Roblox Cart Ride Into JOHNNY!

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today we're going to be cart riding in Roblox guys check this out look how big that looks up there W that looks super scary yeah it's really awesome well I want to go first wait what we going to ride this thing yeah Daddy we're going to ride this thing I don't want to check it out guys I got the taco C I'm iny get in can I get in yours wait I think you only have two people oh never mind let's go yay we're tacos oh God oh God we're going super fast we're good we're good no we're not I'm still driving we're good we're good we're good oh God I'm going yeah I'm going to throw up too okay get out of there Daisy we need to restart I didn't know that I can't go as fast as I can got to go easy D how was I supposed to know that uh cuz you're the one controlling it oh all right get the taco again all right everyone in the taco mobile come on Daisy I love tacos tacos tacos I love takitos God oh God oh God how fast should I go did I like this fast no no no slow it down slow it down around the corners then you can go really fast on the straightaways ooh o oh oh oh God oh God we're bouncing okay I think we're doing good uhoh okay nice keep it going keep it going wa there's a loop-de-loop that's actually crazy we're not at that part yet oh gosh guys we're going to die not not okay we're going to die why would you do that Johnny Daddy I didn't know what to do okay oh I just ran someone over I'm in a different car everyone get in what are you guys doing youing car all right this time I got it don't worry you just launched us to the into the sky Daddy I I didn't mean to do that all right yes you did you you started screaming it was an accident it was an accident okay you started screaming you knew what you were doing okay here we go we're back at it this time I'm not going to mess it up slow slow slow slow slow slow fast fast fast fast fast wait slow slow oh woohoo oh yeah we're going oh God slow it says it says to go slow oh wait what ow guys this is so stupid I'm getting my own cart why really daddy you're getting your own C no I around to loop-de-loop oh God me too Daddy I'm coming in hot I'm coming in hot wait what the heck um daddy I think my taco cart's broken okay well I need a new cart my taco cart's broken this is so stupid come on get on the track dang it this is stupid H do I get a Tesla wait you can get different carts yeah you can get a McLaren super car turkey hold on wait for me I want to see a lot of cool stuff you can ride a banana no way it's in here I want to see ooh wow you can ride a plane an angry wall UFO The Rock that's weird guys look at my giant banana okay there's no way you actually bought that I'm in I want to get something cool Johnny hop in the banana mobile daddy I'm going to buy a shark no we don't want to ride on a shark yeah I think I feel safer in a banana all right let me just spawn in my Shark real quick wait what how do I equip it have to equip me equip all right now go yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh look how big it is don't eat us it's massive come here guys I'm going to eat that butt I'm going eat that butt you're not allow to eat the banana I want that banana come here no no no no no that's so scary we're going to fall off you guys better hurry up I'm going to pass you it's okay he he'll fall off and die we might fall off and die no no we're doing good not me guys come on we're going to this on the banana oh no okay Daisy what was that going to buy okay I'm not I'm not hopping in in a car with you wait guys I can get a big school bus oh my God then I get the whole lobby with us that would be awesome all right let me do that real quick all right let me just get that equip it and here we go oh yeah everyone all aboard the school bus ch ch ch can we tell everyone to get in yeah everyone get in tell them to get in get in come on why is no one else joining us wait okay he hit us he punched us ow I just ran him over that was so mean all right everyone get in let's go in the school bus go go go go go he's going to punch us all right he's in he's in he's in oh yeah we got to take the kids to school here we go oh yeah I'm ready to go if I just go super slow then we should be able to get oh really there's no way you TR budy what's now what's actually happening right now ddy we're stuck I I could see that our school bus is broken all right guys I think we should go to a different map this map's too boring I think so too all right everyone come over here let's go to what is this a mountains coaster part ride around City ooh let's go right at Round City that seems super cool ooh W this place is kind of nice yeah Dad check it out everyone get in the bus uh this is kind of cool daisy where are you it says teleporting all right we'll see you later then oh God we crashed first thing we did first thing we did was just crash Daisy come on hurry up I'm here all right good all right Daisy get in I'm in oh my goodness here we go here we go wao look at this awesome City this is so cool wow I just got some speed oh my God I just got some speed I just got some speed Slow Down slow down slow down why you going fast why you going so fast dadd I can't oh God we got a bunch of speed oh here we go we're going really fast D it I don't care oh hold on hold on hold on we're good we're good we're still on the track this finally a level we can complete this is made for a bus yeah you're right oh God slow slow down oh my God we have a lot of ups and downs okay okay tight Corner did we do it level two level two look at this let's do it all right I'm spawned in the bus everyone in I'm in I'm in oh God this looks a lot more difficult this looks very oh God hold on guys how is this even possible what is this oh my gosh how did we do that I don't know this is insane oh my gosh oh my gosh Loop tooop oh my God that was sick we did that with a boss oh God we're going into a tunnel ow W did it guys somewhere else okay level three level three all right everyone in here we go beep beep oh my gosh oh my gosh these are getting more and more difficult oh oh we almost went up the tracks we're good what is this we're good we're good how is this even possible slow it down don't go that crazy okay Daddy okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh oh oh we almost lost it we did lose we did lose it we did all right everyone we're going to a new area go back to Lobby all right let's go to Mountain roller coaster this looks Insanity all right everyone in the school bus let's go looks really scary hey people are knocking us off ay that's so mean all right here we go wao look a m area Okay this actually look looks intense wo look at these bends um guys oh my gosh what how are we staying on the track I don't know this is intense okay okay we're doing good we're doing good oh no oh God oh God oh ow okay guys I think what we need to do is we need to get out of the bus the bus is just too big it's got too much junk in its trunk let's buy something brand new that's going to help us beat every single level wait there's upgrades you can get Turbo yeah we're definitely going to get some turbo let's do that um okay and I'm also going to buy some better brakes so that means when I break it'll be really quick all right e and B got it all right guys what cart should I buy um a cool one A cool one we need one that's actually going to be good let me look there's a lot of trains there's a bee there's a bomb wait there's a bomb oh no no bombs what if we got like a wooden train car a wooden train car really daddy or a Morris Rover or we get the Bugatti nah it's boring there's a rocket ship I got a pirate ship Daddy O we could do a train wait where ooh the mini wooden train let's do that one all right then it's going to seem like we're an actual roller coaster all right guys everyone follow me we're going back to the Mountain roller coaster map here what this thing is so small what the heck we're being scammed where are you uh I'm on the Min roller coaster we roller coaster guys where are you where that that M shaft was D you're lying no wa this is a cool train Johnny yeah that's pretty awesome let's go oh gosh oh my goodness this is hard to control this train guys this is the same length as the bus oh gosh you're right what are we doing wa why is it so much faster it's cuz I have the Nitro on you bought Nitro for this train look how fast it goes little too fast oh God it says to slow down oh this is where we died last time yeah we have breakes now did good yeah we got breakes and we got Nitro wa oh go a stop all right everyone off level two everyone on no don't leave us wait hold on I got to press this button level two and ah got it all right let's spawn it back in everyone on on bye see you loser wow there's there's rocks oh gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh don't die okay I don't listen to the signs oh God it says steep it says steep there's going to be a jump soon W okay we're going insanely fast oh oh my goodness what the heck how do we do that this is not even physically possible what the heck oh my gosh my gosh my belly just dropped I just pooped my pants just pooped all over the place daddy smells so bad oh gosh sorry guys I got poopy pants I smell it we did it level three why are we getting so good at these don't leave us come on get in I edit the button oh gosh this one looks intense oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay go go this way slow down nah speed up oh my God what's in here oh God there's rocks oh God wait what no we were so close oh gosh ow ow and we're dead B all right let's go one more time guys get on oh my God who is this guy this guy's so fat he's weighing the train down yeah he's going to weigh us down this is unfair he is not our friend we don't know him and we don't talk to strangers stranger danger exactly good job Daisy you're learning let me go slow nice nice there we go now we're back on track nice we could do this oh level four level four oh that was too easy that was so easy all right back on the train I died you hit me ran you over here we go oh gosh oh okay apparently we didn't go slow enough what the heck wait we sick at this game ddy I went as slow as I possibly can there was no going slow in that one it's either we were dying or we got lucky all right here we go here we go what why are you sharing a cart with the stranger cuz it's where they put me what the heck someone blew us up that was mean who did that I bet it's go go again Daddy get on I'm running all right here we go this time we're going to go as slow as possible okay okay okay nice hey wait is there supposed to be an explosion there I think so I think we're going too slow okay okay okay come back on come back on we need to like kind of like time it I'm just going to let it go I'm just going to let it go I'm so literally how are you supposed to do that all right back to back to menu a it sucks daddy it was so fun doing good we're getting a new car let's see if there's an actual roller coaster in the cart menu that would be so awesome there's a bed daddy we should get the bed no I am not sleeping um there's a skateboard there's a boat we could do the shark we could do a boulder what we can have a private jet okay that is crazy um what else do we got here guys I have the perfect one what is it no all right um it's going to be a surprise can't tell you all right let's find a new game to play Let's go to um what do we got here ooh what is this everyone join mine I'm joining this looks pretty intense everything's pink oh God why is everything pink e it's like a fairy tale place all right guys check it out it's our new roller coaster awesome we just killed somebody with the duck oh yeah come on Mr Ducky my good oh my goodness this looks really intense Marty is that your girlfriend oh gosh uh what was she doing here Daddy didn't invite on here oh gosh oh gosh this is intense is this guy SC oh goary go hold on we can literally die in every corner hold my hand whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo wo okay I'm going slow my girlfriend's getting scared oh gosh what is going on I'm not even hitting anything I'm just letting it do its thing hey you just got to let the let the times go okay get out of our way bro come on hit you with our duck oh my gosh no no no it's not my fault no he messed us up I'm running it I'm running it yeah let's just walk we can just just walk it yay cheaters oh God oh God I'm going to die I'm going to die yay daddy I'm going to beat it by just walking well he hit me with the roller coaster and I died okay I think we're technically cheating this isn't cheating I think it's kind of cheating it's like only us all right well I just fell dang it new map oh my goodness this one looks insane guys join okay I'm joining what the heck uh what is this okay this is insane why is there a bunch of giant people Everyone come here right now this looks ridiculous look at this we have to do like 100 circles to get up on top is that the whole roller coaster this is going to take literally forever I'm going to get dizzy I'm starting to get dizzy me too oh my gosh there's a dancing leprechaun in the background what is going on all right guys we're almost at the top don't worry you promise like 100 more circles there's a few more of these we got to go do I just can't fall off come on Mr Ducky you can do it I'm going to throw up daddy we're not going to throw up calm down oh no really daddy oh no my tummy come on almost there almost there yes we did it finally oh my gosh there were so many different characters there oh god oh gosh there's a lot of people dancing around us there's a lot of B it's okay don't look at them don't look at them wait a minute I think I can go as fast as I want without dying wait what what I didn't know that look I'm glued to the track cool oh my gosh oh my gosh we're going to actually win this finally a game we could win this is so much oh gosh oh gosh loop-de-loop loop-de-loop oh God big dip oo the Big Dipper okay this is so intense why is there Santa Claus dancing in front of us Santa Claus Santa Claus I love you Santa Claus is this map not crazy it's kind of a little too much yeah I don't know how much I like this one oh my gosh oh gosh we just did that is happening how are we not dying we're literally upside down all right this map's too easy guys time to get a new one yeah and I think it's time for a new cart let's see what we got oh yeah there's so much to choose from I think we're going to go go back to the Megalodon oh heck yeah all right guys what map should we go to next cool one all right well how about this this one says it's a cart Obby uhoh I don't really know what that means but we're about to figure it out it's going to be really difficult everyone hop on the Megalodon probably the biggest cart in the game daddy where are you I was Finding you don't leave me why you leaving me why do why you leave come on Daddy up on I'm in a different I'm in I'm on T go oh yeah this looks insane like we're actually swi oh gosh yeah D we're a shark we're swimming wee this like baby shark no it's not like baby shark look we're big shark so we're mama shark oh gosh no no no no not fair that's actually not fair all right one more time stupid Daisy you just ruined it Daisy you just you just ru you just ruined it for good job you killed me all right here we go shark got really we already M up okay I'm getting off wait we died I don't like this game the game I don't think likes us I think the best one was the Mountain roller coaster this is where we got the furthest look we're still on level four we're going back yep we're going back this time we got the shark so the explosion is going to be nothing a Let's Do It come on guys get on the shark I'm on the shark go go go okay here we go here we go here we go and boom yes yes yeah no way we did it we got the shark Powers no we didn't do it I died slow I just got bit in the butt I just got bit in the butt by the shark I don't think he likes it all right here we go this time we got it got to go nice and easy okay that work no shark's too big the shark's too big shark's too big do I just need to go slower and smaller maybe someone else should drive no I think you're pretty good at driving I need the banana all right fine let's get in Daisy's banana oh wait for me the banana all right here we go someone's up our butt Daisy slow down there's no way you just did that there's no way you just did that sorry no you're not sorry you did that purpose oh my gosh Daisy was trying to kill us I didn't mean to you know I don't think she wants to play the game I don't think she wants to play the game d after this you're driving okay Daddy you're driving oh my goodness you guys want to see my cart yeah yeah really daddy you got the basic cart in the world slow slow slow Daddy really we already messed up oh God ow that wasn't my fault guys you guys might be the worst drivers in the world I'm not made for this the shark's not going to work yes it is the shark is about to work right now he's got to go slow really there's an explosion how do we get past it all other times oh I see the explosions they follow you wait a minute look see the explosion right there we got to go fast Daisy get on right now you killed me okay look we're going to wait for the explosion then we're going to go go go go go go go it chases you no no no no no okay I'm done playing this game I'm done with this game hold on Daddy I'm changing my C let's go to let's just go to the default C okay maybe with the shark is just too big and it's too much every me when I had my default cart out wait for the explosion wait for the explosion there we go go go go go go go slow okay we should be good we should be good we should we're not yes that we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good nice nice we're doing good no no oh gosh away ow why is this one so hard cuz the bombs yeah the bombs make this one super difficult just got to go fast here we go everyone look behind us look if there's any bombs chasing us okay I'll look okay never mind die did you look behind us okay new car new car um we got the wooden train yes the wooden train is going to do good here we go wooden Train's my favorite let's see how it handles this slope ooh okay killed it okay look behind us for our bombs I see no bom nothing this is it this is the one time we got this here we go I got to make sure not to go too fast cuz then we're going to hit the bombs in front of us you see any bombs behind us or no no okay we're doing good no way way we're doing insane right now no bombs in sight we did it level five did I did that I did that D you didn't do anything the wooden train did it all everyone on everyone on all right slow down thank goodness there's no more bombs ow ow what are these bumps ow okay now we have another issue bumps really I don't think we can use the wooden train yes we can we just got to go super super slow you should see me die yeah all right here we go here we go this guy's riding a player what the heck weird all right all right slow and steady right nice oh gosh big one bum okay bum bum I think we're good nice and easy we're good we did it oh gosh oh gosh not one of these again oh God there's lava be careful there's lava there's actual lava trying to hit us there balls of lava oh my gosh we need to be careful why this map is insane yeah this map is actually insane it says to slow down okay just keep on driving my almost just hit us it did hit me right in the helmet okay we're doing good oh we're almost at the top we're going really high up what where are we now's no way what are you kidding me there's no way where's the Finish Line I think I can run run daddy run it's right here go go we can do it we can do it don't fall into the lava yes yes we did it we just had to cheat a little bit but a little bit but it counts we're good no one's going to know that we cheated right we have to do parkour oh my gosh this map is so crazy all right guys the wooden train is going to keep going uh-oh oh God there's balls there's balls above us oh God we got hit we got hit we got hit I got hit by a big ball wait a minute there's actually no way oh God this guy's a plane what the heck F all right everyone in okay nothing there let's just go past this where's the next one right there there it is we're good yes all right now we're going to go this way no we got more Minecarts chasing us we got more behind us behind us behind us ha this game I this game we got to go fast we have to go fast we got to beat him ah we're good we're not good we are definitely not good this is the hardest level so far yeah I don't think I want to play this level anymore it's too scary yeah well if you guys enjoyed watching us cart ride then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone
Channel: Johnny and Marty
Views: 631,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puppets, funny, comedy, roblox, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, simulator game, weird strict dad, weird strict dad roblox, no swearing, no cursing, roblox cart ride into jeffy!, roblox funny, Roblox Cart Ride Into JOHNNY!, roblox cart ride, cart ride, roblox cart ride into johnny!, johnny, heres johnny, johnny roblox, roblox johnny, johnny and marty, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft
Id: LvcivuiJXLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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