Free Indeed - Beware of Demonic Spirits - Pastor Robert Morris

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I want you to turn the two passages of scripture please and the second one if you only want to go to one the second one is where I'd rather you go if you're only going to go to one we're going to start in acts 13 but then we're gonna turn to Habakkuk chapter 1 now let me tell you how to get to Habakkuk okay now some of you have iPads so you're like oh I don't know I'd get that back you know you just push a CH a B and there you're there so but if you have one of the old-fashioned Bibles if you go to Malachi and turn left five books if you go to Matthew or Matthew or Malachi either one Matthew might be easier to find so go to Matthew and then you'll go left Malachi Zechariah Haggai Zephaniah and then Habakkuk all right so go backward malachi zechariah Haggai Zephaniah and then Habakkuk all right so if you if you've got to choose just one then go to Habakkuk because we're going to spend much of our time there today we're in a series called free indeed and if you didn't get to here last week's message please listen to it because I laid a foundation that believers can be in bondage it's nothing to be afraid of it is something to be aware of and and that we need to know how to get out of bondage and we will get to more and more in this series how to get free and stay free indeed alright so I woke up this morning and I felt like the Lord sometimes the Lord speaks to me just as soon as I wake up or I have a thought that I feel is from the Lord and this morning I just felt like the Lord said Satan is mad about this series but I'm glad about the series and I'm the one that's important so so so I just want you to know as I said last week Satan will do everything he can to stop you from hearing this because truth is what makes us free so this week's message is entitled beware of Chaldeans beware of Chaldeans and I will explain to you what I mean by that Acts chapter 13 Paul is in Antioch at basilia which is different than Antioch at Syria Antioch at Syria is where the great New Testament church was that was the greatest missionary New Testament church to where Paul and Barnabas were sent from now they're at Antioch in Pisidia in other words Syria Presidio were like regions or States so this is the city name the same but it's in a different state it would be like Paris Texas that's not the real Paris just so you know but it's a good one so that's where they are and he preaches a message about Jesus and he ends the message with a caution and I want to show you the costume Acts chapter 13 verse 40 acts 13 verse 40 says beware therefore less what has been spoken in the prophets and that's Habakkuk where we're going come upon you beware lest it come on you and then he quotes a verse from Habakkuk chapter 1 behold you despisers marvel in Paris for our work a work in your days a work which you will know by no means believe though one were to declare it to you now he is referencing that God became a man in Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that's salvation and that the Messiah has come and he's saying you're not even going to believe this even though someone would tell you this but he gives them a reason why they won't believe it and he it's Habakkuk and what he's telling them is there's an enemy who's trying to blind you to truth and he quotes this scripture but I want to go back and read the context in Habakkuk so if you'll flip back to Habakkuk chapter I've already got my Bible open there I went directly to it so Habakkuk chapter 1 verse and when I was in the college by the way a professor said I think it was Old Testament survey class he said turn to have a cut and you know I was from East Texas and so I said you mean Habakkuk and he said yes that could be your primitive pronunciation so we're in tobacco so about your chapter 1 verse 5 this is the verse Paul quoted look among the nations and watch be utterly astounded for I will work a work in your days which you would not believe though it were told you now before we read verse 6 let me just tell you he's about to talk about Chaldeans Chaldeans are an Old Testament type of demons the enemies that come against the people of God watch the next verse watch what he talks about Chaldeans but watch how we can relate this to demonic spirits verse six for indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans a bitter and hasty nation which marches through the breadth of the earth watch what they're trying to do to possess dwelling places that are not theirs there they are that's what they're trying to do we talked about this last week in that they are the word possessed doesn't always beam ownership it means to gain the mastery over they're trying to gain control over dwelling places that aren't theirs they don't belong to them now in that day when Paul quoted this scripture if they had gone back and read Habakkuk chapter one to see where he said beware lest it come on you if they had gone back and read it let me explain to you what the skeptics of the day would have said the skeptics would have said I think Paul's out of his mind because listen carefully there aren't any more Chaldeans the Chaldeans had been utterly destroyed in 539 BC so much so Jeremiah 50 and 51 tells us there will be none left the Chaldeans were never again referred to as a nation or as an ethnicity even never after 539 BC they were destroyed so when you think about this Paul says beware less what was spoken the prophets come on you and there aren't any more literal Chaldeans so what would he have been talking about well let me say to you this way in the skip in the same way the skeptics of that day was safe Paul's crazy he doesn't know what he's talking about there are anymore Chaldeans we don't need to be aware of them in the same way the skeptics today would say something like this did y'all hear Robert Morse is preaching a series about demons he's out his mind there aren't any more demons yes there aren't you better beware because they're trying to possess dwelling places that are not theirs that's what they're trying to do see it's right here okay now let me show you again Chaldeans representing demonic spirits let me show you some things about Chaldeans about demons all right three things number one they're thieves they're they're thieves remember verse six says they're trying to possess dwelling places that are not theirs we need to understand that Satan is the thief he comes to steal kill and destroy but many times the Bible talks about Satan but it's actually referring through the work of Satan not Satan himself because Satan is not omnipresent you need to know that Omni means all we say God is he God is by the way omnipresent he's all present God is omniscient omni-benevolent set means science means knowledge God has all knowledge and he is omnipotent potent means powerful God is all-powerful okay but Satan it's not omnipresent he can only be in one location at one time when he tempted Jesus by the way that's a real dude that's Satan because Jesus did merit his personal attention I've had other people say to me Satan came to me no I don't know if he's Satan himself but Satan has an army of demons and demons do his work Jesus said it this way there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity and he said shooting this woman to be loosed from this whom Satan had bound okay Satan did have her bound but Satan had her bound through one of his demons through a spirit you understand so it's important to understand that there's an army of demons when the Bible talks about the work of Satan again verse 6 says they're trying to possess dwelling-places not theirs they are thieves they are thieves let me read you there are many scriptures similar to this in the Old Testament let me read you another one a psalm 83 verse 1 says do not keep silent oh God do not hold your peace and do not be still o God for behold your enemies the enemies of god are demonic spirits your enemies make a tumult and those who hate you have lifted up their head they watch what demons do they have taken crafty counsel against your people and consulted against your sheltered ones they have said come and let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be remembered no more and look at verse 12 who said let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession I'm telling you they're coming after you you need to know if you're if you're going after God they're coming after you you see so many times we think they're going after the unbelievers no they're not they already got them they're coming after the believers to keep the believers defeated so they don't win the unbelievers to Christ that's what they're trying to do now I'm telling you Chaldeans represents demons let me just show you though I was reading this past week this is the exhaustive dictionary of Bible names this is how the exhaustive dictionary of Bible names describes the definition of Chaldeans look at it here Chaldeans as it were demons demons the root word means to lay waste our to destroy and the the actual word means Wanderers they were Wanderers and I'll tell you some more about them later but is it amazing that it means Wanderers and watch what Jesus said about demons Matthew 12 verse 43 when the unclean spirit has gone out of it means he was in out of a person it wanders the Chaldeans or wanders demonic spirits are wandering and they're trying to possess dwelling places that are not theirs it wanders through waterless regions looking for a resting place but it finds done then it says I will return to my house the houses I will return to my house from which I came when it comes that's very important these three things that says about the house when it comes this is Jesus talking about the way when it comes to spirit it finds it empty swept and put in order then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself and they enter and live there and the last day of that person is worse than the first now notice how the demon can come back in because when it comes back to the house that it left it finds it swept in or swept and put in order but here's the key word empty how many times do people come to Christ get saved and they get there at cleaned up and kill his sweat put an order but they don't feel their house with the Word of God this is why it is very important for you not just to attend that gateway but for you to go through catch the vision and become a member and get involved and volunteer and go to a group and go to equip and go through freedom ministry because you need to fill your house with the Word of God and how many times do we know someone that got saved and they did great for a while and then they went back into bondage and the bondage that they went back into was actually worse than what they came out of because we're in a war so it's very important if this these are Wanderers Chaldea would be at that time when they went in this and when the Bible writes about them they were very small now they were about 40 and they were never more than 40 miles wide they were about the size of New Jersey and here's the thing that you know they were they were actually never conquered until they were destroyed and when God said that when God said when my purpose is finished with them I will destroy them think about Satan and the demonic spirits and God does have a purpose for him God used the enemy all through the Old Testament to teach his Pihl children to call out to him when his children went into bondage they would cry out to him and repent it's the same way today many times we don't think we need God until we're in trouble and then we call out to him I want you notice that uh there are some things about the Chaldeans that many people don't realize the Chaldeans actually took over Babylon as a matter of fact when you read about Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar was a Chaldean and the the Assyrians used to appoint the kings of Babylon but Babel and Concord I mean met with the Chaldeans conquered Babylon and Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar takes over he's the one he set up the 90-foot gold image and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego which is how we know him by the way those were not their names those were their Chaldean names those are Chaldean names their names were actually Hananiah Michael and Azariah and they gave them Chaldea names when Nebuchadnezzar came in he took two things that Satan is trying to take today in other words he's a thief demons are thieves all right let me show you the two things that he stole you can just stay there and Habakkuk we'll come back to that Daniel chapter 1 verse 1 in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it and the Lord gave Jehovah Campina Judah into his hand and some of the articles of the house of God which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his God and he brought the articles into the treasure house of his God then the king instructed ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the King's descendants and some of the young Nobles young men in whom there was no blemish but good-looking I probably would have been taken that shouldn't have been that funny okay okay gifted in all wisdom CCI Pro possessing knowledge and quick to understand yes that's me exactly okay who had ability to serve in the king's palace let me just sum this up the young future leaders and whom they might teach now watch what they did they might teach them the language and the literature of the Chaldeans and the King appointed for them a daily provision of the Kings delicacies so they would get in bondage to the lusts of the flesh and of the King and the wine which he drank and three years of training for them so that at the end of that time they might serve before the King all right let me tell you the two things that Satan's trying to steal the tithe and the next generation that's what Nebuchadnezzar stole when he went into Israel he took the the gold and the silver from the temple it was dedicated to the Lord it was the tithe and he took the future leaders this is one of the reasons that we brought the Kings University here is because I'm very concerned about the next generation and they really mininum really really love God you want to go home but the problem is that the world is trying to check trying to train them in their language and their literature and I want to train him in the Word of God many of them could not count backward from Matthew because they don't know the Bible many of them can but many of them can't and I want to teach them God's Word and I want you to also notice that the enemy wants to tie this is how the enemy comes against you this is how he came against the children Israel he took them into bondage what they put in their mind what they put in their body and what belong to God that by the way that the these in first John tells you it's the pride of life the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes the less the flesh being what you put in your body and what you do with your body the lust of the eyes being what you put in your mind what you see to try to make you smart and the pride of life you say well how does that relate to the tithe there listen to me carefully because almost a it's not very strong any person that doesn't tithe is arrogant because you believe you can make it your way and not doing it God's Way and you have to be arrogant to steal from God you have to be extremely arrogant to steal from God and please understand if you don't tithe that's an open door to demons because that's exactly what the enemy does he's a thief and you're allowing God your I mean you're allowing Satan to get you to be a thief but not only a thief but stealing from God and I don't say that to make you feel condemned or to argue about tithing I'm telling you that's that's an open door and no matter how many doors you closed in your life if you're not a tither you've always got an open door to the evening and this is exactly what never condensor did he stole two things he stole the tithe and he stole the next generation can we just say this when we talked about they're trying to possess dwelling-places not theirs let me give you another image in your mind demons are squatters they're squatters and they come and they forget on the back part of your property that you don't go back to very much and then they move in the Attic and then they move in a room that you don't use much or you try to keep a door closed so no one else will see that area of your life and eventually they take over the whole house could we just agree in this series that we're going to kick the squatters out we're going to take our houses back so number one they're thieves number two they're vicious they're vicious you need to know that demons are vicious Satan never has a good day he never has a merciful moment not one look it back in Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 7 they are terrible and dreadful they're terrible and dreadful their judgment and their dignity proceeded from themselves there's there's another reason they think they could steal from God their horses also are swifter than leopards and more fierce than evening wolves their Chargers charge ahead their Calvary comes from afar they fly it's the Eagle that hastens to eat they all come for violence their faces are set like the east wind they gather captives like sand now I wish I could take and do a whole message on just that talk about leopards how Eagles the vultures come in all this but let me just show you one thing it says they're like wolves they're like wolves a few other scriptures that describe the enemy as wolves Ezekiel 22 27 her princes and Hermits are like wolves tearing the prey to shed blood to destroy people and to get dishonest gain again this refers to the pride of life the lusts of the flesh and the lust of the eyes Zephaniah 3:3 her Prince's in Hermits are roaring lions her judges are evening walls that leave not a bone till morning let me tell you what that means it means they feed at night can I just tell you something about when demons will attack you they'll attack at night if you ever notice that you wake up in the middle of the night and they will start trying to get your thoughts to go the wrong way am I telling the truth and the best thing you can do when you can't sleep is read the Bible of pray it's the best thing you could do because otherwise you'll end up doing something or watching something you shouldn't watch and do that's what the enemy tries to do they attack them house here's an at night here's a New Testament scripture on wolves acts 20 verse 29 Paul said for I know this I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock okay Paul said when I leave wolves are gonna come in okay let me just ask you a very simple question do you really believe he was telling that literal wolves do you believe that the after he left this city that they went out and bought some wolf traps said you know the Apostle Paul said wolves gonna come in now he saw my demons they said demonic spirits are gonna try to come in and here's what they're gonna try to come into the sheepfold they're gonna come in among the sheep I know this I have a friend of mine that did some study on wolves and I was talking to him this week about this and and he sent me this text after we talked the Lord did not teach us about predators to teach animal control or children's fables wolves and sheep cannot coexist this is from the study that he did with actual scientists that study wolves when wolves appear most casual and innocent even interesting to watch they're actually studying you and sizing you up for the attack the more indifferent they see the more serious the danger they are preparing for the packed attack the more comfortable they appear the more deadly they are now you think about how we I mean we like to see wolves on the Discovery Channel and movies about wolves that became pets and help people out and all that's great but wolves are vicious and when they're watching you when you see them and you think well that look at that wolf he's just out there just he just looks so innocent he's actually studying you to learn your movements so he can attack you do you understand that they watched and study they way they watch and study people and look for the weak times the isolated you realize they attack the sheep on the freight that's the one the wolf goes or when there's a whole herd of sheep that gets the Sheep that's off to himself listen please please please hear me this is a sheepfold right here you're a sheep and there's a wolf that's trying to get you if I were you I would not be on the freight of the church I would not be on the fringe if I were you I would if you're on the fridge here's what I'll do I'd say excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me I'd get right in the middle of the sheepfold right next to the Shepherd I told you a moment ago I mean wolves are vicious they attack in packs you understand that a wolf when wolf attacks alone it's because it's it's threatened but a wolf when it sees a weak one or an isolated one it actually when its howling its calling other wolves to the attack and they surround you and attack from every side and Satan never has a merciful Lumet he never has the time when he gives you a break or he lets up he is constantly accusing the Brethren day and night the Bible says you would think that when a person goes through a tough time or has a tragedy in his life that Satan would give you a break that's actually when he attacks you need to know that I'll tell you how bad second is if he had his way he would thrust every newborn baby through with a sword the same way he did when Moses was born and when Jesus was born the Bible says that demons don't respect the young are the old they're vicious these Chaldeans lived in in marshes until they took over Babylon they lived in marshes and the thing that was so incredible a team as they were tied and they were expert archers they would hide in the marshes and when you were trying to trudge through the marsh and getting stuck and trying to try and trying to look where you were stepping that's when they'd shoot you it's the exact same way with the enemy when you're trudging through life that's when he's going to shoot so number one they're thieves number two they're vicious here's number three they're cunning they're cunning there's no dismember it said they've taken crafty counsel against your peace people they're cunning you know the the first Chaldean that ruled Babylon actually went in not as a warrior but went in and became a friend and they got used to him and comfortable to him and he ruled for ten years before Assyria found out about it a Syrian this king of Assyria appointed the kings of Babel at that time and he ruled for ten years and then of course Assyria went in and out stood him years later they came back and conquered Babylon and Assyria that's the way the count even though they were their small nation they were able to conquer both of them and that's when Nebuchadnezzar then became the King 605 BC so these this way the Chaldeans are they're just crafty they just move in and become your friend and then take over Chaldean the term is synonymous with astrologer magician or sorcerer I'll just show you one reference Daniel tutu says then the King gave the command to call the magician's the astrologers the Sorcerer's and the Chaldeans to tell his dream that was their desire to be synonymous imagine deceives you he didn't let me say another way he distracts you so he can deceive you he distracts you so he can deceive you a sorcerer deceives you by actual spirits spirits that can tell your future spirits can tell your future and that's how he deceives and then an astrologer tries to determine your future by natural events that you don't have any control over instead of God determining your future he says the Stars can tell you what your future is that's a crock don't read your horoscope don't do anything like that we tell you you're who determines your future if you're a believer the Lord Jesus Christ does so when you sum up these three things here's what demons are trying to do they're trying to distract deceive and determine your future distract deceive and determine your future back in Habakkuk verse 15 it says they take up all of them they bring meeting the Chaldeans take up them many men people with a hook verse 14 the verse before referred to men as fish they take them up with a hook they catch them in their net and they gather them in the drag that they basically want to put a figure out what bait you like and then figure out when to put that bait in front of your face even when they were tempting Jesus when Satan tempted Jesus he tried he thought okay here's what here's the bait bread because he's been fasting so this is the bait I put in front of them of course Jesus didn't didn't bite on the bait so it says Satan departed from him for a more opportune time I'll find another time when he's weak physically weak and I'll come after him they are cunning they're studying let me say it this way who else but a mastermind could have a beautiful woman take a bath on the roof of her house at the exact time when David will walk on his balcony you know how that worked out because they studied him they watch David's movements and they knew exactly when he walked on that balcony every night and that's when they put it in her mind to go take a bath I'm telling you Satan is cunning Ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 says put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil this word wiles in the Greek is method ayah method ayah it's where we get our English word method that you maybe understand against the methods the schemes the plots of the enemy this is what he does he plots against you you you you also need to understand that Satan is not a man with red underwear own that has horns and an ax and a tail and a pitchfork do you understand that the world makes fun of Satan and tries to tell us what he looks like so that we won't understand how serious it is he is not a little imp that sets on your shoulder and says Johnny steal a cookie that's not Satan Satan has an entire army and they're organized and Joel describes them this way they're like an army of locusts that come in and devour everything in sight and there and it says they march in ranks they do not break ranks and they know exactly where they're going and what their marching orders are you may not be able to write these down and I last night Debbie said in the efforts I said I felt like people lost me for a moment she said let's because they were trying to write down that list you gave them so so you might not be able to write it down right now just go back and listen to it later but let me just show you because I want you to understand that he has a whole army and let me just show you there are seven categories of demons in Scripture seven categories and here they are Thrones Lordships rulers authorities principalities and powers rulers of the darkness evil and unclean spirits all of these at one point another refer to demons in the Bible Thrones now not all Thrones obviously but there are times when they're referred to as Thrones Lordships rulers authorities principalities powers rulers of the darkness evil and unclean spirits quite an impressive organization that the enemies running Daniel 7:25 talking about Satan himself and Snopes it's very clear so much Satan it says he shall wear out the Saints of the Most High he shall wear out the Saints of the Most High this is the ESV version New King James has persecuted but the word really means wear out cannot kind of just say this the word weary comes from the word where Satan will attack you when you're weary that's when he's going to attack the Chaldeans are the ones that stole from job by the way Satan had permission we are going to talk in this series how's the series how Satan gets permission to come in and steal from you and we're going to talk about how to take that permission back how to take that open door back Abraham many people don't know this Abraham was born in Chaldea and God called him out now if you want to see a type in a shadow a believers going into bondage Abraham being the father of the Jewish nation the father of the people of God he's born in khaldiya God says leave the land of the Chaldeans he comes out the nation of Israel so he Birds the nation of Urton nation of Israel is bird and then they go back into bondage to the Chaldeans if that's not a type and shadow of Christians I don't know what is Christians are born out of that and then go right back into bondage to the same thing one more scripture 1st Peter 5 verse 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roar lion seeking whom he may devour be sober simply means to be in control in other words don't don't look let the something else being control of you be sober a person who's drunk is not in control let me say it another way say it's amazing that the Bible says don't be drunk with wine but be filled with the holy spirit don't be out of control but be under the control of the Holy Spirit you know I was telling my son Josh on Friday we were going somewhere and I was telling him about this right here and we drove by a sign right when I was telling us we drove by a store that said wine and spirits and I thought to myself how deceptive Satan is for us to actually walk in a store and say yes I'd like to buy some spirits and I'm going to take those spirits into my body and expect there will be no consequences how foolish don't be under the influence or under the control of any other spirit but the holy spirit that's that's what that's that's what he's telling us in the Bible so be sober the other thing says is be vigilant all that simply means is watchful it does not mean to be afraid of Satan don't mean you don't need to be afraid of sight he's a roaring lion can I tell you a little bit about a roaring lion a roaring lion it's an old line that doesn't have any teeth here you need to understand that the old lion that doesn't have any teeth that can't catch prey on his own actually goes around behind the prey and roars and scares them into the mouths of the young lions those are the demons and here's the reason I believe that Satan is the and the Bible describes as a roaring lion because I think Jesus pulled all his teeth I think Jesus took care of it and the reason that you don't need to be afraid of the roaring lion is because revelation 5:5 says the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed a one more thought this this that my friend told me these scientists and people who had studied the the animals told him this they said wolves and sheep cannot coexist ok I'd like to make this statement wolves and sheep cannot coexist without a shepherd without a shepherd when you have the Shepherd he can take care of it you remember Psalm 23 talks about the shepherd the Lord is my shepherd I shall not walk but here's something it says his rod and his staff comfort me ok you need to understand that he doesn't hit you with his rod his rod is not to hit the sheep otherwise we couldn't say his rod comforts us he does not hit the sheep with his rod let me say it in Texan he uses his rod to beat the snot out of the wolf that's what the devil that's what the Lord does so here so here's the answer you say well what about you saying beware of Chaldeans and I'm telling you I know pastor Robert they're coming after me right now ok what's the answer run to the shepherd come to Shepherd I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and we want to pray for you at every campus and in every overflow room right now we want to pray for you if you're going through an attack the best thing you can do is say I'm going to be attacked right now and I know it so if your no matter which campus you're attending or if you're in an overflow room in just a moment at the front of every campus every overflow room we're gonna have leaders that we've trained that we know that love you to pray for you to help you we want to pray for you there there was a woman last night of the service when I started talking she said I could not even lift up my head through the whole message she couldn't lift her head up she was so impressed by the enemy but she came down and got totally set free if you need prayer we want to pray for you and if you're in the second level at South Lake campus don't leave all right if you need prayer you can come to the front down the sides or by the exits there are there will be leaders right there with name badges on and you can you will will know if you're heading toward the exit you're not leaving unless you have an emergency we're understand that but you're going toward one of the exits to pray with someone if you need prayer for any reason at all as soon as we stand up you just stand up step down coming if you're on our ministry team we need everybody on our ministry team that's available for prayer it's having every service and we need you to come as quickly as possible if you're on the ministry team so as soon as we stand up you just stand up step on come so we pray for you Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person in every campus especially that needs prayer but especially those under attack so we can help in Jesus name Amen [Music] I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed the class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 1,436,198
Rating: 4.8112068 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Pastor Robert, Robert Morris, DFW, Southlake, Texas, Church, God, Lord, Free Indeed
Id: UE9wjBKzET0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 27 2014
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