r/MaliciousCompliance - Tattoo artist's compliance

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being Friday the 13th while waiting for my tattoo I was reminded of a situation a few years ago with my friendless who's my primary artist and an especially Karen type lady and her Kyle ex-boyfriend double K for both who came in to get cheap tattoos I watched this whole thing go down but wasn't involved per se so Liz was doing a quick custom job on me and my buddy Chris yes we got matching tattoos starwars Ian / yang for those wondering I went second so days and I could catch off double K bypassed the massive line out the door and down the stairs and walked straight up to the artists area to try to skip the line this was shut down pretty quick and they were told there's a huge wait in front of them and they'll have to go to the back of the line well double K didn't like this one bit and started to throw a fit like alleged tried to pull me out of the chair because as getting what he wants and I was here first she wasn't I was there at 8 a.m. to help Liz load a najin doughnuts and the ten people in line before me knew this too well one of the artists just finished and said I'll take you to we were all kind of flabbergasted by this but Liz got this big poop eating grin on her face so I knew something was up I figured the dude would do a terrible job go to deep use the wrong needle something to just royally eff up their day but he did none of this he pulled his flash sheet and said pick one Karen picked something and he asks where she wants it back of her ankle so Jude gets to work free handing it while double K keep looking at the line like they want something well they did win something the smallest tattoo I've ever seen this thing was no bigger than a dime from 10 feet away all I could see was a little black spot on her leg that looked more like a mole than a tattoo double K lost it screaming about him assaulting her and forcing her to get a tattoo and they had gonna call the cops and all that then they tried to skip out without paying they were rather impolitely informed that theft of services a felony and that cops are only ten minutes away they tried to pay up the 13 dollars but that's where the guy's brilliance really shone through his sheet said custom at the top custom tattoos worth $31 not only did this lady have a very tiny and very intricately detailed tattoo she only had a $50 on her and they had a big sign at the register that said simply no change double K ended up paying the shop minimum anyway that she got a tattoo ahead of the line this story happened a few years ago I used to work for a well-known alarm company doing installs when we got a new guy in he seemed fresh off the boat with terrible English and me being fluent in Russian he got tagged with me cast me either new guy Karen home er Werner background I've been working with Ivan for a few weeks before the malicious compliance we spoke Russian between each other but changed to English whenever the customer was around to maintain professionalism most customers were ok with this as you could tell Ivan was struggling with the language and I would do all the talking to the customer until we got to Karen that day it started out just like any other we get to the house a lady greets us at the door didn't know at the time this was Karen as there were no signs do a walk around and everything seems fine Ivan has not spoken a single word yet we get to work in the basement and I start talking to either like usual not even five minutes later Karen comes running down the stairs demanding that we stop talking in whatever and this is in English talking household and she does not want her kids to hear it we apologize and continue working Ivan is mostly staying quiet until he tries to ask for a tool he doesn't know the name for in English and says the name in Russian Karen runs out of the laundry room and start for waiting Ivan for breaking harrell's Ivan is stumped but mumbles in apology and Karen Huff's away in triumph a couple hours later while running why Ivan was drilling through the studs and came in contact with a household electrical wire a flash and pappad Ivan starts cussing in Russian immediately the laundry door bangs open and Karen is standing there and without missing a beat Ivan turns to her and switches to English probably to explain what he is saying I was amazed by his vocabulary there and it seemed like he was swearing for a solid minute before starting to run out of choice Karen turned red and started yelling at us to get out and I knew there was no saving this dumpster fire so we just packed up and left on the road back to the office I found out Ivan is a fan of English crime and gangster movies where he learned his share of profanity getting back to the office we got written up but the boss still had a chuckle Ivan stayed for a few more months before leaving the company and I never found out if he realized how malicious his compliance was as for the customer I have no idea what ended up happening to her as I never went back [Music] I'm the warranty head for a retailer dealing in large machinery the vendor sells to us we sell to the customer then I deal with any warranty claims on behalf of the customer we also sell attachments for the large machinery like grapples and hammers which have their own warranty terms we purchased a set of grapples in 2017 and kept them in stock until finally installing them onto a machine that we sold last month immediately they started having issues no problem we went out a replace to $1700 part that had failed I submitted the claim to the grapple company unfortunately the grapple company just got bought out by a different vendor who is playing hardball and my claim is denied technically the grapple company only warranties their parts for one year from the ship date not the install date we keep a large stock count of their grapples as part of an unwritten agreement between our companies the former owner was a personal friend of my company's owner maintaining our own stock makes inventory easier for both of us rather than having to place a rush order for each machine we sell we make up a large portion of their yearly sales IRAs up with the claim requesting goodwill compensation and was denied again IRAs up mitad a third time they're telling the understanding we had with the previous owners the new warranty guy on their side sent me the response grapple company understands the situation but we aren't able to help our warranty guidelines are clear that no warranty will be considered if the terms have expired outside of extenuating circumstances and we require all retailers to follow those terms to the letter if there are extenuating circumstances to this claim please advise fine $1,700 is not a truly significant amount of money but the slack of warranty issue does promise to become much bigger as time passes and could make it non profitable to carry their brand I make a recommendation to the head of sales and he gives me authorization to throw my weight around I am a land back saying we appreciate you must follow warranty guidelines as written we consider the extenuating circumstances to be the continued relationship between our two companies if you disagree we must also begin following our guidelines to the letter per our terms from backslash X document we will be returning all items approaching the year marked for full credit we will not be continuing to keep advance stock as grappled company has had significant issues in the past handling get inventory requests we will also be looking elsewhere for a supplier please advise your staff to expect the first return shipment by the end of the week thank you for your time surprise surprise the vendors new president came rushing down to visit us personally and unruffle fetters be my Head of Sales and I sat down and hashed out a written agreement for new warranty terms to reflect our Stocking understanding and continuing good relationship I got my measly $1700 credit and more importantly what amounts to a carte blanche on all future claims their warranty adjuster has been instructed to handle us with kid gloves welcome back to miss victoria stories of sit on it and twist here in this world MC is not only a means to an end but can often result in petty revenge this story takes place in my current job so sit back snuggle up and prepare for another laugh at the idiots of the world as I have mentioned in my previous stories I'm the assistant manager in one store of a local chain of bodega / gas stations the only thing missing that will give you the instant bodega feel would be selling losses for 25 cents quarter for a square one of my co-workers is a very young kid who just graduated high school this summer B is where the story begins I took up this job back in May of this year 2019 and have been doing some combination of the strangest shifts that could have only been put together by an my channel in sp so some days I'm opening the store when I'm on my day shifts I attempt to make the nightshift employees lives easier by doing a considerable amount of their shift work before I leave for the day for example I sweep mop change coffee vacuum the rugs take out trash clean the parking lot and Stocking tobacco products were in a dry County so no alcohol here I have done my job like this since arriving here and I do it for everyone I have never had a complaint until this week the younger co-worker who I'm going to call Peter since he is as white bread as it gets a royal pain in the ass and because it's not only an acronym but also a real word as well but had decided he was going to throw a holy hell fit about how I do things and went to the manager about me his complaints were I don't do enough work I don't properly stock anything and I take too many smoke breaks our shifts literally costs over for maybe an hour he went off on my manager in the most caranesca manner believable now me being well me means I don't take [ __ ] from anyone but big but my manager is my best friend so I do my best not to create more issues for her so it's malicious complaints time see if I'm not doing enough work but I'm doing all his busy work I suppose it's time for me to focus on tasks that need done so the manager can go home at a decent hour it's been a week and I have done none of his work but the cooler and papper work are on point the best revenge came when just before I had to leave and I looked at him to say Peter the coffee is out of date and burning you need to change it that boy hasn't had to did coffee before this week because I'm always doing it for the crestfallen look made it completely worth throwing off my schedule of course he still complains about me but my work is beyond reproach and my customers love me i won in the end I work in a warehouse order picking I recently had two weeks off as I had pulled a muscle in my considering the heavy lifting involved my GP advised me to take two weeks off I phoned the company absences line twelve times over the 14 days when in all honesty we are only supposed to update for the first fives I returned to work have a return to work meeting where they go through why you're off if you're fit to return and asked did you make contact everything was fine note was given him I showed Michael logs of when I contacted easy so the next day my new line manager pulls me and for our investigation over conduct saying I'd failed to follow the absence process I go through it all show the call logs ect ect and I'm thinking it's fine later on I get given a letter telling me it's getting escalated to a disciplinary meeting the next day with the same line manager obviously I was confused I go into the meeting knowing that the manager that did the investigation can't hold the disciplinary as its classes as prejudged which is failing to follow procedure he didn't provide me with the notes from the investigation he didn't give me 24 hours notice and again I went above and beyond so after the meeting started with him and another manager in taking notes I brought this to his attention and he says he didn't know the other manager says I'm right and is smirking so it gets thrown out the next day I get pulled in again saying that now they are classing that as further investigation and I'm also being investigated for finishing just over a minute before I was supposed to every day in the five years I've worked here I've turned up early to get my equipment ready started the second it hits the time to start and over achieved substantial on my rate so malicious compliance kicks in I've now been following every line and letter of procedure only getting my equipment ready after the shift has started which means all the trucks from my department have gone and I have to wander around looking for a truck all health and safety is being followed timekeeping is a cure to the second and I'm doing everything as he's originally shown when training and I'm 10% under the targeted rate almost every day the line manager pulled me up about my under performance and I asks if he wanted to send the trainer with me to see how I could improve trainer follows me for the shift laughs to me and the manger and says I'm doing everything perfectly to procedure I'm currently waiting on my disciplinary over not following procedure and still haven't been given paperwork and evidence to defend myself when it eventually happens and I'm still following every letter of procedure update union rep came in with me to my second disciplinary didn't really need it as the new manager investigating laughed it off and told me there would be no further action and apologized for my line manager Union have also advised me to put a grievance in against him for not following procedure not sure if malicious but a story I wanted to share this compliance was experienced from the other side of the fence I'm a manager at a restaurant and observed a worker not following procedure with the tour till oppress we have a timer on the machine for 10 seconds and it wasn't being used thinking of having a bit of fun and getting a laugh out of the worker I covered the timer with my hand and asked them to count for 10 seconds for me on cue with me starting the timer not only did they do as asked with no question they did so quite loudly for the whole team to hear and as they reached 10 b-b-b I have never bothered that worker about the timer ever since [Music] if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 29,851
Rating: 4.8703403 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, funny, MaliciousCompliance, tattoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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