【Apple】My stepdaughter wanted me gone, so I left. I took something she loved with me, though. LOL!

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[Music] foreign get your act together what are you even doing anyway you know you made me late for class don't you what are you gonna do if I fail this class don't take your anger out on me Tanya you're the one who overslept do you not know how to use an alarm I woke you up on time as promised just like I always do but you just kept sleeping don't blame me because you won't get up what come on you know you can't just wake me up once you have to do it until I actually get up it's your fault Janice hey I was trying to get you up for at least 30 minutes starting at six I tried right up until I had to go to work but you just wouldn't get up I have a job and I can't spend my whole morning trying to get you out of bed I bet you were up late playing games again last night weren't you no not last night no games last night last night I was talking on the phone I was talking to my boyfriend until pretty late at any rate you stayed up too late just like you often do so this is your own doing don't blame me for your oversleeping you're in college now so it's time for you to start standing on your own two feet oh here we go again with the lecture please spare me I really don't want to hear this first thing in the morning I don't need my maid acting like my parent thank you very much I'm not your maid I'm your stepmother when are you gonna outgrow this constant need to rebel and contradict me it's gotten pretty old you're not my mom don't try to be I'll never accept you as my mom all you are is my dad's second wife nothing more than that and I will never try to get along with you never I was here first and don't think I don't know that you're secretly ridiculing me because I couldn't get into Dartmouth you think I'm a joke because I can get into your alma mater I can feel you judging me But I'm warning you don't look down on me you have no right I don't look down on you how many times have I told you that it's not the results but the process that's important that's what I believe Dartmouth or whatever it just doesn't matter and you've got friends that are having fun at school now too right so that's all that matters enjoy yourself and get your education easy for you to say wow you really annoy me sometimes enough already please just leave me alone once I'm done with classes today I'll be out drinking with friends it'll probably be an all-nighter so I won't be home for dinner hang on Tanya we need to talk about that you know you're still not legal drinking age you're still only 20. and your birthday isn't until next month it's just around the corner but you are absolutely not allowed to go out drinking until then your father and I are an agreement on this this again oh give me a break please I'm not a kid anymore so please just let me do what I want to do you may not be a kid anymore but you're not old enough to drink legally so we won't allow it and that's that you're still living in this house eating our food and not paying rent so you'll abide by the rules of the house while you're still here and I know that you've been told the same thing by your father my dad is the one paying the mortgage and putting food on the table not you I depend on him so I'll abide by his rules I agree to that but I won't depend on you and I won't be taking any orders from you ever I get you out of bed every day Tanya every day I'd say you depend on me quite a bit actually yes you definitely depend on me uh enough already this issue is mood because I'm going out drinking tonight and you can't stop me I don't care about the house rules and I don't care about your grumbling I don't take orders or lectures from Maids understand [Music] Mark sorry to bother you at work I know how busy you are can you talk right now it's important I'm just taking a late lunch so yeah I can talk right now what's going on everything okay you don't usually call me while I'm at work it's about Tanya I just can't get through to her she's bound and determined to go out drinking with her friends I told her our position on that once again but she won't listen to me it's him old story can you talk to her about it I think you should for her sake and for ours that girl always looking for a fight with you she just has to go breaking rules doesn't she I just had a serious talk with her about this stuff not very long ago but she doesn't seem to have taken any of it to heart and I know it's a little late to ask you this but I have to do it Mark it's really difficult for me to have to deal with her about these issues I hate to ask you but can you please take care of this stuff from now on um sure but may I ask why her attitude towards me has just gotten worse and worse lately it's gone to the point where she's so rude to me that I'm afraid I'll lose my temper with her she's even been calling me her maid lately I met my wits end with her she actually said that to you yes you know she and I have never gotten along great but things are really bad now lately their relationship has really gone downhill it's really strange and I don't understand it but she has some kind of obsession with Dartmouth you know she didn't get in there right now she keeps talking about how I went there and she couldn't get in she couldn't get in there and she's still taking it out on you huh that's no good I know she really tried hard to get in and she was even willing to wait a year to get in if she had to her grades were excellent and she had great recommendation letters from her teachers she just didn't do well on the essays in the interview she was nervous I'm sure it happens to everyone it seems like she still won't forgive herself for that that's no good yeah but it's wrong for her to take that out on you that's also no good and calling you her maid that's just not right she needs to apologize for that does she even know how much you do for her and for us all the time I actually have a suggestion you may not like it though what if I leave for a while oh what do you mean by leave are you leaving me you want a divorce have things been that bad between you and Tanya no no it's nothing like that don't worry it's not about divorce I'm talking about just going away for a little while I recently got an offer to start a new position with my company in another city and I'm seriously considering it what kind of position is it a promotion where are they sending you they asked me if I'll go to Chicago for them and it's a long-term assignment probably about two years two years is long but it's a great opportunity so I want to follow up on it and see where it leads plus it could be a good way to put some distance between Tanya and myself the timing seems good what do you think yes I do see your point it might be a good time to try to cool things off a bit if we just go on the way we have been both of you are just gonna get more and more stressed out by the situation I'll be a bit lonely but I'll manage I may actually have new opportunities of my own too yeah I do think that actually putting distance between her and me will make a big difference much bigger than just talking about it she's probably gonna see this is me running away but there's not much I can do about that I do think that it's the best solution to the current situation though I know you're not running away don't worry about that it's a great opportunity for you so go to Chicago and make us proud leave the house and Tanya to me I'll handle everything while you're gone really you do that for me yes of course we're a team remember I've been concerned with Tanya's Behavior lately too I don't like what I'm hearing from you and I don't like what I'm hearing from her either I'm definitely gonna talk to her about a few things father to daughter hopefully by the time you come back this house will be an easier one for you to live in that'd be great thanks I can't wait to hear how things go oh that reminds me you deserve some time off from everything if you're gonna leave next month why don't you take a little solo trip before that go to the beach or maybe a resort for a few days wouldn't it be nice to get away you can recharge your batteries and go to your new assignment refreshed and ready how does that sound well that's a great idea I'd love to do that but Tanya's 21st birthday is right around that time you know we all have to help her celebrate it that night maybe until late too I'm pretty sure she plans to be out drinking with friends that night we can have our family celebration anytime it doesn't have to be on her exact birthday you should go ahead and take your trip don't worry about Tanya and her birthday I'll handle all that too then I think I'll take your advice and have my little trip thanks dear see you soon love you Tanya happy 21st hope you have a great one have you met up with all your friends and started drinking already yeah it's great to see everyone I'm having a great time and as of today I am legally allowed to drink finally so that's exactly what I'll be doing in large quantities good for you have a great time you're officially an adult now in every way and you can do what you want but it also means you have to take personal responsibility for yourself and your behavior so just remember that okay with freedom comes responsibility yeah yeah I know all that you always have to lecture me don't you but this does mean you're not gonna treat me like a kid anymore right yeah that's probably true we all have some adjusting to do I guess okay then in that case I have something to say right now now that I finally can please leave our house and don't come back what what did you just say that's right I'm not a kid anymore and I don't need you and your lectures so please just pick your things and get out of my house as soon as possible you're not needed or welcome here anymore get out what are you thinking what's this all about all of a sudden what's gotten into you there's nothing sudden about it I've been wanting you gone for a long time and I decided a long time ago that if you were still here on my 21st birthday I'd make sure to put an end to this finally huh and and to what you really never understood your place did you you're his second wife you're not his first wife and you're certainly not my mother and you've annoyed me more than enough with your mom act maybe this will finally make you understand your place in this family now get out of here and don't come back wow you think I'll just disappear because you tell me to hey I am an adult and I say that's how it's gonna be so you can consider this a serious demand made by an adult it's not a prank or a practical joke made by a kid so you'd be wise to take it seriously and not ridicule or dismiss it get it Tanya how could you even for you this is cruel and selfish what do you think your father will say about all this today is the day I've been waiting for it's the day I become a full-fledged adult and own my power your maid services are no longer needed here you are dismissed fine have it your way goodbye take a hike I don't want to see your face again ever then you can live on your own now see how you do with that because your father and I are both leaving what you're just straight up lying now not at all it just so happens that your father and I have reservations to leave on a trip today that's excellent timing he and I can both just disappear Mike you asked me to a trip what kind of trip you never said anything to me about a trip we're going to Chicago I already have a place to stay there so your dad can stay with me there and then we can take our time finding a place where we can live together there he is here with me right now and he's nodding his head in agreement I promise you I am not lying about this what are you even talking about I don't believe any of this for a second and what do you mean when you said you're both gonna disappear do that all I want is for you to disappear not my dad no we're both leaving it's been decided I can't put up with you anymore and Janna shouldn't have to either what wait dad is that you Tanya this is the last draw it's time I cut you off for good you should consider yourself fatherless from now on I am through with you what what do you mean though I thought you and I are fine hang on Dad where is all this suddenly coming from I don't understand and what do you mean you're cutting me off and why are you leaving what are you trying to do out of the blue like this that's what I should be asking you what exactly do you think you're doing trying to tell Janice she's not welcome in our house anymore she's my wife I know parents remarrying can be tough on kids and we've always tried to do what's best for you Tanya but Janice is a wonderful wife and she's worked hard at taking care of you too and in spite of all that you keep acting like a spoiled little brat towards her no matter how old you get you need to learn some manners and respect for your elders to put it bluntly I'm tired of your antics and so is she so we're leaving what why I don't understand you heard me today is your 21st birthday and you claim that you're now an adult right fine you can take care of yourself like an adult then your New Life Starts Now you now have no Mom or Dad how does that feel and you can live your life like a real adult now just like you've been wanting to do good luck wait what do you mean I don't get it we're selling that house you have one month to find another place to live you'd better get a move on oh wait a minute Dad how can you do this this can't be happening still the house and leave where are you gonna go I'll go with Janice of course she got a new assignment at work and they're transferring her for a couple of years she's already all set up and has a place to stay there it'll work out quite well actually and that's where you're gonna live Chicago yeah see when Janice goes that was gonna just leave you and me here I requested permission to work from home and got it thinking that I'd be able to be at home and that it helped to improve your attitude sadly that hasn't happened so anyway I'll be working from home starting next month and thanks to you I've just decided that I'll sell the house and follow Janice to Chicago since I can work from anywhere now I have the freedom to do it so that's what I'm gonna do and you've given me the reason I need to do it you can't be serious please think this through dad you're gonna abandon me you're a loving daughter and choose her loving daughter I don't see much loving coming from you Tanya you haven't lived up to that moniker at all I see from you is thoughtless lashing out and hurtful insults towards my wife it's been like this for years and I don't see you ever changing what I never knew you felt that way that's right don't think I haven't been paying attention if you thought I wasn't paying attention or didn't care you're wrong Janice has taken every insulting jab that you've thrown at her and hasn't given up what's more she's kept her mouth shut about it all and never complained to me or bad-mouthed you and yet you refuse to show her any respect you even treat her as and call her your maid as her husband I won't stand for that I've stood on the sidelines long enough wait a minute Dad please let me explain after I dropped you off at your birthday party I took Janice to the airport and put her on her flight to Chicago now I'm gonna go home get my own bags packed and follow her I just decided I've taken some days off work already so I'll be getting on a plane too it's time for a fresh start anyway no don't go Dad this can't be true I don't believe it you're actually both leaving me I don't deserve this hey you told Janice to get lost didn't you you told her to disappear you're getting what you asked for aren't you she's gone as of today this isn't what I asked for at all not at all I only wanted Janice gone you Dad I love you and you selling the house I didn't ask for that at all but your words and actions invited all these things Tanya do you see that yet it's time for you to reflect I think wait please oh once you get on that plane what am I supposed who's gonna pick me up for my birthday party you're supposed to pick me up Dad we just talked about it a few hours ago you'll have to figure something out on your own sorry but I won't be there huh you know that's not possible I don't have any cash on me for taxi and they never take credit cards and I'm banned from Uber and Lyft what am I supposed to do figure it out on your own that's what like you said you're an adult now I'm sure you'll think of something oh come on I'll send you the rest of your tuition money in one lump sum after that you're on your own be the big girl you are and do what needs to be done Tanya I know you can wait just a minute dad please goodbye and good luck and congratulations on being a full-fledged legal adult now I know you'll be a good one someday after you learn a few more lessons [Music] hey are you guys really gonna sell this house the movers were already here today getting started on stuff it looks like they're taking everything except my stuff yeah I'm pretty sure it's happening my place in Chicago is pretty big your dad and I are thinking that we'll be able to live there together comfortably tell me where it is I want to be with you no I don't think so how are you gonna finish college there if you move all the way over here I can take online classes that's so easy to do nowadays so please let me live with you too nope sorry then where am I supposed to live don't you feel even a little bit sorry for me getting suddenly tossed out like this not in the least and if you have time to whine like this you certainly have time to find a new place to live hurry up and don't end up out on the street how am I supposed to find a place I have no idea how to look for a place how get online and start looking that's how oh mine where do I look online I don't know what websites to look at yeah there are a ton of them for sure you have to narrow them down Burris go online and find properties then narrow them down do I narrow them down you do that by prize location amenities Etc it depends on your personal needs and wants but I have no idea what I need and I don't know how much rent should be I don't know anything at all about amenities or layouts or any of it if you guys are really gonna just leave me like this the least you can do is stick with me until I have this stuff sorted out trust me Tanya this is all going to be a great learning experience for you hang in there kid no you're not just leaving me like this you've got to at least help me find a decent apartment still you're all grown up now Tanya you said so yourself you don't need your maid anymore remember I'm sure you can handle it all on your own good luck Jonas you gotta help me I need some help or I'm gonna be out on the street the landlord of the apartment I want is telling me that I have to pay two months to rent up front plus a cleaning deposit then pay him silly girl your dad already gave you your tuition money plus enough for living expenses so what's the problem you should say thank you to him by the way he didn't give me enough see I've been staying with friends here and there and I've been paying them back by taking them out on the town and buying groceries for them and stuff and I've had trouble getting to class on time sometimes too so I've had to take taxis so I wouldn't be late I already don't have anything left if I don't get some help I may need to dip into my tuition funds what how did all this happen listen Janice I am so sorry about everything before please forgive me staying at my friend's place has really opened my eyes I got it now Janice I see how hard you always worked at home I'll never treat you like my mate again I promise just forgive me I mean as my dad's wife you're kind of like my mom right so please as a mom don't leave me like this your dad and I spit up Tanya huh yes so I'm not your dad's wife anymore and I'm not your mother anymore or you're Maid of course true you and Dad got divorced on paper yes but in reality we're still together what's the point of all that then it was your dad's idea he didn't want you causing me any more trouble so he suggested that we get legally divorced that way there's zero relationship between you and me and I won't have to worry about getting wrapped up in any of your problems anymore wow so when and if you get married and finally have someone looking after you your dad and I will get married again that's outrageous but honestly I doubt anyone wants to marry you in your current state of affairs Tanya so who knows when your dad and I will be able to remarry you're right I don't think there's anyone who'd want to marry me either that's why we have to go back to the way it was before the three of us no that is definitely not going to happen so take care Tanya and remember you can spend all your tuition money if you like but that's your responsibility think hard about it because you are the only one you can depend on now after that I heard that Tanya used her tuition money to pay the deposit for that apartment and she somehow got moved into the place she was forced to start waiting tables but she had difficulty doing both that and studying and soon she was missing classes and showing up late for work it sounds like she's already used up a lot of her tuition money for other things so her college degree may be in jeopardy when Mark heard about all this he simply said that it's Tanya's own fault and he wouldn't be giving her any more help once my assignment in Chicago is finished we'll be coming back here but we intend to be quiet about it when we do will we have the pleasure of meeting atanya who's graduated from college and has found a good job I have 100 that says we won't but still that's a bet I'd be happy to lose thanks for watching all the way to the end if you enjoyed it please remember 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Channel: AirTexts
Views: 63,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, texting, texting story, funny texts, itexts, itext, text stories, itext stories, text message, txt stories, relationships, caught cheating, cheaters caught, people caught cheating, caught cheater, cheating scandals, girlfriend caught cheating, wife caught cheating, husband caught cheating, boyfriend caught cheating, bitch, player, gold digger, alimony, cheating wife, fresh apple texts, Charlotte Dobre, itext pro, Etra chan saw it, airtexts, airtext, ATTACK on MIKA
Id: xhBxCPBqozo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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