r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Demands I SERVE HER Since I'm "MEXICAN!" I'm a COP!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to another episode of our slash i don't work here lady or in today's episode you'll hear some super outrageous stories seriously guys the lineup of stories today is unreal i do hope you enjoy them and hit that subscribe button for a future tales guys we're diving in so this was like two years ago i was at the grocery store picking a bottle of soda for a party when i noticed an older man struggling with a gallon of water i offered to help and put the water jug into his cart i then asked if he needed help lifting it when he got to his car but he declines and said his son and wife were in another aisle so the guy thanks me and left and i went back to the soda deciding which one to get so once my back is turned i hear it those dreaded words you never want to hear when you just want to pick up one thing and leave i hear excuse me so i turn around and i see her the typical karen fake tan skin obnoxiously large sunglasses wearing a two sizes too small low-cut t-shirt showing off a little something something also wearing jean shorts and flip-flops i answered yes karen then says you pick up this water and carry it to the front with me she then points out a 36 bottle package of water now karen's cart was packed full of different foods the bottom of it also had stuff in it so there was no room to put the water into her cards at all so i tell her i'm sorry but i don't work here but i can get an employee to help you now i want to note that i was wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts nothing that indicated that i worked there karen then looks me over and says i don't care if it's your day off or whatever you will lift that water and you will come with me to the front so i tell karen um no i won't if that's the attitude you're gonna have when asking for help you can do it yourself i then turn around grab a mountain dew and walked away karen says great another idiot employee i ignored her and kept walking i was about to head to the checkouts when i saw they had coffee next to it i ordered an iced coffee i then get to the self checkout and wait in line when it's my turn to scan i hear a familiar voice right behind me karen says that's him that's the one who refused to help me i then turn around and see her again with a confused manager in tow the confused manager points to me and says him karen says yes that's him and oh look he's drinking coffee instead of helping customers now i just glared at her and said nothing she screams put down that coffee and help me with my groceries she then slaps the iced coffee out of my hand sending it splattering on the floor all over my shoes and my pants the manager realizing what this situation is becoming screams hey you can't do that the manager then turns to me and asked if i'm okay and i screamed i just want her gone now at this point a few employees do swarm her and start to usher her out of the store karen does put up a fight and the manager tells her you have two options you can either leave willingly or i will call the police and they'll drag you out in handcuffs now karen being the classy woman she is turns to me spits on the floor in front of me before storming out the door with none of her stuff so i then go clean up in the bathroom and they even gave me two bottles of soda for free and a store gift card the sad part of all this is i would have helped her if she just minded her manners and wasn't so demanding guys i have read so many of these stories and i'm still baffled at the way some people treat employees like it's absolutely absurd you pick this water up and carry it for me like have some people honestly forgotten how to speak to strangers whatever happened to can you or do you mind or please help me and the scariest part of all this is that karen might have kids she might have kids so a little bit of context this is the experience of a time where i was just done with people for the day and it got really messy so for work i had to dress in upscale business attire you must wear heels and nylons i do any shopping or errands on my way home from work this story happened years ago and i think you might enjoy it so the story now that day had been a long one due to my crazy boss while i was shopping i had two people already asking me for help now this was an upscale mall and i was dressed pretty similar to the store managers the first two people were polite and apologize for the honest mistake and i was jovial about it since they were so nice but this encounter with the third person was something else i was walking away from the shoes to the ladies lingerie area as i was shopping for nylons when the dreaded excuse me happened now me knowing what's about to happen and what that tone meant just decided to ignore it since it's not my problem i was completely done with all the personal interactions for the day but especially one that could be draining so of course i ignored the karen pretending i didn't hear her so karen strident and very loudly now moving much much closer said um excuse me now she was setting me off already by being too close and now i was whining in my head so i sighed quite audibly on purpose turn around and say yes she says you're the manager where is this item now i don't remember what she was looking for exactly and i don't care to be honest i told her i don't know ma'am and she cuts me off before i can finish with the i don't work here thing karen then says well you should i'm a frequent and loyal customer and i kid you not the woman then shoes me away she was all indignant wanting me to go find out asap i just stood there blinking at her she then tells me go find out already shouting directly in my face with spittle to boot so i tell her once again ma'am i don't work here with a dead eyed expression she then goes on and says listen you are the rudest employee i've ever encountered get your boss now she did say that while snapping her fingers at me now at this point i was frustrated and not caring anymore cause now she had shooed and she had snapped her fingers at me i told her hey i'm not an employee so i'm not gonna do anything but continue my own shopping you should be ashamed of yourself for your inexcusable behavior just assuming i'm an employee now the employees at the store would never walk away from a shopper or be rude not ever i can hear her getting more aggravated as i leave but i don't care she was rude now a few minutes pass and i'm looking at the display of hoes in the lingerie section to find the correct ones when i hear some more screeching karen says there she is pulling an employee behind her with just the magnetic force of her displeasure and i don't turn around knowing this is gonna get ugly with the mood i'm in the employee looks confused and a lot worried and she says um i think there's been a mistake karen says i want that manager's name and her boss now she will be fired immediately and give me corporate's number this is disgraceful so i then slowly turn around i should warn that while i'm normally very tolerant and love to help older people who need it especially i greatly dislike stupid racist or loudly ignorant people and i have a temper karen then steps into my space again and i let loose yelling in her face i tell her ma'am for the last time i do not work here so i then step away and turn around again trying to call myself to avoid catastrophe now at this point it's silent only the classical music they play in the background i'm desperately trying to find nylons quickly so i can get the items and get the heck out of their asap at this point i'm fuming desperately trying to control my temper and that's when it happened that's when it all went to crap karen goes to grab my arm pinching it hard as her hand slips on my silk blouse now she grabs me so hard that she ripped the seam on the sleeve now what karen didn't know that escalated the situation drastically is that i have extreme ptsd from being assaulted in the past and her grabbing my arms from behind me is a major and usually very violent trigger and i instantly flash back i dropped my items jerked my arm away and started to scream in panic i screamed at her no don't touch me i then froze at this moment as horrible memories flood in my brain karen then makes the mistake of moving closer again in an aggressive manner i looked up to her malicious face and went straight into fight mode standing and getting into her face and screaming aggressively i screamed no you don't get to hurt me i'm not entirely present yet i'm still in my aggressive stance but started saying something along the lines of just leave me alone go away now at this point karen backs up and i imagine she thought that i was some crazy person and she would have been correct somehow the employee knew that i wasn't entirely there and traumatized somehow my pupils were probably blown wide and with the automatic sobbing my mascara was likely streaked down my cheeks my husband said i looked haunted when he picked me up later as i was too distraught to drive home the employee calms me down a little as i noticed i wasn't being attacked at that moment that's when security arrives to see a still-sobbing shaking woman on a full-blown panic attack from the flashback now the problem was that security was all male and i went back into the flashback and go screaming and freaking out violently i know they took karen away at some point and i hazely remember the employee sitting on the floor cross-legged nearby but not too close she was talking to me in soothing tones but i don't remember what was said i was too hysterical i was crying i then started to realize in relief that it was a flashback and only became more embarrassed and horrified the employee then got me to give her my phone to call my hubby he then talked to me a little bit and told me that i was safe and that's what really got me out of the episode enough to start letting them help me at a distance of course we all ended up in the back offices as they called emts because i was in shock was white and my heart rate went bonkers and i almost fainted i got my meds out of my purse took it and waited as the emts came in and did their job the cop who was with me was a war vet and knew exactly what was going on and how did not set me off what to ask etc now while all this was going on karen was in a different area and was still going insane about this psychotic employee who attacked her and threatened her and that she was gonna sue the store so when hubby gets there he heard what she was yelling and told the cops he knew i would press charges on anybody who grabbed me and treated me like that they talked a bit outside the room and i guess karen overheard that he was my hubby she then tried to blame my hubby for my ptsd attack as he must have quote abused me causing it hubby disabused that notion by laying down some facts explaining why i freaked out what happened to me that i was a minor at the time and that was before we met hubby says he also called her an idiotic hag as he left all that info shut her up temporarily but didn't stop her entirely hubby came in to comfort me and held me and police finally asked when i was calm enough if i wanted to press charges and i did of course they had already seen the recordings from security by that point so only needed me to tell them what happened to confirm why i freaked out at this point karen was told that she was being arrested and she started up the banshee screaming again the storm manager said that he would be banning her for her behavior indefinitely at some point during that karen's daughter a teenager showed up frantically looking for her mom mall security had escorted her and made quite the ruckus karen kept up the i'm innocent and this is a misunderstanding and threatened to sue me for doing this to her all the way to court supposedly now i really thought that i'd have to testify for a while which was really stressful the prosecutor's office called me a couple months later to tell me that she was taking the deal after the cctv footage and the photographic proof of the ripped shirts and my arm brews was shown to her now karen was a first time offender so she got the option to do a program where they do intensive personal psychotherapy anger management rehab support groups community service and such depending on the offenses if completed the record gets wiped clean karen took it and as part of the deal she had to plead guilty in court in front of the judge beforehand so no testifying about it in open courts and i was very grateful for that so one last bit of justice happened though her work found out and due to her clause in her contract they fired her immediately i found out about that from the prosecutor too and i haven't heard about her since never bothered to check up on her as she did her sentence and it wasn't important by the way this wasn't the only time someone grabbed me in public and i freaked out on them most recently was last summer now i did try to trim down the story without taking out too much of the needed info and to anybody worried i still go to therapy support groups etc and have since the initial assault 20 years ago you don't get over something like this but i'm managing pretty well for the most part guys what an absolutely crazy story and this is exactly why you never put your hands on anybody i've read too many stories of people just grabbing others when they're walking away and it's absolutely ridiculous you never know when something like this can happen also props to the employee who helped commonp down after that traumatic flashback and i'm so happy that op did press charges because that's the only way these people can learn i'm pretty sure that's not the first time karen has grabbed a stranger and hopefully after all this and the rehabilitation it's her last time so about a year or so ago my wife and i purchased a third home for a rental income a bit about myself before i go on i'm a six foot four male of moroccan middle eastern descent i'm commonly mistaken for latino and i'm also an officer this will be important later on so we were at the home depot by my place that i commonly go to to pick up some stuff to start on the new house my wife was picking out some tile with my son i was talking to the employee behind the counter who i'm familiar with when an older man comes up and asks the kid if he can go grab something from a shelf since he couldn't reach it now the employee did have a line of people so i told them don't worry i'm tall enough so i'll go grab it you just deal with these folks here so i went to grab the man what he wanted and he was very grateful so i walked back to the counter to pick out my order i began loading it into my cart and boom there she is standing in all of her glory a wild karen so karen walks up to me puts her hand on my shoulder squeezing it and says it is so hard to find help around here do you guys hide or something since you finished with him you need to take this to my car i asked her hey is that how you get people's attention by grabbing them forcefully like this you think that's okay karen says i don't care listen here juan you either load my stuff or i'll get your manager i'm sick and tired of lazy employees not doing their work i can then hear her muttering something about lazy border hoppers under her breath so i then tell her hey watch what you say to people i don't work here and you just committed assault karen then says watch what i say to you you're a goddamn employee you need to do your damn job i buy things from this store to keep you employed got it that's how it works i will not hesitate to get a manager to fire you i then tell her you go do that princess so karen stomps off in a huff and i continue on like nothing happened by the time my wife and son found me i was loading up the second flatbed after getting some brushes and rollers we headed to the cashier i then hear karen again as she approaches this time with a manager karen says hey there he is he's the one who refused to help me and he pushed me now i can see the store manager's eyes widen and he starts to laugh when he saw it was me i do come here pretty frequently and he knows that i'm an officer karen starts to tell the manager that i assaulted her refused to help her and that i should be fired and have the cops called on me the store manager looks like karen chuckles and says um i can't do that he's not an employee now karen at this point is livid she's screaming at him to have me arrested and kicked out from the store for assaulting her the store manager then says i can't do that either i know for a fact that he wouldn't assault you out of nowhere karen replies ugh why are you defending these mexicans he did the store manager then tells her ma'am i know for a fact he didn't do anything like that because he is an officer at this point karen's face went white as a ghost as she screams i thought you worked here now at this point i decided to toy with her for a bit to scare her and i told her that we're gonna take a walk to the office and look at the cameras to prove that i never laid a finger on her the manager agrees and we start to walk at this point karen was frozen and the manager asked her again ma'am if we go take a look at the store cameras will we see this man assaulting you now karen was defeated she sputtered but no real words came out of her mouth at this point i then said out loud you would see that i did not lay a finger on her but we would see that she verbally assaulted me and forcefully grabbed my shoulder so she could get in trouble for that now at this point i can see that she was shaken up and really scared and hopefully learned her little lesson here so i used this as a teaching moment for her and asked her if she learned her lesson on not lying to store managers and to never lay a hand on anybody else karen then said yes and i got her to apologize to the employee she berated and the store manager for causing a scene she then apologized for those racial remarks against me i let her know that i was being more than fair for not escalating the situation further because i had evidence to do so and she understood we then parted ways after that and i hope she learned her lesson the manager and my wife called me the karen whisperer after that because hopefully i turned her into a respectable person guys i love stories like this where it's instant karma for karen's now listen it would have been totally awesome to hear that she was arrested for grabbing the officer but props to op for using it as a teaching moment and like he said hopefully this crazy karen learned her lesson but my friends what do you guys think should op have had her arrested do you think she learned from this or was she faking to get out of the situation so i do my shopping the exact same time every week in a large grocery store and there's an old woman who usually does her shopping around the same time now the woman does have some mobility issues and doesn't buy much so after a few times of seeing her having a flag down help every time she wanted something above shoulder level i approached her and asked if she would like a shopping companion it took me under 10 minutes to get everything on her list and she was very gracious and grateful and even offered me a few dollars which i didn't accept of course i didn't give this a second thought i wasn't raised to question whether you take 10 minutes to help an old woman in the grocery store or not it's just what you do so next week when i saw her again i asked if she would like someone to shop with her and she was again very grateful for the help it then became our usual routine that whenever i saw her in the store i would give her a hand now one week i did not do my shopping at the usual time i worked a little late and when i came there there was a big fuss at the customer service desk involving my shopping friend and a young man i started to go over to make sure everything was all right and hear the young man saying what do you mean knowing what that name works here he had a name tag on my mom saw the name right ma and she says she did and the flummoxed customer service kid is saying that he doesn't really have anybody by that name who works here the young man is going on and saying what do you mean did you fire him he was here last week right ma and i realized that it's my name and the potential source of confusion now i go in shopping immediately after work and my work uniform is a maroon shirt and khaki pants with a name tag on the story shop at has white shirts any kind of pant you want and a maroon apron with a stores logo so it's a little similar i go over and she gleefully cries there you are i want you to meet my son and he starts telling me how grateful he is that i was taking time out of my work to personally help his mom shop and now that he's in town he wanted to say thanks in person and give me some money i of course refused and he said well at least let me put in a good word with your manager at the store so could you point them out so i can speak with them not that guy though that guy thought you'd been canned i explained the confusion and they were both so touched it was one of the most poignant moments of my life and definitely the most meaningful i've ever had in a supermarket isn't that sweet my friends you see not all i don't work here moments have to involve crazy cairns some of the best ones are the most wholesome ones like this one and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash i don't work here lady guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode i did an angry karen refuses to believe that opie owns a nice house because he's an immigrant check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 278,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen hardware store
Id: DC86NizYI0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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