I Place Dominoes But Every Second One Falls You Get +1 Cash On Roblox

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this is Domino drop what we need to do is drop dominoes like this then you hit them and they all should fall over and you get money hell yeah it didn't all fall over nice can I push hers over I can't so you got to try and do as many as you can and try and make it fall over oh I just knocked us over I'm so sorry so I could upgrade things now what's this so we get 100 we can have figures instead nice what other things is there oh it's an RPG two times cash 10 times the size we'll buy that later yes yes get off the shop get out of it I'm going to move right over here as far as I can cuz I want to do a really long one hold on it should be perfect we got to keep putting around like this move around like this this is really cool let's try and knock over go no it stopped there you got to do it absolutely perfect perfect go come on oh you horrible thing push this nice get an extra 10 we got 60 we need 100 to do the other one oh they doing loads at the same time how are they're doing three at the same time that's pretty cool oh I see you just keep doing Drop he do keep clicking it okay uhoh we actually made a lot from that let's hope this can get get this one nice let's try and do this one here we push this one see if this one works oh it does how satisfying nice this guy's trying to break my stuff are you you sure about that mate rocket time I got going to make his life hard now he wants to do it to me that's fine that's fine no no no no no no no wait wait I blew him up anyway go back to dropping I wonder if I could draw a face I can't draw any one's face I'll try I'll try let's see we can do it here stop dropping push is it going to work it's not him over come on that corner's kind of tight though oh no we didn't do it you fall over boy okay [Music] so wow you could just launch a rocket and blow things up you can aim at them and launch a rocket actually at them wow that's awesome okay let's go to upgrades we upgrade this okay so you could oh you could upgrade the size the rows everything now I get it we would like to upgrade the size next oh we can we upgrade the size I don't really like that to be fair I like these still I don't mind the puppet things but they're they're thousand that's a lot let's drop there should be bigger now yes yes they probably make more money to be fair we're going to see how far we can actually go before it uh doesn't work anymore we got to be gentle with the corners as well when it HS it doesn't hit it properly that it doesn't work let's try just here push come on now you could do [Music] it no what did it stop there it should have kept going keep going keep going keep going keep [Music] going it is so good this rocket launcher if anyone gets too close you could just launch rockets at the nice anyway let's see if we can make a huge one should we is there anything to upgrade my speed oh look at that look at the size thing two times drop two times cash we need that we need more cash I was can't upgrade we'll get the 10 times the size after we've upgrade it to the max already we can see how big they get they're probably going to be massive there we go we should make more money now as well a very simple game it's just really fun let's see how that does I did it come on keep going keep going keep going keep going don't stop don't stop Yes Yes first time we got it all the way yeah oh we made loads okay let's go to upgrades let's see if we can upgrade the size we can't 500 for the next one that's fine we'll wait we'll wait know what sort of pattern I can do we'll start over there and we'll work our way over here let's see if we it will actually work I don't think it will I think it will stall somewhere it always does the longer the track is the more money you make it's very very long please please it should come back to me that's what I'm hoping for right ready push yes it's going round keep going keep going yes keep going keep going it's doing well please don't stop please don't stop still going it's got to make it all the way back around here do you reckon it make it come on it's most random game I saw on here it it's definitely worth everything it's worth every single one of my pennies we did it nice guys leave a like on this yes leaving a like is the best thing you could ever do and leave me a comment below if you know what I'm doing you've played this before I've done this before I used to do it with cards you could like make cards fold and you can make cards uh like can make a big tower make it fall down that's what I used to do with cards upgrade Let's see we can upgrade the size we should have upgraded how many rows but we could do that in a minute cuz we can make more money then my God they're even bigger now look at the size of them the bigger they are the easier are to fall down I'm guessing I don't know if I should walk this all the way across and see if we could do a really really long one we going to try and make it as long as we can we want the maximum amount of money we don't want someone pushing it over some person come along and push it over cuzz that's what they can do they can push it over and it ruins everything come on don't lag okay that is really long I push it from this side that's fine let's see if it does it please don't stop don't stop no it stopped there I done the corner too tight that's why done this corner a bit too tight go oh it is slowly falling there's a bit of lag on here we should be able to make it round all around this one because I didn't take the corners too tight there it should be able to work come on now it should give me a load of cash we could do double then double the amount of them come on yes it's almost there yay how much I make oh we made lows on that one okay two rows it is nice we got double time now oh no my things fell over what just happened they all fell over my screen like turned off and turned on what on Earth here we go here we go I don't know how this is going to work but they are falling as I'm place them I wonder if I can make a ton of money this way cuz it hasn't stopped falling yet has it I reckon I can make loads of money this way we got a glitch to make money yes put these things down there's loads of them uh-oh [Music] uhoh yeah look at that we made loads we need 2,000 for the next one that's fine okay we're going to try to do this in a massive line let's see if we can get it all done oh there's a gun over there he's place loads of them I think we should be able to make loads of money from this one we got 1,035 at the moment if we do this I reckon we'll be able to that way wrong way that's the [Music] way yes you're doing it you're doing it she get a bit too close for my liking oh we done it we got all the way to the end we got 300 for that I took her out and then her thing starts off he doesn't realize I'm shooting Rockets o there we go you shouldn't come after me then should you they haven't done nothing wrong by the way I'm just launching rockets at them nice all right let's keep drop in we're going to see if we can make some sort of pattern that's what I like to make uhoh that's going to bring it up off balance then I don't think this is going to be able to work cuz that one's a bit tight there is so many in that one section I don't know if this is going to [Music] work there we go let's try it they're all starting to fall they're all starting to fall is it going to work I mean they are falling they are falling they are going I didn't think that was going to work and it does yeah boy we did it what okay I've got a cool pattern you watch this okay ready we're going to go that [Music] way okay we're going to push it because uh that went wrong that went wrong we tried to do a really cool pattern it just didn't work we got 2K now but we're not going to get the next one yet why does it do that no it's time to [Music] fall I tried to do something really cool but it didn't work get out let's move it to one do one [Music] quickly I need to start somewhere where they're not going to just fall over I just hope that's going to work I'll show you what I'm drawing in a second don't know if it's going to work especially not down there I did it wrong no let's try it I tried to do like a heart but it didn't really work too well see if they had little things that you can put the things on as well that would make it awesome all right let's see the upgrade to see free rows here we go hang on it's not free roads well that is a lot we are placing a lot this is causing a massive amount of lag but it's okay that's like four we're getting like four look how many there is hopefully we can actually push this over it looks quite stable to be fair go this way slowly slowly and this way so like a RAC trck they like slotted into each other I don't think we're going to be able to push this let's try let's try they're all starting to go they're starting to go is it going to work there is load there there is so many surprised didn't crash the game look how many there is come on keep going make your way around oh it's so satisfying and we done it that was amazing that literally gave me loads that gave me so much we're going to do some more going to do some weird lines the more that falls the more money you make that's how it goes that was quite long but if we can make our other one longer then we'll be laughing look how long that is that is massive this should be able to work yes yes look how far that is that way pull that way what is wrong with you that's it okay they're falling every way now they oh they're starting to fall that way I can see them they all fall down there's so many blocks on the screen I wonder how they did it nice let's go to the sharp not this one you look the size you can have huge size get out of it sharp oh hang on I don't want to buy anything like that it's is it 10,000 I've got a rainbow com out my back side these are different things that we can use we want another size let's do that one so it should be a bigger size now even bigger we shouldn't stop running what we need to do is literal stop and just press the stop drop and keep running I'm hoping this will actually fall because the last time it didn't fall too right so we try and turn sidewards and go back on oursel I like to go back down the way we can but because we got so many being put down at once it's like we got four already it's quite impressive that is so many not like just one or two that is like four at a time this Line's very long we made it and then we're going to go back around here it's very very very long I don't know if this is going to work or it's going to delete itself it should I'm going to make my way all the way up here I should be able to push this it should go all the way around and then end up back down there we're hoping I'm ready to push stop or drop you click this it stops dropping them ready okay so it always does that at the end there we go we got it it's perfect we knocked into it perfectly this time it hasn't stopped it hasn't stopped I thought it stopped it's still going but it's causing lag you see it you see it over there it's going it's going to go back around here back on itself and back this way cuz see it it's still falling that one's slower than this one why it's make its way we should make loads of money from this normally Domino's fall faster as they go along there it goes that's a lot oh we got loads from that we will try to use we go to this we will try to use the figures I don't know how well they work but we can give it a try can they all like knock into each other and fall over guessing they can they look like jelly beans jelly babies that's the one oh they keep banging into each other let's push it this way push [Music] these don't fall over too well do they what is the point of these guys they don't fall over I'm pushing them we that knocked him [Music] over I knocked in into it he's sort of annoyed I've knocked all his over I'm so [Music] sorry oh poor Baker Boy knocked over his [Music] thing I'm putting all stuff around him I'm like putting him in a castle I wonder if he's going to knock it over someone's going to knock it over once they start knocking it I'm going to keep moving oh someone's knocked it I think not come towards me yet though the guys's running he's noticed how much money I'm going to make from this I'm just building round him they're still falling as I'm going are they stopped there we made a lot hold on so that means we should be able to not increase the size that's not what I want to do I want to oh that's 10 I ain't buying no money no I've spent loads of money on here we need 10,000 that's going to take a little while I mean the swords take up less space really I don't know hang on let's try and work this out let's let's push these we're going to try and work out how much much a small one go so we're going to go the smallest there smallest we go size one as well $2 is how much this one would do four so it does pay you more the size Matters you know you think you keep saying to yourself it doesn't it does there we go lovely also it matters how many you're putting down obviously they are really big nice here we go causing some lag here but it's okay now we got bigger ones as well we should be able to uh make tons of money from this very good oh no they're starting to fall already no stop stop falling he chasing me nothing I could do about I'm taking the tightest turns as well trying to take the tightest turns and it still can actually push it that's crazy cuz they're all overlapping each other otherwise it wouldn't do it keep going let's see how much money we make from this probably going to be a lot cuz all of them are gone from there I'm still going still going uhoh almost almost someone else's track here come up come up nice nice [Music] nice that's it that's the end of it got 2,000 for that cool we're going to try and do the biggest one that we've ever done I really really want six rows so I'm going to be buying it oh it only gave me 1,000 cash that cost me that for 1,000 cash 10 times the size dead that should be good we got two times cash already so we can't actually buy that one we actually have to work hard to get it it's it's not good uh let's buy this nice so now we should have something else that we're using there we go these are their puppet things is they nice they line up quite nicely these ones actually I wonder how much money we get where's the money I didn't give me any money money see how much this gives me they literally all go down at once they're not giving me any money you wasters that guy was doing swords so I'm guessing that's going to be pretty [Music] good 90 ain't too bad there is so many swords here we're literally lined up Swords they all fall down I don't know what they've done they all fall down or [Music] not okay so I think I've got a glitch here we can put down loads but for some reason they don't really fall over too well I think we' got to switch back to the first one this one it's the only one what just works it just works just watch we should get money for this [Music] there go starting to go money didn't it say 100 times it that doesn't look like 100 times is it upgraded now oh my Lord it is the size of them that is so broken they are so big they are like six times the size of me prob more than that actually they are [Music] massive wrong way wrong way need to go that way we got it they go well quick they fall well fast don't get a lot of money from them to be fair I really want to see what the last one would do keep getting stuck in the floor oh guys I'm broken well I hope you guys have a fantastic day and I hope to see you soon and yeah see you guys thank you for watching [Music] bye
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 252,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Place Dominoes But Every Second One Falls You Get +1 Cash On Roblox, roblox but every second, roblox every second, roblox but every second you get 1+ hp, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump, roblox but every second you get 1+ walk speed, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump power, roblox but every second you get 1+ health, Dominoes But Every Second One Falls You Get +1 Cash, elitelupus, roblox, roblox cash, roblox elitelupus, cash, roblox dominos, roblox dominus sandbox
Id: b2hTviXJpSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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