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i think he's running for me like i'm kitty which i kind of am get him pop got him the impostor words hey everyone it's here frantic noodles and welcome back to roblox piggy no i mean i mean i mean kitty i mean kitty now don't get too excited chapter six isn't out yet but get hype for imposter mode because well you guys kind of get the idea anytime you hear a boss you think among us and i think that this is among us and kitty now i i have i can't i can't confirm but before we get to it guys please do like the video for if you enjoy these types of videos on kitty piggy whatever i'd love to get the 25 000 likes i don't know if you can but i would really appreciate it and also i do ask you guys this every time to subscribe and according to youtube only like one out of three of you guys who enjoy my videos actually subscribe so just while you're down there tapping the like button tap the subscribe button completely free and if you hate me you can unsub but don't please thank you uh also please do use a star code noodles if you're ever buying robux or premium now we're going to go to party mode and try to get imposter or try to play the imposter version i tried it a minute ago and it was glitched so yeah and every time you start you start a new round so you're not gonna start mid-round because this is like among us from what i could tell uh there were tasks um obviously we have impostor mode and it's only on on um on chapter one on the house but that's fine because like honestly when i play among us i really only play the skeleton anyway so that's cool let's see if this one works um it's only it's only technically been out about a half an hour and oh see imposter is black so i i the time i played i didn't get to so here we go and and oh my goodness i forgot i'm super suss by the way guys because i've got this skin now right here this is where the tasks were yeah so you can't do anything and the doors are like you can just walk right through them but from what i can tell uh because i stuck around for a while um we don't have a hot bar so we don't have to be collecting items um and there's no timer so and there's no kitty so i'm thinking that this is actually among us just with like mice which is a lot more than i expected i was expecting trader mode and i was like yeah i'll give it a try but i'm not sure i'm going to upload it if this is among us in kitty this is going to be fun but it doesn't work right now so i'll be back when it does later alright let's see okay this looks about the same it's funny because imposter beta is the name of oh it works or it's different you are a mouse okay they're gonna vote me out dude oh yo okay wait i can't use it oh this is working oh sorry for the shots we're working on bug fixes okay okay i know oh there's a timer at the top too all right i'm go yes it works oh wait did somebody who just shot out the lights yo don't kill me okay okay is there voting in this okay i did that one all right there's there's one up uh there was one downstairs i'm gonna go downstairs hurry up guys oh geez i forgot i got i got used to like oh this one's oh yeah this is out of 500. don't kill me i swear if you kill me dude okay all right ferb ferb is what is firm doing okay ferb you go okay a guy went down there were two people upstairs gotta watch those vents okay this is kind of cool the only thing is like you know in among us no one could be the same color this one oh it says like out of 100 and then it says out of 500. and how do we know there's no taskbar um but yeah okay all right it's hard to tell who's who because they can actually have the same skin you actually gotta remember names what is there one in here nope there's not oh these work now though right okay uh come on up um did anybody do the tasks did anybody get killed is there a i haven't nobody hmm oh wait what's what's this is there a dead guy oh no what are you doing what are you doing why are you not wait he's faking tasks francisco's faking tasks it's pretty obvious when you fake a task francisco all right we gotta keep going up because apparently nobody's doing tasks you guys okay somebody flick the lights can we go oh yeah we can we can we can okay there's what are you doing up here huh yes oh okay okay wait you guys aren't doing tasks why is nobody doing this they're probably like hey where's my hug what wait what wait oh somebody died wait what just happened i don't know what just happened what just the mice have finished all their tasks all right that did not go well for the imposter let's try that again there is voting but the imposter i don't think they knew what they were doing they didn't kill anybody all right find the imposter i'll show them how it's done when i'm the imposter we're gonna play this until i am all right let's see if this person does what they're doing let's do some tasky tasks uh out the door going in here so that i know where all the tasks are and i guess everyone what's that what's going on with my what was that that was weird what was that okay all right hey don't you be closing doors man imposters are the peeps that close the doors all right i'm gonna go back downstairs and do those yo why are you standing here doing the task with me you could do it i think they're just taking screenshots they aren't taking this seriously this is serious business wait what just wait who is the imposter whoa whoa okay wait where who wait you get no time to vote what just happened you get like three seconds to vote nobody was kicked like you need more time to vote dude i mean i get it because it's like a timer and stuff but like oh that's kind of nice so in in among us you when uh when when there's a meeting you get teleported to the table so we we someone must have found a body i want to find a body not my body somebody else's so i wonder if you find a body or if it's right when someone gets killed you know like it goes off when the person gets killed or if you actually find the body whoa wait is dark the name i don't see what there's no time to vote i'm voting for that guy wait can i can i even vote i can't even vote nobody was kicked so if you're imposter this could be good because i don't think anybody can vote for you it's still a little glitchy okay why is that flashing so much come on let's get it done let's beat this imposter because they are doing killings they killed two peoples already okay why did it just go so dark oh so you gotta go turn on the lights okay so they're they're sabotaging i see okay so the person who is the imposter kind of knows what they're doing um let's was there one back here i can't remember no there wasn't oh right buddy all right buddy all right buddy i'm gonna shut the door because i don't want anybody follow me in here although they could vent um oh there was one here here we go come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go stupid hey what what just happened wait uh i don't know i can't vote for anyone how do you vote did we win i didn't mouse's wins i just yeah yo if you're the imposter you got to kill so fast i get what they're going for but i i think there need to be a few improvements so if you're watching this you need more time to vote and you need to be able to actually vote um and i don't know what the well we'll find out with like the uh there's got to be like a cool down on the on the kills but it seems like the tasks are too quick for the imposter but we'll see all right i'm a mouse again um i i want to at least get killed or something just so i can see something different than me just doing these tasks and i know we're all okay somebody sabotage the lights and then you go and you fix it there okay is there i wonder if there's any other sabotage i want us i want to be it can somebody like or at least kill me i mean i am the imposter but but like i want to be the imposter with the power oh dude this guy is following me a lot he looks suspicious what do you do hey how come he has two inventory slots over his head but i don't have any i mean i guess maybe it just it just shows that by default or something are there any other ones there's got to be more can we no we can't go up that door oh i thought you were about to vent dude they look right at the vent i thought they were about to go in i was about to call them out but how do you do like a meeting also like you can't call a meeting if you saw someone vent you have to find a kill or someone has to be killed ah this is the last one right here i bet nobody got this one done pop nope huh i would have thought that was it but what else is mint oh watch out bro don't you stab me or whatever the imposter does i don't even know yeah wait there it is is that it what happened mouse's win yay you don't get a lot of um i'm only getting 736k with like the 925 multiplier come on give me the imposter let's go you are the imposter all right l username wait what does this say it says betray okay and then what ah sabotage lights okay all right all right how do they yo how did you turn that on so fast okay i'm gonna can i can i actually do it oh i can't oh so i can't do it you can't even fake tasks all right let's should i wait they can't vote for me right so i should just be i should just be murdering yeah dude you turn i turned in the cat did you see that did you see it kill him kill him kill him wait oh there's the there's the timer there's the timer all right because they can't vote for me anyway wait what oh look oh they're knocked out so they they're yeah look at them they look don't vote for me i vote oh look i can vote for other people i'm the only one that can vote no don't do that no oh dude they can vote now oh yes bye-bye okay wait wait a second who voted for me dude who voted for me huh come on come on come turn the lights on come on and turn the lights on and i'm going to betray you got him good night what happened come on get him wait what hi hi hi robot mouse hi robot mouse wait i didn't betray them i thought i killed them come on i can't let you guys win all right here we go i'm gonna kill this gun we'll kill this guy here we go here we go yeah you do your task dead yeah oh oh uh it i'm not gonna vote until come on don't vote don't vote don't vote don't three two one i'm voting i'm voting goodbye guess who wins it's 1v1 so that'd be what do you mean nobody was kicked i did the only vote in among us that's what happens are you kidding me are you kidding me that should have happened dead come on let's go let's go let's go let's get the lights wait what wait i just killed somebody what just happened wait i don't know what's happening okay so if i vote at the last second there we go and that should be ng j rm why i'm gonna have to make some kills then if that's the case we're gonna have to do some killing where is everybody where is everybody nobody want to turn on the lights oh look at me what is wrong with me i look weird where are they dude uh wait can i i need lights like it's great i mean it's cool but like also i really need those lights okay where are they i hear them i don't see any shadows come on dude don't i no no no micey's win the imposter must win where y'all at y'all in here huh where are you guys at oh maybe they're in the basement idiot where are they oh there there there there there okay okay okay here we go they're gonna come through here no didn't come through okay all right all right there you are what are you doing i think he's running for me like i'm kitty which i kind of am get him pop got him the impostor words [Laughter] i did it okay so um yeah so there is voting but the thing is like there's just not enough time uh as i said before there's not enough time to discuss um so like because you can't be like where and actually i don't even know how because i never saw anybody knocked out maybe i'll try one more time as a mouse just to see if i um if i can report and and how that works you are a mouse okie dokie all right let's do this okay so oh and i didn't even use the vents ah dude what i should have oh well i don't know i should have tried that but i didn't so let's see i want to see if i can find a body dude this guy is this guy okay okay he's not so it's not him all right i'm gonna shut him in there so it's not the robot mr bagman or whatever his name was oh you know what let me go downstairs because i don't think i don't think anybody's going down there yes that was the imposter now what okay i'm dead can i vote oh you can't vote as a dead person you guys saw it you literally saw it what are you doing ah nobody's kicked with the guy just did it right in front of you did you not see that oh cool ah dude check me out i'm a ghost which is i guess that's pretty cool wait so like oh can you you can't go through walls right now not not like uh not like imposter on among us you can't go through the through the the walls but you could still do tasks maybe let's see wait what what huh what how did somebody must have called a meeting it was juani kill think noodles do it vote vote you guys [Music] let me see vote for him i wonder if they can see it okay can oh i can't even do tasks so what's the point of being a ghost if you can't do tasks you just got to sit here and watch where's juan volfer oh wait hold on really i don't know because he i was watching him he didn't really do anything nobody votes ever guys you gotta beat him let's go i don't want to lose a round i've won every single round i've been in including including this one the mice's mouse's win once again all right guys and that is it for kitty imposter but it definitely needs some work but it has some potential i like it i like it uh but yeah we we need to we definitely need more time for voting voting needs to be because like i think it's on the screen for not long enough for people to realize like what's actually happening um and i mean i feel like there should be a dead chat i don't know if they could even see that but maybe not i deserve a winner imposter i already got one but anyway guys if you enjoyed it click the like button again please do subscribers again many of the people watching my videos aren't subscribed according to youtube and uh well i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,894,750
Rating: 4.9132257 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox piggy, thinknoodles piggy, piggy thinknoodles, kitty, roblox kitty, thinknoodles kitty, kitty impostor, impostor, among us
Id: H6t1HkOlp4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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