r/MaliciousCompliance - Apology

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so as a young girl ad I went to boarding school in the UK mine was quite something kind of like Hogwarts just without the magic now so there was - boarding school is basically like prison but less stabby back then late nineties we were just coming to the end of older kids are in charge and we were beginning the era of Winnie little [ __ ] mouthing off anyway by this point I was a sixth former seventeen eighteen year olds and my younger brother was in the same house boarding house equals prison wing and a fourth former 1340 neo at boarding school there's a pecking order and if you're a fourth for me you're on the crap end of the stick at the beginning of crap Creek with a paddle that's made of crap a sixth forma tells you to jump you don't even ask how high you'd go for a world record that being said I wasn't one of those sixth formers I'd been through the crap as a younger kid I'd have the ever living crap beaten out of me a few times I'd run dozens of menial errands and faced my own fair share of bullying from my own year I tell people some of the stories and watch their faces go white but it's the crucible in which I found my confidence my nicely balanced fu attitude and my absolute hatred of bullies earth bullies unfortunately my brother wasn't rolling with the punches so to speak his housemates were gargantuan [ __ ] but my brother never just became comfortable being himself he always tried to be their friends and as such they kept at him I tried to help but he always begged me not to so it went on for the whole year nothing bad compared to the crap I went through he was never beaten electric utility CET C but it was taking a toll on him it was grinding him down he just wanted to be friends in these Sai Wong stands just kept at him so it's the second to last day of the year the last day is usually just a half day and then the families come and collect us and my brother is just done he calls mum and asks to just be picked up a day early y yer another 24 hours of inescapable verbal believed well at some point in the afternoon my mom walks into my room and says that these air fine ball sacks have continued bullying him in of my mother she's in the dorm helping him get his stuff together and these guys are throwing Bob's across the room mums pissed well now time to I stuck to my word to my brother and kept out of it but now these moth offers are crossing lines not only that but one of these kids is not even from our house he's come into my house just to F with my brother in front of my mother so I follow mom to the dorm now the main culprit of the year of bullying is this kid bully one he's exactly the kind of bully it expect he's taller and fat but that pubescent fat translates to strength of that age bully to is an almost embarrassing pitch in as much as he's the smaller mouthy type that uses his fat buddy to hide behind they are both from rich Chinese families from Hong Kong this comes into play later so I stride into the doorman spot bully to the little crap from another house before I continue I feel I should point out that I was far from an intimidating specimen on paper 150 pounds and a bit of fluff on my face I'm not some mutant with a hairy back but like I mentioned I faced a fair amount of crap and I'm not afraid to mix it up I grab bully to by the scruff of his shirt pull him out the dorm push him against the wall take his skateboard and place it across his neck and then ever so directly inquire just exactly who he thought he was disrespecting my mother like that well bully one wasn't happy about that figuring he was almost the same height as me and probably tipping the scales in his favor he decided to get in my face a massive no-no as far as the unwritten the rules of the school goes and in the Mafia for swings at me I'm standing next to my mother and this entitled bully swings on me his extra weight meant his hands weren't particularly fast and I jerked my head to the side and his knuckle kissed my cheekbone the other fourth formers actually gasped I'll never forget that i touch my cheekbone and calmly asked bully 1 did you just hit me yeah why I find it and what are you going to do about it I'm glad he asked at this point I decided to show him just what I was going to do about it so I grabbed him by his throat and proceeded to round that little F in the face it was a glorious sound smack that crisp sound of clapping your hands together but why stop there let's give him a round of applause shall we smack smack smack smack Island smack at this point one of the younger brothers of a fellow sixth-form a friend of mine jumps between us saying he's had enough while I still debate that point I acquiesced and left bully one blubbering on the floor and walked off with my family as mum patted me on the back with a well done now we aren't stupid we walked straight to the house masters office he wasn't there he was empowering a cricket match against another school so we hop in the car and drive to the other side of school Hogwarts remember this place was 100 acres and once there's a break in the game I stride out onto the pitch and immediately say sir I just want up to bully 1 for a bloody good reason at this point I can see bully 1 staggering down to the pitch while being supported by a house much he's even put a bandaid on his face he's really milking it but suddenly spots me and my mum talking to his only salvation and he knows he's rumbled now boarding school isn't necessarily about the rules it's about justice so many things get dealt with him school and you wouldn't believe the crap that never got back to the parents they weren't ignorant of the bullying my brother was receiving but they were going with the whole let's see if this works itself out approach they wanted us to learn to stick up for ourselves bla bla bla however a six former delivering a multitude of round houses to a younger boys faces not something you can hide from parents paying tens of thousands of pounds a year so I was let go but the issue was not done back at school the next term and the parents of both boys want blood the headmaster was relatively new at the school and was to put it mildly I see he wasn't about the old ways and was a dick about many things he found a casual way to bring it up in conversation to me about how there had to be punishment I agreed I don't think he was expecting that but I continued I'm more than willing to accept a week's suspension for what it weighted to two minutes of bullying if oh crap there's an if you also punish the bullets of my brother and they were doing it for a year so I guess you'll have to suspend them for a few years cue some very British muttering and suddenly it seems like this is one of those times where it's getting swept under the rug clearly not there must have been some behind-the-scenes negotiations with the parents because a few weeks later I was told that I would need to write a letter of apology to the parents of bully 1 oh really now as I mentioned both of these kids were from Hong Kong but also Chinese English is not their first language in their parents understanding of it was significantly less the thing about us Brits is we are really good at sounding like we are saying one thing while at the same time sinking the knife in with a smile on our face I decided to follow this instinct with gusto i sat down with one of my friends and ophisaurus and wrote what I still regard to be one of my finest pieces of work we deliberately used over complicated terms to mask what was in no way whatsoever an apology but it sounded like one while it was littered with terms that sounded apologetic to any native English speaker it was clearly putting 100% of the blame on the crafty little crotch Goblin they produced while at the same time suggesting if he does it again he'll be getting more of the same I signed off and then couldn't resist a postscript P point s I do hope bully 1 didn't suffer any permanent injuries which of course is fluent British for I sincerely hope it's a fine hurt when I smacked your son in the face repeatedly I sealed that envelope like you seal away toxic waste I couldn't run the risk of the school reading it because I'd be totally rumbled and placed it on my house master's desk but two days later after lunch roll call my house master singles me out and asks I follow him to his office Crabbe played cool I follow along nonchalant as F and we go to his office it's about that letter to bully ones parents so whether I work at this point I'm thinking oh well I gave it a good go but my house master continues I had it typed up for you and hand me a pristine typed up my apology I just need you to sign it I look down it's word for word and right there under where I'm supposed to sign is a postscript just as I wrote it just sitting there all by itself P point s I do hope bully one didn't suffer any permanent injuries you F I'm legend with a smile on my face I gladly signed the final haymaker and had it sent on its way sometimes school isn't about the rules it's about the justice because F bullies last week I was working from home one day and got up to use the bathroom and make a cup of coffee took ten minutes tops I get back to my computer to a bunch messages from my boss getting increasingly nasty about something and why I wasn't answering quick enough for her I send a message back with whatever it was she needed to know and apologizing for not getting back to her soon enough when she finally answered me about half an hour later she said if I'm not going to be at my computer for any amount of time I need to send an email to everyone in my office including high-level executives that I'll be unavailable for X amount of time and why so that's what I've been doing my normal phrasing for the message is high I'll be unavailable from this time to this time as I'm going to use the bathroom ake some coffee yet every single person in my office has told me it's fine and I don't need to tell them when I'm going to be gone for a few minutes where I then forward than the original exchange between me and my boss and apologize but say this is what my direct report has told me to do and this is the result if I don't they all hate her as much as I do now so I am a business consultant and usually during the week we are at client's site and get paid for travel meals etc the meal reimbursement policy is quite flexible and doesn't limit what we can claim like some of the other consulting companies so we can claim lunch alcohol whatever the policy however there's lay down a guidance for a daily limit for food expenses based on the country where you're traveling I capitalize the word guidance since that is exactly how it is written in the policy it is a guidance not a hard limit for the UK where my current project is the limit is 40 per day which is mostly okay but can be a mid low if you're in the centre of London for example now I do intermittent fasting so most of the days I don't have breakfast and lunch and just have one big meal a day and have no problems keeping to the forty usually around 20 on some days I might go to a fancy restaurants have a couple of scotches with a steak and run up a 60 dollar bill but during the course of a five-day week my average meals would run about 30 a day if not less I've never had a problem claiming these expenses in my nine years with the firm but recently a new project manager Reed bean counter came on board and he sent back a couple of my expense reports for having meal expenses in excess of the 40 for a couple of days even though the average meal expense over the week was much less than 40 I tried to reason with him told him that anyway it was a guidance and not a hard limit and I was keeping the costs down on other days he refused to budge and said I could only claim 40 a day for food so guess what I started doing exactly that every day I made sure I was claiming 40 or there abouts for food I started buying meals for the homeless people around the train station to make sure I could make up the 40 so now where I was claiming less than 150 a week for meals I now claim 200 and get some good karma for it very mild domestic situation hope it fits if not apologies it was time to paint a few rooms in the house for well over a year my girlfriend would not or could not pick a color she was to go out of town for the weekend to see her mother I generally do larger Messier projects around the house when this happens I was tired of these rooms and prodded her again for a color I wanted her to pick from the dozens of samples collected over the last year or so she told me to go ahead and pick whatever color I want she did not care now I have been with her long enough to notice it's not true I will end up repainting again and I hate to paint so I devised a plan to make this work to my advantage if I have to paint again I may as well prepare for it so I did I went to the local big box home-improvement store and bought 15 gallons of white paint I then proceeded to paint every room in my 1000 square feet house white ceilings walls and trim included I thought it was beautiful she on the other hand did not she walked in and was not pleased in the least it just went on and on and on stark whiteness throughout the whole house new colors picked and applied within weeks I gave her a blank slate to work with and it helped her to visualize I guess or the hospital glow in every room got on her nerves semicolon closed bracket I'm a grown-ass man and I can tell when I'm sick I know my body a little better than adopted as in terms of recovery and if it is something I'm not sure of I will see a doctor but my place of work has this silly rule that if you are going to be out three days you have to have a doctor's notes anyway I got food poisoning the other day it was the middle of the night right before I was going to go in before it started to hit and I knew what was coming it was going to be 36 hours of running to the bathroom followed by 24 hours of being super tired from not having eaten for the last two days and not having had any sleep for the last 48 hours it's a full three day recovery for me the first 36 really are the worst though so I called in sick on Tuesday and Wednesday and was going to call in sick on Thursday - to get my much-needed rest and be 100% for work on Friday I know this is what was going to happen but when I called in this morning I was told I have to get a doctor's note to miss this day it's stupid because what is a doctor going to tell me that I don't already know but my doctor also hates these types of rules so she had my back I went to her this morning and told her what my work said she asked if maybe I might have had chills during my time being sick so I said yes she said she doesn't feel comfortable saying it was just food poisoning and is going to say it could have been a stomach flu she's writing me a note to be out until Monday now so now I have two days of just rest and relaxation followed by the weekend thanks for forcing me to go into the doctor I have an older boss who leads our ed group recently she has threatened to write me up due to speaking up in conference calls with our vendor or vendors speaking up consists of the vendor asking us to provide info which I know we have readily available and state I can provide another example was clearly defining vendor responsibilities vs our company's responsibilities after one of these times she called me and said if one of these examples occur against you will write me up we discussed how even though I was taking the correct action or providing the correct information it is the principle of me doing it which she said is disrespecting her in front of her peers because it is not my place to make those decisions I responded by acknowledging this fact and how I have failed her as a follower since then I have remained ghost quiet on meetings and only speaking when spoken to this has resulted in the vendor having to repeatedly asked for information across multiple days before my boss comes to me for help which has delayed projects and pushed out deadlines no fallout as of yet but if things continue to run like this crap is gonna hit the fan too which I will post a part two of this story so I work as a long-term care LTC Miller I do pharmacy billing for nursing homes and assisted living facilities so any meds they get i bill my company is contracted with LTC facilities we provide medications to people in LTC under the story I've been working in LTC for 16 years the company I work for does something that is absolutely unheard of in pharmacy billing they care about their patients so if your insurance drops a copay of $20 but the add cost price is only $5 we charge you the $5 we give you the lower price this is really rare in my field most pharmacies are out to F everyone my company actually gives you the better deal here comes Karen inbound call hi I'd like to talk about my mom's ville she said nursing home me okay what's your customer number pulls up customer number Karen you didn't run this through my mum's insurance me let me check this out pause me yes we saw that your copay was actually higher than the ad cost rate so we dropped the charge down so it's cheaper for you Karen I pay for insurance and I expect insurance prices me of course but when we can charge you the lesser price we do that we try to cut off Karen I Jeff about your prices I wanted run through the insurance for taxes purposes me regardless of that we can send you an itemized tax paper to show what you paid we just start trying to give you the lower Karen I want this ran through the insurance this is ridiculously where and billing my insurance me we did but our at Cost gives you lower price so we charged you the lower price Karen I am done with this bill the insurance me your bill is $75 if I bill your insurance there are some tier 3 inform Ed's highest co-pays talking Dallas I'm 75 plus they will raise your bill Karen it will not and I expect you to rebuild my account to the insurance and mail me a new statement me yes mom call Em's IRA bill the account her bill goes from $75 to three hundred and ninety six dollars she gets her new bill a week later calls back loses her crap of course my boss backed me and told her that since it's been over 30 days since the meds were dispensed we can't reverse the clothes stuck with the bill bottom line if someone tells you they are giving you the best deal take it thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 78,024
Rating: 4.8546896 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, funny, MaliciousCompliance, apologise
Id: Nhy6-f6uxE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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