghosty dude okay so it's first of all it's transparent not no no no no that's not the first of all part first of all it ain't got no legs and it flows i was wondering about this when i saw the art how it was gonna be implemented and i still don't know i i can't wait to see it move so that's definitely exciting and then we got whoa okay dude that is that is it's got to be the most detailed what is oh so budgie is the hook to kill okay so that's the most detailed skin on piggy now it is right i mean like you know they think but look at the tail feathers and then the the feather and its cap like bro okay so what are we gonna do first ghost your budget goes to no we gotta do ghostie cause i gotta see how ghosty floats because i was seeing that and budgie was like a beautiful piece of art but i was like okay i might make a decent piggy skin but i'm impressed you guys did a great job voting all right let's play and oh man we gotta get some more piggy points i'm about to drop under 2 000. so we're going to play chap so so it says budgeting ghosty but to me the more important part is there are now end cut scenes for chapters one two and three which didn't exist before if you didn't know that there's a piece of trivia for you but now it's like no it's not irrelevant trivia originally in piggy chapters one through three never had end cut scenes you can drop that knowledge on your friends be like did you ever know did you know that you know you you know that it has it now but you know didn't originally i played it back way back when it didn't have cutscenes all right let's play let's do it let's see all right here we go let's see if it changed at all wow they already selected it so none of the like the the thumbnails have changed but i'm actually excited about playing house which is kind of a weird thing to say because there's so many times when i play this and like you know i still feel like house is the most popular map um although carnival does come up quite a bit because people just want something easy to beat to get as many points as possible but um yeah i'm actually excited for it this time because we're gonna assuming i'm not the player or the the piggy although that's exciting too we do need to see that so either way i'm excited to play this and of course so right off the bat we get to see the ghosty skin now can we see oh yeah we could totally see through it yeah you can see the table right through or even the letters look at that isn't the music okay it's scary now the question is how scary is the kill sound all right i'm coming for you guys i got slow chats right yeah yeah yeah okay hello yeah what are you guys doing wait really you better run bacon you better run monopoly man monopoly man monopoly man's going to get it oh i'm a ghost i should be able to go through there we go yeah slicey with the sortie all right come on oh bacon oh bacon oh no no no no no no no i'm gonna get the bacon i'm done all right maybe not you all right you guys all right you guys here we go this is what we're gonna start trapping it up that's what's gonna happen oh my i did not expect to get somebody there i i expected to lay a trap down ah okay nope bacon monopoly man loves his doors doesn't he there okay you do that hi bacon hi bacon hi bacon hi bacon i'm going back down i'm gonna go with the monopoly man wow bacon is such a troll man why yup why do you do that huh like i think you know what i think cause like this is a good start oh there's monopoly man i saw him so i think that's a good strategy or his there he is monopoly oh man oh man [Music] that's right yeah it's kind of a good strategy because what you do is you you kind of like you you get or he's trying to distract me into chasing him which i uh oh my goodness what a troll yeah dear what a good strategy was it i was gonna say it distracts me from from stopping people from escaping you know like wait oh i see you go ahead take a little jumping jump why don't you i want to put it like right there let's see if this works so i can all right here we go um she's she's so she's she's sort of camping though the uh the vent there she hasn't jumped oh i don't know if she's jumped down yet i think she's waiting for me to come okay and now let's see did she did she drop where did she get is she no okay she did all right she avoided my trap wait what yeah i don't know what happened but my streak is alive that's all i know all right let's let's do that again whoa it's like a pale version of me this hey what's up what you got bacon on your shoulder man what's someone you gotta do noodle ball this is weird man you look a little you need some sun bro or or is that sunscreen that you put over you i mean it's a night out so i don't know why you'd be wearing sunscreen i think you've been hanging out too much at night at piggy's house need some sun oh dude wait where is it oh you got it already okay go uh did we get did we get it oh did we get in the basement yet uh i know somebody okay they got that already oh jesus teacher his teacher oh my goodness we got the key already are you kidding me you guys this is so fast yeah let's go all right all right we gotta watch out because she's right there yo let's go let's go whoa oh wait she didn't even try it what in the world was that thing it looks so familiar i've never seen anything like it before not to mention the fact that it tried to attack me i need to get some help from the station it's right behind you run whoa that was fast yeah they're like dude that was a speed run this kgg guys wow all right so that makes sense right that we said we're going to the station i mean we should know how these things link together because it's not changing the story this is going to be exactly the same hello anyone at the station attention a monster is in this station get to the garage now so this will be interesting because i've always wondered how we got from the station to the gallery like how the car breaks down right i think i think that's what puts us there but i don't know whoa how oh my goodness yeah okay yeah dude you guys know all the cool escape routes oh there's a battery there already okay let's grab the green key like wait why why you you you ran right past me and you didn't even you didn't even unlock or you didn't even grab a key like what you doing i got yo i know where both batteries are if we can get outside anybody got the blue key yet anybody find the blue key anywheres let's see i got i got a battery you got a blue key blue key blue key uh no it's probably behind there i bet blue key anybody there's a red key but i've already we've already oh come on i thought she had it wait i heard somebody use the the wrench they didn't use it here i mean i guess you don't really often need to get there what do you got what do you got what'd you get what'd you get did you get anything good what do you have oh geez oh geez okay no no okay so no no no no oh okay all right oh jeez what happened get up get up he's after us all right uh anybody got yellow because that that's i think that's what we need wait oh wait i saw that okay i gotta get the hammer wait oh no no no no no no no no go away pulley wait he got through that how oh yeah okay he did he did but now see there's a lot of doors in this map which is good all right what do you got what did you get what did you get did you get anything all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go oh dude okay oh yo that was a based on how long oh goodness i was not looking where i was going ah i was gonna say based on the the the timing of that she opened the blue door oh we got the plank oh plank uh can't that yeah i need to put it over here let's go it goes here right yep i'm members all right guys we got the orange key and the blue key i'm gonna go pop the blue door because like the the orange door is helpful uh but only for like getting from level to level it actually i mean i don't think i've ever found anything behind that blue door or an orange door okay there's nothing there sometimes there's a battery in here i hear the piggy oh we got yellow key all right i need to get into that safe nice okay but that's purple safe up there right it's not oh yeah okay okay wait okay did anybody open that yet oh no we don't have the red key yet what you got what you got watch out i hear it yeah yeah it's piggy that's what i thought okay guys we gotta go down let's go okay where's the red key man uh anybody got the red key so they did open this but like i said there's never anything in here never that i've seen before but then again i don't play station often i mean i played it enough times to know how to beat it but oh there's there's red there's red alright let's swap it okay where where's piggy where's piggy we got everybody running everywhere but we ain't got no piggy if you spot the big oh my goodness no thank you all right oh dude it sounds kind of close all right she's close no no no no no no okay oh dude oh she is she's right behind me nope nope nope okay shut the door piggy's face now i need to go get that yellow key wait it's not there anymore who's got the yellow key what do you have bro what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you have let me see your hands sir oh geez all right so somebody grab that obviously maybe i'll grab the maybe i'll maybe i'll shoot piggy where's the yellow key dude you guys oh somebody got one of the batteries already oh but nobody did this uh okay i don't um green okay yeah dude who took the yellow key you turned give it back oh okay there's the red wait no we don't need the wreck we already used the wrench ah wait what ha no what i swear did i okay am i mistaken but did i not put the yellow key there and now it's like in the i am completely flummoxed i do not understa okay yeah i know but that that ain't it we still got a little bit of work to do boys uh we got to get the gasoline because the car is out of gas i don't i don't know where piggy is i don't think oh i see her okay i still cannot figure out what it was with that yellow key what did i see that i thought was the yellow key but it wasn't the yellow key but then i thought it looked like the yellow key yet it wasn't the yellow key piggy oh we got yellow key all right i need to get into that safe oh there's there's red there's red all right let's swap it okay i still don't know let's go come on give me that battery are you kidding me what ridiculous absolutely uh ridiculous nope i'm not going that way oh he got it he got it he got the gas let's go come on let's go come on get it get in get in yes you're lucky i showed up on my day off [Music] and you're lucky i brought gas doggy what kind of gas touche on nothing noodles touched man we seriously need to find out what's going on i know i started to see these things all over the place we need to find out what caused this you haven't lost your past detective skills have you i hope not i think i can use them better now than ever before hey think yeah donkey how much gas is in that can you gave okay now we know how they ended up there with all of them surrounding him we ran out of gas all right let's go chapter three [Laughter] yes i'm so happy right as we go to chapter three i get to bring the budgie oh my goodness whoa i mean look at the wow and it's got like a pirate song oh this is awesome i thought ghosty was gonna be my favorite i think wait guys pose in the comments well we have to we have to see how it kills for the kill sound but post in the comments below which well actually this is the premiere guys type in the chat right now what your favorite one is budgie or ghosty and you can wait a second to like to decide based on the sound um or the yeah oh wow they're moving um but yeah i don't know oh here we go come on i got him okay all right budgie's my favorite let me know what you yeah come on chat let's see which one it is i i don't oh jojo i died you were hiding but [Music] super rude mousy mouse doggy get off my back doggy you better stop it doggy doggy you've eaten your phone you've whacked me with it get off me get off get off you stupid thank you oh rude that was way more than i asked for wait okay wait hold on all right yep okay she went that way yeah gotcha that's like my zizzy like yeah oh dude he's slow he's slowly slow oh come on come on you can get him yeah there we go a slow chat baby they they they aren't as like they are at to me they are as effective as other traps you just get so many of them and if you are close enough enraged yes that's it [Laughter] oh yeah duh we're out of gas and completely surrounded so wait i'm just realizing i just watched that cutscene for a second there um and like the uh it's it's all my fault that we ended up here is it the right like we i'm the one who gave us the gas and didn't give us enough to get well to wherever we're going great so yeah this is all my fault y'all can blame me i suppose oh wait is this open oh dude it's not open oh i got a big problem oh got super lucky there all right badges down there let's go all right [Music] wait nobody's gotten wait oh dude no no no no no wait nobody's gotten oh this is terrible so nobody nobody's gotten the hammer yet where is it dude i'm gonna die where's the hammer i need the hammer we need the hand we can't like we can't unlock half this place without the hammer all right watch out because budget pudgy badgy we got badgy and we got budgie um yeah okay please tell me you open this you did right oh no that's not good all right well at least i got this one um all right yeah i see him over there all right i'm going for this oh that's perfect all right we're in here okay no no no he knows what i just did he knows what i just did go go go go go go all right where's the oh did i was the orange key there all right it just gives us another round okay wait just be careful be careful be careful be careful where is he where is he where is he oh dude i knew it i knew he was gonna jump down there oh dude okay all right he's coming he's coming good good good we know where he is i didn't do that by the way oh my goodness oh run throw the other way oh no he oofed he moved i'm up i'm up so he's i know he's down here all right okay i'm going i'm going going all right we got this we got this we can still get this we got i think we've got oh no bro what i'm doing this because i'm just i'm doing it because i need to be able to because that one's not open so wait blue green purple like i ah dude we do we need we need okay i need to get upstairs i guess i don't know dude i see where are you oh i see you i see you veggie okay you're going up there all right i'm down we need the orange key man where is it okay i saw you oh there it is there it is grab it okay go go go go go all right all right cool cool cool all right here we go here we go here we go now we got something whoops except i went the wrong way go go go go go all right here we go here we go let's do this drop through here bop okay we're down we're through we need yeah orange key there we go there we go grab it okay all right is there anything no there's this is this is all we need actually i think although i don't know if i did i did i use it on oh i didn't use it there i'm so stupid i've like cost myself an extra run all right go go go go go go go okay got that oh okay gotta go get that i gotta go get the uh the wrench cause i still have to open that part because even though i unlock the key like yeah yeah yeah we gotta get this all right let's do this do it there okay all right got that okay one more time and then i think i'm out so i just i got i got to locate him though because like where is he oh he opened it he opened it go yeah yeah yeah yeah dude dude okay okay all right i can do this i can do this come on come on there he goes oh dude i got twisted can i do it can i do it go go go go go go yo there it is ah all alone but i didn't they just don't stop coming after us do they i don't get it but hey it's nothing we can't handle together but we know what happens after all remember we made that arrest in the alley way before this yeah but we weren't arresting these things they don't do anything but attack us listen think you're a good person even in desperate times you held on to your morality it's the people like you that succeed as long as you stay who you are you'll get to where you need to be you're right doggy i can't let this situation make you lose sight of who i am good now let's find some place safe we'll have time to think of what to do sounds like a plan and to the forest we go and then we know what happens but dude i love that cut seat at the end where it's like telling us it's like be who we are and like like always be moral and always be a good person like i swear i felt like doggie was literally talking to me because i've always like led my life and my channel and everything like that like you know that that i've always liked tried to be a good person and always tried to be nice and um and and it says it's gonna make me successful and i'm done pretty well um yeah thanks doggy thank you well guys there you go both new skins all three new cut-scene endings what did you guys think i think it puts the story together very nicely i'm glad they added it you know um they could have just left it and said you know what we're working on pikachu who cares about piggy one but no they're committed to making the game even better even now uh so remember as soon as this gets up to 50 000 likes guys i will make a one versus 10 bots video on outpost as requested i will suffer for you so click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and thank you guys so so much for coming to the premiere making a it a success hope you have fun playing the new update and checking out the cutscenes yourselves and uh don't don't forget we gotta get those badges those rb battles badges dude we still got reasons to play this game up obviously building out as well but i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new to line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,973,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fQMb4c9dZ6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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