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all right a little where's it where's it was it oh dude what is that that ain't the gummy it's like an eyeball gummy what is that he's got a weird eyeball on him holy cow I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run this gummy is like okay dude hey everyone it's your friend the griddles and welcome back to roblox gummy now i've doing the pig cuz when i did the bear like how did the hard time keying in and I made a look like there's something stuck between my teeth for most of the video and that's super embarrassing so guys I clean my teeth now if you brush your teeth this morning as well click the like button guys so shoot every single one of you better click it because you didn't brush your teeth go brush them right now also while you're listening to me please do you start code noodles you're ever buying robust a premium I really appreciate look at that right there game over let's go right into it oh wait wait one thing I didn't do cuz I and if I remember this game big gummy was absolutely by far the best part of this game but I wait I don't I thought wait huh wait wait wait oh I had that yeah cuz wait do I hold on no it says equipped and then I would click that no I don't well fine I want to be a different gummy we're gonna buy gumbo can I clip it there we go quits all right there we go because big gummy was the funnest part of the game I really like the door breaker but there are a lot of other things you can get like a - I don't know let's just let's just do the new gumbo or not new to me gumbo I don't know if there are any perks for that oh we won chapter two wait why don't I get to choose the map I don't see it anywhere or whatever they chose chapter 2 we're trapped he's coming we we got we got to get out of here oh this is what happens at the end of chapter 1 well why is the floor shaking well where are we mr. P's lab oh it's Rick dr. Dutta superfood oh oh I'm ready let's go okay so we got to get away and okay so I H I'll play around the animations and stuff guys cuz like did you know I mean okay I'm sure you guys knew but yeah there's like there's all kinds of like emotes you can do anyway I changed my running animation to the ninja water which is that Naruto run and I'd no idea I gotta get used to it all right pick this up all right I gotta get used to the run what do you guys think should I put it back I had super hero run before yo no way does do you get to be the super got me oh no I should reckon I got me dude that thing is best oh my goodness stuff here alright let's go through here I've got a blue key alright what what's here oh my goodness there's so much stuff on the ground oh it's super dark alright so wow this is can gummy even come there oh look hey look at that what do they got I can't what why is it not opening do I have the blue key what is it light blue are there two colors of blue that's very confusing you know okay oh geez that I did not realize the gummy could just come right up behind us like that yeah I don't know I gotta get used to that I don't know if I like it because the way my arms are like I mean I like I love this it's how derpy the run is but like I feel like I do play the game play the game man I'll let you guys weigh in on it okay there's the exit okay so we need what nails and a board and the board here is already done okay what Oh boat gummies over there don't go over there okay there's a wrench what do we well still we have to do I mean wait where's that room that had all this stuff in it man okay watch out for the gummy was it up here I feel like okay he's there oh no it was it was where he just went gotta go over there no oh go away gummy you guys are gettin right by him alright so what do we need oh whoa what are you oh dude what was that dude he just shot like Oh was that the squid thing you can buy okay I got a gun uh can I shoot him alright I think I can I don't know if I followed it oh goodness gracious the gummy just destroyed me yeah that's tough man these psycho noodles or you'll turn into it wait a second do you not get to choose wait do we not get to choose I never can choose that yes do we not get the cheers yes we don't okay so this is the first game I've ever played of these where you don't get to choose the map I don't understand that I think that's a poor choice so yeah guys I'm just gonna skip over this part well um we'll play with the emotes a little bit more what else did I buy cuz I got a bunch of them oh well we'll say that one for the end hold on so I got this one this oh that that's cute well I I got well I got this one in case I got away from piggy all right and oh this one this was the one I was gonna use for like if somebody has something and I'm like hey over here gotta use it right and then this one I just thought oh yeah that's super cute [Music] Wow that yep and then yeah I got this one for what I win flex on them all right well yeah again guys we'll be back for chapter 2 but yeah there's the there's a flexing all right so now yeah cuz so that's what happens it alternates between the two so it goes from episode or if you just play it or if it was episode one that it goes episode two Nexen if it was episode two then it goes back to one all right let's try this again okay I got the gun now I can shoot the gummy yeah there was so much stuff here before and then oh the darker blue key okay that is what we need it last time had the light blue key who this and I think I needed the dark blue key so I'm gonna go this way I can't used to it already the run I'm kind of getting used to it already maybe I need to change my arms and make it look a little bit better but here now you kidding me did I have the cart there it is oh my goodness okay green key oh I'm gonna grab the gun actually I'm gonna shoot the let's kill the gummy what happens if you kill the gummy did we win where is it worth it boom get it again get it again oh do do do do did it yeah go away holy cow come on come on boom oh did I miss alright blistering zero so we can't refill it right oh dude that's the thing about being gummy it's it's super fun because you could kill so many people so fast you can just play but like oh dude it's dark man I still got so I missed with one of them so we still have a lot dudududu this is bad ok cool not a dead end alright oh man I'm the only one left yeah you can kill people so so fast when you're coming and then the part you know this part now it kind of know it's the worst cuz oh another gun do I have oh yeah got two bullets not enough to kill it though oh ok here we go here we go where is it where is it oh dude don't okay don't let it to close this one here we go and there we go got him once all right and hold on come on gum come on gum here we go I got him again okay we just need one more shot dude you go that way I'm gonna find another gun I'm gonna kill the Gumby great well I ain't even trying to escape I want to know what happens when you shoot the gummy enough Oh green okay green key I know I saw a green key I should open that because that might actually get us access to the gun where is the green key but I saw was it here yeah there's a bit cool oh no dude alright oh I'm all alone again hopefully this green key God all I need to do is shoot him once dude come on no alright well I got this oh dude oh dude oh dude no go go go go go get away get away get away yo yo yo alright I need to find a gun he coming for me he knows I'm the last one to all right what's this that it oh there's a nail blue key come on dude I just need one more gun do you have a gun shoot him nude come on come on oh wait this come on please does it have bullets remaining zero are you kidding me all right let's do this grab ya you grab that and I'll grab that okay let's go let's go buddy come on you and me let's go cuz it looked like we needed two sets of dope we're not going that way don't go that way come this way bud let's go Oh Oh Judy's breaking doors great he's on a rampage again he could do that okay gun gun gun no gun just key cards all right man I would kill for a gun right now what do we sell batteries let's put a battery in there okay zero out of two generators activated I didn't even know we were activating generators so that's interesting okay okay he got a wrench all right buddy over here over here we need it we need a so we need are we gonna put this down there well and now we need now we need okay I'm gonna oh here's up here's it here here I got this I got this okay that's one we got to do two of those though I don't even know we're gonna have enough time let alone not die dude I don't think there's another gun let's put this here oh now we need the wrench is this a wrench I don't know what I just got oh I just got a nail okay I'm gonna put that I'm gonna put that back all right well oh dude oh he already put the nail okay I just need the other board I wonder if he's I wonder if he got it did you get the board buddy does this have any man knows if you killed a gummy we might we might get wait what weapon no gummy got no gun that rage quit all right I'll keep trying all right let's go bump up up up up okay I know what to do I'm going the wrong place stuff there's that one area I think is it over here no uh where there's a ton of stuff on the ground what is this it's uh nail you know they're doing stuff okay wait give me the gun give me the gum get in yet I got it okay I got a gun I got a gun he's got a nail all right so first things first I'm gonna I'm gonna try and shoot the gum you get a couple shots yeah let's get some shots on the gummy here let's see if we can uh see if we can kill it Oh that is oh that's a biggie and I don't even know what that is dude all right a little where's it where's it was it oh dude what is that that ain't that gummy it's like an eyeball gummy what is that he's got a weird eyeball on him holy cow I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run this gummy it's like okay dude why is this gummy so babe what's happening here dude we only got one shot on him so far where is he I don't know where he is dude he looks weird we're at homei he's harder to shoot because he's smaller too I think and he's jumping I got I got him I got him okay come on pick it I couldn't pick up the gun pick up the gun all right does this have oh it's got two bullets okay oh here we go here we go can I shoot him cuz like he's he's stunned yeah dude yeah dude you can shoot him while he's stunned oh dude okay here we go he's running look dude I'm actually chasing gummy ah come on I'm chasing him cuz he knows he only has two health alright that's that thing's dead alright this is cool it's cool well I've actually tasted him alright okay where oh no let's not go that way let's go this way okay that's not open alright learning this map I just need man if I got him one more of the shot then we'd have like let's grab that lets get cheese no no you leave them in here aren't you yeah I'm gonna go back around he's got oh he's got that stun gun which is cool but it doesn't kill the gummy I want to kill the gummy you know okay you go that way I go this way come on where's all the guns I think we use all the ammo I don't think there's any more ammo dude wait is this oh wait the blue key oh wait Greinke Greinke I'm gonna use the green key maybe there'll be a gun in the green key room hopefully that's hit both shots though how do you how do you actually like here man okay yes Oh baby I missed you serious I missed again I suck in this game never gonna kill this cuz like I know oh wait what go to the exit to escape wait she did it where's the exit I don't even know where things it is we've got to live what hey look Oh what do you happen to have like you kidding me right oh my god this I see if he follows my it might get her out Wow camping the XM really good okay I know where that is okay so I can well I've got one here maybe there's there's there's got to be additional exits right like that's how this game works so if he's gonna camp there we can actually just sit here and figure this out on our own so I'll do that what else we got I got another nail here I just need a board where is the board okay aha I got it hold on I got this here we go so he can camp there all he wants but I think we're gonna escape this way then which is actually a nice thing because one of the problems with these games is that people camp exits right okay I just need a keycard I can I've seen a few dude I have the lighting on this is a little bit hard to see their keycard you got a keycard no you have that that that phone or whatever Hey sure got a gun where are the key cards now man I'll let you know what oh did I never even uh Oh gummies loose okay so gummies lutz that means we can get out the other exit but i kind of want to open the one that I was working on like I can't want to do it myself now do I can I though oh I see the blue blue wasn't even open I thought it was alright let's open that up and then hopefully we'll have a key card oh she's got it she's got it okay cool cool cool you're here come on come on come here no no no wait isn't it like what was I I forgot like here oh come on where'd she go with the blue key hopefully she knows where that is do you know where that is it's right here where'd she go hey over here hello come here come here oh dude check it out that's cool yeah there you go hey keycard that's what we need alright let's go whoa here he comes haha he can't get through there he can't get through there you know what that means that means I've done oneness I know he's not camping that exit anymore but I wanted to do one on my own right yeah hey the bridge is in fix go to it to ask ace we opened up two of the exits I'm sorry mister whatever gummy that was we gotcha now interesting I'm noticing that so with the perks right the door breaker okay take it away from me the door breaker is actually not useful on that map at all like you would want I don't know I like help nobody's gonna kill you I don't think I'm gonna try it again though oh this would be good radar or even - I don't know I don't have enough coins for it alright so the person play gummi said they don't want to be gummy so I think they might just stand there baby crying : I'm not sure okay so they're okay and then got one okay anybody else okay hold on I don't want to waste shots - alright that's - alright anybody oh there we go there we go okay nice so wait why didn't you shoot the other one okay okay okay all I need is a gun and I get two shots on her and uh and then we're done I just have to find another weapon oh alright alright it's working no this is good we're gonna have it we'll see what happens when you kill gummy is it do I know - blue keys laying next to each other alright alright we need we need we need one more gun so wondering why they only shot one they only did one shot there alright well I'm gonna go do the blue key because they are yeah they're not they're not daintree I'm gonna to steer white of them but hopefully get this open and get ourselves a gun and we can okay aw dude there ain't alright dude that's so good alright oh there okay so somebody did one more shot we just well that doesn't do it that doesn't do anything um we just did somebody weak Green Green Green Green I've seen the green oh I know where the green is wait follow here here come come here come here come here come here come here this way come on green key whoever had the green key come this way oh my good wait you can okay all right to be it come on please whoa wait dude oh yeah I got it yes here we go guys I got it I got I got it here we go I got two shots where it where's the gummy here we go ready three wael a site that does that hold on hold on my job buddy don't do it Wow hey there we go that's what happens when you kill gummy knocked out for 25 seconds though geez bro relax the gummies dead so there you go so wait so in order that's kind of crazy right so when you're playing piggy you just have to shoot piggy one time and you get 20 seconds in this one and then I get 5 more out and then what and then you run out of bullets bro that is crazy that is like absolutely insanely crazy Wow cuz like it's it's so hard to do that like because you need you need three guns to do that right two shots per gun Wow alright it's my turn to be gummy what is this one on yeah this one's active alright what do we need in the other one let's see don't need a wrench now we just need a battery ok battery battery got it right here hold on hold on here we go where did it is here we go let's go everybody out boys hey there we go only 14% James but I got it alright this is my favorite part of the game or less last time and it's actually the same map but man just kicking doors smack uhh people it's great look I even like I want to be gumming you down well I guess well anyway oh I see what the color yeah so fat wait wait how do you I thought you have to like whack people oh dude look I leave footprints well that's cool but I thought like yeah I'm about to have fun I thought like I press like shift or control and then I like I smack but maybe this guy doesn't which is a huge letdown dude it looks like he's from Monsters Inc just a huge letdown if I if I don't get to do that cuz that was my favorite part is to the line oh no you do okay all right but I can't I feel like I can't do it as often yeah all right hello hey Bao Bao well yeah yeah I can't I think they changed it so you can't do it as often oh where you going huh yeah I see some named taggers I see some name tag is Bao hey you and your head oh my goodness I'm stuck get up get up hey why are you facing the wall though oh you tricked me I thought I was gonna get rid of all ya Sal yeah Wow come on huh yeah I got two kills just because they got close to me do those I think he's shopping which one's got a year whoa yes gumbo what did I step over trap I think they have traps hello yeah got a next Oh mumbo gumbo whatever your name is what was the last one I need that radar now all right talk got it what's with all these traps can I kick a door I want to kick it yeah let's go anybody in here I'm kicking doors oh uh uh we're yet Oh oh wait a minute oh I just realized when I hit those trucks cuz like nobody shot me right is my health is lower but that is because of the traps the traps actually decrease your health I had no idea no you don't know you know rah yeah um is that it there's more okay doors is going I'm breaking my own house I ain't even care I see it I saw it I saw the nametag where'd they go though oh I see you I see oh oh wait wait wait rah whoo I feel powerful and look at all the coins again that is the way they get coins on this game dude I got 650 coins almost enough for uncle jelly but no I would I would do perks I can't I mean makes you immune to squid ink that ain't never that great but makes you immune to bear traps and lasers tasers could be good anyway guys I'm sure chapter 3 is on the way if you guys alike gummy let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,077,276
Rating: 4.9280739 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, granny, horror, thinknoodles granny, granny escape, granny horror game, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, escape piggy, gummy, roblox gummy, gummy episode 2, gummy chapter 2, chapter 2, episode 2
Id: bu1FG_Z2e0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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