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in the beginning roblox was filled with titan that that's annoying let's get off my head [Music] ah okay there we go so anyway guys i was trying to do an intro like all dramatic and stuff hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to roblox where today we are playing a piggy and i was hoping for that piggy tycoon excuse me mr eyeball sir can i just claim no i want the picky one don't you touch it don't you touch it dude ah okay i'll get to it in a minute there it's mine go away eyeball dude what is i'm gonna i'm gonna get you back so guys in the beginning when i used to play roblox way way back tycoons were the thing and then it moved to simulators and then it moved to piggy inspired games so we're rolling all the way back taking a big inspiring game and sticking it into tycoon now guys if you want to see more roblox on my channel uh we'll see how this goes um [Music] click the like button for uh whatever this is i'd love it if we could get up well it's it's just a simple simulator not simulator i'm sorry just a simple tycoon so let's go for like let's go for 300 likes because i don't expect much more than that also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and if you're ever buying robux or premium please do use starcode noodles i really do appreciate all the support you guys and man i forgot about how annoying the noises are on tycoons i mean this is this is definitely wait what is it what is it oh great so these are dropping piggy flesh fantastic disgusting uh so uh if you've never i and i don't know why i'm saying this because i'm sure all of you guys have asked well i don't know like some people haven't played it's weird for those of you oh geez in roblox uh you might think like oh well what are you talking about right like some of the people that were watching this video who are new to roblox uh in the piggy era may not have actually played a tycoon before so what it is is yeah you you you continue uh collecting these things uh and the more that you are the more droppers that you collect or or build the more piggy flesh gets dropped there the more that gets collected and then the more money you make and then you get to make it bigger and bigger and of course the best part of any tycoon is that there are weapons that you kill people with like this guy you see that you see he just came to try and shoot me with a with a crossbow dude like oh my goodness well you leave me alone and um and yet you get like well actually it's weird because i can't bring up the player list but um oh yeah i got wait hello go away now what now what you gonna take me on now look at my legs dude they're so skinny what if i do mrs p oh that's even better you're gonna shoot a lady you're gonna see all right that's what you gotta do hello hey did he just no you just shot mrs p in the head mr p is not gonna take lightly to that you go away so yeah um the uh so let's see 300 is it 300 oh it's a thousand oh man so oh there we go buy walls okay so oh and buy a weapons mat well we'll get to that in a minute so we buy walls and then we buy oh i can't i can't so we buy taller i was going to take taller walls but we buy this small banister for the walls you know each thing gets progressively more expensive and you want to try and prioritize your upgraders and your droppers uh so you can make more money quicker and quicker all right let's buy the upgrader here let's see ah so what that usually does is just makes these worth a little bit more as they pass through what's the next thing wait oh buy a good dropper oh what am i doing wait that wasn't always there though i thought that thing cost a thousand and then this one's 500 the scaling is incorrect so the way it usually works on these two is like each thing is progressively more expensive but this one actually isn't um it looks like what are we getting out of these i can't even tell all right there we go let's get another dropper on this side okay and then 1500 okay yeah see that makes more sense hey okay thank you oh no he's coming back no don't do it duh you know at this point i should probably buy the so the problem is oh yeah get him yo i didn't know this is always a thing it all get out of my house get out of my house you too ugh so this was always a thing in tycoons that i never understood either because you've got nothing like literally nothing for killing people besides like in the player list like you killed one more you know you killed five people or whatever but like you got no monetary benefit for it yet it you know at least i i mean you know what it's refreshing that things haven't changed that now i've got two people trying to kill me all right i'm buying weapons i can't do this anymore i need to defend myself a wrench wait oh what wait oh they're so expensive all right wait buy a wrench like yo the wrench what am i am i literally supposed to hit people with the wrench are you serious oh oh so oh dude this would be perfect if i could like use it and dude yeah so these these are insta-kill i you know what i wonder if they're like that's what in oh man everybody's got the eyeball uh that's what inspired the lasers in in piggy like it looks just like it and those were it's not copying piggy those were in tycoons first as a way to keep people out your house from killing you although people always found ways to glitch in if i remember correctly oh this bye piggy's bat then so there we go let's how do i can i get it oh there it is yes mrs p has the bat yes you're so powerful mrs p why are your hands going into your potato body don't you come here with that wow that didn't go well hey she took the bat you took it so yeah that was the other thing if you get into someone's house you can actually take their weapons don't oh my goodness she's so rude yes mrs b is all powerful get out of here with that get out of here with that yeah all right next dropper bop okay now we should be getting some hey don't you be taking my backs get out get out get out get out of my house what am i gonna what do i have to do to keep you out of my house huh huh no get out stay out no what did i oh my goodness am i gonna have to nope nope nope get out of my house what are you doing get out of here go away you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna put some windows up just for you because you won't keep coming into my house no wait why am i not hitting her like oh geez what's happening oh yeah she's dead okay good let's buy some windows so that way they can't jump oh oh yes they can ah all right what's next buy walls three there now they can't yeah okay cool now we how do we get the oh owner door 1500 no get out of here nope mrs p does not accept your entry oh thank you we're safe now yeah you can do this to let people in but no you're not allowed get out don't come in here oh yeah that's a thing you can buy only well actually he probably bought it look at that he just jumped over he's got a gravity coil it never ends all right we got a little taller but the thing is oh yeah so second floor gets you another round of droppers usually uh but i don't know how much they're gonna cost because this one's still 5000 but the next floor is cheaper so i and i typically when i'm playing a tycoon i i just go always for the money whenever it's possible but like this one seems so far off that i'm gonna go for the second floor all right second floor now you might think oh now they can't get in with that gravity goal yeah they can they usually just jump onto the floor here so okay amazing dropper 6500 piggy morph is 20 000. um great so yeah that was stupid then because i wasted money building this floor ah all right there we go the final upgrader well for this floor is there anything else we can do on this floor like those are the only weapons we get but people had like way better weapons all right oh now it's going fast okay oh that doesn't sound good though uh what do we got 6 500 yeah or oh there's a second weapon man okay that's how they're getting it oh perfect exactly six thousand five hundred dollars boom all right what's next 8 000 all right but these ones are better because they're called amazing droppers so they should get it oh yeah dude now we're moving all right yeah and that's usually what happens with tycoons it goes up faster faster faster and faster and you'll like wonder how like you've struggled to get like something that cost like 300 all right next what do we got 15 000 oh wait oh yeah so this is not the other one was two so we could actually open this one 12 500 before we do the 15 000. yeah okay let's do that okay next yup and then what do we got 20 000 for omega or the 15 000 yeah we'll do the upgrader what is going on whoa yo there's his uh oh no they've just got walls it's about the same as i am actually i'm ahead of this one now right yeah wait am i ahead of everyone everyone yeah wait oh i think i am all right that's what i'm talking about all right let's get this upgraded okay now what how much is the oh uh wait weapon matt 5000 all right let's get the weapons let's see perfect we'll just run right back upstairs see what weapons we can get we a crowbar i actually like this the the weapons are themed after like um after after items and piggy i like it although is there a crowbar big i'm not sure there is there's a hammer what is there yeah there's not right like i want better weapon dude where where's the guy like the guy had like a crossbow and stuff like what's up with that oh there might be another level dude hold on so there might be a third level on this one like i've played some of these guys that like that okay what about 15 000 or 20 000 for the mega dropper um that like you get up to like the top and you get grenade launchers and sniper rifles and like like like um uh motorcycles that like that ride through the air and it have like a rainbow trail and stuff so let's see do we get another level is that oh dude wall seven 30k oh let's see here he comes this is b don't likey uh look he dropped his gravity coil can i grab that no okay so he can't make it he's trying she's trying they got gravity coils and they're trying to get in but my walls are too high now all right let's buy the piggy morph let's see how accurate it is i mean i do have the bat already let's let's morph into piggy wait it didn't work hello hey i bought this oh no it did work but um i've already can i turn off the mrs p morph oh no what have i done oh no now i've got just piggy's body and no head and i don't know what's happening wait oh no mr face wearing a dress this is a disaster what have i done i don't know okay well yeah i think it was fairly accurate hello um but yeah now i've got a problem no i don't want to buy that okay next set of walls and let's see what we get because yeah that's the only thing left uh a roof so wait dude we're almost done already and it's only been like 20 minutes usually most tycoons take me about 45 minutes to an hour but this is piggy based and i'm the piggy king so wait where did the people get all those really cool weapons though no surely there's another level on the roof there's there's got to be right come on let's see there now what do we get stairs buy the white key no way no imagine if you were playing vicki and you could actually buy a white key so where are these people get these weapons dude oh wait did they no no it's not here where can i get no i don't oh no i don't want that i really don't know cause like they had all these crazy weapons and i'm not sure where they got them from let's buy the white key and i guess escape the tycoon i guess all right here we go find the door for this key somewhere around the map what wait a second what okay what all right i gotta go out there now all right y'all better watch out wait yeah see he's got that spinny wait where did he wait a second this doesn't seem fair what is this they look at their weapons they got like a sword and that weird eye thing like this is almost like a oh i think i understand so that is because she's pony right pony's got the sword so bunny has got ah that's where the crossbow comes from wait they get such better weapons than i get for choosing piggy okay i i suppose that makes sense hi pooper bear mrs p don't like you uh let's buy this oh we got a crossbow no i want i want i want bunny's crossbow all right where does this thing go okay bacon well that didn't work nevermind well at least wait i can be picky now all right without without well without the mrs p uh skin let's morph to piggy hello oh jeez look at oh my goodness my transformation is complete wait what on earth is that noise um what is that wait why are there zombies what is this dude oh i see where the white key goes wait what summoned zombies are you kidding me oh i just i just killed them all oh is that someone's weapon maybe like a zombie summoner a zombie staff sure i'll grab one why not hello ha ha oh oh wow i don't know what just happened there all right where where where's that where's the door can i wait can i i can only claim one right you can't claim multiple wait hold up can i get multiple tycoons touch the claim touch the claim touch to claim i don't i didn't get you i do i feel like i've chosen poorly here i thought i was choosing the best one as piggy but like everybody else has way better weapons don't don't don't okay all right what don't chase me no stop it i'm about to escape i think i don't know uh buy this key in your tycoon or buy the key for robux are you kidding me wait so no i don't wanna no wait so you can actually just pay like a hundred robux and like win like there were some things in there that cost like 500 robux inside the the tycoon or like 200 robux you could have just all right whatever by the ending is it did it work yeah dude oh my goodness watch out there's traps i got the golden pig wait what happened am i morphing to the golden piggy i need to be the golden piggy mrs p you gotta go away what do i become her i need to see this and oh there it is okay and rainbow carpet so wait i need to die hold up so i need to die so here we go yeah dude so this is what i was talking about before when you get the uh when you usually get the um like the motorcycle the rainbow motorcycle with the trail yeah this is the same sort of thing so the carpet [Music] this is me no i need to become true golden piggy can someone kill me please hey kill me kill me kill me piggy george kill me all right i'll just do that there we go all right here we go come on this is it wait what if i hit these i oh my god no don't kill me dude look at how much they don't make any noise it's not fair all right here we go my transformation to the golden piggy begins yes i have done it this is so weird how it deletes each body part all right the piggy the golden piggy with the rainbow carpet let's go yes yes yes okay well it doesn't quite work hello hi georgie look now i can get inside your tycoons i can get inside all of them and steal all of your weapons yes the evil eye this sword pony you are no match for me bunny bunny you got wait oh yeah here's your crossbow hi bunny i got your crossbow you ain't no match for me either let's go come on hi georgie hi georgie is this an exploding one or not yeah it is right is it or i don't know if it's exploding yeah it is there we go let's go come on there we go let's blow everybody up now oh i shot his butt i shot it right in your butt come on blow up what oh you you think you're safe in there bro no no oh you oh yeah you think come on over come ah so that was that is your tycoon and you still dad oh the zombies are getting those are your own zombies dude i saw you spawn them they give you oh no he's got he's got uh he's got immunity oh i killed a bunch of them i helped you bro got him did he die oh no i didn't kill him yet come on all right come here come here i'm a spinning oh yeah let me go look what do they got in here what you got in here huh got good stuffs huh yeah oh geez no no no i almost went through it okay so now did i get oh i didn't get it i need to get i need the staff dude oh no it's in my inventory like oh i think i can get maximum five let's um hey don't start don't start you come near you're gonna get the eye wait oh geez i didn't do the eye i didn't okay she just shot me up all right well guys i think that is it for the piggy ty there was a biggie simulator i got deleted so uh figured i'd give this one a go you guys enjoyed it again click the like button only expected 300 likes max also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,169,965
Rating: 4.9113941 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, thinknoodles granny, roblox, piggy, thinknoodles piggy, piggy tycoon, roblox piggy tycoon
Id: VshmrBPidJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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