Roblox Is Suing Me For $1.6 Million | Ep1 Death Valley

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I read the actual lawsuit for this. This guy's defense video takes all of his shit out of context.

This guy has done some actual problematic shit, constantly and repeatedly, for several years. He's not a good person, don't believe his bullshit. Just spend 30 seconds on his twitter or actual youtube channel.

EDIT: "But Roblox is a bad company waaaaa" is not a defense for his actions.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/butsuon 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

In case anyone is wondering Microsoft and Sony do fuck all about child predators too. I had screen shots of messages DIRECTLY through their systems and asking children for nudes and they did NOTHING.

Dont act like its just Roblox that lets pedos hide.

And im gonna go out on a limb and say this ruben sim guy is a total piece of human garbage. He can cry all he wants but its obvious hes a piece of shit. Maybe not as big as Roblox but he isnt innocent

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RealGanjo 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
what you're looking at on the screen right here is probably the biggest roblox news we're gonna have all year long yeah roblox the multi-billion dollar company is suing a youtuber for 1.6 million dollars so we've got roblox v uh the plaintiff okay so roblox corporation literally right there and roblox is looking for 1.6 million in damages uh one million and six hundred thousand dollars it's particularly concerning because reuben might be innocent his supporters argue that while the youtuber is a troll the vast majority of the lawsuit's claims are false roblox said that the defendant simon is the leader of a cyber mob a cyber mob that with malice fraud and oppression commits and encourages unlawful acts designed to injure roblox and its users so yeah roblox has come out with the fangs and they have absolutely clamped down on a creator so i don't know how ruben sims gonna handle it it's a lawsuit that they're they're going through it right now they fear that due to his reputation roblox may be able to convince the court of unsubstantiated allegations potentially setting an extremely dangerous precedent if reuben is innocent this opens the possibility for many edgy creators to be railroaded by companies with a vendetta against them hi there i'm ruben sim a roblox youtuber who's currently being sued by the roblox corporation who's demanding all of the money i've ever made from youtube and patreon that all of my social media accounts be deleted that all of my roblox videos be deleted and that i pay roblox 1.6 million dollars plus attorney fees plus interest plus whatever else it can come up with in court to name a few things what could i have possibly done to deserve this out of all the roblox users on their platform have done horrible things i'm the very first person to be sued by roblox their complaint details a mountain of accusations against me even claiming that i was responsible for a temporary shutdown of their developers conference earlier this year roblox is suing youtuber ruben sim for temporarily shutting down the 2021 roblox developers conference with a fake i i can't say that word here on youtube a lot of people took this complaint at face value and actually believe everything roblox accuses me of business insider tried to reach roblox for comment and they responded with the filing speaks for itself we have nothing further the filing certainly does speak for itself it starts out right off the bat calling me the leader of a cyber mob wow cyber mob are they talking about my viewers here i think they are i think you guys watching this are the cyber mob this sounds so dystopian cyber mob leader ruben sim wanted by the roblox corporation it almost sounds cyber punk now instead of going over this entire complaint in one video i've decided to split it up in the several parts examining some of the accusations roblox has made against me in this video we'll be covering the claim that roblox makes in paragraph 26 roblox claims here that i've broken their terms of service outside of the platform that's hilarious in spite of all the child predators that roblox has ignored because they only groom kids on discord i'm in trouble for off-platform behavior they state that i tweeted an image of one of their openly gay staff members which has been photoshopped to depict him nude wow that's horrible why would i ever do something like that except i've never done that back in 2015 roblox hired a social media manager while he was running a porn blog which was completely public not just a porn blog but a fetish porn blog showing furry porn giant porn rule 34 and even nudes of himself taken outside in the middle of the desert in death valley california this social media manager wasn't just an anonymous roblox employee he was an e-celeb making regular appearances on their company's live stream the next level and he thought that it would be a good idea while working at roblox as their social media manager to post nudes of himself on tumblr where anyone could see them i don't know about you guys but to me that seems a little i don't know disturbing i didn't photoshop anything i didn't have to yet they claimed that i depicted him nude i didn't depict him nude he is nude he even tagged it under nude and naked he even added the tag desert meaning anyone on tumblr looking up desert could have seen this i have a right to ridicule someone when they do something stupid i don't have the right to accuse people of things they've never done to scare them into a legal settlement because they can't afford to go to trial why am i the one being sued for off-platform behavior when i've made videos on this very channel criticizing roblox for doing next to nothing when child predators groom their users over discord one of their own professional developers was featured in a people make games video sexting a 12 year old girl while he was 24. the person you're about to hear speak is sarah not her real name when sarah first met doc in a discord server doc was 24 and he knew that sarah was 12. he was twice this girl's age and even went as far as to offer to sneak her out of her house and take her to a motel to rape her and he's still the lead developer for a game that roblox is hosting on their website right now the discord server where he meets these girls is still linked on the game's page over a year ago i brought this to the attention of roblox's developer relations team and this guy straight up told me since the screenshot was taken at discord it is considered off-site and is not directly punishable by roblox look at the filing outside of the roblox platform defendant simon engages in conduct that violates the roblox terms uh hello does this not violate the terms trust and safety finally decided to ban one of this guy's accounts and it wasn't even the account that owned the game i showed him screenshots of him saying things like dr rofatnik isn't even my biggest source of income and i didn't own the group so that's not an issue he even said that his game's revenue almost tripled after he was exposed as a pedophile and tweeted a screenshot showing a payment of over 15 thousand dollars from roblox after he had been banned i showed all of this to roblox and gave them the contact information of the girl's own mother and you know what i was told i doubt roblox would reach out directly to her she would need to contact roblox first this is how little they care about you if you have a child that gets groomed on this platform it's up to you to do something about it because they will not lift a finger to help you i ended up filing a report with my local police department about this guy but here's the problem i have no idea who he is the only people that have this guy's personal information is roblox they're the only ones who can identify him to law enforcement and from what i understand they haven't done that because if they had this guy would be in jail i just want to give a quick update before this video ends while i was editing this the group that this developer was using to host his games along with the games themselves were content deleted was it because roblox finally acknowledged that the owner is a child predator no it's because sega the company that owns the sonic trademark filed a dmca takedown request over copyright infringement sega has taken more of an initiative to get this guy off the platform than roblox themselves roblox ignored all requests from their own users to have this game taken down and it wasn't until another corporation came knocking that they finally took action and i forgot to mention this earlier but the group holder account was actually deleted last year after i reported it to my contact at roblox this account is special because on roblox the account that owns a group is the only account that can access funds made from the group's games by making the group funds inaccessible they remove the predator's main incentive for staying on the platform the only problem is months later after everything quieted down they unbanned this account yes the account that was banned because its owner is a pedophile was unbanned and when i asked why the response was uh think really think if roblox gave a single [ __ ] about people injuring their users why would they do this why would they go out of their way to restore the account of someone they know is a child predator and then try to sue one of the only people willing to talk about it the filing speaks for itself and for the integrity and values of the corporation behind it in the next video i'll talk about roblox's more vile accusations including the claims that i uploaded pictures of hitler sex schemes and even nude photos of myself to their platform stay tuned and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Ruben Sim
Views: 1,886,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, lawsuit, legal, court
Id: 8Mr4a84prMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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