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you have to find the top out you have to find the eyes and buttons and the carrot and you can actually oh and oh my hey i'm trying to show people how to do this are you crazy [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to roblox piggy guys there's been an update there is a brand new map uh two new skins and a new trap and and speaking of skins and i don't know if we i don't know if you earn them or you buy them or okay so no weird oh wait oh maybe it's an extra hold on uh yeah there it is okay there we go reindeer and uh oh so i think okay so raindesa is a skin that you can buy which we will and then i i believe the other skin which is on the tile uh when you start piggy it looks like i don't know some elsa piggy or something uh i think it'll be like uh poli mr stitchy and uh owl where they are limited time event skins uh so with the yellow you know you see that uh yeah so and also there's a trap but i think you actually yeah and tombstone trap that was awesome event trap this is also most likely an event-only trap so we'll have to get that as we got a lot to do okay so what let me so in the last video i i it been a while you guys understand you know what you know what i'm talking about i forgot to uh to be felix we're gonna start with felix we'll see how many rounds this takes i'll try and show you guys all of the skins i'll remember this time i am sorry about that i haven't seen myself all right so here we go let's hope i'm a biggie first round so we can see felix oh guys while we wait uh like the video if you want to see more vegan on my channel uh please do subscribe for more videos like this we're trying to get the seven million get really close and i need your help and also if you're ever buying robux or premium starcode noodles really does help me out especially with christmas coming guys uh absolutely appreciate it so the new map is winter holiday it's a holiday i i got uh uh it's out of control wait why are we why are we doing that well actually infection that'd be a good way to show off if i get caught that would be a good way to show off i don't know it's good it's gonna be 1-1 nope 2-1 all right i'm going with the majority here gotta switch my vote all right it's gonna be me no it is not it's uh just vacant here all right let's go oh we got chris's music whoa dude everyone's so did everyone get their presents for each other uh just give me five minutes i'll be right back i didn't get gifts okay i got it okay oh dude this is cool man uh wait wait okay so what do we have to do we have to get presents um okay so everybody looks happy here uh right okay okay let's go um now i know you have to like there okay there this shovel i know you have to put together a snowman somewhere to get uh one of the skins okay we need a okay we need a sword we need zizzi's sword oh wait okay so we're gonna put things in the gifts uh i what's that oh my goodness that picky spot right there yo that's oh my goodness no no no no no no no no no oh okay that is the elsa one i was talking about it is scary um somebody already got the skin so so somebody's already i think you get you get the skin from beating this so they've already beaten it um oh oh i got dizzy sword there okay i got dizzy sword oh she's got a book oh she doesn't have a book anymore all right uh okay dude wait i just realized there's only three minutes left what is that a glitch or the shovel the shovel okay uh it was over oh my goodness that thing is still chasing me isn't it uh it's only five minutes this map oh it's really short then wait where where did i uh where was that that needed the oh it was in here wasn't it in here yeah yeah yeah it was in here it was in this little ice thing here we go got it zizzy and her sisters oh we get to carry the president back would definitely use this fencing foil for practice okay all right i'll put it back i'll put it back hello um here we go boom i did it i got a present i don't think i'm gonna do this first time oh whoa i didn't realize there were two uh oh look at it oh sitting on your lap um okay where was that shovel oh oh clear what just happened i think i just got the skin you guys i think we just got the skin um so what happens and i don't think i saw a single item i don't know why it just got so clear um so uh i think it is it back here so there's this there uh yeah it's right here look here yep they did it so uh you have to find all of these pieces right uh you have to fi i'll try and find them again uh so i can show them to you guys but uh you have to find the snowballs you have to find the top out you have to find the eyes and buttons and the carrot and you can actually oh and oh my hey i'm trying to show people how to do this are you crazy um um uh and i think that's supposed to be like a zizzy thing anyway um oh yeah he's after him uh so yeah there's a shovel okay so um we'll look again and see if we can put it together because i do want to show you guys what the items look like and where they are i just didn't see any of them um i know one of them's in the house uh is there anywhere else any other piles so i don't think we're getting anywhere close on the gifts uh was there another pile oh yeah there's another pile here so i think underneath the pot they're just empty so maybe maybe only one of the pi snow piles has something in it and it's random oh look at this what is this what do we got here oh oh oh we got the key wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute do we hold on let me let me do that snow pile too wait did we just escape oh there's something there oh there's a robot there so i don't oh there's a lot okay oh there's a gift here okay they did a gift they didn't put it yet though what would he do with the when we where does the key go where do you oh there there's okay all right it looks like piggy gonna let me wait oh no no piggy's not really letting me piggy's camping the tree hey ditch it that was hilarious dude i think it was laying down and hit him okay um okay uh i need the robot i don't know where uh okay and that's the shovel where do we put this robot gift oh there's you know what i wonder if it's in this maze here because there's like a yup there's one of these this is where i think um oh ah i got it right there georgie georgie all right okay okay okay let's do it again so we actually uh that wasn't the new skin right i was wrong wait uh why would they do that that would have been the trap right yeah so sorry they didn't we didn't unlock the skin we unlocked the trap the snow piggy trap okay we got it we got it mounted so we can check that out see what it does assuming i get piggy uh all right so yeah putting that snowman together gets you the snowman trap beating the map gets you the skin i'm sorry i misinformed you guys oh they got a menorah over here too i like that that's nice all right here we go here we go so uh i'm gonna go so i'll show you guys at least where one thing is so that i i like at least like contribute oh wait not this way i want to go this way it's weird i think like at some point because like we've got like a snow like a blizzard and then at some point the blizzard clears uh because it got a lot clearer oh that's where the white key is no but that's not what i'm looking for i'm looking oh we got a gift there no it's oh boy i think there's something in this maze but i don't um no i guess no i guess just the white key but i don't know what we do with it uh zizzi's sword is not there oh the book okay oh dad okay so that's where the a white key in piggy that does not open the escape door that is unbelievable dude oh i thought you were picky okay uh i need to go open this door oh oh oh okay that's that's a new that's one of the that's the new skin that i bought like uh okay but okay just a present just a present just a present yo this map you gotta go fast in this map dude like sonic fast uh um and i have not seen a single snowman oh here we go oh they probably already did it that's why they dropped it uh oh there's a gift here what do we need for this one this is uh what what do you need for this hey what do i need for this it's not telling me oh okay what oh a dreidel oh hanukkah gift okay all right uh i don't haven't seen a dreidel oh okay i don't know what that was whoa i don't know you could do this [Music] yeah all right we're atop the castle is there a reason to be up here i don't think we're gonna do it yo you i mean i i i have to learn where stuff even spawns before like hmm do the presents are all the presents the same like oh uh no there's nothing there i feel like that noise that we heard was oh yeah so this is here here that's the first thing like right there is that well not the first thing that noise you heard that so and you saw that and that's always there that there i have contributed that is a piece of the snowman but it i you know we've already done that but um but yeah that was his arms uh oh there we go okay all right george george george this this your present wait was this georgie's present uh no they haven't picked this one up hmm okay i'm gonna go put it back but you know what's weird like last time um uh it got clear remember i was saying that and then now this time it didn't get clear like that all of the snow is still here i think there was sort of a glitch um [Music] wow that's how big he walked right past her like she ain't even there i thought you was a statue huh all right we got oh we got something here oh there's the dreidel dreidel dreidel no no no no no oh geez i thought it was way closer than it was okay uh dreidel was uh oh it was in the farm where's the farm oh dude like where the hay is it's on the other side isn't it let's go ah dude we're not gonna make it this is tough see how clear it is and then bob yeah okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming naked man hold on i got this here we go i got it i got i got it okay okay a dreidel i'm sure giraffey would love to play with this all right all right giraffey you play with it all right uh no wait do i give it to giraffey or do i put it under the tree i feel like you put them under the tree right yeah i put it well ten seconds left uh let's just pretend like i ain't here piggy yo this is hard all right let's keep going come on come on we gotta see some jumps we got we we gotta see let's get what i have times two chance it's like times negative two man i wanna i wanna try this kid's gonna take me forever it well it might take me like 30 tries to actually beat this is only five minutes long anyway all right let's go we're going fast we're going fast let's go all right i'm gonna look through here uh i don't know if it's a spawn spot okay there's okay present spawns there okay that's always there so i think the presents are always in the same spot oh my what how how did that happen is there a ghost here you saw i have no idea how that went away unless the only thing i could think of is that if you uh if you scoop the right pile then they all disappear otherwise i'm very confused uh okay zizzy's sword okay i know oh okay no that was see that was them digging another pile i don't i don't understand how that works all right so we got we got dizzy's gift right all right fencing oh oh oh oh oh oh go go go go go go go go go go go fencing foil for sizing your sisters to use i'm sure they'd love this i'm sure they would do okay so he got the dreidel what are you doing what are you doing all right there got one okay he's oh that's two how many are there i don't even know okay we uh we we have the we need the one for giraffey i know that uh who else who else who else oh man and the kiddos i think too right well zuzie oh yeah that's the book is probably for them oh let me okay uh a key key key should be in here white key white key saw it before was it uh oh what you got oh you got what what do you got there what do you got there where is this this is a maze i can't figure out where i am oh i'm stuck oh he got the carrot he got the carrot where's the white key bro we're down that okay we've made it halfway through i haven't seen the book i don't see the white key oh i got it i got it i got it i got the key go go go go go go let's go come on we got two minutes left all right all right straight for the house the house house let's go i got the key i got the key i know where it goes i know where it goes let's go let's go over here over here all right i think it's gonna have will it have a gift in it or a book oh it has another gift carrot oh that's what the carrots for oh guys okay so right here we need a carrot anybody who's got the carrot please tell me they did not use it for the oh no did they did they okay no okay so the carrot you can use it for two things either escaping or the snowman uh someone had it carrot carrot yeah he got it he got it yeah dude get it get it okay let's go come on grab it let's go let's go let's go let's go all right yeah so you can use it for either one so if someone uses it to escape you can't get the snowman somebody's snowman you can't escape but we might be able to escape right now let's go do we do it yes yeah you won't be believe what just happened some weird creature was chasing me this whole time did any of you even see it i ever ran through the cabin with it behind me strange we didn't see that at all also did you just run out of five gifts for us all oh look what matters is that we're all together i agree so now that we're here let's exchange gifts thank you so much for the carrot thing i'll try my best to save it for later [Music] and i absolutely love this book i'll be reading it over and over for a while a fencing foil now i can be just like zizzy behold careful zoozy and be sure to share that with z until we get another thank you so much think this looks just like the one back at home and it means so much to me oh a dreidel come on everyone let's go play happy holidays everyone oh that's cute i like that i love that like okay so we gotta check out the skins so we'll just keep going um i love that uh oh [Music] let's get the new skin i think it's probably oh frosty okay so we've already seen it but we'll see if we can play it and just see what it's like up close um because i was afraid of it uh we'll try all of the all the skins if i ever get to be piggy um but yeah love that the story was like it was like yo you guys did you see that whole thing happen like it was somewhere in my head and i used it as an excuse to go buy presents for everyone and they just don't believe me that's fine it's fine yeah there we go all right all right here we go here we go all right now the cool thing is that um this map is pretty hard i mean i think as a piggy it's gonna be hard to catch people but it's also hard to beat because only five minutes so my streak should be preserved oh yo you can see through it look you can read the words right through it it is ice oh i think this is the only uh piggy that is actually uh transparent you sadly can't crawl i say ready or not here i comb all right oh yeah you hear those feats don't you oh oh we gotta try the trap hold on hold on let's try it let's try it what is it what yo check me out it makes a snowman what is it what what happens with the hey what are you guys doing up there parkouring huh i didn't say you could do that come on come on come on come on what does the trap do i don't understand it all right here we go [Laughter] what are you doing come on come on come on i'm gonna get you i'ma get you i wish i had other traps you know the thing about that trap that's terrible is oh did it did it just turn night when did that happen huh um because it was daytime i thought the whole time before um but yeah the the the cool thing is that with the with the or the bad thing about the trap is you can see it from a mile away well maybe in this map well actually in any map right seeing a snowman randomly hello ma'am yeah you couldn't see me because i was transparent where is he oh he put a gift under he put a gift under where'd he go where'd he go oh there we go naked man boom oh wait what happened i didn't even get the kill i didn't even get the kill hello what are you doing oh this is yeah oh yo it threw a snowball at him and it slowed him down oh so this is like a permanent slow trap like if you get near it it will hit you you don't even have to touch it that that actually could be really useful on certain maps where there's like a choke point like where uh like especially on um on on something where like like school where you know that they're gonna keep going downstairs uh you can you can keep hitting them with that snowball uh and i don't think they can i think that trap it's still there right oh no it's go wait oh no it's on the other side right let's check because if it's a permanent trap i think it um it's the mo it is the only permanent yeah it is so it's probably it's the only permanent um trap in all of piggy i don't think well i take that back the teleport traps are permanent as well where's the last one wait what they're huh they're still here like look their name is still here but they're broken i don't i don't get it how does that happen oh look see here's one of the the snowballs there that that's for the uh that's for this uh yeah see they put some of it together there where's this last guy i think he's hiding where are you bro where are you hiding at huh i don't see you anywhere oh there you ma'am sorry hey wait 13 seconds left wait i killed them all it must be that one that's still alive because i've killed everyone except for that one that sort of died but then their username is still there yeah it's so weird whatever i win you lose and i got picky points all right wait so uh so we did that one we did the trap we need to check out we got to try and check out uh raindesa because that's a new one and then i also i still owe you guys the one from chapter four all right so we are in infection mode and uh i'm gonna go ahead and sacrifice myself i think this is where we spawned so i'll just i'll just stand right here because like one of the things about playing uh sometimes people don't want to kill me wait wait wait not everybody guys because if you you know what's about to happen right you know what's about to happen y'all better run oh no because a lot of times people don't want to kill me this is yeah no i want it first oh my goodness what just happened there we go the right desk oh oh listen well that had that ended quickly uh so there there's reindeer and then i also oh my goodness i also which one do we want to see skins book two so it has like a jingle bell song and then we've got felix which i haven't seen yet myself hey look at that hey look at that hey there we go all right i like the music dude all right oh he's on his hat to keep it on oh my goodness i think it's over no okay there's one left there's one left let's see if i can stab them with the thorns on my rose where yet where are you at where are you at buddy where are you at probably inside never left we haven't gone in no okay oh there he is i saw him i saw him come here bacon come here bacon [Laughter] [Music] all right well guys that is it for the winter update and i gotta say because there haven't been a lot of skins lately uh like i guess one skin per per map but we're used to maps coming out like every single week so uh to get two skins and a trap from this one drop i am impressed uh i think you know someone had mr stitchy when i when we did uh when we did the the first infection and i i i think it's the scariest one i think honestly i think i'm gonna stick with it for a while although no no i gotta go with the new one for now um so yeah i'm gonna keep that i'm gonna keep the uh the snow piggy trap and uh i hope i showed you guys enough about the uh the snowman uh we did that they did that really really quickly i didn't almost got 5 000 pig points back but yeah you have to assemble the snowman and the carrot what you do with the carrot whether it goes to the gift or the snowman just decides which one you get you can't get both you can't get both at the same time so if you enjoyed the video click the like button also if you are new here we are so close to 7 million subscribers so please do consider subscribing supporting my channel and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,829,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DbNGQr8jgbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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