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i'm gonna go grab mine okay and i'm taking my red car again bro oh my goodness i'm gonna lose because somebody took my car okay oh my oh my goodness mr p's here just get in the car let's go yo you guys what's happening oh jeez [Music] hey everyone it's here frantic noodles and welcome back to roblox piggy we've had an update to build mode guys and and we've got another update to the main game coming next week for halloween so if you guys are excited for more piggy on my channel i know i'm letting you guys down click the like button let's well huh it's tough let's go for 22 354 likes i don't think you guys could hit 25 000 but 22 354 i think you can do also if you're new here please do subscribe according to youtube most of the people that watch my videos don't subscribe but you enjoy them so please do subscribe and if you're ever buying robots or premium star code noodles and let's get into it guys so before we get to the game let's just check out minitunes tweets because there was a bunch of stuff over the weekend of course as i said we've got a build mode update and i saw this before he actually updated we have piggy mario cart in effect um and actually this they're gonna make it as a paid uh the pack that you buy with uh piggy points but it's free for everyone um there's also like this new well here mr p grandmother added his npcs to build mode as well as a color-coded block puzzle so i'm thinking that this color-coded block puzzle is gonna be in book three which oh yeah and then there's there's ratings but uh book three is gonna be a little ways off but as i said next weekend which is this weekend we have the halloween update which will add three skins and a trap and one of the skins will well one of the skins and the trap are limited edition they're gonna be like poli run through the end of october for halloween and end in november so we gotta get those quickly uh let's play i need to see mario kart and piggy and all of this like server update stuff join my server now i don't know i haven't opened up build mode in a long time i don't know what my settings are i want to just make it no wait oh no no what have i done what have i done what have i done no no private private private okay no wait no wait don't don't don't make me because i wanna are we good are we good we're good right yes okay all right let's um well do we wanna load another yeah i think you could buy more slots i think there's eight slots you can buy now but um yeah we don't need to worry about that let's just um is it what would it be under do we think a car car decoration i mean a drivable car oh maybe it's an event i bet you oh there it is drivable car all right buddy let's get in hold on so oh wait that's not gonna work very well hold on let's get some blocks a what oh dude you can you crash block so you drive your car through a wall oh what is happening at book three you guys i have a feeling that the items that they're adding here are going to have like they're gonna be um they're gonna be part of book three like you know i mean doesn't that kind of make sense like anything that they add would be something that they're gonna be using the main game oh color block wow i don't know anything about these you guys got to make some maps with these okay so crash block is okay interesting so oh wait is this is the block this is the block that is used in um in chapter 11. right where uh where the tank shoots through the wall i think that's what this block is looks like it okay let's just oh i need to put a couple of blocks on the other side hang on okay and you can also i wonder where that is because like you can also oh yeah look time of day day or night ah that was a suggestion that i had made because obviously when you play the game um it uh it switches to night so that way you can see what the lighting looks like uh and then you can go back to building in the brightness and then the darkness so um so this is exactly i think this is exactly how it's going to look when we click play of course we need a player spawn first we'll spawn here and then what we'll do is uh just stick piggy over here yeah she can she can hang out and watch okay oh do we need gas for the car we might let me put it here just because i mean i'm not sure no ah all right i won't be i won't crash it it's good enough all right i think we're good okay let's uh let's play let's see what happens play bot okay right oh my goodness okay so does it yeah okay it does need gas all right cool yeah the lights come on we ready wait no no no don't go without me how do you get in yes wait wait no no okay wait it has a little bit of momentum there so when we go through this while we're going off the edge 100 all right let's see what happens is she hey you wanna check this piggy oh dude when the when the butt jumps into the void it just respawns okay i wonder if a player that would be the same i don't actually know wait let me in all right biggie check this out ready stand it she ain't gonna watch here we go all right i wanted to get a running start last time here we go yeah no no okay so uh um we need a map that's like got a lot longer driving um trying to think of any maps that i've played that have like a nice long like i want to see a race course surely someone has built a mario kart race course we should check out the server browser maybe uh wait what else is there let's stop how do wait wait oh huh oh it's because it's night i'm like what is happening here yeah you could do that there we go that's better so um i don't think you can break these any other way than a car i mean eventually i mean there is a tank model and this is drivable i feel like we should be able to drive the tank and shoot things with it like piggy specifically i mean we can't find one like oh this is cool check this out okay wait wait oh oh that one has 35 mcdonald's huh no i don't want mcdonald's but these this is likes and this is number of people so max is i thought 10 but i guess maybe it's 12. and look this thing is just i'm not doing anything it's automatically reloading um based on well i don't know i don't know how it's sorted or anything it doesn't seem like because it has one like and two people on it and i don't know why that one's at the top maybe it's no it's not oh race oh jeez i clicked the wrong one it moved no i want race race race race that one teleport failed no i want that's what i want i want a rate no no no not that nope what are you car crashers oh yeah car crasher free-for-all i'm in what do we got oh my goodness what is this wait what am i in the game is it is it i don't wait there's piggies so you can run it during the day wait can we restart i want i want to i want to crash some cars where where's the can i get in any of these no where's the fuel guys why are there so many piggies oh it's infection mode got it look dude there's ramps too yeah that's right they put in rams for the cars so you could probably ramp and like crash into this um but i feel like i need to i need i need okay i need to get up here i wait somebody started a car i need some fuel can we okay where's the fuel where's the gasoline where's the gasoline i need gas hi okay where is it what is he doing oh my goodness he flipped the car i need it okay well oh geez no get away from me no doggy i want to drive oh boy there goes bye wait i want to drive oh check this out did you have fun i mean yeah kind of yeah okay so every time it runs like you can't vote for your own because it would have said that like it would have uh hey bro put some clothes on i it would have said like when i played it before whether i oh okay is it in here this oh there's all the gasoline oh and there's a toilet thank you thank you all right let's go i'm gonna take okay you're gonna take the blue one i'm gonna take i'm oh i'm gonna here well yeah i'm just gonna use this one here we go yep let's go let's crash yep you want to get in come on get two people here we go oh jeez i'm sorry what is on the bottom yo what yo on the bottom it's or is that the guy oh i thought i thought that there was illuminati on the bottom of the cars that he done okay this is this is excuse oh geez this is um excuse me i'm out nope you guys you guys you you've made my wait whoa yo you can oh you can sort of drive it as as piggy yeah look all right let's try that again here we go here we go here we go all right hopefully no one like jumps into my car like that again wait grab it there we go everybody get a car get your own cars okay and i'm going to try and drive it i want to crash into the wall i mean that thing is literally pointing right at it so as long as i don't do anything too stupid okay go yeah oh geez huge fail i didn't know that was in there that's such a troll dude because you can't tell what's in there that is no fair oh racetrack best that one's called this is the best race track let's go what is this dude what do we got here let's see so where do we get the fuel i don't i don't know if it's the best race track but uh here we go let's let's do it let's go come on let's go all right all right oh here we go yeah let's go go go bye-bye piggy hey wait what what did i hit hey piggy no piggy stop it yeah all right we made it well what i i don't uh wait what is wait what what's this oh it's a hammer yeah okay but it's there but then what like oh my goodness piggy look at picky's nose [Applause] oh my goodness wait what is the i don't know how these like block puzzle things work the black and the yellow i mean i did that wait can is this winnable this map i kind of want to win it now just because oh we need dynamite do we though i don't yeah no we can go that way is there oh are you okay there's a there's a bunch of stuff oh dude you know what we could do though check this out we can actually like break this wait um this car is broken this car okay that car is broken our wings are too much for it oh geez no i didn't expect that one to go okay hey how'd they get in there how'd you get in there oh hey look look here's the key hey [Music] i don't know what happened there i don't know how he was in there or what we just won yeah whatever um i want more of a race one though like actual race track that doesn't really have a way to win i'm i wonder if i can set one up just like an oval race track let's try yeah i'm not seeing anything so we're just gonna have to make our own that's fine let's uh join my server and and what we'll do okay um okay obviously we want black pavement right um and we'll just put on top of this all right i wonder if that's wide enough and then we have to do like red and white on you you guys know i think i'm not sure but i think this is wide enough and what we need is obviously uh we need the cars and we should do different colors can we we can do that right well i don't want a black car we want like bright colored cars that are all different so we'll do like really red that's eight we need um we need i don't remember what's the max is it 12 yeah it's it looks like it's 12. so we've got eight there yo that's a lot i wonder if i should like that's really why let's do six and six that way we can just you know some people have to go in the second row is fine [Music] so all right i'm just playing around right now still just starting to like map things out a little bit so i got 12 cars uh and 12 fuel canisters myself spawning here piggy spawning here grandmother and mr p obviously i'm gonna drive right off the end i just want to see if this actually works um obviously you can't escape and and i'm not making an escapable map at all i just want to see so mr p oh no she activates immediately okay so mr p i don't oh he does too there we go yeah okay this will work all right now um uh what okay what kind of track can we actually make here because i'm i'm thinking like okay so what we want i think is we want obviously a straightaway to get moving but then we want some turns we don't want it just to be an oval track we kind of want it more like um like an f1 track that these cars f1 what am i talking about but um yeah let's get a let's get a lengthy start here wow this is going to take a long time you know it makes me think of like you know those maps like the ones that are that they're like a classroom like how long does that take her to build you know what i mean like the number like the just the sheer size and not being able to like fill like you know it would be great if i could like drag and just you know fill up a spot here instead of to click a million times but uh it's still pretty cool that we can build a race track okay so we would go this way it would start to go and then i feel like we should start the well it's not very i don't know it felt like i'd put a lot of blocks but as far as like driving wise like this is not that far like before you start to turn and i feel like we should get a longer straight away but we could maybe do um there's suppose oh long wedge like this what does this one do ah yeah yeah okay so we could actually change the elevation of it so i could oh these are nice oh no though so i was thinking i could like extend it out and it would be like a longer um i could just a way to ex to make this go faster uh but as you can see it starts to okay okay i see what it does i see what that does okay we need wow this i don't know what i was thinking why did i think to do this why don't i just play somebody else's what have i done now i've started something [Music] my mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] to see you [Music] this [Music] blue eyes so there i was thinking that i was gonna make you know maybe spend about half an hour 45 minutes making a biggie build mode update video and three and a half hours later i got this what kinda i just wanted to load it in for dramatic effect all right here we go so we'll get up on top of this and then we'll load it in now i did well i call it piggy wow it's like covered up 360 k i know it's not the biggest i know some of you guys got like 10 megabyte maps but still it's a lot of progress in like three hours you guys ready all right yeah it will delete your current build okay just i don't i don't want to lose this i'm a little worried it's got three parts that's how big it is and there yeah dude look at that oh man that was actually more dramatic than i expected it to be so there it is oh wait wait wait there's something missing oh no it's there it's there okay okay so yeah i was a little nervous or worried that my little landscaping right here look i even made the bridge look accurate like it's being held up uh didn't get around to filling in all the grass although i should like have like grass and like dirt in the middle and stuff like that but it's a combination of rainbow road at a normal mario kart track um oh and and then this so right here so i've got um i've got piggy spawning and we got the two new ones we got grandmother and a mr b um got our 12 cars 12 cans of gas and then this whoever breaks this first is the winner this is like the finish line you know good right uh all right well let's see if anybody would like to visit my map how do i put it in the server thing i guess if i just put it public or server discoverable on does that make it public or let's see because i got no votes nobody's gonna come to my my mind's got zero votes i can't even upvote my own so you know they're gonna get this everything zero likes zero players i don't play that uh let's see oh we got someone hey hello hello wait where are you where are you where are you where are you where'd you go hello hi hi what wait wait wait what why do you look like two people there what is that around your what do you have on your back there all right so wait um let's see if we can get let's see if we get a full server and get a race in i know the track uh it's not too hard oh and then it's the other thing so i put i put these on here just so people can't cheat because you know i don't care if you fall off into the void and crash your car and die but i don't want you to cheat and beat me so i made it so that they couldn't like you know drive off the side and come down here and then finish the map you know and anybody goes backwards i'm gonna kick you all right let's go here we go okay we're gonna do bot so that everybody can race let's go go go go go i'm gonna take a front row car i'm taking the red one get in go hey oh he's in my car oh no all right wait oh geez i feel like i'm not oh gosh i'm not going that fast i can't get a view of where everybody else is but they don't know the track as well as i do so i think i'm gonna win this one all right i wonder if anybody has yet we might be able to see them like as we go back underneath the track see if anybody's coming oh i saw somebody fly off dude you guys okay now i don't know what's gonna actually happen with piggy there's a car there that is so cool wait let me look behind me yeah dude yeah look at that that is awesome oh geez don't be looking in the rear view like that bro look at that little s turn here yeah let's go all right oh geez no no no no okay okay i was trying to turn my view and it doesn't quite work that way oh dude yo somebody cheated there's no way i was first placed the entire time there wait why didn't you guys didn't bring your cars it's sort of a parking lot here who's second place let's see come on who's where is piggy yo you guys didn't get in a car you got everybody's got to get their own car i got i got to explain that is anybody coming here they come come on go go go come on come on yeah here you go dude is this the only like there's only two finishers is that all right don't hit me don't hit me bam yeah the bacon me and the bacon nobody else took nobody else drove that person ran the whole way look at you you got it's piggy wait wait i hear piggy you guys nobody took cars all right let's try this again hold on all right i told them to grab their gas so let's do it all right i'm gonna go grab mine okay and i'm taking my red car again bro oh my goodness i'm gonna lose because somebody took my car oh okay oh my oh my goodness mr p's here just get in the car let's go yo you guys ah what's happening oh jeez no no grandmother grandmother oh man this is bad this is really really really bad grandmother oh dude why is this happening okay i'm getting in let me no no watch out what happened that did not work let's try that again i'm trying to skin i'm not going to go for the red car because like somebody grabbed my car i'm going for purple there i'm going oh dude here we go now we got a race on our hands all right there's two oh my goodness i'm in with a banana i'm in with banana where's the other guy all right we're good hello hello oh we got it dude we got how you doing i'm pretty good how are you just having a casual conversation yo dude there they come this is cool yeah all right wait so okay there okay anybody else oh hey you cheated how did you do that nah uh we're getting we're gonna break the wall i bet somebody backed up through the wall again yeah he knows what's up the bananas just you star code noodles yes here we go whoa yeah oh jesus picky watch out run get a different car i don't know let's okay that one needs gas this one got cast no there's not got this one got castles okay guys i'm gonna go for another one no piggy wait did somebody's got a gun wait i thought i heard somebody with a gun what was that i said no there's somebody crashing okay okay all right so it looks like let's see oh geez anybody else driving no everybody else is dead or running there's no way to escape i should i should make it a way to escape in this bat but it is a full-on legitimate race track and i keep winning but it's because i know the track and also i mean you know i'm i feel like i i made it so big like probably should have like made it a little shorter like i don't know tighter turns make it a little more challenging so that like people can like pass each other and stuff but no you know what i don't care that's my mario kart map that took me a long time you guys better appreciate it okay all right well that is the piggy mode update do another map brah i spent three and a half hours on this banana and i drove you around the whole thing i gave you a tour uh also if you're new here please do subscribe as i said most people watch my videos don't subscribe so i really would appreciate it if you do uh let me know if you guys know any other mario kart maps or new maps with those color changing things and stuff some of the maps that you guys think are the best ones you've seen maybe i'll play some more picky build mode and i'll see you guys again soon and thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,910,088
Rating: 4.9167209 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy 2, piggy book 2, roblox piggy 2, roblox piggy book 2, piggy 2 thinknoodles, piggy book 2 thinknoodles, roblox piggy book 2 thinknoodles, piggy mariokart, mario kart
Id: 5hRmnT_o9v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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