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so in today's video things are going to get a little bit serious we are going to be taking the journey of life from birth to death so I thought I would pick a serious outfit for today's video and I went with a monocle and a top hat which cost me 6,000 roebucks what am I thinking yes we are going to be taking the journey of life today and apparently this is where you start when you are born I don't think this is quite as cool as it looks from the inside of a belly but you know what let's people and showery the objective is to just be born so let's make the jump be Ready Steady Go yeah we got bond is that even is that is that the words probably not but we have been born we've got our teddy bear in here this guy has been born with knives on his back I mean I don't know how crazy that is that that must have been oh oh so we need to get out of this room we need to get a key for the door and it says objective don't disturb your mom and don't touch the floor why what happens if we touch the floor oh oh oh why is she so angry is it because we've disturbed so just look at that face she's so angry fine mama won't touch the floor me and your many many babies we'll try and be good so we need to get a key for this door I'm guessing the door in front of us so I'm sorry Teddy I'm gonna jump on you I'm gonna jump on this car here and whereas the key of those Twitter Birds did you see that or they butterflies oh I thought they were Twitter Birds okay how are we gonna do this we need a key for that door let's jump over this car don't support don't just apply I don't mom to make that face at me again oh jeez okay huh no I touch the floor ma please no no don't out of me okay onto this sofa oh wait can we get across here what is that is that someone's arm someone's arm has been pushed through the door right let's go on this book and then jump yes we made it we made it we made it and then can we touch that mats let's see if we can touch this matter hope so we can we can't I just want to go out the front door but get out the front door and escape please oh this is the door we need a key for okay nice birdie teddy bear I'm gonna jump on it okay so oh this is this is a big big jump it's not the key ah that's the key okay so let's go yeah mom take that you punk take that I'm wearing a monocle now I am a borderline adult I'm kind of a no-no fool I felt okay um just get up slowly and I got the key I've got to think of the key give me the key I've got the key connect like such a key why can't I grab the key no I don't want to touch the floor does that mean I've already got the key let's see if the key actually works or not have no idea if it will huh boom yes haha right search for your stuff find these lost items around the house Pingu flamey bottle a tablet and seal okay let's see what's going on these all like pets or something do we have do we have a penguin as a pet that'd be crazy cool because it's a bear down here I don't think that's one of our friends oh there's someone up there who's that is that a dragon is that flamey flamey I found you oh thank goodness spongebob I found you too buddy but we're not looking for you you're not lost this is so cute oh oh oh everybody is this where we supposed to find you oh we weren't supposed to find you you're a very very fat Hedgehog over in the infant stages I didn't realize you skipped the stage we've gone from being born to baby to infant so we need to find all these stuffed toys right and a bottle as well because a parent that's what we like to feed from look how small we are oh that's the bottle yeah so this game is actually one of those rare ones we're playing in first person is actually better what else means a fine Pingu Pingu where are you I've lost you there's a there's a rattle we don't need to find that maybe you need to find different things every time I'm a tablet yes I could play roblox now even though I'm like a tiny infant but that's fine is this pingu nope this is Seeley Pingu is still missing Pingu Pingu where are you are you in this door no what about this door over here excuse me sir I'm trying to find my penguin thank you he's gonna be in here he's gonna be in here the area is pingu are thank goodness oh geez find your way out of class wearing I'm wearing child mode what's this is a ball hello hello you look at her face can I kick you I can't oh that's a shame look at you oh okay let's go into roblox elementary do I have a locker I don't have a locker yet it's funny I do ha ha ha I'm inside the locker guys guys help me anyone oh right let's get into roblox elementary shall we or is this all that's in here um find your way out of class oh no oh it's a maze I've just realized it's a maze this is not good on come on oh wait did we just go through here we do it's like secret secret doors secret walls all that good stuff right eenie meenie miney moe catch stray us by the toe if he screams cuz he will go through that door ok middle door let's do this Wow owl that hurt okay that really hurt I'm dead great well guys I made it to UM the child's stage and I died so we're not doing too great to be honest are we if we've died in the child stages all there's so many doors I didn't realize that so many doors I was just going through each one is this the right one I can't find my way back yeah this is it so don't go through the middle door let's go left no we died again oh man two out of three and I get them both wrong this top hat monocle really wasn't a good purchase especially when you're a child what kind of child wears a top hats on a monocle I mean I wish I did I'm in the wrong place right now and I yeah that's just I just gone through that locker that I was stuck in right you punk door I'm coming straight through you right now there we go Oh milk is poisonous people ha ha that was actually hilarious ok so this is milk I'm guessing it's the milk spill oh it has it's in that cup over there right let's jump this this is Oh milk is poisonous wow this is actually a really nice-looking OB obviously loads and loads of effort has been put into it and we can go from from oh wait no no no don't kill me and we can go all the way to be an elder apparently I don't know if we die at the ends but I'm dying quite a lot now we're only at the child stage I okay milk you think you're being so funny - yeah ha there we go and ha there we go don't be bullied by milk guys even though it's a poisonous don't worry about it don't worry about it oh here we go let's go over to the the swings avoid the playground bullies where are the bullies you can help me sir you're gonna need to help me what is the swings shaking what's going on with these oh my goodness they actually work oh wait is those the bullies all those are the police thank you right I'm going this way I'm going this way quick avoid the bullies thank you yes let's see work we did it right I'm where the teen stage make it through puberty oh no oh man one of these are these hairs that is so creepy we've made it to teenager did we skip the stage again I'm really not paying attention to the life stages we're in right now okay let's be a teenager let's avoid all these hairs and this is so weird all the hairs are just like coming out of the skin ow and apparently they're deadly oh hi I'm your team buddy did you see that that guy just talks hello you how are you doing here we go here we go just keep on jumping you'd only get caught off-guard by those stray hairs they're just trying to poke you in the foot and kill you come on we could do this we can do this is a very important life stage and I don't want to die any more times so I've died so many times in life and we're only supposed to die at the end of life we did it yes okay perfect well I suppose that was well done good luck with the disco wait a disco yes my first disco okay let's do this here we go music is poppin this music is poppin it's not what people say when they're teenagers I hope so and that wasn't hard that was easy why was this guy's a nice hot pot we had the same idea here didn't we right exactly the same idea sit your finals oh my goodness hi I'm quiz buddy I will give you clues for this obstacle okay what does this say hello I need your question please sir excuse me excuse me hello this is this is the worst quiz ever what is the capital city of France Paris yes Paris good job thank you buddy right what does this guy say hello um you're gonna be my guide for today I'm gonna cheat in my test 16 I've already the answer is 16 but I wouldn't know what the question was what is 4 multiplied by 4 I think it was was it sixteen this is 16 it was 16 great okay what does this guy have to say what red things do teens get on their face if they don't wash or eat too much sugar it's like spots or pimples let's try spots yeah and you know what that's actually very inaccurate because spots don't necessarily grow or manifest on dirty skin that that is a myth that is a myth I just hit the mic I'm sorry all right complete this team's program name family guy this is family glad we could do this here we go are we guessed it before me good job buddy you like my test buddy this is perfect um how old must you be to get Facebook what a job you have the 13 I didn't even know that um I need to thank him real quick thanks for helping me on my finals I couldn't have done it without you I do have a top hat and monocle but I have no idea what I'm doing right now 13:13 to join Facebook you you were no help at all don't even congratulate me see you later buddy oh no guys the rockers turned serious it's time to be an adult but first I must drink some tea because that's what adults do right right right let's be an adult now this is our house we've actually made a pretty good life for ourselves actually so let's go ahead and get married I do have the outfit for it but um hello priest that is the longest beard I have ever seen in my life oh my goodness it matches your back hair as well why are you not wearing clothes do you take this person to be your lawfully wedded wife we're gonna be we're gonna be your marriage I do very well I wish you both the best of luck in the future Thank You priest you are an absolute legend can I get out of here now thank you see you later priest wait did I marry you I know I don't marry anyone else no no I'm taken and taken go to college or jail this is great um you know what I'm gonna take the risky life like this I'm this guy right here the smiley face is it's coaxing me towards jail so I want to go into jail let's do this there we go we're in jail I don't know what we did we probably stole some sweets from a shop some candy we stole it and we got caught and apparently we are extremely small because this sink just ain't working out for me how am I meant to wash my face in there huh where do we go now atop the bunk I think everyone else is going up here so uh oh oh what are you in for huh murder jeez you're crazy right we're escaped in jail this is perfect we're gonna get put in jail for even longer if we get caught but you know what I feel like we're not going to have we escaped have we actually escaped yeah you see they didn't make the bars big enough we can just slip straight out nice one how did you even get in jail I have no idea I really don't I might have stolen some candy or something but you know what it's in the past we're now going on through the 12 stage about our life I don't want to become an elder are we guessing these by the way I'll it's over there thank you this guy is helping me out so much and he fell off what a poor human being okay so we're gonna go over wait is it this one no no it's not it's the mirror what look she did it yay okay so this one and then this one over here thank you guys thank you so much let's see if we can figure out the next one I'm gonna guess this one no oh you played this before you know what you're doing or you're very very lucky you know what I made some friends in jail I made some friends and they are gonna what I can't even remember it properly as I was saying I've made some friends in jail and they are gonna be the UM they're gonna be the guinea pigs who helped me out to get out of jail so which one's next guys this one perfect right let's see what the next one is you guys can try out nice hair I like it I like it a lot it's this one this point this person knows what they're doing that they've definitely been in jail and escaped before haven't you right Clal Brock thank you so much for your your help I think okay we've made it to the Eldar stages find your long-lost loved one okay this house isn't too bad we've done okay for ourselves guys we can't get in the house though that that's a bit of a shame but I'm let's see if we can find our long-lost love long-lost love are you why would she be out near a swamp that's a little bit strange is she in the well long-lost love are you in the well no okay was worth a try oh all there's a church over here there's a creepy and creepy looking charts no no no no no no no she died she died already I never even got to meet her find your loved ones favorites of roses Wien white mist orange sunset and red lava okay let's see if we can steal any from here these are white mist ones perfect there we go I've got a flower to put on my long lost loves grave what you died as well are you okay she's gone okay she died as well right oh she's back hello let's put this on the grave down here can I do that I can't do that okay let's find the rest we need orange sunset and red lava oh wait as this orange sunset note these are yellow these are the ones I'm looking for any orange and red underworld okay do I need to go in here to find my rose because you know what I never met my long-lost love so I don't I don't know if I want to do this now he's gone in he's got it there's lava down there what is this where I need to get my rose from are you kidding me right now this is insane what kind of magic is this I'm actually traipsing through lava trying to find a flower what is going on right now life shouldn't be this complicated if I have to do this in my life it actually could be quite interesting oh wait wait what have we found here have we found any flowers I feel like I'm kind of playing like Zelda I feel like I'm in like a lava temple or something this is insane this is a big jump as well here we go what yeah oh that looks that looks terrifying absolutely terrifying Houmas jumps almost dies I did jump I didn't die though do we have to balance over this oh my goodness we do okay let's be careful if use the UM just use the white mist flower to balance there we go nice now what oh I see so we need to jump down here oh he died before my very eyes that's a little bit scary so we need to jump down there and then hop across the okay this isn't gonna work here we go let's do this let's do this no I touch the lava oh oh this for a flower do I even need to do this it put me back it put me back he's changed the flowers that I need oh that's annoying that's really annoying what a demanding and dead person this is I need Teil Terra midnight black and purple perfection this is a weird one guys this is a very weird stage of life for me he's got the purple one when you had a purple flower from I need to know I'm still holding the flower like it was there oh I found a cave let's see what's inside here please be a flower that I can use this is crazy absolutely crazy oh yes midnight black thank you very much okay I need two more flowers I need to find some more secret passageways or something cuz because the party that's where the flowers hides in this game is there one on this house let's see if there's one up here or maybe we can get a good Oh I don't even need that one is Reds oh no I need um I need teal and purple okay are there any flowers around here seriously this is this is crazy oh wait wait yeah now I only need teal which is like a greeny blue color okay I've got this I've got this I managed to jump on the trees but I'm not sure why I want to do this huh no I was meant to try and jump to that tree where are the teal ones this is so weird oh I don't think I'm supposed to be up here but I am and I'm trying to find a flower for my long lost love please please don't let it be under the ground wherever that underworld place was because that was weird wait is it down here is it down there in the waterfall I think it might be I'm gonna take a guess oh geez yes it is oh man you know what that was an incredible guess the only reason I thought it was there is because it was the same color that's literally it here we go let's put down the flowers Oh am i dying guys I'm dying I'm dying oh no I'm passing away it's time to join your loved one oh that's so cute that's really cute ah so the last stage is death I mean the afterlife oh my goodness that I found the afterlife guys what happens when you die you're just about to find out hey it's it's my long-lost love she's um she's only got a head she hasn't got a body but she does have angel wings oh jeez what happened to your face you're okay buddy nice shirt though I like it I like it right let's go into the afterlife building and see what's beyond hey how's it going um you have okay I thought I saw the longest beard ever earlier but you know what you've made up for it buddy this is this is so funny so there you go guys what happens when you die you meet this guy with the glasses the halo and all the beard and stuff this game has been hilarious I hope you have enjoyed it if you did please do leave a big fat like on this video that be greatly appreciated and if this happens to be the first video c-money please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily gameplay videos apart from that thank you guys so much for watching you are amazing have an awesome day and I'll see you all in the next video good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 16,144,918
Rating: 4.84232 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, roblox dantdm, roblox life simulator, life simulator
Id: 7RxhdZl_gWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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