r/ProRevenge - I Got Her FIRED

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subredditizer slash Pro Revenge this story is called take my tips and pay me below minimum wage see what happens apologize in advance for the walls of text but this has layers so this all happened years ago when I was still in college I worked for a delivery joint the company seemed super cool because they provided Vehicles instead of forcing you to beat down your own car huge perk right well in this case no the owner of the company used this as justification to take a percentage of the driver's tips often this would result in an employee making below minimum wage if you made below minimum wage you would have to come and pick up your check in person and sign a document a testing that you did make minimum wage due to undocumented cash tips or some such nonsense now this was a problem for two reasons number one in the State I was in employee tips belong to the employee unless part of an employee tip pooling agreement this was plain as day on the Department of Labor website so that 20 oh my God 20 percent gouge was already crossing a line number two you cannot just hand wave and or Force employees to say they made above minimum wage so pretty shady stuff right okay that's kind of messed up because when you deliver food you pay a delivery fee all right along with the tip so like what what is this what does this dude thinking the owner's a jerk man now most people would see this situation and run for the hills which probably explained the delivery driver turnover being so high I on the other hand saw the potential see I am pretty well versed in labor law and decided that I was gonna ride it out I wanted to see how long they would keep this crap up here and there I would make comments to the managers about the legality of their practices and and was often told a lawyer said it's okay so it's okay we'd love to meet these lawyers one day so I patiently waited for a year documenting every red Cent they took from me and encouraged the other drivers to do so too every new driver that came through that tour got a little pow-wow with me and I would give them a skinny I love these terms unfortunately my plan must have leaked because sooner than later The Joint decided to fire me after making up three bogus infractions if you're interested in those ask and I'll explain in an edit this wasn't a problem though as my plan was already in action see in this state unpaid wages collect interest so what was twenty to forty dollars a night five nights a week over one year quickly became a decent sum so I began collecting the names of current and previous employees whom had been screwed over by the company and collected their documented data and then sent it off to the Department of Labor at the end of the day it took a couple of months but the company was eventually required to pay a decent chunk of change to all parties and a pretty hefty fine on top overall I believe it came out to a little under a hundred thousand I wasn't done though see those Shady little documents they had a sign claiming we made over minimum wage affected how the company was reporting its payroll tax the IRS eventually came in and hit them for a ton of back taxes and I received a small portion of the settlement the IRS used to pay people who tipped them off don't know if they still do they still do it's actually pretty cool I haven't used it though finally I was increasingly aware of the companies under the table agreement with the health inspector which I decided to go ahead and tip off to the health department this resulted in even more fines and a temporary closure for the joint altogether it's ended up costing this dumb little delivery joint a ton of money just to stay open all cause they wanted 20 percent of their driver's dips the moral here is know your labor laws its degenerates like these whom profit off the ignorance or fear of the workforce the more you know about your rights the less idiots like these will be able to survive in the wild thanks for coming to my TED Talk edit one holy crap I did not expect this to blow up to address a few things the infractions that led to my termination and their bullcrap nature are down in the comments hopefully they are not buried I also wanted to address something I saw in the comments quite a bit if you're in a situation that does not seem right document everything keep a little black notebook and write down everything the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from nonsense in the workplace is document document document if you are ever in question of something be it disability rights at work or earnings you can always contact your state EEOC Branch or Department of Labor Branch they will gladly help you figure out what what is and isn't proper don't be a person who gets taken advantage of by bad employers only by fighting back will they ever learn their lesson thanks again for all the questions and thanks to you fine folk who found this worthy of an award I probably won't edit again because the rules the subreddits say to not make a lot of edits if there is a reason for a big one though I'll go ahead and make one what a cool guy looking out for everyone and himself um yeah it's important document everything uh because I I I don't really need to explain any further you guys get it document stuff which is something I don't do have never done and probably won't do even though it's probably smart for me to do because I hate tedious stuff like that it's just I just I'm just not wired for it man like do you realize how bad I am at like just general everything like time management I'm probably eventually just gonna start paying someone to tell me when to start doing some work because otherwise I just I just don't it's not because I don't want to it's just I I procrastinate a lot like I wait until the last couple days before my rent Studio to start doing work to make my rent I thrive in the chaos eye manufacture myself with my own laziness is it a bad lifestyle probably but it works this story is called teacher makes false claim of me faking an injury so my mom messes with her career I apologize for format I'm typing this on my cracked phone screen I 15 female have had a long and elaborate history with injuries especially breaking my arm starting from literally the day I was born my health has been complicated I have a few conditions but none serious enough to impact my daily life as I know it I have a very weak immune system and somewhat easy to break bones on top of that I am the definition of clumsy and I'm also a huge idiot who gets herself into danger situations for fun my mom 40 female has obviously known me from birth and knows just the extent of my weird bad luck and health issues I've broken my arms a collective 13 times over my entire life and almost every time I got injured or sick it's seems somebody had something to say about it I don't know why but teachers just love to say that students that get hurt often are attention seeking fakers and a lot of relationships with authority figures have been harmful because of this every time it's the same for some reason a teacher doesn't believe me they call me a liar in front of everyone I get bullied for a while and then I have to try and prove that I'm not faking I could post so many stories about teachers doing this but this is a story about the time my mom actually managed to get revenge this all took place around 7th grade I was 12 at the time and had broken my wrist by climbing on top of something I wasn't supposed to be climbing on and then falling off like a dumbass my wrist was in a velcro cast since I'm very allergic to the regular cast material as they figured out through many cases of trial and error my teacher let's call her Mrs tablet since this took place while we were learning about Egyptian tablets she taught history and our personalities clashed a little I'm more of a creative adventurous free thinker type and she was very conservative by the book and proper we hadn't had any real issues before this but we just didn't mesh well she was absent one day and we had a sub in I knew the sub as one of my teachers friends and one of my mom's bullies or one of my Bully's mom I didn't like her but I was still respectful in class and just tried to get my work done she got me in trouble for doodling on my paper once or twice but other than that everything was fine or so I thought the next day I went into class like usual we were working on an assignment about Egypt and their tablets when Mrs tablet called me over to her desk I went over thinking she just get on to me for trying on the back of my homework or something only to get bombarded with a bunch of really weird questions the interaction went something like this sell fire do you know why I've called you up here I know fire isn't my Reddit name but it's my in real life nickname so I'm using it here no ma'am I can't say that I do how long have you had that cast about a week now why do you really need that cast uh yes well the substitute told me she saw you take it off it's a cast I can't take it off it would hurt so if I asked the class they'd say you need that cast yes and if I called your parents right now they'd say the same thing yes they were the ones who took me to the hospital and she did this in front of the whole class I was eventually dismissed and people looked at me weird for the rest of the class as I later learned apparently the substitute had told Mrs tablet that I taken off my cast as soon as I left class I didn't and that I threw it in my locker like I'm getting away with doing less work so basically she pretended I was a bad guy in a crappy high school movie I don't know why she said this this but it had my teacher convinced that I was a liar and a fake I technically could remove my class since it was velcro but that would have been extremely painful and it's not like I could just walk around with it I wasn't gonna make a big deal about it at the time but it turns out she was serious about calling my parents but she made the mistake of calling my mom now me and my mother don't have a perfect relationship she has anger issues so we don't always get along well but she loves me very much and doesn't let people like this mess with me if she can stop it according to my mom Mrs tablet called her all cocky and said things like apparently your daughter is wearing a cast did you know that and well we all know how dramatic teenage girls can be especially unique girls like her she apparently even threatened to have me suspended before my mom stopped her and tore her to shreds for talking about her child like that I don't think I'm allowed to repeat what was said but by the end Mrs tablet had to retreat with her tail tucked between her legs she started being even more cold to me after that day and started giving me unfair detentions for not sitting still and doodling on the side of my worksheets even then outside of school we went to the same Art Studio sometimes weird that someone who hates art so much likes to paint and poisoned the art director against me and got me put into a lower class when my mom found out about this she started the real revenge my mom has never been a PTA mom she honestly can't stand most of the PTA members and their kids are chosen favorites at my school and use this power to bully others including me and my friends my mom is however friends with a very lovely woman on the County School Board which has more power than the PTA she told her friend everything that had happened and supplied all the doctor's notes needed to prove I needed my cast her friend managed to to convince the rest of the board that Mrs tablet was discriminating against an impaired student given her comments about me being slower at work and just wearing the cast to slack off along with detentions related to me not sitting still when she knew I had nervous movements in slight ADHD at the art studio my mother pulled me from the classes I took it upon myself to inform the fellow kids about why and rumors spread quickly soon enough kids were getting pulled left and right and my art teacher was pulling at strings to try and get the situation under control I actually think the studio went into temporary closure before reopening again she was suspended for a week to go under investigation and it turns out she treated a lot of the unique as she put it students in a similar way she was verbally reprimanded by two different departments and instead of getting her standard raised over the next three years she'll only get half of that not only that but she had to retake a course on how to properly treat students and if she's ever caught to cross this line again she'll lose tenure she'll just be getting her bonus back at the start of next school year and I just like to say that I hope she learned her lesson edits I had misremembered the punishments given to that teacher upon asking my mom to retell the story I fixed it to make it more accurate thank you to the redditor that pointed out the mistake I suppose that my 12 year old self remembered a raise as a bonus for some reason man it really sucks that teachers some teachers are that just stupid you know what I'm saying uh a teacher at least in my opinion is a really important person uh in anyone's life because they're literally your educator they they're teaching you things and you know they you learn a lot from them not just you know from what they tell you but from what you see they're kind of like uh another set of parents that you get new sets of every single year I don't know I really loved all of my teachers when I was growing up and like you know I kind of really really want to be like a substitute teacher at like one of my old schools you know sometime in the future because that would be baller and like I want to be a good teacher and like you know I try to like make it really cool and like you know just give it extra Pizzazz make the kids excited to to learn something because I remember like when I was growing up like there was certain substitute teachers that we all love there was this one lady Miss Chris um she was so sweet she used to call me little Cameron boy because uh my dad his he goes by Cameron his last name is Cameron or I guess our last name is Cameron and he was you know pretty well known around the town because he owned a bunch of gas stations and it was a tiny ass town so that was kind of a big deal plus we had really good pizza but anyway she'd call me little Cameron boy she was just so nice um but kids took advantage of that and like you know they just never respected her really they just liked her but I was respectful and I think she appreciated that all right this story is called middle School klepto Maniac versus me this was some years ago when I was in Middle School I was not necessarily bullied but there was a girl who was somewhat obsessed with stealing my stuff it started with pencils and pens then those collectible eraser Toppers then homework water bottles and more she was a little rude but not bad enough to be afraid to talk to and would deny it every time in fact I even got in trouble for losing binders and worksheets non-stop this led to many tears I wanted to confirm that she was the one stealing so I told her that I really loved a particular Leaf middle schools are dumb don't judge I only told her during recess put it in my locker came back from class and it was gone yep she's the robber my family had recently gotten a key finder which is a little fob to put on a keychain that beeped when you press a remote button With a Little Help From My dad I carefully opened the top of a pocket-sized candy box those chalky Valentine's design hearts and stuck the key finder inside in bright bold letters I wrote my name on it so everybody would know whose it was the next day I put the candy inside my desk without showing anybody when it came to be recess time the class would have to line up in the hallway to wait for the teacher to walk us out to the playground I went out first and waited before most of the class when the girl came out she cut in front of me of course just before we started walking I pressed the remote button and sure enough there was a beep beep beep sound it startled a few kids before they figured out it was coming from inside the girl's sleeve she realized a bit late and only managed to drop the candy after the class started staring at her beat red face oh no being in middle school I was giddy that my scheme worked and let out the cheesiest villain cackle picking up the candy box and holding it like Simba with my name right on the box everybody knew she had been the one stealing my stuff I swear I remember the teacher laughing too she never spoke nor stole from me again okay I don't want to nitpick but it's kind of funny so like when you add parentheses I'm pretty sure like you're supposed to be able to remove the parentheses from the sentence and it's supposed to be you know a functional sentence so remove the the parentheses from that last sentence she never spoke from me again it's funny anyway that's clever I dig it um I would have loved to have one of those when I was a kid I would do some crazy things with it don't ask what though I could get in trouble don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 2,270
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 47BiJhZIeMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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