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today we have a crazy story of an entitled parent  in their kids Taekwondo class we'll get into that   in a bit but first navigating The Sibling fall out  of no contact with Father hoping for some advice   on how to handle a pretty delicate situation in  my family it's about me 34-year-old male my sister   36-year-old female and my father 65-year-old  male my parents divorced when I was a kid so   my mother is not directly involved in any of this  at the end of this post there's a very concrete   situation that I need advice on how to handle so  if you don't want to read too much you could skip   to the final part the situation but the first  Parts provide a bit of background my father and   I my father and I haven't had any contact for 6  years whatsoever to put it briefly we've always   had a very tumultuous and downright antagonistic  relationship and after many many years of pain   sorrow and disappointment I finally gave up  on having a relationship with him at all one   night in a fit of Fury I told him how I felt about  him and in no one certain terms I told him that I   regard him as a child abuser and a vile moronic  narcissist and that he means less than nothing   to me I meant every word still do and shortly  thereafter I sent him a massive text message that   made it very clear how he has harmed me and how  it's affected my life I then immediately blocked   his number as my mind was made up and I just  wanted him gone for good and I couldn't care less   about his response or any future communication  so there is no reconciliation possible and I'm   as fine as anyone could be with that that's not  my goal and I have no remorse or guilt about how   it ended and I've never for a second doubted that  it was the right choice for me collateral damage   when I broke off contact the hardest part was that  I realized this would make it incredibly difficult   to sustain my relationships with members of my  extended family on my father's side although it   pained me greatly I made that sacrifice willingly  thinking that that would be the end of it at that   point it was about self-preservation and I  was absolutely ruthless in guaranteeing myself   freedom from his influence whatever it took I was  willing to do it but of course it wasn't going   to end just like that as these things so rarely  do in my case primarily because of my sister my   sister has historically been chiefly on my side  in all of this because she witnessed the abuse   I suffered directly and was unable to prevent it  despite numerous attempts at diplomacy She carries   a lot of guilt because of this but at the same  time her and my father were always quite close   my father's abusive Tendencies also targeted my  sister but in a very different Manner and she's   much more of a people pleaser kind of person than  I ever was where I was routinely shamed blamed and   ridiculed my father made her into a mother figure  and Confidant meaning she's his personal therapist   ever since her teens she resents him for this but  her feelings are far more murky and ambivalent   than mine and and despite her complaining about  him and his behavior constantly even to this   day she hasn't broken off contact with him because  she wants her children to have a relationship with   their grandfather to me that's her choice and I've  never criticized her for that regardless of how I   feel as influence might come to harm my nieces and  nephew my father and I have successfully avoided   each other for 6 years and I think we're both  quite terrified of the day that we meet but as   long as we navigate around each other that's not  a problem this situation recently my sister gave   birth to her third child and the christening is  set for August where I'm from it's a big occasion   where all family members inner and extended are  invited along with friends and their significant   others and children and of course my sister  doesn't know what to do about me and our father   because we haven't seen her talk to each other  for 6 years she knows exactly how I feel about   him and that I don't want to be anywhere near him  or ever see him or hear him talk again in that   I have found peace but my father is unwilling  to accept that he will not be invited to the   christening because I don't want him there and  deeply upset about my sister originally not   inviting him so he's been emotionally pressuring  and blackmailing my sister into inviting him my   sister has said to him that I'm the one who  gets to be there if me and my father cannot   agree that it is all right for the both of us  to be there somehow she's told him that she   thinks that he's supposed to be the mature one  and that it's his responsibility to reach out   and make amends with me if he wants to be there  for his granddaughter's christening so he said   to her that he would reach out to me my sister  then texted me to tell me that my father might   contact me because they'd had that conversation  at first I didn't think he would contact me at   all because he generally doesn't follow through  on any promise he makes and he's a massive coward   when it comes to dealing with me or any conflict  for that matter but to my surprise I received a   text from him today that reads I'm reaching out  because your sister has expressed that she wants   the three of us him myself and his wife at the  cening and I was hoping that we could agree to   being in the same room for this and future events  we don't have to shake hands or even talk we just   need to behave like adults kind regards never mind  that my sister is not expressed that she wants him   and wife at the christening or how aggressive the  tone of this message is it has provoked way more   emotions in me than I thought possible I thought  I was over it but there's a lot of anger and to a   lesser degree also sorrow and anxiety emotionally  I regret unblocking his number for this message   deeply since it's left me in quite the state of  emotional turmoil but I also don't know what to   do about the situation with the christening at  hand I've narrowed it down to three options I can   tell my sister what reading his message did to me  and that I'm clearly not able to cope with being   anywhere near him seeing as I can't even read a  message from him without imploding emotionally   that would mean that she would have to to choose  between us and I don't want to put her in that   position or risk antagonizing her and ruining our  relationship if I go down this path I'm honestly   afraid she'll consider me incredibly cowardly or  suspect me of agitating the conflict on purpose   and then decide that I'm the one who won't get  invited to the christening I could defy every   emotion and Instinct I have try to man up and tell  my father that we both can go as long as he keeps   his distance and avoids talking to me or about me  I absolutely mean it when I say that I have no way   of predicting exactly how I will react if he tries  anything but it could get very very ugly as it has   many times before I won't know until it happens  but I'm definitely at risk of losing my temper   and making a scene also I find the idea of being  at the christening with that many people around   almost publicly humiliating because they all know  what's going on with me and him and I feel like   I'll be spending the entire day avoiding my father  and his wife and then what even is the point of   being there if I have to be hyper Vigilant and  anxious I broke off contact with him exactly   because I could no longer ignore my own feelings  or downplay myself just in order to keep the peace   and on that promise to myself I will not under any  circumstance and on my life go back so there's a   real risk that it might end extremely badly or  I tell my sister that I'm simply not emotionally   ready for this to happen every inch of my body  is communicating this to me but I've only thought   about it for one day so this might change and then  I suggest that I'll pass this time and then me and   my father can sort of take turns at participating  in her events so we don't have to see each other   and so she doesn't have to feel like she's caught  in between or that she has to intervene or mediate   between us which as she explains it is actually  the biggest issue for her I'm not a big fan of   this because I will have to seed territory to him  and there's another Warrior likee part of me who   is telling me heck no you will seed nothing to  this demon of a man and if he tries anything you   will insert varying nonviolent Vengeance fantasies  but come the day I do not know if I'm strong   enough to assert myself sufficiently to make him  uncomfortable enough to avoid any future events   keep in mind also that I'm dealing with a man who  many suspect of being a sociopath so yeah that's   probably not a battle any wise person would take  willingly I'm hoping for some advice on how to   proceed I don't have to decide for a while but my  mind is going in circles and I'm caught somewhere   in between self-pity and wild Fury unable to  make sense of what's happening in my head and   heart I think this is a really messy situation  because clearly there's a lot going on for op   that realistically is not going on for what 99.9%  of everybody else that's going to be there there's   no part of me that wants to downplay Opie's  experiences and how they feel about this awful guy   but does that also make it fair to insist that  he gets excluded from all of the family events   I think you're definitely going to get some pretty  varying answers but it might honestly just be for   the best if op does sit out or at least Express  that op can't handle this in person and obviously   there's no hard feelings whatever is decided  upon but if the father's attending op just   can't go Lisa knows best wrote If I were you I  wouldn't go I wouldn't want to have to give my   sister the ultimatum where it's him or me so bow  out and let her know that you're choosing to skip   this event so she can rest easy and enjoy  said event your sister does know all that's   happened between you and your father right I mean  if she does then that's kind of crappy it may not   have been the same with her but by continuing to  overlook the way he treated you she's dismissing   his horrid behavior and just kind of letting  it ride if she knew you were being abused and   couldn't do anything about it at the time that's  understandable if you were children but as an   adult she should be more supportive of you you and  everything you suffered at his hands families are   so freaked up sorry I don't know how I would feel  if I were you I think I might be questioning my   sister's morals what do you think your attitude  would be if your father treated her kids the way   he treated you do you think she might change her  mind about him it seems she might need a real good   look at how by supporting him she's dismissing  everything he did to you maybe talk to her about   that how it hurts you to know that she can just  Overlook everything you went through sorry if I'm   Ram Ling I hope you can find peace with this it  seems like the best thing for you though would be   to stay away from him far away that said our next  story is my daughter likes your pin and button can   she have them okay I work as a door greeter at  you know where so I'm used to compliments like   I like your pins where did you get them some  of the pins are from vacations conventions I   attended and online I have this one lady entitled  mother who has a kid about seven or nine entitled   kid I don't really know they always talk to me  about one pin her child likes which is actually a   button it has a griffin a creature with the front  half being an eagle and the other of a lion it's   done by a friend of mine who does MLP style art so  it looks kind of cute entitled kid always loves it   and talks about it and hints she wants it I told  her my friend's website to commission one of her   own but entitled mother kind of shuts it down  with this kind of look well yesterday entitled   kid and entitled mother come in around 700 p.m.  and do their normal round of shopping usual normal   but entitled mother suddenly just said my daughter  really likes your button and one of your pins can   you just let her have them I am shocked because  I know which pin the kid wants and the button the   pin is of Mathra from Japan and it's my favorite I  tell her no and that she can find the pin on eBay   and the button was a commissioned work made for  me I actually spent money getting this made for me   entitled mother just said I know you didn't waste  your money on this stuff the pin is like five   bucks and the button you got for free out of some  kid grab bag I am shocked and pull up the PIN on   my phone and show the price to be about $25 and my  friend's Fur Affinity commission page which proves   I paid at least $15 for a custom button of my  Griffin I tell her no and that she can buy these   online and that I will not just give her these  she decides to tell my manager I stole the pin and   button from her daughter my manager on the other  hand tells the woman that I have had these on my   vest since I started in March my manager was also  on my side because entitled mother is a downright   Karen to nearly all in the store she complains  about nearly every service we provide even if the   provisions are needed she still goes off about the  pin and button that her daughter deserves them and   I'm a grown woman who needs to grow up my manager  tells her to leave me alone and let me do my job   so in short I am expected to give my own personal  property to a customer's child after saying no   I'm accused of stealing from her and that I  somehow must give it up because Mothra pin and   my Griffin button are for kids FYI I don't know  what American kid would like Japanese Godzilla   movies currently I am glad my manager agreed with  me and also backed me up I'm glad it sounds like   it was really easy for op to stand their ground  for themselves here there's definitely a lot of   stories you sometimes hear in this kind of vein  where somebody is not so Resolute or has a hard   time standing up to somebody they're a little  bit more of a people pleaser type person and   especially kudos to the manager for standing  up for their employee realistically it should   have been a slam dunk for that manager and they  absolutely did dunk it KR Tree Frog 2 wrote my   daughter really likes your button in one of your  pins can you just let her have them sure $50 what   do you mean $50 well that's how much it costs to  replace them you can have these right now and I'll   order new ones I'm not paying $50 for a kid toy  so you're okay with costing me $50 but you're not   okay spending your own $50 and you really don't  see the problem with that not the bad one replied   to that saying and all of this great logic would  sail right over Karen's head but good try though I   gained too much experience from dealing with many  retail Karens in the past our next story is there   are boy mums and then there were also pickme moms  my foster mom is the latter and I just realized it   partner told me that he had to run away to his mom  while my foster mom was visiting because she was   be BEC very inappropriate could be a cultural  thing whereas most Asians can be very friendly   but not most Elders I was heavily pregnant with  this kid and had to move across the continent   to give this little baby a good start in life she  insisted in coming with to see how my partner and   his parents were living don't know why and still  can't make sense why she met my partner many times   before and most times he refused to meet her again  I respected that but he never told me why anyway   we got to his mom's house and the first thing she  did did was to comment on how small the house was   we come from middle class in Southeast Asia and  that is nothing compared to here how everything   was so homely and humble the freak with mannerisms  of a billionaire looking down on people the Pick   Me part was I never picked up any of it she asked  if we'd stay in the same room if he wasn't going   to be near her she went to hug him right away  when she saw him waiting for me at the airport   she wanted to sit in front with him just because  she's the mum got upset and jealous when he got me   food first and not for her I was pregnant with his  kid then she went around trash talking about me   to him and his mother while praising herself for  being the Savior tried kissing his mother's butt   like a teenage girl trying to get the approval of  the mother of the boyfriend even on her Facebook   the things my partner got for me while we were  dating she posted them as if he'd gotten them   for her chocolates a teddy bear Etc I realize now  that she's been living through me and would get   upset when I refuse to share any gifts my partner  had gotten me my mother-in-law was very disgusted   after my foster mom left she expressed in a very  strong explicit way that she does not want her   there again she said and I quote that woman isn't  a mother she'll never be a mother she can't be   a mother I never saw it until then someone had  described these boy moms and I realized that I   had one except the mom wanted the boys I was with  the mom wanted my partner despite me being heavily   pregnant ew it is time to keep a lot of distance  you can still be my foster mom just from afar   let's not concern ourselves with talking about my  partner let's just focus on our relationship mom   no proposal 7628 wrote never let that woman near  you or your partner again she's a creep and you   don't need that in your life your mother-in-law  is absolutely right about this just in case your   foster mom shows up without warning don't open  the door to her block her on all social media   don't contact her in any way Opie responded  saying yeah no I blocked her on everything   recently because I cannot be bothered with the  headaches this happened some time ago but my   partner just recently told me why he does not  want her around when I told him my family and   cousin and foster mom who invited herself would  like to come and visit our kids she cannot come   here without an invitation for a Visa otherwise  she'd be rejected right away given she's on low   income soon plus we went on an 8-year no contact  spree did she change no would I ever let her be   around my kids unsupervised most definitely not so  nope this next story is my entitled mom expects me   to spend my money on my step sibling now for  context I 24-year-old male and the oldest of   seven siblings my mom 42-year-old female just  announced that she's pregnant with her Affair   now husbands baby also I have a well-paying job  no kids and live with my boyfriend to who also has   a well-paying job I'm not rich but I do have some  disposable income because of this I like to spend   a lot of it on the three oldest of my younger  siblings 18-year-old female 17-year-old female and   14-year-old male throughout the story I'll just  call them siblings 1 2 and three respectively I   will admit that I pamper them more than my other  siblings my mom has complained about this before   but I gave her my reasons for it and also it's  my money so I can do what I want this will all   get relevant later so anyway my boyfriend and  I had been planning a summer trip to Europe and   I wanted to bring siblings 1 2 and three I told  them about the trip and of course they were super   excited I also wanted to make it very special for  my oldest sibling because she recently graduated   high school and is now attending a super good  uni so I told her that she can bring a friend   the trip is in 3 days but we plan to pick up my  siblings and her friend today so we can all go   to my boyfriend's mother's birthday party plus  celebrate all of my siblings recent accomplish   ments anyway I went to my mother's husband's house  a couple of hours ago to pick up my siblings and   my stepsister 15-year-old female was there now  for more context my mom got remarried like not   even a month ago so I've only ever interacted  with this girl like a total of eight times anyway   here's the dialogue to what had happened entitled  mother being my mom SS being my steps sister and   sibling 1 2 and three being my siblings I as we  were leaving steps sister said said when are you   guys coming back and why do you have so many bags  sibling one replied 2 weeks we're going on a trip   step sister replied really to where sibling one  said you're up she asks for real can I go I tell   her I'm sorry the trip was planned months ago  it's two last minute entitled mother chimes in   why can't you take her your flight doesn't leave  for another 3 days you can get another ticket I   tell entitled mother it's way too last minute  to add on an extra person she replies you have   3 days can't you buy another ticket I tell her  it took me months to plan this adding another   plane ticket and hotel room is going to be much  more expensive now entitled mother says if you   have money to bring sibling one's friend why can't  you bring your sister then steps sister says wait   your friend is going sibling one says yes and  step sister adds why can't I go then I tell her   sorry step sister I planned for this trip before  my mom even married your dad steps sister starts   crying for no freaking reason entitled mother says  see you made her cry can't you just bring her why   can't she go instead of sibling one's friend  I said Mom this is an early birthday gift SL   congrats on getting into a T20 present for sibling  1 I'm not going to cancel on her friend she says   so you need to put Family First at this point I  got really angry at my mom because she just put   me on the spot and blamed me for making steps  sister cry I tell entitled mother I barely know   steps sister and she's barely even family to me  if anything sibling one's friend is more family   to me than her also it's my money and I don't  have to bring a minor I don't even know on a   trip across the world entitled mother then starts  crying and pulls out the how can you stress me out   like this I'm pregnant card I also switched  to my native tongue because I felt bad about   what I said in front of steps sister and don't  want her to hear the other stuff I have to say   I tell entitled mother I honestly don't give two  craps about you being pregnant when you should   even be pregnant at freaking 42 she replied you  need to treat all your siblings the same and it's   unfair to single steps sister out sibling 1 2 and  three don't deserve more than your other siblings   and steps sister I tell her steps sister wouldn't  have even felt singled out if you hadn't made it   such a big deal also siblings 1 2 and three  are all fully related to me and they've been   in my life for 14 plus years I just met steps  sister a month ago and I'm not even related to   her I of course love my other siblings but maybe I  wouldn't have to spend money on them if he didn't   have 100 other freaking kids siblings 1 2 and 3 do  deserve a lot more because they've helped me raise   our other younger siblings something you couldn't  do because you were too busy having more kids and   arguing with Dad at that point I just left with  my siblings we kept arguing about the same stuff   the whole drive to Sibling one's friend's house  my mom was calling and texting me non-stop when   we finally got to my boyfriend's mom's house  I called her back and she started yelling at   me saying that she's going to tell the police I  kidnapped her kids I shot her up by saying I have   text proof of her agreeing to let sibling 2 and  sibling 3 on the trip and that if she even tries   to escalate this further I will go to the cops  with all the neglectful things she's done to her   kids I have proof of most of these two clearly op  has every right to celebrate this in the way they   want to with their money especially after you  know up till this point the parents did consent   to bringing the younger siblings how you can tell  the relationship with the steps sister is never   going to work out one month in they're trying  to shove them down op's throat and force them   to be included in every and anything and being  treated like they're the most precious cared for   person in op's life after only having met them a  month ago okay Airline 9031 wrote not your baby   not your problem but definitely document every  conversation don't pick up the phone let her go   to voicemail get a digital recorder and record  all voicemails in case they AC accidentally get   deleted try not to say anything over the phone  so you don't say something dumb In the Heat of   the Moment that it could be maybe used in court  just in case she's dumb enough to push it to that   point check the laws of your state if you're in  a one- party State it's legal to record any in   any conversation you actively take part in aka  the other people know you are in listening to a   participant in so do that before you're about to  walk into a room she's in start recording keep a   recorder in your pocket but record we live in  a world where documenting the truth has gotten   easier than ever do it this next story is I pay  you so my son can move up too I am a Taekwondo   instructor I teach the youngest two age groups  mainly my younger daughter is in our little tiger   program for 6 to 9-year-old kids my older daughter  is in the Phoenix group of 9 to 14 years old the   school is not commercial all instructors teach  on a voluntary basis in fact instructors also   pay the same Club fee which is used for insurance  and Equipment as all other members so I pay for   myself and my children to teach them myself as  both courses are directly after each other I   can't bring my little daughter home or pick up the  older one in between the master agreed that both   my kids can stay for both courses the older one  helps with the little ones the younger one does   the games with the olders but then usually plays  on our iPad when we do more difficult stuff the   mom of a little boy in the Tigers noticed that  my daughter was allowed to stay for the big one   course and asked if her son six could finally move  up to as he'd already been there for 6 months and   is the same age as my daughter I tried to explain  that she wasn't really in the group and was only   there so that I could teach but she didn't accept  that she claims when the old master who was ill   and can't do this class at this moment did the  course she already noticed that my daughter was   his favorite he knows her from birth so of course  he's closer to her than the others but he loves   all the kids and that she p pays me a lot of  money and now demands that her son is treated   in the same way as my kid who doesn't even pay I  have no clue how she comes to this conclusion she   then demanded to speak to my manager that does not  even exist the master leads the club but there's   no actual boss but she knows there has to be a  manager because she pays US money I try to explain   that she only pays for insurance and Equipment  but she does not believe any of it she actually   calls the old master in H hospital to complain  about me he tells her to cancel and sign him up   for a commercial Club nearby €50 a month instead  of 70 EUR a year at our club where she could talk   to managers all day she complains to the board  of the umbrella Club not the Taekwondo Club but   the sports club that manages many voluntary  Sports in our city they are very confused she   still does not give up at the next lesson she  threatens to get me fired so that a real May   trainer can finally take over again I tell her  that if I don't do the course no one will do it   voluntary work is not really popular at the end  of the lessons she does not show up to pick her   son up I try to call her but she does ignore me  after 30 minutes I call the police telling them   what happened they take him I tell them his  address and they take him home I don't know   the aftermath I just hear this entire story and  the only thing in my mind is poor kid because   they're doing doing this great thing at Taekwondo  class and their mom is being ridiculous they're 6   years old they don't need to be in that higher  class this isn't some further education they're   not like one step away from being a college  genius if they jump up to the 9 to 14-year-old   kid group that just means you're putting them in  the line of fire having to spar with kids that   are 6 to 8 years older than them magic unicorn  Handler wrote I was in a martial arts class that   had eight adults in one class it was interesting  to say the least there was a couple times during   sparring sessions that I volunteered to work with  the one eight-year-old no matter what myself his   dad or the instructor did that could get him to  spar me the plan was to block and lightly counter   so he could learn to block as well I missed  that class when that one moved to a different   city I moved to taekwondo and the Ages were more  diverse but they also had more students and could   have different tiers my daughter was in Little  Dragons until 7 then got moved to tigers and   she lost interest but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   hear another crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
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Id: 4RibVNVByDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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