r/MaliciousCompliance The Movie - rSlash Storytime

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hey guys something a little bit different today i've compiled all the best malicious compliance stories if you like this compilation style of video let me know i might release more with some of the best stories over the years neighbor complaining about noise our rental contract as is normal here stipulates a quiet period between 10 pm and 7 am every night where we're not supposed to be loud we moved in on a saturday and were of course unpacking on sunday so our new neighbor below us knocked on our door and screamed at us around midday and told us to read the part of our contract about the quiet period so i did and sundays aren't mentioned 10 pm to 7 am every day of the week nowhere does it state that sundays are any different so we carried on he has called the police on us several times for doing just normal things such as rearranging furniture each time he would lie to the police that he had to come speak to us about it first which he had not the reasons included things like dropping things too often to using the stairs at night these reasons are of course ridiculous but each time i have just shown them the contract which all residents sign if he has signed the contract he can sense to me making noise during these periods we complained to the letting agency that he was harassing us for simply making the normal amount of noise people make from living in an apartment however nothing changed i checked with our neighbors to see if they had any complaints about our noise level and they all said no after he called the police several times i decided to begin malicious compliance i went down to the neighbor with a copy of the house rules which we have all signed and told him to please read them specifically the exact times which are the quiet period then for the next week or so any hammering drilling or other loud things i had to do i saved for 9 50 pm even if i didn't have anything i needed to do i made sure to make noise right up until 10 pm after i did this for about a week we stopped hearing from him and haven't had any noise complaints since and it's been several months now now a couple of heavy metal fans have moved into the apartment next to him and i couldn't be happier if you had a neighbor like this that would use any service they could to falsify complaints against you making noise would you do what op did here and make plenty of noise during the applicable hours just to really get back at them let me know in the comments down below and if you want let me know what you would have done to really make some noise our next stories by fox dvd boss tells me i need his approval to call someone in on their day off no matter what time it is this happened around 20 years ago long and really not the most vicious compliance but it was satisfying i have worked for the same company for nearly 30 years it is a small beverage company that is filled with salesmen and weekend merchandisers to work their grocery stores the sales team was 12 accountant managers who have either friday and saturday or sunday and monday off this required a team of six merchandisers to cover this time off and one lead position to help and cover time off for the team of six i was in the role of that lead position at the time this story happened my boss let's call him rey was one of the most difficult people in the world to deal with the merchandisers were paid minimum wage for a very physical job that required a start time of 4 30 am so it was difficult to keep good people we had people call in sick or not show up all the time on top of this everyone that worked there would get yelled at on a daily basis it really was a harsh work environment one of the issues i faced in covering for the six merchandisers was when more than one person would call in sick our territory is large so it was impossible to cover more than one route because of travel time some grocery stores were an hour away from each other so not only did you need to start early but you were never going to be able to work more than one route in a day when two or more merchandisers called in we would ask one of the account managers to work one of their days off to cover the routes the account managers were paid salary and commission so they were paid a flat dollar amount when they had to work a day off my boss ray would always yell at me when i would tell him that i needed to call someone in his response always boiled down to why are you bothering me with this just take care of it one sunday i had three merchandisers call in remembering my most recent scream session with ray i decided on my own to call in two account managers and cover the third route myself the following day ray approached me and asked me to come into his office he then with spittle coming out of his mouth yelled at me for over a minute about how i did not have the authority to authorize account managers to work that i had overstepped my authority and that going forward i was to call him asap when someone needed to come in all of this was just some strange power trip because he was never not going to approve the extra time so this is what happened the very next weekend that saturday i had two people call in it was 4 45 am and i called ray's house the phone ringed for a while and a lady answered the phone it was rey's wife i asked her to speak with rey she then proceeded to yell at me on the phone for calling her that early in the morning it was almost as rough a chewing as i had received from rey she then handed the phone to rey yeah uh i need to call someone in to cover a route okay and then he hung up the phone that following monday i figured i was going to get another chewing ray called me over to him by the coffee and very calmly whispered in my ear almost shy like uh yeah you can make that call going forward bringing people in no need to call me anymore i realized that rey had got one of his own scream sessions from his wife when rey was telling op that it was okay for them to just make the call going forward i thought the direction the story was going to go was that the wife thought it was a jake from state farm type of call in the middle of the night rather than the why did you call me and wake me up this hour type of complaint would have been slightly funnier but overall this is still a satisfying story this next story is by r.a the rugged meg force him to write an optional essay don't complain about his subject choice so this isn't my story but actually my brothers it is short but i still love to share it when my brother was in high school he had to take a test in english class now the test was pretty standard but at the end it included an optional essay the students were allowed to choose their own topic to write about but as i said it was labeled as optional my brother chose not to do it and went to hand in his test but when the teacher saw that he had left the essay question blank she told him he had to write it he argued about it being optional but she insisted that he had to do it so my brother goes back to his desk and he chose to write his entire essay about how it was stupid that he was required to write an optional essay and how it was pointless he still passed because this essay hardly counted towards the test but i had the same english teacher seven years later and i always wished i could have seen her face when she read it if it says optional it should be optional maybe if you really want to enforce people actually doing it you should preface it by saying that if you choose not to do it it will still count against your grade so although it is optional in reality it's do it and get a grade for it or do it and get complete marks off of the essay though in retrospect does that mean the entire test is optional you'll just get a zero if you choose not to this next story is by more input boss tells me i'm not a manager so i stop doing her job for background i work in mental health and substance use services i have worked in my job for a long time now my boss is never available for help and hardly on site recently she has got a new manager who is not impressed with her work ethic but then a lockdown happened and he had to shield she has gone straight back to her old ways boss will often ask me to do her work for her to save her coming in which i have never minded doing up until recently i had a meeting with my boss after an incident at work where someone tried to assault me i told my boss i didn't feel supported by her after it had happened as she wasn't present and didn't manage it well afterwards in the middle of the meeting boss says perhaps you want to consider some easier work in a different department i say what why the boss says well you do take on a lot of extra work that you don't need to a lot of this work is managers jobs maybe you need to learn to say no to taking on all this work i asked if there was something wrong with my standard of work if she had concerns etc and she says no three months down the line four of the team leave and they get new people in boss says oh op can you induct new starters on their first day i say sorry boss that's a manager's job boss says can you complete fire risk assessment i say sorry boss that's a manager's job after a while she stops asking me things then one day she's working from home i'm pretty sure she has been telling her manager she's on site throughout lockdown but mostly isn't huge incident kicks off with residents emergency services are called etc i call boss and explain to her what happened boss says op can you please do follow up with commissioning body staff and residents involved and write the report send it all directly to me please i say sorry boss you will need to come in to manage this i'm not a manager that's not my job ma says just this once please i refused to manage the incident turned out she was visiting a friend who lived at the coast whilst she was meant to be on site someone accidentally let slip to her manager when he called in the incident and there was no one to manage he asked me to deal with the incident i explained i couldn't and that boss had reported me as taking on too much work to oh a full investigation has been launched into her conduct and ability to do her job manager now talks to me directly and supervises me he is helping me apply for a promotion boss is on leave pending investigation it would be great advice from the boss if the manager was actually doing their work and the boss made sure and enforced that the manager was doing their job but if the boss is going to keep letting the manager slide along like that there's something a little fishy going on here i don't understand why the manager would be able to stick around for so long doing such an incompetent job so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by spatchfox you can have my programming but i'd like some money towards the tooling i've paid for it's not as malicious as some of the compliance on here but here's my story from a few years back it's a bit long-winded but a lot of it is required for context i was working as a machinist in a small machine shop at a big manufacturing company we were a small team that worked on small highly customized projects away from the main production line and had a good selection of older manual machines and a couple of modern cnc machines due to the nature of the work and the rate it came in we set our own priorities as needed and would frequently have quiet spells where we could work on homework projects most of the team were apprentices on second mint from the main production area with only me and one other fully timed served and skilled machinist on the department's payroll through an outside agency the apprentices were paid by the main company as our department didn't really generate its own income the apprentices were a much preferred source of labor their only cost to the department was in material loss and tool breakage which were very common occurrences it was either from lack of experience in the three newer apprentices or by the sole final year apprentice liam who thought that because he was nearing the end of his training that he knew it all much as me and my skilled colleague tried to advise otherwise as a result of the minimal department income and the regular apprentice mistakes good lathe tooling was few and far between my colleague who'd been at the company most of his working life kept all the tools he needed to use locked away for only his use and mine if i needed to borrow something obscure as he could trust me to take care of them as i'd only been there a couple of years but had my own lathe at home i brought a lot of my own tooling in or bought it myself rather than go through the battle with the purchasing department and as such being for everyone to use important later after about two and a half years a new head of development hod was employed he took on several departments including hours within six months of him starting a new manager was assigned to our department the old guy was great and ran the department to the best of his ability but the head of department didn't like that we appeared to be a money pit so off he went my colleague had a bad feeling about things as soon as head of department took over and somehow knew that we wouldn't be too far down the list i was more optimistic as we could be depended on to get things done in a clinch and we had experience the apprentices didn't and our contracts were pretty solid in that they'd have to find a really good and legitimate reason to get rid of us my colleague didn't like all the changes was already well past retirement age and decided to call it a day as the company had gone through several ownerships over his time with them and his tools weren't documented he gave a few to me and took the rest with him with him gone i thought there would be little chance of them getting rid of me as there to be no one to supervise the younger apprentices or to do the work that was beyond their abilities liam had officially finished his apprenticeship in the summer and was now at least by title a fully fledged machinist anyone who's worked in the job should know that this doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things there's always more to learn and more experience to gain but he was so full of himself that he felt he no longer needed any advice from me and much to my amusement the mistakes kept happening if anything they were more frequent by him trying and failing to prove a point it was quite obvious he really didn't appreciate my input so i stopped offering guidance and just let him get on with it giving him the rope to hang himself so to speak unfortunately liam was quite friendly with the new boss and that would ultimately be my demise the new boss was also health and safety mad which i don't have a problem with in the slightest i know and fully appreciate the importance when implemented reasonably and that gave liam an opportunity to do away with the only other person above him me in my collection of tools i had two shop made mallets which the previous boss had absolutely no issue with but they mysteriously made their way out of my locked toolbox onto my new boss's desk the boss wasn't hands on and wouldn't want to get his suit dirty coming onto the shop floor so it was fairly obvious that the ex-apprentice was the one to break into my toolbox there was nothing unsafe about the mallets the brass faces were shrunk fit into a solid steel head with a welded steel handle attached you could beat on them for days and not separate the brass faces but they weren't proper equipment in other words bought from a tool supplier so i was sacked pretty much on the spot i had to gather all my belongings and leave but i knew this would cause issues as the cnc programs were all written for my tools and as angry as i was that liam had broken into my toolbox and ratted me out i still didn't want everything to go to crap without me my boss was aware most of the cnc programs were backed up to my personal usb storage and asked me to transfer everything before leaving i complied with the request transferred all the programs even though i wasn't legally contracted to do so but i knew he'd need more than that throwing him a bone i advised that the programs were written for my tooling in his eyes that immediately meant that i should leave everything required for use which i begrudgingly agreed to for a token payment towards their value he scoffed told me to take my tools and get off the site it took a lot longer than i expected for them to realize that their very expensive cnc lathe was now next to useless without spending over three thousand pounds on new tooling my 800 pound offer was now incredibly appealing after three weeks of it sitting idle but of course my boss was still trying to make the books look better and phoned me up offering 400 pounds i reciprocated the scoff he gave me three weeks prior and hung up considering everything that happened to opie they gave them more than a fair offer to purchase all of the tooling that they needed for those cnc programs the way op was treated and booted out of there was incredibly disrespectful they should have felt lucky that opie was even offering to sell them the tooling now they have to spend nearly triple his offer just to make sure that everything works again not going to look pretty for that boss's bottom line is by draconian 1429 bathroom policy nah so i was around eight or nine years old and a class of about 30 other kids the same age i'd like to think we were good kids but there's only so good a group of more children can be we had some amazing teachers who were always great about us using the bathroom in class if we needed to except mrs karen mrs karen was around 60 and was the sort of person who hated children and scolded you if you sneezed while she was talking she also hated bathroom breaks our school was set up with a weird timetable where we ended up having three hours of classes in a row for an eight-year-old that's almost impossible and mrs karen would never entertain the idea of someone taking a two-minute trip to the bathroom in her oh so important classes if someone had an accident from trying to hold it in she'd openly mock them in front of the class and make them answer questions on the board so people could see that they had an accident there were a good few of us who were unhappy about this but what could a kid do mrs karen always denied any wrongdoing most parents were on her side and we all ended up being miserable until an amazing kid stepped up to the challenge we'll call him kevin kevin was the class clown never did what teacher said if he was told he couldn't leave class he'd leave anyway so when the day came that he was told he couldn't go to the bathroom and listened we all thought the apocalypse had started this was absolutely unheard of and everyone was wondering what he was planning ten minutes later he puts his hand up and tells mrs karen that since he wasn't allowed out of the classroom to go to the bathroom he'd gone in class he held up a water bottle that definitely didn't have water in it and everything went to heck he got sent to the office but he never actually went to the office just walked around the school until lunch at lunch he tells everyone that this is what his big brother had told him to do all the boys agreed to do the same but there was an obvious problem for the girls that's where quiet little me piped up mrs karen had been angry with kevin because he went in a bottle so why not just skip the bottle most people refused to take part but five of us started the campaign when we needed the bathroom we would ask miss karen if we could go and when she refused we would go in our seats and tell her since i am not allowed to go to the bathroom i have gone in my seat we were getting sent to the office every day just the five of us because we got to go to the office say we'd had an accident and stay in the nurse's office until a parent brought us new clothes or were taken home because we didn't have a spare uniform we basically got half the day off more kids started joining in until around 20 kids were doing this i finding i quite liked causing problems for mrs karen started leading everyone to the water fountain at break before her lesson so everyone could fill their water bottles and drink as much as they could before class started mrs karen refused to back down but our salvation came from elsewhere the cleaners got tired of having to constantly clean the chairs and sometimes floors and told mrs karen that they would no longer clean it up if we weren't allowed to go to the bathroom parents were complaining left right and center since so many of their precious angels were ruining their clothes finally inspection day came around kevin being the malicious genius that only an eight-year-old could be asked to use the bathroom mrs karen refused kevin in front of an inspector then put his hand up and said he had to go to the office to get new clothes after that day we were allowed to use the bathroom whenever we wanted and a few months later mrs karen announced she was retiring most probably by force when i was checking some of the details with my parents they told me that on mrs cameron's last day kevin took in a bottle of drink for her to apologize but hadn't forgotten to use it first i would think most of you guys would agree with me that this teacher probably should have been let go way earlier when they don't let kids go to the bathroom right i understand being upset when kids fake it just to get some time out of class but you really need to let these kids go to the bathroom when they need to go to the bathroom so that said do you think this teacher should have been fired or heavily reprimanded earlier let me know in the comments down below our next story is by scoochie mcnugget giggle during a baptism get out don't mind if i do i was not raised in a religious family nor was i exposed much to many religious people growing up this all changed when i became friends with jon not his real name who was a mormon the first i've ever met as a matter of fact he didn't seem to take much interest in the church like his mother who was 100 all in and a bit of a karen i knew nothing of mormonism and being dumb as a kid i never really cared to ask fast forward a year into being friends and i'm spending the afternoon at his house riding bikes and jumping on the trampoline when his mom comes up in her normal spasmatic self telling us we must follow her over to the church we can't be left alone and it's john's brother's baptisms cool it didn't really matter the church was two blocks from their house so we raced her stupid minivan on our bikes and beat her score we threw our bikes in the shrubs and are led into the church it didn't seem odd and smelled very nice john and i both got excited over the prospect of food we are shown into another room with a tv wheelie cart that you would see in middle school in the 90s with a box tv and a vcr underneath we both took seats trained like seals to enjoy the chance to watch a movie from public school looking around i noticed a little pool area at the far area of the room but thought nothing of it enter some guys in suits john's mom with a big beaming smile on her face and a few other people i was pretty distracted at this point but the guy basically said we would watch some movie then the ceremony would happen and then snacks the lights went down and they turned the tv on and started the tape the screen flashed from the zero 3 blue screen to a desert scene it was bright orange with a bright blue sky behind it like you would see on old westerns even with music that wasn't full blown ditty but was rustic and fit the scene perfectly unlike westerns though about 20 seconds when the cowboy would normally be walking up from the wavy heat ray distance it was none other than jesus h christ just strolling on across the screen john and i darn near died laughing we are doubling over laughing we just couldn't stop i tried to divert my eyes but it was entirely too much to handle and if i watched the screen for a second it would be entirely new fits of laughs jon's mom went cherry red trying her best from going totally ballistic telling us to get out of the room while dragging us out we giggle as we get out of the room the show's still going as the doors closed wild west jesus still at it we are now laughing in the hall to ourselves reminding each other of how funny it was i guess we were loud because we were told to get out of the church and go ride bikes we wouldn't be asked to come back in fine and dandy we spent the next hour or so biking like we normally would be anyways the baptism goes off without any issues and they act like we were just horrible fast forward one week i go over to john's house to play and his brothers both have their heads shaved i ask what's going on with haircuts and he tells me everybody at the baptism including his mom the minister guys and all the kids caught head lice we were lucky enough to not catch it since we were forced to go outside i'm not a religious man but that day i felt like something was watching out for us all i can really say about this story is that is a very unique story to tell the headlice the mormons the wild west jesus not too many people are going to be able to tell a story quite like that one our next stories by dead dower boss said i couldn't switch shifts to go to court sessions because of my contract i complied when i was in the last couple years of college law school not in the usa i got a part-time internship in the state attorney's office in my town i had an immediate boss who was as close as possible to a friend he always complimented my work and taught me a lot but as superior the attorney chief it's hard to translate these job names i'll just call him chief from now on was another case he was a methodical guy who liked to boss people around just for the sake of being a pain in the butt there were other interns my age and even younger ones from high schools part of a program from the government the younger high school interns would do activities such as printing copying and the most annoying accompanying the office's clerk to the courthouse in order to carry all the tax enforcement papers in a cart this will be important later the attorneys often came in late or went out early for court appointments so i would be left working alone in my room for most of the afternoon writing tax enforcement procedures i had class at night and worked in the afternoon eventually i had to switch my shift around so i could watch court sessions as a requirement to graduate the court sessions were always in the afternoon it would only take a few weeks of rearranging my shift whenever there was a court session i would come into work on that monday morning then tuesday afternoon if there were no sessions on that day and so on that's when trouble started i was a good intern i helped my immediate boss out a lot never got behind on deadlines but there was no way that chief could ignore an intern coming in on monday morning and then on tuesday afternoon no just one more thing you should know around that time all the high school interns suddenly left so i and two other law school interns would take turns accompanying the clerk to the courthouse carrying that card all around like a high school kid normally would it wasn't pleasing but we complied then one day came chief into my room while my boss was out op he said this switching shifts around cannot go on it's becoming messy i need you to only come in on the afternoon as your internship contract says i tried explaining to him that i was almost done with the court sessions that i had to be there in order to graduate law school that there were no sessions in the morning but he was relentless later that day the clerk came knocking on my room opie will you come with me to the courthouse she asked nicely she was a good person but it wasn't my turn to go i told her that and she said that chief had discharged the new intern from going so i had to go that day again the mention of his name made my blood boil and i immediately replied i will not go chief wants me to stand by my internship contract and there is no accompanying the clerk to the courthouse under the activity section in my contract she gulped nervously and said i agree with you but he will not like this my friend who worked in the next room was standing by the door and heard the whole thing i remember the satisfaction i felt when she said you were so brave but you're in trouble but i had made up my mind i would quit the internship but i would rub it in his face so i refused to go when my immediate boss heard about what had happened he told me to apologize to chief chief couldn't just fire me because he knew i was right so he tried to embarrass me into apologizing i refused to do that and decided to quit my internship anyway if i continued seeing that man's face every day i would probably end up punching it so i quit never talk to any of them again i still shake with anger remembering this episode and she's condescending face but i think answering like that was one of my brightest moments really it just goes to show you that if you treat anybody that works underneath you badly very often you might end up finding yourself with just one employee or no employees left like chief did when op left and they only had one intern left this next story is by hammer unto dawn not gonna pay me the wages i deserve game on this story takes place during the 80s gramps was a journeyman in the sheet metal trade for this build they required a city's licensure to finish the build and gramps was selected to test for this he tested around four times and intentionally failed each time knowing he wouldn't get the pay for reforman's wages finally the testing coach approached him the testing coach said you've been in here several times in a field each time is there something wrong graham said my contractor wants this license but won't pay me the wages associated testing coach calling the company you get someone down here that can pass this test or you won't get this license heading back to the office big boss wants to speak to gramps gramps why aren't you passing this test his reply was simple you won't pay me forman's wages so i don't see the incentive to get this licensure heck i'm not even making full journeyman's wages well i can't afford to pay you foreman's pay well then you can't afford to get the licensure either is this really all that this is about money heck yes it is boss acquiesced after this perhaps seeing the hypocrisy in his statement or perhaps choosing not to fight this battle gramps finally got the licensure after this and received about a week of form and wages before he was moved to a school gig with this build his ranking was back down to a journeyman position first paycheck rolls around and he noticed he was getting shorted on his check confronting the site foreman about this it was confirmed that this was no slight error so figuring that it wasn't worth the gas money he said that i wasn't going back the next day and called the general contractor general contractor said okay well come back tomorrow and i'll have a check for your back pay gramps said that sounds fair but if you do i'm owed a full 8 hours of work contractor said that's not necessary graham said read the union contract it states that any work-related activity needs to be met with a full day's pay gramps was able to twist contractor's arm to both get the pay and to get a full day's wages out of him seems like a win-win for him it never hurts to read the contract you might find some loopholes or some stipulations in there that might surprise you how well they could work for you gramps was smart here and knew exactly what the contract outlined and our final story of the day is by quas xsw disappointed face can't go to the bathroom and stay in my seat no problemo teach back when i was in primary school elementary for all the americans i asked to go to the toilet now my previous teacher had just broken her leg and elbow while pinning something on a notice board on the classroom wall she was small and needed a step ladder and we had a new sub teacher in the new teacher was really strict like obey my commands you filthy children kind of strict so i asked to go to the bathroom not a chance she flipped out saying i should have gone at break or lunch recess class time is learning time i couldn't go when i had to stay in my chair so i did what any rational eight-year-old would i did what i was told slid out the door on my chair the screeches of the chair legs as i shuffled across the room coupled by her newly stunned look made for a good laugh looking back now she ended up in connections of rage but i was reveling in the cheers of my classmates for the first time in my introverted life hope you enjoyed my childhood anecdote that's a really really good form of malicious compliance taking the words super literally and in all technicality not being wrong good on an eight-year-old for coming up with that idea teacher won't let me into the classroom i was in my last year of high school year 12 in australia and back when i was doing school it was very important that you physically attend class back then i also happen to have severe major depression and a sister who was not good at getting organized and ready to leave on time we had a teacher at my school who i'd always despised he didn't encourage independent thought and spent our 70-minute periods writing on the board for us to copy down just cycling back and erasing and writing continuously no questions allowed until the last 10 minutes he was also notorious for not listening to students and had an unspoken rule that he would lock students out of the class for five to ten minutes further when they were late let's call him mr richard for obvious reasons well one morning i was five minutes late to his class first period 8 45 am due to my sister throwing a tantrum i knocked on the door and mr richard says was the boss laid apparently his only valid excuse for running late to class i say no but you can't come in shuts door in my face well after bursting into tears i decided that his unspoken rule of being left outside the classroom for five minutes when one attended late never actually stated one was required to wait outside the door to enter the room when he deing to let the student in so i wandered off to the library to find something interesting to read apparently after he opened the door and found me missing the school had to call my parents and explain that misplaced me and why i was eventually found and mr richard had the nerve to ask in front of my parents and the principal why i a hadn't told him the reason i was late because you didn't let me say so and b didn't wait outside the door because you didn't say so and i wasn't going to waste valuable learning time that my parents pay for standing and staring at a door my parents ripped them a new one and mr richard didn't lock anyone out of his classroom for at least the next seven years so my younger brother tells me it gave me great pleasure to get one up on such a hard-headed infuriating teacher let me ask you guys do you think waiting outside the classroom for five minutes when you're late is a valid disciplinary action of sorts or do you think that the teacher should just deal with it if they're late bring them into the classroom and maybe figure out some other kind of disciplinary action that doesn't leave them literally outside of the classroom let me know in the comments down below our next story is by oscar mendonka planning permission you say behind my house there's an area reserved for garages plans were drawn in 1968 and only three of the 18 allocated plots of a garage built the remaining have a cement base and we parked there as spaces are narrow 2.4 meters wall-to-wall and brick garages are expensive i thought of having a pre-build one installed for a quarter of the cost someone on the same street saw me take measures and asked me if i was putting a garage up said yes to which they replied if i had gotten planning permission confused i said no don't think i need it turns out i do to which he replied that he would then call them after i have the garage installed after looking into it and confirming i do need to apply for planning permission at an extra cost i was a bit annoyed all i wanted was a place to use a storage and here's this guy being kind of passive aggressive with his comments the reason is actually he wants to buy some of the plots near mine but no one wants to sell them to him i can be very petty so i bought a rundown luton van and had it parked there sawn and using as storage no planning permission required attached to this post is a picture of his beautiful luton van used as storage that they don't have to get a garage constructed for if people are going to be petty sometimes you got to get creative with your solutions and this one is our next story is by foonser hc you need to call me whenever you finish these i do contract database work for a handful of companies nobody pays me to be on call so the general rule of thumb is if you need something done give me a few days heads up unless someone specifies that something is time sensitive and calls me to ask if i can bump it up i tackle things in the order they were received i've been somewhat overwhelmed with the volume of silly little tasks being thrown by way the past few weeks but i get by on little sleep in the first place so it's not unusual for me to be cranking out spreadsheets well after 10 pm for the most part everyone is understanding and cooperative but there's this one person we'll call her lucy who is simply not okay with me not responding to and taking care of her requests immediately she'll send an email a text after five minutes and then call on repeat until i pick up if there's anything she'd like me to do i started off with the impression that this was simply someone who's been ignored in the workplace before and i didn't want to be the person who confirms who concerns so i spend some time kind of bending over backwards with whatever nonsense lucy throws my way about a week ago lucy sent me a massive list of unrelated tasks she'd like me to do this has been her move lately as she tries to cut in line come up with anything she might want done and throw it out there at the beginning of the week i gave lucy a call to ask about prioritization as she makes everything out to be urgent for context anything being urgent means lucy isn't doing her job correctly when i asked what she'd like me to prioritize lucy laughed and said my email i explained that i was already neck deep for the next few days and anything that isn't time sensitive will be taken care of in the order it was received lucy didn't like this she started asking me if i would do it if xyz co-worker had been the one who asked i told her no that really has nothing to do with this and that the reason i'm calling is to make sure anything she actually needs done in a timely manner will get done she became indignant and threatened to tell the chairman of the organization about how i was ignoring her kind of funny because that's who i was sitting with at the time needless to say i wasn't too concerned about her threat but this is when i realized her nobody listens to me schtick is just a manipulation tactic anywho lucy explains how little she cares very little and that if i can't be bothered to help her now she wants me to call her whenever i get to each task from her list i thought she was joking kind of chuckled and asked if she really wants phone calls after 10 pm she must have thought i was exaggerating or trying to claim i'm an incredible worker because she responded with if you think you work harder than me you're mistaken again chuckled a bit and explained that i'm not necessarily busting my butt in the middle of the night that just happens to when some things get done went back and forth a bit but she held her ground on demanding a phone call when i get to each task welp last night around 1am i got to one of her requests lucy wanted me to add someone's middle name to the email platform they use this couldn't possibly be less trivial certainly didn't have any follow-up questions about the task i went back and forth about calling her but i couldn't stop thinking about her attitude belittling me and most importantly insisting she get a darn phone call no matter what time or how stupid she answered the phone and said never call me at this time again and hung up deal lucy to me screams entitled something about the way she's acting makes me believe that everything was just kind of handed to her on a silver platter and they've never really had to deal with people turning them down for whatever reason so op calling them at a weird hour and probably waking them up doesn't bother me too badly at all our next story is by mr salty spanker you are fine go back to class i was 14 maybe two months into high school and in gym class teacher has us doing suicides run forward to a point run backwards to the line run forward to the next point backwards to the line when i tripped running backwards and threw my hands back to catch myself since we were doing suicides on the rubber cement track i feel instant pain and let out a cry teacher without looking says go to the nurse while i sobbed in pain i walk by myself up to the school doors and try to open the door and i can't move my fingers since i was sent back by myself i sit on the ground and sob some more a fedex driver pulled up sees me asks what's wrong and instantly went into a panic he opened every door from the front door to the nurse he explains how he found me and she asks what happened after explaining she briefly looks at me and says the bell is about to ring you are fine go back to class when i asked her to just call my mom she said no she opens the door after me faking about not being able to move my fingers and i make my way back to the gym i decided even though i had a phone and could have asked someone to call my mom that if i was fine i would go back to class i managed to convince a friend of my cousins to take my binder and books to my next class where i couldn't take notes or participate because i was getting dizzy from pain and wanted to puke had one of my friends take my books from that class to the next one my second to last class of the day and my cousin is in there she sees me silently sobbing trying to pay attention and asks what happened and once i explain she called my mom in the middle of class not even 15 minutes later my name is called from the speaker to go to the nurse my cousin takes my stuff and puts it in my locker once i get to my mom she explodes when she sees my wrists yes you read that right wrists are twice the size and purple she is screaming asking why she wasn't called and why i went back to class i turned to the nurse and said she told me there was nothing wrong and that she wouldn't call you and to go back to class my mom lost it she screamed at the nurse who only said i don't have x-ray vision how would i have known screamed at the principal and took me to an emergency doctor appointment family doctor did x-rays and said i would have to go to the specialist in the morning because it was so swollen it looked like multiple fractures in both wrists so he could not cast them i had to endure another ride home and all night with tylenol as my only pain meds and bags of veggies on my wrists throughout the night go to the specialist who looked at both wrists took more x-rays and came in asking what color i wanted my casts since both wrists were broken and along the growth plate so maybe permanent weakness and or pain for the rest of my life mother raised heck sued the school they refused to pay any expenses and said to sue them demanded the nurse be fired she was and when the school was going to make me retake jim the next year and fail this year she said no way was i being punished for their ineptitude so that's the story of how i made my school my witch because of a stupid nurse and the refusal to call my mother i know it's probably a common enough occurrence for kids to fake injuries or fake sickness but if you're a nurse for a school you really have to take that stuff seriously you can't just be like well the bell's coming up i know you're faking it so just run off it sounds like they didn't even check if you as much as just touch the kid's wrist you probably would have realized something's very wrong here either that or they're an a-class actor what a terrible nurse i hope they never cut a job again like that this next story is by draconian 1429 my grandad is a legend just a short one my grandad spent close to 60 years in the building trade starting when he was 16. this is a story he told me today of when he first started at 16. so my grandad starts working at this job site back in the 1960s never done any building work before so they put him with a very experienced worker who was the supervisor of this job or foreman if we use trade language the foreman was the sort of hardline supervisor nobody likes but he gets the job done one day he gets my grandad to mark bricks on a wall with a pencil measuring for one thing or another now foreman insisted on using a white pencil so it stood out from the red bricks only it was winter and had recently snowed so my grandad happy as anything to get back at this hardline foreman went and marked up everything on site that needed to be marked foreman comes back an hour later to check can't see anything and accuses my granddad of slacking granddad happily points to where he had marked the bricks and wipes away some of the recent snow to prove it then he hands in that day's paperwork completed in white pencil and wishes the foreman a good evening as my granddad tells it the guy got very red in the face and insisted from that moment forwards that standard grey pencils would be fine from that point on yeah you definitely think that you would want to adapt considering the circumstances of the weather being a factor maybe something more like a yellow might be a little bit more proper something that probably just can't blend in almost anywhere so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by successful medicine nine put the animal's health first okay a few years ago i worked at a big pet store the one that people feel intelligent for shopping at part of my assigned duties were to come in every morning before opening and take care of the small animals that meant feeding them but also cleaning out their habitats on a weekly basis the most difficult habitat to clean by far was the aviary the store manager had regularly chided me and other employees for not having it done in time for opening there was also a sick room for the retail animals that arrived or became sick and injured every closing manager was responsible for signing off on that room animal has water animal has proper temperature variants and habitat etc and every morning manager was also responsible for this at the beginning of the day on this particular day i noticed a bird cage about 12 feet up on a shelf above the sink i had seen finches in it the week before but there were none i could see from the ground there was no stool step ladder so i figured i'd get started on the aviary before i got chewed out again and ask my department manager about it later 10 minutes pass and my department manager shows up in the aviary i mentioned the empty bird cage to him and he thought it was odd since he saw them the day before turns out the finches died overnight because their water was not refilled by the closing team and the closing manager signed off on it anyway later that morning the store manager calls me and my manager into the office she told me that i was irresponsible for not checking on the finches when i first went in there and that their death was partially on me i told her that they were clearly dead before i got there this morning and i checked in with my department manager 10 minutes after i noticed their empty cage i also mentioned that the closing manager and another co-worker signed the checklist as if they had taken proper care of the sick animals to the store manager it didn't matter she would not let me leave her office without me signing a formal write-up she said you need to put the animal's health first this made my blood boil just the day before she couldn't tell the difference between an anole and a chameleon and steve irwin was my role model enter malicious compliance for the health of the animals i sought a group of people who were for their ethical treatment i told them all about the conditions of the sick room including the birds that had recently died they actually organized the gathering to picket the store that very weekend it just so happened that that weekend was also a huge sales event for the store i overheard the managers on that thursday talking about how they were anticipating 10 000 to 14 000 in profits that weekend and it turns out that they only got close to 4 000 thanks to peta better yet there was never a checked box in the sick room that wasn't actually followed up on again not while i still worked there anyway now this definitely pisses me off it is absolutely on those closing people for not giving the birds water and not checking and signing off on it it's not op's fault that they didn't check the dead birds when they walked in in the morning so the fact that they're even trying to force a formal ride up on them for that is ridiculous just the negligence alone is enough to just totally upset you i think opie did the absolute right thing and having that picket show up the professor asked me to share info that i did not want to share eta a genogram is like a family tree but with extra symbols an example a beer bottle for my alcoholic father and lines connecting each person the type of line dictates the type of relationship close smothering distant estranged abusive etc i studied social work in school i found myself doing three genograms over the course of my schooling one for intro to social work one for sociology of mental health and then another in my last year i have some not fun family history and trauma and so these assignments were never my favorite but my teachers for the first two didn't pressure me to disclose only what i wanted and be vague one even said i could do a fictional family the last one did not see one thing we learned was that bringing up a client's trauma outside of a therapeutic environment can be harmful we were bsws which are not qualified therapists during intakes and assessments we learned to tell clients that they don't have to give more details than they wanted to there's a whole host of reasons behind this but i'll spare you all the lecture i brought this up in class after this teacher assigned an extensive genogram with an accompanying 5 page essay on what we learned about ourselves a third of the class expressed the same concerns his reasoning was you might be doing this with your clients and you shouldn't ask them to do anything you wouldn't do yourself not unless i get a graduate degree and become a therapist or psychologist the teacher also didn't give us an answer when asked if resources for therapy would be provided if this brought up any students past trauma that they needed to talk about oh and of course he added this will only be shared with me and is 100 confidential unless you choose to share literally not any of our concerns but i don't want to share any of my deeply personal business with this man the assignment did not bother me as much as the hypocrisy of it all i said between class assignments and therapy this will be my fifth one could i turn one of those in and be given an alternate assignment he wouldn't budge he said i didn't need to disclose anything i didn't want to but followed it up with but i expect you to take this assignment seriously and when i turned in a rough draft with about as much as i was willing to disclose he said it wasn't detailed enough alright jerk it's show time i have a lot of family trauma that is not mind to disclose and i rarely ever disclose it at least not with anyone who would ever meet the folks involved my own is embarrassing enough but definitely not as bad as some but i put all that crap down on there and wrote about it then the following week the teacher asked if any students would like to share their genogram if they're comfortable my hand shut up i will spare you the details but i basically gave the class a content notice to allow anyone to leave who may be triggered a common thing in social work school and then i just shared all of it all of the relationships and why they were messed up and why i hate my dad and my sister resents my mom and all that cheery smile on my face the whole time the teacher uncomfortably thanked me for my bravery a few students shifted in their seats feeling uneasy others smiled then my friend volunteered to share she didn't like the assignment either but she's not one to argue with teachers her presentation trumped mine girl had a real messed up family and by the end she was read in the face and everyone was super uncomfortable next person to volunteer to share was this girl who was in foster care i'm not even sure if her sharing was malicious compliance but hers was the most uncomfortable to hear she started to cry at the end another student who also grew up in foster care started to tear up the teacher cut us off after that another teacher overheard and the following week we had some serious discussions in class i and the other students who shared were referred to the school's mental health center lol another teacher i had a good relationship with checked in on me and i told her what happened i can't tell for certain what went on but it created a stink in their department it's been several years since i graduated but i heard there is now an alternative assignment for the genogram so lesson is don't tell social work students to do something that you tell them to never do to their clients and you don't get into social work unless you're traumatized as freak i think the one thing in the story that i feel is missing is somebody calling them out saying is this what you wanted you know what i mean like somebody just really trying to make it weigh on the teacher how bad of an idea this was not just sharing the stories because that can be construed as just bravery sharing their tales but really like this is what you made us have to share in front of all these people having heard this do you think this teacher should have been punished let me know in the comments down below our next story is about glitch take a few days to cool down i can do better than that our story takes place almost a year ago right as i was getting out of retail and into my career field my job at that time was to pick pack and ship online orders from the store i usually started my day between 6 and 7 am and left by 3 or 4 pm as we got closer to my last days management started adding new tasks to my daily workload keep in mind this is as the holiday orders are ramping up and we are getting bizet first thing they added ship from store now also has to pick and pack in-store pickup and carry out orders next it was the non-clothing reshop in the mornings that the night team didn't couldn't wouldn't finish finally it was adding a set of morning stock batches that i had to pull push and back stock by 10 am i gave my employer a whopping three weeks notice to find and have me train a replacement in that time i trained a few people but none of them could do the work as well or as quickly as i could understandable i had worked there almost four years at that point all of those people i trained were moved to new positions within the week and i never got more than one day with them that company requires at least four hours of training for a new task not including the computer-based portions i think all together i got maybe two hours with each person anyway two days until i'm officially out i come in at 6 30 am and grab the reshop for the entire non-clothing portion of the store i finished that at around 7 30 am then i started getting the in-store pickup and carryout orders that had to be done by 8 am i got those done by 8 15. morning polls done by 10 15 am then then i finally got to start on my actual job i checked the system to see how many ship from store orders i have almost 300 items and counting it doesn't actually stop adding new ones until 1pm at 10 20 am the store director walks as happy but on in and immediately asks me why ship from store isn't done yet so i give him the same rundown that you just read he was not happy i do not remember his entire lecture but i do remember that he covered varied topics such as why my then girlfriend now fiance may leave me if i don't get my act together how these orders really aren't that difficult and he even explained that he kept pulling people away from this position because he knows that i can do the work and he looks forward to my continued service in this role hold up did he forget that i put in my notice i tried to explain to him that i had started picking for ship from store within the last five to ten minutes but he didn't hear a word of it and simply said in his most sarcastic passive-aggressive voice if you can't handle it today i understand take a few days off and come back refreshed so i took my last few days off when they called me the next week while i was training for my new job i did not answer the hr manager at the store finally caught me by calling from his cell phone as i was on lunch he said they never got my two weeks notice and that i was in serious trouble if i didn't show up for my scheduled shifts i told him oh no problem let me just add you to the email chain and i forwarded him the email chain between me and the store director where i gave him three weeks notice and he acknowledged it good day in my book so glad i'm not in retail anymore i can't imagine how satisfying it is to go back to that old email chain from three weeks ago and just poof pop that right in over to the hr manager and have the hr manager realize oh yeah they didn't give a too big notice they gave a three-week notice that got acknowledged see you later retail our next stories by capricornucopia just doing my job i used to work for a collections agency you see some crap there but those stories are for another day this happened when i got promoted to a special skills team background there was no pay raise and you had to learn an entirely new skill set with no actual training fortunately for me i'm a fast learner and i started getting tasks done quickly and on a pretty large scale the company for whatever reason mismanaged the heck out of this team inconsistent bonus structure unclear actual job description and there was always some new thing that the team had apparently been neglecting for months last years despite it never being brought up slash we never had access to it because they were so bad at communicating the actual job requirements to us besides about four of the 30 plus responsibilities we had management never knew which end was up those who were acquainted with us just let us do our thing because we were the only ones who knew how our two direct superiors left within two weeks of each other we were temporarily management-less and were honestly as productive if not more productive then they brought in a new guy he had never done this job had no idea of the requirements and didn't understand our metrics once in a one on one he got on my butt about just doing my job because he had seen a small dip in my numbers because i was working a project that didn't reflect in my metrics at this point i was already doing what had been laid out as my job plus countless other things that were required but not officially assigned to me slash my team so i clarified with him that he just wanted me to do the job as written on paper he rolled his eyes said obviously and that was that i stopped doing the extra assignments stopped tracking the new ones i had previously been doing about 50 to 60 tasks per hour but since there were much fewer tasks actually assigned to us i had to slow down and not be sitting around for most of my shift this ended up putting me at about 20 per hour which is technically the requirement for the team metrics in a team meeting after he started fuming about how the tasks weren't getting done and name dropped me for having such a rapid drop in productivity i expected this and on the way out of the meeting simply handed him the paperwork outlining our technical duties i told him if he wanted me to go so far outside of my requirements i would be willing to negotiate a raise but that i was meeting metrics and just doing my job ended up leaving for a job that pays more and lets me work from home that whole place from top to bottom sounds like organizationally an absolute failure if the pay is good stick around but definitely keep a fallback on the hot burner because that place sounds like it could explode at any second our next story is by infernals cardboard bail fell apart fix it now this happened a couple of years ago i was working in an upmarket uk supermarket sounding similar to weight bros it was a tough job at the time i was a short and skinny teenager and the four hour total commute didn't help i was working on fruit and veg but instead of the two people working there it was just me moving palettes taller than me packed with produce it was thankless hard work i was expected to be the first colleague to move on to checkouts which mixed with my already high workload left me behind schedule this obviously then left me in my manager's bad books not all of them mined just one specific manager who could not understand how one teenager couldn't do the workload of three people backstory aside we had a machine to compress recyclables into large bales that we could sell i wasn't trained on this machinery despite having to use it almost constantly eventually my unpleasant manager decided that enough untrained use meant i knew how to use it namely emptying and resetting the machine i tried to warn him after a while the impossible happens a bail i prepared falls out of the machine and immediately comes undone partially exploding nasty manager sees me looking at this large problem and tells me to fix it i have no idea what to do i ask him if he wants me to take the bail apart and put it back through the machine he tells me no that would take too much time just squeeze it back together using this metal bar oh boy i knew he was asking a lot of me but i disliked him and the opportunity to stop grinding away with the fruit and veg seemed like a break so i smiled and nodded and got to work so i started packing the bail as much as i could with my hands and then wrapping the string around a metal bar and spinning it to tighten the bail it took me almost three hours the bale kept falling apart again the bar would slip or the string would snap plus i was taking my time i knew that either staff were not working their departments to cover me or fresh produce our busiest section wasn't being worked multiple staff members and delivery drivers ended up stopping their tasks to help me the manager kept checking up on me getting more frustrated each time eventually i finished and returned to produce with only an hour left on the shift and only half the work done the manager didn't speak to me for the rest of the evening and for the first time in a long time i took the bus home with a smile on my face knowing he finally learned a lesson on overworking his colleagues i was never trained on the baler but i was also told not to use it ever saving me more work i was also left alone in produce more often since they finally seemed to realize just how much work i did i also ended up getting an apology from the nasty manager about his behavior towards me thank you for coming to my ted talk honestly those jobs where you're doing the work of three people to begin with you should constantly be looking for a secondary opportunity unless you're getting paid an adequate salary for the amount of labor you're putting in always keep looking for a better opportunity that's the only advice i'd say but it's good that in the end they realized how overbearing they had been and actually apologized for it and our final story of the day is by jason dinkle my milkshakes make my manager angry this was a few years ago but i was reminded of it today in a conversation i work for a big chain of restaurants and they had recently introduced milkshakes we were all required to watch videos on how to make them and the video said that we should suggestively sell them we never really did because they were time consuming and just generally annoying to make because you always ended up with milkshakes slurry on your hands so one day my manager was really on my case and just nitpicking everything that i was doing normally i was one of the better employees and managers usually left me alone but i guess i was having an off day at a certain point i got really irritated and decided that it would be a great time to ask every customer would you like to try one of our new milkshakes as your drink today the manager was in the position that was required to make them after selling several milkshakes that he had to make the manager started yelling at me i replied that the training video said that i was supposed to he told me to stop and i did but every time he annoyed me in the future i'd ask the next customer if they'd like to try a milkshake he usually got the point what a great weapon nothing but beautiful compliance and the manager can't complain that you're trying to sell milkshakes anytime that manager's getting on your nerves don't worry we got some milkshakes coming buddy no one can use the broom closet background this was about six years ago now at the end of high school and for a couple of years afterwards i worked at a higher end grocery store chain in the midwest i had worked my way up to the service desk position where we sold cigarettes lotto tickets high theft risk items like baby formula and settled coupon disputes and refunds quite frankly i loved my job all the co-workers got together great but we had this terrifying hr manager who is the karen of the story she sported the classic kieran haircut very intimidating presence had a very forced cheeriness and i believe she was a raging alcoholic but that's neither here nor there she basically was the only storm cloud at this job behind the service desk we had a broom storage closet karen was truly a force to be reckoned with and everyone feared being in her line of fire she would nitpick employees on anything she could myself and the other service desk employees had taken to using the broom closet to store personal belongings as it was safer than the break room things went missing sometimes kids are dumb when karen discovered we were storing our bags and lunches there she made a point to pull us all aside and inform us that this closet was not under any circumstances to be used as personal lockers as we have those in the break room and the stuff is in the way and slows productivity blah blah blah whatever i'll keep my valuables on me we all agreed to not store our things in the closet anymore for fear of being written up fast forward about a month i'm going through my shift closed duties and get to the part where i sweep the floor behind and around the service desk i head into the broom closet to retrieve the broom and dustpan then what am i greeted with a purse and a grocery bag upon further inspection i recognize the purse to be karen's faux designer purse you have got to be kidding me i checked the grocery bag tied to it and it has 10 packs of cigarettes in it 10. nobody buys 10 packs of assorted cigarettes so obviously my snooping does not end there i check the date codes and find all of the cigarettes are just barely expired and unable to be sold i'm not sure if it carries over to the other places but in my state expired cigarettes cannot be sold and must be returned to the proper vendor some federal law about a controlled substance or something i don't know i'm a teenager i check the receipt in the bag and notice one line of general merchandise at one dollar times 10. at my store we used a general merchandise input with a custom price to charge for items with a damaged barcode and couldn't be scanned into the system i checked the cashier id at the top and who else but the big k-dog herself so she sold herself 10 packs of expired cigarettes at one dollar per pack mind you these cigarettes sell for about eight to ten dollars per pack normally not to mention the crime of selling expired cigarettes that just sounds like stealing but with extra steps it's malicious compliance time so i put everything back the way it was and start sweeping while fuming the entire time trying to figure out what i'm going to do about this when my saving grace descends from the heavens the sweet little front end manager who is basically a mom to all the cashiers strolls over to have a chat and ask how my shift was going i decide it's now or never not fully understanding the gravity of the situation at the time i go through the small talk for a bit before i just casually lay it on storm mom that i saw karen's purse in the broom closet tied to a bag of cigarettes and thought it was kind of weird all the while remaining innocent and curious while i wanted to scream about karen being a thief to my absolute delight this comment immediately furrowed store mom's brow and she came around to investigate she opened the bag of smokes and her eyes went wide when she realized what i had realized only minutes before her she was obviously pissed at this point but calmly and quietly told me not to mention this to anyone else i had a crap eating customer service grin on at this point and agreed almost an hour has passed when i see storm mom bag in hand go upstairs to the conference room followed by the bigwig corporate loss prevention guy followed by a straight-up police officer oh my god at this point i'm sweating bullets for kieran i hear karen get summoned to the conference room over the employee walkie talkie system i see her trot up the stairs with a confused look on her face as she glances over at me still wearing my fake customer service smile about another hour goes by and my shift is about to end but you better believe i am not going to miss the end of this all of a sudden i hear absolute stomping coming down the steps from the conference room it's kieran her faces beat red tears and eyes an expression that is the epitome of rage and she's looking at me staring into my very soul let me tell you what if looks could kill i would have been splattered all over the walls of the service desk she's coming right for me maintaining eye contact and at this point i'm genuinely frightened but i keep my well-honed customer service mask on and stare right back she comes behind the desk and stops a few feet from me just menacingly staring at me i can basically hear her blood trying to rip from her veins we both stood there for mere seconds but it felt like an absolute eternity she turns opens the closet grabs her purse and leaves the store that's the last time i saw kieran she must have even moved away because this town ain't exactly big enough for the two of us if you catch my drift i pestered storm um about what happened but she didn't want to disclose much information about the situation but did mention she was at least charged with retail theft and made passing comments about how she would never be able to work in a retail setting again meh good enough for me the grocery store was a happier place so considering op opened the closet and saw it attached to their purse do you think op was justified in looking around a little bit through it and seeing this and also reporting it let me know in the comments down below our next story is by aylin 3 can't slap we'll see then when i was about 10 years old i went on a school camp to a sheep and cattle farm one night while we were winding down after singing songs at a campfire some of the boys from my class decided to run around and bother us girls this one boy mahamude would always run up to me and call out you're sure a pretty lady but you sure can't slap as he would tap on my shoulder then run away he did this to me almost every day of that camp and it started to really get on my nerves in hindsight he probably had a crush on me finally it was the last day of camp and i was very exhausted and ready to go home after having our breakfast and getting ready for our final activity mahamud came around and started teasing me once again you're sure a pretty lady but you sure can't slap this time i was over it nope no way not having it so i raised my hand and slapped this boy on the thigh as hard as a 10 year old girl can mahamud was in a momentary shock then started to cry on his leg was a white hand mark surrounded by red he ran off crying and found a teacher to tell on me now i'm usually a good student a goody two-shoes in fact never violent i do however know how to fend for myself due to having two extremely rowdy older brothers the teacher was very disappointed with me and i got a very strict talking to i was then told that i would get a detention when we were back at school i was in shock and thought it was the end of the world oh no my first ever detention the rest of the day went as planned and we arrived back at school to be picked up by our parents at around 7pm on a friday nothing was said to my mom about the incident all weekend i was nervous about going to school to receive my first attention of missing out on 30 minutes of my lunch time the absolute worst consequence at school for a 10 year old monday came nothing tuesday nope no detention then came wednesday my mom previously got a new job about two hours away and that day just so happened to be my last day at school and guess what no detention i can officially say that in primary school i never ever had a detention so that is the story of how i slapped a boy and technically got away with it did he deserve to be slapped you be the judge looking back i guess it was a jerk move to slap him back but a girl shouldn't have to put up with the classic line of boys will be boys he has to be slapped so i just gave it to him so you're telling me for days this boy would come up tap you on the shoulder and go you're sure a pretty lady but you sure can't slap literally inviting you to slap them and then all heck breaks loose when surprised the person actually does slap them after days of experiencing that opie is not guilty at all our next story is by growing wolf and for my next trick a disappearing act back when i was in high school before i could drive my friend and i were getting a lift from his older brother we were headed to a mutual friend's place to play cards or a board game or something like that and of course we were teasing the older brother because it was our duty to be annoying little punks well i pushed it a little bit too far and he pulled over and shouts get out i soon found myself standing on a curb looking at a long road lined with concrete walls not even a store in sight just the occasional entrance to a trailer park i don't know what was said in my absence but it was pretty clear he soon realized that a someone 19 or 20 could get in a lot of trouble for abandoning a 15 year old off in a random part of town but this section of road was nearly a mile long with no place to turn around until you reach the end when he returned i was gone just vanished the road was more or less straight and again there was nowhere to turn off it until you reached the end unless i backtracked to the previous intersection so he loops around again so he can check those roads but still no sign of me his panic rising probably not helped by his younger brother he finds a pay phone to call my house now they're pissed at him because i'm still nowhere to be found eventually he goes home still worried sick to find a blinking light on the answering machine well i pushed him a little bit too far and he pulls over while shouting get out looking forward i see a long road lined with concrete walls not even a store in sight just the occasional entrance to a trailer park looking behind i see a bus stop and in the distance a bus that runs only once every other hour not even stopping to argue ihop out and as soon as he pulls away i take my place at the bus stop about 15 minutes later i'm wandering around the mall visiting my favorite stores and enjoying the ac that i only wished i had at home after wasting a couple of hours i catch a transfer that runs directly to my house and at the insistence of my grandparents leave a message on my friend's answering machine for when he runs out of gas and or daylight and goes home i bet that friend learned a very valuable lesson that day even though some people might annoy you even to a degree where you might want to kick them out of your car it's probably just the best thing to just swallow your pride accept the annoyance so that your friend isn't endangered on the side of the road and our next stories by erubatron89 dispensed drinks are for customers only tiny bit of background i worked a crappy retail job for eight years where the only perks were the team i worked with the vaguely interesting stock a free hot drinks machine and the fact i was so overqualified that most management tended to appreciate me a particularly cost-conscious area manager decided that our hot drinks machine was far too good for our store colleagues and was only to be used by customers at least twice a day i'd purchase the cheapest single led we had in stock go get my mocha and put my receipt in my locker this destroyed the store and area's atv average transaction value which led to the area manager in question losing out on a promotion screw middle management if the hot drinks machine is free why can't store colleagues use it what's wrong with that why does middle management have to come up with some weird stuck-up rules just let employees get a free drink if they want one what's the problem this next story is by acapella121 boss micromanages even though she doesn't know my field i finally stop arguing and do it her way and it doesn't end well i am the sole communications social media person for a small company i went to school in this field and have done it professionally in a few different spheres my boss on the other hand doesn't even know what a facebook or twitter page looks like or what any of the buttons do yet she still micromanages me all day every day and i'm going crazy i always schedule our email campaign spread out enough so that people aren't getting bombarded generally one per week at most this is one of the most basic rules of comms and should be common sense even if you don't have a degree in this multiple times she has demanded that i post something immediately even though the next few slots are already filled with posts that are more time sensitive she always tells me to just send both in the same day and i have explained to her numerous times that that's a terrible idea in nicer terms well i gave my two weeks notice this past monday so i don't care anymore about fighting for what's best for the company this time i said i was going to push back each of our scheduled posts by one slot so we can post the listing for my job vacancy immediately because for once the new post actually is more time sensitive than the others once again she tells me to just post both the job listing and the one originally planned for that day fine i sent out both it's been 3 days and we've already lost 11 of our subscribers and nobody has yet applied for my job since that listing was buried i present stats on the success of our email campaigns website social media etc once per week to my boss's boss i look forward to explaining this drop to him in a few days i definitely get the common sense understanding that you don't want to bombard people with emails that said it sounds like it was a one-time thing where you sent two emails it sounds a little finicky that you would lose 11 percent of your subscribers because you sent two emails on one day unless this is a really recurring thing because of the micromanaging which i didn't hear explained as a recurring thing just something that you battled so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by jordan isn't my real name i can't wear headphones okay i work at a fast food chain as a cook the place is pretty laid back except one of the managers has a stick up her butt when it's not too busy they let us play music in the kitchen so long as the customers can't hear it the staff likes to listen to hip hop most of the time which i'm not a big fan of i mostly listen to rock and crap i don't want to hear what they play so whenever they play music i put in a headphone loud enough so i can't hear their music but quiet enough so i can hear everything around me so one day i'm making orders when my witchy manager notices i have a headphone in and tells me i need to take it out i say why they can listen to their music why can't i listen to mine because they can still hear everything around them you can't with headphones in but i only have one headphone in and i can hear just fine i don't care you need to take it out okay but i can play music out loud just like them so long as the customer can't hear it yes okay so long story short after about 40 minutes of playing baby shark on a repeat over top their music i was allowed to wear my headphone again i'm sorry i put my co-workers through that but it was the principle of a thing baby i would go crazy too i would be advocating for them to wear their one earbud or headphone or airpod or whatever it is as long as they can hear what they need to hear and they can get their job done efficiently doesn't matter to me and i don't think in the grand scheme of things it should matter that much to the manager i called my patient's mistress but i was just doing what i was told this happened back in 2009 i was working part-time at a doctor's office while i was in nursing school i was one of the receptionists and did all of the filing and cataloging and such it was boring work but the doctor my boss guaranteed me a job after nursing school so that's why i did it this particular doctor was an orthopedic surgeon we had lots of patients coming in for mris ct scans and x-rays this one particular patient frank was scheduled to have surgery in a couple days and he needed to come and pick up his mris and x-rays from our office and bring them with him to his procedure yes looking back at how butt backwards things used to be is so frustrating all these things are 100 electronic now and even back then they were too but my boss was old school so anyway i called frank to tell him to come pick up his images but he didn't answer i called him again during lunch but still no answer so i left him a message the following day i called him again but still no answer it was imperative that frank got his images or else he wouldn't be able to have his surgery so i looked in his file to see if he had any other contact information he listed his phone number as well as his wife's cell i called this house and left a message and i also called his wife amy but she didn't answer either so i left her a message as well the office manager diane told me to just call whoever was listed in his emergency contacts because if frank didn't get his images and missed his surgery then she would have to do a whole new stack of paperwork to reschedule him and she didn't want to be bothered i looked to see if there was an emergency contact and frank listed a woman named helen relation to patient girlfriend i told diane i didn't want to call helen when i had already left the message for amy as it would put me in an awkward position diane said that as long as the patient listed them as an emergency contact i could call them she also said that it's not uncommon for couples to be separated but still legally married for insurance reasons and that this could possibly be the case for frank and amy which i guess made sense i really wanted to believe that no one would be stupid enough to put their secret a lover as their emergency contact i didn't want to get fired for being insubordinate so i called helen and she actually answered her phone i was secretly hoping she wouldn't and told her frank's images needed to be picked up prior to his surgery she came by during lunch got the images and then laughed i immediately called frank again to let him know that helen picked up his images and did not worry about it but this fool wasn't answering his phone so i left him another message a couple hours later amy called back and said she wasn't able to answer before because she was teaching but she got our message and was coming to pick up frank's images now that school was done for the day i told her that the images had already been picked up i tried to be as vague as possible amy said who picked them up i know frank is still busy at his office and hasn't had the chance to come get them me again trying really hard to be vague we called someone from his emergency contact list amy says was it his brother steve me at this point i'm really nervous no not his brother amy says well then who i say helen amy says who is helen i don't know anyone named helen i say i'm not sure but since she was on frank's emergency contact list and no one else was answering their phone we called her and she already came and got the images confused amy hung up the following day was frank's surgery the day after frank's surgery my boss jokingly asked me what the heck did you do to that guy he came in all pissed at me saying that my secretary told his wife about his other girlfriend i told my boss what happened and that diane told me to call the girlfriend and he understood diane tried to throw me under the bus by saying i didn't tell her that helen was frank's girlfriend and that i had told her helen was just a friend and that she would never have given me the green light to call a patient's mistress but i reminded her in front of my boss that she had said it was possible for frank and amy to be married but separated this witch was trying to cover her butt because she probably thought it was some kind of hipaa violation but nothing ever happened i was 18 years old at the time and just did whatever my superiors told me because i was really thirsty for job security after college but i ended up not working there and went to work at a hospital instead let me ask you guys if you were in this situation and you were on the phone with amy and they were asking who came and picked up the images would you lie to them in that moment or would you be honest you could maybe easily say it's against policy to discuss over the phone who somebody's emergency contacts are or something like that maybe something desperate just to try and not have to be in the middle of it or you could just be honest and say it was helen the girlfriend listed on the emergency contact list let me know what you would have done in the comments down below our next story is by atlas 88 you've gone above my head and don't need me anymore okay i used to be a field adjuster don't hold that against me i work in public service now essentially i would receive a batch of claims each day and would drive around servicing those claims we never knew what that day would bring as there were a lot of adverse shops in that area that were extremely difficult to work with and typically attracted a certain type of clientele that was also difficult to work with as an example imagine asking twenty six thousand dollars to do a nine thousand dollar claim which on any other brand of car would be a 4 000 claim anyways i received a claim that day which i immediately knew was going to be a problem file we had just had a hail catastrophe and there was a bit of a wait to have their vehicle inspected i pre-called the customer to introduce myself and set expectations for inspecting her vehicle that day and she immediately interrupted me saying that she didn't even want to talk to me and that she had already gone above my head confused and taken a bit of back i asked her to please elaborate because perhaps she didn't fully understand who i was and how i was in route to review and approve her repairs shouting she said she was fed up with insert hour company for taking so long to inspect her vehicle it had only been several days and how her shop had bad-mouthed us and i don't even need to come out because she had already spoken to corporate and i should expect a phone call from them and no action should be taken until i hear from them i acknowledged the customer and her emotional state and against my better judgment of wanting to get as far away from this claim as possible i once again offered to see her vehicle that day i shared that it may be a while before someone else can come out as we are really busy with the catastrophe and all that corporate can do is send me or one of my colleagues out to see her vehicle because there is no other method to approve a repair estimate apparently she thought i was intimidated by the prospect of speaking with corporate and was thrilled by the prospect of me a stranger who had just received her claim today be disciplined because she defiantly rebutted my offer and said it's too late i better await my phone call i said okay ma'am just to be clear you are refusing an inspection of your vehicle at insert nightmare body shop at this time is that correct she says yes and with that i gleefully but politely ended the phone call and thoroughly documented the file with the customers wishes and details of our conversation about how i reiterated several times my willingness to perform the inspection that day and how she declined stating that she had gone above my head then i cancelled the inspection and returned the claim back to the void where claims go when they wait to get reassigned i never got a call from corporate and her claim undoubtedly got delayed by an additional week or longer as time goes on and everything seems to get a little bit more instant and very quick satisfaction people often lose the ability to have a good amount of patience and although it probably is a dramatic or a stressful situation you have to exercise some level of patience they said they were literally coming out that day to take a look to move you along in this process and you turn it all down because you thought they were gonna get chewed out doesn't make much sense to me our next story is by kirara you want to take the aggressive patient for a walk be my guest a little backstory i'm a nurse now but at the time of this story i was a nurse assistant and close to being done with nursing school this was about six years ago i worked on an oncology floor and the manager wheelcolor h was brand new not only to this floor but she'd only been a nurse for about six months before she was promoted to manager she was a manager who had favorites among the staff and if you weren't one of those she would find ways to make your life more difficult on the day of the incident i was assigned to be a patient sitter which just means watching over a patient to make sure they don't pull on tubes drains ivs etc or get out of the bed and fall the patient i was sitting with happened to be a very aggressive and confused woman with dementia she had been on our unit for a couple days and we found that she was less aggressive and more manageable if she was allowed to walk around in her room but if the door was open she'd make a run for it so i sat or rather stood in front of the door and made sure she didn't get out or hurt herself she would have bouts of aggression and would sometimes scream or yell at me no big deal this is common behavior for her and not really dangerous until h arrived again h was not very experienced in floor nursing but she liked to come onto the unit and tell everyone how to do their job it was rarely good advice so she walks into the unit and she hears a patient screaming so she opens the door and walks in to see me standing in the room with the patient she asks me what's wrong and i tell her that the patient has dementia and screams at times but we're all good here i have a work phone to call the nurse if i need help she says that with dementia patients it usually calms them down if you allow them to walk around or wander a bit i told her i was aware and that we had tried but she's aggressive and it isn't safe to have her out in the hallway h insists that it will work and that she will personally walk with the patient so i just smiled and said okay if you say so they made it about 12 feet before the patient darted into a different patient's room and immediately started grabbing anything in sight and trying to throw it at age don't worry the other patient was okay just startled i run down to the room along with every other available nurse and nurse assistant that witnessed it we got the patient under control and back to her room and h immediately ran back to her office we didn't see her for the rest of the shift she rarely elected to help with patient care after that and never again argued with me about what is safe or not okay but i heard these tips in passing or online or in a book so clearly i know exactly how to handle this patient way better than you who has actual training and experience in this field it worked out about as well as you would expect this next story is by fluffy smiles once upon a time there was an exam this is a tale from long ago when i was 15 and undertaking my mock exams very important exams in point of fact uk based in those days they were called o levels now they are called gcses anyway i was a real life troll basically the internet had not been invented back then and real life was all we had any opportunity that came my way to maliciously comply i took it i discovered early on the joy to be had in cultivating a pedantic mind whilst searching for loopholes our history teacher passed out the mock exam papers with the words now just remember it doesn't matter what you write so long as the dates and facts are correct the exams were all about british social and economic history from 1776 to 1976 as i recall i decided i was going to answer every question as if it was a fairy tale so each answer began with the phrase once upon a time for example once upon a time there was a man called eisenbarr kingdom brunel who was really into bridges or once upon a time there was a man by the name of robert stevenson who loved railways and i made the battle of the narrow versus broad gauge railway lines into a majestic epic of wizardry it was a lot of fun especially with names of things like puddled clay to play with anyway i handed my papers in and waited for the fallout on the fateful day i sat eagerly waiting for the review of our work the teacher sat down pointedly ignoring me and proceeded to go through the pile next to him praising or giving criticism as required mine was last of course it was he held up my work and looked at me what he said is this my mock exam paper sir i replied can you explain what is in it well sir you said that it didn't matter what we wrote so long as the dates and facts were correct i paused for dramatic effect are they correct sir i asked with an innocent show of mock horror at the idea that i had gotten something wrong he looked at me and spoke slowly through gritted teeth yes i could tell replying was causing him great pain so what's the problem sir he looked at me and slammed my work on his desk if you pass your exam i'll eat my shoe i smiled naturally i passed and i subsequently asked him what condiment he would care to have with his meal the funny thing is even now around 40 years later i can still remember the facts the dates are hazy but who really cares about crap like that except teachers and pedants i would say that the dates matter if it's a significant enough piece of history that said it's pretty impressive 40 years later that they can still remember the facts that's pretty good and we all know that teacher's a liar and wouldn't eat that shoe delicious tasty shoes so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by kitsuna fey why i should never be allowed glitter so it was 10 years ago or so that i was in remedial math i am horrid at mathematics and i knew it my teacher was frankly abusive he screamed at us openly called student stupid wouldn't let anyone go to the bathroom or get water the list goes on well our final project came we had to make a poster with 3d shapes and their formulas preferably it would be attractive and he said he would hang them in the classroom unlike most of my teachers he did not say a word about the usage of glitter well i happen to love glitter any color and i had a hot pink poster board when i was done literally everything on the poster except for the formulas was coated in a thick layer of glitter my teacher lost it he yelled and asked why i got his room covered in glitter i informed him he said it had to be attractive and i loved pink glitter didn't he he just stared at me in disbelief i was a goth kid i grinned at him where are your formulas he demanded i pointed them out they were written in neon green he glared and for the next three weeks had to look at my eyesore of a project glitter is life there are two things that will never go away on the face of the earth roaches and glitter you'll never be able to get rid of them completely they'll be there until the very end of time when the earth and the universe all goes away there will still be roaches and glitter just floating around in the ethos stupid policies so early last year i have started working for a small transport slash warehouse company here in the uk as i changed professions i had to be trained from the ground up but the md sun hit off from the moment we met at the interview and was determined to get me on the team i was given an afternoon shift which meant i got to learn the trade both the proper way from the day shift and the back door kind of way from the night shift now it is important to point out that it is both our company policy and a contract with our clients that if we were to require any third-party trailers for loading outside hauler that is not part of the company we had to contact them by email and a way to reply night shift being night shift you usually do not end up getting a reply until about six o'clock next morning when the day shift starts this meant that if we wanted to load anything on third-party trailers we had to find our own way now my personal way of life was always to help everyone out as when you need something from them they usually are happy to provide there was one third party hauler which loaded with us quite often and the night shift manager often used to ring us to find out if we loaded anything they was to pick up in the morning we'll call them fusion transport i ended up doing them quite a lot of favors over the months whether it was loading stuff early or arranging for them to come at a specific time and get turned around within a few minutes the only problem is that we have multiple clients in our warehouse let's call them a and b i've met and almost always helped fusion in regards to our client b but they often did work for our client a as well the only problem was that the two clients have been contacting two different depots of fusion transport and i was not allowed to leverage my contract there if i needed something for client a this is where the fun starts just few days before christmas last year on a sunday our client a has informed us that they had just agreed a load going to one of their biggest customers the load was supposed to be delivered at three o'clock monday morning and we had been informed at 2200 on a sunday evening mind you on sunday afternoons all of the warehouse crew finished at 1800 and don't get back in until monday at 6 o'clock so i was there alone just manning the office conversation went something like this client a says so we've just sent you an order info for an urgent load that's got to be delivered in five hours time i say well i'm alone here at the moment but if you are desperate for it i can go out and assemble and load the trailer myself i just need you to send a driver down with a trailer so that i can load it client a says well that's the problem it is being taken by fusion transport and they only agreed to it if they can arrive at your place and pick up the trailer otherwise they won't make it in time for the delivery i say well fair enough but first of all we have none of their trailers here and even if we did i can't move one onto a loading bay myself have you got one down at your place one of your drivers could bring so it is ready client a says nope we've got nothing yes i know what you're going to say our planning department is a load of bollocks i say about right is this desperate desperate then cliente says if we don't deliver in time there will be quite a large fine i say hmm right leave it with me at this point i thought screw it if they're that desperate for it i'm gonna venture slightly outside the policy and request help from my fellow donut fusion so i called him up and explained where i stand he went silent for a few minutes and then told me you know what pal you've done me quite a few favors recently so it's about time i paid back i'm gonna send one of my drivers with the trailer you need and a couple of fellas to give you a hand doing so how does that sound i said you're having a laugh aren't you fusing transport fella said nobody i'd say that puts us about equal and he did exactly as he promised then about half an hour later i had a driver with a trailer and three other guys to help me load it it was ready just in time for the other depot effusion transport to collect it i rang about client a and told that the order had been loaded and was on its way to the customer he praised me for working miracles and we left it on that next day afternoon i come into work only to be greeted by the general manager and managing director himself both asking me how the freak did i pull it off as they had spoken with our client a and they knew we had no trailers to load it on and they couldn't provide any either i explained to them what had happened and how i got it done what kinda took me by surprise was that instead of at least a nod of approval i had been bollocked for breaching company policy unhappy i returned to my duties but i kept it in the back of my mind for a future reference boy oh boy did i have a grin on my face when in early january i received a nearly identical phone call on a late sunday night but this time i was going to do it properly i composed a quick email to confirm we had received an order and that we urgently required a fusion transport trailer to load it on i ensure to copy in as many people in management as possible including both the general manager and managing director about an hour after that i get a call from my general manager asking me how i am doing with this order i calmly proceeded to explain to him that due to well foreseen circumstances i was unable to load anything as i did not get a trailer for it he was furious and hung up on me about 10 minutes later he and managing director both walk into the office and proceed to question me on why the heck i cannot get one thing done so i put on my special face reserved for moments like these and said well as i had it pointed out to me last time i am to strictly follow company policy in situations like these i have requested a trailer and am waiting response from client a general manager says but you know they cannot provide you with one i am well informed of this fact sir however our policy states that we can only request trailers from them unless of course this is when i put my hands together and started rotating my thumbs around each other like a hunter waiting on his trap to trigger general manager was fuming at this point managing director just looked at him then at me and went can you get a trailer sorted through one of your contacts i said possibly but general manager won't be happy about me breaching the policy again managing director said screw him you've got my permission if he has anything against it i'll take it on personally so i proceed and rang my contact he was happy to provide me with a trailer as he had a driver in my area who had just finished a job i turned around and told them that we'll have a trailer on site shortly but that due to the time wasted i would not have time to load in time for collection general manager just looked at me confused but the managing director started to understand what i was hinting at i wanted them to load the trailer with me the best thing was that we use electric pallet riders which you need to be qualified to ride even though they are a piece of cake to use this meant that my so-called helpers had to use the old-fashioned pump trucks to move the pallets around which is not fun when the pallet weighs just under a ton i will never forget the struggle faces they pulled as they were pushing the pump truck around the warehouse and i was just zipping around them on my electric pallet rider to this day i was never questioned in how i do my work and what back doors i used to get it done efficiently so let me ask you guys if you're doing a job and there is some kind of contact back door that will easily make sure you do your job as efficiently as possible do you think it's okay to bend the rules to allow these kinds of things let me know in the comments down below our next story is by pocketful of uranium santa doesn't like selfish brats as a hr manager at a manufacturing company i had the pleasure of working with some of the true salt of the earth lads i bloody loved them it's rare to have this sort of relationship with hr i know but i didn't start in the position i worked my way up and in doing so always kept my main ethos intact be open and honest and communicate it's simple but changed the way the company saw itself with my job and part of the open and honest structure i believe in comes my policies in my experience when people have defined policies it helps them know what will happen and limits any what-ifs one of my policies is on gifts we are a manufacturing company we don't get a huge amount of gifts come christmas you do see a lot of companies trying to buy your interest though it appeared to me in the years i'd have been there that most gifts came to myself from recruitment agencies or to the purchasing manager from potential stockists my policy stated that all these guests would be put in a pool and every employee would be eligible for them it was nothing great a few bottles of wine some chocolates once there was a stay in a local hotel but it was important to me that everyone got to be eligible for them and it's always fun on our last day before we shut down for christmas to have this raffle it's a happy end to our busy season and so i've been there for a few years and our sales director is off on holiday in december i have a call transferred through from one of our customers and i'm thinking i'm about to hear a complaint instead he asks for the address to send the whiskey to this director for this year say what apparently this sales director received two bottles of expensive scotch every year from this customer i told him he was off on holiday and asked him to send care of me i then had my assistant email every customer our gifts policy you know what happened that year we had a bud ton of gifts whiskey hampers from fancy stores weekend retreats the sneaky but stingy sales reps were just accepting these gifts and not following the policy they all played the oh this is the first year they've sent gifts that i know of or i didn't know the policy cards i wasn't having that i showed them the signatures of them having received the brief on the policy and reminded them that if they were found to be in breach of this formal disciplinary action could be taken here is where i maliciously complied with my own policy i had written in that you can be removed from the christmas gift raffle should you be found in breach of said policy accidentally or otherwise to prevent this exact situation i didn't state how long this removal would last for none of them faced disciplinary action as it would be too hard to prove it was four years last christmas still no sales reps in the raffle four years is a lot of time but if you're gonna withhold all that stuff from all of the other hard-working employees i wouldn't be losing any sleep on it this next story is by stresso espresso don't hang up gladly first some background i am an 18 year old college student who got a temporary job as a cold caller for a proxy company i know i am the worst type of person but we all have our faults this was in june so smack dab in the middle of lockdowns in the us and i was very fortunate to get any job i could i had recently been hired to work for a proxy company which essentially meant i would call people's homes and try to get them to vote on company policy for corporations they held stocks in people hate it when you call they will curse at you threaten you guilt you and scream apparently the group i was working for was pretty crappy because people would say we called multiple times a day no matter what happened or what they might say to us we were told explicitly we were not allowed to hang up under any circumstances on a client this was generally pretty crappy many people would get personal with you and threaten physical violence or try to make you feel really guilty saying you had woken up their baby or something however once in a while we would get people who just wanted to mess with us my favorite example of this was someone who pre-recorded an elaborate audio drama which took place in a casino they initially started off friendly telling me to hold on for a sec or talk about their job as a chip counter and there was even dead space with some background sounds in it to make the caller think they were actually there i caught on pretty quickly that this was a bot but i was under no circumstances allowed to hang up on a client the story continued with the casino worker getting in trouble with a scary sounding russian man and still i listened approximately 15 minutes in the man faked getting beat up by the mob and after 20 minutes the call ended i was paid hourly 17 an hour so i made about six dollars listening to a well-made and entertaining audio drama all because i was told i was not allowed to hang up they changed the rules after that to make a caveat for recordings and bots i feel like this job either teaches you to have the patience of an absolute saint or would just kind of drive you to the point that you quit yourself so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by chef jenga okay i'll have the three-year-olds clean up earlier as a qualifier i have found when working with kids sometimes you have to adjust your rules and process according to the personalities of your current class not based on what has worked before for former groups i work with preschoolers my current class i let them play right up until i'm plating lunch then i say clean up because if they clean up too early they have to sit and wait on the carpet for lunch to be on the table and this group doesn't sit well unattended see wrestles hits and basically annoys each other in a sometimes we just knocked heads and are now crying kind of way i've been doing things like this for over a month now and it works fine a few days ago i was sitting with a child who was sad the plates and things were already out for lunch but the food had not arrived so the children were happily playing my boss walks through my room and tells me why aren't they cleaning up lunch will be here they need to clean i say they will i typically wait a bit because it takes so long to serve lunch and they don't sit well well this room is really messy it will take them a long time to have them clean up okay i clap my hands tell them to clean they start halfway through the food arrives and i start plating up i'm not even close to finished and the room is clean with 10 3 year olds sitting on the carpet then the physicalness begins i can't do anything because i'm plating up food other than verbally give reminders boss walks through again sees the chaos on the carpet and me across the room food gloves on and scoops in hand unable to be present on the carpet or lunch doesn't happen she had to sit down and keep the kids occupied until i was ready for them to wash hands took about 5-10 minutes out of her already busy day she hasn't asked me to have the kids clean up for lunch since if i were the boss i would definitely listen to what the person who teaches the class or takes care of the class has to say because the one person that would know how their class needs to work and run the best would usually be the teacher or the caretaker god my teacher called my work bad and my attitude even worse it then got featured in the biggest art gallery in the country context the school i go to is well respected in my country so it was not uncommon for venues to request to display a student's work or to ask for students to sing live for them on the occasion in question the largest art gallery in the country gallery x had asked my school to submit inspired art to be out on display the school agreed and said that they would submit five pieces of work one piece per year for years 9-13 back to the story i hated art growing up but it was a mandatory subject until you got to choose your subjects in year 10. needless to say i dropped the subject asap despite hating the subject i still put effort into my work and some of it wasn't that bad however at the same time i would not hide away from expressing my views when we were given a task that i didn't see a point to even if the teacher was in earshot needless to say my relationship with the art department faculty wasn't the best my teacher at the time particularly had it in for me he was one of those teachers that had the view that their subject should be your most important subject regardless of your future ambitions if you thought that you weren't prioritizing art then he would make your life hack yet again i hated art as a subject he knew this but i would still do any work set to the best of my ability we had just finished a project where we had to mix different pigments to create our own unique color being colorblind i struggled a lot as i literally could not differentiate between half of the pigments i gave it my all but ended up giving up halfway through the project my teacher hated me for giving up in his defense he had tried to make it as easy as possible for me but i hated the subject and saw a way out so i took it my teacher was beyond mad when we went to hand the project in he gave me a lecture about how i needed to put in more effort and work harder because of the quality of work was unacceptable remember i literally couldn't see half of the project once that project was finished my teacher told us that gallery x had asked that we create some inspired art we were basically shown five different paintings that we were supposed to recreate in our own way there was a big fuss about this people were saying that art schools would be given out scholarships that there was a 10 000 reward and other nonsense that 14 year olds make up but nevertheless everyone wanted to be the one to have their painting in gallery x so for the next month and a half in my art class we would work on our piece after the first week of working on my piece the excitement of the new project wore often so did my eagerness and lessons my teacher noticed this and went from complimenting my work to yelling at me about what i was doing wrong by the fourth week i was over the project and just wanted to be done with this with two weeks left on the project my teacher pulls me aside to tell me that my work isn't good enough and i need to improve it i tried to improve but he kept on belittling me so out of arrogance and spite i made art my most important subject until the end of this project i dragged myself to each lesson quietly working myself to the bone counting down the days until the deadline of the project after what seemed like a year to 14 year old me the second to last lesson arrives this lesson was not for final touches or anything like that my teacher had decided that he would review what each student has done well and where they could have improved he walks around the classroom complementing everyone's work until he gets to mine i don't remember exactly what he said but i'm pretty sure none of it was positive i do remember however how he finished talking about mine you can tell that op hasn't given this any thought and hasn't taken this seriously that stung like a witch because yes i had lost interest in it but i had still worked hard in lessons and given it my best shot the bell then went and i sulked out of the class with my tail between my legs the last lesson finally comes and i can't wait to be over with this stupid project the lesson was a big one too the judges from gallery x were coming to school to judge all of the work they come into our class do all the formalities these all look so good i have no idea how we can decide on only one etc then they start walking around the room muttering to each other the whole class is stood silently at the back trying to hear what they are saying they do a full lap of the room then walk back over to my spot i don't even notice this as i had tuned out after they had looked at the second painting they then asked the teacher whose work they are stood over he looks at them almost in disbelief as he gestures to me i snap out of my daydream and just smile politely with no idea what is going on the judges then confer for a while waltzed my teacher and i frantically try and figure out what is going on finally after about five minutes of mumbling they say that they want to shortlist it to potentially be shown in gallery x i look on at them in shock then yet again smile politely and say thank you i cannot begin to describe the look on my teacher's face i don't think i have ever seen someone more confused angry and disappointed all at the same time my teacher then begrudgingly thanks the judges and walks them to the door he thanks them again as they leave then stumbles back to the class he doesn't even congratulate me on my work he just defeatedly says good work everyone as a reward i'll put on a documentary for you all to watch and he did just that not saying another thing until the end of class later on that week i got an email from gallery x asking for my permission to display my work of which i happily said yes to to sum it up the work that he disrespected and said that no effort was put into was selected from 192 others and got featured in the biggest art gallery in the country guys you gotta let me know if this was you after all the basically crap talking you with your work ethic and the work itself would you have gone to the teacher and said some extra words or some kind of jab or comment or something like that just to see if it really gets under their skin let me know in the comments down below i personally was a social pansy so i probably wouldn't have but i think a lot of people and it sounds like op would be the type of person to maybe offer some kind words about the reality of the situation our next story is by jacqueline nougat mother-in-law insisted she wanted a drink so i gave it to her mother-in-law never really liked me because i got her adult son to move out of their home and have a good life she's the type to question every success you have all the while downplaying anything in your life honestly i don't know why father-in-law is still with her yesterday was her daughter's birthday i love her very much like my own sister and although she can't have an extravagant 21st birthday we planned a nice dinner at their home we brought everything we needed as well as drinks she is 21 after all she requested we get some soju now for those who don't know what that is it's a popular korean alcohol drink it's in these bright green bottles packaged within this bright green box usually plastered with portraits of cute girls looking like they love this drink at a glance it does not look like alcohol since american beers and such are more bland looking than this since their home basically had nothing for us to use for the meats we brought over we had to go to the store a lot of times including the birthday girl herself we really tried to make the best of the situation but the entire time mother-in-law was running her mouth what there's no soy sauce what the heck says the woman sitting and playing on her phone not helping us look why would you move to a cheap place what did you expect of course it's going to crap now says the woman who never paid for her house father-in-law pays for everything don't cook there it's going to smell like meat she says while we're cooking in the kitchen what's the kitchen supposed to be used for these are only a few examples of everything she said that night father-in-law was nowhere to be seen since she usually runs her mouth until he's had enough i was mixing my concoction of soju yakult and sierra mist by the time she hovers over to the kitchen she asks me what i was doing with a grimace on her face i say it's a korean drink why are you not making me one are you sure this isn't just a normal drink it's stop excluding me i want one says the woman who basically sat through everything and complained the whole time we did try to include her but all be god were sarcasm and complaints i roll my eye and start making her one until i realized we got a flavored soju meaning it literally tastes like juice so you best believe i just dunked half a bottle in that cocktail and served it with minimal yakult and sierra mist she grumbles uh that wasn't so hard was it every time she sees me head into the kitchen she yells for me to make her another drink okay i keep doing so father-in-law joins me in the kitchen and was reading the bottles he looks at me with a raised brow just in time for mother-in-law to yell for another drink in her mind she's asking me nicely but really all we hear is screeching i say should i give her more father-in-law says you heard her father-in-law shrugs with an evil grin the nicest man was telling me to maliciously comply eventually she starts to mellow out no more yelling no more complaints everyone was happy for the rest of the night she actually was in such a good mood she went upstairs and went to bed early such good mood in fact father-in-law joined us for movie night after dinner sister just messaged me today and said that night was by far the best night she's had let's just be thankful that they're a mellow drunk and not somebody that would turn into a much more belligerent person when a little tipsy our next stories by xx just get it done reminded by another story of the big box store that starts with w this is my story of how i complied and got away with it worked in the back unloading the trucks the hours at the time were two to 11 pm when we got there at 2pm the supervisor had the day off and only 4 of us showed up it's been several years i don't remember if it was scheduling errors or just call-offs we get a manager to pop the door to the truck and i pull the manifest and see it's a 2500 piece truck i look at her and say we are going to need help at least three more people she says she will try to find someone and leads us to get started lift the door to the truck and boxes start falling out we get the line set up and start unloading one person putting boxes on the line and the other three sorting them to where they go normally we had six people doing the same work that three were so it was going to be a little slow about 3 p.m another manager comes through the back room and happens to check on the truck and is unhappy with the progress we have made i explain the situation and again get the i will see what i can do answer whatever break at 4 pm and when we come back after 15 minutes a third manager is looking in the truck he starts asking why it's been two hours and we are maybe 25 done with unloading i explained that there are only four of us and we have asked for help at least twice now and we are doing the best we can do he says i will try to find you help but you all need to just get it done he proceeds to vaguely threaten us with a write-up so we don't get the truck empty in an hour i'm now mad and two of the other people who were there were also mad and the person who was in the truck didn't care so we decided to just get it done we started just throwing boxes didn't care what it was they were grabbed and thrown in the general direction of the pallet they belonged to within 20 minutes we had made a lot of progress on unloading but there were now piles of boxes at least waist high and roughly 15 feet wide on each side of the line things that would normally be stacked neatly on pallets and carts were jumbled in a huge mess together this is about when the women from personnel came to the back room with some things she needed to have shipped out she took one look at the mess turned around on her heel and went to management i thought that was the end of my job but the co-manager in between the store manager and assistant managers came back pulled me aside and asked me what was going on i explained everything to him and he told me and the other three to just straighten up the mess fifteen minutes later every person with the title manager in their name was in the back helping to unload the truck every single one every department manager assistant manager the co-manager and the store manager the last 50 percent of the truck took us about 30 minutes to unload and i got an apology from the co and store managers four years and that was the most work i saw almost any of them do totally worth it don't you just love that in this situation op and their co-workers needed just three more people to help out and then three managers walk in see that they're needing help and walk out looking for other help if those managers could just help the short-handed staff everything would have been fine but it had to go and bubble up into some totally impressive mess type thing only after the poop hit the fan did everybody come in droves to help out and ops lucky that they got an apology that's impressive this next story is by ace arrow fudge muffin want mom to stop the car okay this literally just happened we were on our way back from school when my little brother's whining for our mom gets worse he's tired and hungry and wants mom to pick us up so he starts throwing a fit and demanding that i call her which i do since people is looking at this 13 year old throwing a tantrum like a five-year-old so mom gets there and he starts screaming at her how dare she not come get us she recently said that we would have to walk to and from the bus stop every day and that she has to come get him mom says i'm busy and have other things to do brother says just stop the car then and drop us here and just like that she swings under the curb and slams on the brakes refusing to go any further i get out and start to walk since i like walking but he goes into full on tantrum mode screaming and crying and whining and begging but she keeps going and leaves him there at the bottom of the steep road we live on it takes him 10 minutes to walk home as i ran ahead and he stayed there to cry she drove up the hill and walked into the house saying nothing screw that entitled spoiled pig baby if i was the parent i would have done it a little bit differently i would have gotten the little brother to get out and walk themselves up that hill to the house while i'm still in the car driving alongside them and refuse to drive them older brothers should be able to stay right there and not have to walk although they liked walking so that doesn't really matter point is the entitled child got exactly what they deserved in the end though that entitled child got exactly what they deserved and our final story of the day is by jimmy russell you can have lunch after your shift happened today not that big i'm a volunteer in the national reserve and due to the resurgence in sars cove 2 cases i've been recently activated to assist in tasks of national interest we work with exactly the same work as permanent employees they are also on contract from the reserves but have been so since march and on more or less the same terms one exception is that our pay is by the hour and made to match the pay of the permanent employees if we work the same hours our lunch is also paid theirs is refunded now i just pulled the shift from 07 to 18. i arrive about an hour early because i know they need people and i don't want to spend more time in traffic which would be the case if i arrive later so today i was lucky enough to also get free dinner at the cantina because i've been working longer and more shifts than anybody else from the recent call on reserves the self-declared team leader today was very adamant about me not going ahead of our appointed time slot of 18 to 1845 even though the kitchen opens at 1700 and my shift ends at 18. well fine then after i'm done working i walk over to the cantina and have my dinner before checking out at the hq if i can't have my dinner until my shift is over i might as well get paid for the overtime next day i arrive early again after checking in i walked to the new building previous day the shift manager had told me to go there instead i only got around to making some tea when some guy with seniority calls me and the other emergency service people back the deal is that we start work at nine so we're staying for a briefing which is targeted at people who haven't been there before well i am fine playing on my laptop for two hours while i am still checked in and getting paid it's almost as though the more organized things get the more stupid it succumbs to so let me get this straight they wanted op to work an 11 hour shift without any meal breaks they wanted them to just check out opie deserve to go to the cantina and get that overtime meal break 11 hour shifts with no breaks yikes it's a safety issue i work at a paint factory where we make batches of around 5 000 pounds sometimes more we have to use forklifts in order to lift the large tanks that we make it in in order to package it i got my forklift license a couple of years ago and have performed nearly every forklift task that we have to do hundreds of times there are only two out of 12 workers without their forklift licenses at the plant and those two are being trained about a year ago we created our safety committee and i am the member for the back of the warehouse where we make and package the paint and where most of the workers are we look out for any safety concerns and if someone else has a concern or needs to make a report we deal with that we also do monthly and annual inspections of the premises so our lead hand treats everybody like absolute garbage and the boss does nothing about his behavior his attitude or the mistakes that he makes because they have known each other for over 30 years including the job they worked at before here they have been here for around 20 years we are about to start packaging an oil-based paint into five gallon pails like we always do i lift up the forklift with a tank so that we can get a filter on it and then once the others are out of the way i start going up more so that i can line it up with a trough like i have done a few hundred times with no issue this time however i had put a bit too much pressure on the gas pedal and the tank went up too fast so i stopped it before it got too high doing so however is also dangerous because it is about 6 000 pounds of weight up in the air above workers stopping it too fast could tip over the forklift and the tank of paint causing possible heavy damage and possibly injuring someone going too high could also have the same result so i slowed it and let it sit for a moment just to make sure everything was stable the tank was not too high the forklift didn't tilt wobble or make any bad sounds and everything was perfectly fine lead hand backs up with his forklift in the other room and sees me checking it and begins to chew me out i'm used to this as are most of the other co-workers because he will yell and scream and get pissed off at anybody who does anything even minutely wrong or in a different way than what he has done for 20 years he repeats himself multiple times telling me why it is unsafe which i had already acknowledged and stated that i realized what i had done and what negative effects it could have had he goes back to the other side and then comes over once more to repeat it a few more times all i can say is i am well aware as i continue getting everything ready for packaging he takes this personally as if i killed this dog goes to the boss and tells him the forklift's back tires were lifted off the ground and that we had to stabilize it otherwise it would have fallen the other two members of the safety committee start an investigation talking to the guys that were there only one had seen what happened and he stated that everything was fine and that we didn't need to stabilize nor did the tires lift off a week later we started getting the packages ready and i get on the forklift to get it prepared lead hand comes running over saying that it's a safety issue and that he is driving i tell him i'm more than capable and his response is that he needs me not the three other guys standing there who normally do it to guide him forward i just go along with it until after the packaging is done and then i say to him that because he stated that it is a safety issue i'll need to bring it up with the other committee members so that they can start an investigation on how to mitigate the safety issue and make it more safe as is my job whenever someone has a safety concern or issue his response is aggressive at first telling me he doesn't care that it's already done go ahead etc until he tells me that the boss told lead hand that he was to be the only one lifting up tanks from now on i tell them that's fine but i still need to bring it up with the committee since he stated it was a safety issue and he just grumbled and walked away since then anytime we have a tank to lift anywhere from full to empty i stand there and wait for him to come and do it sometimes telling him to come and do it and whenever he tells me to do it i just repeat what he said about the boss stating that lead hand is the only one allowed to do so and continuing to wait until he does it this is an ongoing thing still and it will be for a very long time unless we are told otherwise by the boss so if you had this boss that was over panicking and all this kind of stuff and trying to paint you as a safety issue and said that one time that they were to only be the one doing it forever would you be the kind of person to make sure to drive that point every single time and refuse outright because it's a safety issue i think i probably would because that would annoy me to no end being told that i'm a safety issue so i would kind of want to annoy them in return let me know if you would in the comments down below our next story is by irahoo sure i'll pull up that data for you or how to score an upgraded workstation this was around a decade ago i had a new minted master's degree in a brand new position in a third-party market research and program evaluation company doing a lot of work for local government agencies even though i was an analyst i was given one of the oldest workstations in the office a pentium 3 with 256 megabytes of memory this was the end of the 2000s mind you most systems were being built with gigs of memory at that point it was slow as freak taking minutes to open office documents i think some of the ram was bad because it had a tendency to just reset itself when it ran out of resources since my work always involved having multiple documents and tabs open and sometimes resource intensive statistic programs it crashed a lot and getting anything done was a pain in the butt i wasn't the only one several of the assistant analysts also had decrepit relics of the late 90s in their nooks they didn't have actual offices just nooks at least there wasn't cubicles we complained about the state of the computers but since we were a branch office of the company we pretty much got ignored we could still do the work right head office didn't like spending money this place considered itself a small business and small businesses always skimp on the i.t we could get most of our work done it was just laggy and slow and occasionally resulted in rework because of crashed systems they were going to use those relics until they died well at one point me and one of the assistants got put on a major major project for us working with one of the managers from the main office several provinces away it was a continuation study something that was run once every couple of years or so and in the weeks leading up to rolling out the current version of the survey we had to crawl through the data sets of years gone by using excel there were over 6 000 records i know that's a small data set for some but for our company which usually had data sets under 500 or qualitative data that was huge and the survey had a lot of iterative fields so it was a massive file we'd been complaining about the computers for months at this point only to have everything fall on deaf ears our manager would keep asking for specific polls and queries from the data set and we'd do our best to fill them but it was a pain in the butt because it would take five to ten minutes usually to just get one field in the data he was starting to complain about our lazy butts and how long it took to get info the assistant and i both wanted to work and wanted to be more productive but our wings were well and truly clipped by these garbage computers so we decided on some malicious compliance at one point the manager asked us for some simple pieces of data so we divided up the task and then set our computers to sorting the data sets this particular sort would take our computers about 30 minutes we set up the sort and filter criteria and then let it run then we went over to a local coffee shop got some confectionary excuses for coffee and baked goods and took an unscheduled break we literally could not do any other task for any other project while that occurred computers were literally unusable and all our current work was on the computer so we chilled finished our coffees and convection about the workstations both of us were geeks who had decent homebrew gaming systems at home we knew these things were about seven years out of date and not up to what we were doing with them and also how a real system should respond to an excel sort not that long we then went back saw that our files were still sorting and proceeded to chill in my office talking about anime then i got a call it was the manager he was wondering why we hadn't gotten him that simple data request yet and why we weren't responding to emails i don't remember the exact conversation this was more than a decade ago but it went something like this i've been emailing you why haven't you responded oh sorry we've been running that sword you requested i took half an assistant took the other half and we're both trying to get it we can't access your emails until the sword is done because our computers won't respond but that should have been done ages ago why is it still running well the computers just don't have the resources to sort that many data fields i've got 256 megabytes of ram and i think it's a pentium 3. there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone the manager also knew a thing or two about computers what yeah my assistant piped in we were on speakerphone these things are older than god it usually takes five to ten minutes to get your data that's why we're so slow getting back to you we thought we'd make things faster and split the search up between two of us but it's been 20 minutes and the progress bar is still like only 70 percent i piped up hopefully the ram fault doesn't kick in and reset my computer i hate it when i have to redo a query i've closed all other programs except excel until it finishes but it's a little iffy our manager was silent again then he told us to send them the information when we could and he'd get back to us on friday that week we came into the office to find boxes of computer stuff being set up in our offices and one of the local managers saying hey opie an assistant you guys are getting new computers head office had them purchased and sent them down it was only me and the assistant i guess the head office manager had pulled some strings and demanded that we have it equipment that was capable of doing the work we'd been assigned eventually the others in the office got upgrades because the company realized they were not saving themselves any money when people they paid 200 a day were spending half the day waiting for computers to respond or redoing work lost from crashed systems the assistant and i went on to really nail the project with fast response times and good work the difference in productivity with the new systems was immense and now i had a computer that could even have other programs open at the same time including my favorite radio station score by the late 2000s i didn't even have a high-end computer and i had four gigabytes of ram in my computer for anybody that doesn't know four gigabytes of ram is 16 times the 256 megabytes op had to deal with 16 times that tells you how outdated it was for that era this next story is by stargazer's light i wasn't doing the stalking well enough so i fixed it in 2010 i was working night shift at the nursing home where i lived as a nursing assistant training to become a certified nursing assistant one of the night shift's duties were to stock all of the residents bathrooms with anything the day shift might need during the day and night shift was pretty good at it things stayed stocked and day shift never ran out well about six months in night shift had a week-long period where we had one or two people pass away on the night shift and that takes the whole staff and we really can't deviate from tasks for non-menial tasks like stalking and put those above the care of the family of the loved ones that pass and the other residents in the facility after a week of not being able to stalk the way we liked the complaints started pouring in in the communication book that night shift wasn't doing our job the charge nurse tried hard to have our back but we were all still reprimanded finally things came to a boil when after another really hard night one of the day chefs started screaming at me in front of everyone and placed all of the blame on me the director of nursing d.o.n pulled me aside and helped me calm down i was tired and lost someone that i really cared about that night it's not just the families that loses a loved one when residents pass away the director of nursing helped me calm down and suggested i take the night off since i don't sleep well during the day and had already been working 6 days i told her no i want to make sure that everyone knows how hard i work even when it doesn't look like it and i made a plan that next night after we got our nightly information about the happenings of the day i told the other cna that i would be doing their stocking as well as my own puzzled but willing to hand off work they complied we had two really big carts that i stocked so high i was picking up supplies as i was going down halls to each room the pens robes toothbrushes toilet paper mouth swabs chucks bed sheets blankets wipes anything that was needed i was stalked and then stalked again i stocked them so well in rooms that rooms never ran out sometimes the stacks would get so high they threatened to fall the cupboards literally had stuff falling on day shift i stalked them so well after a couple of months the complaints started coming in that day shift couldn't do their job well enough because they were spending too much time cleaning up stuff falling on top of them again i was screamed at about not doing my job right and making it more difficult for dayshift to do theirs the whole time i'm being screamed at by a nasty man with a bad haircut the director of nursing and administrative director were in the office behind him and could hear everything i looked at his stone faced and said wasn't it you who just a couple of months ago complained we weren't stalking well enough and inhibiting dayshift's ability to do their job all of the sudden i heard laughter coming from the office and he was pulled in and written up for harassment and bullying which is a no tolerance in my facility it became a regular way night shift stocked rooms and from what i understand even though i don't work there anymore still is i think op went a little over the top on their malicious compliance here but i also think the guy complaining was uh just i also think the guy complaining was just a big whiner and was constantly looking for things to complain about anyways and our final story of the day is by i love douglas adams i have to make my own special thanksgiving meal oh it'll be special all right with the holiday season coming up i've been thinking about past years my family and i differ in a lot of ways but i especially differ from my mother ever since i was little we couldn't see eye to eye she's the type of person who prioritizes looking good in social settings whereas i'm the type to not give a flying dolphin she has expressed deep shame in who i am and i have lost track of how many times she angrily asked why can't you be normal as i've grown into an adult i found ways to understand her and try to keep peace we learned we have a few things in common like places to go preferred sense and perfumes and most surprisingly a fondness for weed she tends to hide that last fact now one of the things my mom has been very bad about is tolerating that i'm vegan i started as a teenager but my mom wanted no part of it she immediately stopped cooking anything for me including plain side veggies that she would normally cook for everyone whatever i learned to cook whenever family get-togethers happen such as during holidays birthdays or any other event my mom and her family deliberately offered nothing for me i would have to bring my own food or go hungry again whatever with their attitude i don't think i'd trust anything they offered me anyway one year my parents were hosting thanksgiving as per usual i expected to make my own mini thanksgiving meal while she and my dad prepared the real thanksgiving meal now normally i prepare a veggie roast gravy several sides and a dessert i make more than enough and always place my stuff on the same table with the rest of the food in case anyone wants any every year before nobody else wanted anything weeks before the holiday my mom did her annual tradition of reminding me to make my own food because she won't make anything for me i already had recipes lined up and until she said something was feeling pretty stoked about what i had planned her unnecessary reminder only served to piss me off i made a new more maliciously compliant plan fast forward to thanksgiving it's going pretty normal annoying relatives loud tv blaring my parents and i trying yet again to somehow share the oven just before the meal was to begin some last minute guests arrived two of my dad's cousins had traveled a few hours to get here i barely knew them but that was about to change shortly after we were bonding up a storm we had some overlapping interests agreed on politics and they wanted to try my food sure but i had to warn them the gravy is a bit special see what my mom doesn't know is that when she reminded me to cook it actually reminded me that i had made some canna butter using vegetable oil just the other day i figured screw it if nobody's going to eat any of my food anyway i might as well get high off it so i looked into vegan gravy recipes and used my special oil when i explained the situation to my new favorite relatives they thought it was hilarious they also immediately wanted to try my gravy we ended up chilling around the fire laughing like old best friends they promised to never tell anyone what i did we now look forward to seeing each other every year i haven't added any special ingredients to my big meals since then but they still make space on their plates to try everything i make well at least somebody in this family wants to be family and be kind to one another what does it matter if anyone's vegan you can make your own food that's completely fine and acceptable but like what's with the lack of tolerance what's with the like trying to shame them for it it's a choice they made you should just support them it's not a bad decision it's nothing illegal or shameful i'm glad they have the cousins because that makes things way more special gets fired ends up with promotion instead this story comes from when i used to work for a global big box store that may or may not start with a w as an aside they also aren't known for how well they treat staff either at the time this happened i worked in the storeroom unloading trucks and bringing stock to the floor to be stocked by the overnight crew our shift at the time was 3 30 pm to 12 am our store manager made it clear that no overtime was permitted to be worked anything over 9 hours by company policy this meant at the latest we had to leave by 12 30 am we usually cut it close because we were chronically understaffed for various reasons i knew this night was going to be bad the moment i arrived we had six workers scheduled yet two called in sick including the shift lead this meant that i was put in charge as i had the most experience and the day shift managers all loved me because i worked my butt off i then checked our delivery schedule and it showed two semi trucks both with over 2 000 items each that needed to be unloaded in addition to another truck that was expected to have 20 plus pallets of stock this meant we had over 4 000 items that needed to be unloaded by hand with only four workers to do it in addition we were also responsible for scanning items out of overstocked bins and bringing them to the floor if the system detected an item needed to be restocked needless to say the shift sucked we didn't get our first break until almost 10 pm and around 7 pm the system dropped about 350 items that needed to be scanned out of the overstock bins and there were almost 200 bins we would need to search for this stuff as the shift lead the fact we were so behind was my fault definitely didn't have anything to do with being overworked with unachievable time targets so the overnight managers arrived at 10 30 pm and one of them went ballistic and yelled at me cool whatever i don't care i'll just leave at 12 am so here's where the compliance comes in to a point 12 am comes around and the manager refuses to let us leave doors get locked with keys only managers have and alarms are set one of the four of us is a college student and has an exam at 8 00 am so they let him go 12 30 am rolls around and we start to leave again not allowed to leave by manager keep in mind overtime is not allowed and after 12 30 we were in overtime one of the three remaining of my crew has child care issues so they let him leave at 1am the overnight crew goes on break and the doors are unlocked so manager can smoke my only remaining crew member just walks out and manager lets him go without argument i was working so i didn't know until after the doors were relocked 3 am rolls around and night crew goes for lunch i'm fed up with manager's attitude as he's been harassing me for the last two hours about not being done without offering any help i decide that i'm going home as i walk out the doors manager is standing there manager says where are you going are you done i say nope still got about 20 pallets to go and about 80 overstock items to be picked from the bins go back and finish you can't leave i'm already two and a half hours into overtime i'm going home do we need to go into the office and talk about your poor attitude and lack of work ethic me pissed off at this point screw you manager i'm going home don't come back you're fired have fun explaining to store manager why you fired me i'll be sure to tell them all about the shift tonight i then left and went home about five-ish hours later 8am i get a phone call from the store it's the store manager and he wants to talk to me can i come in for a meeting at noon i say sure i'll be there i get to the store just before noon and get escorted into the store manager's office by one of the day managers the store manager says i hear you had some overtime last night care to explain why i explain everything that happened above the store manager says so you left at 3 am i say yes and manager said you were fired correct i say yes again store manager says he isn't allowed to do that what you told me matches what the other night manager said happened as a result manager is being moved the day shifts for retraining you also are not fired we need a new overnight stockroom lead and i'd like to offer it to you it comes with a one dollar an hour night shift bonus and a one dollar an hour raise i say i'll take it i've been trying for this position anyway when do i start store manager says you start tomorrow night if you want i say great thank you store manager i then went home and told my family who were quite happy with the turnout especially my mom who was also working at the store and was rather pissed about what happened so let me ask you guys if you're working at walmart let's be real that's what it is and your shift is up and you're not allowed to work overtime and your manager tries to lock you in basically are you forcing your way out of there or are you going to stick around and amass that over time knowing very well that that manager is likely getting in trouble for it let me know in the comments down below our next stories by jail is never ask your wife to sign any documents when you are cheating on her my parents had an unusual relationship he treated her like a garbage ever since i can remember he didn't even bother to hide his affairs while she was around on one occasion i saw one of his flirty texts sent to a girl on his phone due to her meek attitude he thought she wouldn't do anything against him but he underestimated her my father's new girlfriend lived few hours away so he calls her all the time it was at that time he was looking for an apartment and found one in the city the builder scheduled an appointment with him to settle final payment and to give over the key to the apartment fate it may be he was on one of the romantic moods and wants to just stay home and call this sweetheart so he sent my mother to the builder with the money when she reached the office she was informed that the builders also intended to give over the ownership documents along with a key on the same day which they forgot to mention father wanted the apartment for himself so as any obedient wife mother called him and asked him to come over to the office to sign a document he rudely told her to get off the phone and specifically told whatever it is do it yourself and get the key my mother who had enough of him had a sinister idea at the moment and hung up the call she signed the ownership documents under her name and got the key the builders didn't think anything off because she was his wife she also made a duplicate of that key without my father's knowledge and kept it for herself my father had no idea what was going on as he was busy with his girlfriends he always sent my mother to the new apartment to clean it up and furnish it not long after that my parents divorced and it was time my father asked her for the documents to the apartment she just replied why should i give documents of my apartment to you my father was shocked when she explained she signed the ownership documents under her name on that day and she is the legal owner of that apartment all thanks to his girlfriend if you're going to be blatantly cheating on your spouse you think they would be a little bit more careful when acquiring property because they should have had it in the back of their mind where if this relationship blows up which it likely will because again they're blatantly cheating they want to be sure that they have sole ownership of whatever property they're acquiring right this guy was a dodo our next stories by adequate husband well hung compliance the hero in this story is a gentleman i work with called roger roger retired from his career job a few years ago and works part time on my team to keep himself busy we work as part of a small team providing a vital but niche service and are part of a larger department we used to work in a large open plan office with the whole department but when recent events happened we were moved to a small office room a short distance away to continue our shift work with less exposure to other employees unfortunately our new room is quite small and lacks a code rack so we put our coats on the back of our chairs one day we came into work to a reminder email from management that we couldn't put our coats on our chairs and had to put them on the coat rack in the open plan office they cited a health and safety issue where a chair once fell over in another department due to having a heavy jacket on it i grumbled since i had to take my wallet etc out of my jacket pockets as i didn't know who would be in the other room where my jacket had to go and it wouldn't be secured none of us were happy that our coats scarves etc would be in a completely separate room i was complaining about it to roger and since he's just here for the fun of it he decided to do something about it he read the safety details in the employee manual and the document stated jackets must be hung up and not placed on chairs so for a week roger hung his jacket wherever he liked on the door on the edge of his desk off the window ledge even off the printer but crucially never off his chair after a few days we had an email advising that the safety document was amended to jackets must be hung on code racks or coat hooks i thanked roger for helping but figured that was that i was wrong roger came into work with a screwdriver and a brand new coat hook he screwed it into the back of the door and hung up his jacket the next week we came into a removed coat hook and an additional rule in the safety document advising only procurement approved fixtures and fittings can be used in offices well it was nice while it lasted i thought but not our roger during the pandemic we had much less paperwork and much more time to fill so he devised the final twist roger sweet-talked our cleaner for access to the cleaning supplies cupboard under her watchful eye he unscrewed one of the many hooks used for hanging cleaning bibs on he then screwed it into the back of our office store with a procurement approved sticker on it clearly visible our manager eventually saw it sighed and just said fine we hung our coats happily on roger's hook and i congratulated him for being not once not twice but three times compliant i also bought him a treat from the vending machine to say thanks oh old man roger always up to his no good compliance tricks i'm sure roger made for very fun memories in a place that might not have been so known for its fun memories good on roger for not letting up our next story is by miscelia this was a couple of years ago and i was just reminded of it i worked front desk at a busy spa and had worked there for five years at this point the last few months or so we were getting these random robo calls where we would pick up the phone and get an insanely loud beep in our ear and nothing else this beep was so loud it made our ears ring we couldn't block the number since the number always changed but we at least had collar display and the specific robo calls always had a long butt number that started with an r we would get about 10 a day for a few days in a row then nothing for a month or so when the phone would ring we would wait for a second for color display to come up then if we saw the robo number we would pick up then immediately hang up one of the owners saw us do this i 100 realize how it looks but we explained to her what was going on and why we were doing it freezing it as freeing up the phone lines for actual clients she replied that she understood but that we should never just hang up the phone without checking in case it was ever a client regardless of the color display i was decently annoyed by this this is the third spot i've worked in and i thought she trusted us more than to risk just insta hanging up on a client but whatever she signs my paychecks fast forward just a couple of hours i was by myself on the desk and on another call when the other line started ringing the owner was also at the desk and looked at me to see if i wanted her to answer it i looked at the caller display saw it was the robocaller and told her yes please could i have told her it was the robocaller absolutely however i had specifically been told we always answered the phone just in case so telling her it was the robocaller should not have mattered just doing my job and earning that signature on my paycheck the owner picks up the phone and says thank you for call before yanking the phone away from her ear and cringing as we all heard the loudest most obnoxious beep coming from the receiver she slams the phone down and looks at it like it slapped her and called her mommy she turns and looks at me says geez that was loud while i just slowly nodded in response she walked away shaking her head and rubbing her ear a little later in the evening i was doing the closing paperwork and she was standing at the desk waiting for a client the phone rang checked the color display robocaller she looked at me i looked at her i picked it up and immediately hung up she just nodded slowly and went back to her phone occasionally to this day she and the other owner forget to check the caller id and get a rude reminder of why we checked the caller id i'm really curious why this robocaller continues to call months and months and months over and over and over can you not block whatever numbers can you not call or file something with somebody maybe it'll help i mean i know it's probably not a cure-all fix but the same loud beep robo call is it not some weird like facts thing i don't know it the whole thing's really odd so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by region and hoa doesn't allow grass signs for any reason understood a family friend lives in a neighborhood with an hoa they are not horrible but they are prickly at times one year he hosted a large birthday party and put some temporary signs up these were for things like what side of the street to park on where his house was when the party ends and to come to the backyard instead of in the house he had approval for the party and a paperwork trail of conversations going back a month imagine his surprise when a few days later he gets a 200 fine for those road signs he contacts the hoa to complain but he gets stonewalled as he pays the fine the guy at the desk says the worst thing next time read the rules that ticked him off as he made an effort to follow the rules the day after he reads the rules and there is a sentence about all grass signs clearly it's intended to keep those political signs away but nowhere does it say no political signs he takes some time and gets his plan together he buys some political signs for the local city council members and judges he supports that are up for election he then tapes them against his car windows so they are on the inside pointing out for a good measure he added some bumper stickers for the aclu peace corps the teachers union naacp and whatever else he could find in an evening every so often he keeps his car at the end of his driveway so all driving into the complex can see as he put it it's a petty rebellion but a rebellion nonetheless i think the next step here is to literally fasten a sign to the back could of the car or whatnot so that it just looks like there's a sign stuck to the trunk of the car it's not a grass sign it's just stuck to my car it's a temporary thing don't worry about it doesn't break hoa rules as you might be able to tell i hate the idea of hoas crazy bosch tries to make me work more than anyone but doesn't want to pay me accordingly first some info and backstory minimum wage in brazil was 945 real a month 180 usd a month nowadays back in may 2017 i started working in a company as a 2d designer intern two months later i started working hourly but with some benefits i started making 1500 real a month 280 usd a month one year has passed and i was put in commercial proposal for sales i was one in a team of three me included just as i learned to make quotes one of my colleagues quit his job to work for the government so it was just me and my friend let's call him ed our boss was always a pain in the a but we usually ignored her or complied she was a real nit picker after some time my manager started to make crazy complaints to me and my colleague and asked things like sales are decreasing so why have you put our prices down put the prices up again and charge for xyz i complied but she called us for talks every week and always contradicted herself when she told us to raise the prices we didn't she complained lowered our prices she complained in february of 2019 my coworker and friend ed was fired for no apparent reason but he wanted to quit for some time so it was the best for him actually okay things were great right wrong i was left in the department alone besides having to do the work of two i had to teach someone to help me so actually i was doing my job my friend ed's and my bosses the best part was finding out that the girl i was teaching was making double my money for the same work hours around 560 dollars a month the new girl had just started learning and could not be sending our clients our quotes for the jobs but she complained about my teaching and everything she could to my manager at the same time my manager starts telling me to stop holding the new girl's work back and to let her work freely i was pissed but here is where the fun starts cue malicious compliance i now allowed the new girl to talk freely with our clients and do her work as i did mine she insisted on asking for my advices on all matters emails doubts projects and many more most of the time i helped but it started to be so frequent that i started not helping anymore like wasn't she being held back by me fyi my contract was about to end by may 2019 so there was only a couple of months before it ended before my contract ended i sat down with my boss so we could discuss my new payment and benefits i was going to be salaried when my contract ended i told them i wanted my salary to be at least what ed did 2500 real or 445 dollars a month she neither agreed or denied just said okay we can settle this when your contract ends when my contract ended i sat down again with manager and the financial slash hr department they wanted me to get paid 2 000 real a month around 370 dollars before taxes i declined it this was the following conversation boss says why are you refusing the payment it's more than enough for someone your age 19 by the time hr says why are you declining our offer i say because i am the only person in the department that knows how to work in every other department plus both boss and new girl don't know how to do my work that's not true i know how to do your job i'm better at it than you i don't think so and if i'm going to get paid because of my age not my knowledge i'm not going to work here anymore hr says you have a point but why not just comply with our offer i say new girl makes double my payment she is three years older than me and knows not even half of what i tried to teach her both hr and boss have a surprised pikachu phase if you don't accept that we are willing to pay you you don't have to keep coming i say okay then i will bring my uniform and my papers to you tomorrow wait you can't just go out like this i can i don't have to work here if i don't have a contract and if i'm not going to get paid properly hr says you can bring your papers tomorrow morning and we can discuss this later thanks op the boss says okay then the next day i brought my papers uniform and told my now ex-co-workers that i was leaving and got my messages and emails to be forwarded automatically to the new girl's email and phone number i had approximately 150 negotiations ongoing and was responsible for 6 out of 8 affiliated factories that constantly sent me emails i went to rh gave them my papers said goodbye to all the factory around 150 employees and finally went to my ex-boss and said my goodbyes you know you're letting us down don't you i do that's why i'm not coming back just freak off gladly the defeated look on her face made me smile for weeks nowadays i'm working as a civil engineer intern at a multinational company that pays me more has health care health insurance price to earnings ratio and ho boy much more every once in a while i'll send an email from my new company to my ex-boss asking for quotes but i never buy there i do that just to give them some trouble maybe i'm a bit of a jerk for doing this but i don't care last month my ex-boss called me asking for some advice and joked about me coming back to the company and i gently refused we laughed but she was really anxious about it i know that the company is doing okay but many people were fired due to bad client services bad prices mistakes and quotes and flaws and executions i'm happy and i'm expected to finish my college next year maybe i'll get hired by the place i'm working now but who knows so let me ask you guys if you were in this situation where you know you would get slightly underpaid and paid only to your age and not your knowledge but you do have a secure job offer or you have to start again and find an all-new job somewhere else with no guarantees would you be able to pass up the guaranteed job to go out and try and find a place that will hire you appropriately for your capabilities let me know in the comments down below our next story is by aethernugget i don't care that your mom is hurt get your priorities straight so this happened about a year or so ago but i was reminded about it earlier today while speaking to my old boss on facebook before i get started i want to apologize if this doesn't qualify as malicious compliance it starts off weird but the compliance is definitely there so here are the people involved me is me of course dan is my old boss name changed of course karen is his boss again name changed so now that the rules are laid out here we go i used to work as the residential manager of a house for people with special needs i had previously worked in direct care and managed a house with a different agency but moved to this new agency for a variety of different reasons i've always worked in this field i still do and consider it my calling it's very difficult work managing the house as not only do you have to remember everything about each of the residents referred to as the guys but you also have to set the staffing schedule now according to karen i had been hired to fix this house up for a bit of background on the house it had only been open for about a year and the guys had just met when they moved in so they didn't know each other very well and were constantly making each other angry most staff members weren't sure how to work with them due to the lack of training and lack of understanding of their unique personalities so they just kind of let the guys do whatever they wanted beyond that there was no accountability for example there was a house credit card that was to be used for food and another to be used for items like soap and cleaners there was no way to keep track of purchases because staff hadn't been trained on how to sign the cards in and out how to store receipts and what to do with the card logs needless to say the house was a mess from a managerial standpoint when i got there and they had gone through six managers in the one year they had been open as soon as i took the position i began learning everything i could about the guys from parents old documentation and contacts with their previous staff and subsequently training my staff on what i learned i also said concrete processes of documenting money spent med administration and training logs because yes karen hadn't instituted any training logs so there was no proof that training had even happened all of this work helped the house out a lot and set us up in a good place but it came at the price of almost all of my free time between all of the work i put in setting up systems in the house and all of the forced over time i had to work when someone calls utter doesn't show someone else needs to stay to fill that spot i ended up routinely working between 70 and 100 hours every week without any overtime pay karen said that she would be there to step in if dan and i needed something but never once helped this is important now all of that was basically just to say that i put in work for that job here's where karen comes in it's gonna start weird but it circles around so bear with me i wanna start by saying that karen is beautiful like really beautiful so beautiful in fact that her boyfriend in corporate just had to give her a director's position as soon as they started dating that's a different story though anyway karen had a habit of flirting and making it very obvious that she was doing so she would drop things on the ground while speaking with me and then bend down slowly in front of me to pick it up while wearing short skirts with tight thongs i never complained but it did seem a bit unprofessional at first i thought she was being overly friendly then i realized that she was hitting on me and using her sexuality to get me to do more work around the job i'm used to that kind of thing happening in this field but karen is by far the worst offender it kinda came to a head one day when she made a comment about bigger guys being her type being a bigger guy i kinda picked up on it and made a comment about the girl i had just started dating at the time she laughed it off and said that there was no title involved in my relationship so she didn't care but i said that i did she backed off but she was never really friendly with me again things started to go downhill once she realized that she couldn't control me like that which was fine with me things were calm and the house was running smoothly with normal hiccups but fate likes to strike at the worst times i got a call from my mom basically as soon as i got to work one day at like 8am saying that she had tripped over my ridiculously hyper dog and fell and she was having a hard time breathing i called karen to tell her i was leaving and then rushed home you'd think that someone would respond with empathy but i was met with a cold you'd better be back later today okay whatever she's probably having a bad morning i take my mom to the watkin orthopedic clinic about half an hour away and after a two-hour wait they finally saw her and ordered x-rays problem is that they don't do x-rays on-site so we had to go to another orthopedic clinic to get them done and read i called karen enroute to the second clinic and filled her in she told me that i had work to do and that i'd better get back as soon as i could after another half hour long drive and another two hours waiting for the x-rays to be done we sit and wait for them to call us back in to have them red this is where it goes south cameron calls me and i run outside to take the call here's an approximation of the conversation karen says where the hell are you i say i'm at the doctor with my mom waiting for x-rays to be karen cutting me off you said you would be quick i had no idea it would take this long i save it you're probably just trying to get a free day off you really have to get your priorities straight you have no idea how lazy you look me yelling now so i work 90 hour weeks and i'm lazy i fix the mess you allowed to build up and can't take my freaking mother to the doctor for an emergency without being yelled at don't you me cutting her off nah i think you're right i have to prioritize consider this my two week notice but i me click i was shaking but it felt great she wanted me to prioritize so i did the job was suddenly much less important to me i then found out that my mom had cracked her sternum and bruised a rib less great in speaking with dan about the situation recently i found out some fun things my replacement has no idea what they're doing they show up drunk and high have no idea how to relate to the guys and the staff don't respect them at all my replacements and competence cost stan his job all of the work i had done to set up the systems for money management and medication administration was just tossed because replacement didn't want to keep up with it so everything is back to the way it was before i got there half of the staff left and the new staff have no idea what they're doing because there is once again no training for them it's gratifying to know that the work i was doing was so necessary but i do feel bad about the guys and think about them often yeah i don't think that can fly in a legal capacity for a house for people with special needs how can you be licensed or what not for that but have it so careless even if it isn't in like a great neighborhood or like a high money-making situation aren't there still some kind of regulations that have to be in place for that i would say it's probably worth it to try and find some kind of tip line or place where you can report it for somebody to check into that because these are people with special needs they need to be taken care of appropriately and our final story of the day is by mar dawes must teach and test no parties allowed sure thing my dad recently retired from over 25 years as a high school photography teacher i was in his class all four years before he got into teaching he co-owned a photo studio and has experience in so many types of photography this includes food photography like when you see ads with pictures of food in them this becomes relevant at the end of every year we of course had finals days classes would be blocked so there would therefore be two hours long to give enough time for students to complete final exams our high school was very strict on what could be done on those days one of those stipulations was no parties allowed teachers were allowed to show a movie if subject related every teacher also had to have a test to complete on that day my dad decided to have a little fun with those rules because of his extensive and proven experience in food photography he decided to set up a lecture and test on the subject he asked that everyone in class bring food in on the last day there was a sign up sheet to ensure we had variety and had certain items that would be needed two things that were always required were mashed potatoes and vanilla ice cream other things people brought were drinks cookies pasta salads cheese and crackers etc he made sure to have everything set up in the studio beforehand so the lecture would not take very long the first thing he did when class started was take a scoop of ice cream and a scoop of mashed potatoes and stick them in front of a studio light he would spend 5 to 10 minutes talking about how to photograph food and what types of tricks photographers use to make foods look better in pictures by the time he finished explaining this the ice cream was in a puddle and the mashed potatoes were still solid and shaped like a scoop of ice cream it was easy to see his point next he had everyone partner up with a camera each student had to choose a food item to photograph and set it up at one of the stations in the studio there were several stations so everyone made it through in 15 to 20 minutes tops everyone always got a perfect score on this test once everyone was done he'd throw on a movie that at least barely touched the subject of photography even if only for a scene or two if the dean or principal happened to walk in he'd pause the movie so the class could analyze the angles used in shooting the film and talk about how film was similar to still photography of course everyone would have to eat the food too because it would be such a waste to get rid of perfectly good food if there was a loophole for him to make teaching fun leave it up to my dad to find it administration could never fault him for any of this because he wasn't technically breaking any rules since he provided instruction on a relevant topic and had a graded assignment and i bet all of those kids were better off for having the system i always cherish the moments in school where they embrace fun even if it isn't the most productive thing it's basically a waste day for anybody that's not doing these final exams so yeah you could put on some boring movie or whatnot but i like to see these moments at least on the teacher side where they embrace the fun of the moments and leave you with a lasting memory that you'll always cherish when you think back of high school or whatever school you're in those are the things i cherished i didn't know being sick was first come first serve so this happened to me a while ago 2014-ish when i worked at a fast food restaurant in the uk with a red-headed clown as a mascot as well as for some of the managers there i have tons of malicious compliance stories from this place and one day i will get around to posting them all but for now here is this one now being an eating establishment hygiene is very important as you can imagine the policy when i started there and as far as i'm aware is the same to this day maybe even more strict considering the whole pandemic thing that's happening was that if you were sick you had to have 48 hours off from the time you call in sick to ensure that you are better for returning to work so you don't poison the customers makes sense right i'm ill i'm handling food i'm going to get other sick i'm not feeling great at all this shift i was feeling a little off in the morning but thought i might be able to get better by the evening when my shift is over the day i started to get a cough fever runny and blocked nose headache you know full on cold the policy also states that if you are going to call in sick it should be no later than two hours before your shift starts fair enough it gets to two hours before my small four hour shift and i feel dreadful so i call up the manager on the shift that day hi manager it's opie cough i feel awful i shouldn't be working today sniff manager says you can't be sick we need you in today i say i really am not well i'm coughing and my nose is running everywhere deep heavy cough the manager says i have already had three people call in sick for today so you need to be here see you in a couple hours hangs up so here i am dripping with sweat looking like death could take me at any moment so with a small smirk on my face i think okay guess i'm gonna go to work tonight i proceed to get ready get in the car and drive to work now there is no back door for employees to slip into at this place so we have to use the main entrance and walk through the dining area to go into the back of the kitchen so step one make sure i am seen by as many people as possible looking like something out of a horror movie i shamble through the front door making sure to have a fit of coughing complete in my uniform so all the customers can see i am unwell i make sure to wave and say hi to my colleagues on the counter in the huskiest voice i have before wandering through to the door that leads to the kitchen at this point i would like to say that i was in fact very sick that day and i should not have been working but i wanted to teach my boss a lesson so i might have exaggerated my symptoms just a little bit to make sure the point stuck i make it to the break room where two of my crewmates are and immediately both ask if i'm feeling all right i tell them no but i have a point to prove which is why i'm here i checked the rota in the break room and bingo i'm on the register front of house everyone can see me this is perfect for step two ensure each person i serve questions if i'm fit to work i wander through the kitchen to the register and start working my first customer places an order and they look a little wary i get them their food they go and sit down to start eating my boss has seen this exchange and you can see the gears turning in his head can't be having a zombie serving food i know let's put them in the kitchen where they can't be seen i get told the swap of the person who was working grill so yes i am no longer seen by anyone but they have moved me from working with wrapped food which i couldn't contaminate to working with creating the food from scratch great idea there boss fyi i never intentionally poisoned someone's food i was trying to be very good and stepped out of the kitchen every time i needed to cough and blow my nose washed my hands and then got back to it i have been working for an hour or so now still three to go and by this point i'm feeling lightheaded and unable to focus on what i'm doing i'm not exaggerating anymore i am not good at all it's not very busy so i'm just trying to keep myself on my feet in walks the night manager who happens to be the acting store manager too night manager says evening op i grun and sniff night manager says are you feeling alright i slowly shake my head night manager says why didn't you call in sick i say i did i was told that others had already called in sick so i had to be here she looks around at the pretty empty restaurant and plenty of staff including the manager who had me come in sitting in the dining area pretending to look busy while being on his phone night manager says clock out go home get better and don't worry about your shifts for the next two days i nod and just before i go to get my stuff i see her storm to the manager in the break area before dragging him into the office i go back to work after a couple of days like i was told feeling 100 percent i am greeted by the night manager who checks on me which i'm grateful for i start to work and get caught up on the workplace gossip turns out the manager who made me work that day was given a right bollocking that night and he turned in his resignation the next day or so the rumor goes so if you were noticeably sick and your manager told you it doesn't matter come in are you going in and trying to do some kind of malicious compliance or are you outright refusing and staying home let me know what you would have done in the comments down below our next story is by exo revan obnoxious manager tells me i might as well go home with my attitude i comply this story happened to me a few years ago when i was working in a cafe as a cashier waiter side note my job was to work the bar and handle till but i was expected to help out waiters when i had the time and they were swamped fun times the place had two managers one of which i'll call awesome because that's what she was and the other i'll call a witch no points for guessing why awesome manager was a 40-something woman that took no crap from people but was always willing to help if it was needed which on the other hand was an entitled brat no older than 23 insisted that everyone referred to her by her full name and generally spent her time at work berating people and chatting with one or two friends either way due to some sort of scheduling shenanigans it turned out that for a weekend we would only have myself and one waiter working in there i still have no clue how that happened or why would everyone be okay with it but we ended up having half the necessary workforce for a weekend saturday comes and the place is utterly packed i'm talking full seating packed here awesome manager helps me in waiter out we are exhausted but managed to pull through i was hoping sunday would be less stressful boy how wrong i was sunday comes and it's witch who is on shift as it goes around 1 to 2 pm the place starts getting filled in and both me and waiter are running around like headless chickens trying to serve a full cafe which is sitting in her office despite me walking up to her and asking to help us okay whatever the rush dies down a little but i have several orders for tea and an empty boiler seeing as how i didn't have time to refill it water goes in i go behind the bar and wait which enters the stage seeing several empty teacups and me standing there which asks me why i haven't made tea yet i as calmly as one could be after such a rush tell her that i haven't had the time to refill the boiler and i will get it done as soon as it heats up which says well why hadn't you refilled it earlier it's your job do it properly at this point i was already stressed out enough for me to slam my fist down onto the bar and pointed all the tables seated i said i didn't have enough time and i told you we needed help half an hour ago i'm doing my job as well as i can while being understaffed this has definitely struck a nerve as she looks me in the eye and goes if you can't control your emotions maybe you should go home right now i say sure i'll be on my way and i headed to the dressing room she naturally decided to follow i will make sure to fine you an amount of russian money nobody here would get for leaving this shift early i said i don't care feel free and just like that i left my shift not even 5 hours in i honestly felt so relieved this day it made me realize that it's not worth it to put up with abuse on your work just for a paycheck as an added bonus next time i came on my shift witch was going out of her way to not talk to me and i haven't had any fines for leaving that day though i did apologize to waiter but he was understanding a few days later i had a talk with hr who told me that it's pretty hard to find a job these days so maybe i should be more reserved i told her that i was planning to move cities and this was my second to last month of working there she didn't have much else to say for this story you don't really have to look at it too hard to realize that it's all just a bad manager bad manager doesn't care willing to throw you under the bus even in this economy opie's probably better off looking for another job than dealing with that this next story is by koto olesar a literal ton of salt i was recently reminded of an incident in my youth when i worked for a large canadian big box store known for having its own currency if you are canadian or have been to canada you know the one for the most part a decent place to work got my first aid slash aed certificate as well as my forklift license at 16 through them being the youngest licensed operator on staff who also was not in a management position meant i was largely the go-to person for grabbing things with the forklift however i was not given my own key so one cold and blustery december right before christmas the customer service manager needed me to move a pallet of water softener salt from the back dock to the front of the store it would sit right outside of the entrance 12 kilogram bags 10 to a row 10 rows high not too hard to do on a flat ground just needs a bit of a jerk to get it moving and provided you don't have to stop the weight keeps it moving on its own with little force however they were not in the warehouse dock but outside to make it easier for the forklift to pick them up and move them round front the customer service manager was not trained on the forklift and did not have a key and for some reason on that busy day before christmas neither did anyone else in the store a fact i tried to explain but was just told to get it done now the exterior of the dock is one of those ones that slopes down so the truck can be leveled with the floor to make it easier to offload and move stock to the floor naturally these solid pallets were next to the store's exterior wall and we did not have a power jack just the regular old hand carts there was a trick to moving heavy loads uphill don't try to pull it straight up make small incremental zigzags 6 to 12 inches to one side at a time slowly walking it up the hill an hour and a half later it was at the front door of the store the customer service manager was needless to say extremely angry that the only person who was covering the warehouse for the entire store had disappeared for an hour and a half and demanded to know why i hadn't just used the forklift i replied that no one in the store had the key she had told me to just get it done and that it was now time for my legally entitled 15 minutes of break the next day i was given my own key to the forklift and all management was required to go for forklift training you would just think for an employee who's licensed to do the work they do on a day-to-day basis they would be equipped with all the supplies they need to actively do the job not some weird i have to find a key from somebody else to actually begin my work this next story is by mcgreen minor malicious compliance with deltek so deltek a great tool for timesheets and a ball and chain at times too recently i'd have been given my mid-year review and was dinged pretty hard for not knowing slash not checking my utilization rate i knew i was to be at 85 or better but not what my exact number was i knew i was good though so since then every monday i'm checking my numbers usually floating about 90 percent or so depending on various meetings not billable to projects last week however i had about a day's worth of work that was for projects but i wasn't given a project number i had to stick it all on admin which crushed my weekly rate to like 82 percent cue the emails to my pm and my boss i need a number for this work we will get you one no problem by saturday still no number fired an email off to my boss no response monday however we have a hard deadline that all timesheets have to be done by 8 am 8 10 i get a reminder email from the time sheet guy hey where's your time sheet emailed him the short version of what's going on 8 30 i get an email from my boss why is your timesheet not done pointing back to my emails about needing a project number and how it's crushing my utilization i can't have this unbillable time on my sheet 15 minutes later i get an email that a new project number is open for me timesheet submitted and look i'm at 97 for the last week i'm not saying nobody is to blame but even in the most perfect of systems sometimes there's cracks in it that can slip through and it might have been a legitimate error that took them until more than the last second of correct but it didn't hurt opie in the end which is great and our final story of the day is by vengeance058 well i gave what you wanted right any video professionals i work for a collegiate athletics department where one of my many duties is creating intro videos for teams the thing that plays on a video board ahead of games our baseball coach was of the type that believes they know what looks best on video instead of the guy paid to do it he wants old highlights footage of pro players a voice over text etc all of which looks bad and very very cheesy music choice was less than stellar i tried to change his mind but as the deadline grew i eventually decided okay i'll do it how you want cue its first showing the team laughed at him loudly not at the video but at him cause they knew it was his idea and you could hear it throughout the stands several opposing teams did as well when they saw it next season much more conciliatory when it came to do the new one some people have the absolute best eye for these kinds of things and some people think they have the absolute best eye for these types of things we all know which one this coach landed on the peanut gallery a math teacher and how we all earned an easy a hello reddit come back with me back in time to 1982. michael jackson was dancing with the zombies e.t was setting the world on fire and i was in grade 10. i was never what you would call smart when it came to math english great art even better set me down in front of a package of numbers however and i promptly turned into a gibbering panic-stricken dum-dum after a summer spent in remedial summer school it was decided by those in authority that insisted of the u.p math university preparation math i had been signed up for i would instead be moved into the general math for dum dumbs classroom at the start of the school year i was very happy as my friends were also dum-dums and were already signed up for that class so the first day of school i skipped blithely through the door and sat down with my class of fellow dum-dums standing at the front of the room was a tiny little man in a rumpled suit and a receding hairline once we had all settled into our seats the fellow introduced himself as our teacher for the year teacher i will paraphrase his wonderful accent seriously i loved his accent hello students i am mr moshi you will call me moshi this is math for dum dums he really said that you are here because you are not so good at math so moshi make deal with you every day you will come to the class you will sit talk to friends play games moshi will read newspaper every day moshi will ask one question you try only try moshi give you an a this class is the peanut gallery only have to try you get an a moshi read paper deal we looked at each other grinned and yelled deal math quickly became my favorite hour of the day each day we would spend the time chatting with our friends playing games and moshi reddish paper and eight jellybeans before the end of class he would fold this paper stand up and put a simple problem on the chalkboard for us to answer this went on for about two months when one morning moshi came into the class looking completely panicked his hands were shaking and he was white as a sheet which for a man from india was impressive moshi said moshi is in trouble someone rat teacher tattled on moshi tomorrow the school board is coming to review your class moshi might lose his job i make a deal with you you are moshi's favorite dum-dums tomorrow when school board comes moshi will teach you will pay attention ask smart questions do work moshi teach school board will be impressed and moshi will keep his job oh how i love that man after that moshi will go back to reading his newspaper and you can go back to talking with friends deal we looked around at each other we had to protect our favorite teacher deal the next day when we got to the classroom there were two men and a lady in very dapper suits scowling in the back of the classroom we filed in quietly and took out our still brand new math books seriously they were so new i think some of them creaked when they were opened we took out scribblers and pencils and calculators we sat quietly like the perfect little students those bigwigs expected to see enter moshi his suit was pressed his shoes were polished his hair was combed this was serious never had 20 kids paid closer attention to a math lesson all of us were riveted to moshi and his chalkboard we took notes we asked questions heck we even answered questions posed by the school board monsters we made sure we were absolutely perfect at the end of class the school board drones left smiling after shaking moshi's hand and we breathed a huge sigh of relief while grinning at each other the next day moshi came in the class beaming from ear to ear moshi says moshi loves his dumb dumbs you are all wonderful moshi still has job today moshi reads the paper and you talk to friends at the end of the year every single one of us had an a on our report cards wherever you are mr moshi i wish you well you were the best teacher ever small edit to respond to worries he did us wrong moshi was sneaky those simple problems he put up each day follow the textbook we learned basic math in spite of our seeming inattention and all of us passed a simple one-page math exam at year's end this is why he was such an amazing teacher so if you were going through school would you have wanted to have mr moshi as your teacher in one of those years let me know if you would have loved to have been in this class in the comments down below because as for me i would have loved to have mr moshi as my teacher our next stories by sensekai i thought you wanted your money back so this happened to me when i was still employed at a popular video game retail chain won't name names but let's say that it's the place to stop for your game i worked there for about eight years and this occurred around the last year i was with that company when i was a store manager now in my area we have about five of these stores because of this it's not unusual for another store to send someone to you if you had a particular product in stock that a guest wanted no worries we'll take care of them i got this kind of call that day and was sent a guest who wanted to pick up a pre-owned version of a newer video game that had just come out i don't remember what game it was only that it was still pretty new at the time as he came up i already had the game pulled and was starting to take care of him he had the paid membership that we offer and a 5 off coupon now this is where i have to throw some math out at you at the time the membership gave people a 10 discount on any used games they purchased this game was 54.99 and proudly advertised the discounted price of 49.49 for members on the label however coupons worked in the system in a quirky way essentially any coupons took off the standard price of the game in the system in this case it was 54.99 making it 49.99 with the coupon before the 10 discount took effect i usually explain this to guests before they use the coupon because most of the time they expected to take it off the discount price in example 49.49 minus five dollars equals 44.49 this also leads most people to believe that they're losing money by using a coupon after explaining how it works however most people understood and were okay with it or decided to just wait and save their coupon for later once again no worries glad i could help after going through my usual spiel with this guest and explaining the coupon oddity he said that's fine and we finished up the transaction as i hand him his receipt he takes a look at it and promptly says wait this price is wrong what do you mean it should have been cheaper the coupon should have taken off the lower price no no no i already explained this as i attempt to tell him the spiel again no the coupon should take off the lower price that's advertised at this point he was starting to become irate this being my last year at this job i was pretty done with most things cue my malicious compliance what this person didn't realize is just how much he supposedly lost by it not taking off the lower price it was a 50 cent difference i looked at him and said you know what okay then i'll refund the difference for you sir i popped my register grabbed two quarters and forcefully placed them on the counter he sees the two quarters and i can physically see the gears turn in his head here you go oh man i mean that wasn't my point okay then what was your point i thought you wanted your money back no man it should just work the other way i already explained why it does that it's not going to change but i am happy to take care of you still this led to him wanting to speak with a district manager dm we didn't give out our dm's number to just anyone they usually call you i contacted my current dm at the time explained the situation and left it in his hands i told the guest my dm will call you and he accepted this and left i later came to find out that this wasn't the guest's first time complaining about this he had already been told before how it works and i guess still decided to cause more issues with me at a different store my dm informed me that he didn't do anything more than explain what i had already explained to him and i never heard about it again moral of the story always pick your battles especially when only 50 cents is on the line also to answer the burning question he didn't take the 50 cents this guy is gonna go and make a whole fuss about it at multiple stores and then get refunded the difference and then not take it come on dude pick up your two lousy quarters that you wanted because the price is different or whatever and go on about your day stop worrying about 50 cents stop worrying about the discount price when they already told you multiple times how it works our next story is by iso 69 the 10 cent stereo some years ago i had a lowly role in the warranty department of a luxury car manufacturer background the licensed dealerships who would carry out servicing and warranty repairs had a lot of leeway in taking the initiative and carrying out a repair no one wanted a grieved wealthy people waiting on a distant hq to approve the fix to their expensive vehicle but there had to be some checks on what the dealers were doing they are car dealers after all and not to be trusted so they were required to keep most parts removed during warranty for one month that gave one of the hq's traveling regional service managers rsm a sporting change to drop by and inspect the alleged substandard parts after the month the parts could be scrapped by the dealerships but it was not necessary to keep all the parts life is too short to back up every screw or cut length of wiring anything with an internal value of under a dollar could be scrapped immediately every dealer had access to a database of these internal part prices the mistake one day some lowly idiot in the parts pricing department accidentally changed the internal price for the factory fitted top of the range in-car stereo system this was fitted to around 90 percent of all new cars they changed the internal price from one thousand 000 to 10 cents easy typo to make on a spreadsheet the dealers noticed this almost immediately the malicious bit pretty much every in-warranty vehicle in the next month that entered any dealership whether for warranty repair upgrade service or new car delivery was diagnosed in the dealerships as having an effective in-car stereo system all the stereos got swapped for new units the compliance bit the rsms never got to inspect a defective stereo they were all reported as thrown away as required for low value scrap the fallout none really there was an eternal power struggle between dealers and manufacturers and dealers won this battle though it was a spur to automating the warranty reporting system so anomalies could be spotted earlier and there were a lot of as new top of the range in-car stereo systems advertised on second-hand markets the next month bargains for the poorer drivers of luxury vehicles well i'm kind of oddly happy that it benefits the poorer drivers of luxury vehicles yeah they're still driving a luxury vehicle so they must be some type of person but now they're all of a sudden able to afford the top of the range in-car stereo systems for their luxury car i think that's a major win this next story is by fish math want me to keep you up to date on my job hunt you got it boss this happened almost two years ago when i quit my last job there was copious amounts of drama which encouraged me it was time to quit and move on my manager was a man who if he liked you your life was set if he didn't like you your life was heck after i put in my notice he told me i could stay until i found a new job that i could take as much time off as i needed to interview etc in his mind he thought he could convince me to stay by being overly nice after the fallout that had transpired between us i started putting in job offers that night the next morning i gave him all the details he smiled and listened i got my first interview scheduled for the following day i let him know that thanks to his generous offer i to be taking the following afternoon off to go interview he smiled a little less the following day i gave him every little detail of the interview about how it was a 20 p-bump with a yearly 10 bonus and 20 vacation days a year he wasn't smiling anymore i also let him know i had another interview at our competitor the following day that i need to take the afternoon off for come that friday i gave him all the details of how that interview went he looked frustrated at that point he lowered his glasses and told me you don't have to give me every detail okay i don't want to hear any more of this i pretended to act surprised by hearing that oh i'm sorry you said you wanted to hear about all the details of the job hunt so i thought you wanted to know i also informed him i had a follow-up interview on tuesday from the first interview that i would need to take time off for by the time my two weeks were up he was avoiding me every chance he got so he didn't have to hear about my new job he ended up taking two last minute pto days on my last two days when trying to be overly nice bites you more than in the butt i'm guessing that this manager must have been extremely rude opie there's not a whole lot of good backstory on why you should necessarily feel good about op's revenge here but it's definitely malicious compliance our next story is by glally's i asked my boyfriend to put his leftovers in a container rather than put cling wrap on it he complied so as i was finishing up my dinner my boyfriend was putting away what i assumed was his leftovers he was doing this in the opposite corner of the kitchen so i couldn't quite see what it was he took out the plastic cling wrap to which i immediately said use a container instead please he ignored me and began to tear off the piece so i repeated my request he turned around and said okay got a pretty large container and started pouring his leftover beer in it while looking me dead in the face i found this pretty funny so i started giggling he went upstairs still kind of annoyed and we currently have a container filled with beer sitting in the fridge nice i love that i scrolled down to the comments after reading this story and it was all just full of what kind of monster saves a beer not even like really commenting on the story just their horror and feelings of disrespect by somebody that was trying to save a beer and our final story of the day is by el fontaine i can use any tool okay i'll grab this flamethrower so many many years ago i was in the army stationed at a base that was built in an american desert in front of our company about 150 to 200 soldiers building they used rockscaping to make it look nicer it had been a while since any maintenance had been done so intermingled in the nice marble chipped rocks was scattered a ton of weeds as a junior enlisted soldier first few years of enlistment it was our job to do the maintenance around the building a group of about eight of us had reported in for the day when we were given the task of picking weeds by our sergeant here's where our malicious compliance kicks in our sergeant tells us we are to pick weeds for the day and we aren't done until every weed was gone there is a shed with tools in it and we may use anything we find in there one of us is looking through the shed when he comes across a propane torch not anything little either i'm talking about connected to a full-size propane tank with a handle like a pressure washer and an opening about three inches in diameter when this thing was on the flame was coming out at least a foot and a half we all surround this thing and talk about whether we should use it when i say he told us to use anything in the shed this is in the shed let's use it so i grab it and bring it out to use this thing completely disintegrated the weeds we made it through at least three-fourths of the weeds when our sergeant comes running outside screaming at us he started to get angry at us when i reminded him of what he told us and pointed out the fire extinguisher he laughed and went back inside telling us we couldn't use it anymore at least we didn't have to do physical training as our punishment after this we weren't given that task ever again and we still finished well before noon as long as it doesn't mess up anything else i don't blame them for using the flamethrower on a bunch of random scraggly weeds growing out of the rocks it's definitely extreme but it's also kind of efficient it's honestly a shame that they got shut down professor complained i wasn't even looking at her during lectures so i did it a lot there are those teachers who don't like you for no particular reason i had one at college and to this day i have no idea what made her dislike me and pick on me whenever she fancied it first started when i didn't raise my hand higher for her while she was noting down attendance she deliberately marked my attendance entry as tardy ignoring my protest she made snotty remarks on my works even though other teachers thought it worked perfectly fine one day she asked a question in class and i answered incorrectly she called me a pathetic idiot who chose to be in class for the attendance and not for the lecture i was either interested in my book or out the window while she was teaching and can't even bother to look at her she didn't stop there she went bad-mouthing my sister whom she taught before failed her class and that i turned out to be brainless like her that was when i knew she crossed the line and she has to pay for it i am not a person who can confront very well the head of the department was on her side due to her um charms so i couldn't do much about it yeah she can be a witch to students but act like an angel around authority if she wants i didn't want to waste my time fighting with her because it was my last year at the college and i just want to get out of there so for the remaining semester i took the seat right in front of the class during her lectures i cannot prove to her my sister isn't someone she thinks but i can resolve her complaint that i was not looking at her so i did it very intensely i stared at her all through class with an angry expression without breaking eye contact which wasn't hard for me because that's all what i felt for her it made her so uncomfortable that she lost her track at times the students knew what was happening but they didn't stop me one of them said she looked scared at one point i continued doing this while she wrote notes on the board and explained them from the back of the class where i can't turn around and stare at her i thought of sitting at the back of the class so she won't be able to hide from me but i cut her some slack because i was doing the same outside the class like at the cafeteria and parking lot eventually she stopped picking on me and to my surprise i scored well above average for the finals on her paper i was a legend for some time in her class until another boy told her off after she started picking on him his reaction made her cry and run out of the classroom he took my spotlight till the graduation so let me ask you guys considering what the teacher said with the things like pathetic idiot who's only there for the attendance and whatnot is op going and intently staring at them any chance they have a little too over the top and creepy or inadequate amount of revenge against this person for calling them out in front of the class and being extremely rude to them let me know in the comments down below this next story is by cave age man returns to the delivery door only i recently bought a computer part from a national computer retailer whose main warehouse and shop is only 10 minutes away from me they are currently offering collection as the shop itself is closed when i got the part home it turned out i had got the wrong one no problem i thought i called them to let them know and they agreed to return and sent me an rma return merchandise authorization number in an email that i had to put on the package i box it back up label it properly and drive over to where i'd picked it up earlier that day knock on the door only to be told that they can't accept returns at this store and it has to be delivered by a courier now this was a fairly expensive and heavy bit of equipment so a courier was going to cost a fair amount of money including insurance it would also involve me driving past the computer shop to where i could hand it off to a courier cue malicious compliance the next day i dropped some labels for my new courier imaginary deliveries add some qr codes for the look of the thing and a company slogan taking your things to amazing places i also included a couple of other labels that helped it sell otherwise including a comic sans label that says this way up and a chaos arrow that points in all directions i put on my best courier looking outfit see a cap baggy jacket and matching face mask drive over to the computer retailer go around the back to the delivery bay and parcel under one arm just wander in i find an office to knock on and say i've got a delivery for computer shop this is unit 7 right i then make a show of scanning one of the qr codes and take a photo clearly showing the parcel delivered in their office i leave feeling like i just pulled off a major heist a couple of days later i get my refund and the job was done opie even went above and beyond and attached photos of their boxes with the labels and whatnot this is actually a pretty smooth malicious compliance especially considering that you would have to probably wait at least an extra day just for them to process and basically walk it over to where it would be delivered it's pretty cool to see somebody just do that and actually get so blatantly away with it our next story is by green egg paige you must actually teach on the last day before christmas break this story comes from my favorite teacher in high school charlie the time was the 80s he was a chemistry teacher mild short man but devious if he tried to take a nap during his class he would just keep talking walk over to the ammonia bottle wet a rag and drop it beside your head all while acting like nothing was going on charlie for quite some time would let students have fun on the last day before break until the principal told them that he had to teach the kid something so he complied he set up an experiment for that day the ingredients included sucrose glucose in solution protein pellets and i had to look it up 4-hydroxy3-methoxy benzaldehyde as the students happily performed their experiment the principal sticks his head in the door to ensure that charlie is actually having them do something productive and is happily surprised charlie fills him in on the experiment and big scientific words as the principal is about to leave he remarks why does it smell like peanut brittle in here and every year after that we made peanut brittle on the last day of class for the semester i mean you can't say that you're not learning something there you learn a chemical compound of peanut brittle that's definitely something and delicious too our next story is by pocketful of uranium i'm redundant but you need me enjoy the wait for my work i've worked for my company for seven years i love it it's a great place except for my boss she's a liability and has been the cause of several almost employment tribunals all been paid off to settle but as she's been shagging the owner she gets away with it anyway we all know what's happening in the world which is why i've been made redundant i'm okay with this it's expected i was furloughed and since coming back part time i knew it was likely to happen but i mentioned my boss is a tick well she told me that she wouldn't be able to pay my notice out because she needs all my help while she has it well that to me was a kick in the teeth why am i redundant but you need me i'm only working two days a week but as it's my notice period i'm paid for the full week it's agreed i work tuesday and friday fine i allow all my emails to build up from her with requests for things she doesn't know where things are she needs this information immediately nope i'm working from home and don't have a company issued mobile so she can't force a call here is where my malicious compliance comes in i get the work done as soon as she sends it over but i don't send it back until the last 10 minutes of my working day she's then slammed by emails from me and has to go through them to find what she needs and just to make it fun sometimes i send her random crap that she may need once i'm no longer there which is usually just junk mail vaguely relevant to our industry that i would have normally deleted it's only been two weeks but her exasperation is rising and she has another five weeks before my notice is up i'm doing my job so she can't say anything about it i'm just being very conscious of doing a good job and only sending things when i'm sure they're ready when you end up in a situation like this you're kind of free to be as petty as you would like it turns into a what are you gonna do fire me on my already way out plus they said they need you which is an extra security blanket this next story is by pisces killer whale race's drunk friend wants to be served another drink yes sir i bartended at a super cool small venue earlier this year we would host all kinds of private parties for various events unlike normal food and beverage service these guests were paying in the thousands there was no closing time and they often brought their own booze depending on the contract details like this made it virtually impossible to cut someone off also we weren't allowed to say no to a guest so sometimes we have to get creative one particular night a guest was drinking too much and started saying racist stuff loudly i could tell some of my co-workers were overhearing it and the staff vibes started to take a nosedive at this point the party had been done for over an hour there were about five drunks i couldn't get out of my bar otherwise we would have been headed home already suddenly i heard this guy tell his friend i hate that guy so much i would call him an n-word to his face i don't even care except he actually said the word right after that he turned around and ordered another glass of wine with me i was able to conceal my rage but not the fact that i was trying to figure out how to tactfully cut him off he noticed and said come on just one more drink i don't care how much he pulls out his wallet with a bulky unnecessary amount of cash almost as if to show off we weren't allowed to say no to guests cue malicious compliance i look him dead in the eyes and say okay 100 normally costs 10. he looked at me kind of confused but my face didn't budge i was stone cold i gave a stare for a second to let him know i was serious then began pouring before he could answer so he couldn't back pedal i gave him a short pour too he gave me the 100 and took the hint it only took 10 minutes for him to convince his friends to leave and go to the next spot he didn't even finish the whine after the shift the one dark-skinned girl on my team told me how down she was about the night and the guest's racism i told her i had something that might cheer her up i had been carrying these encouragement cards around for months in my purse thinking i would find a use for them finally i did i gave her the card and incited it had the 100 bill from the guy and a nice little note i wrote that said freak racists even when drunk it's pretty surprising that somebody would be so blatant as to drop the n-word in public like that it takes a pretty disgusting person to do something like that my only real problem with this story is that the guy wasn't forced to pay up even more money and our final story of the day is by you might know me mate i have to take the final fine i attended community college my freshman year fresh from homeschooling i was the bug-eyed kid in the second row taking notes on every word the professor said especially when my geology professor said he would drop each student's lowest test score even if it was from the final i studied hard for the first test nervous because i'd never taken an exam in my life when i got an a i realized that if i could score well on the next three tests i could just skip the final determined to start my summer early i aced the next three tests afterwards i approached the professor to double check if it was cool if i skipped town for the final the professor puzzled said that though he'd absolutely dropped the test score if it was my lowest i still had to attend the final or i'd receive an incomplete for the class son of a nutcracker day of the final i stared down at the test a cumulative review of everything we'd studied in the class and decided freak it most of the test was scantron questions for each question i carefully filled every bubble but the correct one the last section of the test was mineral identification questions where we were given a description of minerals and asked to name them my answers included george washington x equals three and the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell a week later i got my grade for the final back a zero and one email for my professor all it said was good job your mission was to make sure that that final exam was the lowest score possible considering all you had to do was ensure that it was the lowest score and it would get dropped completely and that you had to show up for it unfortunately it's pretty easy to just bubble in whatever you want whatever you feel like draw a picture on the scantron bubbles and you would have been on your merry way all in all it's a pretty darn good deal and kudos to opie for acing the first three ones so that they didn't even have to worry about their final now that is excellence right there more malicious compliance at ford motor company so i said in my last post i'd get some more stories from my dad's many years working at ford this was actually uncovered by my dad and he had a hand in fixing the situation after my old man moved up from being an entry level clerk at ford he was posted to scheduling this as the name suggests was the division that scheduled parts to be made for the next day's work on the production line stopping the line was bad four thousand dollars a minute kind of bad so you did not want to run out of parts one day dad was called into the manager's office and given a verbal bashing by the boss the production line was out of parts certain brackets had not been painted and therefore could not be installed dad was sure he had scheduled these parts to be finished by the afternoon and evening shift but thought nothing of it maybe there was an error so he got them done by the day shift several weeks later this happened again and again and again dad pointed out that he had scheduled these brackets to be finished by the afternoon and evening shift but the boss didn't want to hear it accounts that informed him that afternoon and evening shift were doing extremely well this was a scheduling problem as far as he was concerned and dad had to fix it wondering what on earth was going on dad went down to the floor looking around he found boxes upon boxes of those little lights in your dash that light up for engine check or headlights etc there were tens of thousands of these things sitting in the warehouse upon further investigation dad found out that each production step in each part was assigned a value by accounts he still has no idea how they came up with this value the brackets that dad was scheduling to be finished each time stocks were low had a very low number and took some time to finish properly however the little lights were very easy to manufacture and had a high value assigned to them accounts determined the efficiency of production by how many parts they made in a shift multiplied by the assigned value of set parts if production finished the parts the dad's scheduled to be done their efficiency went down and the production managers got a kick in the butt because the number on the paper said they were doing a bad job so to stop this they ignored the schedule of parts to be made and just made these little lights that made them look great in the eyes of management whenever they had to finish these brackets never mind that it was stopping the production line every time they failed to finish the parts required at four thousand dollars per minute in the eyes of management production was doing a great job because the number on the paper said so this had been going on for years and it took dad months of effort to get management to evaluate production on their work to the schedule rather than this value system made up by accounting so would you guys agree with me when i say that you have to be very careful when incentivizing things like this otherwise the path of least resistance will lead to people gaming the system like this where all of a sudden you have the check engine lights and headlights or whatever just piling up because those things make the numbers look really really good instead of doing the work that they have to do if you agree or disagree let me know in the comments down below our next story is by izzy contino no carts allowed new store director decided we couldn't have carts in the stock room for any reason printed no carts and back or else carmras will be checked with error and all when asked about it he claimed that there were too many in the back and not enough for customers and to just follow the signs which would be fine except we had two full lobbies in an area with over 400 extra it was spelt wrong and he was threatening to fire people now when he said carts he meant the ones people put groceries in but he didn't think about the fact that broken or damaged ones are put there to be repaired and our other carts are all labeled with what they are someone when label gun happy but that's a different story so our u-boats long green cards shaped like a u were labeled as green long cards our garbage bins were labeled garbage collection card our green garden center cards were labeled garden multi-level cart on and on through everything in the back thus the next morning when he got to work he found every single cart in the building taken from the back and all the damaged ones returned to up front with blue tape all over them saying broken do not use all the u-boats where we store freight were in isles with freight still on them and garbages weren't emptied because we couldn't take the garbage cart to the back to the compactor and we didn't want to leave bins of garbage everywhere ew as a bonus we had made a maze near the back door of carts then rode downtown to get out for the nighttime freight crew i wasn't there for the fallout but everyone knew what was going to happen so the freight crew knew to head on breaker lunch when he got there which is pretty normal for them to all go together since they have no customers and are all tied with each other so what appears to have happened is he walked into the maze fought stuck it in for a while and then found the rest of the store chaos he started yelling and threatening people and demanding that they stop eating and get their butts to put the carts away now they are legally taking mandatory breaks and to him trying to force them to work off the clock is a huge no-no what made it better is that one of the guys had his phone set up to video what happened and caught it all when the guys on break refused to work on their break he told them all to leave and not come back they then called the corporate hr office and explained what happened he got transferred to another store after a week or two and we had a much cooler director for a while the only downside is we didn't have a maze of carts anymore which was fun don't focus on your lack of mace carts smile because you had a maze of cards our next stories by one moose nine i have to move my towel fine have some sand when i was 12ish my family and i went on a camping trip with my mentally abusive pill of an uncle and his family one day we went to a beach that was a five-minute walk from our campsite i got there first and it was super windy so i spent forever struggling to get my towel to lay still now when i say it was windy i mean it was whipping up sand windy and any sort of movements and sand flying through the air it was great when i finally got settled it wasn't long till the rest of the group started filing onto the beach with my a-hole uncle leading the way my uncle decided to lay his towel out about three feet from where i was sitting as soon as he finished he looked at me and demanded that i move myself and my towel somewhere else to this day i cannot remember what his reason was for making me move but i can tell you it was absurd and i was thoroughly annoyed so i got up and grabbed my towel in a very aggressive manner causing a wall of sand to fly up and slam into my uncle's face i'm pretty sure he wanted to kill me that day but with all the screaming about how i did it on purpose and got sand in his eyes and mouth but i swore up and down that it was an accident so the rest of our family believed me and they told my uncle he was acting insane by then everyone on the beach was staring at us so he had no choice but to stop making a scene and hate me in silence i most definitely did it on purpose that's definitely not fair opie was the first one there they had their towel down long before their uncle did seniority doesn't mean anything when he got a spot on a public beach i think op had every right to earthbend and cause a wall of sand to fly into his uncle's face our next story is by philosoravin no cellphones phones okay i have been babysitting this little girl who is living the dream i wish my childhood was the parents asked me one day if i could start picking her up from school since she gets out at 2 50 and they're still working i said no problem and got all the details for the pickup process now for some background she goes to a very expensive private school like her elementary school tuition is more than most people pay to go to college they're strict with parents students and the pickup process my name and car had to be added to a list so i could pick her up you also have to display a paper with the child's names on the dashboard of your car i'm pretty sure they also did a background check on me but who knows the first day i go to pick her up i get in the car line around 2 35 i thought i would be early and wanted to give myself time in case there were any issues they were already around 10 cars waiting so i pulled up behind them and put my car in park so much for being early anyway as you're pulling in there was a sign that says no cell phones i was like that makes sense they don't want people staring at their phones when the line starts moving and god forbid it's not the most efficient process the school can organize i am waiting patiently listening to music and admiring the olympic-sized pool when i get a text from the mom it's already been five minutes since i pulled into the line and i looked down to read her text she asked if i was there and everything was okay i replied with yeah and looked up to find a woman beside my window with a bullhorn she said more like yelled through her mask no cell phones allowed put it away and respect the rules i was shocked and kind of terrified that she was going to use the bullhorn to announce my infraction to the rest of the line the whole texting took less than a minute to read and reply i apologized and at 2 50 the line started moving and the pickup went fine i was going to be picking up this girl from school every day for the foreseeable future and if i wanted to get a good spot in line i had to get there around 2 20. i thought there is no way i'm going to sit twiddling my thumbs for 30 minutes i thought of listening to a podcast and then i had a better idea the next day i went to pick up the little girl and i saw the woman perched like a hawk at the top of the building stairs scanning the cars i got in my bag and started maliciously complying the woman who could have been mistaken for an olympic sprinter was at my window ready to attack no cell phones and her voice dropped as she looked down at my book i asked if there was an issue because i hadn't seen a sign that said no books she was frozen how could she an educator at a prestigious private school tell someone not to read i'm still bringing my book dune and i hope to finish it before i see any unexpected spoilers about the movie or before bullhorn sprinter hawk lady petitions to change the sign imagining how they would be with rules for prestigious elementary private schools i wouldn't be surprised for op to pull up and see no reading or no something about attention anywhere but the road or whatever i kind of get the cell phone thing if they're actually in the process of picking up kids but if you're there half an hour before pickup time i don't really see what the problem is this next story is by gemma's 3289 give me an undeserving bad grade on a project enjoy my final exam i was sitting around listening to stories on youtube from malicious compliance and a story from my high school year seemed that it might fit note that this was over 10 years ago i was in grade 11 and i was taking a class that had basic web design at the beginning of the year things were fine until about midway where the teacher seemed to be going through some personal issues and would mark us even more harshly than before i was usually getting straight 85 percent to 90 percent and now i am barely getting 60 i even asked my fellow classmates if they thought i deserved that grade and no one agreed so we're getting close to summer and our final exam was coming up worth 30 percent of our final grade and the project we had to do was to create a company and sell a board game he handed out his checklist of things that are needed and added at the bottom that if we can play the game in class with others he would give us extra points me being a teenager at the time decided it's time for some malicious compliance i spent two weeks meticulously putting this website together i think we were using adobe dreamweaver at the time i had a big flashy intro that i made in flash and i even had the website in different languages wasn't asked but i added it for flair the game i decided to make this for was very unique i called it are you bored yet inside this game was a single board with 10 spaces two sorry tokens and a single dice the object of the game was if you can roll the same number ten times in a row you get a point the first one to ten points wins however if you can't you lose a point and go back down to the bottom so around this time i got sick and i had to miss about two to three weeks of school this means i had to miss the presentation date however i had gotten a doctor's note and a note from the hospital stating that i had to miss due to illness all my other classes allowed me to make up the exams and i had to give my presentation to the teacher so i stand up in front of the empty class and i start giving my presentation and all things are going well at the end of it he says thank you for your time and starts to walk me out i say hold on teacher according to your rules we must play a game if i want extra marks you could see the oh crap look in his eyes note that the teacher put that in there because he wanted it to be played with other students but since there was no other students left in the class he was forced to play it with me i sat there for a good 45 minutes he didn't want to stop and i wasn't gonna stop him playing this game none of us being able to score a point frustrated he turns to me and says i'll give you bonus marks if you just say we completed the game i agreed and went my way about two weeks later we go back in to get our final marks and see how we did to my shock and smile i had received 105 on the exam i like to believe he stopped being so grouchy with his markings afterwards i don't know if necessarily are you bored yet would have done it but maybe all this playing board games with their students or at least witnessing their students do so inspired some of that childlike enthusiasm and maybe that's what helped influence the markings thing either way are you bored yet is a pretty good concept it's simple but effective and pretty funny this next story is by jayhawk or john hospice visit my 80 year old father visits my stepmother in hospice every day the hospice is connected to an assisted living facility from which she was recently moved the rules for visitation are different between the hospice and the assisted living facility and they've changed a couple of times in the past month the staff members have been confused about the rules often giving conflicting instructions on how to schedule a visit after one recent visit my father asked one of the staff to schedule him for 2pm the next day she said he couldn't do that in person and that he would have to call the office 12 hours before the visit they argued about it for a bit then finally my dad went home unsuccessful so he set an alarm for 2am and called the staff to book his appointment he's allowed to visit her whenever he wants to now if this is happening during the middle of covid i kinda get the weird fluctuation that said you would think for somebody in hospice or an assisted living facility would have the visitation rules spelt out pretty blatantly and easily for them regardless of changes and our final story of the day is by crazy waffles we can't use carts okay so i 17 year old female work at a well-known grocery store recently we got new managers who decided to change all of the rules instead of allowing us to use shopping carts to take back items that customers didn't want we have to either use l carts or walk the stuff up by hand the problem with that is that there are very few of those in the store and we can never find any one of my managers yelled at me for using a cart to take back three heavy bins worth of merchandise saying that i was not allowed to do that so i got some empty boxes that we had nearby threw some of the stuff in it and started walking up to the customer service to put it away she started yelling again that i had to use an l cart but i told her that the rules only said we can't use shopping carts i continued to use the boxes to take this stuff back while she stood behind the service desk glaring at me and talking about me to other managers the other manager said that technically i wasn't breaking any rules so i could continue using the boxes what i don't understand is why does it seem like this manager's prerogative is just to make things as hard as possible on their employees i can understand the card thing they don't want to use cars and take them away from customers that might be showing up but what's the problem with using boxes that weren't meant for anything else or just kind of laying around i just don't understand why this manager was getting so up in arms over something so simple it's work smart not hard right the dozen donuts i've been bringing in every monday doesn't count as my snack day contribution well i guess i'll have to rectify that back in high school around 2010 i used to work the closing chef at dunkin donuts on sunday nights per company policy i could box up two dozen donuts to bring home with me before throwing the rest out one dozen went with my dad to work in the morning one came with me to school specifically my spanish class which was a pretty small and pretty tight-knit group tends to happen when a lot of coursework is practicing conversations with each other this practice of bringing donuts every monday sparked an idea in one of my classmates heads she's anne in the story since it's so nice to have donuts once a week we should do a weekly snack day where everyone can bring something in they decided this would be on thursday and i said i'd just continue bringing in donuts every week on monday as my contribution everyone was very okay with this except for anne no no this snack day was thursday and if you aren't going to bring in a snack on thursday then you aren't welcome to participate i was pretty pissed but what can you do it's only one snack one time then i got to thinking about it i was only required to bring a snack not something sweet or delicious or even palatable as long as it was edible it was counted my next closing shift i grabbed an extra empty dozen box i went to the store on wednesday night and got a five pound bag of potatoes i washed them and put them right in the box and dropped off the box early in the morning to my spanish classroom so nobody would get wise to the actual contents apparently the earlier classes had seen the box sitting on a shelf and it told our class that we had donuts everyone was excited i brought them up and put them on top of the elmo projector trying my best not to betray the extra heft they all scurried up excitedly and anne herself was the one to open the box a blank expression turned to raw frustration you were supposed to bring a snack today she protested i did i said walking up to the box and grabbing a potato biting into it while making direct eye contact with her you don't have to have any if you don't want everyone shuffled back to their desks and ann tried desperately to grasp a new argument out of thin air but it was not coming i finished my potato triumphantly and brought the rest home for my mom after school the box was checked and she could not try to exclude me from the weekly snack day anymore everyone else in class who thought she was a bit over the top thought the antic was hilarious after they got over the initial disappointment it's a thing called compromise if this was you would you be completely fine with op skipping bringing an actual snack in granted every monday they bring in donuts let me know in the comments down below if that would be okay or if they had to bring something on thursday snack day specifically our next story is by grillbuster5 it is my day to buy donuts for the entire office as the new person well okay as the new person at my job i was told multiple times that i was expected to provide donuts for the entire office normally that's not a big deal but two people in particular were rude and relentless about the donuts all week others joined in also apparently these people recently extorted two boxes of crispy creams from someone else examples of the behavior mentioned buying donuts 20 plus times name calling interrupted meetings powered off my computer losing my work refusing to answer legit work questions until i buy donuts on and on here's the problem i was hired in as a senior 30 years old and i was not necessarily loving the idea of being told to buy donuts over and over hazing really did not seem appropriate at this point of my career or for anyone else i didn't want to be a bad sport my first week so i played along i politely said that i will not have the time this week but will get to it eventually in terms of the workforce i was mature but i was not very mature as a person overall i needed a creative way to address this problem on my way to work i decided to pick up a cheap bag of small powdered hostess donets donuts at the gas station i distributed the donuts one by one desk by desk making sure to do so bare-handed from the bag i presented the donuts extremely politely careful to mask my passive-aggressive fu to the whole force donut process the reaction from the staff was a lot of deer in headlights looks people had no idea if i was a really nice but clueless person or if i was totally saying fu to the entire donut idea most people took the safe choice of being pleasant in return some people try to refuse but i mentioned the big deal about buying donuts and still left a donut on every desk i had originally considered providing a donut to everyone except the last two idiotic pushy people i started verbally setting it up where they would not receive a donut however these two idiots were still openly verbally complaining about donuts as adults i could tell that this was not going to go away they could not take a hint to back off my idea to passively aggressively snub them was no longer good enough this had to be more direct i decided i was 100 done with these guys regardless of the consequences i told them i had another idea i grabbed a plastic knife from the break room and cut the remaining donut in half the long horizontal way so i still had two circles the yellow cake was now visible then the most brilliant idea of my life a new way to hold donuts one donut on each middle finger with my middle finger in the center hole of each donut i stopped at both desks the first guy had his choice of two half donuts on my middle fingers that's right i was able to give him a double donut middle finger he now understood that i was completely done with his bs but he never grabbed the donut i explained the donuts are actually quite tasty and urged him to take one but i'm sure i look like a complete psycho i was no longer able to stay in character the good news his refusal to take a donut from my middle fingers also allowed the opportunity to provide the last guy a double donut middle finger i mildly snapped and had a crappy fake grin on my face i looked him right in the eye double donut middle fingers up no longer saying a word the reaction of the last person is best described as completely frightened that's right i reached a complete breaking point over donuts and scared the heck out of someone anyway after this incident i was never asked to buy donuts again i understand if it's a young first job rookie type thing but if a dude is coming in and they're 30 years old you kind of have to jump over that whole hazing thing regardless of how much you want the donuts if you want donuts that bad just do an ubereats or postmates or whatever to the office and just deal with that stop trying to mooch off of and haze a 30 year old dude in the workplace this next story is by slick jam taw you want your food as early as possible god you fam here this just happened now i have started recently working part-time for a company which does this weekly food delivery you order whatever you want for each day and you will get the food until 1 pm most of the customers are elderly people with an occasional young professional they are pretty nice however there was this one older gentleman who couldn't comprehend why i arrived some days around 10 a.m and some days around 12. contracts as you get the food until 1pm i tried to explain that some days we have extra addresses the days where i have to collect money i have to stay several more minutes at each address and with 50 to 60 addresses it quickly adds up he heard none of it and told me to bring his food as early as possible now little did he know that we start our deliveries around 5 15 to 5 30 am cue malicious compliance of course sir i will try to come as early as possible so today i showed up around 5 40 am swapped is addressed to be the first as it's not very far away from the kitchen but slightly out of the way and it was optimized for the return route needless to say he was gobsmacked and asked me what the heck i was doing ringing this time i told him that he said as early as possible and i apologized i couldn't come earlier but the kitchen just gave us the food so i came as early as possible needless to say he said it's fine if i just come the normal time coming into that place shockingly early and starting it off with apologizing that you weren't able to come even earlier that is a great way to handle this dude because he obviously already wouldn't want you delivering at that time the thought that if this continued it would get even earlier probably scared them enough to say no please come to normal time even if it's a little later than usual this next story is by ray and such everyone has to get a table but racists aren't promised a good spot this isn't something that happened to me but a story an old co-worker told me that has stuck with me for years the details might be a little off because it has been so long but the important parts are stuck in my head forever my co-worker used to work for a local battlefield that often had celebrations because this is a national park the event staff or whatever they are called were considered federal employees and therefore could not discriminate against what organizations were allowed to set up tables at events for context this takes place in a very rural c racist area and on a civil war battlefield the fourth of july rolled around one year and my old co-worker was in charge of setting up tables and assigning them to the different organizations that had reserved spots the 4th of july is the largest celebration at the battlefield every year with loads of people coming from out of state for the famous fireworks and orchestra well my coworkers start setting things up with their team and realizes the triple k reserved a table again they couldn't deny them a table because they are federal employees my co-worker then decides to get his team to rearrange all of the porta potties so that they form a long isle with one end facing away from the festivities and backing up against the fence he then places a table at the very end of the aisle keep in mind it's early july and sweltering and hundreds of people are going to be using these toilets all day there's literally no other public place for a few miles minimum they could go to to use the toilet and everyone's eating hot dogs and stuff representatives from the organization start coming and they all come up to one table to check in everyone else just gets a number and can find their table that way since all but one table are in the same area when the gross triple k guys get there my co-worker comes over and shows them to their spot personally they start cursing and asking my co-worker what's going on but he just showed them to their table and left the monster stayed for a few hours but once it got hot and people go to using the restroom they packed up and left my co-workers said he kept walking past the isle of porta-potties all day grinning at them well considering you literally can't turn down these people despite how awful they are they did the next best thing i would say put it where the view sucks far away hopefully completely in the sun next to porta potties is a great touch too overall just good execution on making it so unbearable that even the triple k has to leave our next story is by this lady loves wine i guess i won't count the cash it's your store so i used to work at a small retail store where the people working were just myself as a full-time employee another employee at part-time and the owner at full-time i had worked in retail before but the owner did not have other retail experience she came from the corporate world and opened her dream store without any retail experience i opened the store five days a week and closed three to five days a week the owner opened the other two days a week and otherwise came and went as she needed to while the part-time employee filled in the gaps the owner trained me on a lot of things that were not standard retail practice including only balancing the till at closing and then not counting the till again the next morning now the part-time employee was super sweet and i really liked working with her but she had a terrible memory and was awful at counting she would regularly accidentally leave the till off by a couple of dollars and cents it was always an innocent mistake and the cash deposit would always balance however the till was off and sometimes i would count wrong and sometimes even the owner would count wrong so i started counting the till in the mornings at opening just to ensure we were double checking that no theft was occurring after the nightly cash out and that the teal balances at the beginning of the day makes sense right well not according to the owner one day she came in early on one of my days to open she was surprised when i told her i'd been doing it for months not only did she think it was a waste of time to count the float in the till in the morning she somehow misconstrued it to me insulting her or the other employee apparently i was accusing them of something by counting the till i told her i count the till every morning i open even when i was the one to cash out the night before sometimes i would catch my own mistakes but she wouldn't have it i said it was normal retail procedure to count the till when you open she said that didn't matter i reminded her about all the times i had caught discrepancies that actually explained the nightly cash deposit being incorrectly counted i told her that counting the till in the morning is how i caught all the previous mistakes still she didn't care i explained that if i was responsible for the till being over or under at the end of the day shouldn't i have the opportunity to ensure i was starting the day with an accurate float still didn't care she demanded i stopped doing it so i did the first few days nothing big happened but after a couple of weeks all the cash drops were wildly off the till was regularly under or over at the end of the day and the owner couldn't track where the errors were coming from i had a few days off so she knew it wasn't coming from me she knew why it was happening so quietly and without eye contact she asked for the other employee and i to count the till when we opened the store from then on it's quite tricky when you end up in a situation where you kind of know more than the owner of the entire establishment does but considering you had retail experience and the owner did not have any maybe they should have listened a little bit more to your explanation of why this procedure is done this way and obviously in the end they figured out why the kind of hard way so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by ademinion haunted house worker here tell the monsters not to scare my son like that okay so i'm working in ran built etc haunted houses for decades and i've posted some of my favorite stories before but since the spooky time is nearly upon us again there's a story that is actually malicious compliance related that i can share normally i work inside in my own room but sometimes i enjoy being a line worker one of the people entertaining guests as they wait in line to enter the haunt for the fresh air this story occurs during one such time so i'm working the line and i notice the kid every haunt worker hates the one who's all i ain't scared it's all fake this is stupid welp despite being over six feet tall years and years of hard work mean i can move very quietly and unnoticed when i want to so i waited until the kid's back was turned before sneaking up on him and scaring the crap out of him in front of his friends turns out the lady nearby was his mom who got pissed like lady it's a haunt don't bring your rancid crotch fruit to one if you don't want to be scared but she insisted i not only never do that to her son again but that i needed to go into the haunt and tell everyone not to scare him as well knowing full well that everyone in the hunt was as twisted as i was i made sure to give her the yes ma'am and what is the young man's name so i can tell him precisely who to watch for we'll call him kevin son of karen so i go prancing into the haunt no seriously i pranced between groups and inform each and every room of workers that kevin son of kieran is about to come through he's in a red shirt with such and such on it he's very scared and his mommy said i just had to tell you not to single him out and scare him pro tip the last thing you want to do with a haunt is let the monsters know what your name is or single yourself out in any way you think a haunt is bad when you're just face number 5623 going through try it when people know your name and the monsters are screaming it into the night kevin kevin i'm going to get you kevin and they stop to intentionally time every last scare to go off just for you what she only said i had to tell everyone not to scare her kid nobody was under any compulsion to do what i told them if you're going to a haunted house or any kind of haunt type thing i don't think you want to paint a target on yourself like that granted the kid's mom did it but that's probably even worse kevin i'm sure kevin enjoyed ask me to slow down while driving through my neighborhood okay i live in a very quiet suburban neighborhood with lots of active neighbors joggers bikers dog walkers baby strollers kids playing ball in the streets etc the speed limit is 25 miles per hour but when i see lots of foot traffic on the sidewalks i bring it down to 15 miles per hour or even 10 if i see a big group of kids playing in the street there's this sweet group of kids who play basketball in the middle of the street eight doors down from my home when they see cars approaching they move to the curb and wait for the cars to pass before resuming their game one day i was driving home from work and i saw the kids out playing and their mother was on the front lawn talking with another adult i slowed down to 10 miles per hour and went to the complete opposite side of the street as i crept by a little while later she knocked on my door and complained about how fast i was driving and that i could have harmed her precious children i said the speed limit is 25 miles per hour and i was going 10 miles per hour how much slower do you want me to go she said i don't care just slow down or else i'm going to call the police i have a doorbell camera so i can see you every time you drive by okay crazy lady whatever you say the next day the kids were outside playing in the street again i slowly approached came to a full stop and then i took my foot off the brakes and let the car crawl at one mile per hour the kids started me all confused as it took me an entire minute to pass through their makeshift basketball court i continued to do this a few more times until one day the mother came and knocked on my car window as i was crawling by i lowered my window and asked if there was a problem she said why are you going so slow are you stalking my children i said no of course not you demanded that i slow down so i am and i rolled up my window and went on my way she comes banging on my door again and says don't get smart with me now you're going too slow i said are you saying that going 10 miles per hour is ok now because if you don't like it you can call the police she huffed and crossed her arms and stomped off my porch let me ask you guys how fast or slow is the right speed on a street that has children playing basketball on it is 10 miles an hour an acceptable speed or should you go less to five or is even a little bit more around 15 okay let me know what you think in the comments down below personally if all the kids clear out of the street 10 miles an hour is completely fine and maybe even a little bit more as long as you make sure they are really out of the street our next stories by shinjuku 42 that's not your job okay i used to work for a company that offered degrees you could do parallel to your job at a university for example you could do a master's degree in business part-time and still work often the companies would pay for their workers studies i was in marketing and was basically alone i had a boss who called herself head of marketing but had clearly no idea what she was doing on top of this she worked only part-time and would spend her time walking around telling everyone how much she had to do instead of doing her job at some point she was told to do a flyer for a new program we wanted to offer not being able to work with indesign or photoshop she told me to do it and give her the files she could send to the printer however since it's her project and she didn't want the big boss to know i did her work for her she told me that i should just use the pictures and text she provided and make it look exactly the way she had pieced it together in a powerpoint file she regularly did this and it really pissed me off so i did exactly what she asked i used her text which was full of typos used the pictures which were way too small for print and also had watermarks in them since she only downloaded the preview pics from the stock website so i decided to look how she had envisioned it put the text in without correcting any of it turned it into a print pdf and sent it to her she claimed she had looked at it and it was perfect but since she didn't have the time yeah sure i should send it off to the printer well one week later the flyers arrive just in time for the first big event where we needed them and they looked like crap pixelated pictures with watermarks typos in the headline and text you get the picture our big boss was furious and she tried to blame it on me however i had saved all her conversations and all the original files she gave me and just handed all that over before going about my work i quit a few months afterwards as far as i know she's still working there however she's not head of anymore and has to show everything she does to two superiors now it sounds like this lady is the epitome of fake it till you make it and not representing that saying in a good way our next story is by yutana waitress complies with manager's unsanitary decision this is actually my mother-in-law's story it occurred in the late 70s she was working as a waitress in a small restaurant one day during the lunch rush she drops a plate of food on the floor in the kitchen she asks the cook to prop a replacement when the manager comes over picks up the food off the floor puts it back on the plate and tells her that there is nothing wrong with it and it goes serve it she protests but it's been on the floor the manager tells her go serve this plate or you're fired so she takes the order out to the table and sets it down in front of the customer and announces loudly enough that the entire restaurant can hear here's your food but i wouldn't eat it if i were you i dropped it on the floor but my manager told me to serve it to you anyway she turns around toodles back over to her manager smiles at him and says i quit as she turns around to leave the entire dining room is pushing back from their tables and leaving without paying although this took place in the 70s hearing these kinds of stories actually happen in restaurants really kind of makes you worry about what could have happened in your past dining experiences at least it does for me i don't know if i'm paranoid or overthinking or what but it's not a fun time thinking about that stuff our next story is by real e parker accuse me of trying to steal your job try replacing 50 of sales i work for a mid-sized office product supply company in sales and sales management the specifics don't matter for the story but what does is that we have a small local sales team and a centralized accounting department at corporate headquarters so this all started when my colleague made an error that required her to rapidly send documents to corporate accounting which was a two-hour drive away i offered to discretely do it the next morning because i'm a team player and i'd already hid my sales objective for the month also i think this is just sort of the expected role of managing people and keeping them happy even though she wasn't my direct report the next morning i get up early to do this and i end up arriving at work a few minutes late nothing out of the ordinary for everyone else but i'm usually very punctual one of my newer salesmen who i'll add was already a poor performer and probably wouldn't be long for this company noticed this and i guess went to my car and saw the parking receipt in the window at this point i'll bring up that the company wasn't in great financial health which had led to quite a bit of infighting and management turnover and even layoffs so nobody was feeling fully secure in their roles continuing this story my subordinate goes to our office's lead manager and points this out indicating that perhaps i had gone to interview for his job of course that was absurd but when confronted by two people who were honestly both inferior to me in performance and ability i just kinda snapped rather than deny the accusations i just quit right then and there because honestly i was working too hard and knew that better options existed i'd have been staying mostly out of some misplaced loyalty and this was just the last draw this is where it gets good because i had been managing the sales team and i had been doing at least fifty percent of sales for the entire office the entire staff was hamstrung and unable to handle my client load if i recall correctly they said they'd need two new salesmen just to handle my client load not to mention my managerial work they eventually begged me to come back apologized for the whole thing and even reduced my workload by distributing some of my more menial responsibilities the pay wasn't increased but i had more free time and i think my company had a lot more respect for exactly what kind of a person i was as a salesman and as an assistant regional manager this all seems like a in hindsight kind of a piece but let's be real if you knew that better options existed out there and you knew that you were handling at least 50 percent of sales for the entire office when they begged you back you should have negotiated for better pay either that or go and find one of the better options and enjoy that but again it's all hindsight misplaced loyalty our next stories by dr kai don't want to hand over your drink before driving a bus of teenagers through the mountains one time my class 18 to 19 year old boys went on a cultural trip it was to a destination up steep mountains and plenty of very up and down and sharp turn terrifying roads with sheer drops in not so practical railing and not even that sometimes what made it even more terrifying by about 100 fold was our driver he was an absolute nutcase who would crack down these roads at top speed not slowing for blind corners and a bus basically a free roam roller coaster seriously thinking back it was a pure miracle this ex-army guy never crashed in all his years of driving our class and doing these sorts of trips and insane he was never fired it was in a pretty crazy country there's lots of mountainous terrain and winding roads with steep drops and it's not too rare to see the wreck of a car that has fallen off at the bottom of one of those drops but it hadn't been practical yet to remove i know he'd been there a while given how well he knew the roads he must have done the trip dozens of times but i don't know how long he stayed after i left thankfully most of the time our trips weren't on dangerous roads but he always made me feel uneasy with his very intense driving anyway so we are at our destination and still have to make our way home when the trip is over at night without any real street lights on most of this as we are milling around i notice the driver has a plastic cup full to the brim with a 45 90 proof spirit i promise you i am not exaggerating he was even showing off about it i can take my drink but that amount would have me smashed off my face a fifth of it was probably way beyond the legal limit i kid you not this guy is planning on drinking the whole lot and has no clue what could possibly be wrong with that drunk driving is definitely illegal in this country and it's not a corrupt country but it's also a pretty laid back country and also he is our only driver home and everyone likes him and i don't know it's a very surreal situation i go over and being a 19 year old talking to an ex-military nutcase who doesn't speak english very well i try my best to make him realize without offending him that he shouldn't be drinking that it's dangerous etc he's not having any of it and he's in a very jovial mood laughing me off for a while it seems like i'm the only one who notices or cares as i said it's very surreal i can't even get our teachers to go up to him because they are not quite sure what to do either so fine he wants to keep the drink i go to everyone i can find and ask them all to go grab a plastic cup and ask him if they can have some of his drink in a party spirit he's from the type of culture that as someone comes over with a smile and a big happy greeting and handshake and holds out a cup asking for a bit of your alcoholic beverage you would be compelled to pour him a generous amount with a reciprocal pat on the back and hearty laugh it seems after all i am not the only one terrified by this prospect yet too awkward to make a scene because in no time he's given away his entire cup and the bottle itself has disappeared i saw he seemed quite sad after this and i actually felt a little sorry for him but not regretful i think he still did manage to get a few sips in because i gained a few nice early gray hairs from the return trip but thankfully i am still here to tell the tale i am proud of my younger self for that quick thinking that very likely saved the lives of 50 or so people without causing the slightest amount of fuss or thanks 19 year olds huh my only comment is considering this is how the driver handled themselves they must have been a pretty good driver having taken those trips dozens of times and well not fallen off cliffs i guess that doesn't make up for any of the drinking though for sure and our final story of the day is by cardigan baby 45 a simple preposition my first experience with malicious compliance came in seventh grade we had a teacher who decided to punish us all for a few people who wouldn't stop talking by giving us a test basically he gave us a list of 150 prepositions and told us that in three days we'd come into class and have to be able to list them all from memory on a piece of paper oh and this test would take up the place of one of our normal unit tests so it would have a big effect on our grade cue a whole bunch of middle school panic attacks as i think most adults would struggle to memorize that well my mom and i worked and i figured out how to set them to the battle hymn of the republic i was a strange kid the morning of the tests i was one of the very few confident that i could do it as he handed out a few sheets of paper the teacher got a ton of questions and finally yelled at us that this was an easy task and we could have duplicates or any order so long as we got them down on the page he then did one of those kind of threatening any other questions things before telling us we had 30 minutes well because i had them memorized i was done pretty fast i then looked around and realized that everyone was panicking one girl was literally crying and the teacher was watching super uncomfortable and it suddenly clicked that i could make this a nightmare for him to grade so i asked for another sheet of paper which he gave and then spent the rest of the time reordering them out of alphabetical order and into a random mess of duplicates i then made sure to make my original perfect paper unrecognizable i got a reasonably high score i missed a few in my scramble and the teacher actually commented that my test took him longer to grade than anything else he had ever graded play stupid games win stupid prizes if you're going to give a bunch of your kids a nightmare test like this then i'm glad that op wendy made it a nightmare for them to grade at least waste a bunch of their time needlessly because that's really not any way to treat your students hair too long for dress code a few years ago i was a department manager for a large conference center i ran the top performing department as determined by guest feedback surveys by a large margin like no other department out of 1200 employees was even close and my dress style was always nice and professional dress code didn't say we needed to have on button-up shirts and ties but i did it anyway because i looked great and professional and i met with leaders of large conferences multiple times per day i dressed to impress they were my clients and whatever their problem was i was going to fix it my demeanor and professional attire did great things to alleviate their concerns my bosses got on a dress code kick for some reason they made me in my small department six people total start wearing lame colorful standardized shirts with a logo on front the rationale was that the client should be able to identify me as a staff member i get the logic but that was what my lanyard and name badge were for plus the bright and colorful dress code shirt was actually detrimental to my work as i often worked backstage as a tech during band performances industry standard color for text is black but they wanted me to wear bright yellow okay i tell them my concerns for my shirt's bright colors being a distraction for the audience as i do work backstage my bosses don't care they made up a new dress code and want me to follow it fine so i wear the shirt but then i also wear a nice sweater vest or just the vest on top of it still got my tie on i like ties but to make it explicitly clear i'm staff i get my own hat made at my own expense too that shows the company's name on it again my badge and lanyard are always visible but now i can do my backstage work without being a distraction to the audience that might glimpse at my movement as i go about doing scene changes etc but then my bosses tell me that the company's logo has to be visible on my shirt and therefore i can't wear a vest so then i get the company's logo embroidered on my shirt sleeve also at personal expense problem solved right i'm wearing the shirt they gave me and the company's logo is visible at this point my boss is pissed at me and is trying to write me up for any possible infringement of company policies i know how to read a room and i immediately start going to the hr director to approve of my new and evolving malicious compliances of this ever-changing dress code policy my boss says that we can't wear hats ok fine my hair is visible for all to see and i quickly become aware of the next thing my bosses are going to tell me to fix my hair they're going to cite some vague language in the employee handbook about hair length so i go to the hr director preemptively and ask for clarification for hair length after a 10 minute conversation we both agree that i am perfectly fine with nothing to worry about my hair is in a bun and looks good it's well kept and stylish and my specific clientele actually really like it because they're mostly hipsters anyway but my bosses don't see it that way they say that my hair is too long and needs to be cut i ask them how long is too long i am after all a real follower and will obey the rules one of my bosses a woman with long hair here that is actually against dress code because it's not put up into a bun says that my hair should be less than shoulder length my hair was in a man-bun i asked her if that policy extends to women as well she says no obviously that this dress code only applies to men apologetically and feigning ignorance i ask her to show me where it says that in the employee handbook she shows me this section the section where it says that if the hair is longer than shoulder length regardless the gender it should be kept in a bun i tell her that my hair is in a bun as opposed to hers oh man now it's getting real i just called them out they're not abby my other boss a guy with super short hair less than a quarter of an inch long tells me that as a guy my hair shouldn't touch my shirt's collar he tells me that a few stray hairs of mine are touching my collar i pull out my phone and take a picture of him i show him that even his one-fourth of an inch hair is touching the collar his head was leaned back and his hair was touching the collar i asked them again to clarify how long is too long because this 1 4 of an inch hair is too long for their standards side note i love my thick hair someone telling me to cut it arbitrarily speaks fighting words then they tell me that i just need to do what i'm told because it's company policy and if i don't do it they'll get hr involved i tell them i already got hr involved and the hr director explicitly told me that my hair was perfectly fine but these two bosses of mine just wouldn't let it go they had to go after my hair they told me that since i'm a manager and meet with group leaders i have to go above and beyond what the dress code says and i have to act professional in order for us to receive good guest feedback regarding professionalism i tell them that me and my department are already the most professional and highest rated department according to guest feedback surveys i take the printout of the survey results out from my bag because i anticipated my lack of professionalism was going to be questioned and had it printed in advance and i show them the survey they read it toss the paper aside and tell me to cut my hair or be written up fine the next day i come into work with a shaved head they never told me to cut my hair again because i look far worse with no hair coincidentally they also let me wear my hat again but only because my shaved head was a sore sight as a point of interest when i resigned from my position a year later i submitted to hr my 80-point paper why my two bosses caused me to leave the organization how they stifled me and my department from doing legitimately good and quality work and how i felt that under their leadership i was incapable of ever winning a month after i left i heard from a friend and previous co-worker who was still at the company that my direct boss was forced to retire and my other boss was fired my friend told me that they were privy to a conversation held between the ceo and my female boss the one who was fired and my friend overheard the ceo say your time here at this company is over and i want you to know that when you're gone your position will not be filled consider you and your position eliminated lastly i haven't cut my hair since i left apart from occasional trims it's now almost three feet long and i plan on giving my gorgeous lion's mane away to some charity that deals with making wigs for kids okay possibly contentious question here is it acceptable in a job that requires professionalism for a guy to have long hair either loosely or in a man-bun so in a professional setting let me know if you think that would be okay or not and why in the comments down below our next story is by rats and corduroy prove to my manager that it's better to warn customers of closing time i used to work at a store that was open until 2 a.m every night of the week so as you can imagine when 2 am rolled around i was always ready to get out of there around 1 45 am i would walk around and let each customer know individually that the store was closing in 15 minutes and ask them if they needed help finding anything before then i did this for about four months working there and never had a problem other than the occasional super rude customer who would completely ignore me and keep shopping until like 2 30 to 3 or whatever or occasionally especially on weekends drunk people would come in after 2am and just ignore that we were closed because we weren't allowed to lock the door or turn anyone away usually i was alone by 1 45 since business really slows down but one night my manager was still there when she saw me go and tell customers the store was closing in 15 minutes she was pissed she told me i could never tell the customer the store was closing she said it was incredibly rude and put too much pressure on them fast forward to a few weeks later i have still been giving customers a 15 minute heads up because frankly i don't think it's rude to tell someone your store is about to close especially at 2 am here is when i see my opportunity a woman had come in around 12 am she seemed pretty out of it and was wandering around the store aimlessly this whole time but occasionally bringing something to the counter asking me to hold it then coming back and asking me to put it back because she changed her mind i had the feeling she could spend all night wandering around the store so i decided that this would be the one customer i wouldn't warn about closing 2 am rolls around and i say nothing and i proceed to say nothing all the way until 4 45 am when she finally leaves the store i literally got a call at 8am the next day for my manager furious that i had closed the store at almost 5 am i innocently told her that the woman was still busy shopping the whole time and i remind her that it's extremely rude to tell a customer that the store is closed the next night when i went in for my shift they had made the 15-minute warning a universal rule we were all supposed to warn the customers the store was closing plus we were supposed to turn people away if they showed up after 2 am score afterward i admitted to my other co-workers i had done it intentionally to show management how dumb their decision was and i'm glad i did it because we never had to let another drunk teenager into the store after 2am again is it really rude to warn a customer that hey in 15 minutes the store hours are over and we're gonna close down i think that's common courtesy not rude yeah it puts pressure on the customer but they're there at closing as a provider of the services that's not your problem this next story is by global warmer 12 the contract says you have to paint the walls before leaving my parents had a loud argument about public spaces in a residential meeting with their landlord he lived in and owned five apartments in that building the landlord later made some excuse to terminate the contract and made a power play to make my parents repaint the apartment before leaving my dad got pissed off and my mom got clever so she thought the contract doesn't say which color and the entire apartment was painted pitch black ceilings and all i remember sitting there as a kid not really understanding what was going on but i have to say it was really cool to be there with just one light on that final night as we were clearing out i don't know much about the fallout but that day they showed my brother and me how to properly give a one final pre-cue to a person to some people that kind of paint job might be a perk somebody might actually be really thrilled to have an all black apartment like that you never know there might be a commodity for it they might have done the landlord a favor just looking at the bright side this next story is by call me tank don't use frosting on the desserts yes sir this is my father's story from many moons ago my dad who we'll call fred was a sheriff's deputy at our county jail his job was primarily to cook meals for the inmates and on duty officers which is really what he loved to be doing he enjoyed finding what was in the kitchen and making it really good the inmates all knew his schedule and looked forward to him being in the kitchen because they knew it would be better than your average school lunch one day my dad was working on dinner and he made rice krispies treats for dessert he found a thing of frosting on the shelf and put the frosting on top of the rice krispie treats couldn't hurt to put more sugar on them right as he was finishing up and getting ready to serve the meal the sheriff walked into the kitchen to pick up his food the sheriff your classic macho law enforcement buffoon looks at the rice krispie treats and looks at my dad are these for dessert yep i found some frosting on the shelf decided to improve on the recipe those locked up idiots don't need frosting on the rice crispy treats fred next time don't put frosting on their dessert yes sir dad said the next time he was making dinner dad made rice krispie treats again he had liked this previous version and decided to keep improving on the recipe so he put the frosting in the rice krispies mixed it right in with the marshmallows and the cereal he hand delivered the sheriff his meal that evening let me know what you think of those rice krispies this time boss those look good fred thanks he has since improved on this recipe so much that he gets requests to make them for weddings he's invited to necessity is the mother of invention those dang rice krispie treats are responsible for the expansion of my waistline this isn't a malicious compliance this is a delicious compliance i would love to get my hands on some of those rice krispies treats i'll tell you what so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine and our final story of the day is by waslone21 force high schoolers to sing at graduation but let them pick the song we were the first ever high school graduating class at the district's flagship school a new k-12 academic magnet school this was a public school for gifted students actually named after the district superintendent himself now this school had a penchant for trying a little too hard to emulate an elite private school with strict dress codes fancy educational philosophies required sports you know the type as the commencement of the first graduating class approached the school administration wanted to make sure our graduation ceremony was extra special they wished to add even more pomp to the circumstance some higher up had the idea to have the senior sing a song at graduation choir style out of 16 nerds probably only 15 could carry a tune but well it wasn't my idea the senior class was less than enthused and bulked heavily when we were told we were required to sing which the administration had predicted the deal was this we were allowed to pick the song cue malicious compliance a nomination and voting process was held later that week a few predictable even halfway decent songs were nominated vitamin c's graduation and john lennon's imagine both seemed promising then one of us nominated be a man from disney's milan we thought this especially clever considering the academic gauntlet our school fancied itself to be as i'm sure you predicted be a man one in a landslide to our merciless glee we were going to be singing about being a spineless pale pathetic lot as swift as a coursing river and defeating the huns in front of our grandparents the mayor a few state senators and our school's illustrious namesake himself the administration realized they had been beaten alas the chorus was quickly and quietly scrapped we never got to see the town's faces staring back at us in confusion as we proclaimed how important it was to be mysterious as the dark side of the moon not gonna lie i kind of wanted to sing that last sentence there but i wanted to spare everybody from the cringe moment so i won't that being said it would be a oddly really memorable experience to have be a man be a class sing-a-thon graduation thing it would be weird but it would be kind of really cool is that just me force me to take a useless sports physical i'll make sure i fail it some background in high school i went to an academic magnet school essentially it was a public school ran like a private school you had to have certain test scores to get no bus transportation since it was for the whole county way stricter dress code than all the other schools in the district and they were able to have a ton of extra rules because it was a choice school now i was the first graduating class i was there the first year it opened at that time it was 5th to 9th grade and i started as a freshman the second year they had completed the elementary wing and so it was k-10 they added grades until my senior year when it was finally k to 12. as the school grew it continued to add more policies my sophomore year the school's second year of being open they began a new policy where all students seventh grade and above had to be on a sports team everywhere i thought this was really really stupid i hated it i'm not an athlete i was in other clubs and i was getting increasingly involved with my church being the mature 16 year old i was my initial plan was to join a team and have a bad attitude like an awful evangelistically bad attitude so that no one would have any fun and this would prove to the new school how awful this rule was instead for all the lazy kids like me they started a school walking team it wasn't power walking just regular walking we just had to walk around the neighborhood for about 45 minutes three times a week after school i was fine with this i didn't mind walking around of course there was an adult coach but since the whole thing was ridiculous anyways my friend and i declared ourselves co-captains this mostly consisted in telling the middle schoolers to walk faster no one else considered us co-captains but we did and that's all that mattered to us since it was all a joke anyways i did that my sophomore in junior years but fast forward to my senior year i was 18 working part time about 15 to 20 hours a week i was super involved in my church and my family was a chaotic mess of dysfunction that traumatized me in numerous ways they finally enforced the state law that everyone on a sports team has to have an annual physical on file i didn't really bother with this since it wasn't a real sport anyways eventually they came to me and said that it was so late in the season that even if i got a physical i would need to pick a different sport in the winter or spring walking team was a fall sport i was essentially just screw this i had enough other things in my life to deal with and i didn't want to put up with this crap anymore i decided to do exactly what they say and get the physical i also decided i would do my best to fail it so eventually i went and saw a doctor it's important to note that i didn't have a primary care doctor at the time that's why i didn't get a physical before then so i just went to some little walk-in clinic and i tell them i need a sports physical i didn't tell them what the sport was now as i was filling out the patient history form i answered truthfully i did not lie but i did not provide any context so i checked yes to a history of asthma mostly from when i was a kid severe seasonal allergies and a history of seizures see when i was 13 i had a couple dozen seizures in a day or two no one knew what was going on and eventually i was diagnosed with epilepsy specifically having absence seizures since then i had been taking anti-convulsants every day as far as i am aware even 20 years after that initial episode i'm not sure if i've had a full blown seizure since then it's literally the mildest case of epilepsy i've ever heard of the doctor does a quick physical exam mostly vitals and similar things as she looks in my patient history form she asks about the seizures i explained that i was diagnosed with epilepsy i take anticonvulsants and i have a neurologist i see about once or twice a year she says well i can't pass you until i hear from your neurologist i basically hopped out of the chair happily said thank you and walked out i never did contact a neurologist instead i just gave the paperwork to the school and that's how i a relatively healthy 18 year old got medically disqualified from the school walking team all right guys if you had to pick one sport that you had to do in middle or high school but would it be or maybe what sports did you do let me know in the comments down below for me even though sadly i don't have the height for it i would want to try my hand at basketball our next story is by existential sprinkle my job hired someone in anticipation that at least one person was going to quit or get fired and i trained them extremely well during my last two weeks this was about two years ago in the pastry kitchen at the type of fine dining restaurant that requires perfection but has crap for pay benefits and has a high turnover rate all three of us hourly pastry people were all on the chopping block and were ready to walk out so they hired someone in advance i was the first to hand in my two weeks and the other main night person went on vacation so the new person started a day later when i started i learned the job primarily by being yelled at by sous chefs and the other person i worked with and passive-aggressive notes from the pastry chef who was afraid to tell people they did something wrong to their face the pastry kitchen was totally separate from the other kitchen so the sous chefs didn't see much and we had more freedom but also got yelled at for the bits and pieces they did see i decided to actually train this person really well to show that i wasn't the problem but in that process i regularly mentioned and showed all the reasons i was leaving to make sure they got mentally prepared to handle all the bs the pastry chef didn't really help two days in a training there was a big not so passive-aggressive note on the whiteboard along with several others in sharpie around the kitchen i also took the opportunity to explain exactly why the other night person that i barely kept civil with since culinary school was awful to work with and that we were supposed to work together on one prep list but that there were things she wouldn't do and if there were a lot of them on the list you were screwed because she's scooping and dipping truffles we don't need instead of helping you and complaining would just make working with her worse i gave the new person her prep list and explained that because the other night person was in college you only get two consecutive days off during the summer and occasionally on breaks in her vacations which she takes a lot of i made sure she knew the expectations of these savory chefs and that when you're alone and get screwed on a sunday night that they'll come over and try to help but make you regret it so your best bet is to ask one of the front of the house managers to scoop ice cream and sorbet and get inhumanly fast i told her how the executive chef always complains about dust in a poorly ventilated pastry kitchen that produces a lot of bread the situation was sort of unfortunate because i really liked working with the new girl and if we could have dumped the other main night person instead i might have hung around longer i drove by a couple months later and saw her already looking dead inside which is faster than expected but she knew the bs from the beginning the average pastry person there lasts 6 months to a year i lasted about 8 months she started the last week of march and i don't know who left but i saw an ad for a pastry person for that restaurant in july that year if she's still working there more power to her bless her hope everything's going well for her because yikes and if she left that place well more power to her bless her and i hope everything's going well for her our next story is by my cats it's like he's people boss want to prove ot so i work exactly 40 hours a week until i tried to quit when i was in my 20s i worked at a tiny coffee slash wine bar establishment it sold coffee in the mornings and had a wine slash beer license for the evening crowd its selling point was that it had food pairings for all of its drinks both coffee and alcohol it was a fairly new business only a year old it had a bare bone staff and the owner herself tented bar in the evenings usually solo because the tips were better and she could keep them all for herself i was one of the two bakers chef line cooks making all the food to be paired with the drinks we always worked opposite each other and split the day and night shifts so we each had some evenings free owner was a 40-something single lady with no food service background or experience she very proudly stated that she invented every recipe on the menu but her inexperience was obvious for example her cupcake icing was 50 crisco stuff like that she came from the corporate world and had turned her hobby into a business as a middle finger to her old bosses she was always complaining about being single about money troubles about how hard the work was about her life in general it was just so much negativity my boyfriend at the time would sometimes come in towards the end of my evening shifts buy an overpriced beer at the bar and we'd leave together i could see the jealousy on her face every darn time owner hated paying overtime and got on my case any week i had any ot even if it was 15 minutes i had been in the kitchen since i was 15. so by now i was a seasoned chef who could easily do 12 hours without even looking at the clock this was the first place i had worked at where i had such an inexperienced boss and wasn't expected to do 60 plus hours a week i finally had enough of her nitpicking and here's where the malicious compliance kicks in i started noting the exact time i clocked in and on a big piece of masking tape i would write the exact time 8 hours later that i would clock out i would put that piece of tape right in front of my station where everyone could see and so would she if i clocked in at 12 58 pm you bet your buns i was clocking out at 8 58 pm evening rush be danged if someone ordered food after i left she either had to make it herself or tell him the kitchen was closed which defeated the purpose of having food pairings in the first place she was the one who made the schedules so it's not like i made things more difficult for her on purpose her lack of experience led to her being severely understaffed at crucial times and by that point i didn't care enough to enlighten her she wouldn't pay us ot but she also wouldn't hire more people so stuff just didn't get done after a few months of this i was just done working there and quickly found a new job i told them i could start in two weeks so i could give notice to my old job as a professional courtesy i typed up a generic resignation letter that had my end date two weeks later i gave it to owner when she came in near the end of my shift when i clocked out she said not to bother coming in the next day i was fired i shrugged and left i decided to take the two weeks as a staycation of sorts at a friend's suggestion i applied for unemployment since i was technically fired and actually got benefits for one week before starting my new job so it was like a paid vacation which is unheard of in the food world last i heard the place closed after 10 years because she wasn't making money and she went back to the corporate world she did get married so yay for that i wish you're nothing but the best she wasn't a bad person just bad at being a boss it goes to show you that even though some people can have great ideas and great visions and be able to build something from that if they're fundamentally a bad leader or inexperienced it can really harm them in the long run and unfortunately it led to the closure of this place after so long so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story is by the mystery of logic you want me to bring it okay consider it broad this is quite possibly one of my favorite martial arts stories i'm a student of many different martial arts but my favorite is taekwondo this story takes place a few years ago back when i was a 24 year old second degree black belt background for the uninitiated taekwondo has fighting competitions known as sparring where participants put on protective gear and kick each other for points not to tune my own horn or anything but i was not terrible at sparring when i came back from college to my original taekwondo school i immediately won all tournaments i signed up for and was internally promoted to assistant sparring instructor most of the time i'd help the lower belts by giving them a mobile target to kick and help them work on their attacks i'd also occasionally throw a kick at quarter power slash quarter speed to help them work on evading and counter attacking many of my students started winning their competitions as well i typically worked with new black belts right after a recent black belt promotion test we had several newly promoted black belt students begin taking our sparring class mo started out a bit cocky challenged a higher ranking belt to a match lost and realized that a black belt doesn't automatically confer additional talent to beat the folks who have been doing this literally their entire lives and humbly requested additional instruction these students were directed to me and i'd help them out one 18 year old let's call him sparky never came over to ask for assistance though which i thought was odd but hey maybe he liked learning the hard way nope one of my fellow second degrees k came up to me between my teaching matches and tapped me on the shoulder hey um you should spar sparky as soon as possible why is that it's worth noting that i almost never picked lower belts as partners boring matches i liked fighting people who could take what i dished out and that it was exclusively upper belts she made a face well i guess we've been going a little too easy on him in practice he's going around bragging that he's the best sparky was listening in apparently and piped up yeah cause i'm the best i chuckled a little look just because the other upper belts are letting you walk away doesn't mean you're the best it just means our master instructor asks us to be nice to you today just be careful who you say that to okay some black belts would take offense then it's just because you're all pansies who boy did he just step in it tae kwon do has a lot of discipline as part of its curriculum and a shot like that at higher ranks would have a guy doing penitential push-ups for the rest of class i decided to let that pass figuring he was just on an adrenaline high or something hey that's not very respectful if you're that good why don't you spar logic chaos pointing to me clearly thinking about using me to impart some valuable life lessons via brute force trauma he flipped his hand dismissively please i want a challenge he's no good okay now i want to kick this cocky little crap into another plane of existence i kept my cool though never know unless you try i won't go easy on you he warned me full out think you can handle that dude clearly didn't know that i fought master instructors on the regular i looked at k you're my witness full out both sides i looked back to sparky are you sure about this i'm the assistant sparring instructor for a reason yeah cause you're slow okay that did it i told sparky to pick me for his next opponent and took a water fountain break to keep myself from taking him out early sparky immediately spread the word that he was gonna kick logics but to the other student's credit none of them laughed in his face but there was a massive crowd by his ring when he called me to the mat to be his opponent our master instructor noticed and gave me a weird look i just shrugged we bowed in and got in fighting stance i decided to give him one last chance look i don't think going full out is a good idea for either of us why don't we go light contact and i'll show you some moves no way i'm not backing down because you're scared everyone around the ring heard that comment this time they cracked up very audibly i let him dig his own grave a little deeper you really want full contact bring it okay i gave him every opportunity to change his fate malicious compliance time ref shook his head and got out of the way sparky started throwing kicks like a freaking tornado kid was fast but he wasn't fast enough i managed to evade all of them slowly maneuvering to get into a corner of the ring and setting him up for my counter he probably thought i was backing up to avoid him and charged with a sliding round kick he slammed straight into my back kick now the chest padding that we wear has a little plastic in it for additional protection however a proper back kick can still break ribs right through it and i know because i had both received and given broken ribs at tournaments however as annoyed as i was at sparky i decided to let him keep his ribs intact instead of hitting him with my heel i hit him with the entire bottom of my foot to distribute the impact i did hit him right on the solar plexus though and with enough force 2a stop his attack and b take him completely off his feet and throw him into the opposite corner of the ring poor kid promptly curled into a ball and started doing that sobbing thing folks do when their lungs abruptly stop working solar plexus hits suck don't believe me get someone to whack you in that soft spot in the center of your chest where your ribs meet and report back i've seen people puke after a hard enough hit ref stopped the match immediately of course my master instructor rushed over all set to ream me out logic what the heck you were supposed to go light contact every single bystander blurted out sparky asked for it at almost the same time k stepped up bless her and gave him the quick version sparky was being cocky trash talked the older ranks called me out etc the master instructor's mouth started twitching he looked down at sparky who was still gasping and sobbing on the mat is that true he nodded the master instructor grabbed my hand and held it up winner he turned to sparky as the other black belt started clapping walk it off and next time be careful what you say just because a black belt lets you walk away from a match doesn't mean you're better than they are also most of them will be more than happy to give you exactly what you ask for he paused oh and 50 push-ups for the disrespect catch your breath first sparky later apologized and asked for tips i gave him some as well as some private lessons and he went on to become one of the best fighters in our school he was always really skittish about sparring me though when you're an advanced teacher and these kids are trying you sometimes you gotta teach them a lesson and teach them why you're the teacher and they're the student they've got a lot more to learn and they're about to feel the wrath of that karen the sergeant so this story takes place sometime after the kramer and kevin the soldier with the exception of a few key players the story is unrelated but it still took place at fort hood yes the famous fort hood it's now 2008 and i've been assigned to be the armorer for our brigades hhc unit hhc stands for headquarters and headquarters company basically it's the platoon that runs the regular day-to-day stuff such as troop management ordering new supplies of a various nature and of course equipment management at least that's how i saw it as an armorer i basically look after the various weapons and sensitive equipment an army unit might have i had been working at this unit for a few months and quickly acclimated we had an awesome command team amazing sergeants and the troops were all pretty amazing at their duties i was one of the only lower enlisted mps in the unit due to my arm's room schooling but in general it was not that big of a deal to see a specialist in charge of a section quite literally worth a couple hundred thousand to a million dollars in equipment it took me a while but i had built up a decent standing with several of the higher ups through a positive work ethic and my get it done mentality as for my fellow lore enlisted well back then i was a bit of a partier and was more or less welcomed with open arms i had a good couple of months there before she walked in for the sake of the story i'll not refer to her by my special nickname instead she'll simply be called karen you'll learn why in a bit now karen was originally from brazil and spoke with a very strong accent which was kind of endearing she had also recently reclassed she was originally a forklift operator but the promotion points for that mos were too high so she transferred to supply initially she came off as intelligent yet friendly i had even formed what i thought was a strong friendship at this point before she was promoted we'd regularly hang out after hours we'd go to lunch get groceries study for boards and even have the occasional movie night throughout all of this i had slowly developed a crush on her but i'll admit she intimidated me professionally and i believed she was out of my league probably a good thing with what eventually happened so after she routinely won several soldier of the month boards winning everyone over in the process she was sent to a promotion board as usual she wowed everyone with her knowledge it was later announced that she won the board and we went out to celebrate that night with dinner and clubbing a month or so later she was promoted to sergeant and was made the ncoic of our supply office basically she was a manager initially things were good she didn't overstep her bounds and remained professional all around then she started sticking her feet in the pool it started small first getting on another soldier for not doing his best at pt to be fair the guy was known to weasel his way out of pt so a sergeant didn't see an issue with karen making him run an extra mile also the guy was a bit of a creeper to most of the females in and around our brigade including karen i'm assuming she wanted some light payback she then started outright abusing her authority anyone lower ranking than her she'd speak in a condescending attitude too even going so far to pepper her dictation with various insults when soldiers outside of her office brought this up to their chains of command they were initially ignored since she was fairly well liked around our company and they simply couldn't believe these rumors eventually my buddy jb as well as another sergeant who i'll refer to as uncle sam were brought in for my old line unit despite jb's misgivings from the kramer saga he was actually one of the single most competent supply clerks i've ever met he really knew his stuff same with uncle sam he was one of the best nbc guys nuclear biological chemical in the brigade as a whole but with jb's reputation outside of those that knew him he wasn't well thought of in a lot of remarks of course karen was aware of this and took full advantage every time jb would try to instruct her on how to do some important paperwork karen would just order him to do it her usual excuse was because i'm the sergeant that's why so jb got stuck doing all of the dirty work and karen got all of the credit of course karen got praised for her work ethic and professionalism outside of the hhc but everyone slowly learned that karen wasn't as up to snuff as she made herself out to be yet her arrogance continued to grow during all of this karen had formed a relationship with another female in the unit she was the command sergeant major's driver so for this story i'll refer to her as wheels i don't have a problem with lgbt i even experimented at one point but being gay in the military was a huge no-no back then and subject to separation under the uniformed code of military justice ucmj basically don't ask don't tell wheels had a lot of bad luck with relationships i won't go into details and simply state she sure knew how to pick them her relationship with karen was no different out in the open they'd regularly flirt for all the sea even in front of senior leadership but behind closed doors they were super toxic for each other our company leadership was pretty lenient we all knew who was with who more or less and everyone respected the don't ask don't tell orders more or less if you could pull your own weight without letting personal drama get involved no one cared of course karen openly flaunted this her ego had began to grow around this time i'd become a regular target of hers as i was the armorer i technically fell under her and after me and her had a disagreement over how she'd been treating people she began to treat me rather harshly i began to receive write-ups for the littlest things examples include multiple write-ups for not shaving usually right after i'd had a 24 hour shift and no access to a razor getting ridden up for having a dirty uniform after i had been working under a truck for motor pool monday vehicle maintenance being drunk on duty this was a saturday morning but she tried to write it in such a way to make it sound like we had official business going on those were just a few examples and after a while my counseling packet started to look like the leather-bound edition of war and peace anytime anyone asked about me my work ethic was slammed and i was made out to be a lazy oath even sergeants who'd previously worked with me began to believe karen's stories but there were a few who had my back it wasn't long before karen began to overreach her limits though uncle sam began to feel her wrath as she began to try and bad-mouth him but his seniority and reputation around the brigade as a whole kept him afloat eventually it got so bad that he refused to work with her and put in a complaint with our first sergeant and commander our first sergeant whom i dubbed the shield i talked about him before didn't want any infighting within his company and more or less told them to play nice she then started butting heads with another nco our chaplain's assistant who was a whole rank above her the chaplain's assistant who i'll refer to as the paladin had become a close friend of mine after i'd started seeking counseling with him and our chaplain he was originally an infantryman with two tours under his belt and the chaplain was formerly special forces believe it or not both of them were two of the calmest people i'd ever met but at the same time they were the last two you'd want to mess with professionally and privately they were two of my biggest supporters back then outside of jb and mamasaurus the other two became a circuit family to a lot of us even bringing us home-cooked meals on occasion during one of my sessions with the chaplain karen came barging into the main office she began to demand the chaplain release me so i could stop wasting her time her and the paladin began to have an increasingly loud dispute over this which ended with the paladin telling karen she could either leave his office through the door or the window in the next 10 seconds karen ran off to the shield to report the threat the paladin and chaplin each stated their side of the events and karen was verbally reprimanded after the reprimanding karen counseled me for wasting her time and tried to bar me from the chaplain's office but was again reprimanded these were the first negative remarks karen had ever received in her career up to this point and they did not sit well with her this is the part where the malicious compliance came in while collecting my keys one day karen asked to take a look at some of the paperwork i really didn't think anything of it and opened my arms room up for business when she returned the paperwork i took a look at it and noticed that it was missing several important stamps upon further investigation i found that her name had been added to all the important paperwork you see when you work in an arms room you need at the minimum several levels of security clearance as well as company orders and a bunch of other important paperwork when i asked her about it she said it's none of your business she had forged government documents when i further informed her of the trouble she could get in i was further told you're not the nco i am now get back to work so that's what i did about a month and a half later i was on leave and home in washington state for my little brother's wedding about three days into my leave i had received a text message from my then platoon sergeant who i'll refer to as big sis stating not to give karen my pin i didn't think anything of it at first then i received a very angry call from karen it went roughly like this hello is that how you answer the phone when i call sorry sergeant how can i help you i need the pin code to the arms room i can't give that to you it's against federal regulations then you need to come back asap that's not gonna happen either then i'll have your rank she then hung up on me having an idea of what happened i called big sis and asked her what happened stifling a giggle big sis told me she'd tell me when i got back and to enjoy my vacation i proceeded to receive three more phone calls from karen each more threatening than the last i returned 13 days after the call and got an earful from both big sis and the paladin apparently while i was on leave the shield wanted to get some serious weapons cleaning done and had karen open up the arms room since she did not have a pin for the alarm the mps were notified they asked her for the paperwork and she provided the documentation she had rewritten they quickly pointed out all of the issues i had pointed out almost two months earlier she got reamed by the shield and tried to pass the blame on me for not informing her of the issues the shield informed her that this was all on her despite the seriousness of it all she had only received a negative counseling this was her first official one in her mind it was all my fault after i got back she doubled down her efforts to ruin my career and what little reputation i had left but she got what she deserved in the end i'll share that in a later post so let me ask you guys in this story do you think it's a case of the power getting to their head or do you think it's something else let me know in the comments down below what you think and our final story of the day is by mr pepper you want to cancel your reservation okay about a decade ago when i was fresh out of high school i got a summer job working at a lakeside boat rental slash bait and tackle shop my boss joe not his real name inherited the shop from his father and took a massive amount of pride in keeping the family business going still he wasn't one to give into ball and clearly took it personally when a customer complained about anything to do with the shop he loved so much our lake was a pretty popular trophy fishing destination due to how large the local mackinac trout got bossman wanted to reward people who planned ahead by never charging summer pricing approximately 150 dollars more per day on reservations naturally this resulted in our boats getting booked out weeks in advance the catch was we did require a completely refundable 100 security deposit we said in case of damages but it was mostly to guarantee they returned the boat of course every year many people took issue with this policy in the three years i saw this happen dozens of times boss had his malicious compliance down to an exact science when a customer would refuse to pay the security deposit joe would state the deposit is non-negotiable almost always the customer would then declare they're canceling their reservation they'll never do business here again generally recite the whole karen manifesto joe would cheerfully agree feed their paperwork into the shredder and send them off you see dear raider of the three marinas on the lake we were the only ones that rented out boats the other two only rented out space for boats to dock they'd never ask about our competitors so joe never had any reason to inform them without fail within the hour the customer would be back having realized that they couldn't get a boat elsewhere usually at this point business would be picking up meaning i'd be loudly answering questions about boat rentals for other guests and the customers fishing buddies or antsy kids would be pushing them to get the boat already grudgingly they'd ask for their boat joe would fake concern and tell them that unfortunately all the boats have been reserved for weeks so we're usually unable to accommodate walk-in rental requests as luck would have it we had a cancellation earlier today since they don't have a reservation however we have to charge the summer holiday pricing oh and just for your information we require a completely refundable 100 security deposit for all rentals i hope that's all right with you this is completely on the customer's fault if they can see the price and they know that there's a 100 security deposit attached to it if all that is known and advertised when they book it they shouldn't be complaining when they pull up now if you arrived and that's when they told you there's a 100 security deposit required that's a little bit different and a little bit more predatory but still to be clear in the end it still is a refundable 100 security deposit you're going to get the money back either way it's just if it sprung up on you after you had already booked after all that time it's a little different that said i doubt that that's how it happens and it's just clueless customers in the end the customers play themselves but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more so no matter what you did thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 26,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: YEFXw_yiHj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 352min 39sec (21159 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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