r/EntitledPeople - Rich Karen Runs Red Light and DESTROYS My Car! Wants to SUE ME!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where many of you come to get your daily dose of karen stories guys listen i've got another episode of just wild stories so i hope you're comfy my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future tales let's dive in so my fiance proposed to me a few weeks ago and he got me the most amazing ring ever i was so excited that i had to go home to show mom and dad now my mom is one of the most entitled women on this planet and she just couldn't stand to see me happy the moment i walked through the door and pranced into the kitchen to show my parents my ring my mom never even congratulates me she looks at the ring and immediately turns to my dad and says oh honey we have to upgrade my ring lisa's ring is too nice now my mom did say it as a joke and we all laughed but i knew deep down inside that she was gonna upgrade her ring and i was right it has been a few weeks and i know mom has gone to numerous stores ring shopping which at first i was fine with and kind of teased her because i thought it was silly she was jealous of my ring i was sitting at home when my phone buzzed and i got a text from her i picked up my phone and what do you know she sends me a picture of her new ring and not just any ring my mom had bought the exact same ring that i have from the exact same store that my fiance bought it from it was a similar shape diamond but the diamond was double the size of my diamond my mom bragged about how good it looks on her finger and she told me the price and it was insane how much she spent when i asked her why she really needed such a large piece she told me well i can't let my own daughter outshine me so mom then says that i did not deserve to have a larger ring than hers because i'm so much younger and i'm not even married yet whereas she has many years on me and she's earned it now the funny thing is my parents aren't rich they're actually having money problems and the amount of money my mom spent on a ring just seems irresponsible i just wanted to rant about my entitled mom well my friends it seems to me that they might have money problems because mom might like to play keeping up with the joneses like the fact that she didn't let her own daughter have a nicer ring than hers says a lot and opie better watch out because this does sound like the type of mom that might wear a wedding dress to her own daughter's wedding i mean you can't let your own daughter outshine you right i'm currently working as a professional mental health nurse this incident took place back when i was a student nurse and was posted in the pediatric ward we had a buoyant with a case of viral fever i think by the time i started my posting he had been there for about three to four days as soon as i entered the ward the karen hounded me she runs up to me screaming and barking orders at me and saying i have been saying the same thing over and over again but you people just don't listen do you i begin by saying well hello ma'am i'm sorry but what seems to be the problem here this is my first day here and i really don't know karen interrupts me and says ugh why would they give me someone who just started their job you literally have no experience here why are you here if you don't know anything i'm sick and tired of nobody knowing anything go back and send someone who can actually find out what's wrong with my son now the mom was visibly upset as you can tell parents with sick kids tend to be upset and i've seen my fair share of doctors taking a mouthful it's understandable i told her ma'am i apologize again but if you could just tell me what's wrong then i might be able to sort it out karen says listen i've been telling you people for the past few days that my son does not like apple juice he likes orange juice and you should give him that but nobody's listening to me he's still getting that same apple juice and even that's a really bad quality i told her okay that's easy enough to fix it seems that the good folks down in the kitchen might have it wrong don't worry ma'am i'll consult with a nutritionist and we'll have this sorted out in no time don't you worry so the mom just scoffs and marches away i talked with a nutritionist and asked why the kid was being forced to take apple juice when he didn't like it but she told me the kid wasn't getting apple juice in fact he wasn't getting any juice at all he was getting milk with almost every meal now i was confused i talked to the mom again and she shouts at me about how i was so stupid like the rest of the staff just then breakfast arrives and sure enough the kid has milk and not juice i tell her ma'am the nutritionist suggested milk for your son and that's what he's getting he's not getting any apple juice karen says no you idiot now she literally did say that to me and doctors do get it all the time she says he gets that with his lunch not breakfast so deciding to see what the issue was once and for all i promised her i'll come back at lunch time to settle the issue lunch arrives and the kid gets you guessed it he gets milk i again pointed out to the mom and she said the kid gets apple juice after lunch i'm thinking okay what now i was really puzzled then and just then a nurse arrives to administer the afternoon medications karen says see now he'll be getting that nasty apple juice and just then the nurse hangs a bag of saline by the kid's bedside and injected a vial of mvi which is multivitamin infusion and connected it with the kids iv line the mvi injections we have in our hospital were yellow colored and that's when i had the epiphany of what had been her issue and being the considerate person she was she confirmed my suspicions with a horrible screech karen says see i told you apple juice he gets apple juice every day now i'm standing there silent and karen says well say something i then tell her ma'am that's not apple juice it's an injection now the next part might seem too insane to be true but i kid you not the screaming mom said this exact sentence to me she said don't you dare lie to me everybody else has been saying the exact same thing but i know the truth you people have orange juice i've seen it give my son that put orange juice in the bag now all subsequent attempts to explain her have failed she screamed loudly and disturbed other patients as well the attending physician heard all the commotion and came to see what the matter was and he also tried to explain that her son had in fact been given an injection but she refused to believe that we weren't injecting her son with apple juice and that juice could not be given intravenously and with that the awesome doctor disconnects the iv line poured some of that nasty apple juice into a plastic cup and told the mom to take a whiff to show her that it's not apple juice and of course she gags she never asked for orange juice again but i heard from the other patients that the mom had been blabbering about suing us for injecting her son with bad quality apple juice and then making a fool out of her now my friends i i actually want to say that i'm baffled at this i'm just going to leave this comment right here because i don't want to say it myself how stupid do you have to be to believe that trained medical professionals will purposely inject juice into a patient and this person right here says i just showed this story to my mom who's a nurse and she believes that this would actually happen guys listen props to all of the doctors and nurses out there that have to deal with this kind of stuff on a regular basis [Music] now let me first give you some background so you can get where people are coming from my father left a few years prior my mom had bought a very nice house with the money from the divorce and a few months after she got herself a boyfriend now at first i was truly happy that she had moved on but soon i realized that she had fallen for some piece of low life scum now you need to understand that my father was an alcoholic and a narcissist so my mom's normal meter was truly broken anybody treating her halfway decent that didn't put their hands on her etc must have appeared like prince charming to her so please do not judge her too harshly for her choice as i don't now the new guy she was seeing was not only halfway decent he actually treated her pretty well he bought her flowers they went out to eat regularly etc but what i realized that she did not was that he was a parasite now the guy maybe had a hundred bucks to his name and the only income he had was support from the state which was a couple hundred bucks now i can hear you asking how can he afford flowers and going out by living rent-free and having all of his costs paid for until he gets back on his feet and one last thing the guy really hated me he would treat me like i was dirt he soon starts to show an immense entitlement towards me basically a few weeks after he moved into my mom's house he took me aside and said that this is now his house so now i have to follow his rules now of course i told him that this is my mom's house not his and i do not have to do a damn thing unless my mom tells me so now he took that really badly since he had an ego problem as you probably already guessed now i did try to tell my mom but she would not believe me since he always acted very nice to me when she was around but as soon as she wasn't around the cold war starts he pulled a lot of small things like demanding in a patronizing voice that i bring him some beer while he was watching tv with me i would tell him to go get his own beer and he would call my mom and tell her that he had asked me nicely to bring him beer but i refused and insulted him instead so of course she told me to apologize and get him beer i tried to explain but she would not let me so the guy kept being petty to establish dominance after this whole story i asked my mom why she would always believe him and not let me explain now apparently he had told her that i was super jealous that he was in the house and i wanted to get rid of him by trying to make him look bad so she backed him to show me that he's not going anywhere now time for the main act i had gone out friday until 3 am now my mom was gone over the weekend for work and he exploded how dare i disrespect him like that coming into his house this late now i told him calmly that he does not get to declare a curfew for me and my mom allows me to come home this late he flips out even more and calls me a dirty liar he then says to me as long as you put your legs under my table and eat the food i provide you will follow my rules this is my house and of course being a smart ass i answered dude this is my mom's and my house you are a guest here now that pissed him off he screams saying that he's gonna kick me out of the house and i will not be allowed back until my mom returns he also says that she likes him more than she likes me and can't wait to see the day that i move out and get out of his face i then screamed back that he can't do this since it's not his house i then threatened to call my mom so he emboldened by her backing him up all the time told me to do just that so i called my mom and put her on speaker and told her he's trying to kick me out of the house till you come back monday and she didn't believe me and she told me to put him on the line so he starts by telling her that i disrespected him as the man of the house by coming home so late and then lying to him about it being okay and that i need to learn to respect him he then said it's up to him how he disciplines me since she's not there so this is how the conversation went my mom says so let me get this straight i allow my son to be out until three o'clock but you think you overrule my decision on my son and you think it's okay to kick my son out of my house so the guy then realized that he messed up he tried to get her to take his side but he only dug his hole deeper he says well he keeps not respecting me in my own house if you let him win now he will never respect me my mom then responds and you think that the right punishment for disrespect is to kick him out for two days we'll talk about this later so the guy then says to my mom i am not done you do not get to talk to me like this in front of him if you don't punish him now he won't respect me and i won't stand for that now my mom then told him that apparently she thought the right punishment for his disrespect is to kick him out until monday he then says if you kick me out where am i supposed to go mom replies i'm sure you can go to a lot more places than my son who has no money you got 30 minutes to leave i'll have the neighbor check and if you're still there in half an hour he will call the police and you will be arrested for trespassing so once my mom comes home i told her how he kept pulling this on me and she said she was so sorry that she kept backing him up now i tried to tell her many times that he treats me exactly like dad did when she wasn't around but since he treats her so differently and acted so differently than my father she believed him that i was jealous and tried to get rid of him but when she heard him say those words my father said so many times such as you owe me respect since you live in my house she suddenly realized that i was telling the truth all along while he was a liar and this is why she got furious so fast she never realized how badly he treats me and how entitled he acted since he had hidden it so well before but when he started to talk about deserving respect in his own house from me a house that he did not put a penny into but was somehow his my mom caught on quick so she finally saw through him and got all the evidence she needed and i was telling the truth all along they ended up breaking up that monday he never even got back into the house as they met for coffee and she demanded her keys back now originally she did want to give him a month but he started to scream at her how dare she kick him out of the house like this and that now he would never get the respect from me that he's entitled to so she told him that she's only here to ask for her keys back and that they're done guys those who demand respect are almost never worthy of it the guy definitely needs to learn that respect is earned and not given i'm so glad it worked out for op in the end and that the mom realized that the guy was pretty much good for nothing good riddance if you ask me so this story happened a while back and i finally found a place to tell it so a little bit of backstory i drive an old truck that kind of looks like a monster truck and it costs a lot of money now not because of the car itself but mostly the parts i put into it now i live in a pretty good neighborhood but it happens to be right next to the most busy road in my area so on this particular day i get a message from my friend saying that there's a problem at work and i'd better come over i work at a computer repair shop so if there's a problem where they have to call me in it's usually a hundred or a thousand dollar problem that requires most hands on deck so i get out of my house and drive off in a bit of a rush a few minutes pass and i'm about three miles away from work i then stop at a red light at an intersection so the light turns green and i was in a rush so i take off fairly quickly and then just as i'm about to clear the intersection a big mercedes suv t-bones me now luckily it hit the rear passenger of the car and not me directly i almost passed out because of the shock and looked out my window to see who dropped a missile strike on the side of my truck i get out and my truck is in pretty bad shape karen then flies out of her car and immediately starts to scream at me saying what were you doing you drove through a red light i told her i'm sorry but it was a green light for me you ran that red light karen in a quite accusatory tone says no you didn't have the right away we had the right of way not you now i told her explain to me how you had the right of way when my light was green karen then says i don't have to explain anything to you you are drunk now i want to note that i am obviously not drunk and she says give me your license and insurance i'm going to make sure you pay for all my damages now i'm honestly surprised that she and her son weren't even hurt satan is most likely protecting his hellspawn from any harm so she can be the biggest karen this world has ever seen i told her um no i had the right of way my light was green and you ran that red light and this was the wrong thing to say now this woman was clearly in denial she flips out and goes insane and she says excuse me you drunk idiot you honestly think i'm gonna pay for your truck that you probably pull out of a trash pile i'm gonna call my lawyer husband right now to come sue your ass let me see your license now i'm angry as hell and i can see that her kid is pretty shaken up and scared that mommy keeps yelling so i said that's it i'm gonna call the cops so about ten minutes later of yelling three cop cars and an ambulance arrive now karen immediately runs to the officer and says in the most sweet fake voice officer it was horrible this man is drinking and driving and he ran a red light causing me to hit him and almost killed me and my son you need to arrest him right now so the officer then takes a good look at me and i said that's not true officer this woman is lying to you i will do whatever it takes to prove that i'm sober and there were a ton of witnesses to the accident and they can tell you that she's in the wrong the police officer looks around and says this looks like a pretty serious accident let's make sure nobody's hurt first before we get to who did what now at this point a witness comes up and says that he caught everything on his dash cam and can replay the footage for the officer and karen clearly seeing that she was gonna get caught says oh there's no need to do that we'll just exchange info and be on our way the officer then says i'm sorry ma'am but it's required that i know what happened to make a police report and which of you is in the wrong so we'll be watching the cam footage together so the witness then took the police officer to his car where he then showed him the dash cam footage of karen blowing the red light he then checks us both with a breathalyzer and i'm completely sober surprise he then made the police reports and karen knowing she was defeated basically sat in her car pouting we ended up having to wait for tow trucks to come because the vehicles were undrivable karen's husband showed up but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it since everything was caught on camera thank goodness for witnesses and that dash cam footage and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys we survived another one if you enjoyed these crazy karen stories today do hit that thumbs up and subscribe if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people an insane karen tries to get ob jailed for life for skipping her thanksgiving dinner it's absolutely insane so check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 331,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, fail, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, instant karma, entitled people reddit, karma stories, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mother, entitled mom stories
Id: -RBVwnhJFoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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