r/ProRevenge - Enjoy Your Beach Vacation, Shrek! - #604

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and i hope you're having a wonderful day today today we're gonna jump into the pro revenge archives the first story today comes to us from judas697734 hoa yells at me for training guide dog and grilling then loses position on the board let's jump right in to start the story some background you need to know about me i volunteer to train and raise service dogs my fiance says clearly i have a look that says i am weak and a pushover i have constant encounters with karen's who are just not ready for my responses when they engage me i have been in the military for 17 years when this happened and i was responsible for managing over 130 service members i am anything but a pushover i work with civilians so i have cultivated a polite exterior because i was counseled for looking unapproachable and scary to civilian counterparts the story as i said i raise service animals so i fall under the ada when it comes to regulations on where and what i can do with my puppy we'll call him oh oh is an amazingly behaved black lab of six months i have cultivated a level of trust and obedience where i can leave him in a sit with other dogs around so long as i am in eyesight he will stay i have raised a few pups by then and i would never have done that with them but oh is amazing and i can't wait to get him back after his tour of duty helping mrs c be independent i meet the hoa karen one saturday me and my fiance and o were going to head on a road trip to visit my fiance's parents in our preparation the last on the list is always getting the kids to use the bathroom before a long trip so we head out oh gets busy and i grab a bag to clean it up i put him in a sit stay and hand the leash to my girl and i start walking to the trash can it's about 100 feet from where he went i have clear line of sight to the dog and he is sitting pretty and alert and watching me intently for a hand cue or a voice command as i am walking i hear a womanly screech i don't quite make it out but it sounds angry i ignore it and keep walking to the dumpster deposit my waste bag and turn around to head back to my two favorite people it is then i make eye contact with the hoa karen karen from here on out she is your typical karen not an inch over five foot and has the same circumference the short chopped hair that says i'm the manager now she looks me in the eyes and i finally listen to her shrill scream of your dog must be on a leash and in your hand my county state law says so i will call the cops no i don't do ignorant and respect given is respect earned i was willing to try and de-escalate my fiance owns the condo and is super non-confrontational so for her i try to bring it back down to civil levels of discussion in a polite but firm voice i asked if she even looked over at the dog before she started yelling at me she just bellows like a banshee again i repeat this back and forth happens three or four times me calm her escalating in pitch and volume at this point she hasn't given respect so none is required to be given back i break out my you done f'd up nco to junior voice it is loud firm and clearly states i'm done with your bs lady i clearly tell her if she would have taken two seconds to look she would see the dog is sitting on a leash in someone's hands she stops bellowing at me looks and turns a bit red in the face then musters you could just say thank you which i currently reply stfu and get out of my face she waddled quickly off tail tucked into her condo door my next meeting with her was when i was grilling the hoa states no charcoal grills and no smoking or barbecue i was born in the north but as a military brat moved to the south since i was two there is a difference between barbecuing and grilling barbecue is 12 plus hours with coals of hardwood or wood smoking grilling is cooking meat on a grill instead of the stove the hoa put out a reminder no barbecuing on the premises and no coals so i was like awesome get a small propane grill it's not barbecue but it's better than nothing so i was out grilling and i hear the banshee cry all too familiar now again she didn't come up to me and talk she just started screaming so i looked her right in the eye and with the same firm voice stfu and go away if you say one more word i'll be the one calling the cops for harassment by an hoa member she sputtered something about no grilling or open flames and i told her to f off show me in writing and by someone other than her she waddled off and then i was approached by the hoa president with the hoa bylaws and sat to read them during which my fiance started a conversation with them about another issue we were having with them she was in the middle of having the state's attorney office ask some questions about activities they were trying to force her into paying for it wasn't going well for the hoa and she took this opportunity to introduce herself while she may be non-confrontational when it comes to small things she will stand up for herself when it comes to it her introducing herself changed everyone's tone and they became oh so polite karen tried to play the victim to her and say i was mean and could use some manners when engaging with people i love my soon to be wife she let her paint her tail how she was a victim when she finished she looked her dead in the eyes and said you know i was the one holding the leash and i was standing right here when he was grilling so no you got the same respect you gave she paled and faded to the back that's when the president of the hoa stepped in and told me i can't have the grill and that i can be fined and i needed to follow the rules of the hoa or the next time he'll be the one calling the cops well prez roger that it's my job to enforce regulations in the military i spent hours reading instructions nothing pleases me more than when i can shove the black and white in a butthole's face at work to get my guys what they are owed or to force them to do the job right so you want me to follow the rules copy that buddy so i began my research i found a few interesting things 1. no hoa bylaw can be enforced if it is not in the state database 2 this particular hoas bylaws were last updated in 1994 it was now 2016. three they state they follow my county's fire code which follows nfpa four finally the gem the exact latitude and longitude coordinates of the hoas property lines so i get a login for the state's database and print the hoas bylaws i print the nfpa which states in a multi-family home you can store propane tanks no bigger than 2.7 liters but they can total no more than 5.4 liters cumulatively i go to lowe's get a rope tape measurer and stakes i pull up google maps and mark the hoa boundary line on it lo and behold what do i find a drainage ditch that is city property not 10 feet from where i was grilling so i take my coordinates my stakes and go carefully mark off the section of city property now for the revenge i call the city and county fire departments and request a permit to grill on said city property they said go for it i didn't need a permit for it no one would care i insisted and they said it's my 50 bucks they issued an event open flame so with both permits it was 100 bucks but i got permission from the city to grill there for six months on the next day at 0.700 i went to setup i carefully measured so i was at least three feet into the city property set up my cooler with enough meat and beer to grill till doomsday then waited for the fireworks it didn't take long for karen to come screaming at me i mean i was ten feet from the community pool and three feet from the sidewalk gazebo that led to the pool i just hit record on my phone and politely told her she has no need to yell and i am breaking no laws she kept screaming about no grilling and how she is tired of me and she is going to get me arrested and kicked out if it's the last thing she does she hasn't liked me since she saw me and has just been waiting to get me kicked out that now she knows which condo is mine it is just a matter of time till she finds something on and on i guess being polite and showing zero fear was pissing her off she tried to come take my stuff big no no as she reached for my cooler i broke out my nco voice and told her if she so much as brushes a finger against my property i would remove the offending body part with force if necessary this sent her scurrying off again about 20 minutes later i see two cop cars pull up and mr hoa president himself he is all chummy with the cops and as they approach i hear him say yup same guy i already told him once before he can't grill on the hoa grounds he comes to a stop about 10 feet from me one cop stays with him the other keeps walking up to me i have a crap-eating grin on my face i can hardly wait for the conversation to happen the cop is slightly off-put by my joyous face and slight giggle when i ask what seems to be the problem officer i get informed that i am in violation of the bylaws and have been warned once already and i am going to receive a ticket for disturbing the peace for threatening the hoa when they were trying to enforce the rules take it for an illegal open flame ticket for illegal storage of flammable substances on and on the last was if i didn't pack it up i would be arrested and removed now that he was done i first handed him my permit from the city to grill he took it walked back to the president and they discussed it for a moment then returned says you can't get a permit from the city to grill on private property i then showed him the coordinates for the hoa and the google maps gridded drawing and my current gps location mind you i am smiling handing sheet after sheet to him because the grid was not all on one sheet and had addendums it took about four minutes to explain it to him as i was about to hand him more he held up a hand to stop me he then asks how long i had planned this with a smirk i told him oh about a week he gave me a look of disbelief but moved on he then asked me if i threatened karen i just played back the recording to him at the end he says nothing seems out of place here you are free to go i stopped him and asked if i could file a complaint for hoa harassment through him he said no that the city clerk's office is the correct place but he would document harassment by the two of them and file the report for me in my state it's illegal to be harassed by the hoa it comes with a jail term of a few months fines as high as 5k and immediate removal from the board and the possibility of recovery of damages i settled for them both being removed from the board instead of filing a complaint i waved to karen every day i grill or showed her my leash if i had oh there are a plethora of hoa stories across reddit and if there's one thing i've learned from them it's that i'm never buying a house in an area that has an hoa screw that i think the only thing that would have made this better would have been if op offered the police officers something from the grill once everything was settled that would have been epic do me a quick favor have a look down below the video if that subscribe button still red it means you're not actually subscribed to the kcc channel please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories our second story today comes to us from thrown away 147-963 enjoy your beach vacation shrek let's jump right in disclaimer i created an alt to post this the very specific nature of the revenge would certainly lead anyone who knows about it right to my primary account and there's some stuff in my primary's post history that i want to keep private in 2017 i took a new job on the other side of my fairly large city rather than commute from where i was living now and spend at least 90 minutes driving each way i decided to move closer to my new job i could have gotten a one-bedroom apartment on my own but my budget at the time would only barely manage it i'm a single guy in my 20s and i like to go out and order in sure i could have had my own place but i would have been eating ramen and staying in most of the time so i leased a two-bedroom in march 2017 and started advertising for a roommate a great guy named dave got in touch we seemed to click and he moved in i have a pickup truck so i helped him go get furniture and he helped me move my craft to the new place we got along great we were alike enough that we had common interests but different enough that we would have great discussions things were fine we would split the cost of stuff like toilet paper and dish soap neither of us were total slobs but we weren't fussy little bees that would complain about a dirty glass left in the sink overnight in the meantime my job was going great within six months i got a promotion and a very hefty raise dave told me he was leaving as of november 1st 2017. i probably should have just covered the apartment myself until the end of the lease february 28 2018 but i made a mistake let's call the mistake bro since that's what he called everyone else bro was dave's weed connect he had been to the apartment a few times and needed a place to stay he seemed like he had his craft together was charismatic and well groomed so dave moved out and bro moved in at the top of november trouble started pretty soon afterward he was vain af always with neatly trim blonde hair nice clothes and 500 sneakers that's where all his money went he didn't buy food or anything else i would buy a loaf of bread and the next day there was a quarter of a loaf left i would go to take a dump and there was no paper i used to leave a big jar of peanut butter in the cupboard it evaporated i would give him crap and tell him to buy his own stuff yeah bro no problem but nothing changed he didn't even have a cell phone well he did but he never used it he couldn't get a plan because of an unpaid account so he had a pay-as-you-go plan and relied on whatsapp in facebook messenger to keep in contact with people like his weed customers how much do you think he contributed to the internet bill rent was usually late and never in one chunk and he was a complete slob never did dishes or wiped anything down i don't think he even knew how to spell mop i was getting more and more pissed off and finally we had a big argument just before christmas 2017 i basically told him flat out that if he didn't stop using my stuff and start pulling his own weight then and i quote crap's gonna happen and you won't like it the final straw i made a bunch of cookies and stuff to take with me to visit my family for christmas i told him specifically not to touch the stuff in the fridge and he devoured about one third of it f you bro and now i am effing angry and i am coming for you bro was excited to be going to costa rica for a week in february one of his friend's parents had a condo there and bro and three friends were planning a trip to stay there for a week since their accommodations were free they could party it up and i overheard their plans for booze cheap coke and legal ladies of the evening i spent a lot of time in my room when bro and his friends were over playing video games i have a good headset so they must have assumed i was playing away rather than listening through the paper-thin walls one of the things they were planning to do was suitcase some coke back home for those of you who don't know what that means it's putting something up your butt to smuggle it coke is cheap in costa rica about 10 percent of what it costs here and much stronger they were planning to bring a smallish amount a few grams each then dilute it when they got back and sell it for enough to cover the trip well it comes time for the trip and time to pull the trigger on my revenge here we go bro and his buddies were leaving on a saturday morning i told bro that i was going to be out of town so he would have to arrange for his own ride to the airport but that i would pick him up he gave me his flight number for his return flight i had a few cokes in the fridge and a chocolate cake that i had taken a few slices from in the cupboard was a bag of doritos and some oreos i told him again not to touch my crap bro was out of the house on friday so before i left i took every cleaning product in the place in a bag every soap dish soap vinegar cleanser everything all of it did i mention that bro would use my stuff this included my shampoo and body wash i use a product called irish spring body wash which is a gel that's bright emerald green so before i left i stirred two containers of green food coloring into the bottle and put it back into the shower did i mention that bro had a pale complexion then i got into the admin of the router and filtered the mac addresses down to my ps3 phone and desktop effectively locking him out of the internet saturday morning my phone started blowing up i guess bro went for a shower before leaving for the airport and got more than he thought when he used my irish spring as usual i wish i could have seen it he lost his crap calling me every name in the book and threatening to kick my butt when he returned but there's more on sunday when i got back home the apartment was a disaster clearly he had people over and they had drank all my cokes and eaten my munchies that's when i finally replied to him on whatsapp he called me almost immediately and started ranting and screaming into the phone freaking out that he's effing green and it won't wash out no beach no pool calling me an effing butthole how can i do this to him etc i just told him that i had said that if he keeps using my crap something would happen that he didn't like and he wouldn't be in this mess if he wasn't an effing thief then i told him that he should actually be grateful and to thank me thank you thank you for what you see thank me for not loading the cake with laxatives like i had planned to on tuesday i messaged him bro the cops were here looking for you what what for don't know bro they just wanted to know where you were what did you tell them that you were in costa rica but that you were flying back on sunday afternoon there were no cops but he didn't know that all he knows is that there was a possibility that they might be waiting for him on arrival and that if he was discovered smuggling coke he would be in big trouble so there went his suitcasing plans and there went his plans to pay for his trip on friday i told him that i wouldn't be able to pick him up at the airport but not why i had given my notice and surrendered the apartment all week i packed up my stuff all of it i actually owned the furniture in bros room but i didn't want it so i went into his room dumped his crap on the floor and dragged it down to the dumpster i slashed the mattress and kicked the dresser and bedside table to matchsticks couch and chairs too then i emptied the place every cup plate knife fork all of it was either trashed or moved i did leave one small pot but i drilled a hole in the bottom just to make my point i took the shower head i took the shower curtain i took the shower curtain rings i emptied the place i heard later from dave who knew one of the guys that went to costa rica with bro that bro had showed up with very little money and what little he had was soon gone he was mooching off the others and it didn't take long for them to tire of bro whatever fury they may have felt by the greening of bro was soon defused once they caught wind of his true nature i don't know how he got back from the airport but on sunday he called me freaking out about the apartment where's my bed man where's my furniture what furniture all that stuff was mine and i didn't want it anymore what the f man what did i ever do to you aside from steal my stuff not pull your weight and screw me over for rent and bills you mean now i have to sleep on the floor f you butthole no f you bro just to let you know i did you a favor now you have less crap to move better get started looking for a new place to live because the management of the building is changing the locks on wednesday morning then i blocked bro never heard from him again but dave told me he couch-surfed for a few weeks then disappeared probably moved out of town who knows good riddance gotta be honest i think op actually went really easy on this guy i mean he could have called the authorities and got them to meet him at the airport and well that suitcase of yours buddy yeah it wouldn't be safe they'd find it then you get to sit in a little room with a whole bunch of eyes on you waiting until it naturally comes out lots of fun don't ask me how i know this though check out both ops at the links in the description down below thanks for watching have a wonderful day and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 51,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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