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i fell in some banana juice get up get up okay i i don't oh oh oh oh okay all right i was stuck a little bit oh goodness [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think noodles [Music] roblox banana eats i i don't the banana sees me as extra hungry what i don't even know what that means but guys this is a game that's kind of like biggie and flee the facility and bear all mixed together if you guys want to see more games like this if you're excited to watch me play banana eats there's a lot of you guys playing click the like button let's get this up to 25 000 likes and guys if you're new here while you're down there tap the subscribe button i promise it doesn't hurt as much as being eaten by a banana also if you're ever buying robux or premium of course you guys know starco noodles i bet someone said it in the chat let's see let's just let's it oh nobody said it yet yeah there it is right there star code noodles for life yo thank you chris christa thor 127. all right let's start the round here we go uh what's this there's nothing worse than a bruised banana is so disgusting moldy banana i mean i guess dipped banana oh my goodness the killer clapping but wait wait wait wait that ain't no that ain't a banana jalapeno cheese pop a corn dog a a pickle oh 21 000 bananas and you get a pickle all right let's oh i've got a banana backpack on okay so there are like there's four puzzles i think i don't i might alright here we go it's scary okay hide from banana until the exits open your beacon will glow in a banana is near complete puzzles to take time off the clock okay so all right i'm grabbing a banana yes i got one i only need 20 999 more okay there's a puzzle here oh okay bananas here wha oh my goodness wait what oh they just rotate oh okay i got it i got it okay i'm doing doubt stop it stop it you're all wait a minute hold on okay they're all doing the parts that i would do no stop it okay just just yes we did one okay oh my goodness it's so frustrating when there are other people spinning it oh i like how i've been down oh wait yeah yeah i look like an old man oh my back guys i don't look at everybody oh my oh my goodness my back it hurts so much oh hey wait wait wait wait wait hold on it's not done yet we need to do the last because it's still how do we do it how do we do it because it just says oh wait one out of four i don't know i don't know oh hey yum i'm i got cake everybody got cake where what are we do oh oh there's lots of cake oh wait what hold on why does this spin how come i can't pick this one up guys i can't pick up this cake so oh because i've already got a cake hey dude grab a cake that's right i'm just re-grabbing it okay uh well the banana does not seem to be oh somebody oh yes yeah okay okay where's the banana i kind of want to see it and get oh wait is that the banana or is that a banana trap i'm gonna go i'm gonna hit it i'm gonna hit it no jeez wait fell in some banana juice get up get up okay i i don't oh oh oh oh okay all right i was stuck a little bit there oh goodness gracious geez okay run okay wait how do i how did i get going so fast wait what is this thing i got here no no get under ho ho how did i run so fast oh because oh he takes uh oh wait oh am i supposed to put the cake here oh oh that's a puzzle okay so you have lives i think it's banana i think it's very okay oh the doors do work i think this banana is very difficult oh can you oh cool i wonder if the banana can see that and so i think it's a banana oh my goodness somebody got eaten i was gonna say his banana is really hard to eat people but um i guess somebody still got eaten where's the rest of the cake cake cake cake all right let's go wait give me the cake all right i'm going i don't know i got somebody slipped on a banana pail all right can we can we can we uh where's the cake i thought it was over here oh yeah it is okay here we go eggs is open in one minute guys get ready we are going to escape the banana hey banana oh over here cake guy over here dude wait wait no no no no no no no no no no no all right we need to okay i don't know i don't know the map okay all right oh geez what was that he just bit me you stupid banana he just bit me he can jump did you star oh dude am i gonna like you know what and i was saying it's not that hard for a banana i was saying it's hard for the banana to get to catch and kill people but i i'm almost fully eaten okay it's white right so oh no okay yeah let's follow that it's like if you go first person you're actually at a disadvantage uh not being able to use the detector oh dude still a full minute oh i see his green eyes okay he's extra hungry i don't know what that means huh does that mean he's faster wait what is it wait wait escape but i thought we still had a full minute oh dude oh dude oh dude oh dude i don't know goodness he's fast so i think that's what it means i think it means he's i think it means he's super fast oh no no no no you led me astray i thought there was a little you were ducking down dude i know you're hiding i thought you're going through a tunnel ah yo so when the banana gets extra hungry it gets angry i can see why a lot of people are playing this because it gets super intense at the end oh there's multiple maps i don't even know what we were playing so like are there chapters oh we were playing bananas back rooms let's keep going well actually here guys you gotta vote let's keep doing the same map and then we can do no no get over here yeah because i don't want to do the other maps we can do that in another episode if you want one and if you want one click the like button right now hey you didn't click oh thank you thank you for clicking all right hide the exits open i like that these rounds are big are like quicker than like a regular like other games or other escape game rounds six minutes is pretty quick i'm getting banana is here oh okay brawles7 okay got it oh okay here we go okay i'm watching my my backpack let's go let's go let's go let's go where's the oh there we go wait oh wait i know that one i know what it is i know what that one is okay there's multiple of yeah we won that's dumb yes i'm banana i need to go bye brah all right round three all right it should be around like two and one third or something because oh give me the cake give me the cake all right i don't know i i i this this map is very ooh okay so this is another okay so this is one of the ones we have to do wait what oh it's like frozen oh you can't do them until okay okay i got it all right i'm gonna go do the other one then you do that one i'm gonna do this one one two two three three wait get out of the way i don't know how this works four or four five five what what wait excuse me is this like we have to like figure out what the code is there's like a hundred possibilities wait wait let's do let's just what okay i don't i don't know i i don't know how that one works it's like that oh my goodness it's a blue banana you know what that means guys uh okay it just well i actually was trying to think of a funny thing to say about a banana but i can't uh so what it means is the person has played this a lot okay hey oh nice they got that one too oh so those we all three interesting okay maybe i solved that puzzle probably not uh okay so we've only done one out of four yeah no we definitely didn't we need we need more hey we need we need the salt the cake we need to solve the cake puzzle oh wait wait wait i saw red no no no no gotta be careful guys it's super red it's super red you got oh you got cake dude cake over here cake over here cake over here cake's over here come on wait what what what's that there's cake sticking through the wall dude okay that's weird where's the where wait can i grab that there's literally cake sticking through the wall there's no person there though all right we got half a cake uh all right three minutes somebody else got another puzzle okay good good oh i got cake i got cake here we go so um i wonder oh and i i realized this now i mean well it did happen too oh the traps are like alarm traps um is they hey you didn't you didn't grab that piece of cake i thought you had a piece of cake uh the exit's open with one minute left so you actually have to i think you have uh one minute to escape if you don't escape in that time then uh well i guess that's sort of like i'm like thinking like oh this is a really novel idea but no that's that's sort of about the same it's just you can't open the door the doors open on the their own uh which is likely the facility kind of though because then flee the facility the rooms don't open okay don't open because of time it's because of the puzzles oh dude we only need two more pieces of cake i want to do i need this one oh no but it's so red he is so red dude all right let's see oh there it is there it is grab it i got it wait oh my goodness yo holy cow i'm glad i'm on this side oh no okay we've got an angry banana i'm gonna go ah dude no i need to get back to the cake no oh dude there's a fat banana oh man slip slip on it dude wait why didn't you slip oh geez it's so scary oh that was me but how come he didn't slip on it what get up get up let's go all right i'm going for it i stay like that that one wait wait somebody moved there what did they get it okay we only have one more piece of cake somebody's got it anybody got it last week peace come on man finish the cake where is it dude i swear there was like somebody in there or something who's got the cake nobody has it no it's there again wait is there a person here dude what i don't get it oh it's like it's like there's a piece of cake right there and this is a cake puzzle oh man i want it can't i grab it no no oh geez okay all right you know what guys let's just crowd the exit oh no you look out look out look up look out okay i'm going through here all right three two one go go go go go banana sees me banana's hungry but i'm out [Applause] all right 50 coins for escaping can i buy a skin for that like i obviously can't buy the 21 000 one so this is the one that they uh 200 or did they have blue like blue with blue eyes was it blue the green i can't remember wait can i see it wait blue with green eyes okay so that's the cheaper blue one still scary though all right so uh i don't think i've seen a single round where banana killed everyone so i'm thinking it's hard which makes me want to play it as the banana i only have an 18 chance even though i bought the game pass i don't know how does that ever go up because it doesn't really seem to all right well let's get some more coins [Music] there we go put that down look at that man this is efficient look at that two oh well you got it i i was gonna say i did two puzzles two cakes and a puzzle all within like 10 seconds you better put that there okay you did all right i thought he was going to keep it for himself i'm gonna eat it up offer it to the banana as a as a as a sacrifice or something oh somebody got eaten all right boom yo we are getting real okay we're getting oh no no no no no no guys guys guys guys he's coming he's coming he's coming i did not expect him to come that direction all right we got a good oh man he's fast dude and he does that jump thing man when he eats you i i don't like that i mean i'm gonna love it when i'm the banana i think oh dude nobody did this you guys didn't do this what are you waiting for here come on go on there we go okay watch out don't don't don't trip so red okay where's the other banane not the bananas we don't want the bananas we want the cake where's the other piece of cake cake cake we need cake where's the cake oh hey hey look look another puzzle here we go i'm going to complete one here we go exits open in two minutes and 30 seconds now oh no banana banana banana no no don't go that way don't go that way i ran away from there on purpose guys come on all right through here maybe oh no no no no duck oh cake you dude okay okay this is close oh dude come here bunny let's go dude bunny's got the last one come on let's go bunny all right exits open to one minuto okay no this way this way it's over here right yeah yeah yeah yeah here come on buddy go buddy bunny come on come on finish it yes we did the cake uh-oh bananas extra hungry uh guys guys oh geez no get up get up get up get up get up get up get up stupid trap ah get up okay go go go go go go go go dude whoa there we go oh and we've got the cake we should get we should get extra points for the cake dude okay wait a second my banana chance only went up by one percent like i i know i have this two times banana chance you see you already own this item yeah i will be hunting soon now guys because i know that there are already comments on this why are you a monkey guys it's banana it's pretty obvious i think close the run is a bite don't let them escape all right hello hello wait how do you bike though how do i jump like people were jumping before we is there oh dude there's so many traps wait did i get that guy i'm not even sure i did come on come on how do i there we go chop her up okay i'm not even gonna bother because they get going so fast when you bite them bite him there we go fighter yo biter yo i'm getting so oh my goodness i'm almost full i'm biting all these guys girls whatever it doesn't matter i'm getting them all come on come on here we go bob come on whoa whoa whoa whoa where are you going where are you going where you going are you leading me are you doing that on purpose no i ate her up yeah oh you get 15. what are you doing just standing there bro you don't wait a minute oh my goodness you're gonna break the lockers that's amazing so he i saw him in there so you can actually see them in there so i thought that they might hide a little better like we couldn't see them come on bottom there we go i'm faster than them yeah i got you all right there we go i'm gonna there are you gonna slip you didn't slip okay that's fine it's fine i'm gonna get you though you only got one heart left anyway oh what are you doing oh get some all right there you go there you go where'd she go i gotta get her i got an eliminator i got a limit don't you close that door there we go oh no wait she's still oh come on come on come on i'm gonna chase you hey there we go why would you run after me i didn't even need to do that i could have just turned around all right we got three minutes oh there he is all right come on there you go why are you ducking bro what are you doing you're walking like an old man oh dude wait wait wait wait he he's dead so wait a second you when you're in that like bubble like the respawn bubble shield bubble whatever oh yeah i can get coins too you uh oh no they're still six oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so when you're in the respawn bubble eat them there we go you can't you don't take damn it or you can't you don't slip on the trap does slipping on a trap take away does it like sort of eat you a little bit or what oh man it's still tough as a banana you know oh that banana life ain't easy oh yeah you what are you doing what are you doing got her she's she's she's eating there we go we got four out of nine oh i saw him i saw him i saw myself well they got a purple backpack so that means they've been playing a little bit she whatever they i like that i can put down the bananas and it it doesn't slow me down at all come on yes oh dude look at her go dude but yeah i'm quicker i can catch them as long as they don't like change direction and stuff i can catch them oh man where'd she even go so it must be this way right yeah okay can i go through the door oh yeah i don't have to open it or anything okay where did she go dude she's got one heart left two minutes that's it i'm starting to freak out here come on where are you where are you where are they dude i need like wow oh i heard a door oh my goodness they are just they're just filling up on cake they're doing everything in their power to win oh oh man you guys where are you oh this is like it makes this map really like this map it's hard to see them so like from far away like you can't i can't really get an idea it's not like you know there's like oh there we go there we go oh here you are there you are get some eat some banana okay all right i see where you're headed i see where you're headed okay where's he going get him get him get him get him got him ah what what is that oh that's the code yellow yellow red ah i got it okay wow he blew past me dude oh see they got it okay so that's how you're supposed to know there is an actual code on the ground i'm gonna lose dude this is really hard as the banana like i thought i was doing well how are there still four people i only have like i felt like oh wow this is tough i'm gonna i mean the only thing too is like if they're if they have more than one heart although when i become hungry right i go faster but do i oh actually i think it i think i can one shot kill everyone don't get closer but okay wait yeah i know i know wait so i think i can one shot them but i'm not sure i know i get faster right here we go wait oh banana's extra hungry i'm not any faster i thought i was okay oh now i wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up wait where what so that shows where they are wait how did they okay oh i see they went to this door all right or well did they so this is showing me where they are on the map i think is that that yeah there they are okay but i don't think i can make this dude here we go here we go here we go come on i'm gonna get her i wanna get her get her get her get her no don't let her get to that door don't let her get there yeah i ate her oh man so i think i got what did i get let's see one two three four five six so i got and three escaped oh it's like tic-tac-toe they won they blocked all of my uh all my other all the x's uh with their with their escape so there you go guys well there are actually two more maps if you guys want me to play those of both as an escapee and as banana let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,360,355
Rating: 4.9087563 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox piggy, thinknoodles piggy, piggy thinknoodles, piggy, banana eat, roblox banana eats, banana eats, roblox banana, banana eats roblox, banana eats thinknoodles
Id: 4xPcZwNvTJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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