I Used The FASTEST Race Ball On Roblox

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bro I'm inside a marble look at me roll around why does my hat stick out the top right I had to go on red track I think that's the only one I can go on look at him roll around it looks stupid I guess I'm look stupid [Music] too look at be roll oh hang on this is well cool so it's basically like the cart game I'm guessing but you're in a marble instead so you just have to survive as long as possible I'm guessing there the all all the other tracks there is so many ah okay we slow round there cuz I was would have fell off oh we've done it we've done it okay there's some bumps it's saying let's go fast then oh look at that I was absolutely skilled at that I'm pro at Marvel as you can see I'm rolling around like a I just don't care oh this one's so easy B in the marble doing this that would make me so sick uh uh uh ah no I fell off can't believe this hang on could I fall off but in the right [Music] way you know what I'm getting at oh oh you can hang on you can if you're if you're clever about it I reckon you could you could jump off no we could have jumped all the way down to the bottom there and missed loads of it all right we're just got to go fast we got that coin we go around but be very careful cuz it actually slings you off here there we go we made it we got another coin as well lovely this is actually really well made oh that thing that's meant to stop you don't really stop you not really you see me rolling about I look so [Music] stupid e that's a bit of a tight corner here we go deloop we got go fast we oh we did it on the green now want the bogey one nice I'm going quite quick but I don't know if that's a good idea oh there it is it is it's [Music] okay this is so good there is so many tracks I'm guessing it's going to get a lot harder than this okay these are sort of roll backs ah how on Earth are you meant to do that there we [Music] go no that is really hard this one's very hard no you going to say to me it's not that hard it [Music] is it breaks at the end so like right here I can fall but just there I can't fall okay that makes no sense let's drop here then uh I used should play a game on uh Nintendo 64 that was like this like a marble game I think it's Nintendo 64 this way we need to go don't try it okay I'm thinking it'll teleport me back if I tried [Music] it oh oh give me that coin thank you very much back we go a lot of people are stuck on this one it seems like can we buy different bows and stuff that's what I reckon we buy different balls protection spring oh this one's horrible this one's horrible it's like just a waiting game no she fell she fell and she must have been waiting for ages for that as well this is a horrible one why did they make it like this they could have made it a lot better than that couldn't they a waiting game we want to go fast that's what we care about we're like Sonic want to go fast want to get some hair be careful be careful of this bit here I am too Pro too Pro oh okay that almost took me out but I am too Pro yes we did it we got past the horrible bit going quite quick now but it's okay not too bad the corner is not too bad oh that was hard to get up there what was [Music] that okay so they they tilt I understand that's going to make it a lot harder almost made it in the yellow one down we go no it tilted when I hit it and it says this is a medium one it's not even a hard track that's a lie if this is not a hard track I wonder what the hard tracks are going to be like that is horrible we done it we done it got through that bit I don't think we would but we did oh tilt that's a launch there's no tilt there no oh I thought we didn't do it there I literally thought we didn't do it oh here we go this ain't too bad easy these are easy to do you could roll around it really fast like this and get all the coins but let's get the coins come up ah we done it she's stuck here as well what's this then oh that Ain too bad this one's not too bad at all you just keep rolling around and into this get that coin you got to make sure you roll around cuz otherwise you can't get round whoa what the what just happened it it shot me up where was I meant to go it shot me in the air and I didn't know where I meant to [Music] [Applause] go oh I see got to land there go land straight on the point nice I'm guessing I have to land in that one and then roll up there nice no why' I roll off like that I can't believe this see a big one there I can't wait for that don't if that's the first one though nice looks like it's going to get hard there twisting parts to it coin mine oh oh oh I think I'm safe in this for now oh there's a tilt here oh no I can't get up there I can't get the speed how are you meant to do that that is that is terribly hard got it we can just roll off the side anyway who okay waitting for the track hang on where is the track no no now we got to wait for it why they got so many waiting things that is stupid in a game that you want to go fast and roll really quickly you got to wait for these things to keep coming up and down that is horrible game passes what's these game passes always jump you got to wait for it to go all the way up no way guys's on the red one look at him go oh what the up I go hoping to get this one done I'm going up but I'm hoping not to come off go this way slightly there's a big drop there that's huge is fast I reckon it is fast let's [Applause] go no I want that coin I couldn't get any of them or we made it we made it stop spinning what's this thing was this the purple track oh it's pink oh what was that oh that's a stopper oh this is going to get well hard now you're going to no you got things to to break everything it says difficulty one and a half Stars how is that don't worry we got this I like the stopper that's actually really [Music] good just said you got to be very careful so this one's a jumper and you stop nice I like it's teaching you all these things then on you if as long as you don't roll anywhere else it will roll you in the right way if that makes sense don't roll anywhere else is what's this banking oh that's horrible it's trying to make you fall off look it it turning making it hard oh oh no we both fell off we both fell off together she's stupid I'm not stupid it's the banking just here on this corner be very careful he's stuck on there look he's stuck inside his ball look he did do it he did do it be careful around there and up down but then this one is quite a lump there and it banks around here as well have to be careful she fell off she fell off okay here we go stay straight you don't need to turn don't turn don't turn don't turn see perfect [Music] long as you stay straight and don't turn just look forwards the way you want to go and that's it see back on here [Music] oh okay don't lift too far what's [Music] good this it literally just goes up to the next one each one I dislike these when they're like this cuz these are quite hard cuz it's not on the track anymore have to roll onto these blinking things and then you fall off going to be another one there we go yes no way have go across there or get the coin we're going to get the coin because the coin's what we need ah ah ah This Guy's in the same position as me then it Banks just there oh he fell I knew it was going to happen cuz it Banks and he had a lot of speed I feel sorry for him cuz you got to climb up them things again them horrible lift things we [Music] we roll this way get the coin roll this way get on this oh we only just got on that we only just got on it we did it we're in the blue there's no purple jump enabled whoa whoa whoa that's well [Music] hard how how you me to do that you bounce off the sides of them backflip back flip I'm guess if you land perfectly that's the best way to do it hang on I need a drink open up a can of Pepsi Max obviously been drinking a lot these Pepsi Maxes I'm drinking this Pepsi Max and it has mango in it it's lovely I like the Cherry one as well to be fair we got to jump up there now o ah jump don't worry don't worry don't don't worry almost had a heart attack oh I disabled it even though I try to jump over it these are pushers so they're going to push you off as long as you're quite quick they don't matter which way do we go we're going to go the way with the bumps we don't want to go down that way these bumps won't be that bad no just a few bumps in the road I can't jump either makes it a lot harder this is actually getting really really hard super fun though I didn't expect it I was like oh it's going to be another one of those games it's going to be a couple of tracks that's it they've actually spent loads of time on this and it's amazing look how much stuff they've done it looks like it gets seriously hard though oh the guy's just here there's a reason why he's just here I'm guessing oh maybe he's not she's bold she bold normally a reason why they're there because it's hard oh what just happened down and round down and then round yes it's quite hard cuz this bit of the road actually knocks you [Music] off these used to move oh one side it's the right one one side a so we got the right side that time the first one's this one no it's not it's not side with the coin what what am I doing side with the coin this way then it's this way then it's where the coin is then it's where the co coin is this side again what side is it then it's not the side where the coin that's this way then it's right I'm guessing and then you roll back to co you a you sneaky I'm guessing it's right again no it's not it's left why every time so it's right right yeah and then right again and then left thank you thank you very much you horrible track what's this oh my [Music] Lord oh how how you made to do that that's really hard that is super hard this way you won jump because if you had jump there that is so hard you jump you can just jump over the whole lot you have to go this way then you have to go down this way [Music] oh we done it I don't know how wa it's enabled jump how are you meant to know when to jump that is so hard how you meant to ah ah ah that is so difficult [Music] that is really [Applause] hard that is how you this last bit here you jump be fair if you got enough speed oh done it they disabled it we're on orange now oh they have got a purple we need to get to purple purple is my [Music] forte my favorite color what's your favorite color we don't say it's orange or yellow cuz yellow is like your in isn't it so why would you like that what I just went past that whole Track by Rolling straight over it that is so funny I missed the Coen but it's worth it oh all right I'm just literally going ham on these I missed them that was there I just went past it really easily you land directly on them you can oh it's so difficult I'm literally holding my breath as I'm playing yay [Music] we you have to get some speed there you get stuck even though it looks really big you don't go jumping over the side because you don't get enough speed to so don't worry about it you just hold fors on this one lovely [Music] see I'm guessing that you have to Oh I thought we have to go flying oh I missed it it's purple purple knockout oh they got oh no we got fists go go go ah be very careful cuz these things will bang you off we oh we get so close I wonder if we can just go for it hold on no you can't no you can't they really dislike me [Music] these but look at their pattern just go slow no we can't make it up come on please how we going to do this roll all the way down ah so we need speed as well okay purple's a lot harder than it looks no wait from the punch like that then go just hoping to get the speed we need the speed otherwise you can't do anything that nice nice we made it I didn't think we would yeah yeah oh didn't make that one this is quite hard actually you got to shoot up to the next one shoot up to the next one what's up there this one's very very close of not actually making it oh we did it okay that wen't too bad that weren't too bad let's go okay I actually just died I did it I didn't even what on Earth [Music] I'm following this guy he seems to [Music] know is it a guy or a girl I think he's a girl my bad my bad I'm [Music] sorry it's [Music] timed what just happened so you need to Oh Hang h on there's a button here as well one there's one button here does it open up another button around here or it doesn't there's a button here as well so hang on let me go through so I'm thinking there's a button there oh oh oh I hit that one there's a button here there's a button here and then you can you can go I don't understand that one what does it say okay there there's traps okay there's a button here there's a button over [Music] here there is a button over here probably somewhere at the back here probably there's going to be a button we need to find the buttons oh hang on I found a coin okay this button I've been through anyway it says it's timed so do you need to make it through in a certain time then is that what it is okay I think you do all right ready to go let's do this I made it a certain time what's they trying to say l is that the wrong way hang on is there another way out of here oh there is another way at the back that's why this a way at the back and I didn't see it so that is a trap I thought hey that's the right way but it's not it's over here then I got to make it round I didn't make it the right way no I got to go back I understand now this is horrible okay it's that one there okay I press this button run around here we should be able to go around maybe it's not where we meant to go around the back of here isn't [Music] it this where we meant to go oh my God that is such a distance there is no way oh there is no way to remember that to get through that is so sneaky hold on not this way I think you can't hit another button if you hit another button it turns it off go in here then now I know the way press this button up this way go across wrong [Music] way come on come on now [Music] Yes we finally did it we got past it we got past it that was horrible that was absolutely horrible at maze okay so then one's disappear I knew they disappear but I just rolled over them go down and around and it'll disappear come back thank you very [Music] much oh there's tracks that do that as well no I did it twice they go away so quickly how you going to get that there's no way there's no way to get that that one I would I wouldn't risk it I would risk it for a biscuit oh oh that was so close we almost fell off the side there it's definitely getting harder so much harder go okay maybe not yeah this bit just deletes itself so you have to be very careful oh you actually have to be faster how how are you meant to do that fast so you've literally got about 10 seconds to do this let's go oh maybe not let's go I a jump we could easily do this okay okay I'm holding my breath cuz it's very very difficult I don't know how I go past them corners but I do I did it I just did it you wouldn't believe I literally just did it this will come back and it will take me out so these things will delete you very quickly where's the next one oh no I fell off almost you almost got me boy one here but it's okay this bit you got to be slow cuz I watch you fall off there's one there that deleted meang on there's one here I think up here oh no no no no no all right well I think I'm going to leave it there I've had enough hope you guys have a fantastic day and it's been pretty fun on here see you [Music] bye
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 80,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, elitelupus roblox, roblox elitelupus vr, roblox elitelupus find the markers, roblox elitelupus cart ride, roblox elitelupus train, roblox elitelupus tycoon, roblox elitelupus game, I Used The FASTEST Race Ball On Roblox, I Used The FASTEST Race Ball, FASTEST Race Ball On Roblox, Used The FASTEST Race Ball On Roblox, roblox fastest vehicle, roblox fastest car, roblox fastest speed glitch
Id: tujBVhzFYX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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