r/NuclearRevenge I STOLE MY GIRLFRIENDS CREDIT CARD FOR… - Reddit Stories

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today we have a crazy Revenge story about spending  money on somebody else's card we'll get into that   in a bit but first my revenge against my ex  husband's sister I remember the day the divorce   papers came back to me fully signed it was like  yesterday I'd gotten up earlier than I did on most   days the day after the letter came I could not  open it till morning not for any particular reason   I think one was because I could barely sleep  through the night and the other reason was because   in a way I felt that the relationship I had from  my days in college was finally at its last hours   and amidst all of the emotion I could feel then I  found my thoughts drifting to Jake and Emily they   were the only good thing I had for myself from the  marriage of over a decade I wondered how the whole   drama with their father had affected them and if  there was anything I could do to alleviate the   pain a little at that instant where I was thinking  I could not think one up I could not shake off   the gloomy feeling that surrounded me and it was  partly because I knew that as the divorce papers   came back to me signed by their father it meant  that he was fully prepared to go all out for war   in the custody battle eventually I had to wake  the kids up it was a school day but before I   did I remember Whispering their names underneath  my lips and swearing to protect them as much as   I could from the custody fight while promising  myself that I would not let them see the dark   side of their father they deserved to have and  live with the memory that he was a good man it   was what they'd always believed the picture I'd  painted since their birth and he was a good man   until he wasn't but the idea of their father did  not have to change now and that was it at least it   was for me what I was beautifully oblivious  to was the fact that the opposition I would   fight would come from the most unexpected angle  and this made me lose lots of fights it doesn't   matter that I ended up winning the war it was the  fights I lost and who I lost them to that got to   me and this was why I vowed to get revenge against  them and I did it in my own way to be honest I had   considered Jessica closer to me than Mark ever  was we had the same major back in college and   she was the reason I got to know her brother Mark  it had been years since the initial introduction   and we moved past it uniting us into one big  happy family right right but as I said I was   in over my head and I kept digging my head into  this Sadness by not knowing that Jessica was not   just a bystander in the divorce with her brother  she was an active participant for some reason she   felt that I pushed her brother out of her life in  the initial stage of our relationship and this was   a time to get back at me it didn't make sense to  me then and even now it doesn't as I replayed the   interactions in my mind the pieces started to  fall into place Jessica had always been jealous   of my close relationship with Mark but it wasn't  until the divorce that her resentment turned into   something much darker the one mistake I made when  I got notified of the custody case by my divorce   lawyer was not shielding my kids from their aunt  my reason was the same why I didn't want them to   understand the trials that I and their father were  going through their narrative did not deserve to   change they deserve to still see their relatives  as the kind and loving people that they knew them   to be from birth but in retrospect that was the  act that preceded my undoing as I observed Emily   and Jake's Behavior over the days that followed  I felt a Sinking Feeling settled in the pit of   my stomach it was becoming more apparent with  each passing day Jessica's poisonous influence   was seeping into their innocent Minds at first  it was subtle Jessica would offer to take them   out for ice cream or to the movies showering them  with attention and gifts but beneath the surface   her intentions were anything but pure she was  slowly but surely planting seeds of doubt and   mistrust in their impressionable young minds  it was a crazy period seeing as my kids could   not bring themselves to tell me straight on  what she said you could say it was the cliche   scenario of whoever reports first getting the  upper handed winning the case I chose to be   quiet about their father and Jessica chose to  twist my silence into an admission of guilt   I watched helplessly as Emily and Jake began to  distance themselves from me their once Bright   Smiles now tinged with uncertainty it broke my  heart to see the bond we had shared slipping   away replaced by the toxic influence of their ant  they were not outright dishonoring in any way but   you could see it from the way they recoiled  into themselves when they got back home from   school or from an outing That was supposed to  give them some family time after a while from   eased dropping on their conversations  I was able to piece the pieces together   that the reason for their Sudden Change in action  was what they'd been fed by Jessica from accusing   me of neglecting them to fabricating stories about  my supposed shortcomings Jessica was poisoning   their minds with falsehoods designed to turn them  against me specific instances began to surface   Tales of how I'd missed important events in their  lives or how I'd said hurtful things behind their   backs I wouldn't say Jessica was lying it was more  a case of half-truths and being circumventing she   knew the full story especially of my time in rehab  she knew of the time I left home to stay with my   parents for a bit because of Mark's infidelity  but she twisted my absence to something more   damning to my children there was a line you do  not get to cross no matter the war that is Ono   Jessica crossed that line with her manipulative  tactics and half truths over and over again until   I found her deep in it the day I finally found  out why my kids had been withdrawn was when I   walked in on them checking through the family  pictures and talking in hush tones I asked them   what they were going on about and coming out of  the hesitant mode they said they had a question   for me and were arguing about whether or not to  ask me what did they ask they asked about the   one Christmas festival I missed with them and why  I wasn't around after years they decided to ask   me I tried to explain to them but I could sense  their disbelief what ended the conversation that   day was Jake asking if it would be cool if they  could choose to live with their dad since he'd   not been around for a while they understood that  their father and I had separated they knew what   it entailed but I doubt if they knew what that  question meant or how it made me feel I got back   to my room after the brief confrontation and  started taking a mental note of how they could   have come to the point of asking why I was absent  for Christmas in New Year I was sure they had not   been in contact with their father I knew for a  fact that my parents would never want to revisit   that event so there was in no way the spill could  have come from them the only suspect that fit the   description was Jessica Jessica was always in  the know she was the reason why me and Mark met   she knew when the issue started she knew of Mark's  affair with one of his former girlfriends and she   knew I'd left home for my parents that Christmas  when I found out there was no way she would not be   the one plus it didn't help that I somehow felt  she wasn't in my corner since the whole divorce   battle started this was just the confirmation  I needed to show that in the fight for custody   that Mark started she was in on it with Mark  and more than that she was heck B on ruining   my relationship with my kids from the sidelines  by filling their thoughts with incomplete stories   that painted Mark in a more glorious light than  I'd let him remain it did not seem fair that I was   made to endure a relationship that should have  ended a long time ago and the only good thing   I got from staying put became an object of their  family manipulation it did not feel fair not in   the least as I sat alone in my dimly lit living  room the rage Within Me continued to increase I   could understand her wickedness on any other  front but not on the relationship I had with   my children in a way I felt her actions were one  of betrayal and I knew I couldn't let her get away   with it no I needed to make her pay for the pain  she had caused for trying to tear apart my family   and set an easy Escape for the custody issue for  her brother with everything it was evident to me   that they had no grounds for keeping my kids and  were ready to play dirty instead it gave me more   confidence and I decided that I was going to  get my revenge not on Mark divorcing him was   enough Revenge I wanted revenge on his sister but  I knew I couldn't just lash out an anger I needed   to strike with Precision to hit her where it hurt  the most and so I began my mission by delving into   Jessica's personal and professional life scouring  every corner for vulnerabilities to exploit it was   a painstaking process pouring over every detail  every shred of information that I'd received over   the years that could give me an edge I dug through  her social media profiles and became a sudden   stalker fan waiting for her to post something I  recounted her employment records and even reached   out to mutual acquaintances for Insider knowledge  detail after detail a plan began to take shape in   my mind I know I couldn't confront Jessica head-on  she was too cunning too manipulative for that no   I needed to strike from the Shadows to catch her  off guard when she least expected it so I chose   to Sav sabotage her career and the hours I spent  monitoring her posts across her social media came   in very handy one evening I crafted a carefully  worded email to Jessica's boss in it I highlighted   a particular tweet from Jessica's Twitter account  knowing full well that it would be misinterpreted   and could potentially damage her professional  reputation the tweet in question was kind of   harmless on its surface a simple expression  of frustration with a difficult client but I   twisted its meaning framing in a way that painted  Jessica in a negative light as unprofessional   insensitive and lacking an empathy I knew that  in the Cutthroat world of corporate politics   perception was everything by planting the seed of  doubt in her boss's mind I could set off a chain   reaction that would ultimately lead to Jessica's  downfall as I hit send on the anonymous email a   surge of adrenaline coed through my veins at that  point I didn't care that it could be traced back   to me neither did I bother with the fact that it  wouldn't make my kids think less terrible of me   than they were making them do already it just felt  really nice to hit her where it would hurt just as   she tried to do to me I just got to say if you're  working in any kind of job where your job is going   to be at risk because you posted something on  social media you should really either look into   some kind of more anonymized profiles or private  profiles or something I mean I love the idea of   being a Creator I love the idea of putting myself  out there but still at the same time on a personal   level I try to stay pretty guarded whether or not  you're setting up an alleyoop for your enemies to   dunk on you using whatever you posted on your  own social media profile it's a really foreign   idea to me to think about posting on social  media using my actual identity last thing is   especially if you're going around making enemies  like somebody like Jessica is having your social   media blatantly public like that good luck  that said our next story is I got my abusive   ex partner arrested but I slightly regret my  actions the final decision of the Court was to   rule in my favor and this alone was enough to  atone for everything I'd gone through in that   toxic and abusive relationship that I had with my  partner well my ex- partner now anyways and the   thing is that even after everything he had done  to me over the course of time that we were legally   together and even after I'd taken quite literally  everything from him practically leaving him with   nothing I still feel like I hadn't done enough to  him just yet and no matter how long and hard I had   to think about what else to do to him nothing  came to my mind and so I just had to settle for   what I'd done you might be wondering what exactly  it is that I'm talking about well I wouldn't want   to keep you in the dark or in suspense as to what  exactly happened and I would definitely not want   you to miss out on the most important things about  and in my story so I would like to start from the   very beginning and not the biblical Genesis but  the beginning of things between the both of us how   things went over the course course of the years  and the events that played out that eventually   led us to this very moment now my ex- partner  male 38 and I female 32 had been with each other   for as long as I can remember we were practically  childhood besties and things between the both of   us were really beneficial and perfect as on the  benefits of being together with him at the time   not in a relationship yet though but as really  close and best friends he really helped me out   with getting my grades up and helping me maintain  them too not because I couldn't do so myself but   the reason was that I wasn't too attentive as I  had other misplaced priorities at the time I would   admit those were not some moments of my life that  I'm proud of but then again he was always there   to steer me toward the right direction and for  that I truly appreciate and adore him this was   all in middle school though as when we gotten  into High School it was almost seeming like   an entirely new and different environment things  weren't like they were back in middle school and   it seemed like I wasn't going to survive in here  if I was still having trouble in middle school   at the time but then when I realized that I had  him with me every step of the way nothing really   mattered as I was totally focused on my academics  with his help anyways throughout my stay in high   school too although there were some times where  I wondered if it was all worth it and was on the   verge of giving up he made sure to assure me  that things were going to be okay and he stood   right by my side throughout everything as at this  time I'd not realize something very important and   this was the fact that he truly had feelings for  me at the time but was too scared to even show   them or come clean with them I only realized this  later on and this was when we were in our final   year in high school it was the season of love  and Valentine's Day was slowly approaching as   at this time it was apparently traditional that  every male student gets a Valentine's Day partner   and gets something as an act of love and all it  had a whole process most of which I'd completely   forgotten right now anyways to cut a long story  short every male was supposed to get a part   ahead of the 14th of February which was  Valentine's Day but even when it was a few days to   the 14th I was still approached with practically  no request from any person I was already beginning   to lose interest totally in the entire function  and then on the 13th he approached me with a very   flashy and Loud presentation and a little Dancy  dance which just showcased some members of the   dance club and himself and a short two-minute  dance which all led to him getting down on one   KN and ultimately asking me to be his partner for  Valentine's Day and I thought it would eventually   end there only for him to further ask if I would  be his partner after as he then confessed that he   had feelings of intense likeness for me and it  was slowly but surely leading to love and also   that he would really appreciate it if I would  accept him as at that moment in time I had lots   of thoughts running through my mind and I didn't  even know what to say but the one thing I did know   for sure was the fact that everything he had just  said resonated greatly with me and I then realized   that I felt the exact same way for him and I saw  no reason to say no to his request I immediately   accepted and this my dear readers SL listeners was  the beginning of something really special between   the both of us we went on to engage ourselves in  the various activities of the day of Valentine's   and even after the school dance that was organized  by the school authorities themselves and this was   meant to serve as a fundraising event too but  then we still enjoyed every single part of the   day together and after that day I had never  felt closer to him there was this feeling of   calmness and serenity that I was feeling it was  nothing unlike before I had usually thought of   him like my best friend and nothing more but then  again after he' made me realize the feelings that   I never knew I had things were never the same  again anyways we've both been in a relationship   ever since then and just as you would guess he  was my very first boyfriend and partner and even   right as we were graduating from high school  many of our friends were of the notion that we   were both eventually going to get tired of each  other essentially wearing each other out to the   point where we wouldn't want to be with each  other again personally I just felt like these   were the ramblings of people that didn't wish  us well regardless of whether we were friends   or not and this didn't bother me not even in the  slightest as my ex- partner was the sweetest and   most caring person to have ever come into my life  and the long history we had with each other gave   me even more assurance that things were going  to work out perfectly with us and this was the   case for the longest time as even after we'd both  applied to different colleges that were thousands   of miles apart and the idea of being away from  him felt like torture we both still held belief   in each other that things were honestly going to  be okay as we had faith in our love for each other   which was one of the things that was keeping  us firmly together well that and some other   things too obviously but I must say keeping a  long-distance relationship is on a whole different   level you need maximum patience and basically  trust in each other and thankfully that was what   the both of us had this in a way actually made  things quite easy for the both of us anyways fast   forward a little bit again this was immediately  after we both were done with getting our college   degrees and things were looking quite good for the  both of us as almost immediately my ex- partner   was done with college he immediately received a  job offer based off of a recommendation from one   of his lecturers back in school as according to  the lecturer he was apparently the best student   he had taught in quite a while and he just knew  that he needed to help him out in one way or the   other and then he decided on giving him a referral  and a recommendation and it proved quite helpful   in securing a really high-paying job as he was  fresh out of college me on the other hand I was   not so privileged to have gotten a referral and  a recommendation for a high-paying job however I   was very lucky to be seriously considered for  a position in one of the companies I'd sent my   application in for review and I was to start work  on a paid intern level and work my way up from   there and to be honest I wasn't comfortable with  this but then again it was this or nothing and I   had to pick this and after a while working there I  realized that it really was not as I was expecting   and after a few months I'd gotten the hang of  things and the basic operations and just like that   we both had secured well-paying jobs for ourselves  and we thought to ourselves that the only thing   that was left was for us to get married as we  both loved each other enough to do so at that   point in time it really wasn't something that was  unexpected in fact is at that time it was already   well overdue as we both got married to each other  a whole year and a half after graduating from   college we were both in our middle and late 20s  at the time and we'd been together since we were   little I mean if this was not expected I don't  know what else is anyways we got married and right   from that moment I just knew that he was the one  I truly wanted to spend the rest of my life with   and I was sure there was nothing that was going  to break us apart oh boy did I think wrong so   right after we'd gotten married to each other  things were looking quite perfect for the both   of us I'm guessing this was our honeymoon phase  and it lasted for quite a long period of time   over the course of our short-lived marriage  we had two children a boy and a girl both of   whom at some point in our lives were the only  priority we both had and it didn't seem like   things were going downhill until it finally did  I guess you never know what's truly coming until   it hits you right in the face anyways the day  I realized that everything was terribly wrong   was when he got let off at his place of work back  in 2020 and this was obviously due to co and all   and prior to this even though he had quite a lot  saved up and he'd already forced me to quit my   job also as he couldn't bear to be the only one  without a job in our household I did so without   hesitation this was quite literally my biggest  mistake till date well this in getting married   him while we both were full-time stay-at-home  parents this was when I truly began to see what   kind of man I got married to he all of a sudden  became aggressive and abusive he had problems   with everything I said did and the way I acted  I got really confused and lost as these things   were no problem for him for the longest time and  all of a sudden they've suddenly become one but   I didn't know what exactly to say to resolve the  situation so I always agreed with anything he said   this was where he had problems even after all this  he was still not satisfied as he soon resulted in   physical abuse and I just couldn't fight back I  still loved him and I couldn't blame him at the   time and this went on for a whole year where I  couldn't say anything but when he finally got   the straw that broke the camel's back was when he  involved our children in his abuse I was going to   put up with anything but that as from the very  day I found out I took immediate measures to get   him arrested and put in jail and before I knew it  I realized that this was my perfect opportunity   to finally leave the relationship where I wasn't  in the slightest comfortable and so I filed for   divorce at the same time this was no issue for the  court as after they'd found him guilty of domestic   violence and abuse our divorce was also approved  and all of his assets were split between us with   me getting the most part seeing as I was getting  full custody of our children till he got out it   all happened so fast that I couldn't comprehend  what I'd done but I later realized that it   was for the best and even though I slightly regret  my actions as I believe that he truly wasn't this   way I still stand strong in what I did no one  messes with my kids no one I mean it's a shame   that op had to go through this especially with  somebody that they truly believe at their very   core in their heart of hearts they are not that  person but obviously it crossed the line you   can't close Pandora's box once it's opened and  op had to do what they had to do to protect not   only themselves but their innocent kids our next  story is I used my girlfriend's card to subscribe   for access to random apps my girlfriend and I were  the high school sweethearts that everyone thought   would break up but we kept going and today we have  two kids and a cat together we're also married   does that mean that we've never had issues for  the years we were together of course not we had   a long list of obstacles from our very different  and sometimes clashing cultures to friends who try   to come between us distance and even her parents  our biggest issue was was an old friend of ours   someone we knew from high school and he got very  close to taking my woman away I remember being   so mad at my girlfriend that was when the whole  Revenge thing happened when I was 16 my dad was   offered a job to teach Arabic in a university in  the town my girlfriend also lived in my family was   happy that Dad had finally gotten a secure job  but they were also worried about us because in   the town that we lived in we were surrounded by  people who looked like us and spoke our language   the new place was largely Multicultural but even  at that there were very few Muslims my parents   decided that we would live there for 2 years  and if the people were hostile or we didn't   like the environment we would leave when we got  to the new town my brother loved it immediately   he played basketball so we met guys who love to  play basketball like him and he started to play   with them after school hours while waiting for his  school's basketball team to send out invitations   for new players my mom also found her community  Housewives who love to play cards and board games   bake and talk about their husbands and children  none of the women were Muslim women but they   welcomed my mom with open arms and involved her  in the activities mom fell in love with our new   community my Dad loved his job too apart from the  pay and side attractions he enjoyed his job and   loved teaching a language that meant everything to  him I was the only one in my family who was having   a hard time adjusting to our new town months  passed and I hadn't made any new friends or joined   any club I didn't like the people in my class and  most of my teachers I love the technology Club   because I love to explore technology but I didn't  like the people I saw in the club so I decided   against joining every evening at the dinner table  everyone would talk about how their day went well   and their new friends and I would have nothing fun  to talk about all I did was wine even my mom whose   life used to be boring was more interesting than  mine one day my mom got so tired of my complaints   she asked one of her friends in the neighborhood  if her daughter could help me make friends in   school I was very embarrassed when my mom said  this and with my eyes wide in surprise I assured   my mom's new friend that I was not looking for  friends she smiled and promised to talk to her   daughter about me that night before I went to bed  I hoped that the daughter was beautiful the next   day I was about to ride with my dad to school  when a very pretty blonde girl waved at me I   waved back and she signaled for me to come over  I obeyed without even asking who she was well I   kind of knew and I walked up to her she pointed  at a very old car and asked me to ride with her   again I obeyed without question in the car she  introduced herself told me that her mom had told   her that I was finding it hard to make friends and  said she was going to be my friend she then told   me that she had another friend whom she'd be glad  to let me borrow from time to time on our way to   school she stopped in front of a house and a boy  ran out ignoring his little sister's cries he got   into the car and asked my new friend if I was  the dude they had talked about and she nodded   that was how our Trio friendship began my  girlfriend and the other guy were thick   as thieves it was funny because we eventually had  other friends outside of our triangle we also had   other interests but we still hung out together and  rode to and from school together I don't want to   bore anyone with the details of how my girlfriend  and I started dating but it was the whole friends   to lovers thing first we were friends and then  the next thing we were kissing and making out and   then the next thing we decided we wanted to spend  the rest of our lives together I didn't find out   that our other friend liked my girlfriend until  after my girlfriend and I had had our first kiss   or maybe I just paid more attention after the kiss  happened I talked to her about it and she said he   no longer liked her she said he used to like her  when they were both little but that was a long   time ago still it seemed to me that he still liked  her when we started officially dating and told him   that we were together he got upset he later told  us that he' felt that way because he was now going   to be the third wheel in our friendship we had  assured him that he wouldn't be but he stopped   hanging out with us my girlfriend said he was  being a baby and said she would never speak to   him again I still said hello to him whenever  we ran into each other my parents did not have   any problem with my relationship my dad did but  mostly because he didn't agree with the culture   of dating in the country we lived in my mom fully  supported me and my choice of a girlfriend my dad   didn't have a problem with my choice either  my girlfriend's mom however did not exactly   like that I was dating her daughter she said I'd  break her heart because Muslim boys always end up   leaving the girls they date for a Muslim lady she  also liked that other guy and had even thought he   and my girlfriend secretly liked each other she  was rooting for them but was quite disappointed   when she found out that my girlfriend was with  me my girlfriend and I had our first big fight   when we just finished high school I found out that  she went to the movies with our friend I was very   upset because she was the one who said she was  cutting him out of her life completely she also   didn't tell me that they'd been talking to each  other or that they planned a movie night together   I was upset about it and broke up with her the  truth is I also had the fear that one day my   girlfriend would leave me for someone who didn't  look like me after dating for years my girlfriend   and I moved in together we worked very hard at  this time because we knew what we wanted our   life to look like together and the kind of life we  wanted for our kids so we spent the first 3 years   of living together working hard while we both  agreed to put our work first for the first 3 years   she would sometimes complain that I wasn't giving  her attention and all of that I'll admit that I   ignored her on those occasions because I was very  invested in work I had no idea that all along my   girlfriend had been communicating with our friend  from high school he'd been making advances at her   but she kept telling him off she told him she was  still with me but she still encouraged him the   way I see it not cutting off Communications with  him is tantamount too encouraging him I found out   about their conversations one evening it was was  our third year of living together and one night I   noticed that she was engrossed in texting on her  phone she was so engrossed with her phone that I   became curious when I asked who it was she said it  was an old friend slipped her phone in her pocket   and left for the kitchen I suspected that it was  that old friend but I didn't want to make any   accusations so I decided that I would just Snoop  later my wife typically goes to bed later than   I do but that night I stayed up just so I could  look through her phone I searched everywhere for   her phone that night but I couldn't find it it  wasn't in the drawer where she usually kept her   phone or anywhere else I waited until that weekend  when she went shopping with a colleague at work   to steal her phone I took it out of her purse  and left it on the kitchen counter so it would   look like she forgot to pick it off the kitchen  counter then when she left I picked up her phone   and went straight to her messaging applications  I was shocked to find out that my girlfriend had   been exchanging messages with this dude for months  they talked about everything and how her day went   they talked about me and our relationship and he  flirted with her all the time she even told him   about worries concerns and fears about her career  that she never told me the craziest part was that   he said he was coming to our city for a week and  asked to hang out together she asked if he'd like   to hang out with me too and he said no that he  could not bear to see us together he then said   he was sure that she'd be a lot more attractive  and all other stuff she didn't flirt back but   she didn't discourage him either I was so mad and  disappointed one thing that has kept my girlfriend   and me going for so long is trust I fully trusted  her to tell me whatever was going on and seeing   those texts broke my heart I decided to wait and  see if she would tell me anything about it the   week he said he was coming to the city I was going  to be very busy with work that week so I called   a private investigator who was known for being  discret and asked him to follow her around on the   first day they were out to have lunch while she  was at work the investigator told me that the guy   tried to kiss her but she leaned back got into her  car and drove away she never saw him after that   day when I returned home that weekend I'd been  too busy at work and didn't come home all through   the week my girlfriend confessed about what had  happened she told me that they'd been talking that   she'd had lunch with him and that he had tried to  kiss her I forgave her but I was still mad for 2   months she apologized and tried all she could to  make up for what had happened and I had forgiven   her but I am a petty person and like to get back  at people for what they do otherwise I just feel   like a loser one day I decided on a petty silly  Revenge I did the same thing I did when I wanted   to look through her phone I took it out of her  purse and placed it on the counter and when she   left I downloaded different applications and made  subscriptions and inapp purchases I had her card   details at some point when she needed me to run  an errand for her but she didn't know I still   had it because she asked me on another occasion  if I still had it and I said no just to get out   of running the errand at the end of the month she  started to get emails informing her of different   deductions being made to her account my girlfriend  was upset and of course I denied having anything   to do with it not only did she lose money but  she had to reach out to each of the applications   telling them to cancel her subscription she was  miserable at that time but I didn't care it was   my way of getting back at her for emotionally  cheating on me I guess the story kind of   highlights that even high school sweethearts  that survive high school and go on to stay   married or together for long after doesn't mean  you're out of the woods just yet or impervious   to any issues that said considering this is your  wife going and spending all that money using her   cards isn't that in some way still kind of hurting  yourself too I know it's not necessarily black and   white her money is your money but realistically  if your wife has a money issue that she runs   into where is she probably going to turn to try  to get some kind of support the bank of husband   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 7,326
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: w0lP7ebV4qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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