r/MaliciousCompliance | SNOW BLOWING DRAMA!! - Reddit Stories

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welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video if you like being a little malicious once in a while make sure to join in by hitting the like and subscribe buttons down below also i've set up a channel membership just in case you want to show your support and help keep story time going for as long as possible so if you love my videos or want to have your comments shown like this one by phantasm click the join button below this video that said our first story of the days by egrant03 snow shoveling dramas i'm reminded of a story that happened while i was living at home you may enjoy it this happened in the late 90s early 2000s for reference my dad owned a snowblower during the wicked weather this side of the rockies he would use his blower to take care of the sidewalks in front of everyone on both sides of our block most of the families on my block were either seniors those with small families or younger couples that inherited their dead relatives home everyone knew everyone and they understood that my dad was doing this as a courtesy he was in his 50s and just trying to be a good neighbor so my neighbors two doors down divorce and sell their house to a family from out of state fake name time picard sound good i know they were from a snowy state but i don't remember where they moved in during the late summer close to the start of the school year a couple of months later our state has a massive snowstorm it would snow for nearly 24 hours for almost the entire winter you would shovel and clear snow just to get another dump and you'd have to keep going and going we had something like 350 percent of the average snowfall that month alone so my dad's out there during the first big dump with a snowblower just taking care of business says he's nice and the third house down had an occupant that walked on arm crutches he had just made a path from our house to theirs no big deal been taking care of this for a while now he gets done and heads to work he gets home late most nights so he's not expecting anyone to be at the door as he walks in lo and behold the picards must have been watching out the window for him as they walk up on him as he opens the door they say hey did you shovel our walk he says huh they say our walk the one that runs in front of our house he says oh yeah i did your sidewalk they say well we're not peeing you for the shoddy work you did you sprayed our tree with snow my dad is out of it after a 10 plus hour day commute not included so he's not getting what's happening he says i'm sorry they say you should be that tree is too small to handle that much snow blowing on it you need to blow it somewhere else as my dad was the one that religiously read city bylaws he knew the time frame for removing snow and where you could put shoveled snow the city doesn't allow you to blow snow into the street because it messes with the plow's ability to take care of the streets but mr picard insisted that he had to blow the snow elsewhere knowing what he knew my dad directed the snow into the only other spot available his driveway a driveway that is almost 45 degrees down from the carport too or so it seemed wicked steep either way so the next day the neighbor comes by to complain again he didn't know that a small snowfall can get cars stuck in the driveway let alone what we had plus a snowblower his car got stuck halfway in the street and he had to get it towed out if my dad were home he could have saved them the toffee but picard didn't know that supercard is fuming and saying he's gonna do his own walk from now on my dad tries to tell him he's just assisting the neighbor on the other side and he doesn't charge for being a good neighbor etc it's cold and my dad wants the door shut but picard doesn't want to step in and my dad doesn't have his shoes or coat so picard just says i know what i'm doing i'm a grown man i can deal with a little fluff the next day my dad knocks on the neighbor's door and tries to tell picard about how strict this city is about snow removal and how he has 24 hours from the start of snowfall to get things removed etc he wrote down a website where he can go to to read the rules but picard didn't take it the city was constantly driving down our block for reasons i won't go into here the picards were doing a semi-sufficient job manually shoveling snow away properly but then october in my state has a big teachers conference and most families go out of town for a late camping or early hunting trip so did the picards they're gone for four days during the worst snowstorm of the season they hadn't arranged to have the walk shoveled and the snow was piling so high city inspectors came out parents and neighbors complained to the city that they couldn't walk down our street it was obvious that the walks were being taken care of so why not theirs the city posted a 48-hour compliance notice but it would be 72 before the picards got back to town the city charged them with hazardous conditions and failure to maintain property accessible to the public on top of the labor fee to shovel the walk it was like 350 dollars easily the city kept a watchful eye on the property for the rest of the winter for any issues from then on once the city has you on their radar it's hard to be done with them the cherry on top of the entire situation there's a knock on the door in early november same year one of piccard's kids handed my sister an envelope and just walked away we give it to my mom and inside there's a note saying something like this is for the shoveling you did already there was a 100 bill inside my family tried to return it but they never answered the door so we usually to take our large family out to our favorite buffet later that week thank you picards for paying for a free service we spent it well if you had some neighbors that gave you the run around for doing some free community work and then at the very end they realize they actually want that work and that you were right the whole time and they silently slip you a hundred dollar bill would you take it and would that be enough for you to go back to helping them let me know in the comments down below our next stories by sporting gamer make me a coffee old military story from a friend of his says in the green he andy name changed for privacy was a corporal in the british army posted to a base doing his job as normal in comes a warrant officer second class equivalent to master sergeant in the u.s and he is full of himself you make me a coffee he barks it andy shazam you're a coffee and he waves his hands like a magician don't make me spell it out corporal go and get me a cup of coffee moments later andy returns with a cup filled to the brim with instant coffee granules there should be hot water milk and sugar in this says the warrant officer andy returns to the coffee station and boils the kettle when he returns the mug is now overflowing with thick brown sludge a spoon is standing up in the mug jesus christ what the heck is this i added hot water milk and sugar there wasn't much room left in the mug and he remained straight faced while the warrant officer fumes this isn't over he says as he walks into the captain's office after the warrant officer left the captain shared the story with andy about how he wanted the worst possible job for andy after his deliberate mocking tone and reprehensible obtuse nature the captain happily raised his voice for the office to hear i simply said to him did you tell andy to make you a coffee he replied yes so i asked him what the response was to that order he told me you went shazam you're a coffee i told him that was the first clue that andy here isn't a brew witch ask him nicely and you might get a better result always loved hearing this story some guy who's full of himself finally gets to a rink where they're like finally i can boss people around i can walk into a room point at the first person i see and say you make me a coffee they stroll in there they do what they desired and the person just goes shazam you're a coffee maybe they need to work a little bit more and get a little bit higher up on the totem pole before they go around bossing people around like that or you know maybe just treat people like human beings ideally our next story is by stevebo124 don't scan the package enter the number manually alrighty then this was over a decade ago at a packaged shipping company as a loader i would scan a package and place it in the trailer so it could go to wherever it was going easy job i'd pop my headphones in and easily meet the 300 packages per hour minimum they set i was the second fastest loader in the building actually with a guy we'll call rick who worked on the other end of the facility being the first so every couple years we get a new manager this new manager comes in and right away just starts wanting numbers to improve any that weren't making their goal he wants to make their goal asap he was the type of manager who always found something wrong no matter how good we did he was also the type of manager to use the word family which i hate we were a family supposedly even though our reward system was abolished in favor of management meals prior to work one thing he wanted to improve was the packages that were entered manually instead of scanning them it made no sense it was a number that had no impact on anything but he wanted just one entered by each employee daily and we complied every day i'd do my one but one day we arrived and apparently there was a miscommunication between the employees about our start time we arrived to a trashed area with packages everywhere the supervisor looked horrified you see when you get backed up it's hard to recover and stopping the conveyor belts only makes it worse because you take a shot of packages again due to the unload not stopping it makes for a rough rough night so i put on my scanner and directed the supervisor to follow me i went in the last trailer on the belt and me and a co-worker went straight beast mode and saved the night hardest night's work outside of the holidays honestly i clocked out after and went home the next day i arrive and the manager pulls me to the side i figure i'd get some appreciation for my efforts maybe some recognition in the form of a cheap hat or something nope he rips into me why didn't nike enter my one package with all those packages yesterday i had the opportunity he claimed i was being lazy and had the union wrap around so he could give me a verbal warning so with me saying it won't happen again cue compliance i key enter every package that night did not scan one at first my supervisor thought it was funny but when the area took a hit i kept going he asked me to stop and i said no i'm still doing my job the manager came with the union rep outside my truck but even entering the tracking numbers manually i was over the 300 packages per hour required they couldn't touch me even though i normally do 200 plus more per hour the night ended and my supervisor came to talk to me he said that was impressive and gave me a cheap hat i laughed and thanked him i commented that i definitely got the most key entered packages that night my supervisor looked at me and said nope you're second rick beat you by about 50. the same exact thing happened to him and i was still in second place but i got my hat at least i hope it was one of those fun hats that say like fish fear me women want me or the very rare and dark but funny flip fish want me women fear me that'd be a nice cheap little hat in all seriousness though why would they be so adamant on having such an antiquated process be done by everybody at least once this seems like a pure ocd thing like they want to see the funny number look higher just because they want to see the number higher than 5 per night because those 5 were with messed up barcodes or something just doesn't make any sense and our final story of the days by drakey i want you to always try before trying to figure out if it will work sure boss man i'm still working at the same place and enjoying what i do so my apology is that i'll keep things a little vague boss man has since left though which is why i'm sharing now please be warned the fallout is extremely small but it was to me a small petty win that i look back on fondly the setup at my workplace every employee has three sets of duties the first set of basic duties is the same for each and every one which is a prescribed number of hours per day for which we're rostered with the total number of hours per week ranging from 10 to 28 hours depending on whether you're middle management or an ordinary employee such as myself the secondary and third set of duties are highly varied and are organized into various committees which an employee can technically change between every year some involve heavier working hours or planning whereas others involve more menial simpler tasks as you may imagine rostering the prescribed hours for employees must be a heavy affair and there must be a committee to oversee it my second set of duties happen to fall under this committee and i help with rostering which is mainly done on a highly specialized and expensive too software twice a year with the committee managing substitutions whenever an employee's away on sick leave or other reasons throughout the year although it was my first job i'd been personally trained for two years by my predecessor in the committee who was due to retire at the time of the malicious compliance i'd been a valued member for three years who has made noted contributions towards the rostering processes now on to the malicious compliance as usual our story starts when a new boss came into our workplace whom i shall call boss man going forward there's usually two or three bosses of equal standing above our middle management now boss man fancied himself a people's person who would often listen to the grievances of ordinary employees and try to find ways to change things such that ordinary employee satisfaction could improve now this usually would be a good thing except that he would entertain unreasonable requests as well this resulted in time wasted trying out untenable solutions or situations where work was shifted around such that it became unfair to other individuals as you may expect this usually caused new grievances and then work was shifted back to how it was originally allocated because that had been the most fair in the first place we had to interact with bossman quite frequently as some grievances had to do with rostering as bossman had had some experience and said committee in the past elsewhere he fancied himself an expert in what we were doing we frequently found ourselves explaining to him why certain grievances were unreasonable and we couldn't accommodate the requests during rostering finally it reached a point whereby he said something along the lines of i want you to always try before trying to figure out if it will work now we work five days a week one of the instructions he had given us along with that ultimatum was that one particular employee be described no more than 4 hours a day with a total number of 26 prescribed hours every week those of you mathematically inclined will see where the problem is 26 divided by 5 is 5 hours daily with one left over there was no way we could follow his instructions unless the employee came in every day of the week but oh well boss man wants what boss man wants none of us said anything to boss man and proceeded to run the software producing multiple failed rosters as the software could not produce a full roster for everyone but man did we keep trying the fallout eventually bossman came to check in on us in our progress as we were behind schedule since the roster also had to be vetted by middle management and managers were wondering why boss man had not given the go-ahead for any copies of the roster the manager for our committee who's really awesome and tactful informed bossman that no full roster had been produced as we were still trying to get the software to ensure that particular employees did not have more than four hours rostered per day bossman asked why there was a problem with that which is when the manager reminded him that he said employees had to fulfill 26 prescribed hours a week bossman was confused as to why we didn't bring this up earlier as it was clear that this set of conditions isn't logically possible the manager tactfully reminded bossman that he had given us these conditions along with the instruction to try first before trying to figure out if there were any problems with the conditions he had given us to be fair to boss man he took it in a stride and approved the suggested changes we requested to the set of conditions he had given us on the spot we delivered a satisfactory roster to him by the end of the same working day for the remainder of the time he was with us boss man would actually listen if we propose changes or protested to some of the unreasonable requests with regards to rostering without requiring us to waste time trying it out first i think the good thing you can take away here is the boss man seems to mean well albeit a little dysfunctional i think it tells you all you need to know that op was writing the story about maliciously complying with boss man but op sounding a little disappointed that bossman's no longer around at least op never said that it made their jobs any harder or made them hate working there at all at least boss man wasn't afraid to try to change things up to make people happy but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 16,823
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Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: uHiS_iG7uzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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