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down here welcome back to another video where today we are back inside roblox and we agree baking some cakes it sounds awesome it looks extremely awesome so let's try and learn how to make a cake shall we Wow look at this place this place is awesome so we are oh my goodness what's going on here we've got a lot of stuff we've got on something to drag batter a sip button hey we're sitting down awesome let's get back up again we've got this whoa don't point that at me jeez oh my goodness what is this can I shoot it let's see what happens if the shooter here it did Oh it shot out sparkles it's a it's a sparkle gun of course it is let's put that away though exactly that looks a little bit dangerous right we need to go and grab some batter to actually be able to make a cake now I'm gonna go for this blue one right here so let's grab this can I grab it can i grab it there you go here we go let's put it where do we put it do we put it in here I don't know what to do rising station yeah we need to put they in there and then oh it's gone it's gone can we follow around I don't know where that's gonna go I have no idea it's gonna come out here I want to see your work this is awesome and apparently there's that yellow there's a recipe book so you can add loads of things yeah look at this you can add loads of things we have to make different cakes okay where is our batter I've lost it there it is there it is look oh it's heating up from the light bulbs there we go it's made into like a little oblong thing oh that's awesome hey cake are you two in let me grab you real quick oh it's really weird to control and then we need to go in the mixing station so see you later little block I have no idea where I'm gonna see you next but um enjoy those eggs falling down why are there eggs falling down that's so weird is it through here is that what is that that has eggs on it my cake has eggs on it oh no I don't think this is going very well oh jeez no this is gonna be a terrible cake isn't it it's gonna be absolutely awful cake okay can I see you I'm worried about it guys there it is is that it is that it that one isn't blue it's more a pink color but actually it's Grover multicolored it's like a rainbow why is this so rainbow look at this wow I've got a rainbow cake I think that's mine anyway if not I'm gonna take it anyway I'm a cake stealer there we go so we need to put this into the shaping station now and see if it gets made into an actual cake because they'll be super awesome if it's like a rainbow cake that'll be cool oh no oh no oh no I'm on the machine no this is bad this is bad no careful cake oh wait here it is look oh we made it into the machine oh that's awesome Davina's it gonna tick as well here's my cake oh man I'm excited to see it there it is the Collatz I made like a super rainbow cake I have no idea but I did it guys are you proud of me the baking station do we want Inferno normal or chill oh geez I drop my cake over here come over here cake and we're gonna make it normal for now just because it's our first cake so far and see oh we watch it we watch in here we can watch it go in this music yes oh there it goes there goes always missed it there's the cake it's all are it's no rainbow anymore wait did we make did we make a certain cake then we've made I don't even know what we've made so let's grab this and then we can what's that the frosting the station we can have waffle great put tog our pulpits Anupa Neapolitan bacon rainbow rainbow let's put it in the rainbow and see what happens there we go it's gone it's gone where does it come out I want to see whoa what's wrong with you did you go in the cake machine I think this guy went in the cake machine I'm gonna try that in a second oh and there's this guy so this guy over here is called the newb and what he does is he eats your cakes which is pretty awesome so I'm gonna see what he thinks of our one hopefully there is it some cake this our cake if it's rainbow then it's ours it looks like a rainbow cake oh yeah don't you still make a cake look at that oh man we have made an absolutely amazing cake guys so let's grab this and then I think you can add stuff to it so we can no toppings mini noobs cookies mini pies sprinkles berries chocolate chips or bacon bits I think for a rainbow cake oh geez way to go whether it go whether it go Kate's no there it is ah I thought no where is it well I've lost it can I put it down huh I've lost my cake cake did you steal it excuse me sir did you steal it he did I this cake uh start put it in there put it boy excuse me cake boy come here that's mine that's mine give give me up get that man I could get that back get that back right now he stole my cake stop it cake thief ha ha ha I think that guy legitimately stole my cake did it didn't come out of there so he didn't put it anywhere I think he might have put it back in so I'm just gonna grab this one right here and pop this in the sprinkles there we go no one should be able to steal other people's cakes that's just not good pile of cake that's our new adopted cake we did actually make this one so we're gonna put little sprinkles on this and then you can add special effects my goodness you can you can set it on fire you can change the color that's pretty special ok where's my cake gonna come out because I really want to add I want to add a fiery effect to it this game is awesome oh oh wait a second is this it look at it yeah as we added sprinkles to it it's kind of added it to the bottom it's have a look there we go very nice indeed so now how do we uh what what what is going on why is the running me over with that truck I'm just trying to out ow oh man what on earth just happened I just go right over by a truck while making a cake I don't like this guy first he steals my rainbow cake then he runs me over in a truck I'm not happy not happy hey good-looking oh man that's the special Cheerios I didn't realize it was that big my goodness is absolutely massive I never got a chance to activate the 2p roasting by know absolutely hundreds of thousands of you have so that's really cool to see right so um there's lots of there's lots of batter there there's a shiny one in there look at is that the one we got before but anyway we are back and I just want to do a little bit wait a second step on me to spawn a dump truck does it work did it work I just want to do a little bit of exploring of this thing because all we did was make a cake and get out of here also there's a there's a dog up there hello dog how are you doing there's also a walking cake guy I on I'm just going to quickly go past you oh look the flightless cake the cake monster the ice cream cake oh that's awesome cake bats and cake fish that's really cool this place is awesome that is insane that's huge and then there's oh gee something escaped the cake a Gators escaped is that what's down there we don't want to get caught by that oh dear that newb is looking extremely sick at the end I'm the research facility what can we do in here the growing shrink machine the stress box whoa let me try and see what happens here release oh no oh oh no I didn't mean do that no no this cakes everywhere oh geez Wow guys these cakes are eating me I just got eaten alive by cakes well someone is spamming the dollars down here geez right then let's go back down to the research facility and not release the cake this time we've got maker Pet machine mix-and-match machine and the growing shrink machine are so when you make a cake you can put it inside there cool okay I said I was gonna do this before what I'm going to do is head into the machine myself yeah yep I'm gonna do it hopefully I'm gonna end up like this guy right here let's try it we're gonna go into the rising station and see what happens so we're gonna sit down oh geez it's working it's actually working let's sit down Oh No Oh lots of spikes lots of spikes are falling over am i okay can I carry on I'm gonna get made into a cake guys all this is so weird I didn't think this would actually work oh no I'm getting cooked alive oh oh I've it's my head oh no guys my jacket.look oh I had it changed into a giant version of itself I will pay you as well all that's perfect right into the mixing station then and see what happens as eggs get destroyed onto our face this person is gonna be made into a cake as well I don't think my head is fitting so I'm just gonna walk through see what happens Oh Oh what's happened Oh oh my goodness this is crazy what has happened to me oh no I've got a rainbow-colored and I'm covered in eggs whoa whoa oh oh uh no I don't I don't know I don't know about that I don't know about that be careful little lady be careful ah there we go look at me I'm all shiny and stuff I got mixed together into a really awesome batter so now we need to go into the shaving station and hopefully they'll change my head into a cake let's see what happens sit down and Oh be careful with these sharp spikes Oh Oh what happened to me oh oh I've fallen over again look at this oh he's gonna make me into a cake make me into a cake sir yes there we go awesome I made a yes look at me I did not think this would work at all I've got one normal arm one cake arm and the rest of me is all cake so that should we go in hot normal or chill that's going hot and see what happens this is so weird I really did not think you would last turn ourselves into a cake it's so funny okay we're about to get cooked Oh oh we've been burnt we've been burnt alive that that doesn't look too tasty does it how am I looking actually that doesn't look too bad at so so now we to pick a frosting I think nuclear I would like to be turns nuclear please I wouldn't suggest anyone eats me as a cake because I'm gonna be nuclear and kind of burns let's see what happens well into the nuclear machine what's happening you know what guys I think I am looking funky fresh as a caper come a look at me twelve let me sit down there we go there's the cake so far so now we need to add toppings let's go for bacon bits yeah I got covered in bacon look at me it looks like I'm covered in little pink mustaches oh that's so cool so now can I actually add I want to add yeah I want to be flames and I also want to be slightly blue so can I pick that does that work I don't know if that works on a pig blue yeah blue and flaming ah this is gonna be perfect ha the perfect bacon nuclear cake that's blue and is also on fire let's see what it turns out like there we go nice Oh buddy you are looking good as well look at this flame I got a blue flame coming off me now there's only one more thing to do and that's to get eaten by the noob because in this game I don't know if I've mentioned it already but you need to feed the noob to be able to get points and cash and stuff so let's sit down and enjoy the ride although it's gonna rate me he's gravy ah ha ha ha wait look I've clinged on for dear life let's take a jump you ready three two word into the news belly oh oh no there's pork chops in here oh that's gross oh that's really gross there's an apple in here as well oh I'm in the noobs stomach that's really not good and being digested oh that is so gross am I being no way am I being turned into what I think that looks like please don't say I'm being turned into that because I don't want to be that I don't want to be that at all oh wait a second I just got moved down into another piece of the stomach look there's a dirty green cake here he's actually digesting me piece by piece and this poor lady here oh it's creeping me out it's make me feel over Hill all right this is like the second time out of a few roblox videos that I am going to be pooped out this is weird there we go oh we're in the toilet no we making our way down to the toilet outside so wait there we go we go right into a boot oh man I couldn't handle it you know what I I made one cake that's cool and I made like a hundred and sixty money which is awesome so let's see I'm pretty sure there's a shop around here let's see what we can buy if anything by being turned into a pope wow this is some super speedy path that's cool right there's a shop and CAF awesome okay let's have a look at what we're going here we can buy a gravity coil or a speed coil I think that is we can buy a skateboard guys we could enough for a skateboard or we don't have enough for the scooter that have been epic you can buy stereos you can buy minimis you can buy a cat a cupcake that you can throw and wait a second is that a TS a good boy a DES and a gameboy we can also buy a Wii U gamepad's you know what that means we need to make a lot more cakes but sir I would like to buy a skateboard please can i buy this perform wicked and rad tricks with your personal chocolate skateboard will you buy it for 350 yes yes I will there we go nice nice let's see what it's like here we go chocolate skateboard drop it on the floor and here we go you know what we've used a skateboard before there we go we're a pro a being a skateboarder now yes oh jeez I've just knocked someone over wait a second can we go in this can we go in this with the skateboard let's see if this lets us there we go let's try and go in the shaping station you ready huh huh come on get inside yes yes make it get in there get in there yes I think I've made it I don't know if I'm stuck I'm definitely stuck oh dear this guy's is throwing money in and I'm stuck oh no I broke the machine oh no no no no my skateboard my skateboards God oh oh no we've fallen in the machine together oh the money look the money is being changed into cakes as well Luigi and Mario please turn me into a cake again oh man I haven't gone through all the previous processes so I don't know if this is gonna work oh dear look at all this money look at it all it's all turned into cakes thank you guys that's gonna be pretty much air for today's roblox video there's was really really fun it was suggested by some of you guys in the comments section of the last roblox video so thank you for the suggestion if you've got any more suggestions for games I should play in the next video with them please leave them in the comment section down below that would be awesome but anyway I hope you enjoy playing roblox with me today if you did please leave a big fat thumbs up for more because this game just gets weirder and more awesome every time I play it so again thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy please do big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and also if this happens to be the first video you see by me then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily gameplay videos apart from that thank you again so much watching I'll see you guys in the next one good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 16,159,457
Rating: 4.8320155 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: EbxJz-Bvgm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2016
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