r/MaliciousCompliance - Smug Manager DARES ME to Sue Them! I'm a LAWYER.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to another episode of our slash malicious compliance guys i hope you're having a great day today and listen the lineup of stories today are absolutely spectacular as always guys grab a drink get comfy because we're diving in and don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you want to help out poor stevo because seriously telling me to give him water and food in the comments isn't enough guys you have to subscribe let's dive in so i used to work as a cleaner slash do stuff person on a construction site and the boss man named bob did not like me the other workers were nice to me especially this guy named john who is important to the story john was a good man he was funny and he was kind but to the main story so this happened when the building was close to being finished i was cleaning the inside of the building when i heard bob's voice bob says hey op why is this place looking like this don't i pay you to keep the place clean now me looking around said looking like what this place is pretty clean bob then says like this there's tools all over the place you need to keep this place clean i tell him that this is a construction site here's tools workers use them what do you want me to do collect them yes i need you to do your damn job i need you to collect all the tools that are not in use right now make yourself useful instead of wasting company dollars now i wanted to clarify and said um you want me to collect all the tools that are not in use right now like take them to the outside storage so people need to walk there to get them again bob then sighs and says uh what's your problem are you deaf just collect all the tools make the place clean so then bob walks off he just walked off now at first i was mad but then i thought why not so i started to collect all the tools if you walked away from your hammer to get something i took your hammer and walked it outside if you're not by your circular saw because you had to run to the porta potty i collected that too i also found a wheelbarrow that i used to take even more tools at one trip i then took all the tools to storage at one point jon stops me very puzzled and said what are you doing we use these tools i tell him i know i'm sorry this makes things hard for you but bob told me to collect all the tools that are not in use right now on site so i'm doing that john then says why would he make you do that i tell him i don't know he told me to make myself useful and collect all the tools instead of standing around wasting company dollars so at this point jon says that he'll go talk to him and soon jon comes back and says hey you didn't lie bob told me to let you do your job i tell them well i guess i'll do my job so i then took more tools to the storage after like an hour or two other workers start to complain that their things were missing i explained what bob was making me do and my co-workers understood soon my co-workers made signs that said i use this or this is mine don't touch and of course i didn't take those tools again now i had to explain my surprising enthusiasm to steal people's tools lots of times but the workers were so nice that they just took more cardboard and made more signs soon bob starts to note the signs of the workers and he wanted answers he calls me up and says hey what are these signs doing here i told them hey the workers put them up yeah but why now before i have time to answer john intervenes and says you told op to collect all the tools we had to put up signs to mark the tools that were constantly being put away bob says okay why didn't you put a stop to this jon said you told me not to i then tell him and because i've been running around gathering tools i haven't done anything else all day bob demands why not i tell them because the tools they're constantly coming back inside and no one uses them so long story short i got yelled at but it was worth it bob was very careful with instructions after that guys i absolutely love this post and especially that op's co-workers and the people on site were so understanding and ended up making signs they probably hated bob too which is hilarious and i absolutely love this comment right here that says bob is a tool you should have collected him ain't that the truth i'm a lawyer and a friend from school reached out to ask for help dealing with an ambulance company now none of the following is legal advice and i am not your lawyer with that said on to the story so my friend had a parent that passed away in an ambulance while traveling between a nursing home and a hospital so the ambulance company sends my friend a bill which she couldn't afford to pay and was threatening to send the bill to collectors i tell her not a problem friend your parents estate is responsible for the bill and you don't have a personal obligation to pay it so they can't send it to collections in your name let me just mail them a short letter and they should stop bothering you so i then typed up a very polite letter saying that this person has legal representation please cease any and all shenanigans etc etc and thought that was the end of this nonsense so fast forward a few weeks when my friend sends a picture of another bill now because the law is so cut and dry on that collection i assume the ambulance company had some computer or human error which caused another letter to be sent i tell her again no worries friend i bet someone messed this up let me give them a call real quick and i'll figure it out so imagine a super cool montage of me working through a really long automated phone tray before talking to an actual human so i finally get to speak to someone and said hey so i'm friend's lawyer i send a letter asking you to stop sending her collection notices she got another notice yesterday so i just wanted to figure out why and how to make sure these letters stop now in my head i'm thinking surely this is going to be a quick call and we can all have a laugh about whatever error occurred i think so the person then tells me we will stop sending her bills when she pays i told him but that's pretty illegal for like a lot of reasons i can think of three right off the top of my head so instead of me getting all riled up and starting a lawsuit can we just come to an agreement the person then tells me it's not illegal try to sue us if you want our lawyers to explain it to you now at this point she made me say the phrase that i hate more than any other phrase in the world i said may i speak with your manager please the person then tells me nope i am the manager and i'm also more familiar with the fdcpa than you what we're doing is perfectly legal tell your friend to pay up and the collection notices will stop so just a little info for you the fdcpa stands for federal debt collection practices act and it sets out certain rules for what debt collectors can or cannot do but some states like texas has stronger rules which protects debtors now i didn't know whether or not the ambulance company was violating any fdcpa things but i knew for sure and when a good lawyer says for sure that means 100 for sure that they were violating tdcpa which is the texas debt collections practices act so i then tell the person telling me that i don't know what i'm doing is rude hassling a friend after a parent passed away is shockingly rude so i'm giving you one last chance before i hang up to angry type a lawsuit and angry file it you don't want me to sue you on this because i will win so the person on the phone then laughs and says please do and we'll see you in court have a nice day click and then she hangs up on me and oh was i pissed easily the top 10 of pissed in a professional context the whole conversation took about 10 minutes now i have a fairly high tolerance for abrasive people but sending collection notices to the wrong person after that person buried a parent and telling me that i'm a bad lawyer was pretty mind-blowing i literally started working on the complaint as soon as i hung up because if i threaten to sue and you ask me to follow through my hands are tied so after i filed and the company was served i'm assuming an actual lawyer read the complaint and thought oh wow we messed up here so a very apologetic lawyer called and we reached an agreement to settle which included an apology to my friend my friends having a lawyer friend like opie is so useful unfortunately many people would have paid up after getting collection notices like this and i know that i probably would have like i don't think this was a wow i messed up moment here i'm pretty sure they were thinking oh crap they called us out on the bs that we were pulling so for those who caught my last episode of malicious compliance op is the same lawyer who helped the guy win a battle against his hoa this guy's the sunflower guy if you guys missed that story it's absolutely incredible and i will link it right here so this happened several years ago when my ex and i were going through a heated divorce custody battle while we were married we had a couple of conversations about how rich people hide their assets to avoid paying taxes i have never had enough assets to do this but she somehow got the idea that i was and told her attorney that i was laundering money and hiding income now it was more likely the heat of the moment as divorce battles often come down to i couldn't even afford my own attorney so i represented myself now her lawyer was a total jerk he was clearly out to get me and he talked down to me like i didn't deserve to breathe the same air as him one day i get a letter in the mail from him requesting an updated income declarations form and three years of financials it had a long list of things to include i own a communications tech company that was in super startup phase back then money was tight and i was trying to get this business off the ground with no financing and i was finishing my mba with scholarships and loans so paying for copies and postage or driving this 30 miles to his office meant eating peanut butter and saltines for a week so i called him to explain my situation he then calls me a liar and said that he didn't believe i couldn't afford it he said if i'm hiding money they'll find out now i was put off by that and said that this was taking time away from business that i needed to handle to which he replied and i'll never forget this well according to your income declarations you're not that busy what do you do all day he then said if he didn't get these documents that he would consider my previous filings as fraudulent and he would tell the judge contact the da and also alert the state tax agency and the irs probably an empty threat but i'm no lawyer so efax is one of the services my company provides and at this time it was relatively unknown so i asked him if he has a fax machine he said he had a fax scanner copier device and said what law office doesn't have a fax machine and then i suddenly got an idea okay i said to him i'll put together in facts whatever i can now if you want three years of financials you got it i then scanned to pdf every receipt i could find mcdonald's receipt from five years ago won't hurt to include it cvs recedes it's three miles long it's perfect they also get the one dollar off toothpaste coupons too i downloaded every bank statement credit card statement purchase order from vendors and every invoice i sent to clients i also printed to pdf the entire three-year accounting journal my yearly balance sheets cash flow statements p ls and not only did i pdf three years of tax filings but every single letter i received from the irs and the state tax agency including the inserts advising me of my rights it took a while but i was a few days ahead of the deadline i made a cover page black background with white lettering wherever i could i included separator pages in all caps in the biggest boldest font that would fit on the page in landscape saying 2 000 so and so receipts 2 000 so and so taxes etc i then merged everything into a single 150 page compressed pdf and sent the document using my efax system every hour or so i received a status email saying that the facts failed i'm thinking huh that's weird well they're getting this document so i then changed the system configuration to unlimited retries after failures to keep redialing until it went through now i'm thinking this is weird i'm still getting status email failures i'll delete the failure emails and keep the success ones after it eventually goes through i thought problem solved two days later a lady from his office called and asked me to stop sending faxes their fax scanner prints or copier had been printing non-stop it kept getting paper jams running out of ink and they had to keep shutting it off and turning it back on to print i explained that their boss told me to send this by the deadline or else he would call the da and the irs since i don't want a call from the da or the irs i would keep standing until i get a success confirmation i suggested they not print until my fax completes but she didn't like that she asked me to email the documents and i told a little white lie saying that my email won't allow an attachment that big so unless her boss in writing agreed to cancel the request or agreed to reimburse me for my cost to print and ship i told her i would continue to fax until they confirmed they received every page she then puts me on hold and the attorney gets on the line he said forget sending the financials i told him i would need this in writing so i will keep sending the facts until he sent that to me he then asked me to stop faxing and he will send it in writing i said to send it in writing first and then i'll stop after a long moment of silence i hear a click about 20 minutes later i received an email from his assistant with an attached signed letter in pdf that i no longer needed to provide financials the letter then threatened to pursue sanctions in courts and sue me for interfering with their business every time i saw him after that the lawyer never bought up sanctions lawsuits criminal referrals or financials again so i was working at subway a few years ago and a man comes in with his wife and two kids i had all four sandwiches started when the man asked me for the code to the bathroom now the policy was that you had to make a purchase to get the bathroom code but by the way he was doing the potty dance it was pretty apparent that the guy needed to go obviously either he or his wife will pay for the sandwiches that i've already started so the next day my boss sits me down and lectures me about how the code is on the receipt for a reason she watches the tape and sees me give the man the code and tells me i don't care who it's for whether it's your friend your family whatever you name it you do not give the bathroom code out under any circumstances so later on that night i was working by myself when some guy in a trench coat and greasy long hair comes in the side door and says uh hey man someone seriously got effed up outside a long line of customers waited for me while i subtly grabbed a bread knife which was sharp and went around to check now it wasn't the best part of town so you never know with people anyways as trench coat man stated someone was seriously effed up outside his face was all bloody and he was just a mess i called 9-1-1 and tried my best to go back making sandwiches some time later a few cop cars and an ambulance show up they were doing their business outside and then one of the officers comes in and asked if he can use the bathroom now at this point i'm thinking oh man six hours earlier my boss told me not to give it under any circumstances without a purchase now i laugh a little and told him what i told all the other customers i said i'm sorry you have to make a purchase first you can get a cookie which is 99 cents and then the code will be on the receipt now the cop didn't realize that the laugh was actually at myself and how awkward of a situation he unknowingly put me in nor did i have the chance to explain it before the laugh and rejection of the bathroom code caused the cop to become straight up furious the guy gives me three warnings to give him the code and each time i tell him that i'm not gonna give it to him and the customers are on my side telling him that i'm just doing my job and what i'm told after his third warning he shook his head and muttered i can't believe you're interfering with an ongoing investigation he then uses the walkie-talkie on his shoulder to get some information about five minutes later one of the cops hands me a phone i answered and my manager said are you serious what are you doing why didn't you give the officer the code so long story short the cop got the bathroom code and a free bag of chips i love how opie stood his ground even when the officer gave him three warnings and i love how the officer contacted op's boss now at that point i would have said um i am serious weren't you serious about telling me not to give the bathroom code to anyone under any circumstances now this was back when i worked as a manager at a grocery store i worked customer service but when it would get busy i would run to the register until it slowed down one night i had to take a few customers and this one big guy comes in and he was just in a really bad mood he was huffing and puffing he looked like he came straight out of duck dynasty with beard camo hats etc so we finished the transaction and i'm starting to head back to customer service when the guy looks at his root beer that he just bought and says diet i don't want diet you know what forget it i don't want any of this anymore just take it all back so now i'm struggling to figure out why one this is my fault and two why can't he just switch it out for the regular soda now this guy's order was huge and normally in these situations i would have just put it through as a refund or whatever amount was on the receipt but since this guy was being a real dick i decided to scan and return each item individually now he's getting more mad and cursing saying to hurry up i just responded sorry man it has to go through our system he then screams give me the money so security heads up front i just laughed and said uh that's not how it works we finish everything and he takes his money and he leaves so about a week later i'm running the register again and he jumps on my line now when he saw that i was the one on register he tried getting out of my line but all the other registers had huge lines it's finally his turn and he says hey man i'm really sorry about the other day i was just having a bad day and you know i shouldn't have taken it out on you now i was a little surprised i'm not gonna lie i told them hey man stuff happens don't worry and now we're cool he's always super nice to me when he comes in and i haven't had a problem since i just wished every karen acted like him in the end guys i really appreciate the end of the story guys everybody has bad days here and there and it really took a lot for that guy to come up and apologize to op for lashing out on him like that much respect duck dynasty man and my friends brings us to another end of our slash malicious compliance guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed yesterday's episode i did a karen demands ops landlord a victim from his home so she can have his house it's ridiculous check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 189,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: malicious compliance, r/maliciouscompliance, reddit malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance military, reddit malicious compliance playlist, funny malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, best of reddit, funny posts, reddit top posts, funny, comedy, fail stories, malicious, compliance, bad neighbor, neighbor stories, nightmare neighbors, entitled woman, entitled karen, entitled neighbor, bad bosses, lawyer, funny lawyer, lawyer reacts, lawyer stories
Id: OBFwtpVkKY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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