r/EntitledPeople - Crying Karen Demands Landlord EVICT ME! She Wants MY HOME!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people where people seem to demand more than they deserve because they think they're better than everybody guys i hope you're having a great day today and boy oh boy do i have a crazy lineup today it'll leave you shaking your head but before we dive into the stories check this out a lady calls 9-1-1 because she doesn't like her son's haircut it's ridiculous look at this lady wasting my day wait for a bat for a bad haircut that i gave her that i gave her something that he asked for wasting my day look at this whack job bonehead's barbershop can you tell him to get away from my face no i won't no i won't i will get hurt look at her look at her look at her look at her my friends imagine that getting the police called on you because of a haircut now i'm pretty sure the haircut was 100 fine i'm not sure what the mom was expecting and i'm very curious as to what it looks like with that said guys i hope you enjoy the stories today and do hit that subscribe button if you aren't already subscribed we're diving in guys get ready my buddy is a very good surgeon and has dedicated his life to medicine he frequently goes to hot spots around the world to offer his services he is unmarried and the only thing he does for himself is take three or four weeks off twice a year once in july and once in december he told me he does this so he doesn't lose his mind so on those times he really lets lose he'll go on vacation somewhere maybe take up a hobby go skydiving scuba diving meet women eat wild food and at christmas he spends time with his brother's family and apparently gives some pretty nice gifts he's a really good person and an excellent surgeon without giving too much away before kovit at his hospital they had a pretty busy day which at a hospital is never a good thing he was doing one emergency surgery after another everyone was slammed and more people were waiting for emergency care one person had already died because of the backlog and a few more on the operating table no matter how good the surgeon is sometimes you simply can't save people so in the midst of all this chaos and entitled karen walks into the er and begins demanding that someone see her brat kid who had a bruise on his face because another kid punched him at school probably for being a brat so they sit her down in the waiting room so her kid went and apparently decided that he was the only one allowed to play with the hospital waiting room toys and he would scream at any kids who tried to approach my buddy meanwhile is trying to save the life of a 16 year old who was in a horrific car accident and sadly the kid didn't make it now i always feel that this is the worst thing for a surgeon they try their best but sometimes it's not good enough so my body gets his own emotions in check before going to face the parents they have a special room for this in the hospital it has comfortable furniture and a table that's nailed down he's in the middle of breaking down this awful news to the parents who are feeling a pain that words can't even begin to describe when karen burst in apparently she followed the parents as they were escorted to the room she took a look around and said so when you're done taking a break my son needs you immediately my buddy then interrupts her tells her to give them a moment and shoves her out and calls security he finishes talking to the parents and then goes to the waiting room the secretary fills him in she tells the doctor that ever since he turned karen away and interrupted her the karen has been berating the secretary about being so rudely treated by the doctor that she wants him reprimanded for being unprofessional so at this point the doctor goes over to the kid and in the waiting room gives the kid a quick look over declares that he doesn't have a concussion and tells karen to get out of my hospital before i call police now at this point the woman is stunned she tries to argue that he's a useless doctor blah blah blah and the doctor says no i have patients that need me much more than you your son is fine you just need to raise him better get out now he then had security escort her and her kid all the way to the car to ensure that she actually left now this is a guy who i've never seen get angry but when he told me the story he was shaking with rage guys op's friend is such a badass way to shut down and entitled karen who thinks that her son is way more important than others at a hospital now i wish i could see the look in her face when the doctor told her to raise her kid better and had her thrown out by security and for all who are concerned about the well-being of the kid he's absolutely fine opie comes into the comments saying that his friend would never turn away someone who was actually in need of medical help the kid was basically being a brat and then he got hit for it my sister and brother-in-law own the house that my parents are living in so back in the spring my mom suffered several strokes and a heart attack in a matter of weeks leaving her in a pretty bad physical state my dad has been caring for my mom 24 7. my dad's father also passed away during the summer and somehow during the funeral and family gatherings both of my parents caught covet my mom's health then severely declined and my dad had to make a tough decision to put her in a nursing facility when my mom went in the nursing home my dad decided to stay with his mother for a while it was a good setup since my dad's mom was newly widowed and lived near my mom's nursing facility meanwhile my sister's sister-in-law got her divorce she and her ex decided to sell the house they lived in with their four kids she then was given a very fair amount of time to find another house for her and her kids to move but she didn't moving they came and sister-in-law had no house now instead of looking for a house over the weeks before the deadline sister-in-law takes a vacation with her new boyfriend she was ready with a sob story about how she had no money where will her kids live etc etc while she used her alimony check for botox she also gets child support for her four kids she will move in with a boyfriend because that would put an end to her alimony dollars so she takes her four crotch goblins and moves into a hotel so since no one has stepped up and offered her a free set of house keys sister-in-law sets her sights on the house that my parents have been living in her and her mom basically start to blow up my sister's phone wanting to know why my dad hasn't moved out of the house yet and she demands my sister evict him since they're the landlord so she can move in because they need it more now my dad is grieving the loss of his father and dealing with my mom's poor health and also taking care of his mom and working a full-time job he has to go through a lifetime's worth of personal items furniture etc before he can even go anywhere that's not good enough for sister-in-law and mother-in-law because they pitch a fit and sister-in-law cries basically demanding that my sister and brother-in-law throw my dad out of the house that they own because sister-in-law needs it since she has four kids boo who now sister-in-law is an entitled princess who's used to getting her way and having things handed to her she's a 35 year old woman but behaves like a spoiled child imagine the level of selfishness it takes to demand that a grieving man be tossed out of his home because this entitled woman was too irresponsible and lazy to get out and find a house for herself and her kids what a super entitled brat that sister-in-law is how many of you would kick your parents out of your own house so a spoiled 35 year old who would rather take a vacation and spend money on botox can live there the answer is nobody nobody right like i feel so bad for those kids their mom had weeks to try to set up a living situation for her kids and instead decides to take a vacation with her new boyfriend congratulations you win the mom of the year award and trust me it's nothing to be proud about my friends and speaking of the mom of the year award you y'all gotta fasten your seat belts for this next story because it's bonkers my dad died winter of 2016. it was a very sudden heart attack in his sleep my oldest was six at the time and my dad was her best friend now the death hit us all very hard and i was struggling to help my daughter through her first real loss while mourning myself my mom decided to self-medicate with crack and whiskey great mom she kept making promises to my daughter about spending time together but then bailing at the last minute being six my daughter was suddenly terrified that she would lose my mom too my mom would always go to parties to hook up do copious amounts of drugs or hang out at the bar she said that this was her way of grieving i said that it was her spiraling but she refused to seek help mental stability was not a priority in that household ever so here's where the entitlement comes into play less than two months after his death my mom starts dating a new man by february she told my six-year-old that grandma has a new man friend now my mom didn't bother telling me i got to hear about it through my six-year-old's tears she felt like grandma was replacing pop-pop now even if that isn't the case the relationship was new and the kid was still grieving she didn't need to know about grandma's new relationship yet but my mom disagreed she said that she has the right to tell her granddaughter whenever she wants we then get into a heated argument about boundaries and my daughter's right to mourn and my mother said you need to support me on this now i did inform her like she did when i came out of the closet that no i don't have to support you but i do have to accept you she then accused me of demanding she break up with her boyfriend because quote a child through a tantrum i told her she was welcome to live her life but she didn't need to involve my daughter in every aspect of it a few months went by of my mother constantly trying to force her new boyfriend into my daughter's life now she would ask to take my daughter somewhere to spend time together and i would ask if her boyfriend would be joining them i had to turn her down several times after asking my daughter if she was comfortable enough to get to know him and she was not each time my mother would scream at me about ruining her life and impeding on her grief she was in mourning and how could i treat her this way now at this point my daughter's 7th birthday rolls around and we get ready for a family party held in our backyard i specifically told my mom that she was invited but her boyfriend was not as the family wasn't ready to see a new man replacing dad we just wanted a family gathering that was strictly close family to enjoy ourselves this was a 7 year old's birthday party the birthday girl made the guest list and it's no place for drama well guess what mom does now not only does my mother bring her new boyfriend oh no it turns out the poor guy had just had a stroke or something and needed assistance walking he temporarily needed a walker and the party was through grass to the backyard my mother had left her date to fend for himself at the side of the road and she pranced into the party with a look of absolute triumph that didn't make sense at first then i saw him around the corner now he was a man i didn't recognize and it could only be one person on either side of him were my in-laws holding his arms and helping him along the grass they didn't know him either but they saw him struggling in the front yard and decided to help him make it to the backyard the moment my daughter saw him she began bawling her eyes out seeing my mom without my dad was hard enough but seeing another man in the place where pop-up is supposed to be just broke her my daughter runs inside to her room and before i could get someone to cover the grill for me my mom chases after her i found them in my room my daughter was trying to pull away from my mom and my mom was hugging her tights and muttering in her ear something inside me just snapped i knew that position all too well she was being told that she was a selfish child for having emotions i jerk my mom away from my daughter and pulled her into the other room where the yelling began my mom then screams at me and says she needs to learn to get over this dad is gone i tell her she's seven mom this is hard for her you're being so mean to me i just lost my husband i tell her and my daughter just lost her grandfather we're all hurting mom i told you he wasn't welcome she wasn't ready to see him and none of the family was either my mom then says well he's already here so there's nothing she can do but get over it i then tell her that she needs to leave and my mom says you can't kick me out and i tell her to leave because it's my house now leave now my mom didn't go quietly everybody at the party knew that she was quote thrown out by my own daughter who can't seem to control her emotions when my mom was finally gone i hugged my sobbing seven-year-old and asked her what grandma said exactly my daughter told me that she said you're not allowed to be sad anymore because he's only your grandpa but he was my husband so you are not allowed to be sadder than grandma now at that my stomach churned and i was suddenly very sorry that i didn't pop my mother across the face before she left guys just when you think these stories can't get any more ridiculous right i can't believe grandma said that to her granddaughter seriously you're not allowed to be more sad than grandma because he was your grandpa but he was my husband like wow that is the most ridiculous thing to say to your grieving granddaughter like come on pop-pop was her best friend lady so i don't i don't even know what to say so opie does come back with an update and the update reads we did go no contact for nearly a year and despite my mother throwing tantrums herself we waited until my daughter felt ready to let grandma back into her life she was able to mourn and heal in peace and for all those who were asking about my mom yes she was high and drunk a lot of the time that didn't phase me because my parents have always used drugs and i grew up thinking that it was normal i absolutely understand now that it's not of course the new guy is deeply religious he has the occasional beer and smokes a little bad but he got my mom off the crack and the hard stuff so this happened three years ago i was renting a basement apartment that i loved and my landlords were great i lived there for about three and a half years halfway through they told me that they wanted to sell the place but probably not that soon since the husband was working on a commercial ship for nine months at the time i just asked them to let me know when they decided to sell and give me enough notice they happily told me that they would anyways 13 or 14 months pass and they decide to start the process they introduced me to the realtors and everything gets sorted out now up until this point everything is going great the realtors would give me 24 hour notice before bringing potential buyers in i was also told that i can stay home during the showings or go about my business i have no complaints about them or my landlords throughout the entire process so one day i get back from work and didn't really feel like going out again the realtors came with a family of five or six it was announced to me and i had decided to stay in that day the family consisted of a mother a father adult daughter and two or three kids i can't remember the father was a real piece of work now the thing is i live in a very touristy town on the mediterranean coast it was summer people try to pull all sorts of cons here so they're walking around the place checking it out when i hear the dad say now i know you said someone lives here but we hope to stay a couple of days to get the feel of the place you know before we buy it the realtor says oh uh i don't think you can do that this place isn't for rent and like you said it's currently occupied someone lives here the dad says well i can't buy something just like that we need to try it out but okay obviously we can't stay the night so i then chime in and said sorry no you can't i live here he then moves on measures things left and right wondering out loud whether their large wardrobe will fit in the bedroom the guy says he wants to buy an apartment for his daughter because she wants to go to college here eventually they pack up and i see them walking to the beach the next day there are no scheduled showings so i decided to do the thing that everyone does when they live next to a beach i take a nap after work but before my head even hits the pillow i hear someone coming down the stairs now there were only two basement apartments and my neighbors were gone away for a week i get up and go to the door to check it out but before i even make it halfway there someone rattles the doorknob and then 10 seconds later starts knocking now i was really confused and a little freaked out i go to the door look out the peephole and lo and behold it's the father from yesterday i don't open my door i asked who is it the dad says hey it's me we were here yesterday i asked him what do you want the dad says i just want to measure the space in the bedroom to see if my daughter's wardrobe will fit i told him no i'm sorry but you're not getting in if you want to come back you'll have to call the realtor the dad then says but i can't buy the place if i don't know it's for my daughter i then tell him to call the realtor again as they have all the measurements on file and again i tell him i'm not letting you in the dad then says ha don't make me buy this place and evict you consider yourself homeless now at this point the dad starts cussing out and i hear him going away i called the landlords and realtors after that and they were mortified and worried that someone like that just came to my place tried to let themselves in and threatened to evict me the dad did not buy the apartment after all because the landlords refused to ever deal with him again the realtors told him that it was sold and to this day i believe their plan was to find a place to crash at for a few days for a free vacation under the pretext of buying the place for their daughter i set up cameras around the apartment to keep an eye on it while i was at work i spent the entire summer not feeling safe in my home guys that is wild i have never heard of people asking to live in a place before buying it like is that even a thing i actually wonder if opioi was right about them trying to score a free place to stay at while on vacation either way that guy was creepy as hell did manny to come back and get measurements my friends what do you guys think let me know and that brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys what another wild episode if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode i did a neighbor thinks she's invincible and her ass is op since her husband is a cop and ob teaches her a lesson that she won't forget i'm sorry i almost laughed there because it's so ridiculous my friends check out that story if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 331,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, r//, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, instant karma, entitled people reddit, karma stories, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mother, entitled mom stories, karen coffee shop, entitled parent, entitled parents
Id: ffJtueKPCbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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