r/MaliciousCompliance - Uh... Excuse me??

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your OG tenacious Steve fan zak and today subreddit is our slash malicious compliance don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called I will get paid for time worked one way or another I'm more a passive-aggressive person than malicious compliance but here's a story that fits the definition nobody explicitly told me to do or not to do the thing but it's built into our work policy so I complied I work in a nursing home as a certified nursing assistant on a night shift despite what people might think we do not sit around watching TV reading twiddling our thumbs in eating candy all night we help people get ready / go to bed we answer call lights which could be for anything from I'm thirsty lonely or bored although they don't say that they just come up with little random things for you to do for them constantly - they have to go to the bathroom - hey I just projectile vomited everywhere I need to be cleaned up and anything in between and then we have rounds where we toilet / turn people who can't do it on their own and between taking care of residents because in theory they're sleeping most of the night we have other duties that basically boil down to tidy up after evening shift clean / wipe things down and get thanks prepped so day shift has one less thing to worry about all of that is to explain I'm on my feet and usually doing some significant lifting pushing you're pulling for eight tenths of my shifts from 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. when a body wants to be sleeping for every four hours you get a 15-minute break so eight hours equals thirty minutes unpaid time where you are off the floor and not answering lights or taking care of people I was gonna say this is state mandated for nursing but then wasn't actually sure it's always been in my works policy handbook but sometimes they go above and beyond what's strictly required if he can't take a break for example being short-staffed and not having enough people to cover we have no brake slips we can fill out giving the reason and have our direct supervisor sign it you work a certain number of hours and it's assumed you had your mandated break unless you indicates otherwise I say we have them but it might be more accurate to say used to because fairly recently we were told we were going to get a mark against us for every time we didn't take a break so many marks equals probation which essentially lowers your raise increase that year I'm not sure why this went into effect if people were abusing it and going oh I don't need a break I'll just work through and sign a slip I don't know I should mention these slips also have a spot for forgot to clock in or out they may have said not to use the slips more to deter people from forgetting and needing it manually entered into the payroll system but it boils down to the same thing an extra half hour especially with nightshift differential and especially with weekend shift differential is nothing to sneeze at however I want a half hour where I can sit down and play on my phone so I only use them when I legitimately worked all shift without a break so I didn't care about the marks since there was literally no way for me to take a break if we're short-staffed all night my facility has six halls in two different neighborhoods and at night there's one aide for each hall and one nurse to cover three halls / one neighborhood if for shorts were Sol for a lot of things there were a couple of times where I'd ask about a slip my nurse only direct supervisor on site would agree and come morning when I have the slip filled outs I couldn't find her I don't consider it malicious / hiding from me the end of shift is crazy they could be anywhere but I wasn't gonna hunt them down across three halls I just want to go home and pass out so I just eat it screw it I'm too tired to care basically but then we hear about the demerits for using a no break slip and I'm just fed up with administration most the time anymore I will get paid for the time I worked on the floor and if that's from 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. plus because I helped out day shift and it's a legit miracle if I actually clock out at my end shift time by god I'm gonna get paid for all eight and a half hours plus and most the time I'm not ready to clock out until 7 a.m. which if you've been following along is an entire nine hours on my feet half of it running my ass off most the time I only get to eat because I blatantly disregard the no purses at the desk rule and bring my lunch in my purse and can cram a few mouthfuls in throughout the night so I can't fill out a no break slip I'm required to take a 30 minute unpaid break on the clock I can't when we're short line you've probably guessed by now but I started getting everything done at the end of shift and then sat my happy butt down in the break room for half an hour walk down the hall and clocked out to leave which means I'd be clocking out at 7:30 an hour after my shift was supposed to end nobody has said anything to me although I haven't been secretive about it because I'm bitter about the whole BS thing but finally we've been getting fully staffed thanks to new hires and even last night when we were short all nights and a nurse known for being kinda lazy not wanting to work the floor was my supervisor she came over and asked if I wanted to go on break so clearly someone has said slash heard something yeah you go girl you get that break you earned it nurse jobs are crazy hectic crazy I could never work a nurse job because of dealing with all the difficult patients and feces everywhere this story's called it is your truck after all background auto mobile insurance adjustors navigates a valley filled with mendacity and misrepresentation for every ten people I spoke with at least half either omitted something material lied or committed fraud if mendacity actually smelled like death then I was surrounded by an ever-present stench this story of malicious compliance is one way to clear the air helpful points the named insured on a policy is required to follow the insurance policy contract to obtain coverage usually the DMV will have the name of the lender on the title a total loss vehicle is stored around 45 to 60 days before storage charges start Story mr. debtor had a very fancy new to him fix a repair daily truck that truck had every conceivable option and was ultimately an overpowered vehicle for an inexperienced driver surprise mr. debtor wrecked that piece of excrement within three months of purchasing it if you're gonna wreck it then go all out this vehicle had a completely smashed front in with all airbags deployed rollover damage to all panels frame damages broken glass and of course most of the engine compartment obliterated in short this car is called a total loss the cost repair the vehicle is more than 75% of its value and it's not a feasible repair mr. debtors minor physical injuries were eclipsed by the mortal blow received by his pride he let me know how I was directly responsible for his drunk driving crash his injuries and that I needed to go to hell and live there this was the first call lovely fast-forward and I've given mr. debtor and offered to resolve his total loss I checked the DMV no lender is listed on the title here's the total loss call we're ready to settle this claim for you do you have the title yes do you have a loan on the car no of course not inserts along in misogynistic rants regarding his wealth status and superiority thank you for sharing I can come meet with you today sign the title transfer and give you the funds as you're listed as the owner no I have to get the title out of the safe deposit boxes at the bank Oh for the next 60 days mr. debtor hems and Haws about this title for over two months every week I call him and mail a letter regarding the need to sign and mitigate damages towing storage etc which brings us to the phone call that let the fresh breeze in the phone call that changes everything 10:30 a.m. Monday hi it's been a while and I'm still needing that title from you to settle your claim you're harassing me no sir I'm fulfilling my obligations to you as a customer I need to get your title to pay your claim back you listen here you are a my schedule not the other way around you think your insert elevator music curses insults and misogyny sir I'm just trying to save you the hassle of dealing with the truck storage is starting soon I'm going to call you when I'm good and ready you'll get the title then if you call me again I'm filing a police report it's your car deal with it mr. debtor has given me a clear and unmistakable indicator that he is not cooperating and is in violation of his contractual responsibilities I can't abandon salvage I can however do this 11:00 a.m. Monday hi salvage vendor you have mr. debtors truck on the lot he's not ready to resolve his claim can you tow it back to 1 2 3 deader hell lane yes that's right in his driveway please and with that mr. debtors wonderous wreck of a vehicle is tow to his property 1:00 p.m. Monday what the hell the HOA called you can't leave that my driveway I'll sue you my neighbors are asking questions insert the rant hi mr. debtor I'm sorry for the confusion you see the truck is yours after all you're on the title and have refused to help me process this claim as you requested the vehicle will remain on your property until you ready my Joey is fond of me you must pick up the truck now no you still haven't provided the title when you're ready let me know is there anything else I can help you with who can do this sir the truck is yours you've refused to complete the paperwork and I have no legal standing to store the vehicle indefinitely remember that Valley of mendacity I mentioned before brace 3 2 1 mmm I'm broke titled pong I'm sorry I don't have the title they said I'm broke title pong I will not call him a liar I will not call him a liar I will not call him a liar oh sorry that I misunderstood that you had the title can you give me their number and with that the dragon was slayed I called the sub-prime high-interest tidal pond company they were surprised to learn about the vehicle being wrecked and the balance remaining sir two hundred dollars and thirteen months mister debtor thought we were going to hold his wreck for thirteen months he signed and the lender was paid oh the vehicle I had signed the paperwork in hands and had the vehicle picked up on Tuesday morning well I understood very little of what that was but you car insurance and nerds will get a kick out of that one this story's called you do not want the money I owe you okay then this happened last year I am a college student in a city 250 kilometers away from home and both my parents are truck drivers so they are all so far away from home most of the time because of that sometimes I am the one who has to handle some things that have to be done in person in this case I had to sign my name with a new internet provider because we were having problems with the previous one I did that in December of the previous year and the contract lasted until December last year however at some point in June my parents decided to change to a different one because they were getting some very nice benefits and better speeds with it but it's because we had signed for one year we either had to keep paying the monthly bill until it expired or pay a compensation which was more expensive so we decided to just pay those months and forget about it the problem started in November when I forgot to check my bank account balance and since I do not have overdrafts active the provider had not been able to charge the monthly fee because it was more money than I had since they get to charge you more for late payments they did not inform me of that until December when I went to the office to sign the needed documents to stop the service they told me that I would have to pay both months and a late payment fees which if I remember correctly was around 150 euros total obviously I was angry because we had been paying 6 months for a service we were not using but it was still my fault for not checking my account balance so I did not argue then they also told me that I had to return the equipment thing is until recently internet providers in my country did not really care that much if you return the equipment because they use the cheapest options available but when they realize they could charge you huge fees for not returning it they all started asking for it the problem with that was since for the last six months we had been using a different provider with their own equipment we had stored the old one somewhere around the house since we had not been informed about returning it after that it ended up getting lost when we did some renovations in the house after searching for the equipment the whole afternoon with no luck I gave up and decided to read the contract to see how much I would have to pay after going through the whole ten page think a few times the only part related to equipment that I could find was a single sentence stating that when the contract is terminated the customer must return the equipment and if something is damaged or missing the company name has the right to charge the customer the value of said part as compensation since I am a computer science students and know my tech I knew that what they had given me costed around 50 euros retail price so I went to the bank and took 200 euros out to pay for everything when I arrived this is the conversation I had with the girl at the desk hi we talked earlier today and I'm here to pay what I owe you sure that would be a hundred fifty euros do you have the equipment with you about that I'm sorry but I think I lost it are you sure if that's the case we will have to charge you 90 euros for it 90 euros that's way too much I'm sorry about that but it is in the contract you've signed well I have read the contract a few times and I am quite sure it says you can charge me with the equipment costs exactly and that will be 90 euros I refuse to pay that unless I see a receipt or any other document that shows the equipment you gave me cost 90 euros I'll have to make a call for that excuse me for a minute she goes to the back room and calls what I guess was her manager and after some muffled phone talk she came back sorry for the weights I have been informed that I cannot give you the information you are requesting well then I'm going to pay you the 150 euros and we can terminate the contract sorry but you have to pay the 240 euros to do that I am NOT going to pay $90 for a brand in model router that cost no more than 50 euros in any store and much less for one that you have bought in bulk for even less than that then we have to take legal action for the 240 euros and you will be blacklisted I am NOT I will not pay the two months I legally owe you I just won't pay the 90 euros without proof that it's what the equipment costs I have the hundred fifty right here I proceed to put the hundred fifty euros on the counter sorry but the amount you owe s is two hundred forty euros and we cannot terminate the contract if you don't pay the full amount are you saying you won't take the hundred fifty euros exactly okay I took my money and left after that I wrote an email to the company explaining that I wanted to pay the two months I owe them but that I would not pay anything unless I had a receipt to have some written proof in case they actually decided to take legal action I did not get a reply a few weeks later I got a call asking about the two hundred forty euros and I told him that I was busy at the moment but that they could send me an email with the details I never heard back from them dude you are a champ you read a ten page contract multiple times to safe ninety heroes I'm sorry man yes 90 euros is a considerable amount of money definitely over $100 but reading a 10 page contract multiple times no I'm not reading anything I'd rather just pay them hut to eat don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 37,653
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet
Id: 1fUNk5tY5E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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