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so we played a Roblox game where next spot pngs are trying to kill us can we evade them or will Drizzy Drake destroy us can we get 696 likes on this video let's get golden yo Sunny dude vote for map vote for The Maze vote for The Maze vote for The Maze you're just going with the popular choice you rat [Music] yeah the maze is a hard ranked map are you crazy yeah well I'm loaded so it's okay but are you goaded Wit Da sauce yes bro and I'm the baby damn you got 30 seconds sunny sunny stick with me we're gonna get our way out of here yo mellow turn around your legs look kinda messed up bro bro your legs look messed up dude you're talking smack on me you got the same legs yeah whatever bro at least we got a bacon man with us I'm with you I'm with you roll up roller roll out we gotta find our way out of here wait we can actually escape this maze let's go I don't know if you can I I'm pretty sure we can oh well way to get me excited for nothing bro but it's fine I'm bringing that quad little tickleberry that lanky Bucks Run High team up do whatever it takes to survive sorry I kind of freaked out there I trip balls let's go we gotta survive Sonny no matter the costs I'm gonna kill you melon I'm just kidding Let's survive together yo we can see everything from here just do some 360s yeah dude yo this guy's got night vision look he's got night vision bruh he can see the monsters in 4D yeah bro he knows what if he is a monster though he kind of looks like a zombie melon what's this over here she's just sleeping been we can go get that's a downed opponent dude no she's just sleeping she's just sleeping I hear the zzs oh wait she she emoted yeah let's emote over here how do we emote like that I don't know I'm kind of scared melon can we see them through this because I don't see a single monster I feel like we can I think we can see other players so we'll see them running and then it means we need to run what is that sound don't want to find out I like being alive it's nice dang bro she thick dude why are you looking dude that's not that's not gentleman like oh she ran right past me with those anyways I won't talk about it honestly I'm trying to find the monsters I can't even see him oh my goodness yeah well we're seeing a lot of dead people oh God oh my God Mr Krabs why oh my goodness Jesus Oh My all three of us got deleted melon that was your fault you led us over here no sonny that was on you dude you're an imposter you're literally red like Mr Krabs you just sent us to our death bro it was unfortunate oh please Mr Krabs stole my money we're gonna die bro that was actually terrifying all right Press menu wait maybe these guys will save us maybe these boys will save us Ellen I I pressed the menu on accident I was gonna try and buy a revive or something great I got revived too Sonny respawn there is a respawn button I'm so smart let's go I'm back in business melon I'm coming to save you where are you sonny I'm coming at the speed of light come to my arms wait let's save her oh well she's Beyond repair dude it's so Eerie in here like At Any Corner if Mr Krabs could turn into and just end us that's why you should take every corner first just to make sure it's safe I don't trust you anymore I'm scared you lead the way now oh what was that did we win we survived dang I'm the goat bro oh I died it says I died Sony our goal is to survive this entire round without dying I think we got this well I know how to do it I just won't follow you I'll stay right here okay dude bro this is the safest place in the game come here this feels like I'm trapped in a corner no check it out you could see everything coming from a mile away yeah but once they come you're dead no dude you gotta be quick look you could just kite them all right dude you have fun cutting them I'm gonna stick right here chill bro when I see Dwayne the Rock turn this corner I'm gonna be like Zip Zap Zoom when I'm out of here for sure dude for sure so I think this person has a monster detector I'm gonna chill with them all right I'm gonna go on my own come on Gummy show me the way gummy oh my goodness yeah melon I don't think you want to go that way I'm Gonna Save him I'm going so fast I'm coming to hell I'm on the way I'm getting a revived don't worry your hero's here to save you oh my God there's a monster coming into troll face run melon run melon my screen's shaking I don't like it oh it's another one spot the spine I actually chasing you yes the Spy is right behind me let him eat you instead I didn't see him he ain't even here dude you literally lied to me I I ain't lying bro my screen was freaking out oh my God so Much Death over there let's go towards it let's go towards it I'm running I'm running out of me yeah I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming for you oh my God just go oh wait I'm getting revived no it's okay I could save you now I got cornered by a troll face I don't even know who that other dude was it's the robber from TF2 slap my head holy smokes that man says slap my hand and then he killed someone let's go let's go let's go they're stealing you I was coming to revive you she's saving me she's my hero no I will be your hero put him down that's my melon drop it drop the melon she's gonna remind me yo type drop the melon help me out here yes I saved you let's go go teamwork back in business and we survived Sonny yeah I don't like this this round's extra spooky the map is now encased in a big black fog oh God stick with me how do they have flashlights yo punch oh this is spooky scary what is she doing my flashlight running out of batteries oh God not gummy what do you mean run run I'm running run I don't know what it is but I'm running oh look back don't look back I'm with you melon it's the guy from Incredibles oh my God he's cursed are we free no we're not his big chin almost got me run no Mr Incredible killed me oh save me yes blue please Reviving me I'm alive wait I think I see you is that you yeah it's me I see you bud I'm I'm trying to find my way to you I know it's really hard in the dark hey we're there let's go now don't stand too close together so that at least one of us can survive what is that sound oh my God he's back he's back move no it's cursed no I've been smushed by Mr Incredible twice oh I see you you got me I can find my way to you no no go back I'm coming I'm coming save me I got you sonny thank you oh we won trap room maybe they ain't voting for it so I guess we're doing a red ruins they're scared I'm holding it down we're in the urd ruins the urge we're in the urge what is this Death Zone I like it let's see if he comes to life here okay one zero oh my God oh my God yeah I mean I died I died yeah I got killed by Drizzy Drake bro Jimmy old school Drake killed me oh I'm being saved yes no Drake Izzy no anything but trizzy someone saved me put me down and save me already what is this lady doing oh my God she's just gonna carry me the whole game isn't she oh Drizzy is coming after me getting revived coming melon I'm not afraid of your drink I'm Not Afraid of Anything run Sunny you're good you're good I literally jumped straight through Drake and the Nyan Cat I'm the goat see ya I'm going I'm going for the real life can I Sprint what is this bro I got pancaked it wouldn't let me Sprint yo hotline bling hotline Bling No no I'm not ready to hunt like bro I got flipped upside down bro oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God [Music] why is he playing the trumpet I'm a mama he's playing a great trumpet melon I'm coming he killed me I'll save you Drake I I bro I took a seat I took a seat on that one no it's sunny we're gonna die here I came to rescue you and then I got Jimmy hey we won hey let's go so melon you want to go closer to the death skull this time all right I'm gonna start right inside of it oh my God two one I'm going I'm jumping run no no that did not work yeah what did you think was gonna happen I thought I was quicker with it please save me oh she jacked me bro it was supposed to be your turn to save me I'm just a hopeless sunny in the world drop me melon get me quick no oh I got her killed what was that I got you both killed bro that cylinder just wrecked me yep thanks bruh oh God I'm going I'm gonna get killed on God someone help me somebody save me quick please melon I got you I got you I got you hello I got you I got you did I pick you up pick me up and dip oh the red cylinder's after me I'm not long for this world Welcome to Hell I mean heck oh well I'm heck and dead [Laughter] why don't you dying for him yeah shut it bro I'm coming back so quick with it check this out too I press menu I press play I press respawn baby yo I'm gonna pick you up I'm gonna scoop you into a cacti I press menu no stay there stay there don't press menu I was gonna save you I press menu I just died who is the chosen one Carrie I got you Ellen where should I toss this purse right here sounds good okay I'll revive sure I'll be a good teammate I only did it for the money though I only did it for the co-op what is this person doing bro they're having a concert this is sick yo what dude oh what is going on this is Lincoln Park I knew it but in the end it didn't even matter cause melon is Juicy and I'm gonna blend him up just kind of wanted a melon smoothie you never get that craving yeah you put some athletic Greens in that melon smoothie and it's delicious yeah this episode's brought to you but I'm surprised I don't have an athletic greens mob coming for us true true yo athletic greens we would take that sponsorship let's go Joe Rogan come on and on that note don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more unsponsored athletic greens
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 476,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c26isIR33SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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