Roblox Don't Get Eliminated THE GAMESHOW

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you know Mr gree that creepy old potato with big feet well his brother's here and he's a disgusting ice cream cone and he is way worse than Mr Greece today sunny and I are competing on his game show and our only goal is to not get eliminated I really hope I don't get dropped down that pit who knows what's down there shny the goal of this game is to not get eliminated yeah bro isn't it obvious I never die bro I'm the king of zero deaths uh we'll see about that one sunny I bet you you'll be one of the first people to die nah bro you're heading into the ice cream room that's a big mistake oh all right never mind game starting I was going to go to the Chill Zone oh here it is I'm going in Sunny uh what's going on I'm on team red and you're on team blue it's over for you winning team secur safety from elimination spend this time getting to know your team before the first mini game bro I want to be on your team I don't want to have to kill you this sucks Sunny I'm sorry sorry but when I outplay you and murder you just know it wasn't my fault bro what if my team sucks losers I don't want to be a loser can't we both survive it 1 go uh please tell me it's busy oh my goodness that was scary was it really though oh my what the heck bro I got a popup I instantly died bro are you kidding me how do you die right away I'm clutching up for my squad yo melon yo melon press F press F uh I'm good press it don't be a coward this is getting fast I might actually survive no no no come on team red team red team red team red blue blue blue come on clutch up dude this is getting crazy how are they doing this I don't know they're goated with the sauce bro press F on your key no let's go I won outplayed bro I'm clearly better than you oh my goodness sunny I can't believe you had a better team I'm safe but does that mean you're actually out or are you going to compete against your team now we just have to discuss who is getting getting eliminated let me help them with that you should vote out melon please don't vote for me that would be greatly appreciated and kindly duly also respected yeah I think they should eliminate melon he boops himself red team you call that effort I could achieve more during a nap what what are you talking about slow in your team's hands to decide who gets eliminated now bro this is the weirdest boss for these mini games he's creepier than Mr Greece you live to see another day yes oh wait no that's not good they're safe melon I think you're done for no I don't like this safe it looks like only two choices remain are you kidding me maybe you get to One V one you are the last one safe tonight is it me no a for your elimination my friend why this is not fair bro I love this game this is my new favorite game in Roblox well good thing sunny in this hole I found something called a second chance that was pretty easy are you kidding me you just paid to win didn't you and I just voted for you to lose no I'm getting my second chance Sunny yeah bro what am I doing here I didn't listen to anything he said I got to turn tiles to Blue got it melon are you even in here where are you I'm not in there yet I'm kind of just in a dark hole alone with this Noob you're in the abyss bro welcome to Doomsday bro red is crushing what is blue doing I I think this noob's gone crazy how long has he been here for dude my team is getting destroyed this guy won't stop following me cringe wait maybe I can follow him now yes if we make a train of following we can pull through no we're getting crushed we're getting absolutely obliterated it's actually not even close yeah melon I I think I'm going to get voted out in the next one there are a lot of people following me and they keep changing my blue tiles red instantly dude won't leave me alone Sunny why don't you follow him instead it doesn't work that way have you really thought about it like that I tried following him then we're both wasting our time making no progress oh no I'm about to get voted off the island well sunny I am safe and that's pretty cool wait there's a button here called save yourself well I don't I just press this pay Robux no Sunny you can't do that don't do that fine I won't do it BB was AFK vote her yo I'm going to follow poopy head's instructions you guys really need to step it up come on bro he sounds disgusting this the callon who to eliminate is now in the hands of your team I will trust poopy head he said to vote for BB girl goodbye BB girl oh wait I could pay to eliminate someone you are safe oh I'm safe are you kidding kidding me so Sunny who's getting eliminated BB girl she's getting dunked my friend inde I wonder if I'll see her fall from down here did she arrive oh yep she has arrived and what about your second chance situation I think I'm back in the game you're going to be playing the classic game of dodgeball hit others with the ball but don't get hit yourself that sounds easy enough yeah you hear that melon you're going to get absolutely destroyed oh you think so Sunny I'm a dodge ball goat yeah I just did I just get hit what the heck was that why did I see a Gro bro 10,000 Robux get out of here Sunny you guys are getting wrecked you guys are getting wrecked nah bro I'm hiding I'm totally safe back here bro we're pushing up on you oh my goodness stop it sunny why would I blur my own screen that is so dumb I got killed cuz I could couldn't see anything yeah guess who doed you it was me dude that is cringe I doed everybody let's go that sucks I didn't even play the game I was trying to use the sabotages for fun but I sabotaged myself and it's all blurry yeah and it my game is still blurry Sunny this is really annoying yeah this is trash bro you know what I think we vote off the bacon here let me just discuss this vote off Milani she is bacon Noob I think that's fair I think you're going to get voted off for being a dirty cheat nah bro nah vote Sunny off for for being annoying and cheating no one cares about what you say melon you already lost once the blue team has lost what a beautiful display no I came back totally didn't cheat to come back at all the callon who to eliminate is now in the hands of your team Sunny do you see that it's Mr Greece in the corner you're right look at him over there with his weird little feet sees does this mean this is Mr gree's Boss I think so oh no you safe please why am I not safe what the heck I'm dead it seems there are only two options Sunny oh Sunny not like this and you are the last one safe tonight D time to get eliminated my friend no I don't like this game have fun in the pit suy yeah it's actually kind of awesome down here let's do some pay to win you think if everyone does this the game never ends uh I don't know sunny I think eventually you can't do it anymore I am spectating you melon oh I'm back we're on the same bro you're back already as you can to get the most points some arms may be worth more than others marshmelon some coins are worth a lot more so I'm going to get the high score we'll see about that Sunny where do you even go to get orbs I don't know maybe step on these boxes do they Crush you uh I don't know I'm doing a crazy amount of Parkour right now what the heck that thing just teleported on me glitched up ah no way that thing disappeared bro oh there's lots of orbs melon collect them grab them I'm trying sunny I am trying oh I need these green ones we need them we need them bad actually wait no we're dominating bro we don't need orbs we're chilling we need orbs Sunny carry for the squad ooh a Red Orb that's probably worth a lot wait bro we're actually destroying team red it's not even close I know uh it's cuz we teamed up when the two goats are together we could do anything it's true our power is uncanny unparalleled power oh but Sunny red just made a major comeback somehow I wouldn't say that bro they lost by 50 points all right well you know what they closed the Gap a little bit oh oh you got flopped bro red team is facing elimination hey melon you should be on red team you betrayed them I didn't have a choice bro I just got put on this team ow Traer you're a traiter how can anyone would trust you no you're a traitor Sunny slap battle stop it sunny red team is getting wrecked lost night I don't do you in a heartbeat I like how quickly everyone turns on each other in this game now in the hands of your team it's a brutal brutal stop it sunny sorry sorry and you are the last one safe tonight oh sorry I made a way no way one actually getting eliminated it's melon imagine you're long yo no way he did that to him he baited him out ew this ice cream guy is a weirdo the ice cream Crone is so much weirder than Mr grease yeah his voice to wait Sunny the teams Shuffle every time and now I'm against you yeah well you're going down ow yeah you can't handle my D on the correct tile color before the timer runs last team standing wins oh this is going to be easy this is my specialty I have a perfect plan for this the next color is about to be selected yes what is the next color red is this red or is this brown no way Sunny you're an idiot I was the only one to survive are you kidding me we got baited bro that looks kind of like red you goats got wrecked yeah you called us goats though feeling like a nice guy Sunny yeah cuz you know him to go that's why bro no you know what whatever I'm over it sunny you lost you lost so badly just vote for bacon hair he is Noob and won't care I think that's a good strategy the blue team has lost look they're agreeing with me let's go now it's time for your team to decide who should be oh no not the bacon hair whole Squad voting out bacon hair noob your let's go you live safe no way they all teamed up with near two choices remaining poor bacon last one safe tonight the moment has the bacon hair bro he never had a chance he was the easiest Target press the correct arrows to copy my dance moves more dance moves will be added round the player with the best memory shall win oh that's got to be me sh I will show you the memory that I I will show you my moves everyone pay attention mhm mhm mhm right right down got it good job everyone pay attention oh it's getting different Sunny heyo heyo oh my gosh I misclicked are you again s no no no no no no you are the only idiot to die there bro I was trying to speedrun and I misclicked oh this one's easy boom boom boom uh boom uh boom I think that was it uhhuh okay okay uh-huh I need this girl to win cuz I have a feeling all the ladies are going to team up on me after oh no I forgot the last two son my memory is not the greatest let's go no I ran out of time you did wait it gave us the win both of you messed up that makes no sense let's go thank you Emma I cannot believe I messed that up I had it I just needed to take a second to think let's go and melon you and poopy head stand out quite a bit on your team BR red team you call that effort I could achieve more during enough the callon who to eliminate is now in the hands of your team you live to see another day let's go no way it looks like there are only two possibilities see you later poopy head the moment has arri for your elimination my friend indeed yes oh my goodness sunny I think he Rage Quit yeah he just left the game and that means SNY oh things are going to get real intense now yeah we're getting coming down the conveyor Bel to avoid getting pushed off last team standing wins yeah you're going to be there in the loser hangout we see about that one Sunny oh we will see about that one wait oh boy it's Mr grease heads see not a chance I am not going to go down that easily well I can jump as well and then you're going to get hit by a big Potato Head ow oh no I got hit yeah that's right get up get up that's right I'm punching all of you old blue team yeah get slapped oh oh my goodness no I'm alive I did it there's no way bro that got insane at the end yeah it was so easy and then it was impossible melon it's time it's time for you to die I don't want to go I'm too young to die then you better tell your team to vote out the TV man he's the easiest one to remember all right team what are we thinking ow I don't even know how that hit you I might be facing elimination tonight I can't go out like this you need to dodge two votes perhaps Milani maybe because she's a bacon hair safe yeah I can't believe I'm safe again you survive to see another day teams no more it's a freefor all now yes only the winners of each miname are safe from elimination let's go it's heating up Melon now it's every man for themselves or every melon dude I'm going to destroy you up the Falling Fruit to secure the most points I got be careful falling anvils can Crush you the player with the most points will win oh that's going to be me oh absolutely you can win that's fine but I'm getting second place for sure oh falling fruits ow yeah that didn't look like a fruit that was not a fruit how are you getting it that was supposed to be mine oh cherries they look golden too yes I own my own corner of the map yo give me that no no no no I'm I'm trash right now I got four only I got seven I'm actually crushing oh oh oh huge give me that gold no why' that golf ball kill me bro this is so weird to get them dude this is very confusing this is hard this is very difficult yeah it's very confusing bro that's a big juicy melon though give me these cantelopes the heck hit me I'm definitely not losing so it's fine I think I'm winning I had 33 what just hit me oh it was you you absolute rat that actually didn't hit me I didn't hit you there no I'm getting hit like crazy nice honey get over here I don't want to bro it's so confusing with this PO good job I want immunity Sunny by coming in first oh yeah here's your immunity ow ow why are we voting each other out again I thought it was whoever gets the most and I had the second most whoever gets the most sunny gets immunity and everyone else gets voted out this is going to take forever bro we should lose like five people and I'm just going to press save myself cuz I got a bad feeling about this I would purchase immunity melon vot who you think should be eliminated be careful who you pick you don't want to get on somebody's bad side oh shy which one of you beond will be eliminated today check it out check it out I'm saying TV man only had two points vote him out who do I want to vote out oh I didn't even get a choice oh yeah you are yes my plan my plan has worked melon we voted out the TV man and you are the last one safe tonight oh no way it's time to get eliminated my friend goodbye El chapiro well Sunny that guy died a horrible death he sure did he's down in the naughty pit Dodge The Boulders that fall on the platform be the last person standing to win and shy I got to win another immunity real quick yeah right bro this is all me this is all me it's got my name written on it check it out what the heck I don't even know what I'm doing oh my God what is this I almost ran the wrong way melon how could you do this to me melon we're going to get each other killed no we need to chill we need to chill yeah slap everyone else not each other deal no I'm dead what happened bro just make sure you don't stand underneath the red part well obviously bro oh I got him I got Jay oh he's so lucky slap oh my goodness you're actually going to no way Sunny why would you run into the Boulder Run one foot to the right it moved into my face dang it and now everyone's going to vote for me because I was slapping bro you could go left or you could go right and all you had to do was go right for like one step and you would have been fine I was too busy he slapping everyone I like how they think placing in the mini game matters as if people are going to always vote out the worst player this is not an ethical democracy this is a popularity contest and I say vote out Melon No don't vote me what is wrong with you switch up this time the player that want immunity will decide who gets eliminated shny was punching wait wait wait wait melon did you hear that Jay is picking who he wants out I think I'm dead Sunny was buching everybody oh I made a good point for you bro this would have been the perfect one for me to win I had to go and throw it oh you sa no way I'm alive it looks like only two choices remain I don't know why the TV man didn't vote me out he had the full control there and you are the last one safe tonight he could have killed me no yeah and new doggy got pranked you you're not actually getting eliminated the moment has arriv for for your elimination my friend bro what I can't believe doggy dog got voted off instead of me dude you got so lucky all I know is I need this immunity for the next round yes because I'm going to vote you out for sure stop it you didn't even hit me what the heck how did I hit her press the correct arrows to copy my dance moves oh Sunny I'm not messing this one up again me neither bro player with the best memory shall win I just record with my phone that's why that's that's cheating I'm I won't do that everyone pay attention down down down up up to the right did anyone die I hope not that would be quite sad up up left up up left good job everyone pay attention okay right up bro light work left right right all right I'm going to stop saying random things because I'm going to mess myself up yeah that's it dude don't talk so much pay attention oh light work bro it's like down left and left left and another down I think I got it I think I got it good no way we're all still in I thought some of them would mess up there are they cheating how are these people all still alive think it's like this oh I'm kind of forget I think I got it I don't know no I ran out of timer that misclicked it I did it I have the greatest memory a giga melon bro I messed up I can't believe I failed I can believe it sunny you shouldn't messed with the melon's melon yeah well you have immunity who are you voting I don't think I get to vote I think I'm just safe Jay died first yeah yeah let's say j they did die first vote TV man bro I like how polite this Lobby is they always want to vote off whoever did the worst job and look at them wow good job melon that was a hard one these people are so nice yeah they are nice what a wholesome game we have going the player that want immunity will decide who gets eliminated oh I get to decide who gets eliminated uh melon think about this one carefully please you're lucky I'm feeling nice today sunny I can't tell you who I voted though oh it's not me thank goodness thank you melon you're the goat it seems there are I had to do it to him I kind of feel bad say goodbye to the TV man last one safe tonight Jay did die first so I had to vote him out let's go indeed yes yes but melon one problem it's just you and me versus these three girls and I think they're all friends oh yeah that is kind of a problem Sun we need immunity and then we have to vote one of them out yep and I need to stay alive all right shy good thing we have punching Powers let's team up and use our powers wisely and you could boost too don't forget stay on the top as long as possible yes I think I got her oh she got away just barely oh I got a slap off yes oh wait I just surrounded myself in a corner great yes I have a huge chunk of land to myself no I'm at the bottom uh Sunny be careful you can't die on me they're trying to cut me off one of them's already out it's okay I'm going to try and cut this other player off I can do it I can do it sunny you're going to cut me off wait you're back here I'm up here oh use your Boost I'm going down from the top use your Boost use your Boost I made it sunny all right now let's not cut each other off we got to work together here I'm going in for the kill I'm trying to cut her off Sunny doing everything I can slapped her it's all comes down to me and you now boy let's go oh oh I'm dead I'm an idiot let's go immunity is all mine they're so mad at us Sunny we probably should get them out of here let me check the chat let me check Sunny's punching melon punch too you can't vote me out I won uh Sunny uh I'm going to get voted out here so you better have the power why you so mad huh why you so mad uh oh melon punch too um oh my God no fair vote out melon it's melon's doing it uh uh we can talk about this uh Sunny made me do it yeah I think I get to pick this time the eliminated players will be voting someone off oh no melon you're dead are you kidding me I can't even save you you're so dead done I'm done there's nothing I can do here bro I was going to vote them out obviously and keep you in the game but yeah you're done well Sony you better go on win this yeah I'll do my best bro that was not fair it looks like there are only he's going to prank me too it's going to be the worst and you are the last one safe tonight yep I'm dead it's time to get eliminated my friend goodbye Melon No these girls are so happy about it I really should have voted one of the girls off I should have known they were teaming I'm sorry Jay it's all right I can still win this the first player to beat the obstacle I don't think I can revive my wait can I actually get another Second Chance do it do it dang it I can't I can't that would have made them so salty go not as salty as this though watch this slap right into the lava oh shortcut and now I'm going to win this get immunity and win the games they're going to be very sad when they have to vote each other out let's go you need to get immunity Sunny you're dead oh I know they're super angry age with me for all the slaps if I mess up here it's over melon I'm right here at the Finish Line though I can taste it I can taste it let's go give me that you did it let's check the chat who they going to vote BR slap they don't even know what to say melon did you get immunity yeah of course bro I won that parkour okay I say vote Emma no mean stuff though dude this High person keeps freaking controlling everything thing you got to get her out of here yeah let's see if I get to decide though right I say vote Emma to they're so mean vote for who you think is the biggest loser and I'll take good care of them do you get to vote them out sunny I do and that's why I said don't worry Emma I'll save you they meanies you're in the clear you didn't vote for high it appears there are merely two choices remaining and you are the last one safe tonight oh oh no I told I told wait what sorry I made a Miss see I voted high off you're not the one actually getting eliminated the moment has wait what I didn't do that my what the heck I didn't do that Sunny maybe you didn't have all the power maybe I misclicked I don't know what just happened flashback end a flashback and I told Emma I would save her all right that's kind of bad I think Sunny what happened is you didn't have all the power there perhaps and you know it's really bad I got to take this phone call oh no Sunny you got to win but don't get hit yourself 3 2 1 go meanwhile yo check it out Emma wants to make the girls lose good job you did it melon did I lose uh I have no idea sunny I can't spectate I have no idea what's going on oh no C's got immunity this is bad uh you're you're off Sunny you're done for please I had to answer door give me a chance not like this I had a pizza delivery you were so close but Sunny you lost in the end no no no it's all cuz I had to get pizza for real hold on hold on I gift Roo free Roo if you save me here to have another it's too late Sunny please please I'm doing everything I can losers it's time to vote to eliminate someone well I have to vote for high carefully is this just a coin flip maybe I'll survive no she gets to vote too yeah but that's one for one yeah but the person who's immune also has a vote two options left I don't know about that please let me live please somehow and you are the last one safe tonight sorry s maybe that's C uhoh it seems the eliminated player has saved himself let's go no way it actually worked I could have done that you can't get rid of me that easily I purchased a save 10 Rounds ago for this very moment the first player to beat the obstacle course I should have done the same thing Sunny you need to win immunity and get one of them out of there I will bro look how salty they are now I'll show them what a schlap looks like schlap slap schlap slap slap yeah you salty now huh oh oh oh what are you going to do what are you going to do I'm too goated I'm too goated no pizza delivery could stop me from getting Victory oh that was close but I clutched up really these all disappear this is crazy this is absolutely insane melon but I'm doing it oh I'm doing it I'm so close kind of want to wait here and slap him should I do it I think you got to do whatever you got to do to win slapped and now I continue no way I can lose this let's go I got the slap and the win I'm Pro to you Sunny let's go let's go oh how the tables have turned oh how the turn tables oh they want me to stop doing this nobody cares so just stop it do be looking like you care slap guys I'm not being mean all right I'm just having a little fun another poor performance has brought you to me once again vote for who you think is the biggest loser I don't actually want to vote I think they're both very nice people I'm just too goated I'm too good at jumping on blocks it's cuz we train in Bar's prison all the time it looks like there are only two possibili wa I could have spectated this entire thing yeah pretty much and you are the last one safe tonight the moment has a right for your elimination my friend indeed yes let's go it's a one versus one now I got a message from the other girl who's one of their friends Emma she says you're going to win let's go congratulations finalists one of you will be eliminated I believe in you enjoy the beautiful dinner that's been prepared for you yo what look at this meal here this is creepy look at these beeps over here are waiters look sus bro they look like my weird strick Dad yeah look at this guy and then this looks like a creepy monster let me try this food on bro you're eating a foot you're literally eating a foot ew you're right let me taste it though delicious you actually ate it sunny oh no my stomach hurts slap no no way you actually win this is it a eating contest what was that we're down to the last two finalist do I just vote it's time for the jury to de decide who we will eliminate last are you kidding me after all this you just pick who you vote oh I know who I'm voting for Kia no way I'm so losing this no I think Emma will vote for you maybe to not be voted and it looks like you are the winner please for the content for the content please I need this I you got this let's go please tell me that real please tell me that it's real it is the moment has arrived for your elimination what y'all are weird we did it sunny Victory we did it goats if you enjoyed this video press that like button and subscribe for more awesome content let's go y winner how are you so good at this game
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 331,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yAF79vSBMog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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