Roblox Every Clone You Get +$7 BUT I Spawned TOO Many

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I can clone myself clone and he follows me oh and I get cash for it oh I see so the more I clone the more cash I get but he's not following oh there we go he's following now he's not so dense let's go Baldi I mean people with hair let's go oh my God there's so many clones do we get cash if I put them in the Minefield upgrades size oh I see okay so we get cash and then we can upgrade them I made them bigger look at them follow me I'm bigger myself actually you can increase speed I want speed increase jump oh you get special oh okay I'm going to dodge these but oh come on you bunch of idiots oh they just follow me they don't actually take the same thing I was doing I'm literally taken out myself I wonder there so much lag on it that is well funny it doesn't take me out though you Chuck him downstairs do don't what oh we got to buy it no no no we want to get to C4 and see what them upgrades are like we can squish us down look look like Smurfs now we're all dancing yo idiot he's stuck inside the floor they can't climb up I've hit maximum clones they are trying to follow me they're all stuck down there you can see a whole line of them you see they're all jumping trying to all trying to get to me they're like ants to Sugar cuz I'm Pro with the L shape look drink trip you can make them trip no way we can make them trip down the stairs h a sec we got increased their jump there we go got better jumps now they should oh look at that they're all stuck down there here's my little Smurfs I'm spawn them in here getting to climb up the stairs they're falling down as they're climbing we're quite big now we should be quite big I should be able to lob my clones down the stairs come on boys look at them jump some of them are falling down box hang on if I can oh there's the trip I see it ready yes I got a few of them to fall down the stairs look at them they're all fall down the stairs wee I'm sliding my bumb look at my clones so many of them there's loads of these people as well over here loads of them all my clones are everywhere causing me lag I'm going have to cancel them off the more clones I have the more money I make I love it how they're quite they're quite dense oh hang on we can maximize the amount of clones we have yes have even more might as well cause lag why not look how many we got hit maximum we can keep increasing it that's going to break the game that's going to really break the game oh my God look at the lag we are getting some ser lag how they keep allowing it it's so funny look at the all jump the line the lag it causes as well upgrades oh we haven't got enough money for that I'm not buying it I literally just bought a load more of myself we need more speed though not the size we need more speed there you go now now we're doing it let's climb up the stairs boys come on we could do this together I wonder if they're all going to come up should I wait at the top see if they will come up keep falling over I don't think none of them are going to get to the top of here oh my God you can get unlimited clones I would do the unlimit clones but I don't spend all that money you know I got a lot of clones already I think the C4 will be funny no do I want to buy want get to the top of this oh we need at the top what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete all my clones I know I get less money if I get to the top I can spawn all my clones in we can all go bouncing down we've got a lot of clones that we can spawn where are my clones don't you mean this other guy I mean literally that is me but I mean this other guy let's [Music] go yeah oh fell right off oh I see they're already falling we can make him shrink now we can make him go really tiny delete let's make him go tiny spawn them in loads of myself of course it's enjoyable myself is just perfect look at me look at that forehead boy shrink how far can you oh my you can keep going I am literally a Tic Tac now I am so small I even move I can't even move I'm too I'm too small the slowly getting smaller I have to remove them I'm broken I got to reset myself no just got to keep moving the more clones you have the more money you make oh they know about upgrades mate I like to get the speed upgrade and then jump upgrade as well we got the C4 there so we're making a bit let's see if we spawn one in there's a lot of me [Music] there's so many of me it's like a train look at them popup You Soldiers we're taking over we're taking over all my soldiers look at them walk it's just me that is so funny there's so many of me what is that over there hang on oh there's Mor in there become a a noob oh I see you could become certain people we got 2,000 not enough do anything 7K for the jump I wonder what the last Jump's going to be like it's going to be huge we look like fleas oh there's a trampoline there go to the trampoline then come on my Clones look how many there is so every second you spawn a clone you make money look at them jump they're still delayed okay we're going to jump on this oh my can I make it over there can I make it over there come on please don't know if my clones are going to jump on it they're all not going to jump on it there go now they're come towards me come on please please one of them jump on it I want to see him fly up like what I've just did I've gone even higher this time I've gone up so high that trampoline hang on we could buy next upgrade my size even bigger out landed I landed inside the roof no way the clones going to get up here we're going to have to remove them cuz they can't even get up there remove spawn them in up here I'm literally dropping them off the side po Lads load them they're just falling don't worry you're getting cloned for a good cause to watch you die there you go look at me popping out of there I'm popping it into existence wee I want to try and get on that trampoline though look at that Mexican wave I jump here and all of them do it it just goes all the way down watch I'm hoping I could actually jump to the side of this get them to land on it or or I could just jump up in the air delete them and then spawn one in hopefully they jump the same as me come on boy me and you let's jump he jumped higher on me what I jumped higher on them yeah how many we can get on the trampoline at once your boys got your boys got to come here one of them went absolutely flyting look how high he went come on boys come on the trampolines we oh went not so high my clones are not jumping on there though they're kind of stupid they don't want to jump on there that's fine like a ramp here why is it like a ramp I do want more speed though cuz the speed is so slow oh hang on there we go was slightly faster now so what's this ramp about can you make it you slide down or follow me let's see how many we can get following running up and down this ramp by jump watch I end up going down to them [Music] look which one's the real me hey which one's the real one they should get on here these guys should be able to actually make enough money to get to the next one that's it boys run back down the ramp there we go the ones from behind should start coming in they're stuck underneath the ramp so not much I can do about that I used to skate on stuff like this there is so many he's stuck there come on now that's the end of the trail there so hopefully they will follow them come on boy come on please yes they're doing it they're doing it they're following the rest of these boys are going to come on to here we're going to have all of them running around on here basically me running backwards and forwards Within Myself hello guys hello how you doing we'll chop myself down the stairs but that's some big stairs there might be able to make myself bigger actually and when I get so much lag so many of myself other people as well other people can have all clones as well some we have loads of clones I think the infinity clone thing that's kind of bad cuz that's going to cause some serious lag going over here now we're going to remove these bad boys we need to increase the size of me how do I increase don't think I'm going be a to jump down here all my clones will I get all my clones to jump up the stairs here I'm falling down stairs straight away I'm thinking we have to go up this side boys come over here up here up here oh they're so stupid they walk sidewards let's hope they don't all start not walk walking sidewards we got maximum clones we got a whole line of them I'm hoping to jump down the stairs and they all do the same thing I hope a it's cost too much money ready jump from here we should see them all start falling down the stairs that is well funny we're bouncing down the stairs look at them flying down the stairs and they're still going up there watch them we should see all of them startop flying down the stairs there they are poor Lads I'm so sorry look at their line they're all just following each other just to jump down the stairs to the death I mean they don't die they they're fine they're fine that is so cool it's so cool I could just do that and just tell them to come down the other stairs are better they don't really rag doll they look like they're sitting on the toilet as they come down they have done it most of them have come back down uh where's my other they're walking in front of me [Music] so what's going on we had like a war we have a war hang on let's delete these oh you could tell them to go in to take take them out look he's going in to take them out oh he's punching them that's cool let's spawn loads of them you want some dear take them out look he's beating them up we're taking them out that is so funny they're chasing them where's the main guy that's what we're looking for there's some people over here there's girls we can't hit girls come on boys got to make sure to help these people over here we're going to walk around them like this they're going to wonder what's going on and then we're going to shrink them down the same sort of size and then we're going to put these on [Laughter] look at my clones they're beating her up done a good job shrink shrink shrink shrink they're just chasing her they're just chasing the Clone the Clone don't stand a chance they got mini mies with gloves get her get her boys poor clone look at these clones trying to survive oh we got upgrades they explode as well that's so funny we need loads of these loads we need as many many of them as we can it'll be like a gang that is so funny I love it how they just go attack anyone they don't care if you're homeless they'll attack you Elites will come for you what everything think you have hang on ready we do this we're all dancing like this and we give them all gloves come on where's my gloves they're not actually them on hold on there go one big boy taking them out you don't stand a chance our high speed our intelligence is unmatched here we go watch them they're just attacking everything that is so cool they're literally boxing everything these clones don't stand a chance I'm causing lag though don't worry we can take them out that's one way to get rid of them is it bang the dirt is G hang what other stuff we need 10,000 for size 10,000 for Speed 7,000 for jump I still got clones my stealth trying to take everyone out what I want to do is shrink myself really really small like Tic Tac oh you got wait I got to shrink myself hang on let me shrink myself see if they all do it and then we clubs on there they go look the little ones he don't know what's going on I don't know which one's the real one though that one there isn't it this one here I which one's the real one all the other Elites are beating them up don't just hit innocent people what are you doing Elites it's like you're part of me guys what are you doing guys don't just hit in some people literally be everyone I need more of myself though I need more these ones don't have the gloves but they will now they do look them go we're ruining everyone else's game that's right we're doing a good job job well done well done boys we're causing massive lag cuz now they can't even hit them but keep moving though the more they do the more I jump and stuff like this the more money I get it seems like I don't really know it's kind of funny just doesn't like not what I think you know I thought I'll be making way more money than this especially with all the Clones I've got but no instead they're just beating people and causing a massive lag I remove them now hold on look they all start running perfectly was I getting more money before so at the moment I'm getting like like 20 we put one more yes okay but I do get more if they're jumping as well I get way more okay need to be jumping and doing stuff that's fine that's cool and we make way more okay we do make way more it just get more at once we need 7,000 something for the next jump I think it was was it 7,000 yeah 7,500 then we get the next jump or do we wait for the 10,000 for the speed or the size actually we could jump even higher now look at this look at that wave wave of me nice bouncing [Music] around it's only even Max jump is it hang on a sec upgrades got to do one more upgrade and 25 jump that's going to like go up to the top of there I reckon all right we need 15,000 for the top jump 10,000 for that and 10,000 speed speed will increase quite a lot actually because it's another 50 right they're all exploding look it's fine my friends it's fine you're only clones of me the basically you're me and I decide to get rid of you when you jump it actually does like way more go for them go for them my clones are everywhere I'm ruining their clones I like that we could have done so much more if we bought the two times be call sounds quite good and we could could have bought cash as well that would made way easy I would like to I don't know if it's the speed I rather have or the size I think speed probably the number one thing the jump looks massively it's another 15 so that would be absolutely massive we're raining down on them we jump we rain down on them they start like punching them she's running off she's had enough hey where do you think you're going they're taking out our clones yes we need to shrink them down they think because they're small they can't they can't get hit but they can look she's trying to run off come back here made me really really bounce it has come on please I think more speed would be good have to reset myself though one too small and I can't run anywhere I'm going keep sliding around I want to shrink but not too much but not too much we want to do it five that's all we want there we go now we got the where's the leader ah here she is don't waste your energy on her we need it on the main one just there when it explode they don't do anything to any of them oh let's do speed let's do speed there we go that's what I'm talking about now if we get some clones their speed be unmatched so they'll be super fast why is my clones over here with this guy hello guys we're here to be friendly honestly he boys you got to be quiet when we come in here but make sure they don't they don't know we're going to do in right come on boys ready let's do this they're all writing at once hang on are you right they all right oh my this guy don't stand a chance I don't know which one's the real one because uh they're all speaking let's blow them up I've had enough of this well I hope you guys have a fantastic day I know we didn't get to the top size and the top jump but it's fine we also crashed everyone else's game so yeah see you guys [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 154,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox Every Clone You Get +$7 BUT I Spawned TOO Many, roblox clone yourself, roblox clone, roblox clone yourself army, roblox every second you get older, roblox every second you get 1+ speed, roblox every second you get 1+ jump, roblox every second your neck grows, roblox every second you get 1+ age, roblox every second you get 1+ health, roblox every second you get 1+ damage, roblox every second, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, elitelupus roblox, Clone Playground
Id: DkndcBN8xNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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