r/NuclearRevenge | Girlfriend Cheated with Close Friend, I Had Him Arrested and Ghosted Her! | #148

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hey everybody rob from karma comic chameleon coming at you with a story that was too good for pro revenge it was moved up to nuclear revenge found my girlfriend cheating on me with my close friend I have him arrested and ghost in her let's jump right in okay everyone 2000 likes on this video and will do a live reading of pro revenge on Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m. also if you're enjoying these videos please hit that subscribe button we do do daily uploads so I am a longtime redditor and decided to tell you all a story that has only just come to its final conclusion I have created a secondary reddit account specifically for this as I want to protect those that are not a part of the reddit community and change the names of all involved originally posted to our slash Pro revenge but was asked to post it here instead due to the nature of one of the revenge acts apologies if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes backstory incoming sadness my wife Rachel and I grew up in a largest town of close to 30,000 people we knew each other at an early age roughly 6 or 7 can't specifically remember we were practically inseparable at 16 we started dating each other when we turned 18 we moved away from work in a city just a few hours drive away by 20 we were married and had bought our first house at 22 we discovered that she was pregnant with a boy it was then disaster struck about five weeks before she was due to go on maternity leave a large shelving unit collapsed and crushed her I was told that both her and our child were killed instantly two of her colleagues had also been injured in the accident one left paralyzed the other losing his leg after it had to be amputated the company she was working for had in a cost-cutting measure decided to continue using old shelving that had been written off as unsafe instead of replacing it I still haven't quite forgiven those executives and management personnel that made that decision because they cut short the love of my life as well as killing our unborn child it wasn't long after I was told I had a choice on how to proceed with her company called compensation but I called it blood money they wanted to settle out of court to avoid lawsuit I on the other hand was out for blood just to clarify here this is not the revenge this is still backstory fortunately due to the coverage that it got and involving several politicians the case was settled quickly in court roughly three years in which the payout for all parties was close to ten times the amount they had initially offered a lot of fines were given to them for breaches on work health and safety executives were sacked others were jailed etc a story for another time maybe when I feel comfortable sharing in this time I was still working my job in telecommunications my mother bless her soul had moved in while all this was happening to help me I think I would have fallen apart if she hadn't been as involved as she was it was around this time I was offered a promotion but involved a lot of traveling around the state I made a request to have an office in my home towns branch as I wanted to not only take care of business in the state but in my hometown also there was no business representative located there to which they agreed after a few months we settled into a routine of 1 to 2 weeks in the city office one week in my hometown and one to two weeks visiting the rest of the state after a year I decided to buy a house in my hometown so I wasn't having to stay at my parents place every week or so that I was home and that I could come and go as I pleased this is important for later in the story it is about 4 years later that our story begins sorry if the back story was a bit long I had just returned from one of my trips on Friday and was checking in some stuff at my office when Harry the branches managing director walked in we had grown up together also but had gone to different schools but since coming back had developed a very close friendship he asked how things were and then asked me if I wanted to come to a house party that he was having that evening short notice and all but I said yes I felt like a few drinks with friends were in order it was there that Harry introduced me to Katherine she was a new hire at the branch where my hometown's office was located and was getting to know everyone being new in town we hit it off immediately as much of a cliche as it sounds it was almost as if Rachel was in front of me instead of Catherine I won't bore you too much with the details but after two years of dating we decided to take the next step and she moved into my hometown's house everything up to this point had been going really well catherine and my parents got along and Rachel's parents also approved and were happy that someone could make me just as happy as Rachel had done all was going well for close to a year when things began to change Skype sessions were cut short suddenly neighbors would tell me about how a car described to me like it was Harry's was always seen parked in the back alley near my house whenever I was away some clothes that weren't mine were in my wardrobe all signs pointed to her cheating but she said that nothing was happening she said that Harry would come over occasionally to discuss business etc but never stayed the night I chalked it up to me being paranoid and continued on as if nothing was wrong but there was always this feeling that something wasn't right it was close to six months after that I discovered that she had been lying to me I had just finished closing a rather large contract with a new company and negotiations had wrapped up earlier than I had anticipated so instead of sticking around for the next few days I decided to pay for an early flight home and surprised everyone fast forward a few hours and I drive into my hometown and down the alley behind my house so that I could get into the house without being seen and surprised Catherine some part of me was curious however as to whether this mystery car was there sure enough there was a car that was blocking the back entrance gate I was confused for a moment wondering if it had just been a neglectful neighbor parking only to realize that it was indeed Harry's car if it hadn't been for the high hedge Line that I had put in a few years back for privacy I may well have driven past my own place pulling up behind his car I got out and thought it was strange that he was there so late as she claimed that he always had left by now as I approached the back of the house I saw something that made my stomach drop in my kitchen Catherine and Harry were going at it hammer and tong I froze time stopped there was my close friend having sex on my kitchen bench with my girlfriend I didn't know what to do so many questions were running through my head was this real or was I dreaming why were they having sex in my house feeling defeated I turned and left without them seeing me i sat in my car for what felt like an eternity I was crying hard but the sadness quickly turned into anger the same kind of anger I felt towards those that were responsible for Rachel's death I wanted to hurt them badly as a pacifist I don't believe in violence it was then I knew I was going to punish them and destroy their lives and what better time to start than now I moved my car back up the alley far enough away from my driveway that I could still see Harry's car and then walk back to the gate where I could see into the house and called her phone they were still going for it when it rang they both looked at the caller ID and did a double take when my name came up I could see that she was considering answering it and they let it ring out after a few moments they were back into it again and I dialed once again this time she did answer as she was answering I hung up and made my way back to my car as soon as I did she called me back she asked why I was calling as late as I was and I told her I was about 10 minutes from home and didn't want to scare her coming in she obviously was shocked and acted happy that I was coming and the call ended very quickly after she said she was going to get up and get changed into something I said bye and hung up a few moments later Harry came peeling through the gate still half naked jumped into his car and took off like a bat out of hell I smiled a little knowing the fear that both of them would be feeling from being so close to being caught I waited a few moments before turning my car into the same place Harry had been moments earlier the night was fairly uneventful afterwards and it wasn't until after she was asleep that I got up and went to my office down the hall I couldn't sleep I needed to plan and plan I did the revenge my mother always taught me to be a pacifist and to allow cosmic karma to take its course but on this occasion I decided that karma could use a helping hand I decided to punish them separately but destroy both of them I knew that Harry had a drug habit nothing major but he kept it very private I only knew about it accidentally after seeing some coke and we'd left out in his place but pretended I hadn't seen it when he had made his attempts to cover it up I began calling some of my more unsavory clientele and made a few discreet inquiries into obtaining some samples that they were willing to part with a few days later I had a decent enough stash for my plan to work about a month later I had friends including Harry around for a BBQ night after making sure that I sufficiently liquored up Harry I told him to stay the night and sleep it off in the early hours of that morning I took the drugs and an assortment of my personal belongings and placed them at various places around his car with the biggest stash in his tire well confident that he wouldn't find them over the few months as the rest of my plan took effect I locked the car up and went inside to sleep I also placed some more drugs and personal items in his house after driving him home because he was still too drunk to drive a few days later I staged a break-in by smashing the back pain of my back door into my kitchen and leaving it open before heading back into the city for a flight I had several messages the moment I landed one from my clearly panicked mom who had found the back door smashed open and had called the police one from Katherine in tears and one from the local police asking me to call after returning all the calls I informed the police I was away on business and that I would be back the following week to talk with them while away I got Katherine to stay with my parents until after I got back and asked my dad to organize one of the local security companies to install cameras and an alarm system after getting the go-ahead from the police as to not ruin the scene of the crime after getting home I did the usual by god I can't believe this has happened and why would anyone do this routine after doing a thorough check of everywhere finding that the items I had taken were missing and filing a police report I had the security company's rep talked Katherine and I through how the cameras and alarm system worked then came the question I had been waiting for the question of what happens if we're doing some business and don't want it recorded she acted a bit shy asking this question but I knew exactly the reason she was asking he assured us that this was a question he got asked a lot and we were shown on the home computer if we wanted to be doing things without it being recorded how to stop the recording for certain cameras so that we could protect her modesty as I was walking him out I asked him if the cameras were turned off could a notification be sent out just as a security precaution he came back in and helped me through how to set up email notifications and left shortly after fantastic all I had to do was wait at this stage I approached our / legal advice for some help in relation to a couple's law in my country I needed to make sure that my upcoming plan could legally be done and that I would not be forced to pay out any money or equity to Kathryn as I didn't know if we were classified as de facto couple or not being the sole benefactor of Rachel's estate I didn't want to be left with any nasty surprises where Kathryn could take any of the estate away from me shout out to those guys and gals there as they helped me get in contact with a great lawyer who assured me due to the fact that although we had been dating for close to four years we had not been living together long enough to be classified as de facto and because I was paying all the utilities on the property that she was living in and didn't pay rent showed that she had no legal standing to make a financial claim against me just to be sure though he drew up what I felt was a pretty ironclad document just in case there was any legal trouble the following week my work had approached me and offered me a promotion to move back into the city and run the team that I was a part of meaning I wouldn't need to travel as often and be in the one location and due to the success of being located in my hometown that they were considering having three to five representatives spend one to two weeks in the larger surrounding towns including my hometown as part of my team I said yes and began the process of beginning my transfer which would take about six weeks perfect more than enough time to gather all my evidence upon getting back to my hometown the following week I began to start in mode the rest of my plan I asked Harry to approve one week's worth of vacation for Katherine for two weeks time I wanted to send her and a friend or two away on a retreat before I made the biggest decision of my life for a second time he jumped up and gave me a huge hug congratulating me on being prepared to take the leap again I hugged him back tight but not the way I think he imagined it at the time he agreed and blocked out the week for me I asked him not to say anything to anyone as I wanted to make it as big a surprise as I could I knew that it would spread like wildfire around the office regardless but that was my plan that night I told Katherine that I had booked her in two friends to go to a tropical spa resort all expenses paid for a week no questions asked pick two friends and come back to the biggest surprise of her life she screamed like a kid who had just been told that all the candy in the shop was hers to have I then told her that the following week I was going to spend it in the city preparing for a large client who was one of my biggest accounts and needed some people in my team to help before flying out the following week and I wouldn't be home until the Monday that she was leaving so I wouldn't be able to see her which seemed to disappoint her but I told her it would be worth it when she returned what I failed to tell her was that I had decided to take two weeks vacation on the other side of the country mentally preparing myself for the shitstorm that was about to erupt the moment she stepped foot on the plane as well as enjoying my first stage of freedom on Sunday two weeks later I flew back and began driving home once getting there I'd done a quick pass by my house and sure enough Harry's car was there like the first night I had caught them I parked a little ways back and checked the cameras asleep in my bed no surprise honestly as I had recorded them constantly do this over the two weeks I had been away I then made my first call to the police blocking my caller ID I told them that I was one of my neighbors and saw someone hanging around in their car in the alley behind my house and occasionally passing something through windows to passing cars while also looking into my yard and I was concerned that they were dealing drugs and or going to break into someone's property I gave them his license plate and description they said they would have someone there in a few minutes so I thanked them and hung up I then called Catherine and told her I was about ten minutes from home and that I knew she was flying out tomorrow but desperately wanted to surprise her looking back at the footage now I laugh at the commotion that I am surprised I didn't hear in a few short seconds Harry was half dressed and flying out the back door to his car at that point I couldn't have asked for a more perfect scene as Harry was peeling away one of the police cars rounded the corner behind me saw Harry driving away fast and gave chase after pulling in greeting an excited Catherine and doing all the couple things she fell asleep again I on the other hand couldn't sleep a wink the next day her and her friends were bundled into a car after they drove away I had to wait a few hours but I began to execute my plan I called my friend who was a removalist and apologized for the late notice but needed by place packed and moved on Friday after agreeing on a time I told him that he would need to take certain boxes to a storage facility which he said wasn't an issue then I began packing Catherine's belongings later that day I got a call from the police for me to come and identify some property that they had apprehended from a suspect of previous night that fit the description of property I had reported stolen I grinned to myself happy that my plan for Harry had grown to fruition and replied that I would be there shortly to collect it of course when I got there some of the items were still unaccounted for due to the fact they must have still been in his house and they hadn't searched there yet by this stage the town was buzzing with news events in my hometown don't stay secret long Harry was disgraced and promptly fired for his possession of drugs and stolen property and our respective bosses on behalf of the company had extended a formal apology towards me during the week that night I went to my parents house and told both mine and Rachel's parents what had happened omitting certain details and that I was moving back to the city after being promoted but Catherine wouldn't be a part of it they were pretty upset initially that I haven't let them know what was going on but were happy that I was handling everything maturely and hadn't sunk to their level though they didn't agree with ghosting Catherine but after some drinks laughs and tears I went home on Friday afternoon after a busy week of organizing cleaners for the following week the real estate agent to put my house on the rental market and various other tasks at my hometown's office I packed some things into my car and drove to my parents place and said goodbye before the drive before leaving I went to Becky's house Becky had been one of Rachel's closest friends growing up she was the only other person who knew what was happening - the details about Harry without her help I wouldn't have been able to organize everything as quickly as I had I gave Becky a large manila folder with my gathered evidence of her cheating as well as the letter and a few other legal documents from my attorney stating that she was ordered not to contact me and the details of how to access her belongings located at the storage unit I had rented out after a quick goodbye I left and drove back to the city on Sunday I woke up to several missed calls voice messages and text messages turns out catherine had come home early after being alerted to something being afoot in town only to find an empty house and a for rent sign out the front freaking out she had gone to my parents who closed the door on her the moment that they answered forcing her to call everyone until she managed to somehow be contacted by Becky and told that she had a package for her I was told that she didn't take too well to that as I fully well knew at that point from the numerous angry texts and voice messages from her accusing me of setting up Harry of being deceitful etc I was worried that she might show up at my front door but nothing ever happened five weeks later after leaving and being promoted I write this out for you dear reader granted it's long and it took a few rewrites to shorten it down from my initial 14 pages double what this story is now but I feel that most of what I said was important enough for the story there's plenty of stories on pro revenge about people taking revenge on their exes and make them homeless if that was all that happened in this case that I'm sure this story would have stayed in pro revenge as well because of the way that the hairy situation was handled with the drug charges I can see why it was moved up to nuclear revenge makes sense I'm extremely sorry to hear that Opie has lost two significant others in very different ways but I do want to thank Opie for giving me permission to narrate their story you can visit them on reddit at the links in the description below make sure you go there and give them an upvote on their story they really deserve it once again this is rob from karma comic chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video I asked you to hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 415,957
Rating: 4.8152757 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, comment awards, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, pro, revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, nuclearrevenge, nuclear, reddit stories, subreddit, reddit stories 2019, nuclear revenge, reddit nuclear revenge, r/nuclear revenge, r/pro revenge, r/revenge, sub, vectortoons, nuclearrevenge sad
Id: V10VISzhPpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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