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[Music] hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles welcome back roblox yo ah this thing is all bout baby whoa whoa whoa oh yeah okay right before we get to it guys that we're playing another story game if you want to see more story games on my channel post in the comments below story gives you know about and also like the video let's get this up to 25 that's now the lights for a story gaming for more of them and also said it first so right there will be that straight off start code noodles if you guys are ever finding robots are premium it really helps out my channel and here somewhere yeah right here we're gonna those are some collisions alright let's go work with job what must be doing this one let's go come on enter bus yeah alright so um as as usual it looks like we're going from school on a field trip to the aquarium I guess alright woo I got stuff oh yeah I bought a game pass okay whatever whoa oh it's a nice aquarium it's huge alright school bus dropped us off oh hey teachers welcome to the aquarium hope everyone is excited to be here just as much as we are yeah they gotta admit ivy the eyes the but they are very fun she's been waiting so long for this moment well cool I I just found out about this game so I'm I waiting that long lovely now before we get to the new building we must cross the road Oh guys guys look both ways - oh okay like just like mr. slinger said look both ways before crossing the street you know this ticket it's crazy okay yo yo you'll be careful you judge it hey wait a second wait we could actually oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez yeah they get him a sub E go ahead do we dive if we get hit there oh dude oh she's facedown yeah well somebody oh we're going in let's go what do we owe what's this wait no what happened whoa look at that squid there good afternoon everyone glad to see you all made it here safely hi Susan do you work here nice jacket I'll be your tour guide today turn your amazing visit at the aquarium hmm okay cool yeah I like the pose oh I can do that pose oh thank you for having us we're glad to be here and mr. slinger is extremely excited he said before wonderful now you can see there's some slight renovations being made to the gift shop but that won't stop us from having some fun it's actually that's great because like you know like when you go to Disney and like I'm so excited I could eat oh look you're just like a shark aquarium like I'm sure it's such a long ship your tummies are empty guys don't eat anything if I've learned anything of us Tori games and I've said this a million times in the meantime watch you guys look around while I go and set up your lunch with your teachers okay but I'm not eating any of it because it's gonna have poison in it cuz always does yay I can't wait oh okay I think I'll stay here and supervise the kids while they explore mm-hmm so yeah the gift shops broken no big deal like we sounds great so the gift shop I there we go what is this what does this do like oh look like a feat of fish bait um look around Oh Oh are we supposed to find stuff oh I got a badge sorry oh what's that shiny thing over there what's this what's a lock oh dude oh wait hold on there was something about a key when I open this up like this video played oh wait a second is this oh wait it was talking about what oh wait but was saying what it was saying ah but press number 8 oh look yeah I got it yo yes it said to press number 8 on the drinks machine you got a shark key yo check this out and it unlocks a super secret epic gamer ending can you wait let's see how we get out let's escape stupid teachers they're not watching she said she's watching us but we're okay or not we're not being good kids a queen oh wait does anybody else want one of these whoa what do you have like around you there it was like a force field oh let's go to the office okay class us all together so we can eat okay what are you what do you what does happening what are you doing dude she just died oh I'm getting away from them yeah I can't wait to eat oh look we can read but wait okay kids so we've prepared some hamburgers and hotdogs for you to eat pick which one you want oh oh hold on where oh is it wait nope nope cheeseburger oh yes it is it says burger okay but I don't know you guys are eating this are you crazy are you crazy guys is poison it usually it is it aw see see now you're gonna die though you shouldn't eat it do a reddit on here what's wrong is everything okay no it's poisoned yeah see I forgot camping I told you I'm oh I'm allergic to potatoes I couldn't have myself as a front oh my goodness what is wrong with you why are they not yeah we need to talk to them like some of them for their backpacks who can give this special medicine Oh backpack where's your backpack Oh guys we gotta find their backpack where is it oh dude oh dude it's gotten intense huh oh good job meatball whoa that was a close one actually Susan I think meatball found it in like two seconds it was sighs I was so scared but thankfully they're okay now okay well the show must go on now that everybody's full let's get back to lobby I didn't eat my chess burger but now I will oh no wait should I save it I'm gonna save it so that I have health because usually it replenishes your health right miss Frizzle and I are gonna head to lunch it will be back shortly oh so what are you gonna go eat we have hot dogs and hamburgers what you can eat steak really nice teacher you're gonna get hands just remember to behave at have fun all right cool Hey Oh can we get in the fish tank hold on hold on yeah wait what okay everyone we're about to enter the tunnel where you'll find our most exotic sea creatures Wow it'll be a lot to take in so be prepared you're always talking like the Georgia Aquarium I don't know maybe I've never been to that but I doubt it's gonna be as nice shirt goes time wait spoiler I'm down here all right let's see here we go whoa dude is it don't does this way Tyson I thought it was gonna be an Evo you're gigantic bro you're like the same size as shark oh my this is amazing oh that's a fat shark I have never seen this alive but I have never seen anything like this before actually you know I um when I was at Disney and I'm glad everyone is enjoying the view this took about a year to build and perfect come on guys head to the middle okay Susan Susan we're in the middle you get over here at the the aquarium AHA what's it called in in Disney uh Nemo Living Seas yeah I've got gone diving like scuba diving in it it's really fun so I have seen it I'm so happy we came here oh listen Orca I've never seen one of those in the water before they even have sharks well yeah ah dolphin dolphin oh there's a shark right there yet yes of course the Sharks our most popular animal here no way I like that work a better oh dude no wait hey social distance he's sneezing whoa what's wrong with this shark you've got crazy odd Oh ghost shark well look what we have yep I'm the ghost shark this is my domain really I don't I have people here taking my belong in the ocean cool story bro you will never get out of here alive [Music] you want to maybe check you want cheeseburger or something oh wait wait why is it though okay that's weird wait a minute what did he do did he took burp on that wait good luck finding all the parts to turn the lights back on haha wait why is the wait why huh was he in the aquarium part why is the electricity like the fuse box in the inside the water and if it's not how I guess he's a ghost shark he doesn't eat water I don't know how scared are you you're eating you should be tough you got a shark head on there pad thing oh that's a big seahorse what Susan oh dude okay wait our teachers are gone now Susan left she was standing right here but wait Susan the ghost shark is she like trying to trick Susan that's not funny this is stupid come on whoa why does it have Sun I chose it I mean Oh Susan sorry shouldn't laugh she's been kidnapped oh no oh no sure I just you know vocalizing her we've got to go do we though I mean can we just like don't worry got the video okay what quick get to the pier whoa yo we're actually scuba diving this is cool wait let me see let me see oh yeah alright so oh geez maybe we should like be careful guys because oh I bet this if we don't get out of here ole what happens if you don't make it in time you drown or the sharks get you oh you got the door open quickly get inside where else what I kind of know hey Susan yo you you uh you don't you alright you don't look all right wait wait wait wait why is it - oh okay am I supposed to go like right here I guess oh Jesus find the key Oh something back here no oh yeah there I got it hey now what do I alright Susan Susan we could we get dessert right wait wait I was trying to get us dessert and you just go and open it guys she is already in water why does she need a thing for air wait wait wait wait where'd you get that you did not have that before plus what's it connected to oh okay I'm okay thanks to you guys okay so now we swim back I guess is that UFO like what is that watch out guys hang on what oh oh oh I see this is like the airlock wait am I in it okay I think I'm in it whoa watch out these fish is aggressive I think I don't I don't actually know am I in it wait guys there's like a shark here definitely looking at us this is Opie tough for the dolphin there alright we can't can we get don't die I'm trying not to I actually haven't taken any damage yet I don't know if even can I mean well now what the shark can still come at any moment and the lights are still off well so it's Susan Susan who's I did don't worry let's just quickly find all the parts so we can turn the lights back on Susan Susan why are you so happy this this is not a happy moment Susan where are you go Susan where you going you quit it what where are you going this is there's a there's a really bad field trip Susan I'm gonna I'm definitely gonna give you a bad review on Yelp find missing generator pieces okay whoa duty kicked that off wait oh geez what happened should I go in there what if I go in but you'll wait what just happened shark boss fight once wait weren't everything what everybody go what on earth wait is this a is this alone like why am I so so J Surratt huge look at the size of this red do they hurt you hey what's going on in here huh look at how big this thing is dude can I jump on it no okay I think that was dead cuz the other ones are running around he doesn't hurt me what is it oh she's okay I guess we're going here right oh hey what's up dude you old what what's going on here are you dead no you're a possum right we got possums and rats down here oh goodness well hello there I see you found the way into my secret lair now that you're here you're probably wondering what this place is and why I am here does it have anything to do with Susan because Susan not a big fan huh Susan has made a lot of trouble but you have to what what what what what will that be exactly - no true power you just have to get through it let's see how long you guess again my power whoa whoa whoa what are you doing yo dude what is he doing okay I'm pretty sure I think stay out of those okay oh yeah he sends like sparks at you oh dude what is happening oh wait can i okay get on get on the island what what was that I think you're sending I let all like okay oh he's got multiple attacks okay what is this all right cool oh wow yo that took us 70 health okay wait dude how many attacks this guy have alright okay he's got its hat okay oh you just have to survive the amount of time okay can't do what I just jump over this oh oh and run for this okay just as long oh my goodness why is this grain doing that is that part of his attack is really annoying okay and then he does what that then what does he do now okay now I just stand here I can barely get on the boxes - I would expect okay now I gotta just dodge the shot nope okay it's like a shockwave of that dude can I like what if i zoom in not always does that that's annoying I don't like that up and here's his shockwave okay and you just gotta oh my goodness he teleports - okay another shark Oh wake it up oh no I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it yeah all right okay oh man he's starting to get mad he's getting more angry he's an angry shark angry shark du du du du du du angry shark - deep doo-doo doo-doo oh jeez auch I thought I got attacked there this is actually well how far oh I'm actually almost done right and then what and then and then and then we attack there's it together shark thin and thin with the shark right compatriots I you know I feel you go shark man we brothers we brothers okay and then we we fight against Susan together me and you uh what is he doing okay oh he's doing that thing again wait I did it that way haha well that certainly took me by surprise in return I shall explain everything I can to you she is an evil person and has something horribly planned I was one of the Sharks first structure running this aquarium after herself and her team captured me I do my best to bring awareness and ruin her aquarium but no matter what I do she will never stop that's all I can say for now it's time for me to go well away what should i do or even say that's just a foot and just wait for my big plan I have something okay then before secret ending wait before I go here's my gift to you for cleaning the badge goodbye now aw dude so we got to see the secret ending now we get to see what Susan what his plan is for Susan this is good huh wait a minute it was that wait that was the secret ending the secret endings like hey she's really bad and I got something bland I can't talk about it right now so bye huh I thought were you gonna go back and he was we're gonna see Susanna then he was gonna like bite her head off or something what what okay wait I got an idea maybe all right let's do it let's do it again but don't go into that thing that opened and then and then we'll get to see what his plan was maybe alright let's see let's get some people played this before hey guys hey guys let's go let's go right here come on let's enter the bus oh my goodness I didn't click it fast enough course I didn't oh I made it I made it I don't think I made it cuz I couldn't I couldn't find my mouse with all the stuff moving hey wait why we got away so long zero space let's let's go oh ok [Music] [Laughter] [Music] by great oh they are they gonna chase out to the bus don't it's like you know when the train is going like hell like that platform looked by oh wait I got a plushy oh is that from beating it is oh maybe that's what I got cuz I know how that before is that from beating the secret ending thing I can't see it miss Frizzle you know I've already been on this field trip and it was not that enjoyable alright wait let me see this thing no way there's just a ghost shark yo check it out guys look at my ghost shark oh I squish me that love it other things bubbles wait oh we gotta go hold on yo yo yo yo yo get across get cross whoa look at these bubbles oh my goodness today all just oof that was a lot of dead students wait Oh yeah I wanted to oh yeah I can yes not yeah all right see I could pose just like her oh wait yeah let's see hold on let's see let's see the load of this is this is just like her right look at us yeah yeah see look at that look at that wait wait oh yeah yeah there it is there it is there it is oh yeah yeah oh what else can I do I can do oh hello oh jeez always got one of those shadow things check that thing out dude that's you woah dude I love the bacon ug she's got a shoulder look at that thing whoa the noob Rubeus oh you gave me a bag of Beedrill oh thanks I remember that wait wait wait wait what oh you can blow whistle oh oh we should feed the fish but I already got a badge for that speed all the fish may bulky the seahorses never get something for feeding all the fish oh yeah what was this anyway we're doing here Oh squids can change colors are just like snails without outer shells the fastest invertebrates on earth two tentacles that are longer than their arms squids could be cannibals they can regenerate they have three hearts this Goods brains of the shape donut oh my this is amazing yeah wait what Oh what am i doing what am i doing oh that's a weird low Lance look at me shake my hips baby these hips don't lie look at that yeah [Applause] oh yeah strike that pose Susan I'll hey hey I'm gonna go upstairs you guys stay down there don't go in there you guys because we have to do the I don't want that part or whatever I found something here's something here I got something what what what is it I got what basic vein okay wait did I actually find something or did I find like something that like is like another secret or something wait where's the last piece you guys you guys do we not oh it's like we have unlimited time should wait oh wait there's multiple things here hold on there's something here oh wait no I don't wouldn't want to find that I want to find like what is what is that is that for key oh you looked at just one right there hold on for key there hold on oh dude wait where's the other one oh okay oh is it here no where's the other where's all the four keys I want to clock them all well let's go back here behind here no escape one of the teach all I'm suppose to be reading the story one of the teachers coming back the doors are locked oh no oh there's the power thing oh okay I go that's we're supposed to turn that on oh wait I see four key I see it I see it hold on see the power is turned off the generator oh hi more key okay wait what the only way to the generators through the gift shop but it's locked up do the renovations no I just I saw the thing the power's right there we would have to find something to break it open um four key no how about the whistle what oh no oh he's gonna do his thing trying to leave I hear not if I get you first bro Hey Hey look I got your plushy we're friends we're friends brothers remember come on oh dude but look at her pushy come on man I buy your merch bra hey why are we friends bro actually it's not attacking me can you not go there oh no he can never mind I was gonna say can he not go upstairs but he can Oh ghetto jeez watch out watch out watch out he like a is like a nope dude he said no clip hacks - he can he can go through anything [Music] can I do that can I get that - no I can't it doesn't oh I did I did didn't I he'll he'll that guy yeah healed that guy I did I kept but I only go I don't have one no it did invite me wait I just want to go home I should he use on myself I didn't I thought it knows at what time you think all right quick let's find something to break open the doors the gift shop um Susan honestly like this you you are very bad at your job lady like I don't know what you're getting at here but like yeah I feel like if you have to break through that we're gonna get hurt anything here behind there where is it what do we have to like a crowbar right like oh hammer oh oh do we live hammers look at this found it like the Dozen hammers hit our stoop Oh over actually doing it alright there we go hey click the switch to open the doors be careful of the tentacles in water what oh it's an AA B Isles isn't flying for it don't use of water and watch out for the octopus arms wait didn't it say tentacles okay yeah I guess okay oh my okay hold on hello holy cow holy cow I 75 health okay I'm going I'm going oh dude don't spit on me oh no oh no I died no no I'm respawning nope hold on I got this okay hold on okay so I got it oh okay hold on wait nope oh okay I sort of plate right here I got this I got this what am i sir i unlock the doors get back alright we got 10 seconds are you serious why do we only have 10 seconds to get back across oh come on come on that's not fair look and you know what she just Susan you're the worst chopper oh you just stood there and let the kids do it and they died kids died on your watch including me you guys are amazing now let's get out of here uh oh yeah let me do the little one there we go can you go kamiya sysm oh wait oh I was I was just posing you think you could get out that easy Oh more ain't you Susan I told you this is my domain and what happens here is wrong [Music] but I don't make sure you all struggle before I decide to release you bro I think I've been through enough I've looked for now kept here until I decided to let you what about my teeth I can't it will get my revenge just as Susan she knows what she did would you go so said Oh bad ending oh you know what you get Susan I know what you did last summer Susan we all know now is that it so wait we're locked in here forever wait what Mike be stuck we locked up all right guys I think we got what we got we got it we got it bad na we got a secret ending I got the four keys I think we're good here yeah if you guys want to see more Story games on my channel like this suggest them in the comments you guys are much much better at finding than I am also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,291,648
Rating: 4.92735 out of 5
Keywords: fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, roblox story game, roblox, aquarium, aquarium story, roblox aquarium story, roblox aquarium, roblox story
Id: aK-UtAhygHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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