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oh my goodness of tents on fire are you kidding me wait a minute why now is there a fire when it's raining the rain would put the fire out this is gonne make sense my bow hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles welcome back to roblox but today we're playing the circus story what you guys told me about in the comments I sounds a little spooky for just going to the circus so I think we know where this is that it now before we get to it guys please do like the video if you want me to play more roblox stories I would love it so much if you guys could get this up to 25,000 likes and also guys right here just like bad Pig 350 says use code noodles if you're ever buying robux or premium it really helps me out also subscribe to do here so let's go get on a bus come on let's go come on guys whoa guys come on guys guys pretty lonely in here guys guys I'm not there anymore there we go okay Harley we've filled up there sit down a butcher seat belt oh oh hi wait how are you guys doing that how do i okay I thought we had to be in this seat oh and also I dress a tiger cuz I figure like I was gonna do the lion or a tiger I was trying to do a circus saying I wanna I don't know I'm done I don't think I'm done tiger paw hello everyone I'm glad you could make all make it to this kick wait what yeah yeah me too I'm so hyped dude this is supposed to be a circus tonight what game is this I dig this is supposed to be a circus story okay kids now that we're here okay scary story scary story me me me me me me me me okay I'm good all right well you oh dude he's called bacon hairs and something what bacon head bacon hair is de bomb yeah wait a minute counselor please tell bacon hair is de ba Mia to cut this out before that loser gets it guys no fighting no fighting no fighting that's enough expect better from the boat why is there a camp counselor anyways let's get back to this one go what's one a time a group of fellow campers went hiking they managed to find the remote spot opposing it best they stayed there just for the weekend nonetheless the counselor had to remind me not to get out of their tents past 12 a.m. every single night they weren't even allowed to peek through their tents or go to the bathroom but one of them was too eager not to listen and what's the clearest child to get a peek outside of his tent took a pee he took a pee opt PP oh he's really what is it boy like I just wanted to say that our water gallons leak mr. counselor we ain't got the water over there yeah what interrupted my story you better not be lying or feeding the animals yo okay the counselor is a psycho all right then I've had my fair share of survival in the wilds I'll just go out and filter some river water okay don't do anything stupid while I'm away I'm looking at you kids yo you I do not like the counselor I don't know yes he yes exactly oMG cows are kill I'm gonna i'ma go I'm out man I'm gonna go look let's see what do we got in here was it in the test stay away for too long you cheeky let's look through these suit there's anything worthwhile in here somebody's got a flashlight I wish I did a thunderstorm oh no get in the tent guys be good wait wait wait yo watch out for the lightning dude are bemo getting struck by lightning seriously yo okay I'm gonna just get the tent everybody in the tent oh my goodness of tents on fire are you kidding me wait a minute why how is there a fire when it's raining the rain will put the fire out this is not make sense - Wow jeans are just what's so intense dude it's the most intense story have a replace I got caught on fire I guess took my lightning get the tent why but I'm on fire okay please no wolves I can't not now are you kidding me we where's the circus I was a tiger for a reason hey this this ain't the circus bro what's going on here what on earth happened here whatever is happened to you yeah yo I got a bloody nose I don't want to camp here anymore yeah I agree sorry but while you're gathering water we had to save ourselves yeah I have to call my parents or a lawyer I knew you're lucky I won't press charges why would you call a lawyer then whoa whoa whoa whoa that won't be necessary thank you very much it says guilty it said guilty instead of counselor Yeah right crowd pleaser let me make it up to you I saw a circus in the distance miles busy out there being mauled by wolves oh yeah yeah and well since the campus destroy spent a night out camping is out of the question okay could we get like a cheeseburger to increase my health let's go to the circus instead yeah yeah and circus maybe I'll meet my mom there yo mama she in a circus okay everyone I'll be guiding y'all through the Riverside this pond keeps changing wolves lurk among us be careful stay together when you talk about werewolves or what I fear that if wanting you to get lost you know pressure okay goat okay all right followed widow man why are we going so slow look at this is cool I managed to get past these bear traps on my own but what we're in a group now though be cautious be careful I'll be standing on the other side to illuminate the area really wait come on flies okay okay don't make everything worse by stepping on those traps okay okay you guys listen wait I'm going to lady hey no Bowser I did leader we're gonna die because he yunnan throw up throw up throw run you know oh geez what an error occurred pleasure clicking print phone I brought the game Oh guys I don't oh there we are I don't know what just happened I don't think that go away hey guys what is what is going on here am i I'm scared come on the waterfall oh there's wolves get up is right down this hill which hill oh my goodness what what what oh no kids what's happening there's bees go I don't know where we're going guys I'm just gonna just well that hurt I was scared sir I don't know what we're over there there there over here here we are I'm here I'm here you can jump down the waterfall finally but now we need to cross it whoa oh here kid kid we got some wait don't what they fell off I won't let you down sir okay wait oh yeah good idea like go on that thing it's super dark though okay so do you think that we could like oh yeah this is working I don't push don't push the circuit is right ahead of us this is not great okay I'm gonna make it no no uh-oh 35 seconds left before the counselor abandons you my counselor is a jerk goodness gracious bro what okay so I guess I was supposed to oh my goodness she just she goes why I stopped 27 seconds left it says okay yes made it come on Murphy we can't wait forever yeah Shh we got company don't go there the Wolves read something where where where where is that someone's armed he ain't got a head try climbing a tree a tree okay I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up they're almost here okay I'm gonna just sit here man if I had a cheeseburger right now ya know five seconds left before the Wolves stop feasting yo where is the actual circus this is this like only a trip to the circus like if there's gonna be a circus to where you actually at the circus hi I see them down there they think are they're chopping a tree down are you for real are they gonna eat the tree they're eating the tree great oh wait wait wait one's leaving okay the coast is clear let's go uh bro I don't believe you wait yeah we're finally here oh my goodness okay kids have fun yo this is awesome I thought it's gonna be like death park or something ya'll must be thirsty let me treat you give us some nice soda ooh gimme gimme soda give me soda wait where you going on seven bloxy colas please all black Seacole I love bloxy cola okay cool all right so we're here wait Oh bloxy cola is it giving me health oh yeah it is it does increase my home thank you alright drink it up welcome to the greatest show on guys everyone I'm the ringmaster the host all right welcome welcome to my circus where the fun never ends that sounds ominous let's get out of the show okay giggles boys and girls give it up with a 100 first act will be launching Bobo from this cannon straight towards one of our dear spectators really isn't that fun well on my count but he's not he's kind of putting up that way but let's see this two one go Oh Bobo you should have seen your faces wait yeah I know I was not gonna include that part in my video but okay that act sure went out with a bang ha ha Bobo is fine everyone were trained professionals we're stupid but come on we're not that stupid who's laughing anywho any shoes how many clowns take to explode a cannon one I don't know I don't know how many one I got it right what do I win what do I win [Applause] for you mr. giggles going to kill us we can't joke around all night we can but we won't y'all crazies got to pay us overtime then we didn't pay for any of this actually ladies and gentle clouds prepare for the amazing legendary buh buh Oh No lotta the gesture tonight shall be doing another daring act this time should navigate a tightrope you do the unicycle while carrying three monkeys oh this could be cool where is she oh she's over here we should be able to balance yourself and our three friends probably not let's find out oh look they're doing it they're doing it the monkeys do not seem happy about this at all whoa oh that needed a new poised right there yeah yeah since the show is been going so great I'll be picking members from this audience before belong with us oh you're perfect oh no no way no I said I didn't know no I see passion your eyes I said that in oh don't be afraid kiddo oh dude oh dude get she's not volunteering either not you boys ready to clown out kid no let's carry on with the show all right now you better dance we're all puts okay put your circus on the line all right I'll do it I'll do it meet Leo cha-cha I'm gonna do ChaCha oh yeah look at it uh yeah if you don't I'll save myself John look at me dance come on now you got to give it he just tasered you Oh dance dance if you don't want the Zap I'm dancing I'm dancing [Laughter] well you guys did pretty good pretty well brother you're all born to become performers well I'm impressed well you uh you shouldn't be oh wait wait what our New Yorkers allowed to jump there wait what oh this is not gonna go well be quick if you don't want to get roasted yeah i'ma go oh geez wait did they oh my goodness wait ah oh geez okay so oh jeez ah this arts I'll give you ten before wait do we have to go all the way around that was an amazing performance okay oh is it mirrors it getting hot in here our young prodigies and who now have to perform a daring act of escapology prepare this escape this rising take a water they fail they'll end up sleeping with the fish I'm drinking my bloxy cola good luck all right I'm up oh come on you know oh look it's Nemo just keep swimming just keep swimming we got you know we got we got the the jellyfish's so we're just keeping swimming yeah yep there we go oh man it's easy what you can hey you know what giggles amazing oh that's oh I must have made you hungry wait no don't be stuck a la being introduced is my favorite dessert introduce what's that mean are you gonna feed us for this act the audience is throwing something right at you won't I pie pie pie pie yeah but watch out it hurts on impact oh great have fun okay oh geez what don't know no I am I'm just I don't like this oh yeah yeah I'm just gonna drink my bloxy cola it goes well as high oh geez that lesson what are you alright it seems like you had too much pie to eat yo yo no no no no scary clowns no no no no no no no no no just get away fresh juice red Oh what no no wait are we safe from what I think is precious no I do not I don't want anything to do with you oh oh let's play then let's let's play games yeah we'll play oh no no pretty much pretty sure Dead's the worst I love you too I love you too I love you oh my goodness what is that I don't either dude we need the guards keys escape there's a guard I'm just gonna keep drinking wait am i aint getting any health out of this take the guards keys take it do it no wait how did he get out I don't want to play the giggles nobody wants to play with giggles he cheats yo what Oh how'd they do that oh they pushed it hey I did it too whoa all right buddy we'll get you out okay it's the last get wait no you here we go your bacon your bacon your that your though not the last wait yeah well whatever we got about where do we go I don't know who had the flashlight oh oh we gonna later wait I'll get one too hold on can I get that oh yeah let's go all right oh look he knows we're going up here up here I don't know where the bacon land hey I found a ladder let's here's the hide in the ceiling in the ceiling but are we outside great thinking I'm gonna go this way got a coffin what are you doing I don't know we can't leave the ladder behind they'll notice it with the UH that's paint right that's not that's paint right right they didn't cut off someone's finger and it oh no wait what's about to happen here bro come on come on come on Khan you got it you got it white what are you bring it all that stuff with you okay what's this thing are we gonna avoid him now what do you mean that I don't know I don't know I'm not sure there has to be something here there has to the Joba know the rope I'm trying to find stuff the Clippers wait the paintbrush I don't know the painting well I don't know the candle my bloxy cola I found a saw ah nice job dude whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa watching to do with that thing use it to cut the sandbag the sandbags over here right there do it do it careful careful careful okay oh don't worry nailed it yeah GG I hope he's dead well I mean I mean I don't know that hostage oh that's this one over here what was that wait what wait where was that other hostage kid get me out of here should we go down there let's go come on oh geez I get smack hey yo with me brothers I used to be a park ranger the clowns they took everything from me and suffered here for years why do you look like that hey don't don't slice his face open he's been suffering for years I know my aura around the circus please please please get me out of here okay please look at least out of my misery put me at least out of my misery I don't think we should kill him I'm only helping you because you said you know your way out of the circus give me your saw okay give it to him no wait thanks kid okay show us the exit yeah after I kill you just give me a second he's like an elephant like his little massive is like an elephant right okay I'm ready yep sure what's behind the mask okay they'll know where we went once they see I'm gone I'll contact the police using what's left from this crime scene what what crime scene all right following you [Music] okay walk right to the tape nobody kick all right you go first buddy home sweet home the place didn't change a bit here's where I used to work before I was taken okay oh dude oh my god it sees his face holy cow - yeah I don't like this one bit either 9:01 was an HR emergency Wow hello I'm listening what's your emergency we're being chased by murderers what is your location poor Portwood parts crime scene what ah staring tired make sure all the doors along a short term they're underway we need a barricade the cabin now okay I'm on it I'm on it how do we do that maybe maybe give me some Oh yo dude that's cool he pushes the couch okay I'm gonna push the couch over here hold on please let me use the fireplace wait I can't push this okay what do you mean what are you gonna use it for what does that even mean you gonna come down like Santa okay what's he was it what's he doing oh no hurry woody be a hurry I'm China I'm trying to push this couch like he did but I can't is there anything else we're supposed to push I can't I mean just to work don't forget to vacate that door kid I'm trying I don't know what to do right wait oh he does it okay do it yeah push it push it push it yeah okay there we go now push this one dude what about this one nobody push this one I can't I kick it it isn't working whoa Wow what how how okay yeah they're in here man wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Park Ranger please don't take it foul again please no wait what but we wanted to play [Music] I feel like kind of I don't know no don't go no dude don't eat him no oh my goodness he ate him wait wait use the keys from the circus to escape what keys I can't I can't wait what keys what keys the keys I don't have I don't see the keys where are they weren't they yo yo yo yo the doors jammed come on dude hurry up they just hate that guy oh dude wait let me see his face John it's all ripped up go no no no no run okay we gotta go we gotta go this way this way you know where to go dude I think we went in a dead-end oh my goodness I can't believe it it's the epicenter I don't know what he's planning run run you're the bacon whoo Mike goodness what what what what what what no no no no no no I don't like this I don't like this no it's not oh stop the banging man this is okay this is actually getting scary man okay like I don't know like oh geez that's disgusting who would want that who would actually want that okay uh-huh where are we going I don't know where to go it's weird huh use whatever you can to defend yourself okay guys I got bloxy cola what are you talking about wait do we really have to like wait what did you guys get Oh give me that give me that way too I don't have anything I need a weapon I have a deer plaque yeah I'm gonna stab you do we really have to fight where where where where are you wait no that's actually bad yeah let's get let's get a wrench a wrench I think it's better yeah chop them down dude chop oh whoa we need to hold them on till the SWAT team arrives okay do you need light for that will that help maybe oh jeez oh jeez oh my goodness all right you know what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa dude no don't kill my friend ah get off of me get off of me bro come on come on wait oh geez wait come on get him I'm gonna whack him dude come on come on bro let's go come on come on get up no don't hit me bro come on come on oh we had a respond to I had a respond we both got killed these diseases are not nice there we go there we go all right come on get in here dude come on he can't you can't cuz the guys in the way ah fire what are you talking about fire yeah a lot of my boys light them up let's go bop bop bop yeah whoo get him keep wagging him am I supposed to leave or can I just keep hitting this guy maybe maybe Oh oh my goodness do that that one's dead for sure can we all we're leaving we're leaving oh my goodness is dead Hey entrance entrance ok abroad are they coming get in the van now we only got 20 more seconds I'm looking for all there's the SWAT team get him SWAT team all right we didn't even I don't even know where's the van the van oh jeez ok I'm coming I'll come in guys that's the slide dad let's go let's go yeah wait I can't get in I can't get in can I get in I'm not sure wait I'm try there yes yes happy I don't ever wanna play this again for another ending in my entire life [Music] yes [Music] those that are brats [Music] for me national news Hey Oh how many subscribers you got a better got more news makes me so wait he got away is that what all that was [Music] I know the camper let me do you are the best Jane 1000 EUR yeah I like the credits but yet that was the most intense darkest scariest story game I've played on roblox of you know of another one that is as scary and dark and all of that as this one or scarier posted on the comments guys I really want to know also if you are new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,306,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, roblox story game, roblox, roblox story, circus, roblox circus, circus story, roblox circus trip, circus trip roblox, circus trip, roblox circus story
Id: ipv9hQjfQrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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