r/MaliciousCompliance - Neighbor: "Any Ball That Lands In My Yard is MINE FOREVER!"

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash malicious compliant where people follow orders to the letter and most of the times it's to spite somebody guys i hope you're having a wonderful day today and in this episode there's four stories the first and second stories both deal with neighbors the third story opie tells a tale of how a manager's ignorance costs the company tons of money and we'll finish up with a story where op gets a teacher fired my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future tales let's dive in so i live in a very quiet suburban neighborhood with lots of active neighbors joggers bikers dog walkers baby strollers kids playing balls in the streets etc the speed limit is 25 miles per hour but when i see lots of foot traffic on the sidewalks i bring it down to 15 miles per hour or even 10 miles per hour if i see a big group of kids playing in the street now there's this sweet group of kids who play basketball in the middle of the street eight doors down from my home when they see cars approaching they move to the curb and wait for the cars to pass before resuming their game one day i was driving home from work and i saw the kids out playing and their mother was on the front lawn talking with another adult i slowed down to 10 miles per hour and went to the complete opposite side of the street as i crept by a little while later she knocked on my door and complained about how fast i was driving and that i could have harmed her precious kids i said the speed limit is 25 miles per hour and i was going 10 miles per hour how slow do you want me to go and she said i don't care just slow down or else i'm gonna call the police i have a doorbell camera so i can see you every time you drive by okay crazy lady whatever you say the next day the kids were outside playing in the street again i slowly approached came to a full stop and then i took my foot off the brakes and let the car crawl at one mile per hour the kids stared at me all confused as it took me an entire minute to pass through their makeshift basketball court i continued to do this a few more times until one day the mother comes out and knocks on my car window as i was crawling by i lowered my window and asked if there was a problem and she said why are you going so slow are you stalking my kids i said no of course not you demanded that i slowed down so i am i then rolled up my window and went on my way she comes banging on my door and says don't you get smart with me now you're going too slow i said are you saying that going 10 miles per hour is ok now because if you don't like it you can call the police she huffed and crossed her arms and stomped off my porch and she never bothered me again so guys this actually happened to me a few months ago with somebody down the street from me i wasn't even going that fast but when i passed this woman on the sidewalk she screamed at me telling me to slow the f down and that there's effing kids around here blah blah blah yeah i know right and then she ran after me luckily i rounded the corner and pulled into my garage before she could catch up i did see her walk past my house looking for me though so long story short i haven't driven that way home in a very very long time this happened about 6 years ago when i was 12 and my brother was 10. we lived next door to an older lady and let's call her jane who we never really interacted with we used to play with tennis balls and cricket balls in our backyard and occasionally they would bounce or fly over the fence when they did however jane would keep the balls and not give them back she would always say any ball that comes into my yard is mine and i'm keeping it well one time we were playing with my dog and her favorite ball goes over the fence i sucked it up and went to go talk to me jane as we called her only because it was my dog's favorite ball but obviously she did not give it back he was so sad and kept looking for the ball everywhere and he wouldn't play with any other ball and that was the final straw i found a shop online where you can buy bulk sports equipment usually for schools and with my dad's help i bought 200 tennis balls once they arrived my plan could begin step one i asked her for my dog's ball back again no surprise she was mean and would not give it back saying any ball that comes into my yard is mine and i'm keeping it fine then time for step two so step two is every day i go into the yard and throw a tennis ball over the fence each day i increase the amount so day one was one ball day two was two balls day three was three etc etc and each day before doing this i would ask for my dog's ball back each day getting a no by the time we got to day 19 we only had 10 balls left and that's when step 3 came into play so step 3 she had an old rubbish bin that she kept all of our balls in and now at this point it was overflowing so that week spin night we watched her haul out two large black bags once it got dark me and my dad went out and lo and behold it was every single ball of ours that had gone over the fence in the past few years in total around 300 balls including the 200 tennis balls and my dog's ball was in there to say my dog was really excited is an understatement she would not put the thing down and even started sleeping with it my friends i've never ever understood people like that how is it so hard to toss a ball back over the fence when it lands in your yard so my brothers and i lived by a lady who is the exact same she told us anything that went onto her property she would pop so she popped a few soccer balls and footballs a long time ago and now thinking back i'm not even sure if she was allowed to do that are you allowed to destroy or keep things that come onto your property someone please answer this question because i would really really love to know many years ago more than 15 i worked as a programmer for an oil and gas automation company this means that we would design and build the computer systems for oil and gas plants commission them and support the operators during day to day operations because of this my company ran a 24 7 support phone every week a member of my team would get the phone and be expected to be available to answer calls 24 7. we had enough people on the team that it would roughly equate to getting the phone twice a year most of the employees of this company were salaried and the 24 7 phone was written into their contract for every phone call they took they could charge a minimum of one hour in bank time this was a good deal for them and made the 24 7 phone easier to handle now i was a little different than my co-workers in that i was not a salaried employee i was an hourly contractor my co-workers would bank their time and i was just paid out bi-weekly my contract also stated that if i was being paid by the company i had to be available exclusively to the company this was added by their hr department because a few years back they caught an hourly contractor running side jobs for other businesses at his desk this also meant that if they wanted me to be available exclusively to the company they had to pay me for my time for 2 years i knew the 24 7 phone existed but i never had to take it because according to my contract if they wanted me to be available they had to pay my hourly rate after normal work hours to ensure that i was available to answer the phone when it rang then as in most corporate stories my completely awesome manager left for greener pastures and was replaced with an absolute tool so after a month of being in the office he decided that it wasn't fair that everybody took turns on the phone except for me he declared that i would be put in the rotation effective immediately now i did not want to cost the company a ton of money so i tried to explain to him that if i'm on the 24 7 phone that means they have to pay me 24 hours a day for seven days he scoffs and told me that i obviously did not understand how business works and i told him that he did not understand how my contract was laid out and that i'm an hourly contractor not a salaried employee he ignored me and insisted that to be a team player i had better take the phone or look elsewhere for employment i didn't want to seem like i wasn't a team player so i accepted the phone and started my clock seven days later i handed the phone off to the next guy and submitted my bi-weekly invoice it came out to just over ten thousand dollars with eight thousand four hundred bucks being just one week of having the phone i waited about 15 minutes before i was pulled into the manager's office when i arrived the manager the head of hr the manager's boss and the head of the department were there with my most recent invoice sitting on the desk the department had just looked at me and asked what the hell i was thinking when i gave them that invoice i explained that the new manager insisted that i take the 24 7 phone even though my contract clearly stipulates that if the company wants me 24 7 they have to pay for every minute that i have the phone the new manager became redder with every word when i was finished the department manager turns to him and asked why he didn't know this since it's common knowledge that no contractors are ever put in that kind of position as he was stuttering for an answer the department had dismissed me and told me to expect my check at the usual time so the best part is during the entire week i had the 24 7 phone it only rang twice both during work hours and both calls asking for a specific person in the department all i had to do was give them a phone number those two three minute phone calls cost that company 4 200 each after that the new manager pretended that i didn't exist and refused to talk to me for three months until he was moved to sales in a different department i was at the company for another two years and never saw that phone again guys the story is absolutely ridiculous two three minute phone calls for almost ten thousand dollars the new manager definitely made a huge mistake telling op to be a team player i do wonder if he was reprimanded for that little mishap though a new guy costing the company 10 grand in the month of being there that doesn't look too good when i was in eighth grade i had the terrible misfortune of being put in a class of the most sadistic teacher in the school we'll call him mr m mr m was known for liking to watch his students suffer i have many stories about things that he would do just to assert power over us like giving us pop quizzes on subjects that he didn't teach or making us call our parents and tell them that we had no will to succeed and were committed to failure if we forgot an assignment basically he was a prick who got off on watching kids squirm now not only did i have mr m as my english teacher i also had him for homeroom which meant that he was in charge of handing out report cards at the end of the grading period so of course being the kind person he was he took advantage of this when he gave us our report cards he would call us up one by one to receive them in front of the entire class if a student had passed every class he would make us all clap for them if a student had failed one or more classes he would make us walk back to our desk in complete silence now this made me live it as i'm autistic and often struggled in school i failed at least one class each grading period and every time we got report cards i dreaded being stared at eventually i vented this to my older sister who happened to be at the time in college getting a degree in education to become a math teacher she was disgusted by this especially because unbeknownst to me sharing the status of a student's grades to their peers positive or negative without written permission is illegal so fast forward to the end of the year as the teacher who had been at the school the longest in our year mr m was in charge of organizing the 8th grade field trip it was tradition that every year he would force the class to do the chicken dance and film it he even made us watch the footage of the previous year so that we knew it was coming so the day of the field trip comes and it isn't that special we got to miss class go to the park and eat pizza as the day comes to a close we hear the teachers announce that we have five minutes to make it back to the pavilion me and most other students start to run back across the field knowing they'd be serving the pizza soon halfway across the field my foot gets caught in a hole in the ground and i feel a snap from my ankle i start wailing and my friend sees me and helps me to my feet and half carries me back with me sobbing the whole way she sets me down on a bench and i prop my ankle up as she runs to tell a teacher that i was hurt but before she can say anything she's cut off by mr m announcing that it's time to do the chicken dance she goes to a teacher and is blown off and ignored and told to join the other students or she'll be written up at some point while lining up the students mr m notices that i'm still sitting in the pavilion on the bench and marches over demanding i get up i tell him i hurt my ankle and i think it's broken and he takes one look at my sock covered foot and says i'm lying i tell him i can barely stand and he demands that i get up or he'll make sure that i'm put in isolation for the remaining of the school year eventually i give in and hobble down the hill with everybody else sobbing and limping the whole time he makes us dance i make a show of it tears streaming down my face me pitifully trying to dance on one leg holding on to people for balance the whole nine yards eventually after 30 seconds one of the other teachers notices and comes over and stops me and asked what's going on i tell her i think my ankle's broken she asked well if it's broken why are you trying to dance i tell her how mr m threatened me that if i don't dance i'll get in trouble she guides me away and sits me down by this time my ankle is starting to swell noticeably i pull off my sock and she can see that the skin is starting to turn a purple bruise color she's horrified and helps carry me back to the bus and gets me some ice my mom leaves work early to get me and take me to the emergency room where they confirm my ankle is indeed broken a pretty nasty break too the next monday she brings me into school and we head straight for the office and demand to see the principal she has me tell her the whole story my friend and the teacher who helped me corroborate and my mother immediately threatens to hire a lawyer and sue for abuse and endangerment after an hour of motherly tirade the principal manages to calm my mother down and says it'll be taken care of in the meantime i take the day off and stay home i walk into homeroom tuesday morning on my crutches and mr m is not there in fact he didn't come back for the last week of school i find out that he retired early and i know the administration probably made him in order to avoid a lawsuit mr m was not that old maybe about 50. he could have easily gotten another 10 years in before he retired mr m definitely got what he deserved ignoring a student when they say they might have a broken ankle and calling them a liar that's definitely a no-no and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash malicious compliance if you guys enjoyed the episode today do give it a thumbs up and if you missed yesterday's episode a crazy karen demands a boss fire somebody so she can take their job if you haven't seen it check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 119,275
Rating: 4.9442616 out of 5
Keywords: malicious compliance, r/maliciouscompliance, reddit malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance military, reddit malicious compliance playlist, funny malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, best of reddit, funny posts, reddit top posts, funny, comedy, cringe stories, fail stories, malicious, compliance, top posts of all time, bad boss stories, boss fired
Id: vhHgrHdB_8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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