Robin Williams Full Interview on Johnny Carson (1984)

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I drove Robin Williams from Whistler to Vancouver way back in my limo days and can testify to the man's utterly non-stop manic creativity. This happened on a day when the entire infrastructure of the ski-tourism transport-business, continent-wide, had been struck a massive blow; with a snow-storm which had closed airports from Denver to New York for most of the day, with the resulting missed connections, and badly-snarled plans of anyone unlucky enough to be attempting to travel that day.

I was the only driver in our fleet to make it through to Whistler that morning; the RCMP closed the highway right behind me. They only let me through because I lied to them that I was only going to Squamish, they literally put barriers up right behind me. Despite leaving for Whistler an hour early, I still arrived 3 hours late, and even the tow-trucks in Whistler were in the ditch.

From the loading of the luggage to the final drop-off at YVR 8 hours later, ( Its a 2.5-hour drive normally) the whole experience was like a Marx Brother's movie, on speed. Where other celebrities might have pulled a fit, Robin Williams made everyone he encountered on that chaotic day happy just to be alive in that place, at the time. The jokes and bits simply never ceased, and pretty much all of it was conjured up on the very spot, woven whole from the cloth of those very moments.

He had pretty much taken over the concourse and lobby of the hotel when I pulled in, and he had what would otherwise likely have been an angry mob positively glowing with excitement to be inconvenienced in this (now hilarious) way.

He had organized the biggest pair of men's and women's underwear show-and-tell contest, constructed a tunnel-maze for the kids out of all the luggage, and had a full-on inter-hotel snowball-fight raging, complete with ramparts and hot chocolate and biscotti aid-stations.

He insisted on sharing his transport with 4 complete strangers; and orchestrated a luggage stowage-scheme that would have given a Motor Vehicle Commission inspector an infarction, absolutely jamming all that gear inside the car, trunk and on the roof.

The scene at our offices where we stopped for a much-needed bathroom break was positively electric, as he leaped over the dutch doors of the dispatch booth, taking over over complete radio-control of the fleet; mollifying our disgruntled passengers out there in blizzard-central with his ad-hoc absurdities, and bizarre imitations.

For 8 straight hours, this man's brain was constantly searching for, and manufacturing humour; and there were no cameras rolling. He was consistently nice to everyone he encountered and deliberately went out of his way to make a stressful situation more pleasant.

Driving a stretch limo on the old Sea To Sky Highway could be a sketchy proposition in those days, there was quite a bit of skill and judgement involved, and he was one of the very few passengers I transported up there over 3 seasons who actually grasped this.

He actually deferred to me about whether we should even try to leave, and respected my plan to use chains from Whistler to Squamish at least, and stick to 30 kph. As it happened, we had to keep them on all the way to Horseshoe Bay, hence the normal 2 1/2 hour drive time becoming 8.

He asked my permission to ride up in the front with me so that the passenger compartment would be comfortable, with 2x2 seating.

(Like any rational person is gonna turn down having Robin fucking Williams as your shot-gun.)

His bike-riding sensibilities really seemed to make him understand the intricacies of navigating a steep and narrow twisting mountain road with no shoulder at all with almost zero visibility, in a rear-wheel-drive vehicle that would immediately want to switch the back end to the front if you so much as even touched the brake pedal.

In Squamish, he pumped the gas while I filled the windshield washer reservoir, and cleaned the windows while I went inside to take a leak after all the other passengers had gone and returned.

He didn't care about himself at all, he only wanted everyone in his orbit to have the best possible experience. Robin's generosity and spirit will be missed. There truly was none other like him.

👍︎︎ 341 👤︎︎ u/Dehydrated-Horse 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Moscow On The Hudson was fun.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mattcolville 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

We misS you

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/psychopape 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I always hate remember that he is dead.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BatXDude 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Johnny Carson seems second fiddle here, but he's very swift at reading the situation. Soon as Williams starts to run out of something to riff on, Carson immediately throws him a line on a different topic. 'Saw you at the beach.' 'nice suit.' 'you have an interesting sense of propriety' 'you current on politics'?

Carson saw a good thing, ran with it -- even though it was a huge departure from his own type of comedy. Masterful host.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dbcanuck 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

He was never my style, but you can't deny his one in a million personality. I smile at at who he was as a person, but not so much his comedy.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Fun_Skill_9235 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Probably the cocaine

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Cnoggl01 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Almost killed Johnny with the Nicholson line there.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/4LostSoulsinaBowl 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man by the time they hit the first commercial break the audience bought in. He does the nicholson after that and you can hear a guy losing it. Definitely slayed this crowd

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/illmatic2112 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
phew alepp you oliver's close my next guest will know the correct pronunciation of this robin williams is not only a very funny gentleman he's a very good actor and he has a new movie coming out this friday called moscow on the hudson and he's gotten some very good reviews would you welcome please robin williams [Music] you are here yes yes some of the evangelists are so hard up now their healing appliances bring forward the blender oh you can't make julian fries say popeel and come on home mama philippe yeah yeah say frappe for no reason where else put your hand near the sock and i'll be laughing come on now i watch him i get hooked on those guys oh i think reverend gene scott's the best to watch because he's always like uh believe me i take no medication but i'm on tv 48 hours a day come on send that money now if you don't believe you'll be smoking in something special come on home come on boy i like orange i like earnest reverend angeli reverend amber and ainsley with a different color hair yeah it's the miracle of my wrinkles it's all there last time i saw you we were uh i was out at malibu sitting on the beach one day uh it's lovely out there my god look there's a negro let's talk to someone [Applause] pardon me can you teach me this [Laughter] [Applause] so anyway i looked over and lo and behold i was out there there were you playing good father on the beach yes with my son with your infant out there playing with the baby yeah you don't hang out much at the beach so the first time i ever saw you it was nice though it was nice to see the few of the houses left yes yes nice thing about living at the beach at any moment you can have a mobile home look there goes bob and ted we run as a houseboat in the summer actually [Music] you're looking good thank you sir this is a lovely suit for the marquis de suede you're having a meeting or simply tying yourself up [Music] i don't know this is you pick out uh pick up my clothes no someone just goes here buy this take a chance i don't know put some pads in it maybe look lovely from quasimodo sanctuary cheese i don't know look at these flowers my god oh no someone at forest lawn is going where are the flowers these are all from the nbc shows that have died thank you mr silverman for that lovely bouquet you know the only place that midgets can have a ballroom ball is on an airplane with those little bottles like my god oh well it's nice to see you having lost your sense of your priority yes my sense of decency god bless us all yes i thought thought now that you're a legitimate actor well yeah come out like john houseman you're the theater of this my man mr j yes god bless him real burgers there's no meat anywhere near it i saw him walking something new the other night he's busy busy man oil cars i mean anything if you need a vowel movement call john i'll accentuate anything i'll sell it they won't know why [Laughter] oh girl the primaries today is gonna be today yeah are you are you kept current on politics no really i just um watching the primaries it's incredible that whereas the beef was the main situation that maybe they have the next phrase would be speak softly and carry a big bun you never know i can't wait i think i should abolish the primaries and just have like tag team wrestling i'll be there i'll be a madison square garden you can come no i'm the king of town you stay away from [Applause] all right we'll take a break for the late returns come right back we'll be here folks we are back at our inpatient clinic yeah like i am oh who do you want to win who do you want to win that prime minister i don't know i want i would like jesse to win if he wins if i wanted to win the whole election just so i can introduce the numbers of his cabinet and go likely to do some members of my cabinet larry aquarius [Laughter] [Applause] i know if uncle romney wins though i think this time he's going to take off the mask and surprise us he'll be like thank you all very much i guess i can reveal my little secret it's me i'm back again [Laughter] i worked on it i have a little surprise call i worked on the jogging and i helped out god ron sometimes when he stands up looks like a disney exhibit though it looks like the the lincoln president exhibit goes thank you my fell oh i think i think nancy is dubbing him because you notice he doesn't speak while she's drinking water oh i'll chill out that could be oh go where do you spend most of your time i just mentioned during the break i never see you at the beach no i live up in napa you have a ranch on got have you got grapes like the smothers brothers no we have raisins which is so much cheaper yes they are when old men go in they're all done no no you'll never get out there from here i just i sit up there i fish i fish we only have one fish who's been caught so many times so please mr william give me a break put a little pond or something yeah every time i catch him though i feel like when i throw him back he becomes a born-again trout comes back on you thought you were dead man yes i was what did god look like you're not going to believe this but god wears a pendleton jacket and drinks cores yes follow the sign of the hook come on now it's great i live up there with the baby take care of the kid the kid is amazing now he's starting to walk which is great yeah stay it's kind of like living with a junior wino he gets to walk he kind of crawls over something gets to here and kind of goes like i don't need your help i don't i can maybe i can't is he uh is he talking yet oh yeah he talked the other day looked at my wife and went mama looked at me and went college no way i can't spank him though if i go to hit him it's like you spank me i'll write a book the dark side of comedy yeah a couple years ago a couple of years ago you were at the uh your presenter at the oscars oh yeah yeah you gonna do that this year oh no i'm just gonna watch i want to see where nicholson wins it's always great when he receives the workers he'll be like i'm so happy to get this i can drop a log [Applause] hey look the little head comes off and things to play with here yeah well i can see your sensor going whoa what you told me it was anson williams or paul williams yeah no william b williams william here yeah oh are you gonna are you gonna be in los angeles for uh the olympics yeah everybody's uh well i don't know everybody's just scared everyone's renting their house out certainly eight million a day a fabulous prize there'll be a lot of people wandering around getting off the plane going excuse me please where is the air this is special effect isn't it this is for real okay there'll be lots i know there'll be lots of japanese tourists wandering around you have anything made here anything at all made in cleveland i want to take something home from america everything made elsewhere look at this look something from ohio i can't wait and uh some of the athletes will be having the sex tests i don't know what that is like i can't see you [Laughter] [Applause] steroids people on steroids you take steroids yeah you you've got the bill of an athlete you must have done some uh well thank you ouch i have this incredible recipe for quiche i just run a lot like that day you saw me the beach i run like five miles a day it's nice it helps too up there on the ranch too especially when the coyotes go it's him get him real men aren't afraid to smell so bad that even your animals go i'll get back to you you want to talk about your picture oh sure why not why not pimp the picture yeah yeah show the film picture hey check it out check it out check it out you feel do you feel awkward of going on shows to talk about something you've done some people do i'm proud of it no it's good moscow on the hudson opens friday yeah around the country i guess as they say i hope you think if not there'll be someone from columbia going robin some fabulous some good news and some bad news it's opening in one theater but the four people who saw it my god they're crazy for you i had this dream once that gandhi like came back and went to a hollywood executive meeting said mahatma fabulous we'll get together we'll fast okay i love this it's a whole ensemble thing we'll take a spinning wheel we can for toys i don't know no we'll take a fast we'll take a path that's what they say what can i say a great picture deal for me i don't know i'm proud of this film though that's good to do they're doing the remake of that you know gandhi goes hawaiian people try to get on the beach can you feel the moment now same thing look hang one no too late now i'm i'm the board come with me all right the picture moscow on the hudson oh um explain welcome ladies and gentlemen moscone hudson's about a russian saxophone player who defects in bloomingdale's that's you that's me eta mignon and it was fun to do i learned to speak russian play the saxophone i had one nude scene which was very hard to do yeah tell me about that oh okay i'd like to show you this no no no no no no we'll bring this out now special effects it's always hard to do a nude scene because there's always a boom man up there going match this mr smart man [Applause] make a wish mr happy hope for the best hero simba now usually usually if i ask some young actress i'll say do you mind doing nude scenes they'll always say something like well only if it's an integral part of the picture and helps develop the story especially if it's a film called like deep bamboo that's right only if harry reims is thumper that's right nah how about you it was this an integral part it was it was integral yeah it was necessary i felt integral is this integral yes it's part of me don't be afraid were you embarrassed yeah i was especially when they have a little clapboard that goes like take four sh and they took four i guess that leaves six you're that small yeah okay take five special effects uh we'll have to marry men later stunt man stop me i'm ready now i'm ready to stand up [Applause] you don't need get him out of the tub let me in there you can change it just shoot me from behind i look like him oh we are it's been a fun night eh yes oh god yes the sensor's over there going i hand you my resignation i don't need this job we have a film clip from this yes as they say i don't know who says that i just said it this is a film uh clip of the defection i guess this is a takes place in bloomingdale's where you decide that you you want a defect from the soviet union yes okay here's a short excerpt from moscow and hudson it's healed it's here it works again you have a great facility with dialects voices and everything everything i used to do a russian character i used to do a russian stand-up comedian i used to do soviet ventriloquism nikki say hello to the people in the [Laughter] [Applause] audience a russian stand-up comedian yeah i used to do suppressions instead of impressions i would do uh i would like to do for you karl marx imperialism that's the worst thing i've ever heard [Applause] no this i this one i had to really speak russian though those guys you saw speak russian yeah the kgb agency you had to learn phonetically oh phonetically and really too i need to speak i had to speak and uh write and work with them said could you could you do something about legitimate russian now because it was did somebody speak russian up there no it's so easy yeah no thank you anyway thank you happy to be here they speak valley russian for sure then it grows up bashiba american skin with his bones especially what do you want to be doing 20 years from now oh god you ever think about that your son's growing up i just i don't know i hope he takes care of me like hey dad we're gonna heckle you tonight okay [Laughter] i don't know i just hope he takes care of me uh yeah i'd like to still be doing films come back the show's they'll be on you'll be here no somebody will be here it'll be you no i don't think so no we'll be talking like this johnny johnny say hello hell yeah [Applause] you're so cool yeah there'll be fred behind you going say hello to the nice people i don't know i don't think so i don't want to ask that question i just i just i i know in about 16 years i think it'll be my son's first date i'll be ready for that i'll be like no zachary son i'd love to meet your date i hello bob those are lovely pants cut away there yippee io [Laughter] i don't know you got to bring them up right yeah bring them children up right a kid sings at night though the baby scat sings at about two o'clock in the morning hear this and about five o'clock in the morning you hear this noise like yeah you expect to walk in the bedroom and see the baby five feet off the bed going come in father look what i make for you i don't know okay we're gonna take a break stick around for a while i'll be here okay we're gonna auction off stay where you are wait for us we'll be here
Channel: M.B. Archives
Views: 100,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LdaC870Ss8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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