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okay piggy's woken up i don't know where piggy spawns oh okay well i found out what what he walks sideways what are you a crab what is this whoa what game is this i feel like a new button whoa dude okay okay i know this is old to all of you but it's new to me hey everyone it's your friend thing noodles welcome to the piggy book 2 chapter 7 up premiere thank you all for uh being patient and not spamming my comments was like what if he complained biggie chapter 7 um yeah thanks for not doing that anyway welcome to the premiere guys there's been like a i don't know if i want to say like actually it's a complete core gameplay update i'm not going to cover that in this video i'm not going to go after the blueprints or anything and i was thinking and if you guys want to see this oh oh oh okay well we can do this together we can do this the same time so uh if you guys want to see me get the blueprints i was thinking of doing a stream or as some of you would say go live here on my youtube channel playing piggy ch well actually all of the chapters and getting all of the blueprints do that live if you want to see that and also let's do it together click the like button let's go for 50 000 likes on this premiere guys three two one and watch them go up thank you thank you i appreciate it so i don't even what okay so items yes okay so i have this already wait zero wait zero out of three wait but it says it's equipped one out of three so i think i get this oh my wait p okay i'm not do you know what okay wait a second though let me just can i oh my goodness oh my goodness you could do all these traps is piggy oh this game has changed completely okay anyway i can't get this because i need blueprints before i reveal all item locators for six seconds oh that is super cool build a decoy of yourself to wander with it oh man i'll reveal locations for your teammates and give your teammates plus two enter energy what okay so yeah let's do that blueprint thing anyway let's go to the skins because i know there's some new runs let's go right all the well a little bit too far there oh my g okay wait a minute okay okay so we've got two new skins we've got dakota cha-ching and obviously i love the anchor as a weapon that is cool we got cracks accord which i feel like the legs don't do that when you're actually playing and it looks like a sea monster now i'd seen uh images of this on twitter and i didn't actually i thought this was in a different um like a different game i didn't think was actually piggy i thought it was one of those like piggy imagine if piggy was like a marionette puppet thing anyway let's go we're gonna play this on a vip server all alone in the port uh and the reason i'm doing that this has been out almost two weeks um well not quite but like a week and a half uh and i don't want spoilers and i don't want anybody beating it for me i want to do this i want to challenge myself and go in blind with no help all right here we go woohoo as much as i'd love to take you across the north sea the tactless tiger took my boat there has to be some other way to get across the sea that's it oh i wonder i'll look around to see if i can come across anything all right so so willow's just like gonna start a rat video or something are you trying to swim or what are you doing susie uh oh gun spawn with a gun does it have ammo i oh look check this out what is how do i use it though do i have to wait for it wait it's oh when i get six i can use it oh i got a red key let's grab that okay piggy's woken up i don't know where piggy spawns oh okay well i found out what what he walks sideways what are you a crab what is this uh uh oh wait can he come oh dude he's so fast all right uh oh check this out that is okay that is so cool oh oh he's here oh no wait he's not wait a minute so wait a second what oh i need oh blue blue key okay all right oh he's coming he's coming he's coming so dude it shows your key of the inventory instead of saying the word like blue key it actually shows a blue key do you know bro that is creepy i do not like how he walks sideways so it actually sh like shows what you're carrying like i've always wanted that in piggy thank you mini tune that is beautiful okay is he coming i don't know where he is um oh let's grab this i don't know okay oh dude what is that there oh is there is that a button i don't know there was something there like on the counter so i've always wanted that in piggy because i oh here we go here we go okay where wait wait this oh man this is yo this oh this is a bad idea that was stupid um okay we got a battery uh oh i can't go out that way wait what about this what is this what is this what do i need here oh oh dude this is not good andy put down a trap this is really really really bad no oh my oh my god i got it i got to do this i gotta do it [Music] okay but yeah i would always play like um 10 bots mode and then not know what i actually had on my hand because it would just say it it'd be like so small i'd have to like peek what okay whoa oh no no no no no oh dude i feel like i'm getting really close to getting caught what do i do with this battery uh let's oh there he is again okay can we go in this door or is this like a no oh man all right i don't know okay green have we seen a green key i don't think so does this close is it okay yeah closes both oh this was probably not smart and that was really stupid no oh hey no there it is all right i forgot when you run into a trap they actually can't get you okay so what did we learn about that map um nothing man the bot is relentless okay so we know where the bot spawns that's one thing we learned green green red and blue i know was there a yellow purple safe was outside which doesn't won't i should grab that gun i should i should use that gun because i haven't seen any ammo though maybe i do want to get on and start with other people so so they could just like finish it for me wait where was the red key okay uh we're gonna oh let's close the doors let's let's always close the door as we go through them there's nothing there and i didn't see the red key over there was there ah there we go there's our friendly ammo okay so purple key is out there or purple safe i guess red key is here and red door is there i'm gonna swap it let's see if i can do this quick enough get the gun and shoot him in the face okay at least he's noisy you know here we go all right buddy bam all right wait okay i heard the music i'm like no okay orange is there i did see oh dude okay yes i did see wow three keys plus a battery in one room dude what else do i need what else do i need purple purple purple let's get purple uh oh dude i gotta get out of here i gotta get out here i think he's gonna be coming oh wait can i go out this way oh that is key oh wait no purple safe was out here no okay all right buddy don't kill me i need to know what's in there i need to know what's in there okay all right you do your crab walk thing creeper okay wait can i oh can i use this oh yes dude i am speed okay that i've got to remember is there is there a key that you can like press to to do that instead of like having to click it what is this oh the plank the plank okay okay i got the blink oh geez no no no no no no okay i'm gonna use it to go across was it here where was it oh no it's up it's up i don't know where it's gonna take me though oh dude this better be there better be a way out of here oh man oh man oh man okay what is that what do i need okay i need oh what that's like a harpoon oh geez i need oh no no no no no no no no no no wait i saw a tunnel i saw a tunnel okay okay there's a lot of batteries who do i give them to can i go out this way yes oh wait oh this is the way i came okay wait wait wait i need do i need blue key i need blue blue all right this is going so we needed like um what was that like a grappling hook or something um let's go here so what was up here wait this is where i was hang on this is like wait is this not where i was i don't know okay i got it oh wait what's that oh look at that okay we got some secrets what is this what was that what was that what did i just get okay we need oh orange oh no yellow yellow yellow yellow okay uh where was yellow safe i think was in this orange building here all right all right is he up here oh he is he is it okay come on come on come on here buddy here okay here we here we go oh dude he's oh no i was gonna say please tell me i've gone the right way here uh uh uh uh uh nope oh yeah yeah here we go we got okay we got something we got something what is it it's a grappling hook do it wait what dude i'm walking no he could no you ain't supposed to chase me dude what are all these stupid batteries for what did i oh i got a blueprint okay but um okay oh man this is horrible wait dude he's so close to me oh wait hold on hold on can't i oh dude sprint dude let's go let's go let's go okay how do i get down i need to get down i need to get down and get that on oh oh oh this is so creepy all right what do i do with these batteries man whoa okay what there's so so many batteries that i don't know what to do with any of them so let's learn it a little bit let's see what's out on this balcony here because there's got to be a reason for this right okay green key yo [Music] okay there was ammo back there i thought there was a little tunnel all right so we can do we can unlock so now we can unlock this uh lighthouse and i should like i should yeah i mean you should oh okay so now we know where the bat oh we're gonna power the lighthouse and maybe call over a boat or something okay okay all right all right hey we've almost waited to say have we almost got this no um okay where where oh except for i don't remember where the batteries are wait where did he where is he oh you dummy oh man you idiot okay cool let's um let's actually let's let's let's because like you don't really like once okay wait what how do i how do i how do i put it oh you have to put the bottom one first or what okay is it this one yeah you do okay okay okay there's one okay let's get the second one although that is just stupid it's a waste of time two okay oh look another button or whatever what is this it's got a question mark on i don't know what that is there's definitely a secret though man that's a mini tune secret if i've ever seen one okay we need oh yeah so you never i think you never wanted to let it get to 10 because then it doesn't you know you're you're oh wait but it went that was really a short boost wasn't it um but yeah i don't think you ever want to let it get to 10 because at 10 right oh i don't have a shovel yet oh okay i'm not going to beat it this time thought i was though hey buddy what what what are you doing you dancing okay there's one there okay now what is the best way out of here there we go we going we going glad you can't fall off of this thing because i would if you could okay is this the next this is the third one right yeah we're still missing one and i don't see a shovel anywhere oh what how [Music] i never saw him dude did he jump wait i want to see oh look yeah so even though i didn't beat it i still got the team a magnifying glass one so i think i got the only like i think there's probably i think wait wait there's 20 wait there's 32 of them so it's gonna say there's like one per map but i guess there's more than one per map wait what else do i get so you automatically get the sprint which is the one i want the most it looks like i could press like a one on the keyboard or something um and yeah boosting oh the the decoy man i wonder if the i wonder if the decoy would work uh against the bot that'd be interesting you know there's a lot to do in this map but the map itself isn't really that big it's only a few buildings uh but but but but it is tight oh look and this is how you know that like it's not um it's not that big of a map it's like that you can find things like that like with two keys on the same bench or like in that one uh like that one round when i had like all the keys in one room like well not all the keys but like three keys and a battery all in one room and i don't see anything there oh this is actually yep that's what i thought you kind of gave your position away bro all right buddy this way come on keep coming keep coming keep coming slowly oh okay that's bad really bad really bad really bad now all of the ground i made up on you wait what get up [Music] oh no this is going really badly not gonna use it just yet my boost oh i need to use it cause like it doesn't make sense not to once you get up there excuse me what do we got uh a grappling hook grappling hook we use from here right yes okay that's actually perfect let's see if there's anything i i don't know if anything can spawn well okay battery so we'll grab this one i already know where two are oh another blueprint dude do these just spawn on every single map and you can just say that play the same map over and over because if oh okay i need green key um let's just put that back um yeah so uh oh what it's out there okay so i need what orange for that we gotta go okay all right i'm out i need orange i need orange i got battery okay so i know where three batteries are now is it is there anything oh that's what were you doing up here i would have even come up here bro oh he probably came looking for me though that's probably what it is okay i'm gonna go like this shut the door come on buddy here you go that's right i got a good shortcut to get oh no come on bro where you going oh oh geez that was me okay wait where why i was gonna use the short bro come on i was gonna use the shortcut on you stop climbing the walls get over here come here come here come here there i was gonna use that on you okay all right that is good let's use that let's go let's go let's go [Music] there we go gotta grab green okay i hear him hear him i hear him i'm gonna do it i want to be able to go through this and not have to worry about that so we're doing it we're doing it all right let's go where is he where is he where is he okay let's go all right so i know we're like i said three batteries i know the fourth i'm not sure of is there one actually because there was one in here oh yeah there is there is okay so we'll do this one just place it there okay so we know where uh three other batteries are i don't know if there's four or five that we need to place yo you coming i hear him wait oh what what what's this guy up to man that was so so weird is he more like the other bots in that he he doesn't come after you unless he sees you okay so what do we have we did okay we need one two oh we do we just need two more okay i know where they are okay i don't know what this is going to do i feel like it's going to turn on the um the the lighthouse but after that i mean i don't see how that would get us a shovel i feel like that would bring us a boat but i feel like we need a shovel or maybe we don't i mean the shovel only like opens up a route maybe we don't need that route i just don't i don't know where it is okay so we're about to find out what this thing does i don't hear the peg leg all right here we go here we go place it let's go oh dude i hear a boat yo the medora yo we're going on a cruise let's go wait is that the exit is that it did i do it no did i but what about the shovel can you jump from there there's like an opening i don't i don't want to die and like i don't know if those help probably i didn't get them all anyway wait okay wait wait wait wait wait here we go here we go here we go where are you at peg leg let's go yo did we do it did we do it did we do it hey yeah hello is anyone there who goes there oh it's budgie i've asked you filthy land lovers my name is captain budgie captain of the medora were you the ones who lit the lighthouse that would be us we need your help blimey you board my ship and ask me for help this ain't a charity [Music] we don't have time to waste we need to get across the north sea and fast seek me across the sea for the medora you have lost your minds we aren't going anywhere i used what fuel we had an after dock here don't you have any spare fuel [Music] i but it's not possible to get it i can do it why is that ever since davey jones cursed the world my hearties weighed the anchor and left to see then we found out one of our mates had davey's sickness one by one they fell i had no choice but to seal them in the lower levels of the ship to this day the ship remains sealed alongside the fuel reserves all right let me go down and get the fuel for you then you'll take us across the sea blimey you're not serious the crew will tear you apart you cannot go alone you really think i fear the infected if they saw what i could do to them they'd fear me i i thought the same thing of myself do you know what they did to me oh the hand you lost your hand to them goodness knew i lost it in a swimming pool accident no i lost my crew to them i'll go with you then willow it's best if you don't i may even end up mistaking you for the infected if we want to find that cure then we need to work together willow you're the only one who knows where it is we need you alive whatever just stay clear my kicks good luck you scullywegs i'll unseal the ship try not to feed the fish down there okay so chapter eight is the ship right totally we're going into the belly of the ship that is definitely like foreshadowing to the extreme that i i'm 100 sure that is where we're gonna go so now uh we made it um i i i think maybe like i said if you guys want to see a stream i can do that and we can get more all the blueprints um and i i know they're on like various maps like i don't know how many there are on each map i might take us multiple streams if you guys want to see that click the like button also please do subscribe trying to get to 8 million cannot get there without you i really do appreciate it and wait i'm not letting the video just yet because i want to try that skin so we we saw we saw uh not this one we saw uh dakota kill me a bunch of times so um i i and i guess did i hear his song i'm not sure um but i want to see cracks accord this looks absolutely insane it reminds me of percy which uh oh jeez can you can you still get pericy i think you can but i mean it's not even like piggy based really like where percy has like a piggy body and has the um the parasite on the back this one looks completely insane so let's uh oh wait yeah that's not gonna work we need to go to a regular server here come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] yeah first go yeah it's all now all right i'm excited for this skin man what oh there yeah see the legs you saw yeah okay so what we earn traps is that what happens i don't know how this works uh did i just earn one trap i don't know how this works but oh my oh my i do not know how this thing kills but what look at these legs dude i knew they were gonna spr i didn't oh what is this dude oh i can't wait to kill come on so you don't start with traps yo look at the size of this thing dude all right can i fit through the door here i feel slow here we go so we so oh what so oh jeez oh no what have i done so wait i'm just realizing so when with with this with the traps let's see i can place it okay so um oh weird they don't they don't they're not permanent okay um sorry i'm just learning a little bit here okay i'm coming for you i don't think you put the bridge yet oh oh okay no i couldn't make it so look okay now i've got an inflatable oh and so now if i use the inflatable right so if i put the inflatable here okay yeah now um oh oh i saw him i saw him i saw you i saw you what are you kidding are you kidding me all right they're like sticking together and stuff let's see if i can like get them caught in the trap or at least one of them caught in my trap trap trap chat oh wait there you go you're gonna get caught yep okay there you go i got one actually wait do i did i okay there okay there it is okay i forgot which trap which trap do i have what is this one that i have here yeah that's a great great trap so oh there we go there we go somebody just got caught excuse me excuse me bam what what what come on wait oh they can sprint so i was trying to figure out how they got away from me just now but it's because they can sprint there okay i that one really got me good because i i did not expect it all right let's do this okay okay and i got another one i think i got three of my kills through this trap so that is super oh what are you doing that is super op right there bam got him wait wait what there's one more excuse me well there you wait where'd you come from i haven't seen you with the whole game what are you ah did you just join wait a second what is happening here man there wait a minute there are people i ain't never seen before where you all at where you all at oh i see you people be joining you coming up here i'm camping i'm gonna get you wait wait who's taking shots what did somebody respawn now what is happening here man come on got him okay dude piggy is a lot harder as piggy oh wait hold up hold up hold up i am not using my traps as i should where's the last dude i mean you do get it's weird because like it's sort of balancing because there's like i get more traps but then they get the sprint so like i don't know being able to use more traps is good i don't know man it's great actually but where are they don't tell me don't tell me are you serious are you serious dude okay fine you could that is cheap i can't believe they just did that to me they're gonna they'll probably hit my trap let's listen bam is this guy just gonna like i mean there's not a lot of okay i know he already took one shot at me so not a lot of ammo left oh he's gonna get caught oh well it depends on which way he goes i guess is he gonna be smart oh he's smart he's smart he's smart he's going the right way okay sort of though i saw you come back dude you think i didn't see you you thinking i didn't see you huh huh huh get through there there's another one he's gonna hit my trap there okay serious dude serious dude jeez i got because i got to put a trap under the other one because did he did he go through there's so many people that keep joining ah he didn't i don't think he went through is he up here no i gotta put one here too then like force him through but still dude it's like for me to get around that i don't know man i don't know if i'll have enough time to get to him there he is there he is okay i'm gonna like chase him this way let's see if he goes that way yes he got it he hit it he hit it no you don't no you don't bam how did you give her yo that was fun oh you know it's weird though like it doesn't show your piggy points on the main menu i missed that it should be right there but i guess i can go here in 3420. anyway that is it for this piggy video i hope you guys enjoyed it thank you once again for coming to the premiere i really do appreciate it guys and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,603,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy 2, piggy book 2, roblox piggy 2, roblox piggy book 2, piggy 2 thinknoodles, piggy book 2 thinknoodles, roblox piggy book 2 thinknoodles, piggy chapter 7, piggy book 2 chapter 7, fgteev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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