r/NuclearRevenge - I NUKED My Teacher After She Tortured My Brother AND My Dad! - #532

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hey everybody rob here welcome back to the kcc channel i hope you're having a wonderful day today we're going to take a step back into history two years ago on the nuclear revenge subreddit this story was posted by nicholas fiend teacher bullies my dad bullies my bro gets nuked let's jump right in the town where this happened is a small one and the school that i went to is a 70 year old school my grandad and my dad are also alumni of this school let me just start off by saying this that the alumni of this school are really successful and the school has had a long history of being very charitable and also offer amazing retirement benefits to teachers depending on how long they've worked there my great-grandad donated some of his property to the school when it was being constructed and he was an advisor and a part of the school board in his time the school was an all-boys school up to 1996 when they had their first co-ed class and is a full co-ed now the school also has all classes from kindergarten to high school split in two buildings the first one houses the kindergarten to fifth grade and the other has the classrooms for 6th grade to 12th grade part 1 teacher versus dad the incident said teacher we're going to call her md was my dad's math teacher when he started high school she was a young woman just finishing her teaching degree and was a masters in math and chemistry at that point she was the most qualified teacher the school had unfortunately md was also a nasty person she walked into the class and the students were expected to be sitting in ready mode back straight legs together and hands on the laps with only the needed textbook and a pencil to take notes on the margins the class was expected to greet her with a good morning or afternoon when she walked in and she assigned tons of weekend homework she would simply stop teaching for the entire hour-long class if one person spoke without having asked to speak you couldn't drink water without her permission couldn't go to the restroom unless she finally saw your raised hand and asked you to speak there were multiple cases of people complaining against that but with her being the most qualified teacher there the school board didn't take action instead they supported her by saying that this would help discipline the students but this is not even the beginning of it her exams were incredibly hard and with the classes being full of teenage boys they would talk and even one of them doing so would cause her to stop teaching and not teach until the next class she would then lecture on a different topic completely skipping that part of chemistry suffice to say before the finals the entire class was in a panic state trying to self-study enough to at least pass the class my dad ended up getting 41 our education system said you failed the class if you had under 40 so he was relieved that he passed but when he went through his answer sheet my dad noticed that his totaling was incorrect and that he in fact had a 49 on that test he raised his hand and after about five minutes or so of him just sitting in his seat calmly with his raised hand he was called on and md asked what the problem was dad told her that there was a totally mistake in the final and that he actually had a 49. this somehow offended her instead of calling him forth and checking his paper md decided that it was simply impossible for her a masters in math to make a mistake in something as simple as addition she waved him off and my dad was shocked but she just calmly turned to the next person with a question my dad on the other hand was not happy he walked up from his seat which was basically considered a crime in her class and put the paper on md's desk and started totaling his points loudly md incredulously watched him do that and was at a loss for words though when he was done totalling you could see her face was flushed and she was furious she looked furiously from the paper to my dad and then back to the paper and then suddenly a cruel smile appeared on her face oh okay i see the mistake but that is no excuse for this behavior this awards a subtraction of 10 points from your final the class that was amazed at the first sentence went back to having grim looks and my dad stood there jaw dropped that he now had 39 points and had failed this class instead of responding and making this situation worse he simply took his final packed his backpack and left the classroom he went and spoke to his grandad who was on the school board but he said he couldn't do anything since the grades were completely in the hands of the teacher concerned my dad took his loss and decided that revenge was not worth the trouble and switched classes he dropped kem and took up econ and that was the last interaction he ever had with this teacher part two teacher versus my brother and i my younger brother is two years younger to me and so when i was in freshman year starting high school my brother was in seventh grade we had an auditorium under construction and the library was newly renovated so a teacher was assigned to chaperone the younger class students at the library my younger brother's class unfortunately had md as their chaperone my dad had specifically instructed me to be very careful around md and i was on the lookout but my younger brother had no idea just who he was dealing with before summer our library allows students to take any two books of their choice for the break so when my brother walked past md to the librarian and was stopped by md he was really confused he had an enid blighton book and a copy of backyard science experiments both my younger brother and i are really good at science related topics and he had been waiting for summer break to do some cool science experiments at home with me wait a minute what book do you have there brother a storybook and a backyard science book ma'am what are you gonna do with that backyard science book turning to the other library staff i taught his father no brains in there you would have no idea what to do with this book leave it for someone who does and with that she snatched the book from his hands and walked away the library staff giving awkward laughs behind her when he came looking for me crying i was furious i was a really popular guy at school i won quizzes and debates and represented the school in national competitions my friends and i literally had an entire showcase of trophies at school with our names embossed on it and most teachers loved us man the vice principal of the school and our group were on a first name basis he chaperoned us on all the competitions we represented the school in but when he told me what had happened i was dumbfounded i had no idea how to react but for the moment i went to the library and got another copy of the backyard science book to console my brother but then we were out for summer vacation and i didn't think too much of it side note in the summer we attended a science summit and my school friends and i won prizes for having the most efficient hydraulic gear based pulley system and the second fastest chemical fuel race boat this was before i ever took a high school chemistry or physics course this was announced in the school assembly the first day after summer break when we came back for fall i had a chem class with md the first day of school this was also right after the assembly where my group was given the award so we go to the chem lab and md is on the lab instructor's desk setting up an experiment designed to liberate hydrochloric acid fumes in a gas flask some moments passed by and we could see that some mistake had been done and there was no reaction in the mixture turns out the zinc granules were impure and rusted but md somehow got the idea that turning on the bunsen burner on full blast would help the experiment after collecting the gas for about three minutes which is two and a half minutes too long since hydrochloric acid fumes are toxic if inhaled she is satisfied she then pulls up the flask to show the class how we do experiments cherry on the icing is when she opens the flask and brings it uncomfortably close to the girl beside me does it smell pungent the girl awkwardly smells it and jerks away to someone who has no clue that would be a plausible confirmation but i knew that it was completely horse crap i could see that the girl knew about pungent fumes and cringed away on reflex and not because it was actually pungent i don't know why i did it but at that moment i snorted loudly md instantly zooms in on me walking toward me with her face contorting into an ugly expression she goes something funny you'd care to share with us i knew i messed up but i was also angry this person in front of me had bullied my younger brother and my dad i remembered that and suddenly all my verbal sensors were shut down you and i both know that she didn't smell anything pungent that experiment you just did was a failure oh you think you know more than me turning to the class he knows more than me you know what i'll step down why don't you teach the class professor opie oh absolutely to the absolute shock of everyone watching i walked up to the podium and while maintaining eye contact with md first thing to remember class turn to experiment 1 of your lab textbook read the warnings the gas is pungent and poison how dare you has no one taught you manners this is no roadside shack and you would do well to remember that else you're gonna have a couple broken bones this was in a different language but if you want the exact translation it was i'll break your limbs and feed them to you she is absolutely furious grabs me by the hand and proceeds to drag me to the principal's office on the way there we cross the vice principal's office and he sees md dragging me away and runs out what is going on here before i can say anything md starts ranting to him about how disrespectful and unacceptable my class behavior is and is heaving by the end of her spiel the vp gives me a searching look and then responds with a go back to class md i'll deal with him we head back to his office and he offers me a seat and a glass of water what actually happened in class op he asks with a sigh i tell him exactly what happened once he hears my side of the story he looks at me incredulously asks me if i really went to the podium and started lecturing the class i look up and see the gobsmacked look on the vp's normally reserved face imagine someone who looks like a male minerva mcgonagall being completely shocked i couldn't stop myself it started with a snicker which turned into full blown laughter i laughed till my stomach hurt and my eyes teared up to my surprise vp was also smiling widely at that he shook his head and that reserved expression was back i know that what happened there had you concerned for class safety but that is no reason for such disruptive behavior aside from that i'm personally going to investigate what happened in that class and if md is found to be intentionally forcing students to inhale harmful chemicals she will be sacked immediately oh and you're supposed to hand over a written apology to md about this behavior now get moving i sighed and headed back to class and i really thought that i had ended md's career oh how wrong i was she changed the story so it looked like she had purposely done the experiment wrong and was about to reprimand that girl for inhaling what could have been a harmful chemical md pulled one on me and had me look like i was just an insolent child who thought that he knew everything because of reading a chapter of the book and here i stopped myself this event was me just going in head-on with the teacher who had been in the school for longer than 35 years pro revenge mode now i knew that to help my brother i needed to get rid of her my dad knew about what happened in school and he wanted me to not engage md he said it was not worth it but by now i was in the game she had played her card it was my turn now i didn't know what made it so that she had such a problem with my dad and my younger brother they were quiet and hard-working students i felt she had something against our family and i was convinced that my younger brother would have to deal with the problem if i somehow messed up and got expelled or made a worse enemy out of md this was war and i had a new plan i started to act really sheepish around her and made it a point to stay back after class and ask her questions in the most polite way possible i was the kid who was guilty of not understanding the plans of elders i portrayed myself as an amazing student who md had succeeded in humbling i slowly but surely made my way into the category best described by the term bootlicker it hurt me inside to do it but what i had planned if this went well made me lightheaded with anticipation i was in it to win it i conceded defeat in a fight to win the war two years later i am in junior year my younger brother just started high school and he was taking the chem class with md i was the highest scorer in chem so was a pet to md she had started to like the op i had portrayed and made me the lab assistant for that year two of my best friends knew what i had planned everyone else in class hated me for being the teacher's pet and getting straight a's when the next highest grade was a b-minus everything was going according to plan on the first day of class i replaced her stool one of the three-legged ones with a broken stool this was supposed to be the first in a series of pranks that would hit her that day she came to class and went to take her seat and boy she fell well she somehow hit her hand on the wall and cried out yup that must have hurt but she was definitely overweight and it couldn't be traced back to me i smiled on the inside as i rushed to her and helped her back up i ran and fetched her another chair while inside the freshmen were trying their best not to laugh when i got back from the room that had extra stools i walked into the site of her screaming like a banshee but what got me furious was that she was screaming at my younger brother apparently she had said something like stupid stools and stupid lab assistant fools to which my brother had responded with it's not my brother's fault you're too heavy for the stool though i loved him for it he really needed to learn where to come to my age but then i didn't do much and just replaced the chair silently while silently trying to communicate to my brother to calm down nothing else of concern happened that day till the time when school was over and the teachers were heading back stage two was in motion we heard a loud bang and immediately the large crowd of students nearby all headed towards the teacher's car parking lot we saw md's car smoking and her exhaust blown right off keep in mind it was an older car and we had decided to block off the exhaust with clay that had hardened over the course of six hours on a sunny day well that car had to be towed and she went home with some other students that day she didn't show up to school for two days after that but she did show up to school on the third day which was a half school day because our country celebrates teachers day it is tradition that students go to their teachers current and old and wish them the best give them cards gifts etc this was by far the most ambitious prank pulled in the school that i know of the two days that she was absent we went around telling people not to visit her on teacher's day it helped a lot that my friends and i were some of the most popular people in school and with the other cool guys and girls agreeing to that we spread the word and got confirmation that no one from the entire class in my year was going to wish her well on teacher's day but what actually happened was something no one could have expected i guess it could have been because we acted so fanatical about it that our classmates spread the word to all their friends and no one not a single person in high school went to her on teacher's day it was the most amazing feeling of accomplishment i ever had she made this situation for herself by being the nastiest person i've ever seen it was no surprise that people were fine with doing this to her for the first time in 70 years in our school a teacher had not a single well-wisher on teacher's day well things are never perfect and as it so happened word of what had conspired got to her the next day i had just set up the lab the freshmen were getting settled in and here comes md anger radiating from her in waves she walks up to me and i get the hardest slap i have ever gotten in my life right across my face i hate to admit it but that left a blue mark on my cheek and my nose and lip bleeding my younger brother who saw that happening ran towards me but my shock slowly subsided and i smiled a bloody smile that probably scared him i told him to go get the vice principal 20 minutes later i was in the school emergency room with a nurse wiping my lip and holding a cloth to my nose the vice principal comes in with the principal and two cops in tow and they inform me that my parents have been informed and asked me if i would like to talk about it now or when my parents are here i say that i can answer their questions as soon as my lip is bandaged so i tell them about the cases of bullying against my brother and i and also tell them that she is a really incompetent teacher i tell the principal that he could check the school average in science subjects and sure as i guess the average scores in the national exams we had physics and biology come in at 92 and 90 with chemistry at a surprising 79. topping that off with assault charges and she lost her license to teach two years before she retired and with that lost amazing retirement benefits that the school offered her car also had no insurance ha that is not all though one could ask what would be worse well consider this the fall she had off the stool had her go to the hospital for an x-ray of her wrist and hip that she suspected might have been broken well the wrist juror had a hairline fracture the hip was fine but well the x-ray showed another thing i don't think it's normal for anyone to laugh when someone is diagnosed with stage 3 cancer but i did also i later met with her only living family member her nephew who had long cut all contact with her but had been contacted by the police and the hospital he had flown back from the u.s for this that's where i found out the truth well i could never have guessed what i found out there md's mom was my great grandad's niece through my great-grandad's younger brother who had stolen money from the family and tried to kill my great-grandad well he was disowned good crap and no one knew this entire time well not anyone that would care happy that the nasty woman is out of our lives for good this time apparently she died last year with no one by her side one thing i wanted to get straight after this story is that i believe not a single person in this world deserves cancer it's effing horrible besides that though it was pretty epic to see opie play the long con a little bit of revenge for years of messing with your family goes a long way thank you to op for posting their story in the nuclear revenge subreddit they are linked in the description down below please go check them out check out one of these other videos and if you haven't yet please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 21,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Id: mZnfg0lWkxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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