Robin Williams' Improvisation - Behind The Scenes of Good Morning Vietnam

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Still his all time best performance. What an actor he was.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

He made this movie so amazing for me. Still makes me laugh after all these years.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/YoSoyBob11 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Miss him

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bondinferno 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
there was a lot of improvisation because you got somebody like Robin who is extremely you know funny and improvisational and then the thing is so let's take advantage of those things because there's a guy on the radio making up stuff it's not like it Road out everything every morning you know guys making up things so we took advantage of what Robin can do and then the way we would do it is there were certain things in the script certain beats that we had to get to so we would kind of wander all around and then kind of get to that beat and kind of play around and kind of hit that you know beat and we would do a pretty loose and it was a little bit like Robin to a take and after it take and say you know this is kind of this is good and this thing over here so why don't we really play around with that a little bit more this I don't think we're getting anywhere with it and then we go he would do another take and kind of play off of that and kind of change it or refine it in some way and then we constantly just sort of talked between takes as we moved through the you know the various scenes that would be taking place there and until it evolved to what's there so there's a huge amount of of kind of playing around with things and we tried different stuff here are the thoughts for today today the Pope celebrated the Latin Mass and the Yiddish for the first time here's an actual broadcast regino progenitor sherman averaging oh man also in a related story they've hopefully released his own line of Vatican bath products including the new part soap-on-a-rope no fight hold on Pope released a new line of Vatican bath products the incredible new product is Pope on a rope when asked why I said why not it seemed to be the cleanliness of the Spirit thank you very much also Liberace found to be Anastasia when asked why I said I just hope the shoe fits thank you Liberace also Lyndon Johnson declared his two daughters an endangered species today they'll be sacked wearing beepers and put in the wilderness Thank You Lyndon Ethel Merman today uses a test to jam Russian radar here's a brief test of that also related sorted laboratory and unmanned probe of Uranus and Hawk an incredible thing for me if I can't even take a rubber glove I don't know what they're gonna do with that also Richard Nixon to play Pinocchio in a remake of the actual cartoon series if that works well Prince Charles is to play Dumbo and point D Eisenhower's to play elmer fudd the india-pakistan war continues we had to take a brief ceasefire while the one rifle was passed back and forth Nikita Khrushchev today found to be the third stooge yes he's actually curly in forming a new group called Larry Moe and Curly why you don't ELISA missile boy yeah get out of here also related sports story first Puerto Rican player in the National Hockey League yes hey soos Lafleur has joined the Puerto Rican National Hockey League when asked what is he like it said hey man I'll be skating all my life I'll tell you something man the first time I died history with a stick I'm going to cut it face with the skates I'll tell you that me right now I'm going to take him out also some other stories coming away but first hey bye-bye I'm back I might Goomer what are you doing here I just been on R&R in Bangkok and if I could have some stuff to tell you I'll tell you this phony cop I just couldn't stop what was happening there I went on this one place I went into a bar there ping-pong balls thank you fine at me next thing you know I picked up this beautiful beautiful girl well what was your name Couture really pushy like she's incredible I get home I get home and get back to him so she takes over clothes and surprise surprise surprise next thing you know I'm gone now it's like a bag of giblet don't know what to do well thank you for telling us that story Gomer we've got more news coming for a brief moment we're gonna take a break right now hear some music coming away but first here's some more news flashes 88888 mutating needed needed needed needed needed also the dog related news Ku Klux Klan suzie cartoon show Casper the Friendly Ghost he's not fair that he gets to float and we don't thank you very much the credible stories coming your way also Lyndon Johnson declared his wife an endangered species a day ladybird ladybird has been tagged by the Audubon Society when asked what we just want to track their mating rituals thank you credible stories coming out of your way I don't know why I'm taking this late on the news we have some other stories up here's a related news flash actually taking up the news for your place right now today the wait a minute it's not actually here I can't read it hold on here's nothing coming away it's not here we have no news we have some here's the moves right now Great Britain recognized the island state of Singapore less than 24 hours after succeed from the Federation of Malaysia well how do you recognize an island state to go eh wait a minute didn't we meet last year at the Feinberg Bar Mitzvah come on now are you wait a minute not Hawaii no that's not it didn't daddy not meet you at the Peninsula Club come on now honey work with me on this also President Johnson today passed a highway beautification program to Congress aimed at banishing billboards in junkyards look come on Linden if you really want to beautify the country lock those girls out put them inside put it and put a bell on them so we know when they're coming come on now it's pretty soon they're actually gonna be married I don't know call it me strange call it me change a deceased I've got an incredible problem dicks like dick dicks Lexia that's a different thing we can't talk about that on the radio there's Walter Cronkite with the weather coming your way right now s that's right Thank You Adrian today's weather hot and shitty tomorrow's weather continued crappy with maybe a little pissy weather coming from the north and the weekend further our pain in the box we'll be right back for some more related news stories and just a brief moment we'll have to keep going 75283 a and B canvas good morning Vietnam he really really really bq4 here today former Vice President Richard Nixon is in town will be going through transcripts of his speeches looking for facts so let's get on with our show right now is the song going out to Richard Nixon liar liar Singapore succeeds rockefeller visits Lake Erie god I can't borrow nation with this I get hey we're back the last few seconds of silence was a little song by Marcel Marceau it's my box now time for the news we actually don't have a teletype machine that's Fred Astaire dancing on a hot plate Thank You Fred here's the news coming your way right now news flashes anyway we know it Pope decides to play for Yankees Liberace is Anastasia and Ethel Merman jams Russian radar and now here the flash is brought to you right now and related incident Pope after last year playing in Yankee Stadium decided to stay and play this year for the Yankees when that's why I said I think the left-field fence is just low enough for me people pitch in to the Pope says real hard I don't know which side to pitch to boos you got that big hat on and that might has got a real heavy hook I don't know which way to go on in also the posted on today I'll see if you make fun of the Pope take away your lips also Liberace today is found to be Anastasia that's right Liberace is related to the Royal Russian family he said in reply I've been wearing jewelry for so long what would the change be also when pitted with the Golden Slipper it did fit he is Anastasia I thank you for playing and the related story Lyndon Johnson today declared his two daughters and endangered species they will be tagged and put in the wilderness I don't know why but it just seems like the right thing to do Thank You Lyndon also today Ethel Merman is being used to jam Russian sonar here is a brief sample of that test oh no I'm gonna be so with Jolson sorry wrong tape let's get another one coming you ever know hello my love is know I've got aa Russian said please please stop or whatever Bulgarian woman in a miniskirt thank you very much coming your way also right now ladies toward Liberace an unmanned probe of Uranus will be planned in the next couple of years speaking of me that sounds really painful I can't even take the rubber glove I don't know about you let me run along first Puerto Rican players the National Hockey League that's right his name is hey-zeus Lafleur when asked if he enjoyed playing I tell you this made a skating most of my life is crazy the guy comes at me with his stick next time I'm going to like hurt it really bad with the skates he's also announced he has spray-painted the rink 3 times people are wondering why here's some incredible look-alikes this is me or this former vice president dwight d Eisen actually he's not a vice president is it me or is former President Dwight the Eisenhower actually Elmer Fudd I'm not sure but listen to one of his speeches and you be the judge hello my fellow Americans we stand right now on the blink of a very very great crisis also if you listen very carefully be the judge is former Vice President Richard Nixon actually mr. Edie you be the judge I tell you I'm not worried listen now to mr. it will over the same voice also rise to the story to India and Pakistan the war took a brief ceasefire where the rifles were returned to a drill team in Iowa when asked why the Indian said he seemed to be directing to do we had to take a break and make one more bullet thank you also Nikita Khrushchev found to be the third stooge that's what he is curly he is forming in a group called Larry Moe and Curly hey put that missile down watch your numbskull get out of here dr. Fidel Castro was actually gonna join the Yankees he said I want to say something to you but I want to play a left field just because it seems the thing to do with my political versions is it me or his mouths a tongue a dead ringer for Peggy Lee and Ray come on now I don't know about that we're moving right along we're making these stories up I can't help it I've got to Rambler Woodcrest later on Prince Charles later on this year to play snuffles the clown an incredible thing we don't know if that works maybe not moving right along hey I'm taking requests if you're out there if you want me to do something special for you try and call in I know you're in the field I don't have a phone you don't need it but I might get the message psychically we're taking some other requests for you right now we're going run along Griff some of the stories related to the news at the moment we did that one probably you're eNOS we did that one I don't know what to say you people Prince Charles today I actually lifted up by adheres by Lyndon Johnson when asked why I said it doesn't hurt him take the chance Thank You Linda thank you very much right now we have a little special feature part of our show yes you've got people coming back from R&R in Hong Kong we have a major cotton valerie's air force major major how was it there well I do not just want to you this it was for me a major thrill because you know you can get anything duplicate over there I took in one pair of pants and they made me about 800 pair in two days it seemed to be a lot of fun the fun thing is you know I took in a picture of my family I made me a whole new family writer that's a good thing I'll tell you because you know the one boy was playing football came apart one day but that's okay I got two more made and it seems to just be the right thing to do you know this is even actually me this is a duplicate here today it's just been a recording this has been the recording we got some more we can also we got some requests here's our lucky bingo numbers five six 33 and 12 if you've been with these numbers report to the medic right away thank you very much also remember campers Monday is malaria Day remember take that big orange pill and get ready for the Hanoi two-step that's where I grab your head goes in let er rip here we go right nurse Nancy that's right Adrian thank you nurse nice to have you here today anything special turn your head and call call thank you okay we've got snow source we're moving right along in Algeria an incredible incident happened today there was a reported coup about to occur when asked why all the tanks were in the street they told him it was just a movie big surprise oh now we have a briefing right here Robert Goulet is going to sing the national anthem oh say mm-hmm thank you Robert trying to get the lyrics come back when you can also ladies tour today Pope Paul the sixth sounded he is actually Jewish all these years wearing the tiny hat he said it I didn't know it was a yarmulke who knew be surprised now I guess I can have more first things made thank you for boy we'll be right back more related news stories coming your way he's also releasing some more vatican products here's the vatican product it's a new american aftershave aqua be de Velde oh yes aqua Beto Velva for the man who says I have everything hey you know we're moving right across the world right now we're taking storage from all across the world hey France Charles to go Izzie Pinocchio I don't know moving right along we're trying we're scraping we're scraping for straws ladies and gentlemen I can't lie to you please send your dollars I feel like a little poster child here won't you please help Wow Thank You Jerry you know it's come to the end of the day here and I'm almost out of time but I want to dedicate some songs right now to tell you guys out there this is a song for everyone out there traveling anywhere this is king of the road come on now king of the road coming your way right now we'll be right back more music thank you for playing thanks the boys in the band play that funky music and let's book it till we puke thank you
Channel: FilMagicians
Views: 823,145
Rating: 4.8672957 out of 5
Keywords: Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam, Behind The Scenes, Improvisation, Barry Levinson
Id: jkM57ihoHNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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