MINECRAFT MAP IN Roblox Piggy Build Mode..

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all right that's great actually I don't know how she got fixed okay here we go hey oh my goodness she jumped through the window you gotta be kidding me hey everyone it's your friend the noodles to roblox piggie we're playing some more Maps in build mode and guys if you want to see more of me showing off these maps all new piggy content click the like button I would love it for 50,000 likes to support me and to support your fellow builders and piggy and support their mask guys also if you are ever buying roebucks or premium star code noodles and subscribe now for more videos like this alright guys before we get to it I want to tell you how to submit your map to me doing it on Twitter right now if you guys can think of a better way I'd love to hear it in the comments so first of all make sure you're following me on Twitter and also make sure you're in my roblox group noodle topi I'll put a link in the description to both and I'll tell you why on the roblox group in a second so once your following on Twitter send me a mention with a few screenshots of your map that you think best shows it off and I will follow you and send you a DM so we can schedule a time so that we can play together because I was doing the public replies but people were like trolling my replies and they would see me reply to someone say hey I want to check out your mat and then like I would go to the map and I couldn't even get in because it was full of people who saw my reply so we'll do this through DMS now the reason I want you in my roblox group is if I choose your map and feature it in a video you know I and I know to a lot of you guys that's like amazing but I feel like that's not enough you guys put a lot of hard work some blood sweat and tears heart and soul into these builds so if you're in my roblox group and I do feature one of your maps I'll send you some roebucks I'm gonna I think I'm just gonna go with like five hundred to a thousand roebucks per map just sort of as a thank you so you guys can buy more slots and biggie you can I don't know you can do whatever you want with the robots I don't care but but I just feel like it's a way of me giving back to you guys and since since we're not doing the roebucks challenge I think this is better all right so this one is I think it's sad this butters are the Q and an extra s and from what I saw and Twitter well I mean I'm sure they came with the idea about themselves maybe they saw my video I don't know but it's got a skyscraper in it thing wait wait there it is oh my goodness all right that is okay it's taller than I thought dude yo oh jeez we're starting okay okay um uh uh okay there's okay there's lasers there this is open okay um all right oh there's a green the green key there a green door what is this upstairs wait these stairs I'll go anywhere how do i how do I get up there okay there's a way out here okay can I get back in okay all right how do I get up there oh okay oh there's a bench oh no way hold on oh dude no way there's parkour oh this is cool all right and then go like this I probably you could probably jump can you know it's two blocks you can't do it all right I got it okay Greggy oh that's cool I like that see you guys like you're coming up okay red key you're coming with ideas Oh watch out watch out big E's here you go two ideas I would never think of like oh here we go straight to the red cape um I don't even know this building us back here okay purple key I got the wrench oh I know to use a wrench wait hold on worth piggy okay she's going out but these are things that we're like never used in regular piggy Maps oh yeah keep that piggy out of the way please thank you Oh back there yeah no okay so where's this stuff where is this guy oh this is the sky oh this is how we get into the skyscraper okay there we go not walk into the lasers okay um oh oh fire extinguisher okay I'm gonna use that right here I know my fire okay let's just can we turn here we go okay put it out put it out the cars on fire whoa-ho dude I thought I fell down a pit okay so I'm gonna bring this with me because there could be a fire on the building I could be the firefighter you know look at the size of this thing oh wait oh there's a blue key there okay I think I'm gonna swap for the blue key I'm pretty sure I probably need it okay dude how high up I want to see oh this is the top this is the top right oh no I don't know wait Oh blue key I knew it there we go open open open okay yellow key okay uh where are we going Oh what dynamite wait where's the dynamite I didn't oh no there's no light here where's the dynamite dude was there oh oh oh no oh oh geez no oh oh my goodness I thought I died like in and uh if that was falling off of anything else in regular piggy I would have totally died there I can't believe I could get out of there okay wait where is the dynamite all right wait if I Oh No so all right so I think he died the I maybe did I need this yellow key here or wait did I use the oh wait there was fire here oh I didn't put that out okay hold on piggy okay what's the best way to do this I think I can grab this let's see let's see come on come on come on piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy okay I got it Oh Oh do the lighting make sure looks so scary okay I'm gonna go around the back because well yeah I'm gonna go around the back cuz I think I can get back in here and it'll take oh no wait I'm through I'm through I'm through okay okay does this I think it's just a fireplace but oh wait there's it oh yo there's a whole basement down here wait um wait oh my goodness what a purple up hammer okay but wait I still um oh this is bad okay hold on wait open open open open oh that oh my goodness what oh there's the dynamite okay okay okay holy cow I had to go all the way into like the sub sub sub sub sub basement go um to get that all right oh my goodness piggy what were you doing she was camping outside the door on the cool little lady don't be like that okay wait dude can I do this quick enough I'm not sure I can she's right behind me dude oh but I can I could jump out though right I was able to before I just don't remember wait well geez no no no up here up here I don't remember where it was it I could get out ah dude I'm not gonna make this oh I'm going I'm going piggies after me piggies after me wait whoa whoa whoa do this again so I am what oh dude I did the yellow key all right go huh okay huh okay oh geez which way is it out which way is it out oh okay is this the way out I don't know I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out okay go go go go go hoo hoo I don't think anybody has descended a a skyscraper that fast ever before yellow key right oh oh dude I got to get her back I got here back down here oh well biggie oh there she is come on come on down pigs let's go you can't you can't camp up there let's go lady come on come here what is wrong with you are you okay you afraid of heights or something what's happening here do I have to shoot her I might be able to shoot her was I think I need a gun oh wait I think she's coming oh she's coming all right that's great actually I don't know how she got fixed okay here we go Hey oh my god she jumped through the window you gotta be kidding me I wish I could close this door here man all right I gotta grab the yellow key all right there you got it Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go all right there we go I'm in what what's next are we still going up wait what No oh jeez holy cow was laying it right on piggy did I put it here yep there it is okay got it okay let's try that again where is she piggy are you one of the stairs again oh here she comes here she comes okay what look at her bouncing oh this is gonna be bad all right all right come on come on get off the stairs lady come on huh come on come on come on come down okay she comes here she comes okay okay right can you come up please yeah can you can you take care of that thank you thank you whew all right that might make things a little bit easier there holy cow yeah no hammer and I key where's the key I don't I never even saw the key wait where's the hold is a helipad here that's cool can I jump over it okay we I never saw the white key but dude wait can I uh I'm a jumbo can I jump all right there we go there we go taking it quickly oh no no no no no no no I jumped out of the berm trying to cheat all right here we go again and there we go we'll grab the green key which is in the back I think right no that was red oh yeah it was inside it was inside right here oh here comes piggy here comes biggie let's go let's go let's go where's the red key okay go out the back but piggy goes right through that window man okay Oh should I get no I don't have a fire extinguisher yet anyway okay let's go and open that area up oh well the entire skyscraper when I say area oh nice thank you thank you for distracting little piggy okay so do that oh come on I gotta be more careful that having so much it build mode oh wait oh oh there's something down there right wait wait let me let me okay I need to go put this fire out cuz we needed that oh no is there acid parkour okay how do we get piggy out oh geez okay never mind never mind okay so I think there's an acid parkour there I mean there's definitely acid okay she's going straight for that though that's like decent pathfinding that she can just hop right out of that I'm gonna go but it's like it's only like one block wide oh dude you distract okay I'm going all right let's see what's in here oh my goodness I can't see this oh yeah there's what can you oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm jumping on TVs here wait is that the key well that's a garbage can oh man this is hard because like what the lights is it what is it is it I don't see anything they must have grabbed whatever it was all right I'm going back I'm going back okay let's go back look okay huh oh dude I can't see where's the way up piggy don't be waiting for me don't be careful give me a piggy piggy piggy oh my goodness piggy you can't be camper oh all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna no more of that uh where's the purple room okay I know I need the hammer though I'm grab the hammer cuz I know we need that let's get the hammer alright I was gonna shoot pig in the face but I won't I want I'll be nice she wasn't nice to me though biggie oh come on oh no he doesn't have the key but I didn't see it oh boy we got a hoe no no oh no oh no all right we go to the heliport wait right what happened I can't I can't I can't what I'm not escaping what's happening though what it's not escaping ah well you know what it counts and I'm playing the music anyway we escaped it could need it like it's a it's an escape all the way to the top of a gigantic skyscrapers what's happening here what wait how did you that wait oh my goodness in bill boat how do you do this how does this happen what's that's so weird well ok let's try another map guys oh here we go it's my crime there you are you the owner nice job I think maybe ok wait no peeking no peeking oh dude that is really cool does that not look like mine Crabtree's that that's sick and there's like a mine alright we gotta play we gotta play let's play I'm not cheating right here we go okay that is the exit door ok dude this looks so good oh I got it okay I got that wait a second dude this looks so good like Oh bad the mine looks epic okay do I okay he was standing there with that I just I need to explore a little bit do the lighting is awesome man okay I get up there there's carrots oh okay okay there's a wall here green key there was an orange key so I'm gonna put this down wrench over there aw dude where does piggy spawn I think I think I've made a big big mistake Oh piggy spawns in the mind dude think he's confirmed is it well I don't know what she is creeper I'm I was gonna say but oh hello there's a red key here okay somebody who what's that wait on an orange key Oh green wait wait there's two way you could do that hang on I did not I mean I guess that sort of makes sense the fact that you could you could make a key use twice but I guess that makes sense you can make multiple doors and they just don't always unlock like ooh that's interesting okay so somebody shot piggy okay I know okay I got red key here that's a nice balcony um can I jump oh yeah cause minecraft baby not just roblox oh wait I think that's piggy over there is that piggy piggy Oh Peggy I need that wrench oh and there's a hammer there too okay oh we need a fire extinguisher all right I'm going I'm going dude I love the lighting from the lanterns it's really cool I mean it's like it's like light it's like having a lantern in Minecraft actually oh no don't bring her there I need to go in the red key was right there so stupid wait piggy um you know what yep I'm going past I waiting for you whoa she's quick dude nope I'm doing that first okay a gun that's not what I wanted I was hoping for something else there but I'll take it I'll take because she closed she closed where's she at where she at where she at you gonna chase me in this house lady come on come on I got to make sure I hit her because like because like sometimes you're doing stuff that's an orange key I heard is the orange key go I'm gonna go swap for the red I thought I saw a hammer to somewhere didn't I I think oh yes right here right here here I'm gonna use that wait no wait it is there's a hammer and a crossbow and now key all right I'm gonna use this over here can I reach it though I don't think I can knowledge I think if there's fire there you have to deal with the fire first okay let's grab the right key oh yeah dude there we go do some work thank you thank you make her pay for chasing me into that house okay Oh fire extinguisher oh and I got to use that for the mine okay okay so I'm gonna go do this on the front door oh dude dude dude okay and then I'm gonna let them it's like the the dynamite is sort of like mining right okay I still oh that's probably where hey that's probably where the key is right like that's your treasure like that's your that's finding diamonds in Minecraft or in Piggy is finding the white key but man I just love how this looks it really looks like Minecraft I love this dude that that's really sick man I love it oh okay good oh dude watch out be careful oh wait hey he took my key road there it is wait there's fire wait does this go to the nether yo dude it's just like one of the nether Oh check it out look that's like it looks like it's hard to tell there that is never look that's nether that's netherrack right there wait where is it let's see can we see it I want to go see it man wait can I see there yeah look it's right there you're entering the nether so part two is after you go through the nether portal that is awesome man I love it that is really good well done ah this one is big man with muscles underscore three and he calls it Bunny's house it looks amazing whoa it's uh it's crowded Oh so it may be it is really good at popular and stuff Oh check it out he's good trees uh where's the Wow all right I don't wanna I don't I don't want to spoil it but yeah I wouldn't expect this many people so as populace is cool all right here we go okay what do we got a purple key there okay what's here uh okay got a door there we got Green the door here oh this is nice look at this this doorway is awesome up Greinke okay I saw a green door where it was ah here we go Bob get it okay I got the green door red out there whoa what oh there's like invisible blocks like the front you are oh yeah yeah yellow key yellow key yellow key all right I got this okay yo what happened out here oh this is the front door okay of course you know that's actually not bad Oh what key is that oh okay it was that a green key cuz I might I might need that hold on let me see let me let me see if that was green cuz like that's the one thing about the yeah locators that's one thing about build mode oh there it is oh man I told them to not help oh oh I better run I told them to are I asked them to not help me in a booth there we go your orange key orange key hidden to make me do it alright let me just drop that me grab that so that I could um we have here we got stairs now is this a no this probably has orange also which would make sense where it is yellow okay that not there blue uh we need a wrench okay I need to unlock that other door so I have another pathway alright go go go go go okay all right now oh guys one thing I learned by the way is that someone told me one of them want to throw that builders here on on on biggie build mode if you put and you guys all know this already but if you put like 200 some just got killed if you put like two yellow keys the game will randomly choose between them so it'll have random spawn random spawns purple oh wait I saw purple where it was purple was it here where was it where was it where was it I know I saw it when we though jeez there it is there is okay I can grab it okay grab it grab grab no no no no big all right let's go okay now we know now we know it now I know a little bit now I'll know a little bit let's try again okay okay okay wait um okay Oh stay right there so that had that had that so he knows it he knows the trick well it's not really a trick see the Purple's over there so as I was saying is the you have a random spawn locations and see there so you probably put the keys in like five I don't know two or three or four different places and they spawn randomly which is awesome uh okay so yellow yellow yellow wait give me that I need it uh okay I hope you don't want to put that I know where it goes cuz I'm learning there it is there it is there it is okay so hopefully he knows how to use that okay go go go go go all right okay let's try again knows this is where I got caught before ah backyard okay oh okay orange orange orange oh no I wasn't here before orange and blue wait uh yeah let's get let's get orange oh there's fire there orange was right here got it now wasn't it yeah yeah okay that's the same key yeah see so it's spun in different ways that's not where I got it before okay oh okay all right we need dynamite and OH wrench wrench wrench here we go here we go got it whoo I don't see that because of the gray this is awesome though like look at the like the banisters and like this is cool all right here we go use it all right there we go there we go uh okay okay hammer wait but hmm oh wait oh crossbow oh there's the first time I've used one of these in um wait I need a carrot was there a carrot no no okay um okay wait what did you use that yellow key wait so I I need a fire extinguisher okay I see piggy where's carrots and you carrots and you know piggy go away go away piggy I need a carrot wasn't there one in the backyard Oh red we dread we need a red key biggie no biggie oh that's the first time I've used the crossbow Bilbo dude Oh red ooh oh dude now look looks like a little lake that's cool I like that little touch there and the nice thing is they put the invisible blocks so that I won't fall through it Oh red red red red red red hard here we go here we go got it okay all right that's probably what we need here we go here we go here we go all right we're in did a little shack here Hey okay let's do that first because I don't think I can do the hammer did I see the hammer somewhere else that's cool I really like oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no whoa okay I really like the random spawn points that is awesome and like this is really smart too because like right now if it well Piggy's not coming here but if biggie was coming here I would have had a really hard time getting out of there Yello okay Oh carrot okay okay what's in here oh my fire extinguisher yes fire is my like ultimate enemy in it in build mode it's in every single Matt but I mean like I it can be used in so many cool is so I totally understand it it can block paths but like but visibly block it and it can block the path and and you can open it up right which is kind of cool no that's not cool at all actually piggy go away alright I think I wanted to go through here right this had a little spot I could open didn't it yeah that's what I thought okay cool I don't know okay wait no oh can I go over there I'm not gonna try that all right so what else was okay we needed um I needed I needed a key from up there or what what else was up there oh wait I needed a yellow key yellow key yellow key where's the yellow key where is the yellow key okay see piggy I see piggy what it piggy what are you doing let's go she was dancing all right over let's grab this okay yeah yeah yeah alright here we go here we go got the hammer okay you go to you do that so actually I needed the hammer upstairs as well I just yell key is but this is really good the only thing missing is like if you could put like an NPC bunny cuz it's supposed to be Bunny's house so let's go back up and was it not open oh this carrot yep okay alright and then all white key so I don't need to open the yellow key yellow door let's go I got it let's go come on everybody les escapes okay wait we gotta watch oh oh no no she's there she's there hold on hold on hold on I love being able to see through the glass - oh no no no no no no no no no dude she's blocking it all right I'm going the other way I know the I know this map now I love it this dude this is another map that it's not on the same scale like size-wise is the cinema but dude this could be a legit piggy map like this is really well done man here we go woho oh yes just like the perfect skate save Oh big bail is nothing Guilderland Bunny's house well done man that was awesome hi guys that's it for this video thank you all so so much for it you're amazing builds if you guys want to see more like this click the like button support your fellow builders also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new live [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,667,517
Rating: 4.9088001 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, thinknoodles granny, roblox, piggy, granny piggy, roblox piggy, escape piggy, roblox piggy update, piggy creative update, piggy minecraft
Id: nwgbd6xqlS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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